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Old 01-26-2009, 10:56 AM
hereyago hereyago is offline
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Default Aaron's rod

We first met Troy and Pattie at a "new neighbors" party shortly after we moved here from New Orleans a year ago. We live close by ( across the street and five houses down), and my husband, Bryan, and Troy hit it off right away. They both liked dirt bikes, cars and the same football team, and I could tell that Bryan was also a little in awe of Troy's general confidence and unmistakable swagger. In a lot of ways, Troy, who was five or six years older, bigger, and a much better athlete, played a sort of big brother role for Bryan. Shortly after we moved in, Troy got Bryan a job at the car dealership where he's a manager. Troy was Bryan's boss at the time. Troy could do no wrong, as far as Bryan was concerned, and he tried in every way to be just like him. As you could guess, Bryan was the perfect employee.

Pattie and I were about the same age, though I can't say I felt as close to her as Bryan did to Troy. There was always something about her that made me keep a little distance. I was never really sure why they took up with us. I always had the teeniest sense that Pattie thought she was above us. I could tell that she really enjoyed the fact that Bryan worked for Troy, and she liked to remind us, very subtly of course, that she was being very generous by being our friend.

Not to say we weren't friends. We certainly were, or at least I thought we were. We shared all kinds of things, but I never could really trust her. I remember one time she asked about my sex life, and I told her it was pretty normal and she said she meant other than my husband. I was kind of shocked. When I told her that Bryan was the only guy I'd ever been with, she just sort of made this face that said I was so not cool. "Frigid?" she said with a laugh that I knew was meant to disguise her utter disdain for me. She reminded me so much of all the popular girls I remember from high school who would be friends to your face and just cut you into little pieces when you weren't around if they thought you didn't believe what they did.

High school was not a favorite memory for me or for Bryan. Neither of us were part of the popular crowd, like Troy and Pattie had obviously been. Bryan wasn't the least bit athletic in high school, though he always wanted to be. He wasn't cute or handsome and didn't have much of a body. It wasn't that he was skinny or fat, he was just pretty much average. He didn't have a car or nice clothes and he certainly didn't have money or an extroverted personality. Of the things that make kids popular, he really had nothing. But I liked him a lot for his kind of funky charm and self deprecation. We were boyfriend and girlfriend from our sophomore year. We never dated anybody but each other. We were both virgins when we got married right out of high school.

I wasn't really much in high school either. I guess I had more friends and certainly got asked out more than Bryan, but I wouldn't consider myself part of the popular crowd. I didn't have that cute little bouncy look everyone admired in those days. I was one of those girls that parents would say was going to be "stunning" when she grew up. Well, I never believed that and none of my friends paid any attention to it either. Who cared what you were going to be! As it turned out, I guess the parents must have been right. Just a few years out of high school, I did change quite a bit, though I'm still not sure why or how. True, I started to wear my hair differently, got contacts, and began to dress in clothes that accentuated my figure rather than the baggy shapeless things I liked in school, but still, I was surprised at the apparent transformation. I guess I first started to notice a difference while we were still living in New Orleans. I become aware that more and more guys were turning around to look again when I'd walk past. Some just openly stared. I got whistles walking by construction sites (but then what girl doesn't), and I started to get hit on a lot at work or even just shopping downtown, though it took me a long time to realize it.

I remember one time so vividly. I was in a supermarket in the Garden District just going about my business when this really nice looking guy comes up to me and tells me that he just had to tell me how "hot" I look, all the time staring right at my chest. I wasn't wearing anything very sexy, just shorts and a scoop-neck top that maybe was a teeny bit small. He could see from the ring on my finger that I was married, but he still asked me if I "date." I just smiled and walked away. I was kind of flustered, but also strangely excited by it all. Very excited, as a matter of fact. I started to notice similar sorts of things happening a lot after that.

When I told Bryan about it later that night, I was astonished at his reaction. I expected that he'd at the least raise his eyebrows and at the most get jealous, but instead he got all excited and had me retell the encounter, what there was of it, over and over. I got the sense that he was even a little disappointed that more didn't happen. I realized that he wanted me to be more turned on by the guy and what he said than he thought I was. Actually, I was excited myself, but was too shy to say so. I knew that was silly and that I should have told him how aroused I really was. So I decided I would embellish the story a little. That night in bed, he asked about it again, and this time I did add a little more spice to the story than had really happened. I told him that as I turned to leave, the guy put his hand low on my hip, turned me towards him, and asked for my telephone number. I said I smiled and said maybe next time and slowly walked away, turning back to smile every few steps. We had very good sex that night!

That little encounter became an important part of our sex life. Bryan wanted me to promise that if that should happen again that I would give the guy my number or, even better from his point of view, that I would encourage him in some other way, like flirt openly with him. The idea that excited him the very most was for me to let the guy actually touch me intimately. I promised I would, though nothing like that ever happened again, except in Bryan's fantasy. The funny thing is, I really did want to. I just never had the courage. I was brought up to be a "good girl."

Unfortunately for Bryan, though my appearance had changed considerably for the better as I got older, if men's comments, stares, and come ons were any indication, Bryan had remained pretty much the nondescript character he had been in high school. He was very proud of the change in me, however. I think he felt having a good looking wife made him more of a man. He used to call me his "trophy wife," but only in private. He used to like to compare me to Troy's wife, Pattie. He would tell me that Troy's wife was a little less pretty and not as sexy as I was. I think it was the one way, probably the only way, in his mind, that he could feel at all superior to Troy. In Bryan's eyes, Troy was a player, and I think it made him feel confident and a little proud that he had me and Troy didn't. That's probably why he always wanted me to flirt with Troy, to prove he couldn't get me, I guess. Sad thing is, Pattie could string Bryan around her finger in a minute, and everyone but Bryan knew it. Still, in private, Bryan liked to insist on how much more attractive to guys I was than Pattie. Guys are sooo strange!

Truthfully, though, Pattie and I were physically very much alike, especially when dressed. I guess she likes her everyday clothes to be a little more revealing than I do, but our bodies look pretty much the same. We both have blonde hair and blue eyes. My tend to a greener shade than Pattie's and my hair needs a rinse to stay blonde. She insists hers is totally natural. It isn't, I can assure you. We both have really big boobs, though I know from trips to the spa that hers are just slightly larger, though mine probably seem bigger because they are rounder and much, much firmer. Her nipples are larger, and after two kids, brown. Mine are smaller and very pink. My waist, to use Pattie's words, is

"impossibly small," though she is by no means much larger. I think we would both say that our best feature, however, is our round hips and perky butts, and our long and shapely legs, which especially in heels, make a dramatically alluring package. ("Dramatically alluring!"...God, I sound so much like Pattie when I talk like that.) Our big difference, at least in Pattie's mind, is that I keep myself totally shaved, something that Bryan wanted initially, but which I've come to like myself quite a bit. Pattie keeps hers "closely trimmed." Pattie has never commented on me being shaved, except to arch her eyebrows, but I can tell she doesn't think much of it and probably tells her friends about it. I'm sure she thinks it's rather trailer park.

Pattie likes to flirt with Bryan, though I know she'd never do anything with him. That would ruin the power trip for her. Frankly, she plays him like a musical instrument, and the poor little sap just goes along. I never say anything about it because, truthfully, I don't see a lot of harm in it and it is a good boost for his ego…which needs boosting! As a mater of fact, it's Bryan's ego that sort of led us into the lifestyle we've been fooling with for the last three or four months. Bryan likes me to get dressed up as sexy as possible and then go to a club or bar and flirt a little and make some guy (or guys) think they have a chance with me. Bryan comes to the bar a little later, watches for a while, and then he comes on to me and, of course, ends up "winning" me and taking me home. He wants me to dress and act like a seductress that only he can tame.

I don't mind. It's kind of fun a lot of the time. I like being kind of wild and reckless like that some times. It's exhilarating. The only bad part is that it's just never, ever quite enough for Bryan. When we're home in bed after a night out, he'll tell me that he wishes I would dress a little sexier next time or let the guys go a little further than I do. My God, I don't know how I could possibly dress much sexier without being totally naked. The last couple of times we've gone out my skirt was so short it barely covered my butt and my top was so tight and cut so low I could barely keep myself inside. In fact, while dancing with a guy just a few months ago, one boob actually popped right out! Bryan did like that! (When I told him about it in bed, I did too! Hee hee.) His latest idea is that I should let guys feel me up when I dance with them or let them put their hands under my dress while we're sitting at the bar. He's pretty disappointed that I just can't get myself to go that far, though in bed I always promise I'll do it next time. I always really intend to, but I always get too nervous when the guy actually starts to touch me to actually do what Bryan wants. Which is why what happened recently is so hard to explain.

On Bryan's twenty-seventh birthday late last month, Pattie and Troy wanted to take us to this hot club that they'd recently discovered to celebrate. When the day arrived, Pattie asked if it was all right if a good friend of hers from high school who was visiting for the weekend, a guy named Aaron, could join us. He seemed like a nice guy. Kind of quiet, almost mysterious, and strangely attractive in that way that's so difficult to account for. He was obviously extremely confident and had a way of looking at you that suggested he was interested but not enough to do anything about it. A definite challenge for a woman!

Being as it was Bryan's birthday, I decided that as a special surprise I would try my very best to act out what I could of his little fantasy. I would be as close to his little wet dream as I could be without embarrassing him in front of Pattie and Bryan and their friend Aaron. I knew it wasn't likely I could actually let anyone go as far as Bryan wanted, but I was going to seriously try. I mean I really was. I was going to dress as alluringly as possible and go as far as I could. If nothing happened, I would just make up a story, tell him that I had let a guy touch me. Maybe I'd say Aaron did, since he was a


That particular evening was like sauna, so I decided to wear a thin little silk midriff camisole, whose scoop neck was maybe just a teeny bit too low and maybe a size too small as well. The thread-like spaghetti straps looked like they would likely burst under the force of my boobs straining against the thin, see-through fabric. The last time I had worn it, Bryan told me it was the hottest top I owned. A natural choice, then! A tight, black leather micro mini that I remember him getting all excited about and four inch ankle-strap pumps (and absolutely nothing else!) completed the look I wanted I was going to tell him when we left that I was wearing nothing at all underneath that might get in the way of any hands that wanted to explore my body! I was completely

"accessible"! Which was his favorite word.

The whole ensemble was probably really right on the boarder of sexy and outrageous, but I was pretty sure I could pull it off okay. I could see Bryan was maybe a little hesitant about the way I was dressed at first, but I was pretty sure either I or a couple of drinks could change his mind pretty quickly. As it turned out, all it took was the look on Troy's face when he first saw me to make things right. He was nearly leering, which I could tell pleased Bryan immensely. I could see his mood change instantly. He was just so proud to have his "b*tch" on his arm. The one b*tch Tony couldn't have. I just completely relaxed after that.

I was pleased too, because this night was special in other ways as well. We had been trying to get me pregnant for over a year, and tonight my temperature said I would be at my peak fertility. Bryan has a low sperm count, so we have to make sure we make love during these peak periods. For Bryan, and I guess even for me, those times when we have to perform had become pretty much unerotic, and the last five or six times we tried seemed more like an obligation than a good time. I really wanted Bryan to enjoy me tonight. I had a sense that this could be the night I got pregnant, and I wanted it to be special. I was going to try my best to do enough on this night out to convince Bryan that I had been his erotic dream sl*t. In bed that night, his fantasy would turn into wild, wild sex! His birthday was going to be most special. The sexy outfit and the little sl*t wearing it were going to guarantee it.

As a surprise treat for the birthday boy, Troy had taken a like-new Lexus from dealership home for the night. Bryan was elated. He loved the Lexus and talked about buying one someday constantly. Frankly, I wasn't sure I could stand up to the competition.

So with Troy and Pattie in the front seat, and Aaron, me, and a very, very excited Bryan in the back, we set off for the club Pattie and Troy had picked out. There seemed to be less room in the back seat than I expected, until I realized that Aaron was sitting rather close to me, so close I could feel the heat from his leg burning against mine. I realized too that Bryan was sort of nudging me in Aaron's direction as well. It was strangely exciting.

I felt (and I guess was) nearly naked in the backseat in that skimpy outfit. I kept tugging at my tiny little skirt, but every turn we took caused it to ride right back up my thigh. When I realized after a while that Bryan was slyly helping it slither up my leg, I decided since it was his special birthday, I'd just let it happen. With Bryan's assistance, my skirt was soon within a fraction of an inch of showing everything. I just let it be. It wasn't nearly as hard to do as I thought. I could literally feel Bryan's excitement and could see the beginning of an erection pushing against his pants. That was a good omen, I thought!

Aaron, on the other hand, seemed completely nonchalant, but I did noticed him looking surreptitiously out of the corner of his eye nonetheless. It's funny how that excited me. I crossed and uncrossed my legs a few times which was just enough to push the dress that fraction of an inch higher necessary to reveal all. Without looking, I could tell that my cute little shaved pussy was peeking just below the hem of my skirt. I felt Aaron press himself a little harder against me. My heart started to beat as hard as Bryan's. I hoped my increasingly erect nipples straining against the thin silk of my camisole weren't as conspicuous as I feared.

The club was as good as Pattie and Troy had promised. The band was energetic, the crowd young and lively, and the atmosphere dark and tinged with the erotic. I was a little surprised, shocked really, when Pattie asked later in the evening if I wanted a little Ecstasy in my drink. I just shook my head no. But when she gave me that "oh, aren't we just the good girl" look and told me that she and Troy took it all the time and that they loved it, I thought, what the heck, why not. A couple of girlfriends I knew in high school had tried it and they all said it was a lot of fun. I had heard that Ecstasy put you in a good mood and made you feel mildly erotic, so I thought that might be just the thing to help me be a little more the girl Bryan wanted tonight. I turned to Pattie and said that I had changed my mind. She just smiled at me and said, "Good thing, darling, 'cause your first drink was loaded with it!" and just burst out laughing.

Bryan and I danced a bit, but I could tell that what he really wanted this night, the thing that got him most excited, was when I danced with Troy or Aaron. And maybe because of the Ecstasy, I don't know, or maybe the drinks, or maybe just the whole mood of the evening, that's what I wanted to do, too. In fact, I wanted to dance with as many guys as I could. I wanted guys to look at me. I wanted to get them excited! I was glad I had decided to dress so spectacularly sexy. I felt so seductive, so carnal, and really for the very first time in my life, just so totally uninhibited. Thanks to a combination of things, Bryan was going to have his sl*t wife tonight! Or at least that's what I honestly hoped to be.

Pattie turned out to be surprisingly helpful, dancing with Bryan a lot, which was unusual, since she normally will just get him excited after a dance or two and then ignore him the rest of the evening. She actually encouraged both Troy and Aaron to dance with me. That seemed strange to me, but Bryan was so obviously enjoying it, I gladly went along.

Aaron was by far the best dancer I had been with in a long, long time, something I really, really appreciate. I love to dance, and it might sound conceited, but I know I'm good. I also know how hard it is to find a partner who can bring the good dancer out in you. Aaron could do that, especially that night.

For me dancing is extremely erotic, in some ways as good as sex. I think the way we were dancing must have enhanced all the other erotic stimulants surging through my body, and during one of the few slow dances we danced, I guess I made that pretty evident to him. I didn't move his hand when he placed it lightly on my breast, and when I felt his growing erection moving against my thigh, I just completely melted into him, pushing my swelling breasts against his chest and just grinding my hips into his like some common wh*r*. I wanted him to kiss me. Desperately so. Dancing, drinks, and Ecstasy had brought me to near abandon. Toward the end of the dance, he put both hands under my skirt, obviously exposing me to the entire dance floor. I wanted to be exposed. I think I would have let him undress me if he wanted. Well, at least I would have something erotic to tell Bryan, I rationalized, as we walked back to our table.

We left the club about 2:00 A.M., and to Bryan's total shock and joy, Troy offered to let him drive the Lexus. What a great present for Bryan! I was a little surprised when Pattie got in the front seat with him, but I was frankly tipsy and excited enough not to worry overly about it. Besides, I frankly didn't think it would be all that bad to be sitting beside Troy and Aaron...Aaron, especially. I would make it all part of the fantasy that I would tell Bryan about in bed that night.

We all squeezed into the back seat again, but this time, I knelt on the floor and leaned over the front seat. I was bit drunk, true, and had convinced myself that it would be just a little too erotic to find myself squeezed between Troy and Aaron (whom I was getting to like too much, I knew). But in truth, I had this overwhelming urge to be looked at. So instead, I leaned over the front seat and innocently showed my cute little ass to Aaron and Troy in the back seat and my boobs to Bryan in the rear view mirror. I was being such a provocative little cock tease, I know. But that's all I really intended to be— a tease! I just wanted to be arousing enough make Bryan's birthday fantasy believable. That's what I told myself, anyway. And anyway, what could happen in this tiny backseat.

So you can imagine how shocked I was suddenly to feel a hand stroking the inside of my thigh. I saw Bryan looking at me in the rearview mirror, but he was looking at what I wanted him too, my boobs hanging half out of the tiny camisole. I saw Pattie look, too, but I frankly didn't care at the moment. I had to quickly decide about the hand. I realized from the position of the guys in the car that the hand fondling the inside of my thigh had to be Aaron's. Obviously, I should immediately have reached back and quietly removed his hand, but then again, I thought in the haze of too many drinks and the erotic intoxication of Ecstasy, that this is what Bryan always asks me to do. He says he wants a stranger to touch me, and Aaron is a stranger. So why not? Tonight, I would just let it be.

Sensing no resistance, Aaron's hand continued to explore the inner flesh of my thigh. He moved his hand to the back of my leg, slithering tentatively higher and higher, until he found my bare butt and slowly but steadily began tugging my skirt up. And still, I didn't resist. The exhibitionist in me wanted both of them to see my body. Exhilaration surged through my body when Aaron finally slipped my skirt up over my hips.

With my skirt now bunched at my waist, he deftly moved his hand again to the inside of my thigh and gently began to nudge my legs open. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but if it didn't go much further than this, I reasoned, (and I didn't think it would, not in the car with Troy right there beside us), Bryan would be very excited about it later that night. So I gave into to the pressure of his hand and parted my legs slightly for him.

It appeared, however, that my idea about what might and might not happen was proving to be completely wrong. I knew Aaron wouldn't be surprised to find me pantiless and shaved. After all, I had given him quite a show on the way to the club earlier in the evening and he had actually felt my bare butt on the dance floor. But I imagine he was surprised to discover my legs opening so easily. So was I. I realized that if his hand moved just a fraction of an inch higher, he would also discover a rather wet pussy, shaved smooth as polished silk. He found that an instant later. Again, I didn't protest. The second I felt his hand cup my pussy, I knew I really did have to make a decision. What would Bryan like to have happen and what, on the other hand, would put him in a jealous fit. From our many, many very erotic bedroom conversations, I knew he would get turned on by a stranger touching me—as I said, I had promised to do it so many times and never, ever had the courage to follow through—so I thought that maybe this would be the time. Tonight, given the mood I was in, I thought I could give him at least that part of his fantasy. After all, it was his birthday. And Aaron was a stranger. And I did feel brave. I decided, I would let his hand stay where it was. Just for a second or two, though! I had convinced myself that I was doing this all of Bryan.

Again sensing no opposition on my part, Aaron's hands began roaming freely over my ass and up and down the insides of my legs. My skirt remained bunched up over my hips, exposing my pert little bottom to him and Troy both. Turning my head slightly, I saw Troy grinning at Pattie. I realized that she could see my skirt up over my hips, too. I hoped she couldn't see what her high school friend was doing to me. I was probably too far gone for it to matter, though.

"How's everything going back there," Bryan grinned, obviously thrilled to be behind the wheel of that over-powered luxury car of his dreams. I could tell he was kind of high and a little turned on by the car…and in no little part by having Pattie in the front seat with her skirt hiked up high on her thighs and enough of her boob peaking out from her dress to make driving dangerous. I wondered if she was wearing panties. Everyone in the car except Bryan could see I wasn't!

Aaron, growing less cautious, began to part my labia and delicately to stroke my clit. I had never been touched quite like that. Shivers ran up and down my spine. My body was on fire. Aaron definitely knew how to please a woman! I really thought I might pass out from the base emotions engulfing me.

"Everybody having fun?" Bryan laughed

"Oh, I think we all are," Pattie laughed back. "Aren't we, Candy?"

"Oh, gobs," I said, getting a little worried now as Aaron's finger began to slip in and out of my embarrassingly wet pussy.

"Candy's probably having more fun than all of us," Pattie said, looking back at me to watch Aaron's finger sliding so easily in and out of me. Leaning provocatively over toward my husband and letting her boobs brush against his shoulders, she added with a giggle, "cause she's had the most to drink." And I heard Pattie and Troy just burst out laughing. "Are you having fun, too, Aaron?" she asked.

Aaron didn't answer. He was obviously intent on something else! I opened my legs a little wider for him.

I sensed him shift his weight slightly towards the center of the seat. A second later, he began to gently pull me over to the left, as if he were lining me up. I realized he must be directly below me now, and wanted me to sit on his lap. He was beginning to pull me harder and harder down toward him. It was going to be difficult to resist for long without making a spectacle of myself.

In my excited haze, I decided what could it hurt. Bryan would get all turned on when I told him I sat on the guy's lap, particularly since he knew I had no panties on. We'd have great sex out of it. So I gave in and slowly let him pull me back onto his lap.

You can imagine how I felt when I realized he was lowering me not onto his lap, but directly onto his very, very hard cock! I just froze. I tried to hold back. My God, I couldn't let him fuck me with Bryan inches away! The head of his dick was actually brushing against my labia before I managed the strength to stop. Unfortunately, with my skirt pushed up above my hips now, which I certainly couldn't let Bryan see, I was in a terrible dilemma. I couldn't rise up and get away from Aaron for fear Bryan would see my state of undress, and I most certainly couldn't push down. And then fate decided the matter once and for all.

Driving a little too fast, Bryan hit a big dip in the road. The car took a tremendous bounce, lifting my bare ass in the air and dropping me straight down right onto Aaron's perfectly positioned cock! In an instant, I was sitting squarely on his lap with my eyes and mouth wide open in total amazement...and with Aaron's iron hard, ridged rod driven deep, deep inside me. In an instant I had been penetrated far, far deeper than Bryan's cock had or could ever manage! I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my lips.

I remember it all so vividly. I see it in slow motion in my memory now, even though it happened in less than half a second, I suppose. I can still feel Aaron's beautiful cock slipping in so easily to the depth that Bryan normally goes, and then, a tiny hesitation, and oh my god, the incredible experience of my pussy being opened deeper and deeper and deeper than it had ever been! By the time my ass had slammed down into his lap, I felt I had been impaled on a telephone pole. I dropped my head on the back of the front seat and bit my lip to keep from screaming out. I had never experienced anything like Aaron's gigantic rod completely stuffed up inside of me, never knew there was anything like that to experience. And what was worse, I was starting to climax!

"Anything wrong, Honey?" Bryan asked from the from the front seat.

"No, I'm just feeling a little dizzy...from the drinks, I guess," I mumbled or moaned, I don't know which.

"Yeah, those drinks can get way deep inside you, can't they, Candy," Pattie said, grinning her stupid head off and putting her hand on Bryan's thigh. I turned my head to glare at her, but at that moment, Aaron slipped his hand under my ass, lifted and adjusted me slightly, and dropped me back down on his engorged cock It was just enough to put me over the edge. His beautiful tool was exploring regions of my vagina that no other man had ever discovered. I felt almost like a virgin as Aaron's rod parted layer after layer of unused pussy. I started to cum so hard. I couldn't completely stifle a moan. Thank God for the CD player and for Metallica being a loud band.

"Are we coming to our house soon?" Pattie said to Bryan, grinning and emphasizing "coming." Both she and Troy laughed so hard at that. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to want Aaron to stop, but what I desperately wanted was for him to fuck me even harder. I realized quickly that Pattie could see Aaron fucking me, and had, I came to believe, probably encouraged it. I just hoped above all that Bryan would never know that inches behind his back, his wife was having her c*nt filled with the most magnificent erection she had ever felt.

Somehow, in my lecherous, drug induced frenzy, I had let Aaron pull the straps of my camisole down my shoulders and to twist my swollen tits free. He was using them now as handles to guide me up and down on his magnificent fuck tool. I was too far gone to care that Troy had joined in, rubbing the inside of my thigh and pulling my legs apart so Pattie could get a better view from the front seat. I didn't feel any anxiety at all now, though God knows I should have. This was just the most incredible experience of my life. Each bump in the road would force Aaron deeper into me and drive me absolutely crazy.

"You're not getting sick, are you Honey?" Bryan asked.

"Oh, she's pretty sick, all right," Troy laughed

"Way, way sick," Pattie added. "Drive faster," she said to Bryan. "I love to watch what happens when the car hits those dips in the road," she intoned breathlessly.

It was sick, I know, but by then I was so into Aaron's fabulous cock revisiting areas of my vagina that no man other than he had ever been that I couldn't even reply. I, too, wished that Bryan would find every single dip in the road!

"Do you want me to pull over a sec," Bryan said, turning the CD down and slowing a little bit.

I had to do something then. Oh my God. I had to snap out of this sex induced delirium. I quickly tugged the top of my camisole back up, though I mysteriously let the straps hang down my shoulders, and pulled myself back up straight. Only my nipples kept the top from falling back down to my waist.

"No, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry. Everything is fine," I said smiling. But I couldn't stop rocking back and forth on Aaron's beautiful love rod. "Just a little high from the drinks." And at that very moment I felt Aaron's engorged cock begin to pulse and throb and suddenly begin to flood my pussy with what seemed like endless gallons of hot, burning cum.

Each forceful burst deep in my very, very receptive c*nt drove me to paroxysms of pleasure. I had to lower my head again to muffle the most extraordinary climax I have ever experienced. Like miles away I seemed to hear Pattie saying "Oh, yes, everything is fine, really fine! Just keep driving," and just laughing and laughing.

When Aaron pulled out of me, I started to sit up before I realized that he had again managed to pull my camisole all the way down to my waist. He was plunging two fingers deep into my vagina and spooning his cum out of my sopping pussy. Pushing my head below the seat, he began to feed it to me. I licked it up greedily. I felt like such a wh*r*. I had to pretend to Bryan that I was lowering my head to keep from being sick. The sensation of swallowing Aaron's delicious cum was nearly as wonderful as the extraordinary climax I had not yet completely recovered from.

Suddenly, I realized that Aaron was lifting and moving me over toward Troy. I had a definite feeling that Troy was going to fuck me now too. All I could think was,

"Please, God, don't let Bryan see this." I needn't have worried. Pattie had him completely mesmerized. He couldn't take his eyes off of Pattie, with her skirt now pushed clear to the top of her thighs and her boobs now more than half out of her dress as she squirmed around on the seat beside him. She was obviously very excited herself. I wondered if Pattie wanted Troy to fuck me. And if so, why.

I knew that what was about to happen was so wrong. How could Troy be thinking of doing his friend's wife, especially with him right there in front of him completely unaware? I could blame the drugs, I guess, but in truth, I can't really offer any excuse for myself except that the memory of Aaron's fabulous rod so deep inside me just made me so completely receptive that I couldn't resist at all. When Troy lowered me onto his waiting cock, I offered no resistance, none at all. I quietly began to moan.

Oh my god! Troy's dick forcing its way into my c*nt seemed even fatter than Aaron's and every bit as long. Were the two of them normal? Was Bryan's cock just small? With Troy grunting as his dick strained to stretch the walls of my vagina to accommodate his fat cock, I thought Bryan must surely know what was being done to his wife. But Pattie had managed to capture Bryan's total attention now, and when she turned the CD to full volume, Troy just went wild on me.

I tried to control him at first. I couldn't believe Bryan wouldn't see or hear Troy hammering my pussy. But eventually I just gave in. I lowered my head and raised my ass, spread my legs completely open for him, and eagerly accepted Troy's fat pile driver plunging again and again into my willing c*nt. He pulled my legs back on the seat and proceeded to fill my quivering fuck hole with his luscious meat. In wild abandon, I met his every thrust. Seconds later, Bryan's good friend had swamped his wife's pussy with another enormous load of cum. And Bryan's wife found herself in the throes of another incredible climax.

I don't know how I got myself back together before we pulled into Pattie and Troy's garage. I know I had to pretend to Bryan to be sick so we could go right home. He didn't get the birthday present he wanted, of course. I surely couldn't let him make love to a pussy filled with Aaron's and his best friend's cum! I promised to make it up to him the next day, and turned over and fell asleep with visions of the two magnificent tools that had plowed Bryan's fertile field.
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:00 AM
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Default part 2

After a shower the next morning, I tried to make it up to Bryan. I told him that I had sat on Aaron's lap and that I had let him go so far as to feel my tits and ass—through my clothes, of course, not bare. It was enough. Bryan got very aroused and fucked me as well as he could with his equipment, I guess. It was hard not to fantasize about Aaron and Troy plundering my pussy, but Bryan was happy, and though I was a tiny bit hung over, the memory of last night made me happy, too.

Pattie and Troy had invited us, along with a number of others, some from Troy's work and others from the neighborhood, to an afternoon barbecue and swim party the next day. Bryan was still quite turned on by our morning love making and my "sl*t" story. He told me he hoped I'd try to be a little sl*tty this afternoon, too. He wanted me to wear this skimpy string bikini I bought but didn't wear on vacation last year. There was a good reason for that. The whole thing was about the size of a postage stamp! The thong bottom covered about an inch of my pussy and absolutely none of my ass. The bra covered my nipples, but barely. And I do mean barely! I honestly thought that would be way too much for the neighborhood, but feeling guilty about last night, I did want to please my husband. After he agreed to let me wear a sarong over it, I agreed. I promised to spend a lot of time jumping in and out of the pool. That seemed to satisfy him.

We walked over to Pattie and Troy's around 4:00. Troy greeted us at the door, pointed Bryan to the bar, and pulled me aside.

"I just want to thank you for last night and tell you what a really great piece you are, Candy," he said quite sincerely, I thought.

Sincere or not, I was really shocked that he would be so blatant. I didn't know what to say, so I just mumbled "Thank you," and began turning red.

"Your pussy is so tight I was beginning to wonder if Bryan actually used it" he laughed. "You sure know how to use it, though," he added, smirking. "I loved the way you opened up for me."

All I could do was stammer something that I don't even remember. Something stupid like "Oh, I'm glad." I was totally, totally unnerved, and turning redder and redder.

"Pattie said you'd probably be pretty easy," he added, "but I gotta admit I was surprised at just how easy! I'll want a return visit real soon," he grinned, putting his hand on my ass and rubbing it.

I was just mortified. I was so shocked I hardly knew what to say. Turning beet red, I could think of nothing to say but another utterly vapid remark, like "Oh, okay." But I certainly had no intention of letting anything like last night happen agan. I couldn't understand what had happened to me. But still, the awful, awful thing was that, way deep inside, I was truly happy that I had pleased him! I hoped that Aaron would feel the same way Troy did. God, what is wrong with me!

Bryan was already at the bar having a vodka tonic when I came out onto what Pattie calls the "cabana." A lot of people were there already, most of whom I didn't know. We're still pretty new in the neighborhood and I assumed that many of the folks there were friends from Troy's work. A lot of "strangers," I thought.

Bryan must have been thinking the same thing, because almost immediately he was encouraging me to take the sarong off. I wasn't quite ready for that, but I did loosen it enough to show a lot of thigh and an ample portion of boob.

Bryan was on his second drink when Pattie came over and asked me if I had seen Aaron. I said I hadn't, feeling my heart starting to beat furiously in my chest and my skin beginning to flush.

"Your wife looks really hot, doesn't she, Bryan," Pattie smiled, intentionally emphasizing the ambiguity of "hot."

"She's way hot," Bryan went along. I could see that he was pleased.

"Oh, Candy, there's Aaron over by the pool. Why don't you and Bryan go for a swim?" Pattie suggested. "I'll fix one of those 'special' drinks you like when you come back," she said, winking at me.

"I'm going to stay here and drink for a while," Bryan said. "You go ahead, Babe."

I knew what he was saying to me. He wanted me to take off the sarong. I was also pretty sure he wanted me to show a little something to Aaron, the object of this morning's sex fantasy. I wasn't sure this was a good idea, I mean, I still had some shred of modesty, but I decided to oblige him anyway. I'd just swim over, let Aaron and his friends have a quick look, and swim back. I hoped that would satisfy Bryan.

Walking to the edge of the pool, I slowly unwound the sarong, turned and nervously threw it to Bryan. I could see he was pleased. Judging from the looks I got, I guess other guys were pleased, too. I liked that I looked pretty good, but I felt totally naked. The bikini really left almost nothing to the imagination. But I couldn't completely lie to myself. I knew that I also loved the reaction I was getting. I was really going to have to try to fight the sl*t I was becoming.

Diving into the pool, I felt my top pull completely away. I'd never been in the water in this bikini before, but flimsy as it was, I wasn't too surprised. I pulled it together, knowing it wouldn't stay that way long, and swam over to where Aaron was sitting with two other guys, one of whom was a very tall, athletic looking black man.

I looked back to see if Bryan was looking(he was)and asked one of the guys there to help me out of the pool. I suppose I was disappointed that it wasn't Aaron who volunteered, if I'm to be honest, especially since it was the black guy who lifted me out, and he got treated to the large handful of the wet, bare tit that could have been Aaron's. His hand looked so black on my white breast. Still, I knew Bryan would be in very aroused if he saw that, and that was what I wanted, after all.

I covered up, but not very quickly, thanked the black guy, and said "Hi, good to see you again" to Aaron. I liked that he was getting a good look at the body he had so completely violated last night. I watched the wet skimpy top slip to the edge and just slightly beyond my hardening nipples...and did nothing to fix it. I desperately wanted him to see and appreciate what he had last night.

I loved the attention I was getting from the other guys around the pool, especially since I could justify it by saying I was doing it all for Bryan. I hoped he saw the black guy put his hand way up my thigh and leave it there momentarily or the one who stroked my thong-clad ass as I was getting up to leave them.

"You happy, honey?" I said to Bryan when I strolled back to the bar where, with Pattie's encouragement, he was drinking his third or fourth vodka. He just gave me this big, huge grin. I guess he was.

Pattie handed me the special drink she had made for me, a vodka and cranberry with the unmistakable aftertaste of Ecstasy. I knew I shouldn't do this, but this time I was prepared for its effects and I was certain I could control myself. And I have to admit, I just loved the feeling I got from it, and I was going to make sure that Bryan got all the benefit of it later in bed. I owed him that, at least. I drank the vodka down quickly and made no objection when Pattie took my glass and with a knowing smirk went to refill it.

I kissed Bryan sexily and asked for my sarong. He said, no, he liked what he was looking at. I could tell from his speech that he was getting rather drunk and I suspected that Pattie was encouraging it. I didn't know why, but, frankly, I didn't interfere. I was getting a little high myself, and it wasn't entirely from the booze! I loved the way guys were looking at me, and I left the sarong off. I was going to give Bryan everything he wanted tonight.

Pattie continued to feed Bryan drinks the rest of the evening. She kept my

"special" drink filled, too. She flirted with him outrageously, and I played along, pretending to be jealous. Bryan loved it, especially since I had agreed to stay in the bikini. I was getting a ton of attention. Even some of the women commented on what a hot body I was. I'm sure Bryan felt like a stud. That is until he started to get sick. I was suddenly just so mad at somebody. This meant I had to go home, and it was way too early, barely past 10:00.

I managed to get him home and into bed where he promptly passed out. I was so disappointed I thought I would cry. About a half hour later the phone rang. It was Troy checking up on his "friend" Bryan. When I told him that he was asleep, he encouraged me to come on back to the party. They were just starting to dance and needed partners. I knew that would be just so wrong, and sadly declined. Ten minutes later the door bell rang. It was Aaron. I nearly fainted.

Without a word, he walked over to me and began to kiss me, working his silken tongue clear to the back of my throat. He unwrapped the sarong and with one quick pull, he literally tore the flimsy bikini top from my body and began to caress my breasts.

"Aaron, no! Please don't do this," I moaned between breaths. "This isn't right. I should have stopped you last night."

"I'm going to fuck you now, Candy," Aaron stated simply but powerfully. He had either heard nothing I said or was paying it no attention. "And then I'm taking you back to the party. But first, I'm going to fuck you."

I could hardly breath, my heart was beating so fast. "Right here?" I managed to whisper.

"Yes, right here. The idea of fucking you with your husband in the next room turns me on. Much like last night."

I tried to object, but ended up saying nothing at all. I couldn't. The Ecstasy had done its work again. My heart was pounding. My eyes glistened. I could hardly breathe. I whimpered "no, no, no," but offered no resistance when he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen table, where he sat me down and effortlessly pulled my bikini bottom off.

I nearly died when he knelt down, spread my legs, and began to kiss my pussy and probe my clit with his tongue. No one had ever done the things he did to me there that night on my kitchen table. He sucked my clitoris into his mouth and very gently, very delicately placed it between his teeth, biting down ever so slightly. The sensation was simply overwhelming. I was thrashing around and moaning like a mad wh*r*. His tongue meticulously explored the inside of my c*nt and I couldn't help but push my vulva harder into his exquisite face.

When he stood up and removed his pants, I saw really for the first time the superb instrument that had so thrilled and filled me the night before. I could do little but gasp. Still, I had the sense to try to stop him again. I tried to squirm away, but he caught me by the legs and pulled me back towards him. I suddenly panicked. Bill was in the next room and I could not let this happen. But he was too strong. I looked down again at his cock. It was so long and so hard, so very obviously manly. And oh my God, so obviously ready to penetrate and so certain to please.

He whispered in my ear how much he appreciated the clean smoothness of my soon-to-be-his pussy. While he prepared me to be fucked, opening my legs completely and adjusting the position of my ass, I made one last effort to get away, but all I ended up doing was wriggling myself right onto his cock. Feeling his powerful pleasure tool edging into my vagina and his massive cock head parting my labia, I completely surrendered. I found myself suddenly brought literally to tears of gratitude. I began to weep and moan "Oh, thank you, Aaron, thank you, thank you," as each exquisite inch of his delicious rod slipped deeper into my loosening womb. "God, how I want you," I moaned like wh*r* I knew I would be for him.

Suddenly, however, we both heard the bedroom door open and Bryan stumble into the bathroom. Aaron looked quizzically at me, arching his eyebrow as if to ask

"Well?" I hoped the light was dim enough so that Bryan wouldn't see when he came back out, but it really didn't matter now. I was too deep into Aaron's entrancing use of my body. I simply shook my head and whispered "Don't stop!"

It was obviously the answer he wanted. He began to drive his bulging cock harder and harder and deeper and deeper into my body. The climax I could sense coming would be unimaginably, I knew. Somewhere in the midst of this incredible climax, in between Aaron's grunts and my own low moans, I know I heard Bryan pause and stumble back into the bedroom. Aaron didn't hesitate a second. He continued his invasion of my aching c*nt. I don't know if Bryan saw or sensed what was happening to his wife. It wouldn't have mattered. There's no way I could have interrupted that ferociously enticing assault on my perfectly prepared pussy.

When I came down slightly from my climax, Aaron slowed his rhythm and asked me if I had ever been "fucked in the ass."

"No," I answered sort of questioningly.

Aaron smiled and said, "Good. A virgin ass."

He pulled out of me and repositioned my ass to receive his glistening love rod. For some reason, frightened though I was at what was about to happen, I was deeply impressed that he didn't ask if it was okay to fuck me anally. Not that I would have refused, but I liked his confidence, liked that he would do whatever he pleased to me and never ask. We both knew that, in truth, I was his b*tch now, not Bryan's. Sadly, I would gratefully do for him what I could never do for Bryan.

Aaron's first rending of my ass was more difficult than I had thought. He had to struggle to penetrate me at first, (promising that when he had me fully opened he'd make sure that someone kept me that way for when he came back to visit!) His first full thrust also hurt much more than I had anticipated. Even biting my lip, I couldn't help but cry out in pain. Aaron laughed and paid no attention. He was so manly and so in control. I was his fuck meat, little more than that. And it thrilled me so that I was absolutely delirious!

He repositioned my ass, and simply drove harder and deeper. He knew it didn't really matter if it hurt. I certainly wasn't going to say no to him about anything, and he would have paid no attention if I had. He was fucking me for his pleasure, not mine. Ironically, that gave me intense gratification.

"I'm going to finish up in your mouth, Babe," he grunted between piercing stabs deep into my ass. "I don't want cum dripping out your ass while we're partying," he laughed.

Sadly, I was just beginning to enjoy the sensation of Aaron's cock tearing into my ass when he abruptly pulled out, ordering me to open my mouth.

I wanted so much to please him that I encouraged him to do anything he wanted, and I ended up with him trying to force his way down my throat. I gagged and nearly threw up, embarrassing myself totally. I managed to recover just in time to receive Aaron's first gush of warm cum spurting into my open mouth. My mouth filled so quickly I couldn't swallow quickly enough to keep the last of his ejaculation from spraying over my face. He made sure no cum was left unswallowed.

Finished with me, he told me to go find something sexy to wear, something that would show everybody what "I got" while we danced. "We'll go show these rubes some stuff, huh, Babe."

"Okay," I excitedly answered, hardly thinking at all of the consequences. "Let me go change." Right then, I belonged to him. I was his b*tch. Totally!

"Something sexy now, way sexy! I'm going to want to fuck you again tonight and I want to watch Troy fuck you, too."

I wasn't sure if he was serious about Troy, but deep down I knew that if he wanted that, he would get it. If so, I hoped both would finish in my mouth. I was already worried about being pregnant from the night before.

What I really responded to at that moment, though, was Aaron's offer to dance with me. I remembered how exciting that had been…and what it had led to. More so than I ever had with Bryan, I wanted to be so sexy for Aaron when we walked back in to the party and even more so when we danced. I was Aaron's girl tonight and I desperately wanted him to be proud of me. He deserved the best and I would show them all what a fine body Aaron had d****d around him.

I knew just the dress I wanted. It was a sheer little backless V-neck that Bryan had bought me from Frederick's last year. I had never worn it for him. It was just too outrageously sexy. The halter top leaves the sides of my breasts dramatically exposed and the short little full skirt comes literally just barely to the bottom of my ass. I would wear for Aaron!

I went back into the bedroom and quietly rummaged around until I found it. I felt like such a wh*r* standing there in the bedroom with the taste of Aaron's cum still in my mouth. But I also had the memory of Aaron's enchanting cock filling me with unbearable pleasure. I found the dress and the shoes I wanted and went into the bathroom to change. No panties, of course. I was sure Aaron wouldn't want that! The shoes I picked out were very similar to the ones I had worn the evening before at the club, except the heel was a little higher. Looking in the mirror, I was very pleased. The very short full skirt would present no impediment to his hands. The little dress covered virtually nothing. I was positive this is pretty much what Aaron had in mind by "sexy." I knew I was right when, walking back to the front room, I reached up on tip toes to kiss him. He crushed me to him, his hands all over my body. I can't describe the bolt of passion that surged through me.

He stepped back, turned me around, nodding in approval. I nearly fainted in delight. He smiled and asked me how to get me out of the dress quickly.

"It's easy," I laughed, "Just untie the halter top."

A instant latter, the little sundress lay puddled around my feet and I was in his arms again, this time pushing my tongue into his mouth.

"Let's go," he said, pulling me towards the front door.

"You want me to go naked?" I giggled, slightly resisting.

"That's right, Baby. I want to show off that gorgeous body when we dance."

I reached down and grabbed the dress, but I let him lead me out the door and on to the porch completely nude. In fact, we were half way up Pattie and Troy's driveway before I could laughingly convince him to stop and let me slip the dress on. I loved walking nude with him, I really did. It was exciting and dangerous, and I loved the way he didn't even care. When a car drove by and honked, all he did was cup one of my tits and wave at the driver!

At the door, I did ask him to please retie the halter, but he tied it so loose that the top hardly covered my tits at all. He ordered me not to retie it. God, he was masterful! He walked me back into the party with the back of my dress hiked up and his hand all over my naked ass.

The party was in full swing. Everybody was happy I was back. Aaron led me out on to the patio dance floor where we were going to "show the rubes." I don't think I have never danced better. The crowd shouted encouragement, maybe because when Aaron twirled me my skirt left nothing at all to the imagination, or maybe, I preferred to believe, because we danced so well together. When we finally sat down to rest, most of the women were looking daggers at me, but their husbands' eyes were saying something else!

We had a few more drinks, and got lots of compliments (from the guys) about our dancing. We both were feeling very excited, me remarkably so. I couldn't wait to get out on the patio to dance again. Finally, Aaron grabbed my hand and led me out to dance, but this time he whispered in my ear that he wanted me to take the dress off while I danced. I can hardly believe this, but I did it!

I turned around and asked Aaron to untie me, and then I very slowly danced my way out of it. When the skirt cleared my hips and I kicked it away, I really went wild, dancing like a mad woman. I never saw the dress again.

The next thing I knew I had, I think, four guys dancing with me. None of them touched me, though, which I thought was strange, but I could hear them all talking about my body, especially my tits and my shaved pussy. Somewhat later (I don't know how long), somebody (I don't know who) walked me back to the cabana area, sat me on a bar stool, and started feeding me drinks. Truthfully, I don't remember much of that and hardly any of what happened afterwards. It's all just a bunch of hazy, unconnected images.

I remember feeling a pair of very large hands encircle my tiny waist, lift me off the chair, and push my head down towards the bar. Looking down I saw an enormous black cock just beginning to disappear into my tight, white pussy. I remember hearing a guy say, "Look, Clay's fucking her" and dimly recollect hearing a neighborhood woman I saw standing next to Pattie say, "Surely, he's not going to put that whole thing in her!" and Pattie reply, "That wh*r*? Of course he is!" And I guess he did just that, lifting me off of the ground with each hard stroke. I recall hearing people in the crowd urging

"Clay" to fuck me. I have this vague image of being dragged to a lounge chair and being

"partied" by a number of guys.

Somewhere in the middle of this I vaguely recall Pattie coming up with an big spoon in her hand and having one of the guys scrap cum out of my c*nt and feed it to me, and then being flipped over and dragged tits down over to the garden hose and cleaned inside and out.

That was most of what I can remember. Troy says that a few guys who came late to the party fucked me after that. I'll take his word for it. The one dominate memory I have is wondering when Aaron would do me. Troy said he used my mouth. I don't even remember. That hurts so much.

The last thing I recollect is being walked home by two black guys that apparently nobody knew. One bent me over the porch railing (with the porch light on!) and fucked me viciously alternating strokes between my ass and c*nt. When he finished with me, the other took me into the foyer, which also had the lights on, and had me kneel down in front of him with the door wide open while he fucked me in the mouth.

Thank God, I had the sense not to go straight to bed, but stumbled into the bathroom. What a shock. I had cum on my hair and on my face, and cum mixed with blood running down my thigh. My tits were all scratched up, I guess from being dragged across the patio, and I had bruises everywhere. I managed to take a shower and put on a long, ugly cotton nightgown and slip quietly into bed.

I don't think Bryan ever knew anything, though he told me he had a weird dream about me fucking a guy in the hall. I slept in that awful nightgown for nearly two weeks, pretending to be not feeling well. Bill was all excited when I missed my period and thought that's probably why I had been "sick" those weeks. I was terrified, as you can imagine. I had no idea whatsoever who the father might be, and knew that we could easily be surprised by a very black baby. Luckily, I miscarried three and a half months later. I never saw Aaron again.

There's a a part three to this story, but I'm tired now, and besides, Travis is coming to fuck me any minute now.

Storie by wendyw
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Old 01-30-2009, 06:23 AM
sailor99 sailor99 is offline
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Default Aaron's Rod

Love the story and can't wait to read part 3.
It sounds as though Pattie has nothing but contempt for Candy and will go out of her way to publicly degrade and
humiliate Candy.

Candy has already sensed this from the beginning but has stupidly let Pattie embarrass and publicly disgrace her.
I guess Candy is somewhat an exhibitionist with masochistic tendancies.

Imagine Candy bare-assed naked turned face down being dragged nipples down over the rough concrete of a patio.
Sounds like Patties idea, she must also delight in physically damaging Candy's great body and causing her distress knowing Candy now doesn't dare let her husband see her raw scratched up breasts.

Pattie's mean and won't stop until Candy has the looks and reputation of a burned out haggard old wh*r*.

Even her husband will be ashamed of her.

Candy in the end will no longer rival Pattie in looks or reputation, Much to Pattie's satisfaction.
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:12 PM
rickjones185 rickjones185 is offline
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Smile Great story.

I loved the story. I hope there are more chapters. Thank you for sharing it with me. Do you post any work any where else?
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:16 PM
hereyago hereyago is offline
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Originally Posted by rickjones185 View Post
I loved the story. I hope there are more chapters. Thank you for sharing it with me. Do you post any work any where else?
It's not my work. I'm just passing it on. It was written by wendyw if you want to do a search. As far as i know that's the end.
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:50 AM
hereyago hereyago is offline
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Default A Night to Remember

Story by the same person

My therapist says that if I explain a little about myself before I start this, then maybe I'll start to understand how all of this happened to me. It's a kinda long story, so I hope you'll bear with me. I'll be as quick as I can.

First, you need to know a little bit about me. In grammar school, I had the misfortune to have exceptionally large boobs. By the sixth grade I was already spilling completely out of a B cup and was otherwise skinny as a scarecrow. Only a girl who has experienced this knows just how awful that is. I have always been real pretty with naturally blonde hair, but all that anyone ever noticed were these enormous breasts on this skinny child. I was teased and grabbed at constantly, and of course everyone told terrible lies about me. The girls said I was easy, and all the high school guys bragged about how many times they did me and stuff like that. Believe me, nobody had ever even gotten to second base with me! Maybe because of the way I looked, I was scared to death of sex, which makes what happened later really strange.

By high school, I was wearing a D cup, but the rest of my body had at last caught up with my boobs. I finally had hips and a shapely little derriere (my best asset, I still think), which was greatly accentuated by my fortunately very tiny waist. My legs stayed long and slender. Guys called me "Barbie Doll." I guess I was popular in high school, but because of all that ugliness from the past I was still kind of shy, too, and thanks to my mother, so terribly afraid of getting pregnant that I got the reputation of being frigid, which I certainly was not. I dreamed about it all the time and fantasized about lots of guys, especially some of my teachers. I wasn't sexually active, however. So even though I was popular, I didn't really have a lot of dates, though guys would flirt with me and stuff.

There was this one guy, Bill, who my mother thought would be perfect for me, though he was a little older. He worked with her at the video store, and she'd just go on and on about how sweet he was and how handsome and polite and everything. He was all that, true, but he really wasn't my type in looks or personality. I suppose the thing that ended up actually attracting me to him was that he didn't press me to have sex. In fact, while we were dating, we hardly even made out much, not seriously anyway. I mean he would kiss me and feel my breasts through my blouse, and I could feel him get hard and everything, but he had a lot of self control. That's a good thing, because, even though he wasn't really my type, I really, really wanted it.and that just scared me to death. I thought for sure I was just this awful wh*r*. (The therapist I've been seeing says that, at the time, I had a very high, but completely repressed sex drive. The therapist is the one who suggested I write this story, by the way.)

I married Bill right after graduation. I don't know why, really. At twenty-four, he was six years older than me and like I said not really the kind of guy I'm usually attracted to. Bill had a slender, almost effeminate build, and I've always been most attractive to more manly guys, and he was definitely not the assertive type. Most of his friends were either gay or real "sensitive" guys. He's not gay, I'm pretty sure, but he doesn't like the things other guys do, like sports and stuff, and he is pretty timid, especially around older men. I was always telling him that he should be more assertive, especially at work. He'd agree with me, but never was. It's just wasn't in his nature, I guess.

The other thing that's so strange is that he didn't have the personality that I'm really most attracted to, either. I really, really like strong, dominate men, the kind that Bill was so shy around. I remember when I was in the sixth grade and was visiting my dad at his office. We were going to go have lunch together that day and I had gone up to meet him. When he introduced me to his boss, I could see how nervous my dad was around him. I'll never forget what happened next. Just as we were getting ready to leave, his boss, Mr. Archer, told my dad to go get him and his secretary a cup of coffee before he left. I could see how embarrassed-humiliated, really-my dad was. When Daddy left to get the coffee, Mr. Archer turned to me and put his hand in my hair and told me how very pretty I was and what a great figure I had. He called me "sexy." God, it just sent shivers down me. I think that was the day I first became sexually aware, and I have never forgotten it. There was just something about him. He seemed just so awesomely powerful. He made the man I always thought was really strong (my dad) look so small and weak, but instead of being upset, I was excited by it. I had my first erotic dream about my dad's boss.

So why did I marry Bill? I really don't know. The truth is, I really didn't want to get married right away, but he was so insistent, and my Mom liked him so much that there was just so much pressure to do it that I did. I don't regret it really, I guess, except maybe the part about not having been with many guys. Not any, really, except Bill. I was a virgin when we got married. I think maybe he was too. He wasn't a very experienced lover, I know now.

A month or so after we got married, we moved from Georgia to California where an old high school friend of Bill's, Tim Martin, was working at a car dealership in San Diego, a place called "Rancher Motors." He was the only one of his friends that I ever met who was at all "manly." When we met in Georgia, I could tell he kind of liked me, and it was actually nice that one of Bill's friends had the courage to come on to me a little bit. He actually kissed me once. It was very flattering, really. I kissed him back, too. I think he was surprised at my reaction. So was I!

I don't know why he invited Bill out to California-they didn't seem that close to me- but he did, and after some talk about "fresh starts" and stuff, we decided to give it a try.

We got a little apartment near the beach, and Tim got Bill on as a junior salesman at the dealership. He did pretty well. For some reason, maybe his "sensitivity," he was especially good at selling cars to older women. Whenever an obvious widow would come in, she would be given to Bill, though the funny thing is, he was never allowed to close the deals. Mr. Brooks, who's the general sales manager, always ended up changing the contract terms. It used to embarrass Bill that he had to take back what he promised the women, but he never said anything to Mr. Brooks, of course. The funny thing is that the women always ended up feeling sorry for Bill, so they signed on to really bad deals because they didn't want to make him more uncomfortable, I think.

Bill hadn't been there long before we got invited to Mr. Brooks's house for a swim party and barbecue. I didn't know what to expect, so I was pretty shocked to see the way the women dressed for this party. I had just turned nineteen, and I guess living all that time in rural Georgia, I was pretty na‹ve. I thought maybe this is the way people dress in California. One girl in particular, Maggie, who is married to a young guy named Brad, who at that time was also a junior salesman, really shocked me. She had on a little sarong wrap that she wore way down low on her hips and this tiny little string bikini top that didn't leave anything at all to the imagination. She was blonde, maybe a little older than me, and had a good figure, but I didn't think she was all that pretty. Kind of hard looking, if you ask me. But the guys, omigawd, they were all over her, especially Mr. Brooks, the sales manager. And it was obvious that she didn't mind. Not at all. When we got home, even Bill commented on how hot she looked. That really surprised me. He usually doesn't notice that kind of thing.

Later that summer, we were all invited to Mr. Brooks's club for a dinner dance. This time, Maggie showed up in this semi see-through dress, backless with a cowl neck that dipped clear down to her navel. She did look good, I must admit, and she seemed so confident with all the attention she attracted. For the first time, I questioned my own taste and wished I had the courage to dress like that. I knew I had the figure for it, but I guess no one else would really know that from the way I dressed. I was still pretty conservative in that respect. Maybe it even bothered me a little bit that Mr. Brooks spent nearly the entire evening dancing with her. (To be honest, I had developed a little bit of a crush on him. Well, maybe more than a little! I often fantasized about being with him and on two occasions I had very erotic dreams about him. )

Looking around, I noticed that even though some of the wives of the younger guys were pretty and two had really fantastic figures that they were not exactly modest about, it was Maggie that attracted all the notice. When she walked around, you wondered how she could keep herself in her dress. She seemed constantly on the verge of spilling completely out of it. But I also noticed that guys' eyes never left her.

A month after the dinner dance, Maggie's husband, Brad, got promoted, and even worse, became Bill's immediate supervisor, the one who approved all his deals. I know that bothered him a lot that Brad got the promotion that he thought he should have had, and really would have if it had been based on sales performance alone. It was particularly hard because Brad is about three years younger than Bill and has no college credits at all. Bill almost has his AA degree. But I guess that's the way life is.

A couple of weeks after that, Bill came home and told me that Mr. Brooks had pulled him aside that day and complimented him on what a pretty wife he had, but had added that it's too bad she keeps herself so covered up! This is California, he'd said! She needs to loosen up a bit, get with the flow! I was pretty shocked and even embarrassed when Bill told me that. Like I said, I really, really liked Mr. Brooks. He's in his late forties, I guess, and not really that good looking, but he's a real big guy and I just loved the way he carried himself. He seemed so strong and assertive, the kind of guy who demands and gets respect. I knew Bill was scared to death of him. I definitely didn't want him to think I was a prude or anything, but still I thought what he said was kind of out of line. I didn't say anything, though, and Bill never said anything else about it either, so I never did know what he thought. I mean I think we both kind of thought that Brad got promoted because his wife was doing Mr. Brooks, though we never ever actually said that to each other or knew if it was true. I even tried to joke about it that week, saying stuff like, "I ought to go to the next party naked so you can be Brad's boss," but I could see that Bill was kind of bothered by it all.

I had more or less completely forgotten about Mr. Brooks's remark when, about four months later, Bill told me that we were invited to a house warming and Christmas party at Mr. Brooks's new house, where we'd have the chance to meet the owner of the dealership, Mr. Rancher himself. Because this was going to be a really special party, I asked if I could go and buy myself a new dress, and he said "Yeah, that would be okay," and I said laughingly "Maybe I should buy the kind of outfit Maggie would wear."

"That's probably a good idea," Bill said sort of sarcastically, "It sure couldn't hurt my career."

His remark upset me just a little, tiny bit, like he was saying I wasn't attractive enough or sexy enough or something, I don't know. Anyway, those ideas were in my head when I went shopping the next day.

Walking by what I always thought of as a sort of sleazy dress shop downtown, an outfit displayed in the window caught my eye. I guess it was supposed to be a formal cocktail dress, but omigawd, it was so revealing that it hardly covered anything. It was so outrageous that I was actually kind of embarrassed to just be standing there looking at it. It was a black, very clingy, backless dress, almost see-through, with a tiny little halter top front that left more than half of outside of the manikin's breast exposed . It enhanced its sexiness with slit down the entire front. The floor-length skirt had a slit matching the one on top which went all the way to the top of the thigh. It was an outrageously sexy gown, if you could call it that. I thought immediately that it would be such a funny trick to play on Bill to buy it and tell him that this is what I was wearing to the party, so I went in and asked to try it on.

There were only a few of the gowns on the racks, one that was a size too small and several that were much too large, so I tried on the small one. Omigawd, it fit me like a glove-a very tight glove, I must say-and was the most scandalous thing I had ever worn, by far!! Like on the manikin, the outsides of my breasts were completely exposed, but since my boobs are a lot bigger than the manikin's, the slit in the front of the top became absolutely astonishing once I slipped it on and filled it out. Much more of my breasts were exposed than covered-much, much more! The slit in the top revealed all of my midriff clear down to well below my navel. The skirt itself was fastened together by four hook-and-eye buttons that barely reached down past the top of my thigh where the slit in the skirt began. All that stood between me and total exposure was a tiny tie on the back of the halter top and those four little buttons! To say that it was intensely sexy was really to understate.

The second I tried it on I felt this enormous change in me. I felt sexy and alluring and omigawd so much like a woman! It was like the dress transformed me into a completely different person. I loved the way I looked and even more, the way I felt. God, I wanted so much to wear it in public, but how could I? It would be like wearing a sign that said, "Please fuck me!" The skirt was so tight I could hardly walk, but when I did I was astonished at the amount of leg that flashed out. Even buttoned, the slit in the middle of the skirt opened up dramatically, exposing my legs to the very top of my thigh when I walked. The skirt was far too tight and way too sheer to wear panties without showing ugly panty lines, but you certainly couldn't not wear them either! It would be like walking around completely naked! But standing still and looking in the mirror, I had to admit that the total effect was truly sensational. I had never had the courage to flaunt my body, and now I wondered why. I looked absolutely stunning. My body never looked so perfectly sculpted, and I know I had never worn anything in my life that fit me so provocatively or that made me feel so terribly sensuous. I suddenly didn't care what it cost. I wanted it.

I bought the dress and hid it away.

It turned out that Bill had to work until 8:00 on Christmas eve, the night of the party, so I had plenty of time to plan my little joke. (My therapist says that I've been lying to myself about its being a "joke." He's probably right. But this is my story, so I'll tell it the was I want.) I hardly ever drink, but that night I had a couple of vodka collins and took a long, leisurely bath. While shaving my legs silky smooth, I decided for some reason to shave completely. I don't have much pubic hair anyway and I've always kept it really closely trimmed besides, so it wasn't really a big deal, but the funny thing is that the process of shaving got me so, so turned on that I felt right on the verge of a spontaneous climax. I resisted, though, because if Bill got all turned on seeing me in my sultry new cocktail dress, he might want to use me. Since he's so stressed at work that he's rarely in the mood anymore, I wanted to be ready if he was. And just maybe, since I was ovulating at the time, we would make the baby we'd been trying to have for over a year now. What a great Christmas present that would be!

Drying myself and putting on my makeup (and having another vodka collins), I don't think I ever looked as stunning.or as totally, totally naked. I was amazed and terribly pleased at how sleek my body looked totally shaved! I decided right there that I would always keep myself that way. (And I have.)

I did my eyes really dramatically and even wore these luscious false eyelashes that I have been so tempted to try in the past. I was so glad I did; they made my eyes look so sultry and alluring. I tried a bunch of different lip shades and finally settled on a very deep ruby that seemed to complement my eyes. I had gotten my hair highlighted and done in a short spiky cut the week before and it just seemed absolutely perfect for this outfit. I love being blonde!

I slipped on a pair of very sheer black thigh high stockings and a pair of four-inch stiletto heels with a sexy ankle strap that I had bought last summer but never worn, and stood there and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a little tipsy, true, and my judgment was a little muddled, but I just knew I had never been put together quite so perfectly. My breasts were impossibly full, my waist seemed wasp thin, and in those wonderful shoes, my legs just looked so perfectly long and shapely. I know it's just so awfully vain to say so, but honestly, I have never looked so striking.

It was just a few minutes before 8:00 when I slipped into that scandalous dress. For some reason I was very nervous when I put it on. When I turned and looked at myself in the mirror, I literally lost my breath. The gown was much more stunning and seemed even more revealing than it had been in the store. Maybe because, like I said, I was ovulating, which always makes my breasts nearly a cup size larger, I was spilling out of the dress. The skirt hugged my ass and showed its sultry shape to perfection. The flash of white flesh above my thigh highs when I walked would be intriguingly flirtatious, I knew. I looked fantastic.and totally available. I hoped Bill would agree.

A little past 8:00 I heard the door open and Bill walk back toward the bedroom where I was waiting in what I thought would be a titillating, but funny pose. Bill just stopped dead in his tracks. "My God," he said, looking at me as if stunned. "You look so, I don't, I guess!" he stuttered. "What's got into you?"

"Well, I hope you will," I said laughing. "Do you like it?" I sort of purred sexily. "Do you think you'll get the next promotion?" I added, sticking my chest out and pulling the skirt back.

I don't even think he heard me. "Wow! You really do look great," was all he could stammer out. "You're going to kill them at Mr. Brooks's party! He'll love it," he said, hesitating nervously.

"You silly," I giggled. "I'm not going out in this. I'd be arrested!"

"You're not?" he asked.

I was puzzled by his reaction. I couldn't really tell by his tone of voice if he was disappointed or relieved. I got the feeling that he wanted to please Mr. Brooks and that he was willing to use me to get his approval, but at the same time was afraid of what might happen.

"You mean you'd want me to?" I said quizzically.

"I don't know. I guess so. I mean, why not? I guess all the other guys' wives dress like that, don't they."

"Well, maybe not quite like this, Bill," I said, laughing as I walked across the room to him, showing the full length of my leg and, I was convinced, probably a glimpse of my freshly shaved pussy as well. "I practically fall out of the dress when I move."

"Well, you could just be careful when you walk, couldn't you? Everybody will probably love you in it, Mindy. I know Mr. Brooks will."

Now I really was confused. The last comment made me recall Mr. Brooks's earlier remark. Did he really think I was a prude? Does Bill think I caused him to lose that promotion because I wasn't sexy enough? Alcohol was clouding my thinking, it was true, but I still suspected that the answer to those questions was "Yes!" and I decided then and there that maybe I should go to Mr. Brooks's just like I was. What could it hurt?

How stupid was that!

"Bill, are you sure you want me to go like this?" I asked apprehensively. "I can't wear anything at all underneath it, you know, and as you can see it's very obvious that I'm not."

"I guess maybe it's good for you to be a little different sometimes, don't you think?" he stammered. "I know Maggie will be dressed in something sexy. And Mr. Brooks, you know.," his voice tailing off.

I could tell from the hesitation in his voice that Bill wasn't absolutely sure about this, not after seeing the whole effect of the gown when I moved in it and my very observable nakedness beneath it, and I was pretty sure he expected me to veto the plan and wear the simple knit dress I had planned to wear.

I was about to say I couldn't wear such a dress in public when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and, with Mr. Brooks's remark still echoing in my head and the vision of Maggie again stealing all the attention, I decided impulsively (and drunkenly) that I not only could, but I would. I felt sexy and beautiful in a way I never had. I wanted to be the one noticed tonight. "Okay, if you really want me to," I anxiously replied.

I could tell that my answer bothered Bill, but he didn't say anything more and left to take a shower and dress. I stupidly took the time to have another vodka collins and admire myself in the mirror. The combination of the two did much to bolster my confidence. I mean I was still quite a little bit nervous, but I also knew that there was something inside me that wanted to be recognized. I thought to myself that I deserved the chance to be the one looked at. For at least once in my life I would be the sexy one that everyone talked about. I knew I looked good and that I wouldn't be young forever. Why not flaunt it! It's not like I was going to be doing anything really bad, after all. And I did so much want Mr. Brooks to think I could be a little sexy occasionally.

I didn't have a formal coat long enough for the dress, but the fur jacket I got last year for Christmas went well with the dress and covered enough to make the dress look presentable in public.

At the house, Mr. Brooks greeted us at the door, smiled, and complimented me on how beautiful I looked. When he reached out for my jacket, I was suddenly very nervous. But when I unbuttoned it and felt Mr. Brooks slip it from my shoulders and recalled how sensational I looked in the mirror at home, I suddenly felt very calm and surprisingly confident. Turning to Mr. Brooks, I looked him directly in the eye and said, "Thank you so much for inviting us, Mr. Brooks."

The look on Mr. Brooks's face was just perfect. "Believe me," he said emphatically, as he let his eyes roam slowly up and down my body, "the pleasure is all mine." I felt truly desirable and for the first time, happy to be treated as a sexual object. The fascination, maybe even anticipation, in his glance was so suggestive and powerful that for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed the hint of lust I saw in a man's eyes rather than fear it.

Bill, on the other hand, seemed on edge, even a little embarrassed. Mr. Brooks's obvious appreciation wasn't helping.

And then, omigawd, Mr. Brooks did the most outrageous and certainly the sexiest thing ever done to me up to that time. Speaking to Bill but never taking his eyes from me, he placed his forefinger at the bottom of the slit in halter top just below my navel and very slowly traced a line from my belly to my throat while telling Bill what a "truly stunning" wife he had. The finger caressing my body right there in front of my husband sent such a current of excitement through my body that thought I might faint. I felt certain that desire was written all over my face. I could feel Bill tense up at my side.

Fortunately, however, tipsy as I was from the alcohol and Mr. Brooks' electric touch, I managed to regain enough sense to backed away just as his finger began to move back down and below the waist of the skirt. Still, I smiled up at Mr. Brooks as I stepped back, took his hand in mine, and told him how pleased we were to be there. The way he looked at me when he put his arm around me and invited us to join him at the bar made my heart race.

I was astonished at how many people where at Mr. Brooks' party, and as we worked our way toward the bar area, I was just as amazed at the very definitely interested looks from the men along the way. God, I felt so sexy and alluring. Even though I was by far the youngest person there at the time, I felt so sophisticated and womanly. But again, I could sense Bill's palpable nervousness. I knew he was regretting letting me come here dressed like this.

By the time we had reached the room where the bar had been set up, part of Mr. Brooks' hand had found its way below the back of my dress, which made me very uneasy. He appeared to feel he could do what he wanted to me and seemed utterly unconcerned with what Bill might think about it. I was terribly nervous, but equally excited because he was acting out every fantasy I had ever had about him. It was literally like one of my dreams come true. I should have known then what serious trouble I was in.

At the bar, we met Maggie and Brad and Tim and his wife, Brenda. Maggie, who was dressed in a scoop-neck micro mini, obviously without a bra, gave me the oddest look and raised eyebrow as if to ask if I now considered myself "competition." Brad just gave a low whistle and told Bill how hot I looked. Tim also complimented me profusely, and I could tell that his wife, who was dressed okay, but who certainly wasn't going to steal any attention from me or Maggie, sort of scowled at him. All of this attention was going straight to my head. I was terribly conflicted. I knew I shouldn't have dressed this way, but I felt exotic and enticing. And above all, I now realize, I desperately wanted take Mr. Brooks away from Maggie, to make him acknowledge how much sexier I was than she.

We all ordered drinks, and when I said I wanted a vodka collins, I overheard Mr. Brooks ordered the bartender to make mine a double. I know Bill heard it too and wanted to say something about that, like maybe I had had enough to drink already, but he didn't. He was too timid to say anything, I guess. For some reason, that excited me, too. Mr. Brooks was so obviously the boss!

We chatted a while, and when I had finished my drink, Mr. Brooks asked if we'd all like a tour of the new house. Brenda declined, saying she wanted to use the ladies' room. The rest of us said yes, and after making sure I had a fresh "double vodka," Mr. Brooks slipped his arm around me and began to lead us on the tour. I was very, very tipsy and more than a little woozy by this time. I wasn't sure I could walk without stumbling. I held Mr. Brooks' arm tightly.

We hadn't taken more than a few steps when I felt Mr. Brooks's hand slide around my back. I thought he was trying to support me, but when he slipped his hand beneath my skimpy top and cupped my right breast, I realized he had something else entirely on his mind. I was absolutely petrified. I glanced over to see if Bill had noticed. He must have, since he was standing just to my right, but I could tell that he was very consciously not looking. Mr. Brooks must have understood, too, because not only did he not remove his hand, he slid it up to gently pinch my nipple, which instantly began to stiffen in his grasp. I didn't know what to do. I was embarrassed. I knew this was wrong, very wrong. I tried to move away, but he just pulled he towards him even harder. I know I should have said something or at least tried again to move away, but in fact, I gave in. I found myself even pressing my body even closer to him. God, I was being such a ridiculous fool.

Our first stop on the tour was the study. I suppose because of all the drinks I'd had and undoubtedly also because of both my own nervousness and the sexual excitement of Mr. Brooks's hand fondling my breast, I suddenly felt very, very dizzy and had to sit down on the couch. I thought I was going to be ill, which would have simply embarrassed me to death. Mr. Brooks saw my condition and immediately came and sat beside me.

"It looks like your wife had a little bit too much to drink, Bill. Why don't you go out and tend to my host duties, and I'll stay here with her until she catches her breath," he said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and certainly didn't believe that Bill would leave me here in this condition with Mr. Brooks. To his credit, he did hesitate and say that perhaps it would be better if he stayed, but when Mr. Brooks told Bill rather firmly this time that he wanted him to go tend to the guests, he turned and started for the door. I was astonished and scared to death.and yet, maybe deep down, a little excited, too. Mr. Brooks had just ordered my husband from the room. He had to have known that Mr. Brooks was not going to just sit with me. Like everyone else, he certainly must have seen him fondling me in the hall, and yet he left. Was he giving me to him or was he just not man enough to confront him, I thought confusedly?

All I know is that Mr. Brooks must have felt extremely confident because before Bill had even gotten through the door, he had already loosened the tie that held my top up and it had fallen clear to my waist before he was completely out of the room. I fumbled at it, intent on pulling it back up, but Mr. Brooks quickly slapped my hand away. I heard Tim exclaim, "My God! What a rack!" As Mr. Brooks grasped both my very full breasts in his hands and began to fondle them, I pleaded weakly for him to stop, insisting that I wasn't that kind of girl, but my racing heart, panting breath, and stiffening nipples were telling an entirely different story. I was completely in Mr. Brooks' power now, and I guess he knew it.

"Bill's little wh*r* is a bit drunker than I thought," he said to the rest of the people in the room. I prayed Bill hadn't heard it. "I hope you all won't mind if I just go ahead and fuck her now while she's still conscious," he laughed, pushing me down onto the couch.

I couldn't believe what he had said, yet somehow the coarseness of the language excited me.

"Don't mind us," Maggie grinned. "It's not exactly going to be a ****, is it. I had no idea the little sl*t was so easy." Everybody laughed and joined in to encourage him to use me now while I was still awake. I honestly wanted to stop him. I'm sure I did. I honestly wanted to get up and leave. I know I did. I knew that Bill must be completely humiliated, but another part of me knew that I had better act right now because I wasn't going to be able to refuse him anything much longer. But surely, I thought, he isn't going to let them watch.

"How is the rest of your dress held together, Mindy?" Mr. Brooks asked.

To my utter surprise, I meekly muttered, "The four little buttons there in front," beginning to shiver in both fear and anticipation. In a drunken stupor, I watched him reach down and expertly unbutton me and pull the dress away. Suddenly, there I was, except for stockings and shoes, lying totally nude in front of Bill's boss him and many of his co-workers. How could I have got myself in such a situation. I had no idea what I was doing or what would happen next.

A number of the guys came over to get a closer look. All of them were excited about my shaved pussy and had begun cupping my breasts or pinching my nipples or caressing the silky smoothness of my pussy. I was still fearful and anxious about Bill, still embarrassed about lying there on total display, but in truth, I had no idea how thrilling I would find it to be lying naked, admired by all these men, waiting for one particular powerful man to do what he wanted with me. I was terribly conflicted, wanting to flee to Bill on the one hand, and on the other, wanting to be ravished in front of his friends.

Mr. Brooks pushed everyone aside and was suddenly standing in front of me holding a very erect and magnificently large cock in his hands. I remember thinking absurdly in my alcoholic fog that it so right that such a powerful man would have such a magnificent cock. And it truly was!

"Get on your knees, Mindy, and open your mouth," I recall him ordering me, pulling my head back roughly with my hair.

I was stunned. I believe I told him no, no, no, over and over again, at least I think I did, hope I did, but I also know in all honesty that, though I normally don't like this kind of sex-it seems so degrading to the woman-I quite willingly, even eagerly, dropped to my knees and opened my mouth to receive his beautiful cock. I had lost all sense of propriety. "God, the wh*r* really is easy," I heard Maggie sneer. But suddenly, the only think that mattered was that I please this powerful, assertive man. It seemed proper that I do everything to satisfy such a commanding, dominant man. I belonged on my knees in front of him. I felt honored to receive his cock in my mouth. That's what a mess I was.

He didn't hesitate a second. His first plunge went clear to the back of my throat, gagging me. I pulled away, choking back tears. To my dismay, I heard my "audience" laugh.

"She's apparently not too good at this," Mr. Brooks said to no one.

I felt myself blush. I was just mortified. Was I such a prudish little girl that I couldn't even perform oral sex properly? And how mortifying to fail in front of this audience, but especially in front of Maggie, whom I despised.

Grabbing my hair again, he said to me, "I should get Maggie here to give you a few lessons, Honey. I expected more out of a hot looking little b*tch than this. Tell her how it's done, Maggie." God, that hurt!

"Just ignore her when she gags," Maggie advised him "Don't let her pull her head back. Force your way down her throat. She won't be able to throw up if you get all the way down her throat quickly enough. Of course, she won't be able to breathe, either," she laughed.

Now I was thoroughly humiliated, kneeling there in front of Mr. Brooks, listening to Maggie instruct Mr. Brooks on how best to fuck my mouth. God, I couldn't even suck his cock properly?!

"That's why I love you, Maggie," Mr. Brooks intoned, grabbing the sides of my head and aggressively pulling me towards him.

Two hard strokes proved Maggie right. Rather than allowing me to pull back when I began to chock and gag, Mr. Brooks pulled my head forward and drove himself down my throat. Now, though I was still gagging, it had no effect. He fucked my throat with abandon. It was terribly uncomfortable. I couldn't breathe. My gag reflex was trying to push him away. Yet I was incredibly thrilled to be serving him, pleased that I could satisfy the oral needs of this supremely authoritative man. I felt so like a complete woman, as I looked into the intensity of his eyes while he forced his cock deeper down my throat. I hoped Maggie was watching as he finally plunged the last inch of his majestic cock down my aching throat, pulling my face into his pubic hair and holding it there. I nearly climaxed when he called me his "new wh*r*."

After what could have been minutes or seconds, I have no idea, I heard Brad yell out that Bill was coming down the hall. Mr. Brooks paused a second but left his cock deep in my throat. "Find out what he wants," he said, resuming his assault on my mouth.

I was excited at first to think that Bill was coming to reclaim his wife, but I must admit, I was even more thrilled that Mr. Brooks seemed completely nonchalant, continuing to fuck my mouth forcefully.

"It's Mr. Rancher on the phone," I heard Bill say hesitantly a few seconds later. "He needs to speak with you."

"Can't you see I'm busy!" he demanded, withdrawing his cock and allowing me to breathe a moment, but still holding tightly to my hair.

I was completely drunk with alcohol.and with passion. I didn't know if Bill was in the room or not or whether he was aware of what Mr. Brooks was doing to his wife. Though the lights were bright, there was a crowd around me, and I prayed that he wouldn't see me kneeling naked there in front of Mr. Brooks or a moment later watch my lips again encircle his fat cock as he positioned my head to accept his thick rod a second time. It both amazed and subtly thrilled me that during that entire conversation with Bill that followed, Mr. Brooks never stopped fucking me in my mouth. In fact, his intensity actually increased.

"Goddamn it!" Mr. Brooks said, shoving his engorged cock again deep into my burning throat. "Find out where he is and tell him I'll call him back in a minute or two."

"Yes, sir," I heard Bill reply. "Should I tell him anything else."

"Goddamn it, Bill. Just do what I said. You can tell him I'm preparing a nice little present for him."

I heard Maggie laugh out loud.

I hoped Bill had left, because instantly the ferocity of his fucking increased. He began to viciously drive his throbbing cock down deep into my abused throat. Then I sensed him slow, and when a second later he took three or four more deep, hard stokes, I heard him gasp and felt his penis swell. He pulled out of me, grasped me by the chin and ordered me to open my mouth. The first three streams of his cum hit the back of my throat, filling my mouth. As I was swallowing his powerful semen, the next few landed on my face and dripped down onto my breasts.

He ordered me to open my mouth again while he squeezed the last few drops of his delicious semen into my mouth and then had me clean his cock with my tongue. I did so reverently. When I had finished, to my complete astonishment, he slapped me hard twice across the face, explaining that I had angered him by swallowing too quickly, causing some of his cum to be wasted.

I meekly apologized and wiped the cum that had fallen to my breasts, putting it in my mouth, hoping to appease him.

Pushing me back down onto the couch, he stood there looking at me. "I wish I'd known what a hot little wh*r* you were a few months ago, Mindy. I had no idea you'd be so easy. Did you prepare that sweet little c*nt for me?" he said, reaching down to stroke its silky smoothness.

This was the second time someone had called me "easy," which I certainly did not believe I was, but somehow I found myself smiling shyly up at him, nodding my head slightly. Perhaps I had, I thought to myself.

"I'll bet it's tight, too. You're wet, aren't you, you little sl*t. You want Mr. Brooks to fuck you, don't you. You want Mr. Brooks to tear open that tight little c*nt, don't you," he growled, pushing two fingers deep into my yearning pussy. "You need to be fucked, don't you!"

I heard myself murmur, "Yes, sir," and again felt myself blushing.

"How the fuck am I going to keep you conscious until I get back?" he asked. Turning to Maggie, he said, "You still using uppers?" When she replied that she was, he asked her how many she took at a time.

"I've never taken more than two at any one time," she replied. "But if you really want to get her high, I've got some ecstasy you could give her. One tab of that and she'll want every man in the room fuck her."

"Brad, go get this little sl*t another vodka. Maggie, have her take four of those pills of yours when Brad gets back and two of the ecstasy. I want her hot and bothered! This little wh*r* is going to get herself well fucked before this night is over and I want her up for it. But Tim, nobody better fuck her while I'm gone, got that! I find that c*nt all messed up and there'll be hell to pay! I don't care if she begs for it. There'll be plenty of opportunity for the rest of sales staff to use her when I've finished with her. I'm putting you in charge. You'll all get a chance to fuck her, trust me."

Mr. Brooks pulled me to my feet by my nipples, kissed me hard, and left. I sat back down on the couch thoroughly shaken. I was both dismayed at what I had let happen so easily to me, scared at what Mr. Brooks had said was in store for me, and yet deeply disappointed that it had gone no further. I wondered what had happened to Bill.

When Brad came in, Tim took the vodka and began to feed me the four uppers and the two ecstasy tabs Maggie had given him before leaving with Brad. The vodka burned my abused throat terribly, but I swallowed it and the pills willingly because Mr. Brooks had ordered me to. In my haze I was vaguely aware of Tim going on about how beautiful I was, how he had no idea I had such great body, and how he loved women who shaved their pussies, all the while feeding me the vodka and uppers and ecstasy. "I can't wait to get the chance to fuck you, Mindy," he moaned, caressing my tits and c*nt tenderly with his free hand. "I've wanted to fuck you since I first met you. I'm going to really fuck you hard, make you remember me. I've always wanted to fuck you, you know. I'm going to fuck you a lot after this."

It all sounded so silly to me. I sat there for about fifteen minutes with Tim running his hands and tongue over my naked body as he examined every crevice and told me quite explicitly what he was going to do to me. I enjoyed Tim's tongue as it massaged my nipples and clit and heard myself moan when he pulled my clit between his teeth, but in truth, all I wanted was Mr. Brooks's extraordinary cock in me. Deep, deep in me! I don't know what had come over me.

I guess my performance with Mr. Brooks and all my naked, raw flesh sitting there right beside Tim and seemingly easily available finally became too much for him and he pushed me down and prepared to enter me. I don't know where the energy came from, but I fought him like crazy. How could he think to disobey M. Brooks! And how could he think I'd let one of his salesmen use me before he gave permission! He did manage to get inside me briefly, but I squirmed away. I think that embarrassed him. He asked me not to tell Mr. Brooks what had happened. I didn't answer, but I knew I would have to tell if he asked.

By the end of that time, the pills I had taken had kicked in to amazing effect. I was still horribly inebriated, I know, but I was so very awake, so intensely alert, so dramatically energized.and so erotically charged! If Tim tried again, I don't think I would have stopped him.

I managed to get myself back into my dress and was surprised at how stable I felt on my feet. I really felt like dancing, and as we left the room, I asked Tim to make sure he asked me to dance when we got back to the party. He assured me he would, and he was as good as his word. I think he was a little afraid of me right then.

We walked back to where Bill was talking to group of people I hadn't met. He introduced me to the very appreciative stares of the men and the somewhat less enthusiastic compliments from their wives and girlfriends. When I got dressed, I had apparently tied my top rather loosely and left the bottom button of the skirt unfastened. I probably looked pretty sl*ttish. I know he wanted to question me about what went on back there, but I was so energized that I think it confused him enough to just let it be. Or maybe he just didn't want to know. I have a feeling it was the latter.

Tim asked me to dance. I was eager to. I needed to expend some of this incredible energy flowing through my body. And I wanted him to know what he might have later that night, if Mr. Brooks allowed it. I was utterly shameless now. The drugs had done what Maggie said they'd do. I told him how much I was looking forward to him fucking me later that night. I felt his cock go ridged.

I have never danced so intensely or so frenetically or so erotically. I don't know how long I danced, but I do recall that I had at least four different partners trying to keep up with me, and that all of them managed to briefly get their hands inside the dress on one or two occasions. I made no effort whatsoever to stop them. None at all. I'm certain I was both encouraging and accommodating. I was totally engulfed in passion. I kept hoping that Mr. Brooks would come and dance with me, but he apparently wasn't here. I kept looking for him.

When I finally returned to Bill, he was standing by himself. "Try to keep yourself in your dress, Mindy," was all he said, not looking me in the eye. I know I should have been ashamed or at least more considerate of his feelings, but all I could think to say was, "Let's go have some fun," smiling at him. "Why don't you come dance with me?" I asked enticingly "It's a slow one," I purred seductively, putting his hands on my butt.

He did dance with me, briefly, though his heart didn't seem in it. I slithered up against him, rubbed my breasts into his chest, and ground my hips into him, but he seemed too tense to respond.

Then, omigawd, me heart began to beat so fast. I saw Mr. Brooks and a man I assumed to be Mr. Rancher talking with some people on the other side of the room.

"Let's go meet Mr. Rancher," I breathed intensely into Bill's ear.

He seemed reluctant at first, but I was very insistent.

Walking across the crowded room, I felt totally alluring, and the look that Mr. Rancher gave me as we pushed into his circle proved I had reason to feel that way.

"Well, who's this attractive little package, Giles?" he said to Mr. Brooks.

"This is Bill Parker's wife, Mindy, Dale. And she is something special, isn't she."

The men in the crowd nodded in agreement. God, I felt so hot. I guess it was the ecstasy or the combination of ecstasy, uppers, and alcohol. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maggie working her way towards us as well.

I edged closer to Mr. Brooks and, wetting my lips, gave Mr. Rancher a very provocative stare. I was pleased I had tied my halter top so loosely and wished I had only fastened one of the bottom buttons. I wanted his attention on me entirely when Maggie got there. I leaned forward enough to let my top gape completely open. I don't know what was happening to me, but I just didn't want to have to share any of this attention with Maggie. The drugs and alcohol were raging inside me now. When Mr. Rancher just stared openly at my breasts, which I'd so wantonly put on display for him, I felt enormously desirable. I wanted him to pull them from my top and fondle them. I wanted both Mr. Rancher and Mr. Brooks to take me somewhere and enjoy me totally. I wanted to please them; like in my fantasy, I needed to show them how wonderful I could be for powerful men like them.

"She's the one I told you about, Dale."

"Very nice," Mr. Rancher grinned. "Very nice choice."

And then, as Maggie pushed her way into our circle, I did the most horrible, wicked thing I've ever done in my life. I reached up on tip toes and whispered in Mr. Brooks' ear, "Make Bill go away."

He squeezed me, laughed out loud, and said, winking at Mr. Rancher, "Bill, we're going to be giving out bonuses to upper management shortly, and I'd like Mindy here to do the presentations. Let her see how it works, since I'm sure you'll be part of the management team soon. You can go on home. We'll send Mindy home in a limo shortly."

I knew Bill would never buy that. It was just too transparent. But I didn't care. "Go ahead," I smiled at him. "I'll be okay. Really, I'll be fine."

Bill gave me the strangest look. I could see that he was completely confused about what to do. Mr. Rancher chimed in, "Yeah, don't worry. You go on now and let us get on with our business. Be a good man now. We'll send her home shortly," never taking his eyes from my deliberately displaced breasts.

He was still hesitating when Mr. Brooks said somewhat sharply, "Bill, come on, let's go. Didn't you hear Mr. Rancher? We have business to do!"

Mr. Brooks's pulled my butt into his stomach. His hand was now openly caressing my belly, and as he turned to Bill to more firmly order him home, I shamelessly sucked in my tummy to allow his hand to slip easily beneath the waist band of my skirt. Mr. Rancher watched intently as Mr. Brooks's hand slipped beneath my waistline and began to caress my silky smooth pussy. I hoped Bill had left as he was told, because Mr. Brooks was making no effort to hide what he was doing. I knew that Bill couldn't have left the house yet, but I prayed he at least had left the room. I forgot all about that, however, when I felt Mr. Brooks reach up to untie my halter top. I lowered my head slightly to make it easier for him. The look on Mr. Rancher's face when my tits popped into full view made me nearly cum. There was such raw lust in his gaze. His expression was just so intensely provocative!

Suddenly, another pair of hands grabbed the waist band of my skirt and in one quick motion ripped it completely from me. It was Tim. He had rendered me completely naked-except for my stockings and Mr. Brooks's hand massaging my c*nt. It's exactly how I wanted to look. I heard murmurs of appreciation from the men around me, and best of all, the look of unadulterated envy on Maggie's face. "Look at the body on that b*tch," I heard someone explain. "That's the smallest waist I've ever seen," an older woman exclaimed. That really made me feel terrific! "It's so perfect that she's shaved," she added. "She looks like a beautiful toy doll!" "A fuck toy," I heard the man standing with her say crudely.

Mr. Rancher took my breasts in his hands and squeezed them viciously, pinching and twisting my nipples, pulling me from Mr. Brooks's lap. I felt other hands on my ass, and another pair pulling my thighs apart. Someone, I think it was Tim, was kneeling between my legscand had slipped his tongue into my c*nt. He was wonderfully flickering it about my clit. "Has Bill left yet," I murmured to no one. I could see nothing but men's bodies around me.

"My God, you guys act like you've never had a piece of ass before," I heard Mr. Rancher laugh.

Suddenly, he had cleared everyone away from me, and grabbing my tits and lifting me to my feet, he swooped me up in his arms and turned toward the hall.

"As soon as Giles and I have had our fill of this hot little sl*t, we'll give you men a turn at it," Mr. Rancher said, motioning Mr. Brooks to join him. I prayed Bill had left like Mr. Brooks had ordered.

At the first bedroom, Mr. Rancher dropped me on a bed and began to undress. Like Mr. Brooks's, his cock too was large-longer, but maybe not as full as Mr. Brooks'--and as I gazed at it, I began to wonder if perhaps all powerful and successful men are endowed this way.

I should have been embarrassed, I supposed to hear Mr. Brooks telling Mr. Rancher how "easy" I was and to listen to him inform him about how best to use my mouth. I should have felt totally ashamed to realize that I was no more that an instrument of their pleasure and that I was about to become their mere fuck toy of the evening. But I was too far gone by that time.

Mr. Brooks ordered me to my knees in front of Mr. Rancher.

"Ignore the gagging, Dale, and you'll get yourself a real nice little face fuck," Mr. Brooks suggested, steadying my head for him between his large hands.

"Open your mouth wide, b*tch, and don't close it until I say so," Mr. Rancher growled.

The course language seemed to excite me more and I opened my mouth eagerly. I wanted to give Mr. Rancher the same pleasure Mr. Brooks had gotten, and more than that, I wanted them both inside me. I wanted my body to be theirs to do what they wanted with it. I didn't have to wait long.

Mr. Rancher drove to the back of my throat, and with only a momentary hesitation, quickly pushed his engorged cock deeply down my throat. A great groan escaped his lips.

"Where'd you get this b*tch, Giles? She's got the best body I've seen in years. Great tits, sleek pussy, and can suck cock like a pro," he exclaimed, pinching my nipples viscously and fucking my throat harder now. "I'd like to keep her awhile."

"She's one of my salesman's wife. I think I could manage to send him away for a week or so. Think you can get your fill of her by then?"

"I don't know. If her c*nt is as good as her mouth, if she can fuck like that Maggie b*tch, I might want her a little longer. All right, honey," he said, withdrawing his enormous cock from my abused throat. "Let's see what your c*nt is like. Have you fucked her yet, Giles."

"Just her mouth. But her c*nt and ass better be totally unused or some ass is going to be kicked," he said seriously. "Anybody fucked you tonight, Mindy?"

I shook my head. "No, sir," I murmured. "Tim tried to, though."

"You wanted to be fucked, though, didn't you. By every guy in the house."

I nodded my head meekly.

"Well, I think Mr. Rancher is ready to accommodate you, you little sl*t," Mr. Brooks laughed.

"Oh, yes, Mindy, that I am," Mr. Rancher growled, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me to a bed.

"Please, sir, if it's all right," had the foresight to beg," please don't cum inside me. I'm fertile right now,"

"Spread your legs and shut the fuck up," was his only answer.

I was definitely upset by his response, but when he stepped between my legs and spread my thighs, I thought I was going to pass out from pure excitement. I knew everything was wrong about what I was doing, but watching Mr. Rancher's throbbing cock descending toward my wet, yearning pussy, preparing to make it his own made my heart pound with anticipation. I knew that for the first time I was about to be taken by a real man, the kind who saw what he wanted and took it!

He didn't disappoint. As his cock parted my labia and pushed deep into never before explored regions of my vagina, I almost instantly began to climax. He was so long and so hard and so sure of himself. The pain I experienced when he tore wildly into unused areas of my pussy was nothing compared to the rising wave of pleasure I felt coming from deep inside me. I could only hope he'd do what I asked and not cum inside me.

"Damn, this b*tch is tight!" Mr. Rancher announced. "I don't think she's used to a full- sized cock. I'm going to have to work a little to get her opened up."

Turning to me, he said, "I'm going to fuck you harder now, Mindy, and I'm probably going to hurt you. You're not used to a cock this size, are you."

I shook my head. "No, sir," I gasped, "You're much, much bigger than my husband."

"Giles, why don't you come over and work the sl*t's mouth for a while," Mr. Rancher said to Mr. Brooks. "That'll give her something to concentrate on while I'm getting her tight little pussy opened." He didn't need any further invitation, and soon his cock was pushing its way down my throat.

Pushing my legs up to my chest, Mr. Rancher spread me open roughly and began driving his cock deeper and deeper into me. His violation of my body was so intense that even Mr. Brooks had to withdraw from my mouth to admire it.

"Oh, God, oh, God, Mr. Rancher," was all I could say.

"You like to be fucked this way, don't you, wh*r*," he panted out, increasing the speed and force of his thrusts.

"Oh God, yes, yes, yes," I moaned.

The long, rigid tool splitting me open continued its relentless invasion on my body. The more ferociously he drove his cock into me the more intense my pleasure became. I was deep in the throes of an engulfing climax when I heard him say breathlessly, "I'm going to cum inside you now, Mindy. Beg me, wh*r*."

"Yes, omigawd, cum inside me! Please cum inside me! Fill me up. Fuck me hard. I want you to cum in me. I want your hot cum in me," I moaned obediently and frenetically.

Six hard strokes latter I got what I asked for. Mr. Rancher's fabulous cock convulsed once and I felt the most wonderful and powerful series of ejaculations fill my quivering pussy.

Within seconds of Mr. Rancher's withdrawing, Mr. Brooks had flipped me onto my belly and lifted my hips in the air to prepare his invasion of me. This time it would be my ass. I wanted to beg him not to, but knew that would do no good, and shut my mouth.

He wasted not a second. Both men laughed out loud when Mr. Brooks' rending of my virginal ass produced a shriek of pain. The more I cried out, the harder Mr. Brooks pounded, and the harder he pounded the more Mr. Rancher encouraged him.

"Rip her ass open, Giles. Get her nice and open for the salesboys," Mr. Rancher chuckled.

I've never felt such intense pain and it was with great relief that I felt him finally prepare to pull out of my ruined ass and begin his invasion of my much more willing c*nt. The instant I sensed the entire length of his cock embedded in me, I began to climax again. Apparently, the excitement of watching Mr. Rancher's onslaught had considerably aroused Mr. Brooks, and it took only a dozen or so hard thrusts until he too unloaded his own massive load of seed into my ready c*nt.

"You through with the c*nt, Dale?" Mr. Brooks asked, withdrawing his cock and offering it to me to clean. "I want to give the sales staff a go at her pretty soon."

"Yeah, I guess. That might be entertaining. I want to fuck that Maggie b*tch next anyway. But I'll certainly want to fuck this wh*r* again tomorrow, if the sales staff doesn't fuck her to death. Make sure you bring her around."

"No problem, Dale. Mindy's our private little wh*r* now, aren't you, b*tch."

I nodded my head yes.

"Answer me."

"Yes sir, I'm your wh*r*, sir"

"Let's take a little bet on which one of us was able to knock her up," Mr. Rancher laughed.

"Let's do," Mr. Brooks replied. "Make it fifty bucks, and loser pays for the blood test."

"You're on," he laughed. "Tell the sales staff that they can cum in her mouth or ass, but that's it. They can fuck her c*nt, but don't let any of them unload in it. Tell `em that if they do, they'll be out of a job in the morning," declared Mr. Rancher. "Mindy, nobody cums in your c*nt until we say so, not even your husband. You got that?"

I answered that I understood, and was amazed at how turned on I was getting by the way they were talking about me I really was their fuck toy, something to play with. As horrid as it seems to me now, I enjoyed the idea of being their willing wh*r*. All I wanted to do was to fuck and to please them with my body. Ecstasy is a strange drug.

When they walked me out naked to present me to the sales staff, I felt this great surge of pride. Tim was the first to greet me. He pushed me immediately down on to a couch and was inside of me before Mr. Brooks finished telling everyone about not ejaculating in my pussy. I could see Tim was so disappointed about that, but I made sure he got full use of my mouth. I think he was really pleased when I thanked him for his cum.

I think four or five of the sales staff and all six of the garage mechanics stayed around to get their reward, and I tried my best to please them. They were rough with me, but I always smiled and thanked them. The experience of having every opening of my body filled at the same time was especially incredible. Brad was by far the most brutal, and at Maggie's urging, alternated between my ass and c*nt with exceptional ferocity. When he entered my mouth, I could taste blood from his rending of my ass.

When Mr. Brooks finally took me to his limousine to drive me home I was exhausted and satisfied. Fortunately, he let me shower first or I would have been just covered in cum, as many of the men elected to cum on my face or tits. At Mr. Rancher's insistence, I dutifully wiped it from my body and put it in my mouth.

Unfortunately, no one could find my dress so I had to get in the car wearing nothing but the short fur I came in. This would be hard to explain to Bill, I thought. As tired as I was, I didn't even bother to button it. I noticed Mr. Rancher's driver, a very ugly, mean looking colored guy, move the rearview mirror so he could get a better look. If he had been white, I probably would have been a little embarrassed and covered up, but I certainly wasn't going to worry about what a "nigger" (as we call them in Georgia) thought about me! I simply told him to get his filthy black eyes off of me and totally ignored him. I've always treated coloreds that way.

I was so tired, but still so wired from the drugs and all the excitement. I could still feel the tingle of the many cocks that had so mercilessly invaded every crevice of my body. The memory of those seemingly endless climaxes were flashing though my mind when I felt the car pull off to a side street. I asked the driver why we had stopped, but instead of answering, he turned off the motor and got out of the car.

A second later the back door opened, and suddenly the biggest, ugliest colored man I had ever seen was getting into the back seat with me. I couldn't believe what was happening. I yelled at him to get out of the car and get back where he belonged. All he did was laugh and unbuckle his belt. "Sorry, baby, but I gotta have me a piece of that fine white pussy been starin' at me this whole trip. Nice rack on you, too, b*tch," he sort of snarled, pulling my jacket completely open.

I really was terrified this time. I screamed that I would tell Mr. Rancher, but he just continued to fondle my breasts and caress my very tender pussy with one hand while the other pulled his hardening cock from his pants. I watched in panic as he extracted his enormous black pole and waved it in my face. It was like nothing I had ever seen. It was like it had a life of its own, continuing to grow larger and larger as I stared at.

"Oh, God, please don't do that to me," I begged, truly in terror now. "Please, you're too big. You'll hurt me." I began to cry. He grabbed my head and began to kiss me, forcing my mouth open. His disgusting black tongue forced its way into my mouth. Nothing worse had ever happened to me.

"Get away from me, you filthy black nigger," I screamed, managing to turn my head aside briefly. "I'm white!!!"

He just laughed that dreadful laugh again and grabbed me by the ankles. I suddenly found myself being dragged towards his monstrous black fuck tool. His cock seemed to loom larger every second. It now inches from my white pussy. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was so black it glistened, and its size was absolutely petrifying. "Get away, you black bastard. I'll tell Mr. Rancher," I yelled, sobbing desperately while trying to squirm away from his relentless cock. I reached out and grabbed his massive tool to keep him from penetrating me and to my utter horror discovered its true size. It took two hands to completely encircle it.

He jerked my hands behind me, arching my back up, and an instant later, I watched in horror as the head of his dreadful black cock disappeared into my bare white pussy. Two thrusts later, he had buried half of his foot-long tool into my pussy.and the first embarrassing moan escaped my lips.

For a Southern girl, nothing could be worse than this. I was being fucked by a nigger, and worse, he was fucking me better than I had ever been fucked that night. Mr. Rancher and Mr. Brooks had done an excellent job opening me up, and this nigger was making full use of that fact. Each long fat stroke drove deeper and deeper into my unprotected womb. The thickness of his straining cock got thicker and thicker at the base of his incredible shaft, and as a result, he was literally tearing me open, driving my clit wild, the deeper he pushed into me. He was already as deep as Mr. Brooks or Mr. Rancher had been, and I realized in utter dread that he still had a third of his cock to impale me with.

I'm goin' break that pussy apart. You goin' take every inch of this black cock in that white pussy," he snarled.

"Omigawd," was all I could think.

With that, he pulled my legs apart as wide as he could and pushed them up to my shoulders. Each hard stroke now slammed viciously against my cervix. I knew almost immediately that his assault on my pussy was soon going to have its desired effect as I sensed my cervix begin to give way under his fierce pounding. Without warning, I felt my cervix rupture and his horrid black cock slip completely into my womb and wave after wave of pure pleasure began to mask what I know should have been terrible pain.

I shrieked out in pleasure as every delicious inch of his throbbing ebony fuck stick ripped into my wet and now bleeding vagina. His black cock seemed endless in length. I seemed to wait forever for that immense cock to finish its journey into the depths of my womb. Inch after endless inch found its way deeper and deeper into the recesses of my newly opened womb. When he had finally completely impaled me on the enormity of that black shaft, the thickness at the base of his cock literally strained my c*nt to the tearing point. I didn't care. I could no longer help myself. I just went into this wild frenzy. I had never been fucked like this.

All I could do was repeat over and over "Fuck me, fuck me, you nigger, fuck me hard! Fuck me harder!" I screamed

He just grunted something about white pussy. And then, to my dismay, he abruptly pulled out of me and momentarily tried my mouth. It was much too small for his fat black cock. I was frenetic now.

"Put it back in me, put it back in me," I wailed. "Fuck my c*nt with that big black cock!"

Without warning, he pulled me out of the car and pushed me tits down on to the hood of the car. I was completely nude on a public street, bent over the hood of a car, being fucked by an ugly black man.and I didn't care!

I sensed that my ass must be his next target. I screamed in pain as the first six hard, expert thrusts into my ass destroyed it completely. The next dozen or so hard, grunting strokes turned it into a bloody mess. I didn't care.

Tiring of my ass, he expertly flipped me over and prepared to reinvade my pussy. I could feel elation surge through my body as I encouraged him over and over "Oh yes, fuck my c*nt now, fuck my c*nt hard." When I felt his fabulous black cock stretching my c*nt open again, I grabbed him by the neck and kissed him with more passion than I have ever shown, pushing my tongue into his mouth and moaning, "fuck my white pussy you black nigger, fuck it, fuck it!" kissing him harder and harder, my tongue deep in his disgusting black mouth. This was my ultimate degradation.

The climax I experienced when he dropped his enormous, hot, nigger load into my fecund white pussy was by far the most intense I have ever experienced. He fucked me three more times in the space of two hours, dumping gobs of black seed in me. Each climax I experienced was as intense as the first. I promised to let him fuck me whenever he wished, and I have been true to my word.

Bill wasn't home when the driver, Lamar, dropped me off at dawn. Tim told me later that Bill had seen Mr. Rancher carry me into the bedroom, and was actually one of the guys who fucked me later on. He said he was in tears. How odd. I guess I must have been really out of it, because I didn't even notice him. I wonder if he came in my ass or mouth.

He left me, of course, and Mr. Brooks fired him. He gave me his job. I service "special" clients. He and Mr. Rancher are waiting to see whose child I'm carrying. I'm just starting to show. If it's a girl, I have to put it up for adoption, they say. I just hope it's not Lamar's. I think it probably is, though. I really should get an abortion.

But whatever. I still think I'm a good girl, even though I guess everyone else, especially my therapist, thinks I'm a wh*r*. I mean, besides the clients I do to keep my job, I only fuck Lamar and my therapist now. Well, and occasionally Mr. Brooks, when he has time. That doesn't make me a wh*r*, does it. What do you think?
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Old 02-03-2009, 08:38 PM
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great story
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:32 PM
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Both of these are magficicent stories.
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Old 10-14-2010, 12:43 PM
hereyago hereyago is offline
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Originally Posted by MiamiSeabass View Post
Am I really the only person who found that shit offensive??????
It's just a fictional story, let it go.
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Old 10-15-2010, 08:28 PM
jjanda_2000 jjanda_2000 is offline
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Originally Posted by hereyago View Post
It's just a fictional story, let it go.
- He did. His last post was more than a year and a half ago. Take some of your own advice.
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