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Old 10-02-2011, 05:00 PM
kuanundrum kuanundrum is offline
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Default Taking a Drunk Friend Home

Hey! Follow the sound of my voice and kill whoever is holding the phone! The sound of Foamy’s mighty voice calling out to me caused me to open my eyes. Hey! Follow the sound of my voice and kill whoever is holding the phone! Darkness still surrounded me as I rolled over in bed and looked at the glowing screen of my phone. My eyes first found the time at the bottom of the screen. “Seriously?” I mumbled to myself as I reached out and grabbed the phone off the seat of my chair. Hey! Follow the sound of my voice and ki “Hello?” I asked as I answered my phone, not recognizing the number on the screen. In my mind I was quoting Independence Day, If this isn’t an insanely beautiful woman, I’m hangin’ up. But on the other end of the line I could hear a vaguely familiar voice in desperate need of coffee. “Ian?” he asked. “Yeah, what’s up?” I asked, stifling a yawn. “Could you help us out? Candice needs a ride home and my car’s not parked in front of the bar anymore.” Sitting up in bed, I looked out the window to the dark blue of the night sky. “Where you guys at?” I asked. “At home.” His response made me fall back into bed. I could tell from the sound in his voice that he actually believed what he was saying, which meant even if he wasn’t too drunk to drive, he was still too stoned, probably both. “Half hour…” I groaned out before hanging up, not even bothering to hear his response. As I rolled out of bed and sat in my chair, I couldn’t help the tired chuckle that escaped my lips at the situation. Shaking my head I pulled on a black shirt, not bothering to change out of my light grey sweatpants; then pulled my glasses off the chain by the bed that they were hanging on. I didn’t bother putting on socks or tying my shoes as I pushed on the wheels of my wheelchair and rolled myself out of my room and down the hallway to the door, keeping quiet to keep from waking anyone else in my family.

Outside, I pulled open my car door, the night air sending a chill down my spine. I couldn’t blame it either, it was January after all and all I was wearing were sweats and a tee shirt. As I pulled myself out of my chair and into my car, I suddenly had an amusingly terrible thought. That thought helped to speed up my tired movements as I dismantled my chair and tossed the pieces in the backseat. I closed the door as I turned the key in the ignition, waiting till after the car was started before I put on my seatbelt. Pulling out of the driveway I turned the car’s heater onto full blast, the thought I had previously had ever present in my mind as I drove to the other side of town to pick up Candice. It was a 20 minute drive taking the highway, the shortest route to his house. I’d only been there twice before, but it was an easy spot to remember.

As I pulled up to his driveway, I could see from the severity of their shivering that my thought had been confirmed. They hadn’t waited for me to get there to come outside, they had gone outside immediately after calling me to wait for me. Candices clothes were haphazardly hanging from her, while he was standing there wearing only a winter jacket and his boxers. As soon as my car stopped moving, Candice ran to the passenger side door and quickly pulled the door shut again as she sat down. “Thanks Ian!” the guy yelled as he ran back inside. “Yeah!” I called out. I couldn’t even remember the guys name, he was just the latest in a line of boy toys that Candice has started on during her senior year of high school. Two years into it now, she never had one of them for longer than a month before moving on to another, and as such I had given up on trying to remember their names. I was one of the few guys she had never tried to get with and was very content with staying in the friend zone. Having met her in the theatre program, I had seen more of her than most guys ever had, both inside and out.

As I pulled my car out of his driveway, Candice leaned her seat back and sighed. “God yes! Warmth!” she said as she stretched her arms forward and I heard her elbows pop. Her creamy white skin was covered in goose bumps from the night air. She turned her head to look at me with blue eyes partially glazed over from events of her night as her arms fell back into her lap, her long brown hair a jumbled mess. As we pulled around the corner of his block and took the road that would take us back to the highway, she looked back and muttered “Dumbass.” I chuckled under my breath as I glanced over to her. I could already smell the alcohol and marijuana on her, the heat of the air in the car making it more potent. “Not the prize you were hoping for?” I asked jokingly. Candice looked back at me and shrugged, then sat up quickly and pulled her jacket off. As she did I could see that she had only stuffed her white blouse into her jacket instead of putting it on. Tossing the jacket and blouse in the back with my chair, she leaned forward to one of the air vents, aiming the circulating hot air being blown out of it directly at her cleavage well displayed by the black lace bra she was still wearing. “Asshole couldn’t even eat pussy right, and keeps getting too drunk to get it up. I’m droppin’ him in the morning.” I chuckled some more as I turned my attention back to the road.

The feeling of something hitting my right arm as I turned onto the highway caused my eyes to shift back to her for a second, but it was enough to notice that her bra was now also gone as she was leaning back in the chair again. Her right hand was at her groin moving up and down slowly as her left was clutching her right breast. “I haven’t gotten off in over a month now. Fucker keeps leavin’ me hanging! FUCK!” she complained as I kept my eyes on the road. This was old news to me, she’d been complaining about it for weeks now. The next sound I heard was the sound of her pants zipper being loosened, and as I slowed to a stop at a red light I could see very clearly under the combined glows of the street light and the stop light that her right hand was now down her pants moving faster as her left hand was pinching her nipple. Her areola was nearly the same color as the rest of her skin, only noticeably darkening at her nipples as they were now both very erect. The only real change in color on her body was the small rose tattoo she had on the inside of her left breast. Her eyes were closed as I noticed the change of color in the glow against her skin from red to green. As I looked to the road again I noticed a police car coming up behind us to the right, so I accelerated quickly to keep her from being seen. I was glad to see that the police cruiser was turning at the light we had just left, leaving us alone on the road as we continued. As I reached cruse speed again I let my right hand rest in my lap, using my left thumb to control the steering wheel while my fingers kept the speed constant on my hand controls. Halfway down the highway heading to her place I felt Candices left hand grab my right, and I figured she had finished. But my hand was pulled over the center consol and found itself being put on soft flesh before being released.

Candice was obviously far from done as I looked over to her and saw her right hand still at work, while her left was going back to town on her right nipple. “Give a girl a hand will ya?” she said, a mischievous smile on her lips as she looked me in the eyes. I looked from her back to the road, then sighed as I closed my finger tips around her right nipple, giving it a gentle pull and twist as I heard her take in a sharp gasp of air. As drunk as she was, I had a feeling that she probably wouldn’t even remember most of this night anyways, and I’d been growing tired of hearing her constant complaining about not getting any action. So my right hand alternated between gently massaging her breast and tweaking her nipple as I continued the drive to her house. I would alternate between the two motions, while every once in a while in massing her breast I would trace my nails across the sensitive skin of her tattoo. I felt the pressure on the flesh of her breast let up as another stop light came into view in the distance. I glanced over to her for a moment, and saw that she now had her eyes closed again with her left hand on top of her right as she seemed to be massaging herself harder below. I brought my attention back to driving, my right hand operating on its own at this point, continuing its pattern. Just as we passed through the green light without having to slow down I felt a quick fumbling on the elastic of my sweatpants, and before I could realize what was happening I felt thin fingers wrap around my member and start stroking it mercilessly. My right hand gripped her nipple hard as my eyes shot over to Candice who had a sadistically wild grin on her face. Her eyes met mine for a moment before they rolled back in her head and she gasped for air. Her left hand froze in place and gripped my flesh like a vice as she arched her back, her right hand making the front of her jeans a blur. I could feel her nails digging in for a few moments as I gritted my teeth together. Her grip lasted for a few seconds before she collapsed back into the chair, her hand falling limp on my lap. I slowly released her nipple, then used my now free right hand to pull her hand out of my pants and place it into her own lap. As I did, the street lamps allowed me to see that not only was she asleep, but her nails had a thin coating of red on their tips. “Oh you gotta be yankin’ my crank.” I whispered to myself as I pulled the material of my pants back enough to see the damage done. It wasn’t much, just some peeled skin but it was enough to allow for some blood to be drawn.

A few minutes later I pulled up to the block Candice lived on, parking my car around the corner from her house. Once the car was stopped I leaned my own seat back, taking a second to relax. But I wanted to get back to sleep, so I reached over and gently shook Candices shoulder, waking her up. “We’re back at your place.” I said as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She stretched her arms out again before she sat up and scratched the back of her head with her right hand. “Thanks for that.” she said with a grin tugging at her cheeks. Falling back into the chair, she rolled onto her side to better reach her clothing in the backseat. As she did, she saw under the yellow glow of the streetlamps that her usually white nails were now partially red on her left hand. “Don’t tell me, I didn’t..” “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” I interrupted her before she was able to finish, waving my hand casually. A worried look crossed her face as she pulled her clothes into the front seat. “How bad is it?” she asked, concern in her voice. “Meh.” is all I answered with as I cracked my neck to the left, then to the right. “Can I see?” she asked as she tried to hook her bra. After her fourth try, I sat up and told her to turn around. Once her back was turned I hooked her bra, then picked up her shirt and handed it to her. As I leaned back again she turned around with a frown on her face. “It’s just some skin, I’m fine.” I yawned as I answered her saddened faces question. Her look didn’t change as she pulled her shirt and jacket on, then closed up her pants again. Once she was dressed she just sat there looking from my face to my groin, not saying anything. With a sigh I pulled the elastic of my sweats down a bit to let her see what had happened. She leaned over to get a better look at the damage her nails had done, placing her right hand on my thigh and her left on my shoulder to steady herself. Without warning she suddenly leaned forward and kissed the wounded side of my pecker, then leaned up and kissed my cheek, wrapping her arms around my neck in a drunken hug. “Thanks Ian, it was for a good cause.” That said, she spun around and threw her door open. She tried to bolt to her door, but only three steps forward she lost her footing and landed in the icy grass. The sound of the thud she made caused me to sit up fast, the material of my sweats snapping against my waist as my pants closed around me again. Candice rolled over and sat up in the grass, looking at me with surprised eyes. But as she looked at me she started laughing hysterically, slowly picking herself up off the ground and staggering her way to her front door. As she opened her door, she waved to me and winked, then finally went inside. I shook my head before leaning over and closing the passenger side door.

Incoming Transmission! I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone telling me I had a text message. Reaching over, I picked up the device and pressed the read button. The message was simple. "Thanks for last night, the ride and, everything else."
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