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Old 02-09-2009, 04:08 AM
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Default Amateur Strip Games & Contests

For those that don't know, Jumpin Jaks is a club/bar in Coventry and on one night out of the week in the summer they do Naked Tuesdays. It's basically various strip games that involve men/women pulled up on stage right from the crowd.

I recently came across a lot photos that were taken during the Naked Tuesday events. Some were taken to promote the club while others look like they were taken by someone in the crowd with a cheap camera. Either way they are fucking awesome photos and a lot better quality than most of the videos floating around. I also have some mixed ones from various clubs in the UK which are just as good.

First set is some type of strip game on the Jumpin' Jaks stage and the other pics are of some chicks that volunteer to be spray painted.

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Old 02-09-2009, 04:25 AM
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THis is great stuff slickone !
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Old 02-09-2009, 08:48 AM
jomime jomime is offline
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Default never heard of this bar

but I love whats going on - I need to go to this bar - please post more if you got em
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:21 AM
dathespian dathespian is offline
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Thumbs up awesome!

Thanks for these! I've seen the videos before, but they're always poor quality. (probably cell phone cams) I LOVE these high quality pics!!! Keep them coming!!
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:21 AM
King Eric King Eric is offline
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Keep em coming dude!
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:55 AM
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Second set, strip musical chairs at Jumpin Jaks & another strip game at some misc club.

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Old 02-09-2009, 01:16 PM
susansusan susansusan is offline
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Cool! Jumpin Jaksd is fantastic, and club nudity is fantastic, so please keep posting!

However, if you look closely at a couple of pics in the first post, you will see they have a logo on the back of those little white tops- its Tokyo Jo's, which is a different nighclub. So I assume these were taken at Tokyo Jo's (Tokes) and then labelled as Jumpin jaks in error at some point down the line.

Also, Jumpin Jak's has split- I think the better ones (certainly Coventry) now call themselves "JJ's" Nightclub.
I'm male. susan is an acronym. Surfing Under Some Anonomous Name. My girl friend was Susan IE some guy surfing under an annonymous name. Its an odd joke, and not funny really. But to be clear- I'm male.
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by susansusan View Post
Cool! Jumpin Jaksd is fantastic, and club nudity is fantastic, so please keep posting!

However, if you look closely at a couple of pics in the first post, you will see they have a logo on the back of those little white tops- its Tokyo Jo's, which is a different nighclub. So I assume these were taken at Tokyo Jo's (Tokes) and then labelled as Jumpin jaks in error at some point down the line.

Also, Jumpin Jak's has split- I think the better ones (certainly Coventry) now call themselves "JJ's" Nightclub.
Thanks for the info, susansusan. When I found the photos they were in multiple folders and each one was just called "Jumpin' Jaks & UK Clubs" so I'm not really sure as to which are which. I'll see if I can find more Tokyo Jo stuff....let me know if you recognize anymore of the clubs in the photos.

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amateur, club, contests, games, jaks, jumpin, nude, stage, strip, strip contest, strip game

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