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Old 11-28-2022, 09:12 AM
ezah ezah is offline
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Default The Rehearsal

Originally posted (by me) on Literotica under username 'skringle.' If a moderator needs evidence for this, just ask me to change that account's biography to something of the mod's choosing. It'll then change and that should hopefully be adequate proof. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!

The Rehearsal

Great Yarmouth was “the place to be,” according to the billboard. Grace Lawlor had been staring at it for quite some time, when she wasn’t staring at her phone – if you had to tell people it was a good place to come when they were already there, she thought, that might be a hint that you’re wrong.

Grace would take any distraction she could get – staring at her back-and-forth texts with Elly wasn’t helping anybody. They’d met on Tinder just a few hours earlier and Elly, noting Grace’s description of herself as “kinky as fuck” on her profile, had asked for her ‘help.’ Now, just a few short hours later, here Grace was, waiting for this stranger to arrive and pick her up. Where they’d go, she didn’t know. What they’d do, well, she wasn’t ready to think of anything which had been said on the app as guarantees. It was easy to say – rather harder to do.

She stood on the pavement, facing the flat with the billboard, a petrol station behind her from which she’d got the Evian bottle she was clutching. Easy to get dehydrated. Cranes crowded the more distant sky, which was grey as old mashed potatoes, sunbeams struggling to get through. Grace really, really hoped Elly put her money where her mouth was. It was only a week before she left to start her master’s degree and Elly left for some other university. There’d be no time for rescheduling or second chances. It was now or never – and she wanted it to be now. After all, Elly, as far as her carefully curated five profile images indicated, was pretty hot. All Grace had to worry about was whether, given she was the experienced one with all the so-called help to offer, she needed to give off the dominant air befitting it. She wasn’t sure she could quite manage to exude the dominatrix-ian authority required – she wasn’t even sure she was that kinky. This would be a test for both of them.

Play it chill, she kept reminding herself, as cars breezed past. Just play it chill. Come across like a normal person, if you can. Maybe even a cool one. Remember, she wants this – she said she did. She wouldn’t say she did unless she didn’t. Unless she doesn’t. Cars, buses, a cement mixer, all rumbled by.
“Is that her?” Grace would mutter at the sight of each approaching car – it never was and she had to keep looking away lest drivers think she was staring at them. Maybe Elly wasn’t coming. Of course she wasn’t coming – look at her.

Grace liked her body, sure – slim, athletic, taller than average, a vaguely toned tummy that she worked self-destructively hard to keep that way, small breasts but perky enough – but her face was the only part of it which was entirely visible to the world in this increasingly unseasonal pleated cherry-red summer dress flapping about around her knees and she wasn’t so sure about that. She’d spent longer than usual at the mirror, carefully applying makeup, trying to hide the acne scars which still insisted on breaking through no matter how many layers she daubed on herself, trying to be as presentable as possibly for Elly. A gust of wind snaked up her dress and she shivered, wondering if dressing like this was a bit much – she’d thought of changing her underwear, putting on something matching, something racier, but decided against it. Now she was just regretting not wearing gym shorts under her skirt.

There were things, though, that Grace couldn’t alter at all. Her cheekbones were just a little too sharp, her face just a bit too angular, as if the sculptor who made her had chiselled too much away and had to compensate. Grace did her best with her hair – it used to be much longer but now ended at her shoulders, bleached blonde for the summer and not yet bleached back to black, getting curlier the further down it went – but she couldn’t shake the feeling she needed to do better, whatever better was, that she’d only be presentable once she fixed herself in a thousand other ways. That mole over her eyebrow needed to go, for a start – she kept putting it off.

Grace sighed, aware of how ridiculous she looked, stood at the road waiting for a hook-up. It must have been a picture of desperation – was the chance of getting laid really worth this? In all likelihood, Elly had driven by, seen her, changed her mind, and kept driving. And if not, she would once they were in the car together and she heard Grace’s gratingly posh voice. It was hard to believe that someone so unsure about herself was now called upon to be a teacher, even a mistress, in this way, but Grace supposed that was just the magic of Tinder.

Then, as another cold breeze gathered force to again rudely snake up Grace’s dress, which she clung to in a bid to retain her modesty and not flash the traffic, coming in off the North Sea from which also drifted squawking gulls, a car came from around the houses. It was a Vauxhall Corsa, the colour of baked beans and rusty pipes, obviously second-hand or just unloved going by the dents and scratches, driving just a little bit too fast. Somehow, Grace knew this was the one. She took a step forward, closer to the curb, watching it intently, hoping to be recognised and hoping not to look too much like a streetwalker, as her mum still called sex workers – the headlights flashed, a sudden luminescence that almost startled her, before the Corsa turned into the petrol station without indicating and pulled up near her. Grace hurried over, passing a newspaper rack full of tabloid stories about a transgender soap actress and a footballer’s dead wife, as the driver’s window came down. So, she hadn’t changed her mind just yet. Oh, God, her dress wasn’t too short, was it?

Elly didn’t look entirely like her photos – she had the same sweet and innocent face, always pulling the same knowing smile, but the smile was a different one, now. It told of churning nerves and burning anxiety. Her hair was shorter, too – in her pictures it was flowing and curly and falling to her shoulders. Now, it was a pixie cut, messy and unkempt as if she’d just woken up. Grace didn’t mind – it looked good and those big, almost excited blue eyes behind round glasses, the first thing Grace had spotted and the only thing she’d needed to swipe right, hadn’t gone anywhere.
“Elly?” Grace asked, and the girl nodded, quickly. “Should I get in?” Elly looked around.
“I think I’ll get in trouble if I park here.” It was Grace’s turn to nod and she opened the door – or, rather, she tried to. Elly had forgotten to unlock them, and there was a nervous giggle as this was corrected. Then, Grace was sat down in a seat she had to adjust a fair bit to be comfortable, balancing her leather handbag on her lap, noting Elly had gone with a very different outfit – a black t-shirt on an almost delicate, but still slightly pudgy (excellent), frame, some heavy metal band called Incorruptible Mages splashing their jagged logo across it, dark jeans, and even darker boots. Grace was pretty sure she was braless but was hardly going to look too closely. She had a home-made necklace on, adorned with colourful seashells, and Grace imagined her foraging along the Haven Seashore for each one.
“Better hurry,” Grace joked, looking over her shoulder through the rear windscreen, seeing how full of old clothes and crushed cardboard boxes the rear seats were as she did. They wouldn’t be ending up back there, she didn’t think. Her hands were trembling. “That guy’s looking at you.”
“Hang on,” Elly mumbled, her voice high and cute and almost unsteady, as she pulled down the handbrake. Then they were away down the A47, passing a KFC and a car showroom and a plumbing supplies warehouse and other thoroughly romantic scenery, Elly’s phone plugged into the speakers and playing Kate Bush as they went.

Grace realised, suddenly, that she wasn’t speaking. They were just driving to nowhere in particular. Despite, apparently, being the sub in this equation, Elly had the bravery to break the silence.
“So, where am I going?” she asked, as they passed a bath enamel repair business. Grace didn’t even know such a thing existed. Maybe they’d both be learning things today.
“I’ve no idea,” Grace admitted. “Maybe… my place?” Even after the things they’d said to each other online, just saying that felt risky. Oh, it was so unfair. Now they were face to face it felt different. It became real. All the energy had dissipated. Elly rolled her tongue about in her mouth.
“I was thinking, maybe, we could just park up first and talk?” she asked, speaking carefully, nerves on her soft-looking pink lips. She turned onto a roundabout, a pair of magpies prancing across its island, again failing to indicate.
“About what?”
“You know, just, stuff.” Grace nodded.
“Okay, yeah, sure,” she said, unsure exactly what Elly meant but ready to give her whatever she needed if it meant leading her into bed, adjusting in the seat and wondering if she ought to hike up her dress a little, further past her knees, just to see if Elly would look. She didn’t do it.

As Kate Bush transitioned to Papa Don’t Preach, Elly following a vintage Jaguar into the Sainsbury’s car park, stopping the car near the recycling units. Oblivious shoppers wandered back and forth outside as she shut the engine off and the car fell silent – Grace felt the nerves bubbling away in her belly. Her mouth felt dry no matter how much of the Evian bottle she sipped from – she tried to resist the urge to lick her lips too often. Elly might misinterpret it. She wanted to tell her how excited she was. That might be a good start.
“I like your hair,” was, instead, what came out of her mouth. Grace tried to keep a straight face and not crumple up in embarrassment. She had a persona to maintain. Elly’s hand went, perhaps instinctively, to feel the hair she’d complimented.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, smiling sweetly. “I got it cut yesterday. I think it’s more ‘me’.”
“It’s nice,” agreed Grace.
“I like your…” She paused for long enough, her eyes going up and down Grace’s body, that Grace could only break the tension with laughter.
“It’s okay if you can’t think of anything,” she sniggered, and Elly grinned.
“That’s not what I mean,” she laughed back, and Grace was delighted to see her lick her lips. It was happening to her, too. She felt the same way! Maybe this wouldn’t be a total disaster.
“So, what’s it you want to talk about, then?” Grace asked. Outside, someone carried a screaming child back to their car, and Elly’s eyes followed them.
“I hate kids,” she muttered, as Papa Don’t Preach became something which might have been Peter Gabriel but might not have been.
“Me too. That’s why I became a lesbian.” Elly grinned – her smile was so sweet. Like she was always trying to fight it off but never quite succeeding.
“I thought it’d be good just to… I guess, just figure out what we’re gonna do,” she said, finally. Grace cocked her head.
“I thought we’d already figured it out,” she replied.
“Yeah, but I just wanna talk about it face to face.”
“Okay, I get you,” said Grace. This was a good idea, so good she was annoyed for not thinking of it herself. “I guess it’s easy to say stuff on Tinder and then meet up and not wanna do it. Maybe now we’re face to face we actually know what we want.”
“Yeah,” said Elly, nodding, almost grimacing.
“And you know we don’t have to do anything, right?” asked Grace, quickly. “There’s no pressure from me. I know what it’s like to get strong-armed into something you’re not ready for.”
“No, I…” Elly glanced out the windscreen, as if fearing someone might be eavesdropping. “...I wanna do something. I just wanna figure out what.”
“Well…” said Grace, her mind working as fast as it could, trying to keep Elly comfortable while trying to fight back that selfish part of the mind that just wants to reach out and take whatever it wants. Elly was entitled to go at her pace. Not Grace’s. “Where’s your mind going, right now?” Elly sat there for a moment, mulling the question over, until she spoke.
“I want to have sex,” she said, as if it were a sharp expulsion of breath, like she really did need to spit it out, as they say. Grace’s groin tightened – she tried not to press her thighs together any more than they already were.
“Okay,” she said, casual as you could. “Cool.” Their eyes met and they both broke into nervous giggles.
“Oh my God,” Elly said, her head falling back onto the seat’s headrest, closing her eyes, putting her hands together over her forehead. “I’m not normally like this.”
“It’s okay,” Grace giggled, still. “It’s new. It’s exciting.”
“Yeah,” Elly replied, licking her lips again. “I mean… I’ve already told you. How, like, I go to uni in a couple weeks, but I’ve never done anything. I had my first kiss like a year ago and that’s it. It wasn’t even a girl. Just some boy I didn’t even like. And I just really wanna see what it’s like before I go. Get some experience and then I can go to uni and I know what I am, I hope.”
“Are you thinking of meeting a boy, too?”
“Uh-uh,” she said. “I’m like… eighty percent sure I’m gay. That’s why I’ve never done anything, I think. Partly, anyway. Most people’re straight. Most people in my school definitely were.”
“I understand,” Grace said. “I came out when I was fifteen and nothing happened for me until uni.”
“Yeah.” She grinned. “So you could be losing your v-card earlier than I did, if you want.” Elly laughed.
“That’s pretty cool, I guess.”
“So, when you say sex, what do you mean?” Grace’s palms felt sweaty. Relax, damn it, she told herself. Any more of this and Elly will be able to hear your beating heart from the other side of the car! They’ll hear it in Sainsbury’s! “Just cause… well, I don’t want something to happen that you don’t like.”
“Yeah.” Elly thought, for a second. “I think just whatever the mood takes us to. I guess. Is that okay?”
“That’s fine,” said Grace, smiling. “I thought you’d want to lay out a game plan.”
“I don’t have a bullet pointed list,” Elly sniggered. “I just wanna make sure I know how it’ll work just, like, generally.”
“Right. Do you know the traffic light system?”
“It’s a way of doing safewords. So if you say ‘red,’ the other person stops everything they’re doing. ‘Yellow’ means chill out. ‘Green’ means keep going. It’s usually for, like, kink, but we can use it too, who’s gonna stop us? That sound like a good system?”
“Yeah, I like that,” Elly agreed, nodding eagerly. “Let’s do that. That’d make me feel safe.”
“And where are we gonna do it, do you think?” asked Grace, looking around, as if one of the cars surrounding them was available. “Probably not in a lay-by. Unless you want to.”
“You said something about your place?”
“Yeah, it’s out in Bradwell, if that’s alright?” Elly nodded.
“That’s okay. Is anyone home?”
“Just the cat.” Grace grinned – so did Elly.
“I’d say for us to go to mine, but my gran’s in and she’s super right-wing. My bedroom door doesn’t even have a lock and I’d be mortified if we got caught.” Grace’s mind filled with imagery of the two of them, naked and tangled together like a pair of elastic bands, staring at an old woman stood in the doorway and staring back at them behind horn-rimmed glasses. It still turned her on. Oh, man, she really hoped Elly didn’t back out at the last second. It’d happened to her before – and she wanted this girl. She wanted her like a shark wants blood.
“How do you not have a lock?” Grace sniggered, and Elly shrugged.
“I thought I was a big girl. I guess not.”
“I guess not, too,” Grace agreed. Suddenly, there came a bang at the window, and they both jumped – a petrol station employee, with a scraggly beard and a high-visibility jacket, was knocking on the window.
“You need to move!” he shouted. “This ain’t a car park!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” Elly cried, and he walked back inside as she fumbled with her keys in an adorably startled sort of way. Grace watched as she glanced to her wing mirror before moving to turn the ignition, before an idea burst in her head like a firecracker. It was risky. It was stupid. It was just plain bad. But she really wanted to do it.
“Hang on,” she said, and Elly glanced at her. That gave Grace enough time to lean forward and, with a hand on Elly’s cheek, kiss her.

She kissed insistently, deeply, nose bumping Elly’s glasses, and Elly almost whimpered in surprise. She responded timidly, letting Grace take her, kissing back in a shy and unsure way. Her lips felt as soft as they looked and, slowly, Elly got into the rhythm, pushing back, a newfound eagerness taking hold, her hand falling onto Grace’s thigh and even daring to squeeze it a little, as they tasted each other. Their breaths were hard, graceless, almost embarrassing, and neither particularly cared, as Grace bit down on Elly’s bottom lip and Elly let out an inelegant, delighted mewl. Grace started to think Elly may have brushed her teeth right before setting off to pick her up. How thoughtful of her…
Eventually, regrettably, they had to pull away. Grace did first, opening her eyes to find Elly’s still closed, as if frozen in time, just for a moment, before they reopened and looked brighter than ever.
“I think I’m gonna enjoy you,” Grace whispered, hand still on Elly’s cheek, and Elly looked back with those big, pretty eyes which darted from Grace’s eyes to her lips and back again.
“Me too,” she almost squeaked.

The drive to Grace’s house wasn’t too long but it felt like forever, each set of traffic lights a personal insult, and the pair said little through the drive, being far too consumed by their bubbling excitement. Grace couldn’t stop imagining the things she might get to do with this pretty little thing, what surprises she might find under Elly’s clothes, what noises would come out of her. She wondered what Elly was thinking about – hopefully, even if this was new for her, something close to the very same thing.

This adventure was, in a certain way, new for Grace, too. Hookups were old hat, sure, but she’d only been someone’s ‘first’ once before – in her second undergraduate year, hosting a house party in Sheffield, she’d struck up a conversation with one of the Chinese students who’d shown up. Emma, Grace thought her name was, probably, skinny, skin pale like porcelain, in a tight black dress, and not all that sure about the party at all. She’d spent most of the night stood in the corner, clutching a bottle she wouldn’t drink, not saying a word. Grace’s influence, naturally, altered that – the memories of the night began to spin, then vanish, reappearing at intermittent intervals, as shot after shot of Scotch whiskey is downed. Then come memories of their lips together, of Emma so eager she surprises both of them, of Grace reaching round and squeezing Emma’s firm rear. Then, they’re in bed, on top of the covers, and Grace’s face is buried between Emma’s thighs and Emma’s hands are holding the back of her head, pushing it down, wailing in delight, then Grace is on her front, moaning softly, trying not to be too loud with the party still raging outside her door as she feels Emma’s hands pull her cheeks apart and her tongue slide into her.

The next day, Emma was gone, though having forgotten her pants – a tangled up mess of cyan lace which had somehow ended up between two of Grace’s textbooks, and when Grace tried to get hold of her to return them, Emma never responded. She ended up throwing them out, hidden in an empty box of Cheerios, and never heard from that particular acquaintance again. This, hopefully, would be a little easier to remember.

After not too long, they came into Bradwell, a dreary suburb of Great Yarmouth indistinguishable from any other, and Elly slowed as they journeyed down Griffiths Road.
“You can see why I’m trying to leave,” Grace muttered, rubbing her fingers along her palm to try and reduce at least some of the sweating.
“Absolutely,” Elly replied, as an ambulance screamed its way past them. “I’m the same. I’m from Warwick but we moved here last year for my dad’s job. Hate it. Brexit country.”
“Tell me about it. I’m born and raised and I hope I never see it again after next week. Norfolk’s too flat, anyway.” Elly nodded.
“Which house is it?”
“Number seven,” said Grace,. “The one with the orange door.”
“That one?” asked Elly, pointing.
“Yeah.” Elly pulled into the empty brick driveway in front of the nondescript semi-detached house, potted cacti watching from the living room window, and shut off the engine. Grace took a deep, dramatic breath.
“I guess this is it,” Elly said.
“I guess so,” Grace replied, grinning. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” Elly nodded vigorously. Her face didn’t look that ready.
“Remember,” said Grace, reaching over and taking her hand. It felt soft and dainty. “Red, yellow, green. I’m not in charge. Nothing happens without you wanting it. I know we’ve said we’re gonna have sex but there’s no, you know, contract written in blood. If we just end up cuddling and the only clothes that come off are our shoes, then it’s all good. None of this matters – it’s just fun and that’s it. Okay?”
“Okay,” said Elly, squeezing her hand, smiling and looking just a little more confident than she had before.
“Ready?” In answer, Elly leaned in and kissed Grace again, and Grace let her take the lead this time, as time seemed to fall away and they got lost in each other, until finally breaking away and resting their foreheads together, Elly’s hands on Grace’s bare shoulders.
“I can’t believe I get to fuck you,” she whispered, and Grace laughed. She was starting to understand what that tattered smutty paperback she found when she was thirteen meant when it mentioned that the protagonist’s “loins were burning.”

Grace led Elly inside, so hasty she forgot her water bottle in the car’s cup holder, fiddling with the uncooperative lock, and both were briefly distracted by her cat, Mason, a ginger tabby who made sure to wander down the stairs and glare at Elly for a bit. Once they were done stroking his soft fur, and had left their shoes beneath the radiator because the house had never had a proper place for shoes, Grace took Elly by the hand again.
“Come on,” she said, almost breathless, worrying she hadn’t put on enough deodorant, “I’ll show you my room.” It was funny – there was still a part of her which felt like Elly hadn’t actually figured out her intentions. Like she was navigating a ship around a thousand treacherous rocks and had to watch her every word. It felt exciting in the extreme. They went up the stairs, at least half of which creaked, and though Grace knew Elly wasn’t enough steps behind her to see up her dress, she hoped she was trying to anyway.

Once on the landing, Grace’s parents’ room being the only open door, Grace led Elly into her bedroom. It wasn’t very big – a single bed was pushed against a corner, the window above the headboard and criss-crossed by blinds, while on the opposite side had been pushed an old wooden desk where Grace’s laptop and books and mirror rested in a decidedly untidy fashion. The wallpaper was white but barely visible – Grace had covered it in Polaroid photos of her time at university. A hundred different parties and festivals and social gatherings beamed at them – a vision, Elly perhaps hoped, of her own future. A string of Christmas lights hung from the wall along which the bed was pressed, and Grace leaned down to switch them on. They began to, weakly, shine, in the otherwise somewhat gloomy room. This place didn’t get much sun.
“This is nice,” said Elly, looking around, and she even sounded like she meant it.
“It sucks,” Grace sniggered. “It’s the spare room. Once I moved out for uni, I had to live here when I came back for the holidays. Hopefully I’ll never have to be here again once I’ve gone to do my master’s.”
“Hopefully,” agreed Elly, crossing her arms, pressing her little breasts together underneath her black shirt. She was definitely braless. Grace tried not to stare. Instead, she sat on the bed – the mattress squeaked appreciatively beneath her.
“Wanna join me?” she asked and, after a moment’s hesitation, Elly did, sitting beside her.
“Should we maybe put some music on?”
“I can, if you want,” said Grace, rifling through her handbag for her phone. “What kind of music?”
“I don’t know. Actually, maybe no music?”
“Okay,” giggled Grace, “no music.”
“Sorry. I’m just really nervous,” Elly admitted, trying to smile.
“Feels good, right?” She nodded.
“It’s funny.”
“What’s it that makes you nervous, in particular?” Elly looked away, trying to put together the words, scratching absent-mindedly at her scalp, making her messy hair even messier. “Is it the idea of being naked?”
“Yeah, kinda,” she admitted. “Nobody’s seen me naked before. Not since I was, you know, a toddler or whatever.”
“I get you. I felt like that my first time.” Grace put her hand on Elly’s – Elly looked at it. Grace half-expected her to recoil, but she didn’t.
“What was it like?”
“Pretty traumatic – I didn’t have my boundaries respected. I guess that’s half the reason it’s important to me now. The other half being that it’s just a decent way to be.”
“I guess so,” agreed Elly. “Also, I’m not the biggest fan of my body…”
“That’s okay, neither am I,” said Grace. “Wait, no, I mean of my body.” They laughed.
“I know, I know,” Elly reassured her, then looking down from Grace’s eyes to almost seem to assess her figure, so easily accessible under this thin red dress. “I think you look amazing.”
“You do?”
“Well, when you look at me and feel that way, that’s how I feel when I look at you.” Elly looked back up, into Grace’s eyes.
“That’s really nice,” she said, almost stuttered, her eyes just a little wetter. “So, yeah, I don’t hugely like my body. I think one of my boobs is a bit bigger than the other.” Grace looked down at her chest and closed one eye.
“I can’t tell with the shirt on.”
“Yeah, yeah,” mumbled Elly, looking away, trying to push a smile down.
“So,” said Grace, inching closer, the mattress squeaking again. “How do you wanna start? If you’re ready to, I mean.”
“Well…” Elly hesitated. “Maybe we could kiss for a bit longer? And then just see where that takes us, like I said before?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Grace, smiling. “Come here.”
Their lips came together once more, Elly building in confidence, Grace just savouring her sweet taste and the rough movements someone as untrained as her made. It was great. Then, suddenly, Elly broke away.
“Do you have a strapon?” she asked, and Grace couldn’t help but cackle.
“No,” she laughed. “Why? You wish I did?”
“No!” Elly cried, embarrassed. “I was actually just wanting to make sure you knew I didn’t want that. I don’t want anything to do with dicks. I just want… girl stuff.”
“Well, I don’t have one, anymore,” said Grace, still laughing, “so you don’t have to worry, do you?”
“No, I guess not,” Elly admitted, giggling, and then their lips were toying with each other again.

This went on for quite a while. It was soothing, Grace supposed, for the both of them, letting them meld into each other, enough to feel the trust and familiarity build just a little bit. Elly was leaning in, now, diving deeper into the kiss, and Grace let her, holding her arm and purring with satisfaction when she slid her tongue into Elly’s mouth, toying with her lip, and felt Elly’s tongue meet her. After a minute or two, Elly pulled away, but only to take off her glasses and deposit them on Grace’s bedside table before coming back for more, her hand never leaving Grace’s thigh.

After a time, Grace leaned forward and gently pushed Elly backwards, guiding her down onto her back – now, Elly lay right on the bed’s edge, close enough to easily fall, and Grace straddled her, constantly hoping her knee wouldn’t itself slip off the edge and send her tumbling. They kept kissing, as they would, one of Elly’s hands now on Grace’s ribs while Grace held the other down against the duvet. Grace’s free hand, meanwhile, stroked fingers through Elly’s soft hair, tugging at it from time to time. Finally, they separated, their faces ever so close, and tried to catch their breath.
“We should shift off the edge a bit,” said Grace, and Elly agreed, so they did, before Grace sat up and looked down at Elly, who stared back up at her, trying to gauge her intents. Grace offered a hand.
“Come here,” she said, and Elly took it to be helped into a seating position. Grace wrapped her arms around Elly’s neck, holding her, and kissed her again, softly, before pulling away. “You’re really good at that,” Grace sighed, her arms leaving her neck so her hands could run up Elly’s denim-clad thighs.
“Really?” asked Elly, sheepishly. “I thought I’d suck.”
“It’s pretty easy to surprise yourself.”
“So… what now?”
“Hmm…” said Grace, trying to achieve some air of mischief, her fingers trailing further up Elly’s thighs and to the hem of her t-shirt, which she took hold of. Elly’s face flushed with what could have been excitement but what could just as easily have been fear.
“I’m not wearing a bra,” she mumbled, and Grace grinned.
“I know. Dangerous.”

She winked and, to her immense relief, Elly’s shoulders relaxed and she lifted her arms up to the ceiling. Grace pulled her shirt up and off in one easy motion – Elly’s body was pale, soft, even warm looking, and Grace took the moment in which Elly’s face was covered by her shirt as a chance to glance at her pretty little breasts, her nipples pink and firm, before Elly’s face returned to view and the shirt was on the bedroom floor.
“I don’t think one’s smaller than the other,” said Grace.
“No?” asked Elly, arms instinctively moving to cover herself, her face full of surprise as if she hadn’t expected losing the shirt to mean losing modesty, but Grace was faster and her mouth was on Elly’s breast. Elly squealed, flinching, jolting with surprise at the absurdity of the moment and unexpected pleasure, as Grace sucked her hardening nipple and squeezed the other. Elly held Grace’s head with both hands, holding her against her chest, trying to suppress the whimpers and failing dismally, her fingers almost clawing at Grace’s scalp. Grace pulled away, admiring Elly’s body for a moment, then looked back up at her.
“You like that?” she asked, rhetorically, and Elly nodded, quickly.
“I didn’t expect to,” she said, her voice soft and cracking, trying not to bite her bottom lip, her hands holding Grace’s shoulders. They kissed again, before Grace slid off the bed and stood next to it, looking down at Elly. Elly just stared up at her, no longer trying to cover herself, her legs crossed and pretty pale tits on display.
“God, you look so good,” Grace murmured, and Elly grinned.
“You sure?” she asked, sitting back a bit, letting Grace see her properly. Her belly had an attractive bit of chub to it, trying to roll over the waistband of her jeans, but her ribs still pressed against her skin, her necklace glinting in what afternoon sun managed to get through the blinds, and, as Elly watched Grace’s reaction as if hoping for approval, Grace felt a renewed purr of longing.
“Definitely,” she said, all the certainty in her voice that she could muster, as she flicked her dress’ spaghetti straps off her shoulders and let it fall off her body into a crumpled clump around her feet.

Elly, just like Grace, tried not to stare, doing all she could to maintain eye contact, as the cool air rushed over Grace’s body. She stood there in her underwear, a black bra and very much not matching white knickers, tight and lacy along her waist, peeling off her socks with her feet, trying to keep her balance. If she fell, well, maybe it’d be charming, but she’d still rather not.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Elly said, practically whimpered, as she watched and Grace grinned, flicking the second sock off her foot.
“Thank you,” she replied, trying to be all ‘sweet as honey,’ as her friend Tabitha would say. “I was thinking about putting on some proper lingerie for you, but I thought you might prefer seeing what I normally wear.”
“I think you made the right choice.”
“Yeah? Enjoying being with a girl so far?”
“Mhm,” said Elly eagerly, nodding. “You smell way better than any boy I’ve been near.” Grace laughed, sitting back down on the bed.
“I thought I’d smell all sweaty.”
“Nuh-uh,” said Elly, shaking her head. “You smell perfect.”
“Thank you. You smell better than any boy, too.” Elly looked surprised.
“Taste better, too,” Grace added, leaning in and kissing her again. Was that a bad line, she pondered? Probably not.

They kissed for some time, their rapidly warming bodies pressed together, Elly making Grace proud by daring to reach round and, after a couple of false starts, unclipping her bra. Grace pulled it off her body and tossed it onto the floor, their lips never parting, as her hand played almost absent-mindedly with Elly’s nipple, luring out more moans which added some extra energy to their kiss.

When they did part, Grace wordlessly sat back, and let Elly copy her, her mouth on Grace’s breast and sucking, even having the gall to bite at one point, still trying to figure out how this little dance worked. Grace let the moans come, not bothering to fight them, wanting to hear the same from Elly but knowing she had to show it was okay to sound like this. Stroking her hair, resting her cheek against her head, she felt the pleasure dart through her body as Elly’s mouth played with her nipple, felt herself become wetter beneath her underwear’s thin fabric, especially when Elly’s tongue joined in with the festivities.
“Oh, fuck,” Grace hissed, her fingernails running up and down Elly’s bare back, trying to leave marks faint enough to not be painful but bright enough that she’d see them in the mirror this evening and think of her. “Good girl.” Elly murmured a little note of pleasure in reply, now sat on her knees, switching to Grace’s other tit and playing the same eager games. A jolt of warmth shot through Grace’s nether areas and, in an instant, she shoved Elly away. Elly fell onto her back and stared at Grace, a hint of confusion on her face, even worry, as if she’d maybe got it wrong. She hadn’t – Grace crawled over her, kissed her roughly in the way she’d already figured out Elly enjoyed, then worked her way down her bare torso, kissing her chest, teasing her nipples, running her tongue down her belly, before reaching Elly’s jeans.
“Let’s get you out of these,” said Grace, and Elly craned her head to watch as the buttons, one by one, came undone. “You okay so far?”
“Yeah, definitely,” said Elly, a bit breathlessly. “Green. Very green.” Grace sniggered and Elly laughed, too, while her jeans were opened up and Grace hooked her fingers underneath, yanking them.
“Lift your butt up for me,” she said, and Elly complied with a giggle, raising her bony hips so her jeans could come down her pretty, milky thighs. Grace pulled them all the way off, almost businesslike as she knelt there, the jeans turning inside out as they came past Elly’s knees, and dropped them onto the floor. She did the same with Elly’s socks, cute little white things with pink stripes, and let them fall onto the floor, too.

Now, the two of them were, in a way, matching, being undressed to the same degree. Elly, laying there, perched up on her elbows and watching Grace with anticipation sketched all over her increasingly pink face, was covered only by black briefs, thick lace trim running along its edges, dotted with little cartoon lips of pink, lilac, and scarlet. Grace stood on her knees, between Elly’s feet, regarding her for a moment.
“You look so good,” she sighed.
“Really?” asked Elly, shifting a bit, her hands covering her groin as if by force of habit, a stripe of yellow light coming through the blinds and slashing across her delicate body. “I’m not sure about these knickers. I usually wear boxers.”
“A hundred percent,” said Grace, falling forward and crawling back over her, kissing Elly again, their tongues dancing together. They were kissing a lot but, to be fair, Elly was hot as fuck, so you couldn’t really hold it against her.

When Grace pulled away Elly, looking up at her with warm eyes, sighed, and Grace cocked her head again.
“All good?” she asked.
“I just can’t believe this,” Elly whispered.
“What can’t you believe?” asked Grace, grinning like an idiot.
“How good my first time’s turning out to be.”
“And this is just the foreplay.”
“You mean there’s more?” asked Elly in a mock-serious voice, and Grace cackled with laughter, putting a hand over her mouth to try and hold in the unflattering noises. Elly’s hand stroked her shoulder, which burst with goosebumps, and Grace closed her eyes for a moment, letting the feeling linger, before falling back onto Elly and kissing her once more. Elly’s fingers toyed with Grace’s hair, pulling it at times, eliciting little squeaks of pleasure, and Grace’s revenge came when her own fingers teased Elly’s hard nipple, making her almost jolt like she was being very gently electrocuted. She bit at Elly’s soft neck, inviting more whimpers, her fingers not letting up, until she sensed a change in the weather, a heightening of the notes coming from Elly, whose eyes had closed and who was softly whining. No, not whining. Pleading.
“You like that, pretty girl?” Grace asked, and Elly didn’t answer, so Grace moved her mouth to Elly’s free nipple and kept her eyes open, watching this newbie whine until, suddenly, her hips started to rise again and her whimpers became wails and her breathing faster and then, slowly then all at once, pleasure crashed over her in an awesome wave. Grace freed her victim and waited, just waited, for Elly’s breathing to normalise and for her eyes to open. When they did, they almost looked confused, like she didn’t know where she was, before regarding Grace with something which wasn’t quite adoration but might as well be.
“Wow,” Elly murmured, her breaths still trying to catch up with her, and Grace just smiled in reply. “I didn’t know that could happen.”
“Really?” Elly nodded.
“I, you know… play with myself, sometimes, but I never thought to touch my nips. I guess I’ll be doing that from now on.” Grace giggled, noticing in her periphery how Elly was slowly rubbing her thighs together.
“I like how sensitive you are.”
“It all feels so good,” Elly sighed, her head falling back, and Grace saw how, with no pillow, that might be straining her neck a little.
“Do you wanna switch?” she asked, and Elly looked up, staring at her. “No, I mean…” She laughed. “I mean do you wanna put your head on a pillow? You might hurt your neck like that.”
“Oh,” said Elly, realising the truth to this now she was thinking about it, “yeah, yeah I guess I ought to.”

Grace pulled back and climbed off Elly, letting her push herself into a seating position and crawl to the other side of the bed, giving Grace a wonderful view of her plump, undie-clad rear as she did, her cheeks mostly on show given how little her underwear covered in the back. Naturally, one of those cheeks got a well-aimed slap, and Elly yelped in surprise as the crack filled the room.
“A perfect hit,” sniggered Grace, and Elly looked back, still on all fours, and wiggled her rear a little. Grace slapped it again, and Elly’s eyes closed, a murmur of approval emanating, before she carried on down the bed, turned over, and lay with her head perched on two soft pillows. Grace wondered if she could tell they were freshly laundered as Elly broke into a fresh round of giggles.
“What?” Grace asked, grinning.
“I can’t believe I just did that,” Elly laughed, covering her face with her hands. “Just shaking my arse at you like that. I don’t do stuff like that!”
“I liked it,” giggled Grace, crawling over and kissing Elly’s tummy, her hands holding the sides of her thighs. She looked up at her and saw Elly watching, holding her tits, squeezing them a little, nerves beginning to splash about on her face again, and knew that she knew what Grace was up to. “You having fun?”
“Yeah,” Elly sighed. “I’m definitely not straight, am I?”
“No,” laughed Grace, “no, I don’t think you are.”
“I actually came so hard as well,” she added. “Just then.”
“Would you like to cum even harder?” A moment of tense silence filled the air before Elly, biting her bottom lip, smiled.
“Go on, then.”
“Yay!” giggled Grace, slipping her fingers under the thin fabric of Elly’s underwear and peeling it down her legs, which Elly lifted to help them come off, before Grace’s hands took her thighs and guided them open. Vulnerable little Elly, arms crossed under her breasts as the cool air swirled over her, stared at Grace, perhaps more than a little scared but riding it out, trusting that it’d be worth it, as Grace took a moment to admire her bared body. Elly’s girlhood was pink and wet and bumpy with stubble and it was so pretty that Grace took only that one moment before hungrily diving onto it.

Elly didn’t need much persuading to spread her legs even further. The moment Grace’s mouth made contact with her quivering wetness, and her tongue teased, then toyed, with her soft little clit, an arm went to her face, her elbow crease over her mouth, as she wailed in surprised delight. While the sweet taste of Elly’s tight but eager pussy burst through Grace’s mouth, Elly spread her thighs as wide as she could, lifted her feet into the air, and Grace’s hands hooked round them to hold Elly in place. Elly was on the edge of screaming from the very start, joyous and indescribable feelings exploding through her body as Grace’s tongue slid inside her, followed soon by a pair of fingers which had little trouble finding her g-spot, her tongue enjoying Elly’s bumps of stubble.
“Oh fuck… oh fuck… oh fuck…” Elly repeated, breathless and blinded by new sensations, losing herself, and Grace smiled as her tongue tortured this sweet girl who’d had no idea what she was signing up for. Her ass in the air, with her free hand she reached behind herself and, with a little bit of struggle, tugged down her own underwear, letting it collect at her knees as she busied herself with the simple business of destroying Elly. Her free hand went between her legs and, gently at first, she rubbed herself, trying to mimic the movements her tongue was making on Elly’s sweet-tasting girlhood. By now, Elly’s arm had left her mouth and she was clinging to the duvet either side of her, her head lolling back, whimpering and moaning and seeming to have lost every shred of self-consciousness she’d once had. An orgasm overpowered her, muting Elly for a moment, and her whole body relaxed only for another to build, Grace having no intention of setting her free at just one.
“Don’t stop,” Elly begged, as if there was any risk of it, “don’t stop, don’t stop…”
As Elly lay there, trying her best not to writhe, pressing her pussy against Grace’s mouth, her thighs squeezing Grace’s head to unnecessarily hold her where she was, Grace dared to try something she rarely tried. With Elly’s legs so high, she removed her fingers, now soaked, and, hearing a murmur of disappointment from Elly, slid them into her ass instead. Elly shook in surprise, her eyes widening, but didn’t stop her, didn’t say ‘yellow’ let alone ‘red,’ as Grace’s wet fingers easily invaded her tight, warm asshole and moved deeper, then nearly out, then deeper again. All the while, Elly whimpered and moaned, as loud as her lungs allowed her to be, shuddering every now and then when another powerful orgasm wrenched her from reality and made her dance among the clouds.

Finally, Grace, her tongue starting to ache, felt a tapping on her head – she looked up to see Elly desperately patting at her and, when eye contact was made, she made a ‘T’ symbol with her hands. Time out. Grace pulled away, Elly’s sticky wetness all over her mouth and jaw, and Elly lay there, a thin sheen of sweat across her bared body, breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling, completely unconcerned with covering herself. Grace put her fingers into her mouth, making sure her victim saw when she did, and enjoyed the last burst of flavour. There was also – and Grace knew how this sounded, but you can’t run from the truth – a fair bit of delight at the realisation that Elly’s asshole tasted good, too. She tried not to snigger at the thought – Elly might not be ready for such conversations. If she was, though, maybe she’d be willing to let Grace’s tongue go to other places, too.

Clearly, Elly needed a moment to recuperate, and so, after she’d finally kicked off her underwear, Grace once again crawled over her and, this time, with a kiss on her forehead, lay beside Elly, who wrapped her arms round Grace’s bare form and held her as tightly as a person possibly could, their noses touching.
“You fucker,” Elly whimpered, staring with big watery eyes. Grace laughed.
“Too much?” She shook her head.
“Green as green can be.” Grace reached her arm round and held Elly, too, feeling a strange comfort in it, in that sense of being one of two naked girls wrapped together and mattering more than anything in the world.
“So you’re definitely okay?”
“Well, I am livid.”
“I could’ve been doing this all this time?” she muttered, eyes closing, and Grace snickered.
“Yeah, I guess you could.”
“I can’t believe you put your fingers in my arse.” Grace’s laughs only got stronger, rolling over each other.
“It was a calculated risk.”
“Are we done?” she then asked.
“Do you want to be done?” Elly’s eyes opened and, for the first time, defiance shone in them like the blade of a sabre caught in the sun.
“Not a chance.”

With Elly still laying on her back, Grace got to her knees and, with one step, her knees were either side of Elly’s face and her pussy, freshly shaved in the shower this morning and already sodden, was on Elly’s face. Elly stared, if only for a moment, before her hands grabbed Grace’s ass and pulled her closer, her mouth hungrily taking Grace’s girlhood. Grace threw her head back, pleasure cavorting through her body, feeling how Elly’s lips and tongue were unsure of what they were doing but making up for it in enthusiasm, finding her clit and trying to torture it as Grace had managed so effortlessly.
“Good girl,” Grace murmured again, watching Elly’s tongue tickle her, her hands holding the rickety headboard, feeling a hand leave her ass and guessing Elly was playing with herself, too. The pleasure built exponentially, velvet and running rivers and fizzing bottles of sparkling wine, and when Elly had the gall to slide a wet finger out of herself and up Grace’s asshole instead in sweet retaliation, Grace had to pin a hand to her mouth to keep some of the more embarrassing whines from getting out.
“Please cum on my face,” Elly suddenly mumbled, surprising Grace and probably Elly, before going back to her duties, and Grace obliged soon after – those words out of that mouth were enough to get Grace to do anything at all. She came in a shuddering, almost shrieking kind of way, pressing her pussy against Elly’s eager mouth and Elly raising her head off the pillow and digging her nails into Grace’s butt to keep it there. Elly kept going, lapping up everything Grace had for her, and the minutes rolled by with this dance repeated several more times until, finally, with sweat dripping off Grace’s forehead, she had again rolled onto the bed, wet patches dotting the newly cleaned duvet, and they lay side by side once more.

For God knows how long they lay, trying to find and then catch their breath, holding tightly onto each other the whole time, Elly’s face buried into Grace’s chest. She could hear birdsong outside and it was beginning to get dark – the Christmas lights, as a result, were looking brighter.
“Do you wanna get under the covers?” asked Grace, eventually, and Elly shook her head.
“Let’s just stay like this for a bit longer,” she whispered. “I like being naked with you.”
“You don’t even want water?” Elly’s eyes opened.
“I could do with water.” Grace giggled, turned, and strained to grab the half-full metal bottle on her desk. She handed it to Elly, who drank half of he lukewarm contents gladly, before handing it to Grace, who finished it.
“So, out of ten, how was that?” asked Grace, dropping the bottle onto the floor. She expected a thud but it was too muffled – it must have landed on their clothes.
“Well, if that’s a one, I think a ten might kill me,” replied Elly, and Grace laughed again, holding her a bit tighter, her clit still quivering, even now. She still felt a longing for her, even when she held her, even when she couldn’t be closer. There was a sense of her slipping away – and she was. One week and she’d be gone, as if blasted from the Earth, for the rest of her life. A life Grace had helped her prepare for but rather wished she could still be in. “What about you?”
“Oh, ten, definitely. My bum’s still sore from you grabbing it.”
“How do you think I feel?” giggled Elly.
“We should shower in a bit.”
“Together, I hope.”
“I didn’t know there’s another way.” Elly laughed again, before sighing, in a thoughtful, melancholy sort of way. “I wish you were coming with me to uni.”
“Yeah, me too,” Grace sighed, her fingers running through Elly’s hair, avoiding using her stickier ones. Elly purred in approval. “Would be a funny way to start a friendship.”
“Just a friendship?”
“Well, we don’t actually know each other,” Grace pointed out. “I don’t even know your surname.”
“Watson,” Elly replied. “But, yeah, I suppose. I’m a big 80s music fan, if that gets us somewhere.”
“I noticed,” Grace snickered. “But something could have happened. I guess.”
“Yeah,” Elly sighed. “Maybe if we’d met earlier. I guess it’s an easy trap to fall into. Falling in love with the first person you sleep with.”
“Are you in love with me?”
“No. But maybe I could be.”
“Maybe.” Grace sighed. “Just the way fate works, I guess.”
“Maybe.” Elly tightened her grip. “I’m glad we did this.”
“Now you’re really ready for uni.” Elly smiled.
“Only one week, then I’m off to Sheffield. Hard to believe it’s really happening.”

Grace just stared at the ceiling. Somehow, amid all the excitement, neither of them had ever mentioned which university there were going to. And the answer – the same one. Well, she thought, as Elly’s breathing began to change, becoming softer, and she realised she was falling asleep in her arms, she could tell her later. For now, she’d just enjoy this moment. Then she could start enjoying all the future moments. She looked across the room. The Christmas lights looked brighter than ever.


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Excellent. more coming, I hope.

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