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Old 08-22-2015, 06:22 AM
Ruff Wanderer Ruff Wanderer is offline
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Default A Classic Case

Alexis yawned, stretching tiredly as she lazily rolled out of bed. Another Monday and another week at her hellish job. It wasn’t that her job was particularly difficult, it was just so numbing and robotic in its repetition that it had her debating whether or not to quit seemingly every hour. She wouldn’t quit though, it was the only job she managed to get out of college and unemployment was hardly an option she wanted to deal with again.
With trepidation, Alexis slowly made her way to the shower. Glancing at the mirror through weary eyes, she looked at herself as she stripped off her clothes. Pouty lips, ice-blue crystal eyes and a light olive complexion still looked beautiful in such a sleepy state. Her body, fit and at the same time curvy only made her more desirable. Turning around to get a nice look at her behind, Alexis smiled. Her ass was still as round and perfectly sculpted as ever. She never tried of admiring her beauty. At least her job hadn’t robbed her of that.
Sighing, Alexis stepped into the warm water and relaxed for a moment. She tried not to think of the dreary drudgery that awaited her. Monotonous office life was the bane of her existence. She didn’t even know what she was doing half the time with meaningless spreadsheets and phone calls that were soon forgotten once completed; and there were always more spreadsheets to be filled and phone calls to be done.
A sudden bright flash and bang of rushed footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts. Alexis screamed as she tried to cover her naked body from the intruder who had pulled open her curtain and snapped pictures rapidly of her naked state.
“Get out you creep!” she cried. She was shaking with fear, who was this man that had snuck into her apartment. Looking through soapy eyes, she could only make out a silhouette, but it didn’t matter. The pervert was wearing a black mask. How had he known she would be in the shower! Finally, without responding to her protest the mystery man ran out of the room and apartment, leaving Alexis shocked and crying on the floor of her shower.

It had been a week since the pictures. Alexis hadn’t heard anything about it, and she hadn’t told anyone either. She’d heard of blackmail stories and was too afraid to do anything. Besides, the whole ordeal was just too embarrassing to bring up. She had informed the police about an intruder, leaving out the pictures part so at least they were aware. This whole situation was a nightmare.
“Excuse me… Alexis,” Tom said loudly, looming over her desk at her cubicle. “These spreadsheets aren’t going to fill themselves out now, are they?” Alexis forced a smile as she tried to look more productive, but how was she supposed to focus when there were naked pictures of her in the hands of some unknown pervert. For all she knew, pictures of her could already be on the internet.
“Sorry boss. I just have a lot on my mind,” she said. She didn’t know why she added that last part, opening up to Tom the terrible wasn’t exactly commonplace in the office.
“Just do your work,” he scoffed, storming off to berate whoever else managed to cross his path. Alexis sighed and tried to focus on another meaningless spreadsheet.
“Are you ok?” Sally her cubicle mate said. Cubicle mate, what a stupid term but unfortunately every cubicle in the office had two people working in them. HR said each worker would have a “cubicle mate.” Fortunately for Alexis, she had lucked out in getting Sally. Sally was one of the only good things about her job, she really enjoyed the woman’s company. Sally was the opposite of Alexis, where Alexis was short Sally was tall. While Alexis was fit and curvy, Sally was thin as a rail. Alexis had dark black hair but Sally had bright, almost white blonde hair. Their personalities though, were nearly identical and they both loathed their jobs. “The burglar?” she said over Alexis’s silence.
Alexis nodded. “He… Sally he took pictures of me, in the shower,” she whispered.
“Why didn’t you say something earlier? I had no idea,” Sally said concernedly.
“It’s just so degrading. So humiliating.” She hung her head as Sally placed an arm around her shoulder.
“I’m here if you need me. Just try to get through the rest of the day and maybe you could sleep at my place tonight.”
Alexis smiled and nodded. Maybe some time away would be helpful. Feeling her phone vibrate, Alexis glanced down to see who texted her. She gulped. It was from a blocked number. It simply read: If you don’t want your naked body emailed to everyone you know, step out of the office and wait for a call. I’ll be watching.
She nearly fainted, and slowly got to her feet. “I need some air,” Alexis said and Sally nodded. What was she going to do? Who was this man and what did he want?
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Old 08-22-2015, 10:45 AM
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Old 08-23-2015, 06:40 PM
Ruff Wanderer Ruff Wanderer is offline
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Default A Classic Case (Part 2)

Alexis nervously stepped out the back door of her office building and glanced around. There was nothing but empty cars and parking lot, and not a soul in sight. Her phone vibrated, and she nearly dropped the thing she was so nervous. Shakily, she answered the phone with eyes darting back and forth, search for the unknown assailant.
“Remove your bra and panties. I’m watching,” a deep, disguised voice commanded.
“Or what?” Alexis asked, her voice shaking with fear.
“You know the answer to that. If you value your dignity and reputation, do as I say.”
Gulping, she placed her phone onto the ground beside her and slowly reached under her white linen blouse. Realizing it would probably be best to just get it over with, she quickly unclasped her plain white bra and slid it out into the open. While her breasts were small and only barely rose from her chest, they were perky. And her nipples… well her nipples were making it apparent she was now braless. They always got her in trouble, why’d they have to get so hard and prominent so easily! Alexis dropped her bra next to her phone and quickly began unbuttoning her pants. There was no getting around it, this pervert would get to see her pussy bared once more. On the verge of tears, she stumbled out of her pants and quickly yanked down her baggy, unflattering beige panties.
Realizing that her bared ass was only a door away from being seen, she pulled her pants back up and buttoned. With an anxious sigh, she picked up the phone again. “I did as you said,” she stammered. Her face was red with humiliation; she was a fool! By going along with this, she had trapped herself in a classic case of blackmail. She just hoped the perv would let her go easily, though she knew better.
“Good. Leave your undergarments there. That is all.” Without any warning the phone cut off, and Alexis rushed back inside the office. The chilly, air-conditioned office building had her already prominent nipples sticking out like beacons of lust. Lust? Wait, was she getting off on this? No, Alexis knew better than that. It was just cold inside, and she was just nervous… yes, that was all. She tried to ignore the fact that the moment she had unclasped her breasts her nipples had stiffened hard as rocks, and not from the weather. It was quite hot out today, but she put that to the back of her mind. With both arms crossed in front of her chest, Alexis headed back to her cubicle.
While her nipples drew plenty of attention, she had forgotten her panty-less state and the tantalizing camel toe that came from it. Her pants were tight enough that without her baggy panties, her curvaceous ass jiggled juicily. She just wanted to go home. The pervert was ruining her life. Sally had noticed Alexis’s discomfort but hadn’t mentioned anything and for that she was grateful. Alexis couldn’t wait to spend time with Sally, maybe she’d have an idea about what to do with the blackmailer. Unfortunately, it seemed as if fate… or the pervert that was, had a different plan.
“Cancel any plans you have tonight. You’re working late in the office. I have a task for you” the text message read. How had she allowed this man to blackmail her so easily? She was in too deep now; her heart sank as she realized this man had complete control over her now.
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Old 08-24-2015, 12:31 AM
Ruff Wanderer Ruff Wanderer is offline
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Default A Classic Case (Part 3)

Alexis sighed. Here she was, standing alone in the office security room with that pig of a man, Otis. The fat, lazy security guard was a walking stereotype. All he did was watch the security cameras all day and nothing else, and now he was a part of this blackmail madness too. She had gotten a detailed text message about what she would be doing in the office, and how Otis here was to be a part of it. Someone had to watch the tapes after all, or at least that’s what the text claimed. Sally hadn’t been east to convince, but she had relented when Alexis had insisted there was extra work to be done. Sally seemed weirded out by her behavior and Alexis could hardly blame her. This whole mess was ruining her already sad excuse of a life.
Holding a meaty hand out, Otis silently gestured at Alexis. She wanted to cry; this fat lard was going to get an up close and personal view of her nude form and then capture her adventure on film to boot. Blushing and staring ashamedly at the ground, she began to undress. At least there wasn’t any underwear to worry about. She almost laughed at that pathetic attempt at comforting herself. Pulling off the blouse, she tried to ignore his hungry eyes watching her breasts. She tried to ignore her rapidly stiffening nipples as well as Otis’s sick grin at her apparent arousal. She wasn’t aroused… just cold! Not bothering to cover, Alexis pulled down her pants too. She figured he’d be getting an eyeful all night, and to show embarrassment now would only encourage him. Despite her fear and shame, she wouldn’t show weakness. Her strength was all she had left now.
Turning around, she ignored the cheesy wolf whistle and hustled out of the room. He wished he could get an ass like hers, at least the text had said Otis wouldn’t touch or harm her. A small comfort if it could be called that. The building she worked in had several levels with nightshift guards and janitors perusing the corridors. Her task was to make it to Tom’s office at the top and back down to Otis again without getting caught. If she got caught, it was up to her to avoid getting in trouble. With a deep breath, Alexis began her ascent through the office. Why did Otis have to be at the bottom? They couldn’t make this easy could they?
Her bare feet on the cold tiled floor sent shivers coursing through her body. Her nipples ached, and she tried to ignore the growing sense of sensitivity in her nether region. She was not turned on by this! She wasn’t crazy, it was just nerves and excitement. Realizing she was standing like a fool in the middle of a hallway she forced herself forward to the first stair case. She wished she could just climb up the stairwell and be done but the text had said she had to use alternating stairwells on opposite sides for each floor. Aware of the cameras watching her every step, and Otis likely pleasuring himself at her naked sight she forced herself onwards. The second floor was much like the first, only much more carpeted. The soft and scratchy carpeting felt electric on her bare feet, there was something about it that had her even hornier than before.
Horny. She was horny. The shocking truth of that statement hit her like a wave of shame. Her nipples ached, her pussy pulsed. Next, she would be leaking on the floor if she didn’t hurry this up. She moved like a scared cat, prancing through the hallway with her ass bouncing along. What a sight she must be, horny and naked running through her workplace like a fool! At least she hadn’t encountered any janitors or anyone else so far, and by now she was nearing the last floor and Tom’s office. Racing ahead, she grabbed the door knob and twisted. She was supposed to sit on his chair and then leave, but she didn’t know what to do if the door was locked. Luckily, it wasn’t.
Crashing wildly into the office, Alexis nearly fainted. A startled looing Tom stared at her in absolute shock. Alexis felt dizzy and turned back for the door, unaware of exposing her shapely derriere to him.
“Alexis, stay,” he said firmly. Alexis slowly turned around, her whole body glowing red. She tried to hide her nipples and almost gasped when her arm brushed them. Her arms had to hover over her private bits or she might explode right there. At least she kept herself groomed; she had always prided herself on keeping a clean landing strip down low. Yet for it to be exposed like this, to her boss no less was a nightmare worse than anything she ever could have dreamed up. “What are you doing here?” The unspoken question about her nudity hardly needed to be stated.
“I… I was just,” she stammered. She didn’t know what to say. How could she explain stumbling into his office naked and obviously aroused? Tom got up slowly from his chair and walked towards Alexis. She shied away and froze in fear as he placed both his arms on her bare shoulders.
“You’re a beautiful young woman and I understand that some people get their kicks in different ways. As stunning as you are, I can’t have you running around in the nude here. For one it’s… unsanitary.” He let go of her shoulders and motioned at the drops of liquid leaking out of her. She was humiliated… but so turned on. She was light headed, this was just too much. “Maybe this is a dare, or maybe you’re just some crazy exhibitionist, but if I catch you naked in this office again I will have to fire you. Let’s pretend this never happened.”
He was letting her go? That was it? She stared at him incredulously and turned around. Let him get a look at her ass, she just wanted to get out of there. As she rushed towards the door, she wasn’t quick enough to escape Tom’s hand, and the spank sent her sprinting out the door. Her boss had just spanked her! How was she supposed to come to work again, knowing what he had seen! And done for that matter! Who was she kidding, she was the crazed horny naked woman, not he. He wasn’t that old anyway, perhaps a decade older than her 23 year old self. Gross, she was dripping again! With that, Alexis sprinted through the office. She just wanted this day to be over with already. On the first floor once again, she thought she caught a glimpse of a janitor admiring her out of the corner of her eye but she didn’t care. She wanted to go home! At last reaching the security room, she yanked on the door. It didn’t budge. Otis ha locked her out! She banged and yelled for him to open but no sound came from the other side.
Horny, frustrated, and shamed Alexis let go all inhibitions. Arching her back, she leaned against the wall as she teased her nipples. She was an animal, nothing but ecstasy coursed through her and she needed to find release. She came hard, screaming loudly. The janitor she had thought she saw before was there, staring at her in shock. She didn’t care as she fell to the ground, gyrating and shaking her body. She humped at the ground, her hand still deep in her pussy. Her ass shook and she didn’t stop moving until the last waves of pleasure finally subsided. Exhausted. Alexis slowly stood up and faced the janitor.
“I didn’t see anything. Not a word,” he whispered, as he pulled out his mop and began cleaning the mess she made. Her body flushed, and her dignity gone, she reached for the apparently, now unlocked security door and collapsed inside.
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Old 08-26-2015, 02:01 AM
Ruff Wanderer Ruff Wanderer is offline
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Default A Classic Case (Part 4)

She remembered everything so vividly. The humiliation, the lust, the smack on her bare butt, the orgasm at the end and the intense shame that had followed. The shame still hadn’t left either. Alexis looked around her dark bedroom and sighed. How was she supposed to sleep after what she had just done? She felt dirty, violated and confused. She couldn’t lie to herself anymore, what had just taken place in the office had shattered all her delusions. She was an exhibitionist. It had started when she was young, in high school and changing around other girls in gym class. Someone had hid her clothes while she was showering and she had been forced to parade around naked in front of the rest of the girls who were dressed, in the locker room. Eventually they gave her the clothes back but it had been humiliating all the same.
She hadn’t wanted to admit it then, and had tried to convince herself it had just been nerves but she had been turned on. She still had dreams of that day despite it being so long ago, and every time she would wake up with her panties damp. She was an exhibitionist and there was no sense hiding it now. Her background with strict parents had made her resistant and ashamed of nudity, and the lasting effects of her childhood made her disgusted at the whole premise of exhibitionism. But now… now she realized that despite the shame and humiliation, she had never felt so much pleasure at once. As she finally started to drift off to sleep, a strange thought popped into her head. Maybe she liked being blackmailed after all.

“Alexis, could you please come to my office,” Tom said as he passed by her cubicle.
“What did you do this time,” Sally whispered with a joking smile as tom disappeared around the corner. Alexis didn’t answer, and with her face blushing a bright red she stumbled after her boss. The same boss who had caught her naked last night. The same boss who had spanked her ass. To make matters worse, her phone vibrated as she made her way after Tom.
“Take off your bra.” The anonymous text read.
Sighing, Alexis slipped into the women’s restroom and shrugged off her bra. She glanced in the mirror and gasped. If her braless state had been noticeable the other day, this was ten times worse. She foolishly chosen a peach colored blouse that tightly clung to her skin, and without a bra she might as well be shirtless. Her nipples protruded out like mountain peaks with the slopes of her tiny breasts accentuated clearly. Looking at herself in the mirror, with bra in hand she couldn’t help but get excited. Her mountain peaks rose even further, two volcanoes declaring her heightened lust. Tom was going to love this. Stashing her bra in one of the stalls, Alexis stumbled out into the hallway and crossed her arms over her chest.
She made her way up to Tom’s office trying to hide her arousal, but knew it was a lose-lose scenario. As she opened up his office door his eyes immediately took in her breasts. His eyebrows actually raised, and she realized that he had seen her earlier when she had been wearing a bra. He probably thought she was even more of a weirdo now, he probably thought she had taken it off just for him. Shutting the door she crossed her arms over her chest again, and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. Her face was on fire… and for that matter so was a certain other part of her.
“Alexis… uhm, how are you holding up?” Tom asked as he sat down behind his desk.
“Ok,” she managed to croak out, avoiding eye contact.
“About last night… I uhm, I don’t know what came over me. You’re an attractive woman, and I couldn’t stop myself from doing that. Well, you know what I did.” It was Tom’s turn to blush now. He was apologizing to her? She was the one streaking through the offices.
“It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been doing what I did either,” Alexis said, looking up at Tom.
“Good. I hope this doesn’t change things in the office. I want you to be comfortable though I understand how awkward this whole situation is.”
“Yeah, well you won’t have to worry about catching me naked here again that’s for sure,” Alexis joked. Tom wasn’t a bad guy, and looking at him now she was staring to notice how handsome he actually was.
“Forgive me, but weren’t you wearing a bra earlier?” Tom asked, gesturing at her chest. Alexis hadn’t even noticed that she had dropped both her arms leaving her basically exposed breasts out in the open. Alexis blushed a darker shade than she thought was possible. She felt like she was going to burn up right there! But oh, how turned on she was. “I understand you’re an exhibitionist but try not to get me in any trouble.” Tom laughed and smiled kindly at her.
“Sorry… it was just uncomfortable. That’s all,” she said, realizing how weak an attempt that was.
“Of course. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you need to live out you’re… our exhibitionist lifestyle just try to keep it out of the public space here in the office.”
“Thank you, I’ll try not to,” Alexis said, smiling. “I should get back to work now.”
“Go ahead, just know that my office is a safe place. No judgement here.” Alexis smiled at Tom’s kind words and stepped out of his office. That hadn’t been so bad. Awkward yes, but it could have been way worse. Alexis felt her phone vibrate again. With shaky hands she checked the phone.
Go back inside his office and show him your breasts. Then you can leave.
Tom had said it was a safe place but flashing him? But what was the alternative, her blackmailer had footage of her streaking through the office and then pleasuring herself in front of a janitor. She knew she had to do this. Alexis turned around and opened Tom’s door again.
“Back already? Can I help you Alexis?” Tom said, smiling warmly.
“I’m sorry, but I… I have to do this,” Alexis said as she shut the door behind her.
She walked up to Tom’s desk and lifted her shirt up, exposing her small breasts and sensitive nipples. The shirt rubbing against her nipples as she pulled it up had her shivering with lust and pleasure. She watched with desire as Tom stared in awe and admiration at her breasts. She left her shirt up like that for several seconds. She didn’t want this moment to end. She couldn’t believe it, but she was glad that she had gotten that text.
“Alexis… I said safe space but… If this helps you get comfortable. Uhm. Wow. You’re a beautiful woman,” Tom stammered. He was blushing redder than she had been! Alexis finally lowered her shirt and she couldn’t help herself as she smiled playfully at Tom and bit her lip. Turning around, she added an extra bounce in her step and pranced out of his office. Maybe this classic case of blackmail wasn’t so classic after all.
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