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Old 10-22-2014, 06:31 PM
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Default Addiction Therapy (1998)

Like my previous works, this story is highly based in the build up and the psychology of the characters. If you prefer faster ENF/EUF stories, I'll save you time by telling you that this story might not be what you prefer to read. For those of you that like my stories, enjoy!


Madrid, Spain. February of 1998

Silvia grabbed the little roll of fat that recently had collected around her waist. I was not too much, but she had been gaining weight consistently for the last months. Silvia knew that she had a little problem; she tended to overeat when under stress. Working for one of Madrid's most renowned publishing houses, there were certain moments in which she had to put long hours in the office and to do a shitload of work within those hours. It happened everytime that an acclaimed writer chose them for publishing their latest work. Being said that, one would think that those were award-winning writers, but that wasn't true most of the time; the publishing house wanted mostly best-sellers, those books that made waves among the average readers. Sales, of course, didn't necessarily correlate with quality, but they correlated very well with money and that was all that mattered. Silvia thought alike, because that meant a higher paycheck for her too.

The work-peak had just ended that week, but everyday at the office Silvia had eaten plenty of donuts, cupcakes and chocolates. She too drank high-sugar drinks and coffees. If that wasn't enough, usually when she was back home she would open a big bag of chips and she would eat the whole content. The feelings of regrets that she experienced after she saw the empty bottom of the bag didn't prevent her from doing the same the next night.

So she had a problem. Silvia didn't mind the fact that she overate when there was a lot of work to do, because that usually didn't last longer than three weeks -which was the amount of time on average necessary to complete the very last details of the publication process. But even after that, she had been eating junk food for prolongued periods of time. Those extra calories had been getting stored in her belly, legs and ass. Silvia had always been a pretty hot woman; a tall, brown-haired woman with long hair and very nice looking curves. She was still very good looking, and no way any sane person would have called her 'fat'. But if she kept eating so much shit that would change.

She hadn't been really concerned about the issue until an appointment with her doctor in which he talked her about the results of a routinary blood test. She had a good health overall, an nothing worrysome had ever appeared on her blood tests. After all she didn't smoke, she drank quite moderately and she avoided using public transportation every time she could go somewhere by just walking. This time was different, though.

"Look Silvia, I don't mean to worry you, but there's something on here that I don't really like" said the doctor, with his eyes on the papers. Silvia, of course, got frightened.

"What is it?" she asked, nervous. "Anemia? Diabetes?" Then, after a brief pause she looked even more alarmed because something awful has come to her mind; "Oh, no! Please, don't tell me that is cancer!"

Her doctor smiled lightly; "No, it isn't. Chill Silvia. I didn't say that it's serious. Because it isn't". Now the doctor was the one who made another brief pause, which at the end of it he added; "Not for now, at least. But you should keep an eye on it."

"What is it?" she asked again, visibly more relaxed. The doctor showed her the papers cointaining the results of her blood test and pointed to one of the parameters. Silvia wouldn't have needed him to point the parameter anyway, because it was marked by a red asterisk.

"Your LDL cholesterol levels are high" he stated. "Look; you showed 193 miligrams of LDL cholesterol per decilitre of blood. That's a bit worrysome. But don't worry, though; if you change your diet habits and excercise a little bit the problem should go away by itself". He looked at Silvia. "If that doesn't happen it might be a sign of an underlying condition, but since you're a healthy 27 years old woman I don't think that's the problem. We must try first by eating healthier food."

"But... how has this happened? I believe I eat the right food. Most of the time, at least" said Silvia. She has started to feel a bit guilty, thus reacting kind of defensive. For some reason, when a doctor questions your daily habits you feel like being again that little girl in elementary school, getting scolded by her History teacher for not having done her homework.

The doctor, however, kept talking softly. He passed a couple of pages from the test and pointed to another parameter; it had too the red asterisk next to it. "This" he said. "Blood sugar. It tells us how much glucose you had running on your bloodstream at the moment in which we took the blood sample. As you can see, it turned out to be 102 miligrams per decilitre of blood. Again, this is a quite high level."

He leaned back and dropped the papers over his desk; "So, this added to your high cholesterol levels makes me wonder... what do you usually eat?"

Silvia knew where he was trying to get to; one had to be a complete clueless moron to miss the fact that his question was a purely rhetoric one. He knew that she had been eating crap for long periods of time. Blood doesn't lie. If she lied to her doctor now all she would get would be coming off as an immature little b*tch. Lowering her head a bit, she answered in low voice;

"Wll, we've been very busy at my workplace because we're publishing a really good book, so..." a brief pause. Silvia blushed; "so I've been quite stressed lately. When I get stressed I feel the urge to eat chocolates, cupcakes, scones... you know, these kind of snacks that are so popular in offices..."

She finally mustered enough courage to look at her doctor's face again. His face didn't seem to show any emotion at all. Only cold, clinical attention to what she was saying. For some reaon, this made Silvia feel even more guilty. But the doctor just nodded with his head; it was the answer that he was expecting, no doubt.

"Junk food" he finally said, like it was some sort of sentence. "Pure refined carbohydrates. In this country people has accustomed to eat it on daily basis, instead of the classic break time sandwich. People don't seem to understand that junk food is meant to be eaten very sporadically. It's a real hazard to human health!"

Silvia just nodded, embarrassed. She hated to admit that, but her doctor couldn't be more right. Then he proceeded to ask her some questions;

"How much do you weight now? Your clothes seem tighter than usual? Do you usually have a bloated belly and slow digestions? Are you usually constipated?

Silvia answered '62 kilos' and 'yes' to those questions. The doctor nodded with his head one more time, probably because, like a bit earlier, he already knew what she would answer.

"I guess you don't like any of that. But if you cut the junk food and excercise for three hours each week you'll experiment a significant weight loss. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet too; that will take care of your constipation. Oh, one more thing; forget about soda and coffees; I suggest you to drink water or sugar free drinks."

Great, thought Silvia. Taking all the fun out of my life.

Of course she didn't sayd that. She said "yes, I will" instead. The doctor smiled and accompained her to the door. Before she left he added something.

"By the way, Silvia; if you think that you may have a problem refraining yourself from eating junk food, don't hesitate from seeking professional help. There are therapists that could help you to work on that problem. You should be able to find them on the Yellow Pages."

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

A week later;

Silvia didn't say it back in the doctor's office because it had caught her off-guard -and because she tended to avoid confrontations-, but she was thinking about that now. Me, an addicted? Please... I'm pretty capable of stop eating shit by myself. Silvia thought that her willpower was enough to lose the extra fat and drop some kilos. It was true that she had tried to excercise a while ago and it didn't work; she bought herself a tracksuit and ran a few laps around the park. She felt pretty ridicule stopping after less than fifteen minutes, completely exhausted. She had gone back home, took her tracksuit off... and never wore it again. Which meant, of course, no more laps around the park. That episode made her feel embarrassed, so she tried not to think too much about it; that usually made her want to eat.

So yes, she had an addiction problem after all. Maybe the doctor was right; she could seek some professional help. In these times almost everybody had seen a therapist at some point of their lives. Phone in hand, Silvia used the Yellow Pages and looked under the THERAPISTS/COUNSELORS section while sitting in her couch -and eating from a chips' bag!

Most of these were either too expensive or Silvia wasn't really convinced about their methods. After calling at their offices and hearing them talk Silvia felt that they wouldn't be able to help her snap out of her addictive behavior; their soft-spoken tone and technical words seemed to her like a weak strategy. She needed something stronger, harsher and more drastic. In the edge of illegality, even!

Then, something catched her attention;

Are you a chain smoker that seems unable to spend less than ten minutes without having a smoke?

Drinking too much before 12:00 AM?

You can't pay your mortgage because of your gambling nights?

CUT IT NOW! Call us and forget of your addiction forever!

We need just TWO MONTHs only! If we haven't helped you to beat your addiction within two months, we'll refund your money back!

Remember; CUT IT NOW! Systems. And lead a happy, free life!

Wow, that's a really high stake, Silvia thought. It would be neccesary more than a month to beat her eating addiction. They were probably scammers, she thought. No way they could do all that they promised in just a month, it was impossible. Silvia started to slid the page and forget about those scammers, but she stopped, looking at any direction in particular. What if she called them first?

She picked the phone and dialed the number. She taled with a secretary for some minutes, during which she informed Silvia that, in order to help customers decide, they allowed one free visit to one of their doctors. After that it was up to the customer to decide if he or she would pay for the treatment or not. Thinking that she had nothing to lose, Silvia asked for an appointment.

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

The waiting room was quite ostentatious, which made Silvia rethink her opinion about CUT IT NOW! Systems. As her mother used to say, nobody earns so much money and remains with an innocent conscience. Edge-desing chairs and a couch, expensive and rare pictures in the walls and a rug of a rather exquisite style on the floor. Definitely, they were scammers. Or was that Silvia's addicted mind looking for an excuse to lay back on her couch while emptying a big vanilla ice-cream tub?

After a not too long thinking process, Silvia decided that she was trying to make excuse, so she stayed. After a little less than then minuted. One of the doors opened. A young doctor stuck his head out.

"Silvia Font?" he asked, looking around until his eyes spotted Silvia. "Are you Silvia Font?"

"Yes, I am" said Silvia, while rising to her feet. "Should I come in?"

"Yes, please" he said, politely. Silvia, wearing her tight jeans and her dark aquamarine shirt, followed him inside, where he invited her to take a seat.

"Well, well... let's see" said the doctor, while he sat down behind his desk. Silvia had noticed the little golden sign in the door, in which 'Dr. Arturo Morales' could be read. "So, you've phoned us for a first meeting, right?" asked Morales, smiling. Silvia nodded.

"To be honest, your announcement on the Yellow Pages struck me as very... I don't know how to say it... keep in mind, I don't wish to offend you, but..." Silvia's babble steamed from the fact that what she was trying to say was very delicated and added to the fact that she had never been too good at confrontations with other people. Her face was turning uncomfortably bright red.

"Deceitful?" Morales ended the sentence, speaking gently. He didn't seem offended at the least, but kind of amused. "Oh, don't worry, I undertand your concerns. In fact, you're not the first person that has as suggested the same." He laughed, and Silvia imitated him, relieved. She noticed how confident that man was in their method and that made her think that she had done the good thing calling CUT IT NOW!.

"I'll explain you how or method works. Let's see... in your case, according with what you've told our secretary, you want to battle your food addiction, right?" he asked, calmly. Silvia nodded.

"It's not only the gained fat. My belly gets upset easier now". Morales nodded solemnly to this. Maybe food addictions were a common motive of their patients?

"Slow digestions, bloated bowels, uncomfortable noises... I've seen all those before; junk food is a very underrated poison. But I guarantee you that we'll help you to get rid of those problems. As I was telling you, we'll treat your addiction like we'd treat a chain smoker or a drug addict; first, you'll be seen by a doctor -in your case, a nutritionist- that will guide you in order to change your diet for a healthier one."

Morales then leaned forward, although not too much, while clasping his hands together and interlacing his fingers; "Then, we'll use negative reinforcement to help you to stick to your diet." A little pause in which Morales seemed to study Silvia's reaction. "Do you know what negative reinforcement means?"

Silvia did, and nodded while nervously swallowing saliva. Negative reinforcement? Did they plan to hurt her if she failed?

It was like Morales had read her mind, because then he added; "Don't worry, I'm not talking of extreme measures. We don't use any kind of physical violence with our patients... nothing of that sort!" he said, while elaning back again and slowly waving his hand in a gesture that indicated that what he was talking about was not serious. But this left Silvia with a question.

"Psychological violence, then?" she asked. Her voice shaked a bit. Morales' eyes looked at some point of the wall at his left.

"I prefer the term 'emotional punishment' better" he said. "We just make the patients feel bad about themselves, so next time they violate their treatment guides they will think twice. With each violation, the punishment gets harder. But we make sure we don't get over the top; the effects of our punishments are always non-lasting."

Silvia's face must have expressed terror, because the doctor quickly added; "We've helped more than one thousand patients to date. A little less than four hundred were punished once, but nodoby has ever been punished twice. Never."

"What kind of 'emotional punishment' are you talking about?" asked Silvia, feeling more than a bit uneasy. Morales smiled.

"I can't tell you; company's policies" he explained. "Moreover, if you knew what were you up to, the punishment would not be as effective, which would hinder your progress."

Well, at least it sounded reasonable. To Silvia, not knowing what exactly they'd do to her was quite frightening. On the other hand, her addiction was too strong and had started to dictate her life. She needed a shock treatment, right?

With a huge effort on her part, Silvia pronounced the following words; "Then yes; I want to subscribe to the treatment."

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

March of 1998;

Almost a month after starting her treatment, Silvia could not be happier; she had lost four kilos, her stomach worked fine and her self-esteem had rosen up like a rocket. She felt much more confident and easygoing than ever. She felt sexy and she liked what she saw in her bathroom's mirror after the shower. Her friends noticed the change too and they didn't stop complimenting her on that. She was now in the office, where her change has been noticed too, everybody congratulated her for her weight loss -male colleagues especially!

Well, ALMOST everybody did; there was that b*tch in the office, Nati. She was a secretary too, but her flippant personality and her laziness was like a waste stone at the workplace. Moreover, for some reason, she hated Silvia. Nati approached Silvia's desk, wiggling her hips under her mauve skirt-suit and carrying her very long blonde hair -as she always did- in a ponytail that reached almost to her fat ass. She thought that she had a model-like slender figure but, in Silvia's opinion Nati's body resembled a giant pear. The men of the office, however, found her curves quite attractive.

"Oh, so you've lost six kilos already?" asked Nati, with her flippant tone and ultra-fake friendly demeanor. Silvia didn't try to correct her; Nati was a big gossiper and she knew very well that Silvia had lost four kilos instead of six. She was just trying to take her happiness away. As to confirm this, she added; "You'll soon start to look great!"

"Thank you very much, Nati" said Silvia, smiling lightly without taking her eyes from the computer in which she was organizing the registry entries. It seemed that Nati expected the classic women's subtle verbal war. But as she saw that Silvia was focuse on her work she didn't add anything. After a pause, Nati's habits kicked in;

"I'm outside. I'm having a smoke. If the boss asks about me, tell him that I'll be back in five minutes max."

"Okay" said Silvia, equally calm as before. That was another annoying thing about Nati; her constant breaks for a smoke. No matter how much work they had, no matter that a very important book was about to be published; Nati had to smoke her daily pack of cigarettes no matter what. Silvia didn't spend too much time thinking about that, as it was worth nothing. Instead, she decided to focus on her work.

At five o'clock of the evening Silvia's work was over. She came out from the publishing house, her head very high and with a big smile on her beautiful face. She noticed that clothes suited her even better now and the week before she had bought the black leather skirt and the tight, purple long sleeve T-shirt that she was wearing now; Silvia had put on that day her favorite black boots too, and she felt stunning. Nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin that beautiful day.

Walking towards where she had parked her car, Silvia passed by refreshment stand. Ice-cream! Woudln't be really nice having a ice-cream now? That's what passed through Silvia's mind in that moment. Then she remembered that she was dieting. Worse yet; she remembered that there would be bad consequences if she violated the program. But... the pistaccio ice-cream looked so nice! A bit of ice cream wouldn't do any harm, would it? No, of course not. However... what if CUT IT NOW! got word of it?

It was like those comedy movies in which the main character is having a moral argument with himself, having an angel and a devil both with his own face sitting in both his shoulders. Silvia discovered that it was quite stressing ; she solved to do what she pleased!

"A pistaccio ice-cream for me, please" she said to the vendor. Moreover... how the hell were the guys of CUT IT NOW! know about this? Where they spying her 24/7 or what? And in such case, what were they gonna do? Critizice her lack of willpower? That day she felt so confident that that woul not matter too much.

After paying for it, Silvia took the first spoonful of ice-cream. Having spent a month since her last ice-cream, the sweet flavour spreaded a wave of delight through her nervous system. It was so intense that she closed her eyes and muttered; "Hmmmmmm!"

Her car wasn't parked too far away from the refreshment stand, but Silvia ended her ice-cream way before arriving. I'm a bad girl, she though. But I'd repeat! Silvia reached the corner after which she would fin her parked car. She took it with a feline smile on her face and saw her car. But that was not the only thing she saw.

Three muscular bald men were resting their backs on it. And they were looking at her with serious expressions in their faces.

"Uh... what can I do for you, gentlemen?" asked Silvia, feeling nervous. They didn't look friendly at all. One of these big guys approached her.

"Silvia Font" he said, and that was definitely NOT a question. "Then he pulled out a card and showed it to her. Silvia recognized the logo inmediately; CUT IT NOW! So yes, they were spying her. And yes, those guys looked like capable of worse things than a boring lecture. Much worse.

"I guess that we can skip formalities" said the man. "You've violated your program and you'll be punished accordingly."

Silvia was scared shitless. She didn't know what kind of 'emotional punishment' could those three guys deliver, but they were up to no good, that was for sure. The other two guys approached her too. One of them had a leash in his hands.

"Since you've demonstrated having the impulse control of a dog, you'll be treated as such" he stated with a calm, but firm tone; Silvia didn't dare to defend herself. Suddenly, a dog collar was placed around her neck and almost inmediately the leash was attached to the collar.

"This is humiliating!" she whined. A young couple was watching closely what was going on. The young man, mustering quite a lot of courage, approached the three big men.

"Excuse me" he said, after grasping nervously. "But what you're doing to this woman is inhumane."

Uh, oh, Silvia thought. Now is the moment in which this poor guy is punched in the face by one of those brutes and gets knocked out cold. But nothing of the sort happened; in fact the first 'brute' smiled in a friendly manner.

"We appreciate your concern, young man" he said, while picking something of of the pocket of his shirt. "But this case is different; we work for CUT IT NOW! and this woman is a patient of us. I know it looks a quite harsh treatment but believe me; it's for her own good!"

He showed the guy his personal card. The young man smiled as well; "Oh, in that case I'll leave all you alone. Humiliate her!"

Now all the three men turned towards the scared Silvia. "Now I want you to behave like a dog; stand on your knees and elbows and bark!" said the first man. It was nalready clear to Silvia that he was the leader of the trio; the other two were mere sidekicks.

At this command, Silvia did nothing but obey. The young man and his girlfirend were looking at her with amusement. So she started to crouch down, resigned to her abasing fate, when suddenly the leader grabbed her arm and forced her to rise back to her feet again.

"Do you know what dogs don't do?" he asked. Silvia was intrigued and terryfied. Failing to aswer his question could have bad consequences, right? But it wasn't necessary for her to answer, because the man did after a couple of seconds;

"Dogs don't wear skirts."

"No, no, no! Please! Not that!" begged Silvia. The idea of going through removing her skirt on a crowded street looked as unbearable to her as death; there was no way she could do it! Too much embarrassment, she could not live that down. But wait! That could very well just a scare! They only wanted to scare the pants -or skirt- off of her, so she would think twice next time. After all, depantsing or deskirting someone constituted a crime. They were not going to do it, she thought. Well, the probably weren't going to do it.

"Okay, okay" said Silvia. "I've learned my lesson. You guys frightened me!" she giggled, nervously, while gently hitting the chest of the leader. The man, however, remained quiet and serious. He leaned closer to Silvia, so much that she could smell his after-shave lotion.

"This is not a joke" he said, calm but firm; "we're taking off your skirt."

His confidence broke Silvia down; "No, no! No, please, have some mercy, I'll be good!" she yelled while, unbeknownst to her dropping on her knees and holding a begging grip on the man's shirt. By now there were plenty of people around watching the show closely. Silvia didn't like to play her current role, but she liked much less being left in her underwear publically. She always feared having some kind of accident in which that could happen, and now it was happening! Her worst nightmare has become true. The leader, meanwhile, looked coldly insensitive to Silvia's begging.

"The more you scream and beg, the more people will watch your punishment" her told her. But Silvia didn't seem to register that information; she was already in a world of desperation, on her knees and tugging from the man's shirt.

"No, don't take my skirt off! I beg you, don't do it, please! PLEASE!" begged Silvia, now screaming. "Please! That's too harsh!"

But it was in vain; at the leader's command, the other two men grabbed Silvia's arms while she didn't stop screaming like crazy. In fact, Silvia was now in the verge of tears. She was again the ten-years old girl that was once punished in school for failing a quiz test; her had teacher forced her to stay in the dais, facing her peers and feeling vulnerable. It was similar now, and she hated hit. Silvia's heart rate had skyrocketed in a matter of seconds. The leader grabbed her ankles and lifted them on the air, leaving Silvia laying face up in the air. One of the sidekicks pulled down the lateral zipper of her black leather skirt.

"What are you doing? OH MY GOD! NO! NO! DON'T, PLEASE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The leader grabbed her skirt and pulled it off of her legs, leaving Silvia skirtless publically and then he left her feet back in the ground again. Silvia looked down; still wearing her purple long-sleeved t-shirt, but waist down she only had her black high boots, her black sheer stockings -with lacy tops tightly pressing around her mid thighs- and her panties, which were yellow, high cut style with a pattern of cheetah print in black and dark brown. The leg apertures were so high -almost reaching the high waistband, pure 90's style- that her hips were highly noticeable. Silvia hadn't feel so exposed and vulnerable in her whole life. And why the hell had she decided to put on such a fancy underwear that morning after shower?

Silvia looked around; the guy that a bit earlier tried to defend her was now snickering. Same with her girlfriend. An eldery woman looked away with disapproval and a couple of kids -not much older than the own Silvia when she was punished at school- were outright laughing at her and pointing at her underwear. There were more people around but Silvia, in such an agitated state of mind, could only notice those people described. So she placed one hand on her crotch and other over her ass, trying to cover her sexy panties. Of course, it was a vain effort. Moreover, her tight t-shirt was a bit short and its hem reached only to a few centimetres away from the waistband of her panties.

To put it bluntly; she was fucked.

"Now on your knees and elbows!" commanded the leader. "And bark!" It was difficult for her to understand what he was seeing, because the four were already in the epicenter of plenty of yelling, laughs and wolf-whistles. She felt extremley cold inside, but her cheeks of her face were burning red. Silvia obeyed; she placed herself on her knees and then leaned forward until placing her elbows on the ground. Due to the posture, her big ass raised up in the air, which made the show even more humiliating. She noticed that the leader was tugging from the leash, so she looked up to his face.

"Lift that huge ass more" he commanded. "As much as you can!"

With people laughing harder, Silvia obeyed and moved her knees closer to her body while movinng her belly towards the ground. Her large panty-clad buttocks stood out in the ridicule picture; two big twin mountains painted like a cheetah! The leader crouched down at her same level. He had something in his right hand; it was a cardboard sign.

"Hold this with your teeth" he said. Silvia, humiliated to the point of feeling like having no ego at all, opened her mouth and closed her jaws around the top of the sign. Silvia could not read what was written on it, but she guessed that it was something funny because people laughed after reading it.


Silvia closed her eyes, so she would not see the laughing faces, the pointing fingers and the looks of social disapproval; those hurt her like blades getting driven into her bowels. Too bad that she could not the same with the sounds. Sure, she could place her hands on her hears, but maybe the leader didn't want her to do so and would punish her further if she tried! Anyway, she wouldn't dare to try. Then suddenly...

"Okay, okay! Get the hell out of here! What's going on? Let me through!" said a male, authoritative voice. A policeman walked through the mob and reached to Silvia. He was in his 40's and had a big moustache. As soon as he saw the show his eyes opened big time. Then, he looked at the leader with disgust.

"Do you think this is a proper way to treat a lady?" he roared, walking towards the strong, bald man brandishing his nightstick, ready to use it. "I command you to drop the leash and return her skirt to her, or you'll have serious problems!"
But the leader was quite calm, and pulled ot his card again.

"I understand your concern, officer. And I must applaud your sense of duty and justice. But this is a different situation; we work for CUT IT NOW! and this woman..."

He explained the issue to the officer while the latter inspected the card. The policeman seemed to understand the situation and soon he was smiling. Upon to appearing the policeman, Silvia had felt a huge sense of relief, thinking that finally her problems were over. But that relief was now crushed to pieces; the authority, the corp created to protect and serve the citizen had turned against her too! Could there be something more soul crushing than that?

"So, as I understand, this lady needs a shock treatment since her food addiction has reached dangerous levels. Am I right?" asked the policeman. The leader nodded politely.

"That's it, officer. We're doing her a big favour" he explained. The policeman looked at Silvia.

"This is for your own good" he said. "And I'll contribute to your punishment, since I'd hate to see a young, beautiful woman like you wasting her life away."

The policeman used his nightstick to pat gently Silvia's ass over the soft polyamide fabric of the seat of her panties. It didn't hurt, of course, but it was extremely humiliating. People laughed again. It was a general guffaw, so hard that Silvia could have sworn that it had weight of its own. The policeman patted her right buttock first, and then he repeated the process with the left one.

People were laughing their asses off now, and Silvia felt the first tear trying to slide down from her eye; she felt pathetic, too little, laughable and ridicule. She felt like being just an excuse of a woman. Experimenting a regression to her childhood years, Silvia felt the urge to run into her former room in her parent's house and hide between the sheets of her bed. Nothing could be worse than this. Nothing.

But she was wrong, of course. Murphy's Law kicked in and she heard the most annoying, hateful, depicable and disgusting voice in the whole world;

"Oh, Silvia! What are you doing?"

Nati, of course. Her long time rival at the office. Silvia looked at the crowd and there was she, looking stupidly at Silvia's show. Why on Earth had to happen this to her? The world was so unfair! Meanwhile, Nati approached Silvia and crouched down to speak to her.

"Well, well, well... look who's here" she said, smiling with that smile of her packed with tons of subtle evil. "I admire you; you're up to take such an extreme measure to battle your addiction. Congratulations!"

Silvia looked down, at the sidewalk's ground -it looked much friendlier than her laughing crowd. Nati stood up, turned around and faced the crowd. That b*tch, thought Silvia, could not miss any opportunity of gathering attention.

"Please, everybody" shouted Nati. "A standing ovation for this brave girl! Let's help her to get a smaller butt!"

Silvia had her -unwanted- standing ovation, while still looking at the ground. You'll pay for this, b*tch, she though. Wait and see.

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

A day later;

Silvia entered into CUT IT NOW! offices. For the first time in maybe years, she was more than angry; she was MAD. The other day she had been forced to stand there with no skirt on while maintaining the world's most ridicule position in the middle of the street. She had to stay there until the nightfall, which happened almost three hours later. By the time in which they unleashed her and gave her her skirt back she felt like her face would be red forever. To make things worse, that same morning at work fucking Nati had to spread the story among all her coworkers, which teased her about the incident up to the end of her shift.

"I want to see Dr. Morales" she said to the secretary, who leaned back a bit, frightened by Silvia's fury; "Uh, he's with a patient in this moment, but if you don't mind waiting a bit he..."

The secretary stopped talking, as she didn't see the point of talking to the wall; Silvia was already walking towards Morales's office and she oppened the door without knocking on it. Morales and a tall mand turned their heads towards Silvia with surprised looks on their faces.

"We gotta talk" said Silvia, bluntly. Morales smiled calmly.

"We'll talk later" he explained. "As you can see, I'm discussing a new patient his problems, so..."

"WE'LL TALK NOW!" yelled Silvia, not remembering when was the last time she felt that angry at somebody. She wanted to punch the fucker's teeth out for causing her embarrassing moment. Morales looked at his patient.

"Excuse me, I'll be back soon" he explained, and guided Silvia out of his office. He closed the door behind him.

"You're a bastard" said Silvia, with clenched teeth. "You've humiliated me in the worst way possible. Do you realize how fucking embarrassing is to be left in your underwear in the middle of street while pretending to be a dog? Do you have any clue?"

Morales was smiling lightly, still calm; "Believe it or not" he said. "This is not the first time that I'm being confronted by an angry patient. And I'm afraid this won't be the last time."

"You're sick. You're a sick fuck!" Silvia accused him. Again, no reaction from Mr. Morales.

"Ms. Font, I had explained to you that we work with negative reinforcement" he said, patiently. "And we do it on a emotional level. After being publically deskirted, I'm sure you won't relapse again" he stared directly at her eyes. "Would you? Do you see yourself buying another ice-cream again?"

Silvia felt her rage fading away. As much as she hated it, he was right; no more temptations, no more 'once-in-a-while-won't-hurt-me' snacks. No more compulsive eating and no more evil scale. But after coming into the office like an infantry army she felt that a polite apology was too hard. She turned around, intending to leave the place and feeling embarrassed. But then she turned around again to face Morales.

"What will happen to me this time if I have another relapse?" she asked. Morales smiled, but his eyes looked quite serious.

"Oh, same as yesterday... with one variable", he stared at her eyes again; "Underwear off."

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

April of 1998;

Another month had passed and Silvia had lost another four kilos, ending her CUT IT NOW! treatment weighting a very healthy and balanced 54 kilos. She looked slim and fit, but she had not lost her sexy and femenine curves that were in their right places. April had broght a nice warm sun over Madrid and Silvia had decided to celebrate the end of her treatment by having a nice pistaccio ice-cream bought on the same refreshment stand. Contrary of what she had feared, people didn't remember her humiliation. She once had read somewhere that psychologists had researched about the way people living in big cities remember out-of-ordinary incidents; they found out that, due the huge amount of visual, physical and mental stimulies that cities deliver, most people tended to forget way more easily that people living in the countryside.

God bless the annoying car horns, the contamination and the publicity signs, Silvia thought while eating her ice-cream. It was nice, but she had lost that drive of eating more and more. Now, she could control her apetite. Hating every thought that she dedicated to him, Silvia had to admit that Dr. Morales had made her a big, big favour. Extreme methods? Yes, but he had saved Silvia from being a walking meatball later in life. Having ended her contract with CUT IT NOW!, she was free to eat whatever she wanted with no consequences. However

"I don't want to annoy you, Silvia" said the stand's vendor, which had knew her for years. "But I've been wondering about that day in which you were subjeted to that humiliation."

Silvia looked at him suddenly, and felt her face turning red again. But the man didn't seem hostile nor mocking; he was smiling warmly and seemed just genuinely curious.

"Oh, that" said Silvia, relaxing a bit. In the end, everybody makes a fool of themselves at some point of their lives and of course, Silvia Font was no exception to the rule; "It was a treatment for my food addiction. It must say that it worked, because I didn't have any relapse since then."

And that was true. How could she think of violating the program again after being humiliated in such a serious manner? Suddenly, the vendor looked over Silvia's shoulder. His eyes seemed to look stare at something in the distance.

"Hey" said the vendor. "Isn't that oine of your coworkers?"

Silvia turned her head around. What he saw puzzled her at first and then it made her giggle. There was Nati. She too had paid for the services that CUT IT NOW! provided, probably because of her tobacco addiction. Knowing Nati, Silvia knew that her decision arised from how much money the cigarette packs cost her, not because she was concerned for her own health.

"Well, well, well" muttered Silvia, smiling. "Look who has had a relapse!"

Silvia approached the scene, walking towards the place where Nati -and the three strong men- were. She remembered that Nati hadn't been taking smoke breaks lately, and she behaved every day like having a bad case of PMS. In Nati's case, such behavior could have leaded even the tough Attila to suicide. After approaching closer to Nati, Silvia admired her humiliation; there she was that stupid blonde, with her very long hair carried in an equally long ponytail. She wore one of her posh skirt suits -ivory colored this time- and she was crawling on her knees and elbows while the same leader that humiliated Silvia a month earlier had in his hand a leash attached to the collar around Nati's neck. Nati had a giant ass, even much bigger than Silvia's large ass, and it was now pointing up to the sky. Of course, Nati had had her skirt removed; the leader was holding her skirt in his left hand. The only things that Nati wore waist down were her expensive heels, her black see-thru pantyhose and under it, her black high cut panties made of soft nylon.

There was an entourage of people walking around her, laughing at her predicament. Nati crawled on her knees and elbows while looking at the ground, humiliated. Her face was bright red. In contrast with her blonde hair, Silvia was briefly reminded of Spain's flag.

Nati had mocked her. Now Nati was the one being humiliated. Oh, this is going to be a great day, thought Silvia; she ran towards Nati, smiling with bad intentions;

"Hey, Nati! How's going?"

The End.
If you love stories about women publically humiliated in their underwear, check my EUF stories in my 'Visitor Messages' panel.

Last edited by FLP00; 10-22-2014 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 10-24-2014, 05:27 AM
PforPanchira PforPanchira is offline
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Nice style of writing, its like erotic comedy light erotic in that sense its not dark at all unlike some of my concepts.

It would be nice if your stories can become a short film.
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Old 10-24-2014, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by PforPanchira View Post
Nice style of writing, its like erotic comedy light erotic in that sense its not dark at all unlike some of my concepts.

It would be nice if your stories can become a short film.
Spot on! Thanks.

That's the style I like for my EUF stories; always keeping a light-hearted tone, pretty much like a comady movie. The things that happens to the women in my stories are never meant to be serious, but funny instead.

Silvia's -and Nati's- humiliation is meant to make you feel amusement, not pity; my intention was to make the reader feel like a member of the laughing crowd. Glad it worked!

And of course, if someday I managed to improve my financial status, you can be pretty sure that I'd try to hire an affordable filmmaker and actresses to make a short film out of one of my stories!
If you love stories about women publically humiliated in their underwear, check my EUF stories in my 'Visitor Messages' panel.
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