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Old 01-08-2015, 05:50 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Default Class War

Tanya was nervous. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and liked what she saw, but worried that maybe she was dressing inappropriately. Her black dress clung to her firm 20 year old body, tight in all the right places. She was showing a lot of cleavage, but with her D cup breasts, it was difficult not to. Her soft brown hair hung to her bare shoulders, and she smiled as the doorbell rang. It had to be Peter, her boyfriend. They were going to Peter's mother's birthday party tonight, at her favourite restaurant. This was why Tanya was nervous though. Peter was from a very wealthy family, and Tanya was from a working class background. They had fallen for each other over a year ago, but this was to be the first time meeting the parents.

"Are you sure she'll like me? She asked Peter as he drove her to the restaurant.

"Of course" he replied, a little too slowly for Tanya's liking.

He tried to flash her a reassuring smile, but Tanya could see that he to was nervous. From what he had said about her, Tanya could tell that Peter's mother was a very rich and obnoxious woman, who only did things her way.Tanya subconsciously adjusted her dress, pulling it higher over her chest. For the rest of the drive, they were both silent.

The traffic had been dreadful, and Peter and Tanya arrived late. Mrs Tomkins and the rest of the partygoers had already started eating. Upon their entrance, everyone stopped and stared at the couple. Tanya could feel everyone's eyes on her, looking her up and down. She instantly wished she was dressed in something else.

"Hi mom, sorry we're late" apologised Peter. "Everyone, this is Tanya."

"Hello" she said, giving her warmest smile.

Mrs Tomkins just stared at her. "You're late. And yet it seems Tanya still hasn't had time to put all of her clothes on."

Tanya felt her cheeks flush as the rest of the guests laughed sycophantically at Mrs Tomkin's joke. Tanya looked to Peter to defend her, but he just led her to their seats.

"You've missed the starters, I'm afraid, but go ahead and order your main" sneered Mrs Tomkins with a mouthful of food. She turned to her friend and whispered in a voice loud enough for all to hear "I imagine Peter will have the mutton dressed as lamb." Again everyone laughed, and Tanya shrunk a little lower in her chair, her face now scarlet with embarrassment.

The main course passed without much incident, as Tanya was ignored by everyone at the table, who were too busy discussing their favourite wines and Mr Robertson-Smythe's new Bentley, and how Lady Green's new maid was lazy, and other topics that Tanya had no opinion on.

As they began to tuck into dessert though, Mrs Tomkins started on Tanya again. "So tell us Tanya, what do you do? I mean during the day of course, it's clear from your attire what your, let's say, evening job is."

Tanya turned to Peter again, and saw him smirking along with everyone else. Tanya had had enough. She got to her feet and stared at Mrs Tomkins. Tanya had half expected this, and in her head had been preparing a big speech. She was going to demonstrate her wit and eloquence, and talk about her love and commitment to Peter (although now she wasn't so sure of that part). She was going to wow everyone and….


Tanya's thoughts were interrupted as she felt cold liquid in her face. Mrs Tomkins had thrown a glass of water right in her face. She just stood there, shocked.

"Oh sit down, you silly little girl. I'm not interested in what you have to say. It's bad enough my own dear boy brings some tawdry gutter trash with him to my party, and then I have to sit and look at her showing her chest like some prostitute, so I certainly don't want to hear you. Your kind have nothing interesting to say to me, so sit down and try and keep your legs closed until the end of the meal."

To Tanya's disbelief, the rest of the guests applauded. Tanya stood there in front of them. She was glad of the water on her face, as it hid the tears that were running down her cheeks, streaking her make up down her face.

"But…but….I'm a nice person." she managed to gasp.

"I told you to sit down and shut your ugly face" snapped Mrs Tomkins, rising from her chair.

"NO!" shouted Tanya. "You will listen to me! You will all…."


Tanya was once again silenced, this time by the stinging crack of Mrs Tomkins hand striking her on the cheek. The entire restaurant went silent, all eyes on Tanya. The stunned girl put her hand to her face, and Mrs Tomkins slapped her again.

"You will not raise your voice to me, little girl. How dare you." Mrs Tomkins looked at Emily and Louise, Peter's sisters. "Girls, hold her." Tanya looked baffled as the two girls appeared behind her and grabbed an arm each. She tried to shake out, but they were holding on tight.

"Hey, let go of me" she said, but she had lost all authority. Little did she know, but she was about to lose a whole lot more.

Mrs Tomkins stared at her opponent, a wicked gleam in her eye. She picked up the jug of water and held it above Tanya's head. She began to slowly pour the contents onto Tanya. "No one comes to my party and insults me." she said. Tanya's hair was now plastered to her forehead, and she could feel the water running down her face onto her breasts, disappearing into her cleavage. The water finished, Mrs Tomkins picked up a wine glass and began to pour it over the poor girl. "It will not be spoilt by some cheap little tart." Tanya started to sob.

"Peter! Please, help me!" she gasped, but Peter just looked away.

Mrs Tomkins smiled. "Mother always knows best, dear. This tramp is not worth your time. We're bred from better stock than that. We are mentally and physically superior, as I shall now demonstrate."

"What are you talking about?" asked the frightened girl.

"My dear, why don't you finish your dessert and then we'll talk? Louise, help her out"

Tanya felt Louise's hands on the back of her head, pushing her down towards the table, towards the gloopy strawberry tart that was to be her dessert. She struggled, but the girls had a firm grip on her, and the tart loomed closer to Tanya's face. She closed her eyes and felt her face being pushed slowly into the cream. Louise made sure to rub her face back and forth in it, before using Tanya's hair to pull her back up. The rest of the table laughed uproariously at Tanya's face, covered in cream with bits of pastry and strawberry smeared on it.

Mrs Tomkins looked Tanya right in the eyes. "This is what it means to have money, darling" she said, smiling, before Louise pushed Tanya back down into the mess.

"I want everyone in here to pay attention." commanded the wicked woman to the restaurant's patrons. Tanya, her face still resting in the food, felt Louise's hands on the zipper of her black dress. To her absolute horror, she felt it start to slide down, slowly, ever so slowly.

"We are rich." said Mrs Tomkins, matter of factly.

The zipper moved down Tanya's spine, all the way to her black strapless bra.

"We are well bred."

The zipper slid further down, guided by the hand of her boyfriend's sister. Down towards her lower back.

"We have earned it."

The zip was now down to the top of Tanya's ass. Her knees felt like jello and started to knock together.

"And we have earned the right… do whatever we goddamn well please!" she shouted. Tanya's heart sank as suddenly the zipper to her little black dress was yanked all the way down over her shapely rump. She suddenly felt cool air on her skin, as her dress simply fell away from her, slipping off her lithe young body and landing softly on the floor. There was an audible gasp as the assembled onlookers looked at the girl with her face in the strawberry tart. They saw Tanya's smooth, lightly tanned skin gleaming under the lights, they saw her black strapless bra, but most of all, they saw her black lacy panties and her matching suspender belt holding up her stockings. Tanya cried out, getting a mouthful of cream for her efforts. The audience burst into applause once more, laughing and cheering at the misfortunes of this "working class girl".

Mrs Tomkins laughed the loudest. She looked at Tanya's firm round cheeks with concealed envy. The resentment she felt for this beautiful young girl boiled inside her. Some of the guests rose from their seats to get a better view of Tanya's backside, looking at how Tanya's little peach of a bottom was barely covered by the thin and intricate black lace, which matched the lace at the top of her stockings perfectly. Tanya's heart was beating so fast now, and her body was shaking all over. Then she felt a stinging slap on her butt as Louise's open palm collided with her juicy round cheeks, making them bounce. Tanya forced her face to the side and cried out.

"Please! Please no!"

WHAP! Another hard spank to her posterior.

"Please, I'm begging you, please stop!" She choked out the words through deep sobs.


Louise reigned blow after blow to Tanya's nearly naked ass cheeks, her poor little bottom jiggling and wobbling madly with each strike, the thin lacy fabric doing nothing to cushion the torrent of abuse she was suffering.

After a good 20 or so hard spanks, Louise paused. The humiliated girl's perfect little rump was going a nice shade of red. She was still whimpering something.

"Please, it hurts, please, my bottom hurts…"

Mrs Tomkins laughed. Louise looked at her mother for approval. Mrs Tomkins grinned broadly. "My dear Louise, don't stop now! I'm very proud of the way you're handling this human garbage." Louise felt invigorated.

"What's that Tanya? Your bottom hurts? Maybe we can cool you down." She reached over the table and grabbed Peter's bowl of ice cream. Tanya was unaware of what was happening, until she felt a hand on the waistband of her skimpies. Louise pulled Tanya's panties backwards, so that Tanya's bare ass crack was now visible. Then she ladled a scoop of ice cream out of the bowl, and dropped it onto Tanya's bare cheeks. Tanya shrieked with the sudden freezing sensation in her ass. She shook free of her captors and straightened right up darting backwards before unfortunately falling back onto her butt, the ice cream in her panties exploding out the sides. She felt the frozen treat squeezing into her most private area, and felt it dribbling down her legs. It took her a few seconds to realise that the impact of her fall had made her strapless bra slip down, right down to her waist, exposing to everyone her large swaying breasts, the buds of her nipples rock hard due to the icy misfortune of the cream.

For long seconds, Tanya sat on the floor. She had strawberry tart smeared all over her pretty face. She had been stripped to her black knickers, stockings and suspenders. She had vanilla ice cream squashed right up her butt crack. She had been spanked until she cried in front of a roomful of people. Tanya crawled towards her dress, but Louise picked it up and shook her head. Tanya looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Please give me my clothes back," she whispered, as she tried to fit her ample chest back into the black bra.

Louise, who Tanya knew was Peter's most horrible sister, just smiled. "But you've not finished dessert." she said, picking up the remains of the tart from the table, and dropping them on the floor. Mrs Tomkins looked on proudly at her daughter. She glanced at Emily.

"Oh Emily, why can't you be more like your sister," she sighed.

Tanya looked at Louise. "Eat it", commanded the girl. "But no hands."

Tanya crawled over to the mess on the floor, and started to lick the food up off the floor. Louise looked appalled, and turned to her mother. "Is this what all working class people are like, mummy?"

Mrs Tomkins nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so. Get her out of my sight."

Louise flung Tanya's dress at her. Tanya got to her feet and covered herself with the dress. A combination of the spanking and the ice cream made her walk with a funny waddle, which caused more laughs. The frozen food had melted, and was running down her thighs and legs. She made it to the bathroom, where she cleaned herself up, leaving the sticky ruined panties behind.

Crying softly, she hailed a taxi home.

This was not over.
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Old 01-08-2015, 05:53 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Default part 2

It had been nearly 3 months since Tanya's degradation in the restaurant, and the time had come for revenge.

That night, she had arrived home and been met by her flatmates, Holly and Gemma, who had comforted her, and run her a warm bath. They had spoken about vengeance, but Tanya had just wanted to never see them again. But with time, the desire to punish those posh assholes had not diminished one bit. At the time, she had felt shamed and humiliated. Now Tanya was angry. She wanted to embarrass Peter's sister's Louise and Emily. Oh god, especially that Louise, who had stripped her, spanked her…..

Tanya knew she had to get them alone, and so Gemma had been doing research. She had discovered that Emily and Louise went swimming every Friday night. However, Louise refused to swim with "commoners", and so hired out the entire pool for 3 hours for themselves.

"God, what must it be like to have that kind of money?" Holly had asked on hearing this.

Tanya sighed. "It can't make you a good person though. We may not have much cash, but we've got each other." The three girls smiled. Gemma felt so sorry for Tanya. She had always fancied the brown haired beauty. Gemma was herself a real knockout, with a perfect smile and light gingery hair. Together with Holly and I, we have it all, thought Gemma. Tanya is perfect, I have small boobs and a big bum, and Holly has a small butt and a hell of a chest. We're some team.

And so it was that Friday night found the three girls getting the bus to the swimming pool. Upon arrival, they entered the reception to find Jenni, a very pretty blonde, working the desk. She looked up over her glasses at them.

"Sorry, we're closed to the public tonight. Private booking." she said, getting back to her paperwork.

Tanya walked up to the desk. "We need to get in. How much for you to turn a blind eye?"

Jenni looked at her in disbelief? "Errr, it's a private booking! Come back tomorrow!"

Now Holly strode up to her and grabbed the pen from her hand. "Let us in!" she snarled at Jenni.

"Hey!" shouted Jenni, "gimme that back you b*tch!"

It was at this point, in retrospect, where things started to get out of control. This innocent young girl, who was just doing her job, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tanya and her friends wanted revenge, and anyone in their way was to be seen as an enemy. Which is why Jenni was so surprised when Holly stole her glasses from her. The young blonde panicked.

"Hey, I can't see!"

She couldn't see Holly putting her glasses in her pocket, as Gemma grabbed Jenni's wrists and pulled her forwards onto the desk. Gemma held Jenni down flat on the desk as Tanya pulled out some rope from their "revenge bag". With Holly and Gemma's help, Tanya managed to bind Jenni's wrists to her ankles under the desk. Jenni was horrified, shouting for them to stop. She had been hogtied over her own desk, with her little Levi clad butt sticking up in the air.

"Please let me go! What do you need, I'll give it to you!" begged their helpless captive.

"Oh, too late" said Holly. She looked at Gemma and smiled. "A little help?"

Jenni wondered what was going on until she felt hands on the waistband of her Levis.

"Let's see what panties posh sl*ts wear" said Tanya.

Jenni's eyes widened, nearly popping out of her skull. "NO WAIT, DON'T DOOOOON'T!" she shrieked, but it was too late. Gemma and Holly, in one fluid motion, tore the jeans right down past Jenni's butt, all the way to her ankles, where the rope was tied tight. The three girls started laughing at Jenni's predicament.

"Hoooo boy, what a day to go commando!" laughed Holly. It was true, Jenni had been swimming earlier, and worn her bikini as underwear all day. However, she had forgotten to bring a change for after her dip in the pool, and now with her jeans at her feet, her cute naked butt was on display for Tanya, Holly and Gemma. Jenni struggled to break free, to release her bonds, but all it did was cause her bare hiney to shake for them.

"Oh god, please, pull them back up! My ass is out!" she pleaded.

Tanya gave her cheeks one stinging spank, which silenced the bound girl. "You can stay there with your pants down and think about what you've done. When we're finished with Louise, we'll come back and let you go. Holly, take some photos of her as insurance."

"No, no photos, please…"

Tanya spanked her naked ass one more time. "You want to be naked? Then shut up."

Jenni was quiet. The three girls went towards the changing rooms, leaving Jenni half naked and tied up over the desk, hoping no one else would come in….

It was time to face Louise.
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Old 01-08-2015, 09:46 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Default part 3

Louise's arms moved gracefully through the clear blue water. She reached the edge and climbed out. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, and the water hung in droplets, before dripping off onto the sleek navy contours of her one piece bathing suit. She reached down and pulled a mild wedgie out of the crack of her butt, before steadying herself and diving back in for another couple of laps.

Emily had finished. She was not as fit as her sister, and was tired out. She stood in the showers in her bright red bikini, soaping off her body, then headed towards the locker room to wait. It was nice having the whole place to themselves. She listened and heard a splash as Louise dived in again. She knew she had a few minutes of privacy. Emily stood in front of a full length mirror and looked at her body, the body she was so self conscious of. She pulled the cord of her bikini top and it fell to the floor. Emily looked sadly at her small breasts. Louise had full round D cup boobs, like their mother, but somehow she had ended up with a nearly flat chest. She slipped out of her bikini bottoms, and looked at herself. She had a real nice butt, that was for sure. You win some, lose some, I guess, she thought.

She walked to her locker, and was aghast to find it was wide open. A deep panic set in. Emily's eyes darted around the locker room. There, in the corner, a flash of pale pink. Her panties! She ran and picked them up, quickly pulling them up her smooth white legs, letting the pale cotton briefs settle snugly over her ass. She peered out of the locker room doorway. Halfway down the corridor was her matching bra. Her heart thumping in her chest, Emily gingerly crept down the corridor towards the garment. There was silence all around. Her wet feet splashing on the cold floor, she sped towards the bra and picked it up, quickly fastening it. The bra was only useful for hiding her modesty, as her breasts needed no support. She heard a noise behind her and turned round back towards the locker room. There was nothing. Suddenly afraid, she ran back towards the locker room door. She rattled the knob, but it was useless. The door was locked.

Emily wanted to cry out for help, but was afraid to be seen in her childish little undies. She tried the men's locker room, but it was closed too. The only way out was back via the reception.

Back in the pool, Louise was oblivious to her sister's predicament. She swam back and forth, little knowing the events that were soon to take place, events that would leave several girls naked and humiliated. Events none of them would ever live down.

Emily poked her head round the corner. The reception area was visible.

"Jenni!" she called. "Jenni! It's Emily, someone's stolen my clothes!"

There was silence, then a series of muffled moans. Emily looked down at herself. She was still soaken wet, and her thin underwear was no match for the water. It had turned almost totally transparent, her small nipples easily visible. Worst of all, a light brown triangle of hair was showing through the crotch of her little panties, the wet material clinging to her young body, leaving nothing to the imagination. She looked towards the big glass doors. The street outside was quiet, and it was dark. Mustering up all her courage, the scantily clad 18 year old ran towards the desk.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jenni, the receptionist, bend right over her desk. She was tied there, bent over, with her jeans at her ankles. Emily couldn't help but see her bare butt sticking up in the air, and despite her own situation, she giggled. Jenni had tape over her mouth, and Emily ripped it off.

"Emily! Thank god! 3 girls broke in, they, they…. they left me like this!" sobbed Jenni.

"Oh my god, where are they now?"

"They were coming for you and Louise."

Emily knew instantly who was behind this. She had to warn her sister.

"Where's the key for the locker room?" demanded Emily.

"In the middle drawer." replied Jenni.

Emily went to the desk. The middle drawer was partially obscured by Jenni's round bare bottom. Emily put one hand on Jenni's bubble butt and pushed it to the side, squeezing the drawer open and grabbing the key. She slammed the drawer closed and began to walk away.

"Hey, wait a minute Em! Untie me first!"

"I don't have time!" said Emily, turning away.

"Emily! EMILY!" shouted the bound girl. "Untie me you b*tch!"

Emily stopped. She quickly turned back towards Jenni. She snapped off a bit of tape and fixed it over Jenni's mouth, silencing her again. She then held Jenni's tee shirt and pulled it up over her head, so that it rested on her bound wrists under the desk.

"Don't ever call me that" said Emily, walking away, leaving Jenni, now almost totally bare ass naked, bent over the desk.

Back in the pool, Louise was growing tired. Her arms ached from the workout, and her heart was pounding. She began to tread water, but then the lights went out and the whole pool was plunged into darkness.

"Hey? Is anyone there? Hello?"

There was no response. Louise knew where the switch was, so she swam over to the side and clambered out again. She could hear her feet padding as she walked towards the switch, feeling the wall with her arm so as not to trip in the blackness. She finally came to the switch and flicked it on, only to find herself staring at Tanya, Gemma and Holly.

"What the hell are you doing here? This is a private pool tonight! Get out!" Louise tried to sound commanding, but there was a shakiness to her voice.

"What's the matter Lou?" asked Tanya. "Afraid when you're on your own?"

"No, I….I…..I'll call the police!"

Holly stepped forward and pushed Louise hard. She fell backwards, her big bum cushioning the fall. "You should be afraid." she uttered.

Louise took a deep breathe. "Where's my sister? Where's Emily?"

Now it was Gemma's turn to speak. "We let her go home. Oh, granted, she's going to have to get home in just her bra and knickers, but that's more than you're going to get."

"Listen, I have money. How much do you want? How much?"

"This isn't about money" said Tanya. "This is about honour and dignity. You stole mine, but together, the three of us, we're going to win it back. By taking yours. Now get up on your feet."

Louise was tired from her overexertion in the pool. Her limbs were sore, and she was afraid. Terrified in fact. She shook her head. "no" she whimpered. Gemma and Holly picked her up by an arm each, holding her up to face Tanya. Tanya looked at Louise. Her lip started to quiver, and she was blinking heavily. Tanya smiled as Louise's lovely face, always a mask of composure, started to crumple and big tear drops formed in her eyes. "no" she said again. Tanya stared at Louise, looking her up and down. The navy swimsuit looked expensive. It looked terrific on her body, as anything would. Her large chest looked impossibly perky, her waist so slim, and her butt so big and round. A true hourglass figure.

"You know Lou, you're smoking hot." she leaned in close to Lou's face and whispered. "But I want to see it all."

She hooked a thumb each on the straps of the bathing suit, and slowly slid them to the side until they rested loosely just to the side of Lou's shoulders. Gemma watched eagerly, feeling a growing excitement stirring within her. She gazed at Louise's firm breasts, still concealed by the expensive lycra. Louise's pale wet skin glistened under the lights, as Tanya pulled the suit down. It came down bit by bit, revealing more and more of Lou's cleavage, first a hint of side boob, then a glimpse of pink areola. With one tug the suit was down to Louise's waist, and the full glory of her voluptuous breasts were displayed. Tanya watched a tear roll down Lou's cheek, drop onto her chest and then roll down towards the nipple, where the droplet hung for a second before splashing to the floor.

"Wow, Lou, are those real?" asked Tanya. She grabbed two handfuls and began to squeeze and grope them. She paid special attention to the nipples, rubbing them between her fingers until they stiffened. "They sure feel real. Hey Lou, I said, are they real?"

Lou bit her lip and nodded.

"Woah, I tell you what else is real - that belly!" laughed Tanya, pointing at Lou. Her swimsuit was bunched up at her waist, but without the tight suit to contain it, her little pot belly was visible. Okay, so on anyone else it wouldn't be worth noticing, but on the otherwise flawless body of Louise, the sight of a white tummy hanging out was a revelation. Tanya grabbed Lou's pale white tummy and squeezed a bit of flesh. "Look at this, Lou. You must go to a lot of work to hide this." She let go, and slapped Lou's belly, watching it jiggle for her. Just then, there was a sound. It was Emily, calling out for Louise. She must have come back! Gemma clasped a hand over Lou's mouth and took the full weight of her as Tanya and Holly ran towards the door to wait for Emily. Gemma made sure to press herself up against Lou's tired half naked body, her arm resting on Lou's exposed tits.

The door burst open and Emily ran in, shouting "Lou, get out, they're coming for us!"

However, the sentence was never finished as when she ran through the door, Holly simply put her foot out and Emily tripped. She went flying headfirst into the swimming pool. The three girls laughed at the pathetic rescue attempt, which found the attempted heroine now splashing about in the water in her skimpies.

Emily had bellyflopped into the pool, winding herself, and she allowed Holly to reach in and lift her out of the water. She lay on her side by the pool, coughing and holding her stomach. She looked up at her sister, stripped topless, and mouthed "I'm sorry" at her. Tanya laughed. "Oh you silly girl Emily, you were free to go. Now, it's game over for both of you."

Lou took a chance. She jerked her body free of Gemma's embrace and threw the girl into the pool. Lou darted for the exit. Holly could have caught Lou, but instead she saw Gemma thrashing about underwater.

"Help! I can't swim!" she gasped. Lou raced past Holly, her big breasts bouncing furiously, as Holly leapt in to save her friend. Tanya was distracted, and Emily kicked her legs into Tanya's stomach. Lou and Emily reached the exit. Lou grabbed Emily by the shoulder.

"Hide here, and when Tanya comes after me, lock this door behind her. Come find me in the gym."

And then Lou ran off. She didn't have time to cover up, so held one arm over her boobs to stop them jiggling about so much.

Emily stayed back, and sure enough Tanya soon raced through the door and out the locker room. Emily peered back into the pool, where Holly was lifting Gemma out the water to safety. Emily closed the door, and locked it behind her. Now it was going to be two on one.
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Old 01-08-2015, 09:47 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Default part 4

Tanya raced after Lou. She was easy to chase, as you just followed the wet footprints. Anyway, where could she go with her big tits flopping around like that? Tanya smiled, and hoped Holly and Gemma weren't far behind. She turned a corner and there was Louise, her top navy bathing suit still stripped to her waist, running as fast as she could towards the gym hall. And then she slipped. Lou crashed to the ground on her back and lay sprawled there, just outside the gym. Tanya walked over to her and held her by the hair, dragging her towards the gym.

"Ow, ow, ow!" squealed Lou, crawling along on her knees, her breasts swaying with every movement. Tanya grabbed her by her swimsuit and threw her in to the room.

"Right Lou, enough games. Let's finish this" she snarled, before rushing at the downed girl and grabbing the suit. She pulled as hard as she could, and Lou held on to them for dear life, desperate not to lose her last shred of clothing, causing Tanya to drag Louise around the gym floor. for what felt like minutes. With Lou on her back, Tanya tried lifting upwards, and Lou found her legs lifted into the air. She couldn't fight gravity, and felt her grip loosening, felt herself sliding out of her clothes. Lou looked upwards and saw a hint of her pubic hair coming into view. Then she lost her grip completely and fell back to the floor as Tanya wrenched the skin tight garment from Lou's naked body. The bad girl lay there, a shocked expression on her face, both hands clamped over her crotch. Tanya smiled, but then her expression changed as she was hit from behind by Emily. Tanya fell to her knees, clutching the back of her head. Emily, still clad in just her pale pink bra and panties, looked down at her sister. She couldn't believe how pathetic and helpless Louise looked, stark naked and covering herself, crying.

But then she turned her attention to Tanya. She hauled Tanya over to the climbing ropes, and used them to tie the dazed girl. Meanwhile, Louise was getting back into her wet swimsuit, which was proving difficult. She gave up and stalked over to Tanya, who looked at them groggily.

"Wh…what happened? I was winning…." she said.

Lou shook her head. "No, you are scum. You never stood a chance. And now, it's you and your friends who are going to be humiliated."

"No, you leave them out of it! It was my idea!"

Louise just smiled, and tore Tanya's blouse wide open. "You ready? It's gonna happen again. But this time, it'll be much, much worse."

Taking a side each, Louise and Emily pulled Tanya's blouse until there was a tearing sound and the fabric simply ripped away, leaving nothing but a bit of sleeve on both arms. Tanya was now presented before them in a pink satin bra and her black jeans. Louise went to work on the belt buckle, opening it and sliding the belt out and off the jeans, where she threw it to the ground. Then she unfastened the button and reached for the zip. Tanya was determined not to cry again. She was powerless now, she knew that. She just had to try and ride it out. Louise pulled the zipper down, the jeans slowly opening at the top, revealing more pink satin. In a flash, the jeans were down, down and then off completely. Tanya was stripped again. Exposed again.

"Louise…..please. I'm asking you…..I'm begging you……please don't strip me. Please don't strip me naked." And then the tears came.

Louise just shrugged, and unclasped Tanya's satin bra. With a firm tug, she broke the straps and it fell to the floor, spilling out Tanya's breasts once more. Tanya hung from the climbing ropes, her modesty now only preserved by her panties. Louise spun Tanya around and gasped when she saw that Tanya's undies were actually a thong. A tiny, pink satin thong.

"Oh my, you really did not think this through, Tanya." laughed Louise, staring at the thin fabric, which was just visible before disappearing between the soft flesh of Tanya's buttocks. Louise took a hold of the back of the thong. Tanya involuntarily clenched her cheeks tight, afraid of what was about to happen. Louise started lifting the soft material, and Tanya felt the thong sliding up her ass crack in a very uncomfortable sensation.

"Ooooh…..ooooooh…….stoop iiit…." she moaned, pain mixing with a strange pleasure as she felt the front of the thong slide down as the back was lifted, the material gently rubbing her. But then Louise lifted as high and as hard as she could. Tanya felt the satin thong slip right into her pussy as Louise lifted the thong in a colossal wedgie. Tanya stuck her butt out to try and alleviate some pressure, but it was still painful, not to mention humiliating. How could this get worse? she thought. Her question was answered by Emily's hand, spanking her hard across her wedgied cheeks, her tight white buns bouncing merrily from the assault.

Maybe it was being naked in public. Maybe it was the spanking. Maybe it was the wedgied thong pressing so hard on her vagina. Whatever it was, Tanya couldn't explain it. All she knew was that she was about to come. She wanted to stop, for to orgasm in front of her two enemies was a humiliation she didn't think she could bear. But she knew that Lou and Emily knew it was going to happen. Lou was using one pull the undies up Tanya's ass, and the other to gently play with her exposed boobs. Emily was spanking her bare white bottom, and with the other hand softly caressing Tanya's pussy.

And then she came, harder than ever before, harder than she ever had with Peter or anyone else. She screamed, her body shook, her back arched, her butt clenched, and then she went limp. Tanya hung there, breathing heavily. She looked up and saw three policeman staring at them. Next to them was Jenni, fully clothed again. For a minute, everyone just stood staring at each other, unsure of what to do next. It turned out a passerby had phoned the police to say there was a naked girl on the desk of the gym. The passerby was also there, mouth agape at the insane tableau before him.

Tanya, hanging from the ropes in just a pink satin thong, exhausted from the powerful orgasm.

Emily, soaken wet in see through undies, spanking the hanging girl.

And Louise, naked as the day she was born.

One of the officers turned his head towards the other, whilst keeping his eyes on the girls.

"Just when you think you've seen it all……."
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Old 01-08-2015, 05:33 PM
Frisk Frisk is offline
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Great. But I hope that Emily and Louise have much more humiliation. And will be great if Mrs Tomkins also to be naked and maybe somewhere outside, where people could see her nakedness on the street.
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Old 01-09-2015, 12:44 AM
amfanon amfanon is offline
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While interesting, stripping someone out of a bathing suit when no one is there to see it is not even close to revenge for the type of orchestrated, public humiliation at an otherwise formal and dignified event Tanya endured.

Tanya and her friends lost the class war at "Tanya knew she had to get them alone". They need to take it up a LOT of notches, fight on equal terms. The Tomkins family had the advantage at the party because they had engineered a situation where the room was full of people who shared their views and who wouldn't help Tanya. Tanya and her friends need to create a similar situation in reverse, where this family of privileged snobs are surrounded by lots of people who dislike them. Then they should be forced to endure a drawn out and degrading experience the likes of that which Tanya endured, all witnessed by people the Tomkins normally wouldn't spit on if they were on fire.

Last edited by amfanon; 01-09-2015 at 12:55 AM.
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Old 01-09-2015, 11:03 AM
jimmythehand jimmythehand is offline
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This was a thoroughly enjoyable story and if you want to end it here then I for one have no complaints.

If you DO decide to continue it and humiliate the sisters and their mother more publicly, then I would suggest that it would be even better to strip them in front of their own snobby circle - none of whom particularly care about anyone other than themselves and many of whom might be completely ready to see Mrs Tomkins in particular, as well as her daughters, utterly humiliated. This may just be my own personal tastes talking but personally I'd also like it if Mrs Tomkins' body wasn't nearly as good out of its clothes as it looks in them (I'm a big fan of bra stuffing ENF myself).

In any case, I look forward to more stories from you in the future.
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Old 01-09-2015, 11:53 AM
Nathaniel Keam Nathaniel Keam is offline
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Depending on how long you want to continue this, you may even want to turn it into a war where the rich circle strikes back against Tanya and her friends too. Always an option to prolong it.
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Old 01-14-2015, 03:02 PM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I was really into this story, and then halfway through I seemed to lose interest and just wrapped it up quickly. I may return to it in the future though, as I totally agree that Louise and Emily and their mother deserve more punishment.
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Old 01-16-2015, 05:57 AM
Myds Myds is offline
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Wow! This is amazing, the first part has everything I like!
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