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Old 06-29-2017, 08:00 PM
rick_dalton rick_dalton is offline
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Default The Bed

The Garage Sale

A cheating wife short story by Rick Dalton

My name is Lorne and I am married to a beautiful woman named Lori for 11 years now. My wife is 32 and in great shape from her jogging and yoga classes. She boasts that she can still fit into her wedding dress. I believe that. She is in better shape now than she was when we got married. Her breasts don't sag at all. She has what the doctor calls dense breast tissue which means that when she gets a mammogram they have to squeeze that vise very tight to get a good image. The upside of this is her very firm breasts. I like a little movement in them myself. She is 36-25-38. I made a video of her skipping in the nude and there was almost no bounce.

Lori is not what you call a flirt and has never had sex with another man (except for some petting) before we got married. I know she still notices other men because I have seen her staring at some of the neighbours as they jog by. She certainly gets some looks back. I don't know what is wrong with me but that seems to turn me on.

Billy is a guy my wife and I have known since high school. He has been over to our place many times and vice versa. He is divorced and was my best man and I his.

Billy was over at our place that evening waiting for the football game to start. Lori is not a big football fan so she went out shopping. My computer was on and he noticed my desktop picture. It was of a beach in Mexico from the resort we had stayed in on our honeymoon. It showed Lori and I walking along the beach.

"Lovely beach and the scenery isn't too bad either." Billy said.

"Billy, Billy, Billy." I kidded him, but I had to admit I was proud of her.

"Have I never showed you the pictures I took of the resort in Mexico we stayed at on our honeymoon?"

"No you haven't"

I found them on a network drive and I let him scroll through the shots of the resort and the beach.

I went to get us another beer and when I came back I saw him staring at a picture of Lori topless at a swim up bar. My jaw dropped and I got this strange sense of jealousy and being turned on at the same time. By that time we had several beer in us and were feeling no pain.

"I thought I moved all those shots to my encrypted drive!" I told him.

"You mean there are more? May I see them?" he drooled.

"No you can't! Lori would kill me if she found out!"

"Too late, I have already seen her topless. Show me a few more!"

"I guess there would be no more harm in showing you a couple more of the topless shots. You have to promise me that you will never mention this to Lori!"

"You know I would never do that!"

I fired up VeraCrypt and unencrypted a folder from my network drive. I started showing him some more topless shots from our honeymoon but between all the alcohol and my shaking hands, I kept opening up pictures I shouldn't have. "Damned laptop and touch pads!" I explained.

"I don't mind." he leered.

We never did get back to the game. I was recording it anyway. I ended up getting bolder as the night went on and we had more and more to drink.

"Oh my!" he said in a squeaky voice. The shots were from our wedding night. They progressed from Lori in her wedding dress to her in lacy panties, bra and nylons with a garter and high heels to fully nude including closeups of everything imaginable. "Are you sure you should be showing me this?" he said.

"Hell no." I replied.

"Lori made me encrypt these many years ago. She hasn't let me take any since. She has this idea that if they got out onto the Internet it would be bad for her career."

I could see the bulge in his jeans as I played the nude skipping video (which I played in slow motion on repeat) and set the pictures up in a slide show which played in another window. Eventually he had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom. He seemed to take a long time in there. I couldn't wait any longer so I headed to the other bathroom after shutting down and re-encrypting the folder.

"What do you think?" I asked when I got back much relieved.

"Are you sure you want to hear the answer?"

"Of course I do!"

"I am finding this incredibly hot! Seeing her nude after all these years of using my imagination is a shock to my system. I can remember when she was walking down the aisle during the wedding and undressing her with my eyes! I must have a poor imagination! This is much better! I don't know why, but seeing nude pictures of women you don't know is not nearly as hot!"

I must be perverted but this was giving me the biggest rush! There was an element of jealousy in there as well as pride.

"If you don't mind, from now on when I see her I won't have to imagine what she looks like under her clothes, I will know!"

"Let's keep this to ourselves and when you see her don't make it too obvious that you are staring at her."

Lori got home a little later and sat down for a drink with us. I don't think Lori noticed, but because I was watching Billy, I could see that he was discreetly trying to check her out. I could see him get tented up again in his jeans and shortly after that he announced that he had to be going.

The next week I had to be out of town attending a convention in New Orleans. I phoned her up as soon as I got back to the hotel. God I missed her.

"Hi honey, how are things going back home?"

"Not bad, but I wish you would have let me come with you!"

"We discussed this, you wouldn't have had anything to do but be couped up in the hotel room during the day and would have to take leave because you don't have many holidays left. I also need you to clean out all those boxes from the garage full of your stuff that we haven't unpacked since our last move. We need that room so that I can work on the car."

"I know. I agreed and I always keep my promises."

Yes, that was one thing I could count on. I even had that in writing! Her favorite saying was "A promise is great, but a promise in writing is even better". She told me that was instilled in her from an early age. Anything she signed up for as a kid she had to complete, whether it was swimming or dance classes she was not allowed to quit.

"I am having the garage sale on Saturday and am putting the ad in the paper tomorrow. I didn't know who else to phone so I asked Billy to come over and help me get ready for the sale."

We chatted for a while longer and agreed to Skype tomorrow night. I was hoping to talk Lori into some nude video chatting.

Thursday night Billy came by around 7:00 P.M. "I don't think it is fair that only my stuff should be in the sale so while Lorne is out of town it's the perfect time to get rid of things that I could never seem to get him to throw away. I suppose that is being a bit petty." Lori said. Billy and I were working hard at boxing, sorting and pricing the items for the garage sale.

"This box of LPs of Lorne's from the basement he will never miss. We don't even have a turntable anymore."

"Some of these are really good artists." Billy said.

"Anything in that box is yours to do what you want with it. I can't thank you enough for the help. Let me know if there is anything else you want and it is all yours."

Saturday came and went and the garage sale went well. There were some items that didn't sell she decided to keep and others her and Billy took to the Salvation Army.

"Can you come over for supper tomorrow night? That is the least that I can do!"

"Sure, see you then."

Sunday came around and Billy arrived at the door. "Wow that shirt sure looks good on him" she thought. "He has obviously been working out."

"You look gorgeous in that dress Lori."

"Thanks, a girl never gets tired of hearing that" She was feeling unusually warm for some reason.

"I brought two bottles of wine with me, one red and one white because I didn't know what you were serving for dinner."

"We are having steak and roasted vegetables, so both would work. You aren't trying to get me drunk are you?"

"Maybe" he said with a laugh. They had kidded each other for so long she didn't think anything of it.

We dined and had already polished off one of the bottles when I noticed the LP jacket he was holding. "I told you that was all yours to do with as you want. If you don't want it, throw it away." With a laugh he opened the record jacket and pulled out what looked like a certificate.

"I think Lorne might want this back" he giggled. "Let me read it to you." he said. "The bearer of this certificate is entitled to one strip-tease from the undersigned on the date presented. The bearer is allowed to choose the outfit and the undersigned must be completely nude at the end of the dance." "Isn't that your signature at the bottom?"

"Oh my god! Let me explain! Lorne and I made up at least a dozen promise certificates on our honeymoon for a laugh. I thought he had still had some left! He left one of these lying around once and I said to him "Lorne why do you keep this around? Haven't I always been willing to do these things for you anyway? What if my mother or nephews found this! I would die of embarrassment! If someone else finds this there will be hell to pay!"

"Lorne told me he would hide this well so he wouldn't have any "Hell to Pay"." I laughed.

Billy was still laughing. "I am too much of a gentleman to collect on this, much as I would love to!"

"let's finish this other bottle of wine and then we will talk." I laughed all red in the face.

"Would this strip make you happy Billy?" I said after the second bottle of wine.

"Of course it would but I would never ask you to do this."

"Would you think less of me?"


"Just hypothetically, if I did strip, what outfit would you like me to wear?"

"Hypothetically, I would love to see you strip out of your full outfit that you were wearing during the wedding" he said with a gulp.

"Really? Those snaps at the back are hard to get out of by yourself."

"It must be the wine talking, but I would help."

I turned to Billy and said "Bear with me Billy. You would be doing me a favour. You presented that certificate to me fair and square and I am obligated to fulfil it. Although I had intended this for Lorne, nevertheless, an agreement is an agreement. I signed the certificate and I have never welched on a contract in my life. I don't want to start now. Because I know that you really want this, it would feel wrong to back out of it. I also want to teach Lorne a lesson. I told him that if anyone else ever found that there would be hell to pay!"

"Anything to help out a lady."

"Let me get ready and then I will call you to help me do up the back. Meanwhile could you find me some stripper tunes on your phone and here comes the bride music?"

About twenty minutes later I called from the bedroom "Billy, could you give me a hand?" He helped me do up the back of the dress. Billy and I discussed the details of the plan for the next few minutes until the Skype call came in.

"Hi Lorne, is it hot down there?" I asked

"You wouldn't believe how hot it is."

"It is pretty hot here too!"

"Do you still want me to do that strip on Skype that I was too tired to do the other night?"

"You bet I do!" he said.

Up till now he couldn't tell what I was wearing because I only had the sound turned on. Now I turned on the video and it showed me in my wedding dress.

With that I pointed the laptop camera down the hall and walked to the far end. I marched back down the hall to the sound of "here comes the bride".
Stripper music began to play. I took off my veil and then started to dance provocatively to the music. I had taken belly dancing to keep in shape and so my movements were very provocative. I slowly took off the dress while dancing and turning around and just got it off by the time the song ended. I was left in the same bra, panties, nylons and high heels I had worn at the wedding. I even had a garter belt and garter on.

The next song started and I sat down in a kitchen chair placed in the centre of the room. Still wearing my high heels I arched my back and did a dance on the chair while slowly extending my legs towards the camera. I slowly took of the garter and threw it off camera. "I am sure glad I took that chair dancing class" I thought. I then stood up and while dancing slowly undid the back clasp on my bra. I held the bra in front of my breasts for a while and then turned away from the camera. When I turned back, I had no bra on but kept my hands in front of my breasts. I then dropped my hands and proceeded to shake my firm breasts in time to the music. It took a while but eventually I took off my garter belt and nylons I sat back down in the chair and took off my panties while picking up my veil from the floor and doing a modified fan dance. The veil didn't really hide much. I was obviously a natural brunette because I was clean shaven but had left a small patch of hair above my c*nt. Still in the chair I did another dance while spreading my legs. I then stood up and did a spin that I hoped was very hot. Next came a handstand on the chair with my legs straight in the air. I then slowly did the splits while suspended by my hands on the chair. The music ended and I slowly turned and looked into the camera.

"What did you think of that Lorne?"

"That was amazing" he said. "I can't believe how hot that was."

I sat there in the nude and chatted with him for another half hour and then he signed off. Billy had been drooling this whole time holding my garter just off camera (at least I hoped he was off camera!).

I turned to Billy and asked if this fullfilled my the requirements of the contract. Almost unable to speak he told me it had.

Billy then handed me another certificate. This one was like the other one only it required me to do another strip from every pair of panties, nylons and bras I had. I laughe at Billy and said "This is all Lorne's fault. If he had hidden this better I wouldn't have to work this hard."

I went back upstairs and brought down a number of pieces of lingerie and proceeded to do another strip out of my whole set of lingerie while turning away from Billy each time I put a set on. Billy's pants were looking awfully tight by this time in the front. When I finally finished I sat down on the couch still in the nude, obviously tired but I was very excited. My nipples were very pronounced and I was very wet. "look at what you did Billy, you got me all worked up! Would you get me some of that Irish whiskey from the bar?" He came back with two glasses full with three fingers of whiskey in each one. In his other hand he had another certificate. This one stated that the bearer was entitled to give a full body nude erotic massage to the signee. I swallowed the whole glass at one go and then said to him "That fucking Lorne, how many of these did he have left? Well, anything that happens is his fault! I hope he is happy having his wife felt up by another man! I don't blame you Billy for any of this!"

I placed a blanket on the living room floor and got out some lotion. I then lay down on my stomach on the blanket. At first Billy was afraid to touch me, but I told him that "a bargain is a bargain and you are entitled to it" Billy was very gentle and gave me a thorough massage on my back, shoulders and ass. He then had me turn over and didn't miss anything in his massage. He slowly massaged my firm breasts.

"My god Lori you have firm breasts". He continued with a slow circular motion around my nipples. "These are the biggest nipples I have ever seen" I was starting to moan loudly by this point. He continued and inserted two fingers in my very wet c*nt.

"I can't take this anymore!" I told him. At this point he took off his pants and shorts and produced another certificate. I was about to put a stop to this when I saw his cock. "Wow! Just wow! My god you are big" I said. He was about the same length as Lorne, maybe 6 inches but incredibly thick around. It must have been 2.5 or 3 inches in diameter. Talk about a salami! My alcohol numbed brain couldn't think about anything else. This was the only other cock I had ever seen in person other than Lorne's! I was so horny by this point that all I could think about was trying out this new toy!

"I have one last certificate" he panted. This one was for doggy style sex. The thought of pregnancy wasn't a concern, as I had my tubes tied and he knew it.

"Oh my god" I screamed as I got on all fours and he mounted me from the rear. It took quite a while to ease his cock in but he managed to squeeze the whole thing in. "Fuck me hard!!! Jesus that feels good. Fuck!!! He proceeded to fuck me in a series of fast and then slow motions. I was having orgasm after orgasm and still he was not coming. I had never experienced anything like this! I almost blacked out from pleasure. When he finally came he continued to twitch his cock and I was going wild. It seemed like this would never end. Finally he slumped down exhausted.

When I finally recovered my breathing I faced Billy and said "I hope Lorne is happy. He turned me into a sl*t! I looked at my stretched swollen pussy oozing cum. "Look what you did to me Billy! I will call you tomorrow when I hope to be sober"

I thought of taking Billy to bed and continuing this, but I didn't think the agreement went that far. The thought that I never did promise Lorne to be faithful came to me. We wrote our own vows and that was never in there. "Billy, you and I have a lot to talk about" I said as I headed for the shower. Billy got dressed and left without a word after that.


When Billy woke up the next morning he had a headache. "Good thing I left my car there and took a cab" I thought. "Actually it was Lorne's fault! If Lorne hadn't shown me those pictures of Lori stripping on their wedding night and that video, I would never have done this. I shouldn't have done it. I don't want anything to come between my friendship of those two. A little late for that. Damn!, I just couldn't get the thought of that video out of my head. I am weak! At least I should have stopped after the strip-tease! If only I hadn't had so much to drink. Who am I kidding? There is no way I could have stopped!"

Lori also woke up with a headache. She ended up phoning in sick. "What have I done?" I thought. "I could never handle my liquor. I love Lorne. What can I possibly say to him?" She started to get a great big grin on her face as she thought about last night. "I have to stop this! This kind of thinking isn't right".

Billy and I agreed to keep this our little secret. Although I feel some guilt, what is done is done. Telling Lorne would hurt him, and I don't want that. Lorne and I have a great marriage and a great sex life, but I can't stop waking up from dreams with a grin on my face.
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