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Old 07-21-2022, 04:07 PM
newterri newterri is offline
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Default S.W.A.K. Redux - NCIS alternate ending

- chapter 1

"Are you sure, Dr Mallard?". Tony was is no mood for jokes, or nicknames, right now.

"Sadly yes, Anthony", Ducky replied in kind. "I ran the results twice, personally".

"How, how long do we have?", asked Kate, holding onto Tony's arm- Both were now seeking
some sort of comfort.

D- "It's hard to give an accurate projection, with a modified compound like this".
T- "Please try, Doc- I had plans for.. the weekend.."
D- " You best cancel those, Tony".

Kate squeezed Tony's arm tighter.

"Is there no antidote? Something, ANYTHING, we can try?"

D- "No. Modern science has found ways to overcome most diseases.. But this is a new strain-
It would take months, maybe years, to formulate a cure. I am so sorry.."

T- "Fuck".
His usual smile had disappeared. He looked so pale, now.

D- "We'll leave you two alone to contemplate for a while, then setup some drips, to ease the
pain as the.. time comes. This is a lot to take in, I'm sure.."

K- "Th-thank you, Ducky. For.. everything.."
D- "Until today, it was my pleasure, Caitlin.."


chapter 2-

Ducky and the other medic had withdrawn, leaving Tony & Kate alone..

Sitting on separate beds, facing each other for what seemed ages.
Neither knowing what to say.

T- "Will you forgive me. Kate?"

“What for?”

“For being me- Rude, immature, annoying, me.."

“I've got used to it., Tony”.

“You shouldn't have to, though. I only did it, because I was afraid of you”.

“Afraid? You're a senior field agent, Tony. You've gone up against some of the hardest
criminals in the country!”

“True. But still. I wasn't used to being- working- with, strong, confident women-
Mine were more..” He broke into a heavy cough, bringing up a little blood.

K- “More..?”

T- “More.. easy going.”

K- “Easy going, or just EASY? I've worked damn hard to get the positions I have been in, Tony.
Years of dedication, studying, and so much sacrifice- NONE of them were gained, because of my looks!”

T- “You do look good, though. Even with the plague..”
Kate kicked his leg in disgust, before letting out a laugh.

“Oh, Tony. You really have unique ways, when it comes to seducing women!
“Well, I've never had any complaints”, Tony perked up a bit, at her mocking.

After a short pause, and more coughing, Kate joined Tony on his bed.
K- “This isn't going to end well, is it..?”
“Want to hug?”

Ducky broke the moment, when he returned with some saline drips on portable stands,
each with additional pain relief pods..


chapter 3-

Ducky hooked them up to the drips, then checked them over again. Tony's condition seemed
to be worsening faster now, than Kate's. But both were in a bad way, now- coughing and wheezing. Tony took the offer of an oxygen mask, without hesitation.

Kate started to weep, seeing her partner in such a bad way. Between gulps of air, Tony still somehow found the strength to flirt.

“So, Kate- Do ya think you and me, in a different life, would have ever..”

“Would ever what, Tony?”
“You know”, Tony wheezed. “Made out?”
“Had sex, you mean?”. Kate sensed there was little time left. No sense being coy, now.

“Yeah, sure. But you were, ARE, special to me. I wished we had something more than just that”.
Kate was taken aback, at his honesty. Maturity. And, albeit rather late, respect.

“Wow. I thought you treated all women as just sex objects- not actual people”.
“I've grown, Kate. You showed me I could do better. Should do better.
Much better..”

K- “Thank you”.
T- What for?”
K- “Finally growing up, and becoming the man I thought you could be”.

They were back on their own beds now, mellowing out as the pain meds kicked in.

T- “Will you marry me. Kate?”
K- “What??”
T- “You heard me”.
K- “I heard you, Tony. I just can't believe it”.
T- “We don't have much time left. And I don't want to die alone..”
Kate was about to put him down, but stopped as she saw his face-
Now very pale, his usual smile gone. But his eyes still sparkled.

That got her, every time.

“I, erm, this is not really the right time to talk about marriage, Tony..”
“I know you are have strong views, about sex- especially in the workplace-
So I wanted to make it legal, before we had a final fling..”
“ We never had a first fling, Tony!”
“Well, have you got any other plans?”
“Um, I guess not”.

T- “So, Miss special agent Caitlin Todd. Will you do me the honour, by becoming
my lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, forever and ever- 'til death do us part..?”

Kate but her lip. He was serious. And she didn't want to die alone, neither.

Wiping away a tear, there was only one answer.



chapter 4/4 -

T- “Y-yes? Are you are?”
K- “Absolutely. But how? Where? We will need a licence..”

Ducky came near, with someone they didn't recognise. A man in all black, wearing a dog collar,
and carrying a bible. A rather bizarre sight, both with face visors on.

K- “How, how did you know we-?”
D- “I didn't. I called the base chapel, for someone to come and give your 'last rites'..

Father Williams introduced himself-
“Last rites, confessions, weddings. A modern church handles all of life's important occasions-
I just wish we could have met under less, strange times..”

Tony and Kate looked at each other. This was unexpected. But felt so right.
T- “No time like the present, eh?”
K- “But we need witnesses. And a ring!”

D- “Myself and Andrew the medic, will be witnesses. And here, take this”.
Ducky squeezed an antique wedding band off his arthritic fingers, and handed it over.

K- “We, we can't take this, Ducky- it must mean so much to you?”
D- “It does. But it deserves a new home now, since my Mary left us..”
T- “ Thank you so much, Ducky. We will treasure it, for the rest.. of our lives..”
K- “Don't we also need a wedding licence, though?

FW- “In these special circumstances, I have the power to waive that requirement-
It is only a piece of paper. An open, and honest love for each other, is all the proof we really need”.

Tony & Kate hugged again, both overwhelmed with emotion.

The father started to read out some lines from a standard wedding service, when Kate noticed
some others had also joined them. Jenny, Gibbs, Abby, and McGee were now standing nearby,
each with face masks.

T- “How come you lot aren't in isolation, too?”
G- “We got the all clear, earlier- None of us were directly exposed”.
K- “But you are at risk, being with us”.
A- “We know, but we couldn't miss this. I knew you would get it on, eventually”.
K- “We have never 'got it on'!”
A- “Yeah, sure..”

Father Williams interceded.
“Now we have a full complement, shall we continue..?”
T- “Of course, Father- sorry”.

A few moments later, and it was official. Mr & Mrs DiNozzo.

A champagne bottle appeared from somewhere, and everyone toasted the new couple.
The alcohol hit Tony & Kate hard, in their state- both now reaching for oxygen.
Seeing their distress, Jenny ushered everyone else out, bar Ducky.

J- “I am so happy for you both, and sorry at the same time- Take care of each other”.
T- “We will. Thank you, director”.
J- “Call me Jenny. No formalities, now”.
K- “Thank you, Jenny”.

The director kissed them both on the forehead, then started for the door.
Looking back, she gave a trembling smile, then she was gone- tears streaming
down her face.

Forever thoughtful, Ducky and the medic had now pushed the new couple's beds together.
After upping their pain relief one more time, he shook both Tony & Kate's hands, then bid farewell. There was nothing more he could do, or say, to ease the situation.

T- “Well, Mrs DiNozzo. Here we are”.
K- “Here we are”.
T- “So, how about it?”
K- “Now? Like this? Ridden with the plague?
T- “But you said you wanted to save yourself, until you were married-
“And besides, I don't want to waste this last condom”, holding up a silvery packet.

Kate smiled, reaching for his zipper- “I don't think we'll be needing that now, dear husband..”

In seconds, each other's trousers and underwear were discarded. Both their shirts stayed on, unbuttoned, as the drips impeded their removal. Tony's penis was soon hard. Kate moved on top, guiding him inside- Wincing slightly, as she slowly edged down on his girth.

“Are you OK? We don't have to do this, Kate”.
“Oh yes, we do, Tony. It's what newlyweds do, right?”
T- “Oh, Kate. I've wanted to do this, for soo long!”
K- “I know you wanted it. I NEEDED it”.

Now comfortable with his size, Kate started rocking her hips back and forth.
Tony reached up, and gently caressed her breasts. Exploring every goose bump, and thumbing
her nipples. She moaned, softly.

“Oh yes, Mr DiNozzo- do that more! Harder!”
“Well of course, Mrs DiNozzo”.

They only had eyes for each other, building the pace, between puffs of air.
“Oh, Kate. I love you!”
“I. Love. You, Too!”

A few more thrusts, and they climaxed together. It was either the release of endorphins,
or the pain meds, that made everything in the room blur out.

For once, their breathing now seemed easy. Free.

Now huddled together, they lay in silence, staring up at the ceiling.

"I love you, Mrs Special Agent DiNozzo"..
"I love you too, Mr Special Agent DiNozzo".

(Soft background music starts - "The Joker and the Queen", by Ed Sheeran).

Fade to black.

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