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Old 12-09-2022, 12:21 PM
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My wife and I are both exhibitionists and voyeurs, so yeah, she's been seen by a few of our friends.
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Old 01-07-2023, 12:28 PM
bennsarah bennsarah is offline
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Default Catching up with an old friend on new years

I finally had the most amazing experience with this over new years. Having read so many different accounts of things like this happening, I’ve always fantasised about living it myself but I never realised how incredibly exciting it could actually be.

Sarah and I have both been travelling for a couple of months after saving up for a while. Have been to a few places we’ve always wanted to and visited a few friends living overseas. At some point along the way Sarah gets a message from Chris, an old coworker from years ago when we were in our early 20s. He’s travelling solo in Europe and we start chatting about our separate plans and sharing suggestions etc. After a few days of chatting we make the plan to catch up on new years. We all head to the same city and spend a day catching up and sharing travel stories.

I had met him a dozen or so times back when they worked together. Sarah had a job waiting tables at a cafe/restaurant and Chris worked in the kitchen. There were about eight of them working there, mostly guys and they all got along well and would go out for after work drinks which partners would sometimes join, so I got to know them all quite well. Chris was always friendly and easy to get along with. He always seemed to be single and would flirt with just about anything that moved, and Sarah was no exception. But no lines were ever crossed and she would admit to me that she enjoyed the attention.

Now around a decade later it’s pretty obvious nothing has changed and we end up getting on just as well as we used to. Chris is still single, and he regales us with his various travel conquests, wasting no time in flirting with Sarah along the way. The only difference between now and then is that I find myself subtly encouraging him and joking along.

On New Year’s Eve we start drinking around the late afternoon and it turns in to a bit of a bender. We go bar hopping and by the time midnight roles round the three of us are all quite drunk. Chris tries his luck with a few women we meet along the way but ultimately strikes out, which Sarah takes as an opportunity to tease him a little.

Chris is booked in a hostel dorm room not far from where we’re staying, but Sarah and I have a hotel room with a bit of a living area where you can spread out, so we all decide to head back there and have a few drinks before calling it a night. Within a few minutes of us getting back Sarah suggests a card game, and Chris teaches us one he learned on his travels (which I now suspect he might have made up). While talking about forfeits for the loser I can’t remember if it was Chris or Sarah who suggested losing clothes, but both seemed equally keen on it and it was quickly decided that’s what’s happening. Each round lost was an item of clothes and take a drink.

I know Sarah well enough to know when she’s actually drunk, and when she’s playing it up, and at this point she was definitely acting more tipsy than she was. The game went exactly as I expected. I lost a couple of rounds, and Chris lost one, leaving us mostly still dressed. Sarah however played dismally. She kept ‘forgetting the rules’ and Chris wouldn’t allow replays, so in about half an hour she was down to her underwear and and a few other bits, swaying slightly in her seat.

The drinks needed topping up and as Sarah stumbled her way to the bathroom for some water I followed her in and closed the door to see if she was ok. The change was pretty dramatic once we were in there. Whilst still obviously as drunk as I was, she was standing straight and speaking clearly, although clearly excited. She stands close to me and whispers so our voices don’t carry and basically tells me that she wants me to go back out, and she’s going to come out naked.

This is that moment where I felt this sudden rush of intense excitement and a weird feeling of dread. Where you’re kind of torn between the fantasy and that voice in your head that tells you to be sensible. Thankfully the excitement won over for me. I knew I’d be there the whole time, and we know and trust Chris enough to know nothing bad will happen. I tell her to let me know the moment you get uncomfortable but she’s not having a word of it and shoos me out of the bathroom.

I go out and tell Chris she just needs a minute and top up both of our drinks and we sit there chatting and shuffling the deck for the next round. I’m trying to appear calm but my heart is racing a million miles and all I can think about is how any minute now she’s going to step out of the bathroom and a guy that she’s known for years, whose flirted with and probably fantasised about her, is going to see her completely naked.

When I finally heard that door handle turn it felt like my heart stopped and my throat closed for a second. I look up at the same time as Chris and see my fiancée walk out of the room complete naked. She’s putting on a good show, swaying slightly, making no effort to cover herself. Chris is staring wide eyed and frozen. Sarah puts a bit of a slur into her words as she says something along the lines of “well I was going to lose anyway!”.

I remeber Chris breaking away for a second to look over to me to gauge my reaction. I laughed and shrugged and said “well that saved 5 minutes”. This seemed to break the ice and Chris obviously wasn’t going to argue and turned his attention back towards her. He watched like a hawk while she turned her back to us, bending slightly to make herself a drink. I’ve seen her naked a million times, but weirdly in this moment it was like I was seeing her through Chris’ eyes, every little thing being seen for the first time. Seeing the shape of her bum, trying to catch a glimpse between the cheeks as she bent slightly. Watching her boobs bounce slightly as she turned and walked towards us, staring between her legs at her smooth pussy, seeing her labia poking out between her lips.

I kept sipping at my drink, my hands were trembling, my heart racing, I never imagined how much fun this could be. I won’t transcribe the whole conversation because a lot of it is blurry for me, but we basically sat talking for about 15 minutes or so. Chris spent the whole time joking, saying how it’s a shame he never saw this side of Sarah when they worked together, how much the other guys would have liked it, how maybe the other girls would have joined in.

I spoke a few words here and there but mostly was just transfixed by the sight of my fiancée sitting butt naked across from a fully dressed friend of ours. Every time she would shuffle her position I would be staring at her trying to see what was exposed and I knew Chris would be doing the exact same. To his credit he played things very cool. He was definitely taking it all in, but clearly didn’t want to get caught staring. Despite how ‘drunk’ she appeared, Sarah was clearly aware of this, and he next move removed any worry of that.

Finishing her drink, he stood up, swayed for a moment, and then said, “I’m going to lie down, you two keep drinking and talking”. Then she walked over to the bed, and facing us, flopped back on it. She landed on her back, one leg up and bent at the knee with her foot on the bed and the other leg bent and out to the side. My jaw almost hit the floor. Her legs were wide apart, her labia parted open and we both had a clear view of her open pussy. Not to mention the way her legs were positioned, we could both see her asshole.

We both sat there for a moment that felt like an eternity staring at the view in front of us. I finally snapped out of it and stood up telling Sarah I’ll tuck her in. Chris shot up too and offered to help. Sarah was waving us off saying she’s fine, letting her other leg drop down and to the side too. There was a pause of I don’t know how long as we both stood there taking in the sight before Chris (very reluctantly) said he’s ready to call it a night too.

Sarah pushed herself up from the bed and said he’s welcome to crash on the floor, but he said he’d take the bed waiting for him at the hostel. As he started gathering his things and getting his shoes, Sarah pulls me over and whispers that she wants to give him a ‘quick new years kiss’ if I’m ok with it. I laugh and say ok, and next thing I know she’s bouncing up from the bed and we both walk over to the door where Chris is waiting. I say goodnight, give him a hug and then Sarah steps forward. She puts a hand on his shoulder and says that she felt bad that he didn’t get to have a new years kiss. I’m pretty sure I saw his eyes light up at this. He steps forward and I get to stand there and watch my naked fiancée with her tongue down his throat. It probably lasted four or five seconds but felt for me, and no doubt Chris, like a full minute. He was very restrained, but one hand made its way to her hip and just above her bum, and the other looked like it was just under her breast. I didn’t see it but Sarah told me afterwards that he had a quick squeeze and felt her nipple.

He lingered at the door a bit clearly regretting the decision to leave but I think were all on the same page and it was time to go. The next morning/afternoon was interesting. We were all very hung over, Sarah was definitely the most, head in hands for most of the breakfast when we caught up. There was a lot of joking and teasing and Chris was very eager for us all to catch up again back home. Sarah and I are still going over it. As much as she enjoyed herself I think a big draw for her was that Chris isn’t someone we regularly see, but still someone we know we’ll enough for it to be exciting for her, so I don’t imagine she’ll be in a major hurry to catch up with the old work group any time soon. We can only assume that Chris won’t be keeping this to himself
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Old 01-13-2023, 05:01 AM
Mytrapdoor Mytrapdoor is offline
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Default Like a flower

My wife has never really had a wild sexual side but when we were just dating, she would step out of her comfort zone because she knew it turned me on. I was always encouraging her to flash her tits around my friends & family (dad, brothers & uncle) & she became comfortable with the usual bunch seeing her topless.

My birthday is in June & we would go camping on the lake every year, a big group of us. This was a undeveloped area, complete lawlessness. We tried the state parks a few times but the staff was too militant. So we headed across the lake to the free camping. I had been doing it for years with friends & family but this was only her second year of joining us & we weren’t even a committed couple yet.

We head out on Friday with my dad, uncle, 2 brothers & their girlfriends & 4 of their male friends (& one of their girlfriends, Lyndsey) plus one guy we had never met who was a co-worker of one of my brother’s girlfriend.

Saturday is nice & hot & sunny. We started out drinking after breakfast & by lunchtime we are pretty buzzed & my girlfriend & one of my brother’s girlfriend are already wandering around camp topless. The whole crew grabs their floaties & say they are heading to the water - our camp was up in the trees. I tell them that Jean & I will be along shortly.

Jean had never been pussy out in front of any of them before but we were both very buzzed so when it was just she & I left at camp, I stripped off my shorts & then walked over to her & pulled off her bikini bottoms & told her to grab her floatie, the classic rectangular pool lounger. She normally would never have gone for complete nudity but I was naked & it was my birthday so she went along with it.

Everyone else had walked the main dirt path down to the lake shore but I took us on the alternate path that led to a little finger of land that jutted out into the lake across from the beach where my family & friends were. So they saw us emerge from the brush totally naked & then I told Jean to lay down on her floatie & I would push her over to everyone. She was all game as she felt like a princess being transported. This is a very shallow area of the lake so I was only about waist deep & waded over pushing her as she laid out on her floatie on her back towards my 2 brothers (& girlfriends), my dad, uncle, 4 guys (plus one girlfriend) that were friends of the family & the one guy we had just met yesterday, the co-worker of one brother’s girlfriend.

And that is pretty much all I recall of the moment, we had gotten pretty drunk & it was a blur. So about 2 weeks later, Jean & Lyndsey go out for coffee & they talk about our wild weekend. This is how Lyndsey described it to Jean. All 9 guys & the 3 women watched Jean & I walk naked out of the trees & down to the little peninsula of land opposite them.

Jean laid down on the rectangular floatie facing them but dangled her legs off each side of the floatie. And then I casually pushed through the water towards all of them. When Jean heard this, she was quite embarrassed. When she got home she relayed the story to me & you could tell she was conflicted. On one hand she was mortified but on the other, she knew it would drive me wild.

She had asked Lyndsey if all of them “saw anything” & Lyndsey said “oh honey, you were spread open like a flower”. We are talking about me pushing my girlfriend towards my brothers, dad, uncle, male friends & one almost complete stranger with her pussy spread wide.

And I will share one last bit I have never shared with anyone. We continued to drink throughout the day & had a nice fire back at camp that night. Jean & I were a little more drunk than the rest & retired to our tent earlier than everyone else. We had no rain fly on the tent & it was one of those REI tents that is 75% mesh on the ceiling so you can see the stars.

We were too exposed & I wasn’t about to have sex in front of my family but Jean was plenty drunk & feeling no pain. She pulled out her vibrator & was working her on her pussy. The vibrator, for whatever reason, lit up at the bottom where you put the batteries in. & up walks the unknown co-worker, the only person who was a stranger to us & he looks down through the screened tent & says goodnight to us as Jean is furiously masturbating her pussy which is illuminated by the soft light from the vibrator.

In my fantasies, I tell him to watch her orgasm but in reality I just said “good night man” as he looked down at both of us and she continued to masturbate in the dark & only her pussy was illuminated.

Tame for many of the stories on here but it was fucking wild for me. Added a pussy shot so you can see that “flower”.
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Old 01-14-2023, 03:40 AM
Obironic Obironic is offline
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Originally Posted by Mytrapdoor View Post
My wife has never really had a wild sexual side but when we were just dating, she would step out of her comfort zone because she knew it turned me on. I was always encouraging her to flash her tits around my friends & family (dad, brothers & uncle) & she became comfortable with the usual bunch seeing her topless......

In my fantasies, I tell him to watch her orgasm but in reality I just said “good night man” as he looked down at both of us and she continued to masturbate in the dark & only her pussy was illuminated.

Tame for many of the stories on here but it was fucking wild for me. Added a pussy shot so you can see that “flower”.
Fantastic story. And the addition of a picture takes it to the next level.

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Old 01-14-2023, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Obironic View Post
Fantastic story. And the addition of a picture takes it to the next level.

What he said.
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Old 01-26-2023, 04:23 AM
Domino2010 Domino2010 is offline
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Default Barge holiday

Years ago my wife & I hired a barge for a week for us & the kids , as it was a large boat we invited a mate of mine & his kid along it was cold as it was early in the year but we all had fun . My mate has seen pictures of various parts of the wife’s anatomy in the past so what happened later that week wasn’t totally a surprise but seeing pictures & the real thing is a big jump. Anyway as the week progressed I asked the wife to flash him so what we planned was that in the mornings he would steer the barge & from there you can see down the middle of the barge . The shower cubicle was towards the rear of the barge and anyone who knows anything about barges knows they are very small so she would have a shower then step out into the corridor naked & dry herself off obviously displaying all of her charms , my mate got to see the whole thing & very well impressed. She done this for I think 3 mornings needless to say my mate was keen to steer the barge every morning . To put people in the picture the kids would be at the other end of the barge whilst this happened so weren’t aware of what was going on !
Needless to say this made for an interesting experience that week & each night we could hear him knocking one out 😁
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Old 01-26-2023, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by exfly View Post
Yes! My best friend has seen some of the wifes pics! Ass,pussy and tits! And yes she knows and likes it. Very hot.
Hell yes!! What a woman!! She knows and likes it!! You lucky man!!
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Old 01-27-2023, 04:45 PM
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Default Opposite

Kind of the opposite for me. My wife, her sister, and I have skinny dipped a couple of times. So my wife’s little sister has seen me completely naked (and I’ve seen her sister naked at the same time of course.)
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Old 01-28-2023, 11:47 AM
PeterHuds PeterHuds is offline
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Originally Posted by Domino2010 View Post
Years ago my wife & I hired a barge for a week for us & the kids , as it was a large boat we invited a mate of mine & his kid along it was cold as it was early in the year but we all had fun . My mate has seen pictures of various parts of the wife’s anatomy in the past so what happened later that week wasn’t totally a surprise but seeing pictures & the real thing is a big jump. Anyway as the week progressed I asked the wife to flash him so what we planned was that in the mornings he would steer the barge & from there you can see down the middle of the barge . The shower cubicle was towards the rear of the barge and anyone who knows anything about barges knows they are very small so she would have a shower then step out into the corridor naked & dry herself off obviously displaying all of her charms , my mate got to see the whole thing & very well impressed. She done this for I think 3 mornings needless to say my mate was keen to steer the barge every morning . To put people in the picture the kids would be at the other end of the barge whilst this happened so weren’t aware of what was going on !
Needless to say this made for an interesting experience that week & each night we could hear him knocking one out 😁
Superb post. Really hot. Lucky man.
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Old 01-31-2023, 11:38 AM
Keepingsecrets Keepingsecrets is offline
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Here’s one of my favorite things my wife has done. We have a close guy friend of over 20 years. We’ve been hanging out since we were teenagers. Now we’re all married. He lives in my town. I bug and tease him quite a bit about my wife because I know he thinks she’s hot. I have on occasion sent a boob pic or two to him, my wife has full knowledge.
Anyway he texted me one night that he was on his way home from a work event and asked if it was a good time to stop over for a beer on the deck. My wife and I were in the hot tub having a few as it happens. We never ware suits in the tub, just head out in our robes and hop in. So I tried to plan this perfectly. We were out of beer in the outside fridge so I asked her to run into the house for a few more since he’d be over soon.

She got out, all wet and glistening, threw on her robe and went inside. I knew my friend would be by any second. Before my wife came back out he pulled up the driveway and came to the back. I greeted him from the hot tub and he pulled up a chair beside it.

My wife comes out and hands us our beers.
She hugged him and said hi. Now I was waiting to see if she had the courage to drop her robe and get back in the tub. And she did! Right there in front of a guy that’s known her for over 20 years. Completely naked. She placed it on a bench nearby and slowly got back into the tub, lifting her leg over, I’m sure he also got a great view of her pussy and ass. I was unbelievably shocked and turned on at the same time! He hung out a bit longer, with occasional boob flashes above the water. Then when he was about to leave, we decided to get out because the water was getting cold. She repeated her show in reverse, getting out of the tub, only this time he got to see her tits and ass all wet and glistening.

He’s asked many times for a repeat performance!
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