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Old 07-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Zelten Zelten is offline
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Default Ignorance is bliss

Note: The main characters name and appearance is based off a New Zealand singer, although within the story it's not actually her.

Ignorance is Bliss
It was hot. Really hot.
Over the past few days a heat wave had rolled over the city, with temperatures at an all time high. The people who lived there did everything to keep cool...stayed indoors, jacked up their air conditioning, opened every window in their home and even stripping down to wear as little clothes as possible. Because of the heat public nudity was no longer illegal although still frowned upon due to almost everybody in the city being a prude. funny how that works doesn't it?
Kimbra was one such resident of the city, she was 5'7, had short dark hair that went just below her neck, had firm C-cup breasts and an average, yet decent backside. She lived downtown in a small apartment with her roommate Susan (5'10, long brown hair, small B-cup breasts and a firm, tight ass) where the temperature was at its highest. Unfourtunetly for Kimbra high temperatures had an adverse effect on her mind, which leads us to our story...

Kimbra let out a long moan as she woke up in her bed. It was 9:00 AM and the hot sun was pouring into her window. She was face down with her short dark hair clinging to the back of her sweaty neck, the thin-as-possible bed covers were lowered to her waist (she refused to take the covers off completely as it made it awkward for her to sleep). Her window was wide open, giving a good look to the street below and her air conditioner hummed as it sent a stream of cool air through her room.
Kimbra yawned and sat up. It had been another long, hot night and she was feeling it as she got up from her bed, out of the now-hot covers and stood up in her room. Last night had been really bad for her, and she had done something to help keep her cool...although for the life of her she could not remember what. Shaking her head Kimbra took a step and felt her foot connect with something soft, curious she went to bend down but felt a sharp pain in her neck preventing her from bending it.
"Damn cramps." She grumbled. She was still able to bend down with her knees, but he neck and spine were so stiff and sore that she could barley move them.
Kimbra felt around the floor with her hand and found what she had stepped on, bringing it up to eye-level she saw that it was a bundle of clothes-to be specific a pair of pajama bottoms and a small T-shirt along with a pair of panties.
"How did these get on the floor?" She asked herself. The heat affected her mind, and she had trouble remembering certain things, and also frequently forgot to do other things. "Oh well." She chucked the clothes into the hamper and stepped outside to the hall where she almost bumped into her roommate Susan.
"Oh morning Ki-" Susan began but stopped and looked down.
"Morning Susan." Kimbra said. "What's the matter?"
"Oh...I uh." Susan began. "It's just...I see you're going all out to stay cool...uh are you...staying that way?"
Kimbra was confused. "Staying what way?"
Susan stuttered again. "Don't you know you're uh..." Susan seemed to be struggling for words, but then stopped and suddenly smiled. "Oh nothing, just...don't wear anything that keeps you to hot."
Kimbra laughed "I won't, speaking of which I love what you're wearing." She gestured to the small blue bikini Susan had decided to wear. "Although you're wearing so little that you might as well go naked."
Susan chuckled awkwardly "I can't imagine anybody doing that."
Kimbra laughed again but stopped when she noticed the clock at the far end of the hallway.
"Crap!" She exclaimed running to put her shoes on. "I need to get to the mall before the rush starts."
"What about breakfast and all that?" Susan asked as Kimbra was struggling to find her shoes without looking down. "Not hungry?"
"I haven't eaten yet?" She asked, then remembered. "Oh yeah I haven't...I'll get something there."
"Stay cool!" Susan shouted as her friend ran out. As soon as she heard Kimbra leave she laughed. "If I wasn't working then I could see how this turns out..."
Her thought was interrupted as Kimbra ran back into the apartment again.
"Crap." Susan grumbled, it wouldn't last long after all.
"I feel so embarrassed!" Kimbra exclaimed.
"I was going to tell you..." Susan began but was cut off.
"I can't believe I forgot my bag!" She grabbed the item from the shelf and slung it around her shoulder. "This heat is really getting to me! Bye!" Kimbra slammed the door again and left Susan standing there stunned.
"On second thought." She said to herself. "Maybe not telling her was a good idea..."

Kimbra stepped out of her apartment building and stretched in the sun. Today was supposed to be the peak of the heat wave, yet she felt oddly cooler than normal.
"Weather man is probably wrong." She said to her herself walking into the street.
Her building was next to a major road which led down to the mall. Because it was so close she had no problem simply walking there every day. She passed a city worker who was doing the lawn in front of the apartment.
"Hi." She said pleasantly, the worker looked up and jumped backwards, he mouth gaping.
Kimbra figured he was just jumpy and kept walking, not noticing that he was pulling out his cellphone to take a picture.
Kimbra kept walking, he body shining in the sunlight and her purse bag digging into her shoulder, she adjusted it a few times and figured it was a bad idea to wear a strapless top today. Wait...strapless top? Why did she decide to wear a strapless top? For that matter when did she decide to put one on?
She shook her head and figured it must be the heat getting to her again. No matter how bad this got to her she wouldn't be stupid enough to forget to get dressed.
Walking down the street she kept getting glances from people, especially men. She smiled, Kimbra was an attractive girl and she knew it so any time the rest of the world noticed it was good news for her. However one look really got to her, while walking she noticed a mother and her young son were walking on the opposite sidewalk. The boy pointed at Kimbra, saying something to her mother. The mom looked over and Kimbra could see her jaw drop. The mother immediately covered the boys eyes and dragged him away.
Kimbra looked behind her to see if it was something else but there was nothing unusual or shocking on the street. "Weird." She mumbled.
Feeling thirsty Kimbra decided to pop into a nearby store on the road. As she walked up she saw two men sitting on a bench outside the store completely nude! The two saw her and smiled broadly. "Hey! Another one!" The man said happily, Kimbra was glad her neck was still stiff so she could see them giving her a standing ovation while still sitting down. "Keep the movement sister! We need more women doing this."
Kimbra smiled weakly and turned into the store immediately. Freaks she thought.
As she entered the clerk looked over and face palmed. "Not another one! At least your not a guy this time."
Kimbra was taken aback. "Another one of what?" She asked walking forward. "What is wrong with everybody today?"
"You tell me!" The clerk snapped back. "I'm just working here and I see all you weirdos walking around like that! Even my manager is doing it!"
The clerk pointed his finger at another women checking inventory near the back of the store. She was wearing only the store shirt and nothing else.
Kimbra was taken aback and walked forward "I don't know why you keep mistaken me for one of them! In case you haven't noticed I'm wearing clothes!"
The clerks eyes widened. "Wait you don't...realize?"
"Realize what!" Kimbra was half shouting, what was wrong with everybody today.
"This has to be a joke." The clerk. "Well it stops now anyway. Public nudity is only legal to those over 18 and you obviously aren't."
"I'm 20 years old!" Kimbra exclaimed. "Here I'll prove it to you!"
Kimbra took off her purse and placed it on the counter, rummaged around in her purse for her ID before realizing where it was, she had it in her shorts pocket.
"Hand on." She said. Kimbra reached down into her pants pocket and...felt no pocket.
Kimbra froze and felt around on her leg. She could feel no fabric, or a pocket of any time just bare skin. Was she wearing her bikini bottoms today? She put her hand on her thigh and felt up to her waist where she felt no string, she felt around some more over her inner thigh, and put a hand over her private area where she would feel her trimmed pubic hair. A sudden realization took hold of her. Last night she lay in bed, her pajamas felt way to hot so she took them off, and slept that way for the rest of the night and she never got dressed that morning
The clerk pointed behind her. "There's a mirror right there."
Kimbra spun around and saw the conveniently placed mirror. She was wearing a pair of shoes...and nothing else. Her face fell and she screamed.
Kimbra threw one arm around her chest and the other over her frontal area. She was naked, completely and utterly naked! She dashed outside and ran full speed through the street, she could not believe that she was nude this whole time! And Susan knew. Kimbra rushed up to her building and almost collided with her roommate who was exiting.
"Hey Kimbra." She said happily. "You're back early, did you get some new cloth-"
"SHUT UP!" Kimbra yelled. "I'm naked! I need to get into the apartment!"
"Then use you key silly."
Kimbra was about to rummage through her purse before realizing that she had left it behind.
Susan laughed. "Don't worry, you can use mine." Susan looked around her body for it then looked up and Kimbra. "I may have left my purse upstairs..."
Kimbras eyes flashed. "Give me your bikini."
"What? No!"
"It wasn't a request." Kimbra was pissed. She lunged forward at her roommate.
The two wrestled on the ground for a bit before finally Kimbra was able to grab hold and ripped both peices of Susans bikini right off her body.
Susan quickly covered up her hairy sn*tch and naked breasts. "You idiot! Now we're both naked and the fabric is torn!"
Kimbra snorted. "Now you know how it feels."
Susan made an angry face. "So how do we plan on ending this?"
"I don't know, it's not like everybody in the city will suddenly get naked."
Susan pointed down the street. "Actually..."
Kimbra looked down the street and saw that everybody in the city was now nude but with Godzilla attacking nobdy seemed to notice and then...

Kimbra woke with a start in her bed. She looked at the clock...9:30 AM, she looked down and saw that she was nude...then looked outside and saw...
"Kimbra!" Susan yelled running into her room stark naked. "The clothes zappers are attacking! All fabric is being destroyed!"
Kimbra groaned. "This is real isn't it..."
As real as it gets....
Susan snorted. "Well that's a lame way to end a story. It's all a dream and now aliens are attacking? Well at least it's not ending with one of us in mid se-"

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