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Old 09-17-2016, 05:23 PM
thepac thepac is offline
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Sorry this has been so long without an update I've been ill so yeah getting close to the end now

Even though these people paid to see Trish the fans still loudly cheer wanting to see the sexy blonde naked. Victoria smirks knowing that Trish will be torn up hearing her adoring public cheering at the idea of seeing her stripped nude. Revenge is sweet and Victoria is more than ready to dish out the same kind of humiliation that she suffered onto Trish. The blonde now regrets nearly stripping Victoria naked and laughing at her rival’s humiliation as Victoria now has her in the most vulnerable position of her life.

Trish is very proud of her body but has always turned down any offer of nude shoots wanting to stay classy and not be thought of as one of those talentless sl*ts who just get naked on camera and have no other visible skills. Those morals are becoming irrelevant however as Victoria grabs the back of Trish’s wrestling tights and starts to pull them down. Like her bra Trish’s panties are a dark red as the anticipation grows amongst all the horny wrestling fans sat in the arena because they all want to see Victoria follow up on her promise to strip Trish naked.

Trish's pants are pulled further down her body so the whole word can see that she is wearing a thong and to Trish’s horror and disgust the fans are cheering louder for seeing her thong covered ass than they did when they saw Victoria’s bare ass. Trish moans in humiliation as her near naked ass is now on full display to the world with her tanned cheeks looking so big and thick thanks to the way they are beautifully framed by her skimpy red lace thong. With one big pull Victoria pulls Trish’s spandex pants all the way off her body much to the delight of the entire arena.

Trish blushes and starts to tear up now that she is lying in the middle of the ring clad in just a matching red lace bra and thong set. Almost crying with the humiliation of her situation Trish tries to crawl forward looking to get away from this nightmare while Victoria is distracted. Like a gladiator in an arena Victoria is holding Trish’s tights above her head like a trophy enjoying the roars and whistles from the sell-out crowd.

Victoria is amazed at how quickly the people turned on their hero, before they were booing her now they are all now cheering begging her to strip the sexy blonde naked. Trish is on her belly crawling across the canvas looking to get out of the ring and escape. She is so close to getting underneath the bottom rope when a hand reaches out grabbing her ankle halting her movement. Trish groans sadly as Victoria’s hand grips onto her wrestling boot and starts pulling her right back towards the centre of the ring.

Victoria lets go of Trish’s boot only to stomp her foot down on top of Trish’s ankle pinning it to the mat. The blonde starts struggling but her ankle is trapped underneath Victoria’s boot so Trish is going nowhere. Victoria can hear the blonde whine like a trapped animal and the unbalanced challenger smirks at Trish’s distress.

“Where were you going Trish?” Victoria teases, “We have not finished here yet because these people and the millions watching at home want to see some proper skin.”

The roar of the crowd is deafening as Trish softly moans, she thought she would have her home town backing her against this monster but the promise of seeing her naked has turned them against her.

“Please no stop Victoria please it’s over you have won, you are better than me please just leave me alone,” Trish begs looking directly up at her rival.

Fans are shocked to hear Trish Stratus begging Victoria to stop. No one in the crowd ever thought they would see Trish begging a rival Diva to leave her alone. The Trish they know isn’t some weak model who would beg off at the first sign of trouble; Trish has worked hard over the last few years to appear as a proper tough wrestler.

All that work appears to be for nothing however as Trish is visibly begging the evil Victoria to stop beating and stripping her down in front of her home town crowd. Victoria just can’t wipe the smile off her face as the underwear clad Trish begs for mercy, she has seen Trish begging in her dreams a thousand times and now the reality is happening right in front of her.

“No Trish there is no backing away now,” Victoria says grinning down at her rival, “There is no escape Blondie you can’t just suck a couple of cocks to save yourself from me this time."

“Think of all the money your dumb ass could have made by posing naked and now I am going to give your nude body away for free on prime time television,” Victoria cruelly taunts.

“Please no Victoria don’t strip me please I’ll do anything, don’t strip me please,” Trish whimpers in fear as her big round eyes are now soaking wet with tears.

“So Trish ready to get naked in front of all your hometown fans?” Victoria boasts loudly while Trish continues to cry as the impossible situation she has been placed in overwhelms her.

The men in the crowd all cheer loudly at Victoria’s words, they really want the crazy and unbalanced Diva to back up her threats and strip the red lingerie right off Trish’s tanned body. Victoria reaches down with both hands going for the flimsy looking straps of Trish’s bra. The blonde desperately starts lifting her hands up trying to fight Victoria off knowing that her dignity and image will be ruined if Victoria manages to rip her bra off.

Victoria just laughs at Trish watching the blonde flinging her arms around wildly doing anything she can to keep her last few items of clothing on but unfortunately for Victoria she is so busy watching Trish struggle that she loosens her pressure on Trish’s ankle. Trish feels that her foot is loose so she pulls her leg back as hard as she can freeing her trapped foot from underneath Victoria's boot. Off balance Victoria falls backwards landing on the mat ass first feeling confused and wondering how Trish was able to pull her leg free.

This is the blonde’s big chance to escape but when she jumps to her feet Trish looks down at her seated rival and doesn’t want to run. The threats of being stripped scared Trish but now she is back on her feet with Victoria sitting on the mat she feels strong again. She is the WWE woman’s champion, she will not run away from any fight and Trish knows could end this feud with the jealous ex fitness model right here and now.

Her body has got it's second wind, Trish no longer feels tired or scared instead she feels powerful and ready. Victoria has embarrassed and humiliated Trish by stripping her down and making her beg in front of her home town fans. Now Trish steps forward with her eyes burning wanting to deliver the same kind of punishment to a suddenly helpless Victoria.

Trish Stratus lets out a primal scream before she jumps in the air and lands on top of a surprised Victoria and it's an angry Trish that starts raining punches down into Victoria’s face. Victoria now has to cover up as Trish’s punches crack against her skull as she is being pummeled by her enraged rival. Trish’s wild and ultra-aggressive strikes are effective at hurting Victoria however the energy is is expecting starts to wear her down and the blonde quickly becomes tired.

It cost Trish a lot of energy to go flat out and rain punches down on Victoria and it appears that it has wiped out Trish’s cardio. Her anger has once again cost her and the women’s champion is now breathing heavy and this makes her panic. A wild punching attack wasn’t the best idea and Trish knows it, she could have used her energy to escape but she chose instead to try and get some physical revenge on Victoria.

Thinking quickly Trish rolls off Victoria and starts to crawl towards the ropes as fast as her tired body can manage, the last thing Trish wants is to be worn out physically around the dangerous and mentally unstable Victoria. The blonde crawls to the bottom rope but before she can crawl under them a hand firmly grabs at her ankle. Squeaking in fear Trish looks round and sees a grinning Victoria holding onto her boot keeping the underwear clad blonde in the ring.

Victoria pulls back on Trish's ankle trying to drag the blonde back into the centre of the ring but Trish firmly keeps hold of the bottom rope so all Victoria can do is stretch the blonde out. Trish is desperately using every last drop of energy in her body to hang onto the ropes because she doesn’t want to be dragged towards the bullying and evil Victoria. Suddenly Victoria pulls back extra hard ripping Trish’s wrestling boot right off her foot.

Victoria stumbles backwards holding onto Trish’s removed boot looking shocked that she was able to rip it right off Trish’s foot. Trish quickly pulls herself out of the ring not caring about her removed footwear. She crashes down onto the padded arena floor with a loud thump which drives the last drops of air out of Trish’s already tired body. The psychotic Diva laughs at removing yet another item of clothing from Trish before she tosses the boot away then looks outside the ring for where Trish fell.

“Come on Trish,” The unbalanced Diva coos, “All these nice cameras here want to see that fat naked body of yours, don't deny them the pleasure of seeing your nasty plastic filled tits."

Victoria sees a one booted Trish lying on the outside of the ring so she slides out of the ring to stand over her beaten rival. The blonde is worn out, she can barely lift her head up off the floor and her limbs feel like rubber. The underwear clad Diva knows she is in dire peril as she can feel Victoria standing over her but there is nothing the blonde can do to defend herself.

Reaching down Victoria grabs Trish’s other boot and starts pulling on it dragging the worn out blonde across the padded floor. The Canadian crowd look on in shock as their hero is being dragged across the dirty arena floor like a mop. Victoria keeps pulling on Trish’s foot until finally she pulls off Trish’s other wrestling boot and now Trish doesn’t have much clothing left to protect her modesty. Victoria grabs the long blonde locks of Trish using them like handles to forcefully drag a tired and barefoot Trish back up.

Victoria smiles at Trish before throwing her forward with great force sending Trish’s semi naked body crashing into the barricade. The blonde cries out in pain as her body just splatters against the padded rail and she drops to the floor clutching her shoulder. This match has been mentally and physically taxing on the young blonde; Victoria has beaten and tormented her at every turn and frightened by the pain and the possibility of being stripped naked Trish tries to focus looking to block her fatigue and get her aching limbs to act on instinct.

Victoria reaching down to grab Trish’s hair again and the women’s champion sees what might be her last chance. Trish finds her focus, the same focus that has already won her three WWE women’s titles, the focus she needs in order to vanquish Victoria and save herself from being stripped naked. Trish swings her fist upwards and there is a dull moan of pain from Victoria as her whole body tenses from the sudden shock of Trish’s fist being driven into her womanhood.

Victoria falls forward with both hands down between her legs clutching her crotch in distress. Trish never ever throws low blows but she is desperate and clearly prepared to fight dirty in order to survive. Trish pulls herself to her feet trying to motivate her tired and aching limbs on while Victoria is rolling around on the floor moaning softly and cupping her aching pussy.

“I’m not scared of you,” Trish screams down at her rival before she delivers a firm kick to Victoria’s ribs.

The sound of flesh on flesh echoes through the arena as Trish’s bare foot connects with Victoria’s side. Victoria has once again been surprised by Trish’s toughness, the little blonde just isn’t giving up no matter how much her body hurts or how tired she is. Trish kicks Victoria hard in the ribs again making the dark haired Diva spit out in pain as her belly flesh caves around Trish’s bare foot.

“You have not broken me you psycho witch,” Trish screams throwing another kick right into the soft midsection of her deadly rival.

“You will never fucking break me, you will not strip me naked and I will beat your ass till you fucking cry,” Trish bellows loudly puncturing every promise with a hard kick.

Trish has punt kicked the crap out of Victoria's mid section and now it's the challenge to the women's title who is defenseless. Reaching down Trish grabs Victoria’s dark blue bra top and starts pulling, the fans start to cheer again as the fabric of Victoria’s tiny top is stretched out. Trish is trying to tear the top right off Victoria’s body and the crowd already knows that Victoria is wearing nothing underneath that top so the cheering for Trish gets louder as she yanks the bra top upwards.

The woman’s champion keeps pulling away at Victoria's stretched out top until finally Trish successfully yanks Victoria’s top right over her head. The arena erupts with noise as Trish lifts up Victoria’s removed top into the air as she has left her rival stripped topless live on WWE TV. Victoria screams with embarrassment as her well sized breasts are now completely uncovered and on show for all to see. Cameras flash from around the arena as every single man and woman wants to capture the moment a WWE Diva was stripped topless live on RAW.

Victoria feels so vulnerable with her naked breasts exposed that she rolls onto her side wrapping her arms around her bare breasts moaning with the pain and humiliation of the situation. Everyone in the arena and possibly everyone around the world is getting to see her bare breasts and the fact that they already have seen her bare pussy means that the world has seen Victoria naked. Victoria almost feels cheated, she never viewed Trish as a physical threat but she clearly underestimated the tiny blonde and it has cost Victoria her dignity and means every pervert that watches wrestling now has images of her most intimate body parts.

Trish looks around and finally sees that the timekeeper and the referee are both down so she assumes the bra and panties match has been ruled a no contest. Wanting to end this nightmare and get Victoria out of her life once and for all Trish decides to act while no one is around to stop her. Trish leans down and grabs the waistband of Victoria’s pants making Victoria scream as her blonde enemy starts yanking away at the soft material of her pants. There is now a very real possibility Victoria might be the Diva who gets stripped butt naked live on Raw as Victoria uses one arm to cover up her naked chest while her other arm flings around trying to keep Trish from pulling down her last article of clothing.

Trish won’t be easily stopped in her quest to humiliate Victoria as she rolls the Diva onto her front then gives a sharp tug to her pants forcing them down below her butt. Victoria lets out another distressed wail as her bare ass is now on show for the second time tonight. Victoria’s bare cheeks are jiggling around thanks to all her struggling which only makes her humiliation worse. Victoria can hear the thousands of cameras around the arena all coming to life capturing her tanned ass on film and that makes her fight like a wild animal caught in a trap using every last ounce of strength she has to save herself from being stripped.

The number one contender for the woman’s champion finally catches a lucky break however when her foot flies up just as Trish lowers her head. The sole of her foot connects right under the blonde’s chin acting like an uppercut punch from a heavyweight boxer. Trish slumps to the floor completely dazed with her eyes rolling back into her skull. Victoria quickly pulls up her pants to hide her bare ass before wrapping her arms around her naked chest and starts to run away in the same embarrassed way Lillian did. Victoria races towards the barricade jumping halfway over the padded rail when suddenly she stops.

Looking over at the blonde Victoria can see that Trish is flat out unconscious; the lucky kick has the champion down and out. Victoria climbs off the barricade and strides towards the flat out woman’s champion with that familiar sick smile back on the pyscho Diva’s face at seeing her bitter rival in such a vulnerable state.

“I have you now Trish,” The semi naked Diva mutters seeing the chance to finally fulfil the promise she made to herself going into this contest.
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