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Old 08-02-2014, 09:13 PM
DoctorRipper DoctorRipper is offline
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Default WWE - A Tale of Two Adversaries: AJ Lee vs. Paige

DoctorOhno and Jack_The_Ripper have joined together with both professional wrestling and classic ENF concepts to bring a quality story to the OCC Community. If you enjoyed the episode, please let us know. Your support leads to more stories in the future. For the full reading experience, feel free to check us out on our website.


Episode 1: The Start Of a Rivalry

AJ Lee and Paige have engaged in a heartless rivalry. The two Divas recently fought on three separate occasions since the night after Wrestlemania 30. The rookie overcame the nearly year long reign of AJ's only to drop the belt back to her in three short months. The "Diva of Tomorrow" is now on the track back to the Divas Championship despite our losing her match at WWE Battleground. Will Paige be able to make her family proud and reclaim the title or will the current champion, AJ Lee, demonstrate why she is the reigning Diva’s Champion?

Jerry Lawler: We’re live from the American Airlines Arena for Monday Night RAW, fresh off of an incredible pay-per-view. Some rivalries came to an end but I can ensure you that most are far from over.

JBL: How long has it been since we had a Divas Match with the amount of hype prior to what we had yesterday at WWE Battleground? Everyone on Twitter is using either #Paige or #AJ to show their support.

The entrance music of AJ Lee’s brings the WWE Universe to life. Fans make it to their feet, applauding AJ for her hard fought win at last night's event.

The two-time Divas Champion makes her way down the ramp, doing her trademark skip. She is clad in small jean shorts and her magenta “Love Bites” uniform that is shortened to show off her sleek and toned abdomen. Across her midriff, of course, is the WWE Divas Championship.

As soon as AJ Lee gets situated inside of the squared circle, she brings a mic to her lips. She's poised and ready to address the thousands of fans in the American Airlines Arena and the millions watching on live television.

"My first reign lasted 295 days.” the girl from New Jersey begins. “In that time, I never met a competitor quite like Paige. She caught me off guard the RAW after Wrestlemania 30. I couldn’t tell for sure if she was a fluke or the future of the Divas Division. I had to take a hiatus to even accept what had happened to me. Then last night at WWE Battleground, she showed me that she was not a flash in the pan and anything but a fluke. She is one hell of a competitor.”

The moment AJ finishes her sentence, “Stars in the Night” fills the arena.

Jerry Lawler: Oh boy, this may not be good. It’s nice that AJ is on good terms with Paige, but who knows what Paige’s state of mind is after failing to reclaim the biggest prize of it all last night?

The ivory-skinned Diva makes her way into the ring, dressed in her purple wrestling attire and a black leather jacket. She circles around the ring, looking at AJ who grins from cheek to cheek. Showing absolute respect, AJ holds open the ropes for her friend’s entrance. Paige extends her hand upon entering the ring and Lee hands her the microphone.

“AJ, last night was rough for me. I was inches away from winning but that’s okay. I’ve only had twenty-four hours to think about it, but I am not a vindictive nor bitter woman and I will give credit where it is due. Our back and forth battle put chairs into seats and everyone here can agree. You are one bloody hell of a wrestler yourself and you got the best of me.” a clapping Paige says.

Showing their appreciation for one another, the frenemies embrace in front of the cameras and hug one another to the surprise of essentially everyone. The fans in the American Airlines Center voice their approval by breaking out in duel chants for both women.

“You have skill and I have skill." she goes again. “Together, me and you can conquer the Divas Division! We’re like Hawk and Animal, Moolah and Mae, Shawn and Marty! Let's light it up, together, AJ. ”

AJ shoots a genuine smile at her "Sweet Little Crumpet" and nearly accepts her invitation when Eva Marie and Alicia Fox abruptly enter the scene. The two Divas are matching in their gold two-piece attires. The tops are cut low enough to maximize the size of their cleavage while the bottoms are utilized to show off the womens' curvy backsides.

“Well, well, well.” states Alicia. “How cute is this? The two most pathetic girls in this division want to form a tag team. Look Casper, the talents in the back used to like you. We thought you had potential but you’re nothing more than a disappointment. You were unable to defeat a walking toddler named AJ Lee.”

Eva Marie, who’s striking men's hearts with her velvet hair, dark red lipstick and revealing wardrobe, swipes the microphone from Alicia.

“Oh and AJ, you just wait until I get my fingers on you. I will show you how a true Diva looks and fights.” remarks one Eva Marie.

The babyfaces motion them to come fight their problems out as Eva and Alicia get into the corner to loosen up. AJ and Paige look at one another, letting out confident smirks. The Divas Champion and the "Flamed-haired Femme Fatale" lead the match upon the ring of the bell, initiating the start of the match.

Jerry Lawler: It looks like Paige and AJ will be teaming up tonight. I guess the frenemies are just plain friends now!

Cole: Well, Alicia and Eva are no pushovers and you know they want to earn a shot to compete for the Divas Championship. They have everything to gain from this.

Both AJ and Eva have determined looks on their faces as they lock arms and fight for the early advantage. Despite the fact that WWE’s most hated redhead is far bigger than AJ, it’s the two-time Slammy Awards winner who takes control of the match. She uses her speed to swing behind the redhead and wrestles her into a hammerlock.

The advantage does not last long, however, as the Total Divas star is able to throw a hard elbow into the mouth of Lee. Eva looks up at the booing fans and taunts both them and her competition by rotating her hips, and signaling air kisses across the arena.

She goes for another round of blows but an angered AJ gets up and grabs Eva’s traps, slinging her hard off the ropes. The self-proclaimed “Geek Goddess” goes for a massive clothesline in which her foe dodges. She transitions into a roll up. AJ quickly gets off the mat and escapes at the count of one.

After a back and forth start to the match, both Divas make it to their feet to recuperate. The pace of the match has noticeably decelerated. Eva, in attempts to capitalize on her momentum, comes running at the brunette, who is quick to catch her with a kick to the midsection and sends a wave of pain throughout her foe’s stomach. A huge smile appears on the AJ's visage when she hears the WWE Universe chant her name. She grabs Eva Marie’s long red hair and skips around the ring, guiding her around like a child on their first Merry-Go-Round. The champ launches her head first into the turnbuckle.

AJ Lee makes the tag to her unofficial tag partner, Paige. The unlikely allies share a smile as one steps out and the other takes a step in.

Michael Cole: This may not be good for Eva. Paige is coming into the ring and despite what she may say, she has something to prove.

The 21-year-old Diva let’s out a screeching war cry before nailing several back to back headbutts that send Eva from one corner to the next. Looking to throw her body into Eva's, the "Mysterious Raven-Haired Lady" measures her target before taking off for a Stinger splash. To the luck of Marie, she narrowly avoids and moves out of the way with Paige inadvertently slamming her torso into the turnbuckle. The celebrity from E! is able to quickly crawl to her partner, who is hopping up and down in anticipation for the tag.

A fired up Foxy runs into the ring with intensity towards Paige, who sits up only to get greeted by a boot to the temple. Derailing the women's accomplishments, Alicia Fox takes Paige and brings her face right next to her’s.

"You are nothing in this division! You hear me?" Alicia screams.

She guides Paige to her respective corner where Eva Marie is standing in waits. Rather than offering a tag, the bipolar female secures Paige's arms from the back, allowing Eva to nail Paige with a skin burning slap. The complexion of Paige’s cheeks immediately turn from a pale white to a bright red.

Back in the center of the ring, Alicia grabs onto Paige's hips in attempts to take her off for a Northern Lights Suplex. The Diva of 5’9 goes for the maneuver a second time, but Paige outmuscles Fox and rams her hard into the corner, bumping heads with Eva.

The impact sends Marie crashing onto the thin padding outside. Alicia quickly regroups and is just able to catch a kick from Paige, raising her up into a sidewalk slam. She sends Paige plunging through the middle ropes. With the youngest Divas Champion in history conveniently far away from her tag team partner, Eva makes it to her feet and begins to assault Paige with kicks all over her body. She takes one of Paige's long legs and slams it onto the outside flooring.

AJ Lee has seen enough of her tag team partner being unfairly manhandled, prompting her to hop off of her stationed spot and grab Eva from behind by the collar of her wrestling apparel and slam her to her back.

With the help of AJ, Paige is able to roll herself back into the ring.

Beside the front row, the tides have turned for Eva Marie who is lying on her back, looking at April with fear. The Diva with muscular thighs and height of 5’2 stands over the redhead, intimidating her pray. AJ bends over her but is quickly met with a desperate rake to the eyes by the reality television star. She makes a run for freedom and crawls as fast as she can away from the action. It is useless for her, however, because an eccentric AJ is directly on her tail. In a last attempt effort to flee from the match, the Maxim Model crawls underneath the ring apron hoping AJ will take pity and let her be.

To her dismay, the heel is incorrect in her assessment. The champ does not second guess herself and dives right underneath the ring apron.

Jerry Lawler: Both AJ and Eva are below the ring! What do you think is going on under there? I should go check!

Jerry Lawler and the rest of WWE Universe do not need to wait long to figure out the answer to that question. There are screams of terror from under the ring and nobody is sure as to whom they belong from. Finally, to the strong anticipation of RAW viewers everywhere the "Geek Goddess" pops out from inside the darkness. The crowd reacts wildly when they see in her hands, the remains of Eva Marie’s glistening bra.

The roof nearly blows off the building with the fans realizing that AJ has stripped Eva in their undercover tussle. A smiling AJ reaches under and grabs the arm of Marie to forcefully yank her out from beneath the apron. With only one arm to spare, a completely topless Eva wraps it around her sizeable breasts to the best of her ability. Her face matches the color of her hair because of the pure, absolute humiliation. AJ laughs and points to her bare breast that are being pushed into her body as tight as possible under the pressure of her grip. The entire world has a birdseye view of her bare cleavage, an idea unimaginable until today.

Realizing that her plan has gone belly up and she has lost, the member of Total Divas turns and runs up the entrance ramp. Eva abandons the match with her head hung low.

The sexy Floridan, back inside the ring, is taken aback with the undressing of her companion and tag partner. She screams at the official when a beaten down Paige convalesces. She has taken the clear advantage over Alicia and following a handful of stiff, short-arm clotheslines, Fox is brought to the ground. She is ready to set up her finishing maneuver, the Scorpion Cross Lock.

The former Divas Champion rolls Fox onto her back to set up the PTO. She hooks Alicia's biceps and secures the hold despite Alicia's efforts to escape. Paige applies more and more pressure as her opponent is on the verge of tapping out, screaming louder and louder by the second. Her arms, her back and her legs are being hyperextended all at once.

Then, when Alicia Fox’s body gives in and can take no more, she taps out.

The British bombshell releases the first African-American Divas Champion from her special as Lilian Garcia announces her team victorious. Alicia holds her spine in pain and limps out of the ring with the feeling of defeat.

"The Spitfire" AJ slides through the ropes with a huge smile as she moves in for a hug with her new tag team partner. The two ecstatic women embrace one another in celebration. Both girls lift each other's arms, reveling and posing for the WWE fans in Miami. Afterwards, they make their way up to the second rope and point to members of the National Guard.

With her Divas Title in hand, AJ caresses the item in which she calls her "baby" and nearly exits the squared circle. She turns around to Paige who is still in the center of the ring with a smile. She motions for AJ to come back in the ring which leads to an indifferent look on the face of Lee's. The inaugural NXT Women's Champion grabs AJ's hand to raise it once more.

Michael Cole: How great is this! The former rivals have put their differences aside and form an already winning tag team.

With the one-time General Manager of RAW's hand tightly interlocked to her own, Paige pulls her in close and rams a knee into the fairly tanned stomach of AJ's. The Divas Champion holds her belly and looks at "Miss Hell in Boots" in disbelief before getting hit with a viscous Paige Turner. Twisting like a pretzel, the audience watches the Union City native fall on top of her skull. The reigning champion holds the rear of her head in pain while laying on the mat. Before the dazed Diva can reciprocate, Paige grabs her by the hair and launches her over the tope rope.

Paige, the only one left standing from the original four Divas in the contest, stands alone in the ring but her revenge appears to be just beginning. She echoes the sound of her chilling screams throughout the arena and leaves the twenty by twenty.

JBL: I called it! I told you last week that this was going to happen! Only two short-minded announcers couldn't see this coming.

With the Divas now beside the barricade, the pale beauty picks up the hurting AJ by her long brown hair and rams her spine into the steel post.

"I told you this was my house!” Paige wails at high volume.

With those ominous words, the “Diva of Tomorrow” mimes ripping up the champion's top, allowing cameras to wait in curiousity. She rolls Lee's extremely small, cut up t-shirt and pulls it beyond her arms, revealing a pink lace bra that pushes the perky round breasts of her rivals up into place. AJ screams at the top of her lungs, clawing for her top back. She never thought she would be stripped and embarrassed within the confines of a WWE arena.

With her top removed, AJ holds onto her B-cups. She is lifted onto Paige's shoulders and thrown head first into the metal steps, effectively knocking her out cold. The occasional “Crazy Chick” head rests onto the stairs, with no willpower to move even an inch. If there was any dignity left in AJ, it is quickly torn away of as well when the vengeful Paige plants the sole of her boots on AJ's forehead and grinds it against the top of the cold steel steps.

Boo's are prompt to fill the American Airlines Arena at the sequences of events that have transpired. Jealousy radiates from Paige who mocks AJ by skipping around the perimeter of the ring. She then stands over Lee's lifeless figure and smiles again when an idea comes to mind.

Showing the concrete that lies beneath, the Norwich native removes the black padding of the flooring from the American Airlines Arena. The fans are in disbelief when she drags AJ by a single strap of her brassiere to the torn up portion of concrete. She wettens the side of her lips before performing a Ram-Paige DDT.

Michael Cole: What did she deserve to get that! Try and defend that, John. This is unbecoming of a future star in the women's locker room.

The double-crosser squats over a shirtless AJ and screams at her unconscious body. Paige sets her up for the PTO when a familiar voice emerges from the back.

JBL: It's the evil mastermind, the inventor of extreme, the leader of Plan C... Paul Heyman!

"I think that is enough for today." Heyman orders. "Don't mistake my intentions, I would love to see this little conniving runt snap in the grasp of your submission but we don't want to run the risk of you getting suspended."

Heyman comes to a hold when he makes it eye to eye with Paige. He walks over AJ's body, admiring the work done. The creator of ECW once again holds up the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. I am the advocate to the beast that conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar! With my expertise, I lead my clients to success. I introduce to you, the return of the "Anti-Diva" and next WWE Divas Champion of the World, Paige!" declares the self-professed "Mad Scientist".

Michael Cole: Paige is the first ever “Paul Heyman Girl” and I don’t like it.

JBL: Can you even imagine how this is going to turn out? You have someone as aggressive and hostile as Paige working hand-in-hand with the odious Paul Heyman. That just spells disaster for anyone that comes their way.

AJ Lee has become first of many Divas to learn firsthand how dangerous the new pairing of Heyman and Paige may be. She lies lifeless on the frigid concrete tiles with only her chiseled abdomen moving in and out due to heavy breathing. Above her stands Paige and Paul Heyman with their arms raised high. Clutched in the hands of Paige is the pink top AJ came into the match with, and her beloved “butterfly belt”. A new face of fear has arrived and she has the Divas Championship on her checklist.
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Old 08-03-2014, 12:30 PM
MickGesitt MickGesitt is offline
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Default That Was Fun

I enjoyed that. You guys have taken the rivalry between my current two favorite divas and made it even more hardcore. And with the inclusion of Paul Heyman the Father of ECW, I expect things to get even more hellacious in this rivalry. Thank you for also removing those obnoxious CM Punk chants. Some people can't seem to grasp the fact that he left and its time to move on and instead chant his name whenever his wife comes out. Those chants really take away from the segments so I'm glad you guys removed them.

I'm looking forward to the WWE's version of AJ vs Paige at SummerSlam and now I'm looking forward to your version of that match as well. Stephanie McMahon can promote herself and pretend she's a main eventer as much as she wants but in the end she has never been a good wrestler and Brie isn't skilled enough to carry a quality match, so that's obviously going to end with Nikki Bella betraying her twin sister. The real match to watch at SummerSlam is going to be AJ-Paige. Now that they have clear-cut roles as face and heel the match is going to be even more explosive than before. And if the WWE is stupid enough to pull the AJ-Paige Match to focus on the sloppy Stephanie-Brie showdown, then I'll be counting on you guys to make up for it with a historic bout between two of the top performers in the WWE right now. High expectations, but I have faith and I know you guys can do it.

Not much ENF in this first chapter but I'm guessing that its just a taste of things to come and that you guys are going for a slower build up to the nudity in this story. As for Eva Marie being the first one stripped, couldn't have happened to a more deserving diva. If the WWE is going to hire models with hot bodies instead of women who can actually wrestle, then those models should at least show of their hot bodies to give us our money's worth. As for the story, I'm sure CrAJ will up the ante when she strikes back against the first-ever Paul Heyman Girl - Paige.

I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Keep up the great work you guys.
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Old 08-03-2014, 01:24 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Excellent story as expected, it really set up the series well. As stated not much ENF yet, but this is just the set up so that doesn't matter. I guess my only question is when should we expect to see another chapter, cause this seems like it's going to be something I'll really enjoy.
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Old 08-03-2014, 04:42 PM
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really enjoyed this story two great writers working perfectly together. Can't wait for AJ to come back at the newest member of paul haymens crew Paige.I think you guys are really onto a winner here keep up the good work.
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Old 08-03-2014, 07:35 PM
DoctorRipper DoctorRipper is offline
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Originally Posted by MickGesitt View Post
I enjoyed that. You guys have taken the rivalry between my current two favorite divas and made it even more hardcore. And with the inclusion of Paul Heyman the Father of ECW, I expect things to get even more hellacious in this rivalry. Thank you for also removing those obnoxious CM Punk chants. Some people can't seem to grasp the fact that he left and its time to move on and instead chant his name whenever his wife comes out. Those chants really take away from the segments so I'm glad you guys removed them.

I'm looking forward to the WWE's version of AJ vs Paige at SummerSlam and now I'm looking forward to your version of that match as well. Stephanie McMahon can promote herself and pretend she's a main eventer as much as she wants but in the end she has never been a good wrestler and Brie isn't skilled enough to carry a quality match, so that's obviously going to end with Nikki Bella betraying her twin sister. The real match to watch at SummerSlam is going to be AJ-Paige. Now that they have clear-cut roles as face and heel the match is going to be even more explosive than before. And if the WWE is stupid enough to pull the AJ-Paige Match to focus on the sloppy Stephanie-Brie showdown, then I'll be counting on you guys to make up for it with a historic bout between two of the top performers in the WWE right now. High expectations, but I have faith and I know you guys can do it.

Not much ENF in this first chapter but I'm guessing that its just a taste of things to come and that you guys are going for a slower build up to the nudity in this story. As for Eva Marie being the first one stripped, couldn't have happened to a more deserving diva. If the WWE is going to hire models with hot bodies instead of women who can actually wrestle, then those models should at least show of their hot bodies to give us our money's worth. As for the story, I'm sure CrAJ will up the ante when she strikes back against the first-ever Paul Heyman Girl - Paige.

I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Keep up the great work you guys.

Originally Posted by Dayjib View Post
Excellent story as expected, it really set up the series well. As stated not much ENF yet, but this is just the set up so that doesn't matter. I guess my only question is when should we expect to see another chapter, cause this seems like it's going to be something I'll really enjoy.
Originally Posted by divalover95 View Post
really enjoyed this story two great writers working perfectly together. Can't wait for AJ to come back at the newest member of paul haymens crew Paige.I think you guys are really onto a winner here keep up the good work.
Thank you for the positive feedback. We have a few more episodes planned for this series and you will see that we are going for the "slow burn" in regard to the ENF portion of the story. Please bookmark our website and check back often for updates.
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Old 08-04-2014, 01:33 AM
bobster123 bobster123 is offline
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Really nice writing. Excited for the slow burn as AJ and Paige are so hoot and ENF of them would be amazing.

Also it's pretty funny and realistic. Awesome that she's a Paul Heyman girl.

"I earned that distinction when my client PAIGE conquered AJ's undefeated title streak."
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:46 AM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Hey Doctor Ripper, how's work on this going? Can we expect an update soon? Really excited for the next chapter, cannot wait .
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Old 08-12-2014, 11:57 AM
DoctorRipper DoctorRipper is offline
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Originally Posted by Dayjib View Post
Hey Doctor Ripper, how's work on this going? Can we expect an update soon? Really excited for the next chapter, cannot wait .
Episode 2 should be posted within the next couple of days.
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Old 08-12-2014, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DoctorRipper View Post
Episode 2 should be posted within the next couple of days.
Excellent news; I look forward to it
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Old 08-12-2014, 03:05 PM
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Glad to hear the new chapter is coming soon, can't wait for AJ and Paige to once again do battle.
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aj lee, fanfiction, nude, paige, wwe

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