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Old 08-26-2009, 11:26 AM
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Cool Bobbie Kaye - The Start fo Something Big

An ENF story based on a real person show attends weekly chat sessions at my website....

Bobby Kaye - The Start of Something Big
“The Adventure Begins”
By IndianOutlaw

The California sun was just a hair over the horizon as the morning dew danced on the lawn grass. Bobbie had been planning this day for nearly two weeks. She purposefully left the mail in the box from the day before. This was the day. After kidding from her East coast friend Gretchen and her sister, this was her moment.

Looking out the front door, the street lights had just gone off. In a scene you might find on Desperate Housewives, the neighborhood was filled with manicured lawns, garden gnomes and your average middle class cars lining driveways. The paperboy had already dropped the news and it was a couple hours before the morning commuters would be leaving, now was her chance. First her face felt the cool morning air, then her ears, then her whole head. She now closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The door opened quickly and she ran toward the end of he front walk. Her bare feet feeling the dampness now apparent even on the solid surface. As she ran she felt invigorated. Having never done anything like this before, oh she talked about it, in stories, discussions with Gretchen and even in a popular chat room. But now she was actually going through with it.

It was empowering. She smiled knowing the cool air made her nipples rise. Small breasts and great nipples. “This is Great” she said inside. But wasting no time she reached into the mail box, grabbed the assortment of letters and one small parcel, then she turned and ran for the inside. Wanting to be even more daring, she diverted her direction back to feel the wet grass beneath her bare feet. Then it was up the steps, through the door and inside the house.

With the front door now securely closed, Bobbie could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She felt alive, she felt strangely aroused. She wished her boyfriend was around. Oh well it will have to be a certain object in her nightstand to do the job. Bur first she needed to make a call.

Across the country, with Vitamin water and granola bar in hand, the phone ran. The typical greeting.
“This is Gretchen.” Said the bubbly voice.
“Gretchen I did it! And it was awesome, I mean at first I was scared, but when I got outside it was like I was free, I was letting loose like I had never done before, there I was, me, the cool morning air, the soft sunlight coming across the mountain, my heart was beating so fast, my lungs were working extra hard, my adrenaline was everywhere, I mean it was exhilarating, it was exciting, it was the best, and I am, well you know down there, but I had to call you first, you needed to be the first to tell, I wish Alex was here..”
“Take a breath, now. You actually did it?” Gretchen smiled, putting down her breakfast on the go. “You did what we discussed, I am so proud of you, you go girl.”
“Well.” BK hesitated.
“Well what?” Gretchen sensed a big but coming.
“I didn’t do it exactly as we discussed.”
“I recall it being very simple.”
“Instead of being totally naked, I was a little covered.”
“Topless, still a big step! Good Job.”
“Well.” There it was again.
“You didn’t run naked?” Gretchen was disappointed.
“Well, not exactly topless either.”
“What did you do then?”
“I ran to the mail box in my work out shorts and..”
“And what…”
“Well I put on my Tim McGraw shirt and did the whole thing, without a bra!”
*stunned silence as Gretchen stared at the phone.
“But I was barefoot.”
“Baby steps I guess.” Gretchen said hanging up the phone and leaving for work.

Part II

Bobbie Kay sensed the disappointment in her voice. The two had been talking about it for weeks. She even consulted the Indian guy, but in the end all she could do was a braless/barefoot run. Still it would make a good story for next Sunday’s chat.

Sensing Gretchen’s disappointment, though she knew Gretchen would never really be disappointed, her trip upstairs was no longer necessary. She decided to scan the mail.
“Bill, bill, grocery ad, penny saver, coupon envelope, save the whales, save the spotted goat, small box, Safeway Ad….Box?”

Bobbie Kaye looked at it, no name but the return address was unfamiliar. She opened it. Inside was a note and a small wrapped package.


I heard from our mutual friend IO that you wanted to try something exciting. He suggested I drop you a note with somethings I had done before as I know these things are challenging at first. Just follow the instruction attached and you will have no trouble at all.


“What the hell?” She said. How did IO know where I lived? Who is the M person and….Oh my God!” She opened the accompanying item. It was a bikini. Holding it up it was a small blue two piece, with, with, no Straps! The now pinned to the side said, “curl up the top just a bit outward then dive in. Keep the back tight or you will lose it completely.”

She knew what to do, she had heard people talking about diving in and the top coming off, but how did they know. How did they know it was a fantasy of hers, how did they know her real bikini size. She only send the email to IO yesterday her measurements yesterday after winning the contest. She would have to find answers so she immediately headed to the Beach Club website to send the IndianOutlaw a message. Instead her own private email opened up. It was a message from IO himself. It only said three words. “Just do it”.

Would she actually dare, would she actually dive into a pool to loose her bikini top on purpose?

As the day turned into afternoon, BK finally broke down and tried the suit on. It was far more daring and revealing then even her own underwear. Could she wear such a thing. But she did look good in front of the mirror, she did look hot, “if only Gretchen could see her this way.” Could she do it.

Three in the afternoon she found herself at the local pool. Being a Tuesday, it was quite empty, only about 5 others were there. She wore her towel tightly wrapped against her body. Underneath she felt naked. But she felt empowered. Sitting on the lounger she unwrapped her towel and exposed her front. She immediately felt eyes upon her, then looking up no one was actually looking at her, it was just her self conscious imagination. She laid there for about twenty minutes, enjoying the sun and realizing in just a few minutes the kids would be home from school and she would then never have the courage to go through with it. If she returned home, she knew she would never return.
“Now or never cutie.” She said aloud.

Walking the short distance to the small diving board, she hesitated, then kept her brain began working overtime, believing everyone would notice if she suddenly reversed direction. It would be less conspicuous if she just kept moving. Before she realized it, as if she were in a trance, she was on the board. Now, she thought it would look very silly if she walked off the board. Only two options.
“Okay cutie,” She thought to herself, “if you dive in feet first I can see the top sliding completely off, that would not be good. Head first would produce a similar reaction but, then, I don’t know, what it the hook breaks, what if. Hey why is the lifeguard starring at me?”
“Hey lady, dive already!” said a voice behind her. Someone else wanted to use the board. In a reserved panic she moved forward.

Trotting to the end Bobbie jumped once, then back to the board then she was airborne. Arms forward and head first she hit the water. It was fantastic. She felt her top slide to her mid section. The cool water caressing her nipples, she knew instantly they were hard, probably hard enough to cut glass. The stream of water and bubbles flowed so gently between her naked breasts. She kept her eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling. Her attention focused on the incredible sensation involving her boobies, she became very excited. But her instants took over as she turned upward pulling the slid top back over her breasts. Head above the water and her breasts nearly covered again she paused at the ladder to insure the top was well in place. Then triumphantly she climbed out. Her mind thinking of how proud Gretchen would be at her, if only she were here now, but alas she was not. Standing the warm sunlight d****d her body. She was happy she was excited, she was horny. She wanted to do it again when “they” showed up. Walking back to her lounger she saw the two dozen kids enter the main gate of the pool as if from out of nowhere. School was out, she was not going to do it again.

As Bobbie Kaye moved across the pool she looked at the children file in, but they weren’t moving. Scanning around no one was moving, everyone was looking, looking at her. It was surreal, she knew girls with bigger boobs got more stares but it seed everyone liked her suit. Then one broke the silence.
“Look!” a cubby junior high kid pointed directly at her. She knew.

Looking back at the pool, hoping they were pointing at something else she saw it. The dive not only pulled her top down but left floating in the water was her bottoms. Her pussy was in full view.

One entire country away on the east coast, sitting in her office, Gretchen looked up, she swore she could hear a faint scream off in the distance.

Bobbie left her towel, her lost bottoms, her magazine and her IPOD behind. She made it back to her house so fast, hand between her legs the whole time. “Alex better get home soon!” She said aloud.

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