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Old 12-07-2014, 04:46 PM
1993wwe 1993wwe is offline
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I'm still working on the final chapter and its coming along really well, just each new idea ends up making it take longer to finish. Can't say that it'll be done by midnight sharp, but I can say that I plan on having it posted before I go to sleep tonight.
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Old 12-08-2014, 12:18 AM
1993wwe 1993wwe is offline
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Default Paige: The Unstoppable WWE Divas Champion The Final Chapter

The Raw after Extreme Rules:

Throughout the show there are several plugs for the WWE Network Exclusive: Post Raw Humiliation for Paige. Michael Cole continually stresses that this special on the network is intended for mature audiences only. At one point during the show, the camera cuts backstage where a couple of staffers are on their phones. Stephanie McMahon and Layla walk up to the group and see that they are looking at picture of Stephanie naked from last night. Stephanie starts screaming at the men and fires them on the spot!

At another point, we cut to Paige who has a very nervous look on her face. She is wearing a beanie, tan jacket, and jeans and looks like she has gotten no sleep in 24 hours.

Finally, right before the main event, a "changing station" is wheeled down to the ring by the commentary table. Jerry Lawler talks about how excited he is for what that could mean.

_______________________________________________ Humiliation Time

The show concludes with Seth Rollins standing tall over Randy Orton and Sami Zayn. He taunts on the stage and the USA program slowly fades to an end. Some of the parents start to leave with their children, however a vast amount of the audience is staying exactly where they are. They know what is still set to take place as a special dark show treat and they want to be able to say they experienced it first hand.

Eventually the ring clears with Zayn and Orton watching each other closely, still not trusting each other as they head up the ramp. Once the area is clear "Welcome to the Queendom" starts to play. The crowd boos as Stephanie McMahon and Layla start down the ramp. Stephanie McMahon is wearing black suit pants and a matching jacket with a white dress shirt underneath along with a pair of black shoes. Layla is wearing her blue ring gear and has a smirk on her face. The duo reaches the apron and Layla holds the bottom rope down for McMahon to enter. Stephanie enters and calls for a microphone. She gets one and her music dies down.

Before Stephanie can speak, a large "WE SAW YOU NA-KED! WE SAW YOU NA-KED!" chant breaks out. Stephanie gets clearly frustrated by the crowd.


The crowd cheers.


The crowd cheers again.


The crowd continues cheering.


The crowd cheers again.


The crowd cheers even louder!

Well I hope you're happy. Because your hero Paige is going to pay for that. And if you think what I dealt with was bad, it was, but she's going to have to deal with a situation a million times worse. Because at least, when it happened to me, I objected to it and tried to fight it. But Paige, by signing the contract without reading it, has agreed to every single thing that happens to her tonight!

I hope you people are happy. You made her into the monster she has become. And now I'm going to burn that monster alive in front of all of your eyes.

PAIGE! Get out here. Its time for your ultimate humiliation.

Paige's music begins and the WWE Divas Champion slowly makes her way out on stage. She is wearing the same black beanie, tan jacket, and dark blue jeans as before. Her jacket is open revealing a black tank top on underneath and her title around her waist. Paige reluctantly walks towards the ring, unsure and very afraid of what is to come next. Paige enters the ring and is given a mic from a staff member before passing them her title.

I don't know why you're asking for a mic. It's not going to do you any good at this point. Your fate is sealed.

Stephanie, I'm asking you to please not do this. When I beat you last night and stripped you naked, that was a match. That was a fair fight. You had the same exact chance to do that to me. What you're saying is going to happen now isn't fair at all. I can't fight. I can't defend myself. You're just being cruel.

CRUEL? What you did last night to me was cruel! As far as I'm concerned, tonight is fair. Tonight is revenge. Tonight is retribution for all the crap that you've put me through over these last few months. Have the censors been on your ass? No, they've been on mine. Have sponsors been threatening to drop YOUR company? No, they've been yelling at me. And after all that crap, all the hell that I've been through, you're going to ask me to take it easy on you? Hell no. Tonight is going to be the worst damn night of your life and I'm going to enjoy every second of it.

Stephanie, don't make me do this.

It's too late. It's time to begin.

Paige shakes her head no.

Paige, you can shake your head as much as you want. But if you don't follow through on your contractual obligations, you're going to be stripped of your title. You're going to be fired. You're going to be sued for causing the WWE to lie to their fans. And I'll see to it that you and your mother are both blackballed from the wrestling industry entirely. Test me Paige, see if I'm lying.

Paige doesn't say a word.

That's what I thought. So let's get started.

Paige, since you have a mic let's hear you use it. I want you to do me a favor and tell the world that you love me.


Profess your love for me. Do it Paige, you don't have a choice.

Paige sighs.

I...Love Stephanie McMahon.

What do you love about me?

Well, seeing you masturbate yourself yesterday showed me a whole other side of you.

The crowd pops and Stephanie is furious. She walks right up and smacks Paige across the face. Paige looks like she wants to throw a punch but refrains herself.

Pull something like that one more time and I'll fire you on the spot.

Steph grabs the beanie off of Paige's head and tosses it in her face.

TONIGHT IS MY NIGHT! You are not going to act up! You going to take your punishment because its your own damn fault and if you behave yourself, you'll get to walk away from this still WWE Divas Champion.

Stephanie grabs Paige by the face.

You haven't listened to me a single day since you've been here. It's time to start. If you don't want to use your words, its time to start using your actions. Take your shoes and jacket off.

Paige's eyes widen.

Did I stutter? Take it off.

Paige looks at Stephanie, then at the grinning Layla. Paige hates this and she knows its only the beginning. She slowly unlaces her boots and takes them off, showing her pale feet off. Paige had never been too concerned about her feet or anything like that, so that wasn't too tough. Paige continues the removal process by taking off her tan jacket revealing her modest black tank top underneath. It wasn't a "lack of coverage" that embarrassed Paige right now, it was the fact that Stephanie is in complete control and there is nothing that Paige can do. Layla grabs the jacket from Paige and tosses it on the ground.

See, was that so bad? I mean, why are you even embarrassed? I doubt anyone really cares about your A cups anyway.

Paige shakes her head, annoyed. Her 34As had always been a touchy subject for her but she never cared about it during a match. She liked them and all that matters. When she was wrestling, no one gave a damn how she looked and while she was fighting, she couldn't care less about her appearance. But now, she couldn't distract herself from anything. So just being in the tanktop and jeans, yet aware of her situation felt worse than the few times she had been stripped to a bra and thong.

Alright, well I'm pretty certain the kiddies are off to bed. So its time to get this really started. Paige, take off your tank top.

Paige bites her lips in anger but unstraps her title and lightly places it on the ground. After she does that, she looks at Stephanie before placing her hands on the bottom of her tank top. Paige slowly starts to pull her tank top up and reveals her midsection. She brings it up and the bottom of her conservative black sports bra is shown. Paige removes her tank top and drops it to the ground. Layla picks it up and throws it out of the ring.

Paige's hands cover her bra.

Oh please. Like you really think its going to end here. There's no point in covering up now. Especially because its time to take off your pants.

Paige keeps one of her hands over her sports bra and picks up a microphone again.


You can talk when I say you can talk. But not until you take off your pants.

Paige raises the mic again.

This is not a discussion. If you want to plead your case, I'll let you. I'll even hear you out. But only after you take off those pants.

Paige shakes her head in disappointment and drops the mic. The crowd cheers because, despite the fact that they hate Stephanie, they want to see Paige naked and are coming closer and closer to that reality.

The Anti-Diva unbuttons her jeans.

Actually... why don't I let Layla get the honors.

Paige looks back at Layla who slowly walks forward with a large smile on her face. She stands behinds Paige and puts her hands on the front of the WWE Divas Champion's jeans. Layla unzips Paige's jeans, showing a flash of something black. Layla slowly slides the jeans down Paige's waist revealing the top of Paige's conservative black panties. Layla brings the jeans down around Paige's ass and down past her knees and to her ankles. Paige, with much hesitation, steps forward allowing Layla to get the jeans off of Paige's ankles.

Paige stands in the ring, wearing only her bra and panties, and can't help but think back to how all of this began. After a couple of advantageous wardrobe malfunctions, Stephanie made every title defense of Paige's a bra and panties match. Paige remembered how she used to fear having her bra and panties exposed so badly. And here she was now, voluntarily allowing Layla to strip her down. What had happened to her life? Where did everything go crazy? And most importantly, what could she do or say to have it end now?

Stephanie starts speaking again.

Well here you are. Bra and panties. And this is as far as the fans have ever seen of you. And all it takes to give them one hell of a sight is for me to say one word. Now Paige, do you want to beg and plead for your modesty?

Paige doesn't say a word, still lost in thought. She slowly raises the mic to her mouth but Steph interrupts.

If you want to try to convince me, I suggest you get on your hands and knees and beg that I don't make you take off everything.

Paige stares daggers through Stephanie's eyes but realizes she has no choice. Paige slowly drops down to her knees and the crowd boos. Paige accepts the boos as she raises the mic to her mouth.

Stephanie.... please, don't follow through with this. I know you're mad at me. I know you have a right to be mad at me. Our war... it went way too far. AJ got humiliated, Layla was humiliated. And both you and I have been humiliated as well. Don't forget what you had Jerry do to me when I was knocked out. I'm asking you, no I'm begging you, please just end this right now. I don't deserve this. No one deserves this. Let's just end it here and both move on with our lives.

Well Paige, that's the closest thing I'm going to get to an apology from you. So I'll make a deal with you. Vacate your championship, leave my company, and I'll let you walk out right this second. Yeah, you're in your bra and panties but it can get much worse. If you really care so much about your dignity, here's your chance to keep it. Just give up, accept that I've won and leave like the little girl you are.

Paige shakes her head, sad.

I can't do that. I can't give up my gold. I can't leave this company. I worked too hard to get here.

You see, I knew it. You're just saying whatever it takes to avoid being humiliated. But when I gave you an actual fair opportunity to admit being the lesser woman and just give up, you didn't take it. So you know what, as much as you're going to cry and as much as you're going to complain that what I'm doing to you is wrong, you had your way out. And you chose not to take it. So let's get to the actual fun.

Paige rises back to her feet.

I didn't say you can get up. Get back on your knees, I have an idea for you.

Paige takes a deep breath and drops back to her knees.

Look at you in your little sports bra and panties. You look adorable right now.

Paige bites her lip in anger as Layla smirks behind her.

You're making me feel overdressed in my classy suit here.

The crowd cheers and Paige looks confused.

I think I need to lose a little bit of my own clothing to make things more fair.

The crowd comes alive again and Paige has no clue what is going on. Stephanie places a hand on her suit pants.

I think its time to bring back something we haven't seen in a very long time. You know Paige, back in the day, when my father had a problem with someone... he made that person pay. Not by firing them. Not by suspending them. But by breaking them, mentally. And there were some people, so bad, that they had to join a certain club.

Paige's face drops as she suddenly understands what Stephanie has been leading up to.

Last night, you thought exposing my bare ass sure was funny, didn't you? Well, tonight you're going to get to see it again you lucky lucky girl. Except this time you're not going to find it as funny. No, this time you're going to hate it. Because Paige, to start off your ultimate humiliation.... you're going to become the first ever member of the Stephanie McMahon Kiss My Ass Club.

The crowd cheers loudly, not because they're happy about the punishment but because of how crazy and surreal this moment is. Stephanie turns around, so that her back is now facing towards Paige. Layla starts slowly walking towards the kneeling Paige as Stephanie throws off her suit jacket. McMahon unbuckles her belt and places it on the ground before slowly sliding her suit pants down, revealing a black thong.

You know, my ass can't do as many tricks as my father's, but I'd say its a lot prettier of a sight.

With that Layla steps behind Paige again as Stephanie hooks her hands on the sides of her skimpy thong. The crowd is cheering at the prospects of getting to see Steph's bare ass for the second time in two nights and she does just that by letting her thong drop down to her ankles. Steph's left hand shoot forward to cover her front but she leaves her bare ass fully exposed and facing towards Paige. Steph talks into the microphone on the right hand.

It's a pretty ass, I know. That's why Layla is going to properly prepare you for it, Paige.

Layla suddenly grabs Paige by the mouth and pulls out some black lipstick. Layla heavily smears it onto Paige's lips.

We figured black would be your color because of that whole goth/emo thing you're doing.

Stephanie laughs, booty exposed, as Layla finishes the lipstick. Paige's lips are covered in the black lipstick, globbed on her face.

Alright Paige, time to do what you should have been doing since day one. Time to kiss my ass.

Paige stays on her knees but can't bring herself to inch forward. The prospect of kissing Stephanie's ass infuriated and disgusted her. Not only did kissing someone's ass in general make her blood boil but after everything Stephanie had done, and every battle these two had fought, this wouldn't be something that McMahon would ever let her live down. Or any of the divas in the back. How was Paige supposed to be an "Anti-Diva" if she did something like this. Yet, despite herself, Paige slowly inches forward and starts leaning towards Stephanie's cheeks. Paige puckers up and slowly places her lips on the side of Stephanie's round butt and plants a kiss right on Steph's large right cheek. Paige quickly backs up, completely humiliated and the camera focuses on black lip prints on the side of Stephanie's butt.

HA! SHE DID IT! Your hero did it! How'd my ass taste, Paige?

Paige just looks down, mortified with herself.

That's good enough for round one... but how about round two? This time I want to feel some tongue.

Paige's eyes bug out in complete shock. This was disgusting enough, this was humiliating enough. Paige figured after this, the whole "kiss my ass" thing would be done. But tongue? Paige would be tasting Stephanie's ass for weeks if she followed through with this.

Layla, why don't you give her some help?

Suddenly Layla gives Paige's breast a large squeeze from behind. Paige screams out in sudden fear and Layla shoves her face first straight into Stephanie's ass crack. Paige didn't get an opportunity to close her mouth and is now struggling to breathe as Layla continues to push her deeper into Stephanie's booty. Stephanie cackles as Paige desperately attempts to free herself, unsuccessfully. Finally Layla stops and Paige falls backwards. Her lipstick is completely smeared and ruined, but can easily be found on Stephanie, whose ass is now covered with black marks.

Paige tries to catch her breath back while wiping her face while Stephanie has a huge smirk on her face as she pulls her thong back up, giving the crowd a small/accidental glimpse at her pussy for a second as she bends over. After the thong is back up, the pants soon follow and Stephanie returns to her dignified state in her white dress shirt and suit pants. Paige continues to wipe at her face, trying to get the thought and taste of Stephanie's large ass out of her mind.

I hope you enjoyed that Paige, because that's the only nudity you'll be seeing from me tonight. You on the other hand.... well, these people don't have anywhere to go and we never set an end time so I might just have fun with you until the sun rises.

Paige isn't paying attention as she is still lost in thought and disgust.

Alright, I showed mine and we're getting closer to the point where you show yours. But being honest, you've disappointed me a bit Paige. Sports bra? Normal panties? There's no fun in that. Luckily, it was Layla's genius idea that maybe we should provide our own attire for you. So your next task is to enter that changing room stationed next to the announcer's table and put on the outfit that Layla will give you.

Paige is still wiping her face when Layla pulls her up to her feet and pushes her towards the ropes. Paige stares down Layla before locking eyes with Steph, who is still smiling.

I suggest you start walking.

Paige's tough exterior starts to show the first sign of cracking but Paige turns her head before Stephanie can see her weakness. Paige rolls out of the ring and enters the changing station. Paige's neck and head still poke out the top as well as her bare feet and lower shins. While nothing important was showing, there certainly wasn't much coverage in this changing station. The camera can see Paige looking around and not seeing anything in there.

Oh, Layla will give you your outfit. But first, you need to take off what you're wearing. Hand her your bra and panties and then she'll give you your new outfit.

The crowd pops as the circumstance and Paige's face shows clear fear. First off, she'd be stripping herself nude with only this flimsy box changing station covering her. One wrong movement and suddenly her entire body might be exposed. And even worse, she'd have to trust Layla to give her clothes afterwards and Paige wouldn't trust Layla if her life depended on it. What would stop Layla from never giving her anything and forcing Paige to come out wearing nothing at all. This was a bad position to be in. This sucked and Paige knew it. But there was no other options. She wasn't going to let herself lose her gold. She wasn't going to allow herself to be fired. If this is what it takes to remain champion... Paige would handle it like a woman and do what was asked. Or at least, she hoped she would.

Layla exits the ring and stands outside the changing area. Paige, very reluctantly, starts lifting her sports bra. While it can't be seen due to the box blocking it, Paige's hand motions make it clear when she has been "liberated" as the sports bra comes up with Paige's hand out of the box. Layla sn*tches the sports bra from her and waves it towards Paige, mocking her. Paige's hands cover her breasts even though they can't be seen. Layla laughs and tosses the bra to the ground. Paige looks at the bra as her eyes start to tear up, knowing what she must do next.

Paige slowly bends over in the changing station and moves her hands off of her breasts and onto her hips. She can be seen bringing her hands down and suddenly the panties fall to Paige's ankles. She lifts a foot up and takes them off before passing it to Layla. The crowd cheers wildly, knowing how exposed Paige is. Layla grabs the panties and holds them close to her face. She sickens Paige when she sniffs them right in front of her and angers her even more by placing the panties inside her own trunks. Paige was repulsed but, more importantly, she was naked and at Stephanie's control. She needed something to put on and quickly, too.

And my, how the tables have turned. Now I'm the one wearing clothes and a nude british b*tch. Well, I promised you a new outfit and I'll give you one. But first, Layla, I need you to make sure she isn't actually wearing a thong or anything else in there. Paige: open the door for Layla.

The crowd cheered loudly and Paige was mortified. She shakes her head saying no.

Either she is going in or you're coming out. Either way, I need to confirm that you're actually buck naked right now.

Paige hated both options. If she opened the door, people were definitely going to see glimpses of her unmentionables. But if she didn't, the other option was clearly far worse. But even beyond the crowd, Paige didn't want to be so close and personal with Layla. She had seen some of the evil and perverted acts this woman had done and giving Layla the reward for those actions of seeing all of Paige's private parts was one that she hated. But Layla would see them either way, but only the first option would prevent the world from seeing as well. So with major reluctance, Paige slowly opened the door on the side facing towards the ring.

With only the small crack open, Layla peers in and takes her sweet time examining Paige's body. Paige knew it didn't take that long to simply see that she was nude and Layla was using this opportunity to get under Paige's skin even more and freak her out. And as much as she hated to admit it, it was working. Layla's eyes just looking down Paige's body like a piece of meat had a strong emotional effect on Paige. Paige couldn't tell if it was anger, sadness, fear, or some sick combination of all of them but it left a bitter feeling in her stomach and one she never wanted to feel again. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Paige, Layla closes the door and looks to Steph before nodding.

So here we are, Anti-Diva. You, nude and afraid. Me, with all the power. Well I am a merciful god so you can thank me. Layla, please give her the clothes.

Layla digs under the ring and finds a small duffle bag. She throws it over the top into the changing box where it falls to the ground by Paige's ankles. Layla enters the ring.

Put that on and then come on out.

As Paige changes, Stephanie starts talking to the audience.

As you people have already started to see, tonight is going to be a lesson that people better quickly recognize. Everything in the WWE runs through me. I'm in charge. I'm the boss. And either you bow at my feet or you get stepped on like a little bug. Paige tried to fight me. She tried to lead her rebellion. She tried to prove herself a big girl and look where it has led her. To the largest humiliation of her life. Paige, are you ready yet?

The camera cuts back to the changing station where Paige is trying to reposition her outfit so that it offers more protection, although right this second none of that is visible due to the changing station. Paige finally looks at Stephanie and Layla, with a clearly sad/depressed face.

Well... we're waiting. Come on out and get in this ring.

Paige slowly opens the door and exits. It is clear to see why Paige was so embarrassed as she has been given a skimpy pink bikini to wear. The top is a strapless tube top that Paige has to continually adjust to ensure it doesn't slip right off. With Paige's hands preoccupied with that, she isn't able to cover up the extreme exposure the bikini bottom is showing. The tiny pink bikini bottom is a string bikini that covers about 1/3 of her ass but allows most of her cheeks to stick out. The side view is even worse as it is just the tied together string so her entire upper thigh and side of her booty is shown.

Paige clutches onto her tube top as she slowly walks up the stairs. Layla sits on the second rope, causing Paige to need to bend over to step over it and enter the ring, delighting quite a few fans sitting in the right spot. By this point, several of the audience have taken out cameras and have not bothered trying to keep up the pretense of booing Stephanie for her evil actions. They want to see as much of Paige as they can, that's all they care about.

How you feeling right now, Paige?

Steph grabs a second mic, laying on the mat, and starts to hand it over towards Paige. Paige extends her hand for it, until Stephanie drops it on the ground.

Whoops. I guess I'm just a butterfingers today. Paige, do you mind bending over and picking that up for me?

Paige takes a deep breath, very angry but knowing that there is nothing she can do if she wants to keep her job. Paige bends over to pick up the microphone and is exposing much of her cleavage as gravity is causing the tube top to flow away from her chest. Paige finally grabs it, only to get a smack on the ass from Layla. The surprise smack causes Paige to shoot right back up.

Paige turns to Layla, who simply smiles.

Like I said Paige, how are you feeling right now?

Paige raises the mic to speak.

Actually, you know what, I don't really even care. You can toss that mic aside for now.

Paige, even more frustrated, tosses the mic down.

In her mind though, Paige thought that not speaking might have been for the best. How could she describe what she is feeling right now? She's at the whim of someone she hates. She's being forced to do humiliating things. This bikini is not only pink to embarrass her and make her look like all those divas she tried to avoid becoming, but is so small that she is struggling to even keep it on. And even worse, Paige won last night. Paige has won all her fights for a while now. No one could beat her in the ring. But what Steph is doing right now is cheating. Steph isn't playing fair. Steph is just abusing her power and there is nothing Paige or anyone else can do to stop it. At this moment, Paige wanted to be anywhere besides the ring right now. But she knew the risk of walking out right now. And that would just give Steph an even bigger victory tonight. Paige refused to lose the title this way. Paige refused to lose her career this way. If Stephanie wanted to do her worst, so help it.... Paige will not allow her title reign to be stopped.

While Paige's thoughts raced through her head at a million miles per second, Stephanie already had decided on her next torture.

Paige, you've been a real problem to me for a while. Trying to act like a grown up on my level when you've nothing but a little girl who cried when she couldn't get her way. And do you know what happens to little girls that misbehave? They get spanked and taught their lesson!

Layla, grab me a chair.

Layla exits the ring and the crowd grows excited with this spanking idea. Paige doesn't take her eyes off of Stephanie. Layla digs under the ring and returns with a chair. She slides it in to Steph before entering. McMahon unfolds the chair in the middle of the ring and takes a seat.

Get over here Paige, its time for your spanking!

Paige starts to walk over.

STOP. Crawl to me, don't walk.

Paige angrily drops to her knees. She slowly crawls over towards Stephanie, swaying her hips as she does. As Paige sways her hips, her booty rocks from one side to the other, exciting both the fans and Layla who is watching closely. Paige continues to crawl until she reaches Stephanie McMahon's legs. Reluctantly, Paige pulls herself up and lays across Stephanie's lap with her ass facing up. Steph smiles.

See, things go so much easier when you finally listen to me. Now if you had learned this lesson earlier, I wouldn't be having to do this.

Stephanie drops the mic and places her left hand onto Paige's butt. We cut to a camera focused on Paige's face and the extreme discomfort is very noticeable. We cut back to the hard cam and Layla has walked next to Stephanie as her hand continues to rest on Paige's booty. Stephanie McMahon raises it up and lands a hard smack on the exposed part of Paige's cheeks. The loud smack echoes across the arena. Stephanie raises her hand and spanks Paige again. Stephanie starts repeatedly smacking Paige's butt harder and harder, finally eliciting a large yell out of her. Paige screams out and brings her hand back, rubbing her ass as McMahon laughs. Stephanie reaches with her right hand and pulls back on Paige's long black hair while her left hand digs hers nails straight into the British bum of Paige. Paige kicks her legs in pain as Stephanie continues to use her right hand to tear right at Paige's exposed cheeks.

McMahon finally stops and pushes Paige off of her lap and onto the mat, hard. Paige lays on the mat in her pink bikini, desperately rubbing her hurting backside. Stephanie rises out of the chair and walks up to Paige. She pulls Paige up by her hair to her feet while picking up the mic.

Well now that I spanked the naughty out of you, its time for you to play nice. Jerry Lawler, get in here!

Paige looks confused and Jerry doesn't wait, quickly tossing off his headset and abandoning Cole and JBL to rush towards the ring. He quickly rolls in, excited to be near the bikini wearing WWE Divas Champion.

Last night, in the heat of the moment, I made you give Jerry a bit of a wild time. Now... I want you to continue that. Jerry, sit down in that chair.

Jerry doesn't think twice and quickly hops into the folded chair.

Now Paige, give my good pal Jerry a lap dance.

Paige looks at Stephanie and shakes her head sadly while saying "no". She is caught on camera saying "Please don't make me do this.". Stephanie speaks into her mic. Oh, you're going to do it. And you're going to give him the best damn ride of his life. NOW GET TO WORK. Paige looks at Steph before turning her head to the old perv in the seat. Jerry has the largest smile on his face and pats his lap. Paige slowly walks over, hating that she would have to give a man old enough to be her parent a lap dance.

Paige stands in front of Jerry and slowly turns around, swaying her booty (only covered by the pink bikini bottom) at the old man. With regret showing on her face, she slowly lowers herself and takes a seat on Jerry's lap.

Get more into it, Paige. I want to see some gyrating out of you.

Paige's face shows an even more pained reaction, but she listens to Steph and hooks her leg around Jerry so that she is now straddling him and looking into his eyes. She slowly bounces up and down on Lawler as the old man practically drools from excitement.

And Jerry, this isn't like a strip club lap dance. Feel free to put your hands all over her.

Paige goes bug-eyed as she turns her head towards Stephanie. Turning her head is a big mistake as she doesn't see (but immediately feels) Jerry quickly bury his head in her tube top and wiggle his face across her cleavage. Paige screams out, turning back towards Jerry Lawler and tries to push him off. Paige tries to get up but struggles as Lawler has his hands firmly on her waist and is holding her on. Her movement is only making the situation worse as she is bouncing up and down on him while his face remains buried in her tits. Paige leans back, finally freeing her tits from Jerry and starts to try to get her legs off of him. However Jerry uses this to advantage and lifts her legs up higher so that they are around her neck. He pulls her back towards him and suddenly his face is rubbing against her crotch. Paige screams in fear and Stephanie laughs. Lawler rises out of the seat, having Paige up in powerbomb position but having no desire to lower her down any time soon. His hands are squeezing Paige's ass as she continues to struggle to try to free herself. She leans herself backwards, but still is in Lawler's grasp. Now her crotch is inches away from Jerry and she is stuck upside down with her breasts nearly spilling out of her pink tube top.

Whoa! Hold her like that Jerry!

Lawler starts wiggling her side to side, causing her breasts to jiggle like crazy within the top. Paige's hands go up to cover them.

Grab her arms, Layla.

Layla grabs Paige's arms and pulls them away from her breasts again. Paige has nowhere to go and nowhere to hide as she hangs upside down in Lawler's grasp.

It's time to finally reveal those itty bitty bumps that you call breasts.

Paige shakes her head but Stephanie slips her hands into the bottom of Paige's pink tube top. She slowly starts to pull down on the upside down girl's top, revealing the pale underboob of the WWE Divas Champion. With one firm pull, Stephanie pulls the tube top down to around Paige's neck, eliciting a large scream from the Anti-Diva. The crowd erupts and cameras start flashing all across the arena as the fans all attempt to get the image of Paige's tiny pink nipples on camera and saved forever. The champion can do nothing but scream as Lawler has her firmly held upside down and as much as she fights, Layla refuses to let go of her arms. Stephanie gets the tube top around Paige's neck and off of her completely and tosses it to the outside. Paige feared that this moment would come eventually but nothing compares to the pain of knowing that the entire world was getting to see her bare breasts.

Oh, this must be so embarrassing Paige. I just didn't realize how... cold it was in here.

Steph beams an evil smile and lightly places her hand over Paige's nipples. They are hard as diamonds which embarrasses Paige even more. It certainly wasn't excitement on her end, just being next to nude in the ring brought quite the chill over her. Plus the fear didn't help at all as she could feel the goosebumps all over her body. Steph strokes Paige's nipples a few more times before looking at Layla.

I'm just in this for the humiliation. You're the one that actually enjoys this stuff. Get over here.

Layla lets go of Paige's hands and walks over to the front. Paige uses the temporary freedom to quickly cover her breasts. She uses her hands as a bra because, despite knowing that the fans had already saw everything, in her mind Paige couldn't accept giving up and just accepting her torture. These were her breasts! These were one of her most attractive features and a very private part of herself! To just let them hang upside down freely... she wouldn't be any better than a stripper. Steph could order her around. Steph could embarrass her physically and emotionally, but Paige would not be mentally broken. Paige's eyes teared up even more but she kept her hands over her boobs. She is the WWE Diva's Champion. And no embarrassment, no matter how bad, could ever change that.

Stephanie slips by Jerry Lawler and slowly reaches for Paige's hands. She pulls them away from the champion, once again revealing Paige's breasts. Layla gets on her hands and knees and crawls towards the helpless Paige. Once she is close enough, Layla rises to her knees and plants a kiss on the lips of the upside Anti-Diva. Paige moves her head back and forth to avoid it, but Layla grabs her by the head and keeps the lip lock applied, eventually even slipping her tongue into Paige's mouth. Paige continues to squirm but can't do anything to prevent Layla's kiss. Layla eventually stops and rises slightly more, kissing Paige's neck before throwing her hands forward and cupping Paige's breasts. Layla moves one of her hands and brings her mouth closer to Paige's exposed breasts. The crowd goes crazy as Layla places her tongue on Paige's left nipple and gives it a lick before wrapping her entire mouth around it. Paige shakes her head and tries to wiggle free as Stephanie laughs and Layla continues sucking on Paige's tit and fondling the other. Paige lets out a low moan when Layla lightly bites down on her exposed breasts, but that turns into a loud scream of pain as Layla increases the pressure.

Layla releases Paige's breast from her mouth and slowly rubs her face in between Paige's tits while her hands keep moving upward on the upside down diva, rubbing her stomach and sides. Layla backs away from Paige with a smirk on her face and McMahon suddenly releases her arms. Lawler lifts Paige back up in the air and slams her straight onto the mat with a powerbomb! Paige lays on her back, stunned by the surprise move and in too much pain to cover her chest. After a few seconds, she recovers and rolls onto her chest to conceal herself again. Stephanie gives Jerry a handshake and sends him on his way. Lawler exits the ring and returns to the announcer's table while Layla exits on the side closest to the ramp, looking under the ring for something.

Paige is still in the middle of the ring laying on her chest with her hands underneath, concealing her breasts as much as she can. Stephanie stands over her and kicks Paige a few times in the ribs. Paige's face shows a pained expression each time but she refuses to move her hands and risk revealing her breasts again. Stephanie takes a seat on Paige's back, facing towards the champion's head (camel clutch position).

Stephanie runs her hands through the champion's hair, mocking Paige's inability to do anything to stop it. McMahon smirks before grabbing the mic laying next to her.

Well Paige, this has been fun but I'll be honest... something has been missing. This has been without a doubt the most humiliating night of your life, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. And while Layla was working her mouth all over your breasts and I saw you trying to squirm, it finally clicked in my head. I want you to suffer and I want you to be my b*tch, but I want to see you fight it. I want to see you desperately struggling to avoid your fate just like you've been doing for almost a year now.

So Paige, I have some huge news for you. Your official humiliation is going to be done in just a few short seconds when I say so. And when that happens, your goal is to get the heck out of here and run to the back to protect whatever "modesty" you might have left. And the moment you get behind the curtain, Layla and I promise to not do anything like this to you ever again. But there's always a catch. My goal and Layla's goal is to keep you out here by any means necessary, strip you of that little tiny pink bikini bottom I provided you, and embarrass you in any other way we see fit. Do you understand these rules?

Stephanie holds the mic by Paige's mouth, facing down towards the mat.


Do you agree to them?

Yes! Just let me leave!

Then let's play the game for your final humiliation. In 3..... 2..... 1..... GO!

Paige immediately tries to rise and buck Steph off, but McMahon grabs onto her hair. Paige makes it to her feet, her exposed breast jiggling as she attempts to get away from Stephanie's grasp. She turns towards Stephanie and with a kick to the stomach, frees herself from the boss' grasp. Paige turns to exit the ring, only for McMahon to lunge forward again, this time grabbing hold of the bikini bottom. The fabric is stretched, revealing the very top of Paige's ass crack. Paige holds onto the ropes but Stephanie backs up further, stretching the fabric even more and fully exposing the top 1/4 of Paige's booty. Paige has no choice but to let go of the ropes or else her bikini bottom may snap in half. Stephanie reacts quickly and rushes forward, pulling the pink bikini bottom up and giving Paige a large wedgie. Now Paige's cheeky behind is completely exposed as the thin fabric has been stretched way up and is riding in Paige's ass and vagina. Paige responds with a quick turnaround and forearm strike to Steph's face, knocking McMahon down in a heap. Paige digs the wedgie free to slightly relieve the pain but more importantly, provide more coverage. At this moment, with the action finally calmed for a split second, Paige remembered that her breasts are being completely exposed to the world through the WWE Network and the cameras of the audience members.

Paige needed to escape before she lost even more.

Paige quickly slides out of the ring, only for Layla to tackle her to the ground. In all the craziness, Paige had honestly forgotten about Layla. She wouldn't be forgetting her now though as Layla repeatedly punches her in the head and keep Paige down, attempting to stall for time and allow Stephanie to recover. McMahon is still downed from that vicious forearm strike. Paige finally shoves Layla off of her and both divas gets back to her feet. Paige goes to throw a punch but Layla avoids it with a sidestep and grabs Paige for a German suplex. Instead of following through with the move, Layla holds her from behind and simply tries to prevent Paige from moving. Paige attempts a back elbow, but Layla moves her head at the last second to avoid it. Layla's left arm is hooked around Paige, however her right arm is starting to move. Layla starts falling victim to her own temptation and quickly slides her right hand into the front of Paige's bikini bottom. The crowd cheers but Paige reacts immediately with an elbow that catches Layla right in the jaw, freeing the champion. Instead of attempting to escape, in her fury Paige opts to grab Layla and irish whip her straight into the side of the apron.

Layla hits the apron hard and falls to the protective mats. Paige, still angry about Layla's actions here and before when Paige was hanging upside down, decides that revenge is exactly what Layla deserves. Paige grabs hold of Layla's blue bottoms and quickly tear them away from her body and down her legs. Layla lets out a scream and tries to kick Paige away, but Paige successfully removes the gear removing a dark blue thong that Layla has on underneath. Layla desperately tries to cover up but Paige isn't done there, though. Paige's hands shoot forward towards Layla's hips and grabs hold of both sides of Layla's thong. Layla lets out a larger scream and her hands go down to try to cover what Paige is quickly revealing. Paige brings the thong down to Layla's knees and Layla quickly covers up by pulling the ring skirt over her and trying to hide under the ring. Paige successfully pulls the thong off of Layla, who quickly fully hides under the ring before any of her private parts are exposed to the world.

Paige holds the dark blue thong up in the air and the crowd cheers. Paige once again remembers she isn't currently wearing a top however and her arms quickly come back down to cover her pair. She turns back to the stage, only to be hit with a baseball slide to the back of the head! Paige quickly falls to the mat, holding her head in pain as Stephanie exits the ring. McMahon quickly grabs the downed Paige and rolls her back into the ring, further away from escape and the stage. Stephanie lifts up the ring skirt and yells for Layla to get out and help. Layla's face can be seen, and she violently shakes her head NO. Stephanie barks at her again, but Layla refuses to exit from her hiding. Stephanie shakes her head in anger before letting go of the ring skirt and rolling in the ring.

Her backup? Gone. Her ownership of Paige's actions? Gone. But Steph wasn't worried. Humiliating Paige was fun, but it was shooting a fish in a barrel. There was no challenge. There was no real excitement. This though, this had Stephanie's blood pumping again. This is what she wanted. Paige on the defensive and do everything possible to save herself only to fail. And fail she would.

Paige starts to stir as McMahon enters. She gets to her hands and knees before getting a stiff shot to the ribs knocking her back down. Paige falls onto her back with her chest facing up. Stephanie starts forward and attempts to grab hold of the pink bikini bottom of Paige's. Before she can, Paige kicks her back and starts back to her feet. She gets to a knee before getting clubbed on the back by Stephanie. Paige no sells it and rises up. Stephanie winds backwards and smacks Paige across the face... only for Paige to no sell that too.

The crowd pops and Paige stares down Stephanie with anger in her eyes. Stephanie smacks her again with the only response being Paige shaking her head at Steph and looking even more furious, prompting louder cheers. Stephanie smacks Paige across the face a third time and this evokes a loud scream of rage from the champion. The crowd cheers loudly as the bare-chested champion charges at Stephanie and takes her to the ground. Paige thrashes Stephanie's head against the mat several times before pulling her boss up by her hair. A hard right hand hits McMahon square across the skull and knocks her back. Paige fires away again with another stiff strike. Stephanie backs into the corner and that's the wrong place to be. After all the crap she was put through tonight and over the course of this saga, Paige still has a lot to get out of her system. Punch after punch after punch after punch crashes into Stephanie and Paige has no desire to stop there.

Paige climbs onto the second rope leaning her body over Stephanie and raising her right fist in the air. With her left hand, Paige pulls back on Stephanie's hair and the right one brings the pain with more punches straight to the forehead of her oppressor. The crowd counts along as Paige unleashes her vengeance. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Suddenly Stephanie pulls at the string along Paige's waist. The bikini bottom becomes undone. Paige quickly drops her hands and falls to the mat, attempting to hold the bottom in place.

Stephanie rushes forward and starts a tug of war with Paige over her bikini bottom. Paige desperately holds on, trying to prevent Stephanie from exposing her to the world. But with each tug back and forth, Stephanie is slowly gaining the advantage. With one final pull, Stephanie wins out and pulls the bikini bottom away from Paige. Paige quickly scurries backwards into the corner, using her hands as a last ditch effort to try to prevent the world from seeing her naughty parts. The cameraman gets a shot of Paige from behind, catching a bit of Paige's booty that isn't flat on the mat. The same camera angle sees Stephanie slowly walking closer to Paige while dangling the bikini bottom and mocking Paige. Finally she tosses it out of the ring by the announcer's table where Jerry Lawler quickly leaves the commentary team to scoop it up.

We go back to the hard camera where Stephanie is placing her hands over her own crotch, mocking Paige. Paige's face is showing clear sadness as the tears are quickly flowing from her face. Paige knew that she got caught up in her anger and should've escaped when she could have. Now, no matter how much she tried to deny it, the world was going to get to see way more of her than she wanted. She was only 22 years old, she was young enough to be a daughter for a lot of these pervs! Yet the cameras were out and taking pictures and videos and they didn't care. The moment her hands moved, everything would be exposed. Out of fear and sadness, Paige wasn't ready to accept that fact. So in the corner Paige remained as Stephanie teased her even more now for the tears coming from her face.

Stephanie, having had enough fun mocking her, finally decides its time for Paige to be exposed. She starts forward towards Paige who pulls her legs back, ready to kick. Stephanie isn't afraid and takes a kick to the thigh as she gets very close to Paige. Paige goes for a second kick, only for Stephanie to catch the leg and hold onto it. Paige uses her other leg to try to kick the first one free, but McMahon catches that one too. Stephanie has both of Paige's legs now and an evil smile grows on her face. She slowly starts backing up, holding onto Paige's legs as she does. Paige tries to kick her legs free but is very aware that each kick is causing her legs to wiggle and is afraid that something may slip from out of her hand's coverage. While being dragged into the middle of the ring sucks and was a huge exposure risk, Paige can't bring herself to use her hands to grab hold of the ropes. Because of that, Stephanie is able to drag Paige into the middle of the ring. With Paige's hands not moving any time soon, she can't defend from a large big boot to the face. The hard shot catches Paige in the face and knocks her onto her back, and Steph follows that up with strikes to Paige's exposed chest and head. Paige can't even cover up as she doesn't want to move her hands, so Stephanie follows up by placing her shoe straight onto Paige's throat. She attempts to choke out the champion... and Paige has no choice but to bring her hands up to try to push the boot off. Stephanie refuses to move the boot and as Paige struggles, kicking wildly, small glimpses of her vagina are slowly showing. Paige finally shoves Steph's boot up and rises to a seated position again, only to be hit with a knee straight to the skull!

The vicious shot instantly knocks the champion out! Paige is out on the mat, not moving. Stephanie stands over the nude champion and basks in the moment before turning to the crowd. The evil smile that Steph is known for is larger than ever. She walks over to Paige's limp body and takes a seat on her stomach, facing towards Paige's pale legs. Stephanie McMahon pushes on Paige's inner thighs, slowly but surely spreading Paige's legs further and further apart. As her legs spread, Paige's tight pink vagina is becoming move visible. The camera zooms in on the inside of the Anti-Diva's legs and Paige's pussy is being shown on the large screen in the front of the arena. The crowd is going crazy at the sight of Paige's Brazilian waxed vagina. Not a hair in sight as Stephanie laughs evilly at Paige's predicament.

Stephanie rises and turns Paige around, onto her chest. She lifts Paige's bare ass up slightly and gives her a hard smack on the booty. The jolt shoots through Paige's body and quickly wakes her up. She tries to crawl and escape from Steph but McMahon grabs Paige from the head and smashes her face first against the mat.

The shot knocks Paige back out, face down and ass up in the middle of the ring. The cameras flash as the audience tries to all grab shots of Paige in her unfortunate position. Stephanie McMahon walks forward and places her foot on the back of Paige's head and flexes, posing with the nude champion. McMahon is making the most of the moment with her rival. She lifts Paige's heads up and starts talking trash to her... only for Paige to suddenly lunge at her and take Stephanie down.

The nude Paige mounts Stephanie and starts choking the life out of her. Paige switches from choking to punches to hair pulling to finally shirt pulling, tearing at Stephanie's white dress shirt. The buttons go flying off as Stephanie tries unsuccessfully to stop Paige. Paige rips open the shirt and exposes Stephanie's black bra underneath. Paige immediately grabs hold of the black bra but Stephanie pushes her off and attempts to leave the ring herself. Paige, already fully exposed and incredibly humiliated, is not going to let Steph leave that easily. She grabs Stephanie by the back of her pants before she can exit the ring. Paige pulls Stephanie back and hits her with a German Suplex. Steph hits the back of her head on the mat hard. She rolls around in pain.

Paige completely pulls the white dress shirt off of Stephanie, completely revealing her black bra. She unbuttons the suit pants and starts trying to strip them off, revealing Stephanie McMahon's black thong from earlier. Stephanie rolls onto her front trying to escape, leading Paige to smacking Steph on her exposed cheeks several times as she tries to escape the ring again. Paige has the black dress pants down to McMahon's knees and uses them to pull her back into the middle of the ring. Stephanie attempts to cover her thong and is still in a state of shock over how quickly the tide has turned.

The Anti-Diva removes the pants off of Stephanie completely taking the shoes and socks with them. She places the pants and socks aside before tossing the shoes at Stephanie. They hit her in the side as she covers up. McMahon is only in her bra and thong and more confused than anything else. She has Paige stripped bare. Paige should be petrified right now. Paige should be the one crying and begging for mercy. How is she fighting? Why isn't she running away like Layla and Steph figured she would? Instead, Paige starts forward again and still nowhere near pleased. Stephanie backs up into the corner, fearing that she's going to deal with a situation similar to last night in the buck naked match. Paige charges towards her and leaps into the air hitting Stephanie with a bronco buster in the corner, grinding her sn*tch repeatedly against Stephanie's face as the crowd explodes.

On the inside: This was the most humiliating night of Paige's life. She had been stripped completely. She had been embarrassed. Every single private part of her had been shown to the world. But if she just ran away, that was all people would remember. And tonight would be Paige's ultimate humiliation and Stephanie would remind her of this 24/7. But if she stayed, if she fought, and if she gave these fans an even more outrageous moment, then McMahon would do everything in her power to make sure this never gets mentioned on air again. Buck naked and embarrassed beyond belief, Paige is still a fighter. And she still refused to let Stephanie win this battle.

Paige stands up after the bronco buster and Stephanie is disgusted, coughing repeatedly and wiping at her face. Stephanie rolls out of the ring and Paige quickly follows. Steph tries to head up the ramp but Paige pulls on her by the back of her bra strap and leads Stephanie to the side of the ring across from the hard camera. Once they reach that side of the ring, Paige releases her grip on Steph's bra. Steph turns around and swings at Paige, only to get a smack to the face for her effort. Stephanie falls to her knee and Paige spits at her. Paige pulls her back up and lifts Steph up and lifts her up onto her shoulder before placing her on the guardrail and encouraging the males in the area to give her a spanking. They are far too happy to oblige as everyone in the vicinity, both the adult guys and gals start smacking and pinching Stephanie viciously on her booty. She tries to get away from the barricade but Paige holds her in place. Once Stephanie's ass is sufficiently red, Paige pulls her off of the barricade violently and slams her to the protective mat. Stephanie McMahon starts to crawl away and Paige follows, mocking her.

Stephanie crawls up the ramp, trying to get away from this entire situation and Paige. Every single time she thought she had that young brat figured out, Paige always had some trick up her sleeve or some way of escaping her fate. Even tonight, Stephanie was certain that this was going to be her chance to shut up Paige once and for all. She even got the champion stripped buck naked! Paige was crying for god sakes! How did this all go wrong? Stephanie didn't know and didn't want to contemplate it any more right this second. She just wanted to escape.

Steph makes it to the top of the stage before Paige finally tugs on her thong, yanking it backwards and stretching the fabric in a way that she had to deal with earlier. Stephanie's ass crack, still covered in the black lipstick smears from before is partially exposed. Stephanie can't crawl any further, especially when Paige pulls her up to her feet. Paige stares at Stephanie and gets within inches of her face before yelling THIS IS MY HOUSE NOW! before slamming Steph on the stage with a Paige-Turner! Stephanie hits the steel stage with the back of her head in a vicious fashion and is instantly knocked out. Paige bends over, exposing her asshole once again but more focused on humiliating Stephanie McMahon. She removes Stephanie's thong, exposing McMahon's vagina for the second time in two nights. Paige also pulls off Stephanie's black bra leaving the boss completely naked on top of the stage. The cameras zoom in on the knocked out Stephanie, spread eagle and Paige turns to exit.

Layla comes running up the ramp with the WWE Divas Championship and still no underwear covering her lower half. Paige turns around just in time to see the attacker coming and ducks the title shot before kneeing Layla in the ribs, causing her to bend over. Paige hooks the arms and prepares Layla for a pedigree. The crowd cheers but Paige suddenly stops and lifts Layla back to her feet, with the wickedest of smiles on her face. Paige looks at Layla before pointing at the downed Steph. Layla leers down at the boss and can't help but get wet at seeing Stephanie so vulnerable and bare. And Paige was giving her the green light. And who is to say that Steph would even know what happened. Layla slowly turns her head and body away from Paige and leans over the downed Stephanie McMahon Helmsley. Layla crawls between the boss' legs and starts licking Steph's vagina while her fingers start digging into Stephanie's backside. Stephanie lets out a low moan but is nowhere near capable of defending herself.

And with that.... Paige knew that while her bare act would still be a huge source of embarrassment, it wouldn't be what the WWE Universe would be talking about the next day. Paige lifts up her WWE Divas Championship and raises it in the air proudly, before buckling it around her crotch for some last second protection and exiting.

The final scene on the post Raw humiliation is Stephanie McMahon being eaten out and fingered in her ass by her lackey Layla.

And for Paige, she may have been stripped several times. She may have went through hell. She may have had way more of her body exposed than she had ever wanted. But she was still WWE Divas Champion. And she was still unstoppable.
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Old 12-08-2014, 12:24 AM
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Final chapter stats: 25 pages, 10,027 words. And that's all I got for you guys in this saga. Not bad for my first ENF story

My plans for the considerable future are no long stories like this. I really enjoyed it, but as you guys saw towards the end it was tough to keep to a timetable when things got busy/hectic.

So either I will write up a ton of chapters and then just post them one week at a time (with that, giving myself like a month for each chapter left to do, but unfortunately losing the element to change things on the fly when good suggestions came in like I was able to do with this one) or much more likely I'll be writing a few stand alone one part stories when I feel like it and just surprise post them. Personally, I'm a big wrestling fan so every story I write will either be wrestling related or at least prominently feature WWE/WWF divas in a non-wrestling environment.

Either way, thanks for all the support and understanding, guys. This has been an interesting/fun experience that I look forward in taking part in again.
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Old 12-08-2014, 04:47 AM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Wow, you said it would be worth the wait and by god you were right; just a brilliant chapter to finish off probably my favourite overall story on this entire board. This was really top notch, with Paige facing the ultimate humiliation, but fighting through it to still remain standing tall (although entirely exposed).

I want to thank you for the effort you put in to make this for the community; it is hard to write and juggle time to find a moment to put idea's into words, I myself am finding that out with my NXT story, so the fact that you managed to do that for such a massive piece is really commendable. You deserve now a bit of time not writing (hell you deserved that from the very first chapter you put out, given that this was on your own free time), but I am sure we'll see some of your work again in the near future, which I for one greatly look forward to (although I am going to miss the stripping adventures of my main girl Paige. Please of plenty of her in your newer stories :P).
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Old 12-08-2014, 10:49 AM
MickGesitt MickGesitt is offline
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Default Epic Ending!

I loved the ending and I'm really happy that Paige pulled through and turned the tables on Stephanie.

You've taken us on an incredible journey. What started with a simple intentional wardrobe malfunction turned into a full scale war that went way beyond full frontal nudity. I love every bit of it.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful story. I know towards the end that it got tough to find the time to write it, especially with how long your last two chapters ended up being. But thank you for persevering and finishing what is quite possibly the best wrestling story on here.

You came a long way from your first chapter. It was a real treat to watch you develop as a writer and come into your own. I'm really grateful that you took the time to share this with us. You're the best.

You deserve a break after all the work you put into this. But I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do next.
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Old 12-08-2014, 04:59 PM
DrVillian DrVillian is offline
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Wow amazing once again mate. I have to say I was rooting for Stephanie as I all ways love a good villain, but hey I can't complain about Paige turning the tides on the boss either. As for your next story I can't wait and you do deserve a break from this, but I'll be hopefully waiting for the day when I come on here and see another story by you. Fantastic job again one of the best on the board.
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Old 12-09-2014, 04:20 PM
MKDude MKDude is offline
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Hate to see it go, but damn this was a fun ride. Great job.
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Old 12-09-2014, 09:23 PM
chewhf chewhf is offline
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That's how I see it going like/how I would like to see it.
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Old 12-09-2014, 11:46 PM
bobster123 bobster123 is offline
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Amazing story. Fantastic writing.
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Old 01-21-2015, 06:32 PM
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What an fucking amazing story A+++++++++ All the way
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