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Old 07-01-2014, 02:26 PM
newfavorite newfavorite is offline
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Default Penny's Comeuppance

This is my latest story, if you like it you can check out others located at my deviantart page.

The job market wasn't so good in Megan's home town. She had gone to college upstate to become an HR professional, but after weeks of job searching all she could get was a job as a secretary for Granderson Shipping. In the interview she was told that as soon as an HR position was open she would be the companies top choice.

It wasn't easy moving back home, but Megan felt is was a necessary choice considering her mother's health. It was a medium sized close knit community that really never had much going on. Gossip and rumors spread wildly and it was difficult to stay out of drama. Megan always saw herself as the voice of reason amongst a petty and bored population.

Despite her best efforts she was harassed by Penny Chantell and her cronies when she was in High School. After Megan refused to help Penny cheat on a math test Penny took every opportunity to make cutting remarks and jabs at Megan's expense. Megan was usually derided for being a boring pretentious snob, who was "too good" for everyone else. Megan in reality would have loved to enjoy the social life of Penny and her friends. Penny quite literally campaigned to prevent Megan from ever being invited to any party or social event. Penny made Megan so "uncool" she was almost toxic to her peers. Megan was forced to watch through her high school years as people like Penny got to enjoy all the stereotypical high school parties and social life, where as Megan stayed at home and studied.

Megan was glad to leave for college. In her four years getting her under graduate degree Megan was able to experience the social life she never had in high school. People liked Megan, no one found her pretentious or boring or snobby. Megan was surrounded by smart people with bright futures.

A few days before graduation Megan learned that her mother was diagnosed with a rare degenerative disorder. Megan's father would have to quit his job to take care of his wife and Megan's parents would surely lose their home. Megan knew she had to move back home and help her father, if Megan could work full time and care for her mother after work and on the weekends, her father wouldn't have to quit his job. This was a small sacrifice for all that her parents had given her.

Megan parked her Honda Civic next to a brand new BMW. She was dressed professionally and was confident, she walked into the front office of Granderson Shipping for her first day at the job. Megan approached the secretary in the lobby.

“I am here to report to work.” Megan said with a smile.

“Ah, the next victim.” the secretary said ominously without a smile or hint of sarcasm as she led Megan into the main office.

“Here's your desk.” the secretary told her.

Megan sat down and started to scope out her surroundings. Megan found it odd that many people looked out from their cubicles at her, Megan heard murmuring. Megan turned her head to look at the office her desk was situated next to. Megan's whole world was spinning, her heart was thumping. Just as Megan read the name “Penny Chantell” on the office window she heard the secretary say,

“Your Penny Chantell's secretary, you'll report to her for further instructions.”


As the secretary walked away Megan's heart began to race, her breath became rapid and deep she had to change her negative thoughts into positive ones or she was going to have a panic attack.

“Okay, okay high school was five years ago I am sure Penny is a nice mature woman.”

Megan's breathing began to correct itself.

“How the hell does she have an office! I know Penny didn't go to college!”

Megan thought with intense jealousy as her breathing again started to become rapid. “I am sure Penny works very hard, I am sure she did a lot of soul searching and developed a good work ethic.”

Megan began to calm down. “I still hate goddamn Penny Chantell!” Megan thought just as Penny Chantell walked out of her office door.

Megan's jealousy only grew as she saw that Penny was even more beautiful then she was in high school. Penny wore a dashing black business suit with a white collar. Her blond hair was put back in a ponytail. Penny looked the part of corporate executive. Penny looked confident and refined, her posture was perfect. Megan looked down at her own attire, confident walking into the building her work clothing looked like third rate attire. Worse yet Megan noticed that she had belly fat, which was accentuated by her slumping posture. Megan saw through Penny's business suit that she was as trim as ever, and she was blessed with an gorgeous hourglass figure. The first words out of Penny's mouth were.

“Megan your going to have to sit up if you want to be my secretary, you look awful.”

Megan straightened up, while thinking “Oh god, she's just the same, blunt and cutting.”

Megan put out her hand to shake Penny's, “It's good to see you again Penny.” Megan lied.

“Have we met?”

Megan's face turned red, could it be true that Penny didn't even remember Megan. All these years Megan had fostered this resentment for Penny, where as Penny didn't even remember Megan.

“In high school, yes.”

“You don't look familiar.” Penny said coldly.

“I was in your...” Megan was about to say “math class.” When Penny interrupted her.

“I don't have time for small talk. I compiled this list of rules, if you want to continue to be employed by Granderson Shipping, you will need to follow them. Read this by lunch, tell any incoming calls that I am busy. Remember do as I say or you'll lucky to be flipping burgers down the street.” Penny turned around and walked away, closing the door behind her.

"This is almost comical, who the hell acts like that" Megan thought.

Megan swallowed and started to look at the overwhelming list of “rules and responsibilities.” Megan felt small, what once seemed like a promising opportunity was now a nightmare. Penny was the same as always, nearly intolerable. Megan vowed to do as well as she could so she could be promoted to HR and away from Penny as soon as possible.

Megan read the list of rules and responsibilities. It was massive and detailed. Megan realized that she was now becoming like one of Penny's tag along friends in High School, who would do anything to gain her acceptance. Megan sighed as she realized she was now a glorified servant for “Queen Penny.” "Queen Penny" being Penny's nickname in high school.

As Megan read the list a man around her age from a nearby cubicle whispered over to Megan.

“Hey new girl!”

Megan whispered back, “What?”

The man whispered back, “Come to the sub shop across the street for lunch, I got to tell you a few things.”


Megan did meet the man across the street for lunch. They both ordered subs and sat down.

“So new girl whats your name?”


“I'm Pete.” the man said with a smile.

“I process orders, make sure the warehouse knows what to ship out and when.”

“I am...” Megan was about to explain what her position was when Pete interupted.

“I know what you do, your Penny's lap dog, you've got the hardest job around, that’s why I am here to tell you what to expect.”

“Oh, god she IS just the same as she was in High School.”

“You knew her in high school?”

“Yeah she was kind of the Queen Bee bully type, I hated her.” Megan said with a sigh.

“That figures... Anyway she's going to make you do all sorts of stuff, no other secretary does. Your going to have to basically do her job for her. She's never had a secretary last more than a month. Her original secretary was with the company since it was founded, she quit in a week because of Penny.”

“I can't handle this. I need to go back to looking for work, I'd rather flip burgers.” Megan said staring at her uneaten sub.

“Yeah I wish I could tell you differently.”

Pete took a big bite out of his sandwich. “Good subs here”

“How the hell does she have a secretary and her own office?!” Megan hit her fist on the table, drawing a small bit of ire from the store owner.

Pete swallowed. “To put it bluntly, she fucks the owner or something. We don't know, she's always in his office doing something.”

“What? That’s not just some rumor? I don't think women really do that.” Megan exclaimed

“Oh, no it's true. At least it's everyone's best guess. She's the vice president, that position didn't even exist a few years ago, its made for her to get a higher salary.”

“Goddamn! This should be illegal. I think technically it is!” Megan said smiling, at least now she knew that Penny didn't earn her position through merit. This somehow made Megan feel better.

Pete smiled and hunched over and started to talk in a hushed voice. “Mr. Smith, the guy she's sleeping with, he isn't even the true owner. He runs the place, but he married into the business. Mrs. Smith her maiden name is Granderson, it was her Dad's business. Old Mr. Granderson had no sons so he gave the company to his daughter who married the sleezy Jerry Smith for some odd reason. He just manages the place Mrs. Smith is the real owner.”

Megan almost immediately began fantasizing. Penny built herself a house of cards, her plush job and power could be yanked away from her at any time. Megan now smiling, said “Wow, so when is the shit going to hit the fan?”

“What do you mean?” Pete replied eating his sandwich.

“When Mrs. Smith finds out Penny is fucking her husband.” Megan said inquisitively.

“Oh jeeze, it'll happen eventually and I can tell you I want to be there when that happens.”


Just as Pete and Megan were talking Penny was entering Mr. Smith's office. Mr. Smith was a middle aged toupee wearing man with a thin mustache.

“Hey Penny, how do you like your new b*tch...I mean secretary.” Mr. Smith said with a smirk.

“Its more than I could have dreamed of! She's from my old high school. I remember it was so fun to mess with her! She always thought she was better than me, getting good grades going off to college. I could see her little soul get crushed when I told her I didn't remember her, I could see her realizing how insignificant she truly was. God I am going to love torturing her.”

“You're a cold Lady.” Mr. Smith looked at Penny lustfully.

Penny put her hands on her hips, “I've already sucked you off once this week. I've earned my keep.”

“How would you like another raise?”

Penny smiled and started to unbutton her blouse.

Mr. Smith was sweating with anticipation, “Listen babe, I want you down on your knees under my desk, and no clothes this time. No shoes no Nylons nothing! I want you NAKED!”

"As long as you don't ask me to bark like a dog again." Penny said with a slightly hatefull voice.

"That's how you got your beemer baby, want me to take your beemer back?" Mr. Smith replied.

Mr. Smith began to unzip his pants and rolled back his chair to give Penny room to kneel under the desk. Penny slowly took off her clothing dropping one high heel then another on the floor. Penny pulled off her bra to reveal her nice round breasts, then she took off her nylons. Penny took off the bottom of her business suit to reveal a thong. Mr. Smith was breathing heavily, almost moaning as he starred at Penny's naked body. Finally Penny slid out of her thong standing before Mr. Smith fully in the nude. In a seductive way Penny walked towards Mr. Smith, Penny kneeled down between Mr. Smith's knees. Penny stared up into Mr. Smith's eyes longingly. Penny knew it wouldn't take but a minute to earn her raise.

“Go under the desk, I want to write my wife an e-mail while you blow me.” Penny scooted back under the desk, the desk was large, but Penny was quite uncomfortable and didn't have much room to move. Mr. Smith liked to write his Wife love letters while Penny sucked him off. Mr. Smith was always resentful of Mrs. Smith's need for attention and need to be courted. Mr. Smith was passive aggressive, he allowed his wife to berate him at home, his affair with Penny was in his mind one big middle finger to his domineering wife.

Just as Mr. Smith began to write his letter his office door swung open. A gust of wind hit Mr. Smith like a cold drink being spilled on his face. Mr. Smith froze at the sight of Mrs. Smith.

“Jerry!” Mrs. Smith yelled as she walked one step into the office closing the door behind her.

“What is it honey?” Mr. Smith said frightened.

“You forgot to let the dogs out again this morning, Casper pooped all over our brand new carpet!”

“I am sorry about that honey.” Mr. Smith said shaking with fear.

Mr Smith glanced down to look at Penny, her head was in his crotch. He could hear her repeatedly muttering the word "fuck." She was undoubtedly scared beyond belief.

“Why are you so scared Jerry?” Mrs. Smith said inquisitively in a manner that revealed she knew something was amiss.

“Nothing, I was just working hard and you came in and scared me.”

Mrs. Smith looked around the room and walked up to Mr. Smith's desk, she put her hands on the edge of his desk and looked him in the eyes and said.

“I don't believe you.”

Mrs. Smith shifted in his seat forcing Penny's head to collide underneath the top of the desk. This alerted Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith looked down and saw ten naked toes of a woman poking out from the back side of the desk.

“I knew it!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed with rage.

Mrs. Smith reached down under the desk and grabbed Penny by the ankle and started to pull. Immediately Penny started to scream. Mrs. Smith yanked hard and slowly Penny's long naked legs were exposed, then her shapely ass, then her naked back. Mrs. Smith began pulling on Penny's pony tail as it was exposed. Finally a terrified Penny was sitting in front of Mrs. Smith holding onto Mr. Smith's pants and boxers covering her crotch.

“What the fuck is this Jerry!” Mrs. Smith said with rage as the half naked Mr. Smith got up from his desk.

“Honey I can explain, please forgive me!”

Penny slinked away and put on her thong, then her business suit bottoms, desperate to escape the situation she left her nylons, bra and shoes on the floor as she tried to exit the room. Penny had her hand on the door knob when Mrs. Smith grabbed Penny by the hair once again.

“Where do you think your going!”

“Please let me go!” Penny exclaimed desperately.

“If you're born a Granderson, there is one thing you know! It's when you got to fight!”

“Please honey, don't do this.” The half naked Mr. Smith pleaded.

“Shut up JERRY!” Mrs. Smith screamed as she pushed Penny out of the office.


Pete and Megan were just returning along with most of the other workers when they were greeted with Mrs. Smith pushing Penny into a cubicle, causing the cubicle to collapse.

“Oh my god!” Megan exclaimed

Mrs. Smith was a stocky lady in her mid forties, in her every day life she probably seemed like your average woman, but at the moment she looked terrifying. She raised her arms gesturing Penny to stand up and fight.

Penny looking panicked stood up and ran away, Mrs. Granderson followed her. “Come back here you coward!”

Penny in her desperation did not exit the building, but instead entered the warehouse. The hum of the forklifts softened the taunts of Mrs. Smith towards Penny. Megan was reminded of high school yet again. When two students would get into a fight someone would yell “Fight!” and all of the students would gather round the two fighting students. No one yelled “Fight” here, but it was the same principle. Instead of trying to stop the altercation like adults, the entire company was standing in a circle around the two women in the open center of the warehouse, where the currently absent trucks are normally parked.

Megan could see the panic in Penny's eyes as Mrs. Smith approached. Penny began to beg in a cracked voice.

“I am SO sorry...I...I didn't know.”

“You didn't know what. b*tch!” Mrs. Smith said with exasperation.

“I thought you were separated, he told me you were separated!”

Mrs. Smith slapped Penny hard across the face.

“Don't lie to me! I come in the office all the time, I give all the employees Christmas cards with pictures of me and my FUCKING family on them, along with YOUR BONUS!”

“I am sorry, please.” Penny was met with another slap.

“I should have known, your Christmas bonus was FIVE TIMES what everyone else got!”

Penny cowered down and began to whimper with her hands in front of her to block the blows from the older woman.

“Get up and fight me like a woman!” Mrs. Smith gestured to Penny.

Penny kept on cowering.

“I need to call the police, this is ridiculous.” Megan felt in her pockets for her cell phone, only to remember that since moving home had let her old cell phone plan expire. Megan whispered to Pete “Can I use your phone?!”

“Oh good idea I should be recording.”

“No, to call the police, this could get ugly.”

“You are not using my phone! We've all been waiting for this for a long time!”

Disgusted Megan ran off to find a phone upstairs. Pete followed although he had different intentions. The fight raged on in the warehouse.

“Get up and fight like a woman, or I'll strip you naked in front of all of your co-workers.” Mrs. Smith yelled gesturing some more.

Penny got up, her chin quivering. “YOU WOULDN'T” she spoke with fear in her eyes.

“I wouldn't think twice.” Mrs. Smith said with a snarl.

Penny ran at Mrs. Smith with a closed fist, punching her in the face. Mrs. Smith then tackled Penny to the concrete warehouse ground. As the two women struggled on the ground cell phone cameras could be seen all around taking videos and pictures of the event.

As Megan went up stairs to find a phone to report what she saw as assault. Pete was desperate to not let Megan ruin the fun was busy cutting the main phone line. When Megan found all the phones to be dead she sprinted down to the warehouse to find a jeering crowd surrounding the two women. Megan nudged her way through the crowd, only to see a now topless Penny on her back being slapped by Mrs. Smith who was on top of her.

Megan entranced by the total humiliation of her former bully watched as Penny in a desperate attempt by Penny. She flipped herself over while Mrs. Smith was still on top of her. Penny tried to crawl away only to have Mrs. Smith grab onto the back of her business suit bottoms, tearing them away. Penny stood disheveled and naked except for her thong. She stood clutching her breasts, her knees locked together. Mascara streaming down her face. Cell phone's chronicled the entire event. “This is sick!” Megan muttered as she again left to get help.

“Please no more!” Penny pleaded. Mrs. Smith approached Penny tried to run away but was blocked by the crowd. “Stop filming me you sick fucks!” Penny let out in desperate defiance as she felt Mrs. Smith grab onto the back of her thong.

Mrs. Smith was giving Penny a wedgie. Penny was forced to stand on the tips of her toes as she clutched her naked breasts. Mrs. Smith kept on tugging the thong dug deeply into the crack of Penny's ass. Penny comically threw punches into the air with one hand as the other hand attempted to cover her breasts. Penny twisted and struggled to no avail.

Megan meanwhile desperate to put an end to the situation found an unmanned forklift, the forks were one third of the way up the forklift, about head height. Megan decided that she would have to bully her way through the crowd using the forklift, then she would rescue Penny, taking her out of danger. Megan never drove a forklift in her life, at first she reversed but then put it into gear to go forward. The first part of Megan's plan went very well the crowd parted for the forklift and Megan found herself a foot away from Mrs. Smith and the very humiliated Penny.

“Mrs. Smith stop this right now! I know you are upset, thats understandable, but you need to let Penny go!” Megan exclaimed in the most threatening voice she could muster.

Mrs. Smith turned around and smiled, “Oh thank you dear," Mrs. Smith said.

With a wicked look in her eyes Mrs. Smith pulled either side of Penny's thong onto the two sides of the forklift's prongs. Pressure was now on both Penny's ass and vagina. Megan looked forward to see Penny yelping and standing on very tip on her tip-toes. Megan thought of how uncomfortable and humiliated Penny must be feeling, being wedgied, and exposed in flesh and as an adulter in front of people who were all her subordinate co-workers only fifteen minutes ago.

Megan saw a button that looked like it would lower the forklift, hoping to finally put Penny out of her misery. Megan pressed the button, but to her horror the forklift started to slowly lift up. Megan tried to press the button again, hitting it numerous times, but nothing happened. She could only watch.

Penny clutching her breasts, began to scream a high pitched animalistic scream. Her face was already red with embarrassment beyond embarrassment, it was now becoming even more red. As the thong stretched and stretched Penny's scream was silenced, the pain must have been unbearable. Penny's eyes began to cross as the thong put more and more pressure on her private parts. Megan could not believe the level of stretch that Penny's thong had. The crowd who just a minute ago was jeering and loud with excitement was silent, anticipating the moment the thong broke. Mrs. Smith just looked at Penny with her arms crossed smugly. Penny who could not speak, mouthed the word, "no." over and over again, until her eyes completely crossed and she was almost in a frozen state.

The forklift stopped going up, it was at it's height and still the thong was stretched. Megan got out of the forklift and ran in front of Penny. Penny's head flopped to the side, limply. Then Penny's hands uncovered her breasts and fell to her side.

“Oh my god! I am sorry, let me get you out of this.” Just as Megan was about to approach Penny a loud snapping could be heard. The thong finally broke causing Penny to fall down onto the cold concrete warehouse floor. Face down on her knees, with her face pressed up sideways to the cold concreet and totally nude. Megan's eyes darted around the room as the comany employees shifted to see Penny's very exposed backside. Megan could not imagine a more humiliating position for someone to pass out.

Megan kneeled down to check on Penny. Penny's eye's were open, she was breathing but she was not responding. Megan cried out desperately, “Oh my god, Penny are you okay?” Mrs. Smith shoved Megan out of the way and started pulling on Penny's hair.

Penny seemed to snap out of her daze and began to pull herself up. Mrs. Smith dragged Penny half crawling by her hair through the crowd. Finally Mrs. Smith had Penny right next to the large metal warehouse door. Penny was still on all fours and Mrs Smith was still gripping Penny's hair. Mrs. Smith slapped Penny on the ass once “Get,” twice “The,” three, “Fuck” four “Up.” five times once in between each word, and a final spank after her short sentence was complete. Mrs. Smith's spanking was hard enough to leave a red palm print on Penny's ass. Penny now seemingly completely cognizant got up did the best she could to cover herself. One hand covered her breasts one hand covered her ass and she attempted to use her legs to cover her crotch, as she hopped up and down awkwardly in front of the crowd.

“It hurts.” Penny whimpered, certainly referring to the monster wedgie she recently received.

“Servers you right!” Mrs. Smith harshly spoke pausing before she asked one of the employees to fetch Penny's car keys.

Penny spat, “Fuck all of you!” as she indignantly looked around at her co-workers using their phones to cement her humiliation in history.

“You know Penny, your not going to mention this to anyone. Your not going to try and press charges on me!” Mrs. Smith spoke.

“Watch me! You'll hang for this, all of you will!” Penny spat.

“Not unless you want to go to prison for defrauding this company! I know about your little scheme.” Penny seemed to know what Mrs. Smith meant as she threw her head back cursing.

“Penny's been embezzling money from my idiot, soon to be ex-husband. This wasn't JUST about her adultery. No one here would have had a job in two months time if I had let this continue. I am a Granderson, and we don't let this shit slide.”

Just then the warehouse door started to open slowly letting sunlight into the building. An employee brought Penny's car keys and handed it to Mrs. Smith.

“Go drive away I never want to see your face again.” Mrs. Smith said as she handed Penny the keys.

Penny took the keys and hobbled over to a black BMW, she fumbled mightily looking back at the crowd. It was a pathetic sight, Penny's masscara was running down her cheeks, her hair was a huge mess, a red palm print could be seen on her right ass cheek and clearly the wedgie was giving her a tremendous amount of pain. Penny gave everyone watching the middle finger as she drove away into the distance.

As the crowd dissipated a clearly disturbed Megan felt Mrs. Smith's arm rest over her shoulder. “You aren't going to tell are you?”

Megan let out no response.

“I've got an opening for Vice President, but that’s only if you keep quite.”

Megan looked over at Mrs. Smith. The offer was exciting, although Megan wanted to alert the authorities the offer was just too much, she had to take the job.

A few months later Megan was in a hurry and decided to stop by a local fast food restaurant. The drive-through worker was Penny. Both women pretended they didn't know each other, Megan was polite, Penny however stammered with her speech and seemed on the verge of crying. Megan could have sworn that Penny's eyes kept on crossing, no doubt a symptom of the massive wedgie. Megan couldn't resist giving Penny a large tip with her business card, letting Penny know Megan was now the Vice President.

Last edited by newfavorite; 07-01-2014 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 07-01-2014, 08:52 PM
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great story
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Old 07-01-2014, 08:57 PM
newfavorite newfavorite is offline
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Originally Posted by divalover95 View Post
great story
Thank you very much. So far this story is one of my favorite ones I have ever done, I am entertaining the idea of making a sequel.
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Old 07-01-2014, 10:27 PM
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i could get down with a sequel my only critique is i think you could add more detail into her aka size or breasts nipples pussy hair shaved etc.... but i understand some people prefer it to be vauge and im cool with that i personally just feel the more description the more i connect and am attracted. But its a fantastic story none the less.
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Old 07-02-2014, 01:06 AM
newfavorite newfavorite is offline
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Originally Posted by divalover95 View Post
i could get down with a sequel my only critique is i think you could add more detail into her aka size or breasts nipples pussy hair shaved etc.... but i understand some people prefer it to be vauge and im cool with that i personally just feel the more description the more i connect and am attracted. But its a fantastic story none the less.
Easily the weakest part of my writing is the physical description. I tend to write about the parts that I care about, without thinking of an audience. My goal was to kind of let people use their imagination and just insert their ideal type into the character(s) that they wanted. I do this mostly because it is awkward describing breast size, because I don't care that much. I do care about the lower half, but not necessarily how much hair is present or not present. For a lot of readers I understand this is essential, so instead of describing it and messing up the description, I try to leave it up to the imagination to a certain point.

I also try and help the reader imagine the characters by working in trope, giving vague details. Penny is a grown up blonde queen bee/mean girl bully type as has been shown in countless TV shows and movies, therefore I hope working with a trope can help kind of mold the character and make up for my weakness as a writer.

The Megan character was suppose to act as a voice of reason, a character that was relatable and who did not get involved herself with the erotic elements of the story(except unintentionally). Megan is suppose to point out some of the most rediculous aspects of the ENF genre of writing. She is confused as to why the co-workers are so sadistic, why Mrs. Smith is acting so ridiculous. To me the main charcter/object of the story is Penny, so her physical description is the only character I really give any thought to at all and even that is scant.

Obviously I have a lot of improving to do and I try and experiment with each piece and get better each time. I'll probably go more into the physical details of the characters when I make a sequel, and give the town a name and so on.
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catfight, enf, spanking, wedgie

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