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Old 07-30-2012, 07:27 PM
squall leonheart squall leonheart is offline
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Default A nightmare on Enf street

This is the story of Eddie Krueger. Eddie Krueger was a perverted, middle-aged man who was obsessed with embarrassed nude females. He loved seeing girls naked and embarrassed. He would do the best he could to force women into those situations. He would yank curtains off in mall dressing rooms, cut off sleeping girls’ bikinis at the beach, swap shower room signs as women went in, then switch them back as guys went in, he would do anything to see a naked, nude woman. One night, a group of Eddie’s victims got together to complain about him and got very drunk. They thought it would be funny if they went over to his house on Enf Street when he wasn’t home and burn it down. They did just that. Six girls went to his house. They thought he wasn’t home since the lights were off. They lit some Molotov cocktails and burned the house down. What they didn’t know was that Eddie was in his dark room developing photos of his victims. He turned out all the lights. Eddie died in that fire, but something odd happened. Eddie discovered that he could haunt people in their dreams. He decided to get revenge on the girls. He would enter their dreams and put them through the worst possible enf situations they could imagine. But, when Eddie enters your dreams, you don’t just get stripped in your dreams, you get stripped in real life.
Part 1: April McGee
April never thought about what she and those other girls did that night. She didn’t care. All April thought about was money, but she had trouble finding it. April wasn’t qualified for anything. She was your stereotypical dumb blonde. Luckily, her dad was kind enough to give her a job as a mall cop. April was a small girl. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and big breasts for her size. One day, April’s dad had scheduled her to the night shift along with another guy. April was ticked. She didn’t want to spend the entire night wandering around a dark mall. When April arrived, she found a note from the other mall cop saying he wasn’t able to make it due to a health problem. “Great, now I don’t even have anyone to talk to.” April thought. She wandered the mall for a few hours, but then got tired. She went into a couch store and lied down. “I’ll just rest for five minutes.” April though. She shut her eyes and almost instantly fell asleep. She woke up to some noises. April heard voices coming from an electronics store. She grabbed her nightstick and flashlight and headed that way. She walked into the store and all the T.V.s were on. Not only were they on, but every T.V. was playing a video of girls getting stripped, getting seen in the shower, and many others. “What the hell?” April said. April then heard laughing. “Wha- Who’s there?!” April shouted. She walked around a bit more. She walked by a clothing store. She looked in the window and saw a bunch of female mannequins with no clothes and a shocked look on their faces. They had one hand over their boobs and the other over their pussy. The mannequins looked very lifelike. April heard more laughs. “What the hell is going on?!” April shouted. She reached in her pocket to grab her phone, but it was gone. “This has to be a joke.” April thought. “It’s my first nightshift. My dad must be playing a prank. “Alright dad! The joke’s up! You can come out now!” “Dad’s not here April. Just an old friend.” A creepy, low voice said. “Who said that?” April asked. “Oh, you know me. Probably won’t recognize me now. April McGee: Young blonde, big breasts, shaved pussy. You were one of my favorites. You were sleeping on your pink towel. After I cut your bikini off, you freaked out. It was even funnier when I took your towel away. Haha, instead of running to a changing room, you ran right into the water and that wave knocked you over. Hahaha!” As he said this, the T.V.s in the electronics store showed the incident. “What the hell?!” April screamed. “This is impossible! It can’t be. It can’t be!” “Oh, it’s true. I’m here.” Eddie said. April turned around. There he was. He had a black fedora hat on covering his burnt face. He was wearing a red shirt with the letters ENF across in black. “You burnt down my house with me in it. I think it’s time for revenge.” April was having trouble breathing. She began pinching herself. “This isn’t real. This isn’t happening. It’s just a dream.” April assured herself. “You’re right April. It is a dream, but the fear, that’s real.” Eddie said. He ran at April and she ran away. Eddie chased April through the mall. April ran over to the elevator and pushed the button. “Come on, come on!” The elevator opened. To her dismay, Eddie was standing inside. April screamed. Eddie now had a glove with four long, razor sharp blades. He slashed at her and her mall cop vest ripped open. April fell on her back. Her white, extremely tight tank top was now out in the open. April began scooting backwards. “Don’t worry April, I’m not going to kill you. I just want to rip off your clothes and make you the most humiliated you’ve been in your entire life. It only seems fair.” Eddie smirked. April got up and ran into the clothing shop and hid in a clothes rack. Eddie walked into the store. “Come out, come out wherever you are April. There’s no escaping this. I can’t wait to see those giant breasts again.” Eddie said. April covered her mouth and began crying. Eddie couldn’t find her. “Huh, I could have sworn she went in here. Eddie left the store. “April! Where are you?” Eddie said as he left. April was relieved. “He’s gone.” April whispered. “Thank God. Thank Go-“ Two sets of hands grabbed April and pulled her out of the clothes rack. April was flabbergasted. Two of the female mannequins were pulling April to the front of the store. “No! Stop! Please! No! Noooo!” April screamed. Eddie was waiting for her at the front. Two more mannequins came over to April. They put her on her back. Two grabbed her arms and two grabbed her legs. April tried to struggle, but the mannequins overpowered her. Eddie walked over to her. He brushed her hair with his hand. Eddie pulled out a video camera. “With this camera, I can make you have this dream over and over for the rest of your life. However, the outcome will never be the same as tonight.” Eddie said. “Outcome?” April sniffled. “You’ll see.” Eddie smirked. Eddie began recording. “Ladies.” Three more mannequins walked in the store. They had scissors with them. “You know April, the thing I love about malls is that they have everything. Anything you may need is right here in the mall. In this case, we have with us some scissors and we also have some handcuffs from the security office. Now ladies, proceed.” The mannequins ambushed April. First, they cut off the remains of her cop vest. Then, they cut her tank top revealing her white bra. Then, they cut her pants off revealing her pink panties with red hearts. “Cute.” Eddie smirked. “Alright, get her on her knees.” Eddie said. “I want to finish this myself.” Eddie lifted his pointer finger blade and placed it in the middle of her bra cups. “Ready?” Eddie asked. April was sobbing. “Please…don’t.” Eddie flicked his finger and April’s bra fell off. Her big breasts popped out. Eddie laughed. He played with them and jiggled them. April wriggled trying to get free, but it was futile. “Time for the grand finale.” Eddie said. He put his blade on top of the waistband. “Ready?” Eddie asked. “Please, please stop. I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It wasn’t my idea. It was Zoe’s! I didn’t know she was serious! Please! Don’t!” April pleaded. Eddie ignored her. He slowly cut a line down the front of her pink panties. Her pussy was slightly exposed.* Her panties slid off completely exposing her pussy and butt. April was completely naked now. Eddie took the camera and videotaped her. He zoomed in on each of April’s intimate spots. Eddie handed the camera to a mannequin. It recorded April while Eddie felt her up. April was sobbing. Her face was red with embarrassment. “Get her on her feet ladies.” Eddie said. The mannequins picked her up. “Get her to the window.”* The mannequins. Brought her over to the store window. “You know what to do.” Eddie said. “Goodbye April, it’s ben fun.” The mannequins put her against the window. Two more mannequins approached her. One had a mannequin stand and the other had rock climbing cables from the sporting goods store. They put the stand behind her and wrapped the cables around her stomach and tied her to the stand. Then, they took two pairs of handcuffs and handcuffed her ankles to the legs of the stand. Finally, they put her hands behind her back and cuffed them behind the stand. They had her naked body on display in the store window. Two mannequins got at her sides. They threw their heads back and made a laughing face and pointed at her boobs. They stood still there. The other mannequins went back to their original spots. April turned her head trying to look behind her. Eddie was back and was standing right behind her. “I thought I’d get one last look. He said.* “Don’t worry, the dream will be over soon.” Eddie walked up to her and smacked her butt. April jumped. April noticed her eyes were closed. She slowly opened them. She couldn’t see because the light was blinding her. She heard noises. It sounded like laughing. When she was finally able to see, she saw a large group of people looking at her through a window. Some were laughing. Some were pointing. Some were taking pictures. “What are they looking at?” April thought. She looked down and saw that she was naked. April screamed. She tried to cover up, but noticed she was handcuffed. “Oh my God!” April thought. “It’s real. The dream was real!” April looked to her left and right and saw the mannequins pointing at her with laughing faces. April saw her dad push people out of the way. He walked up to the window and saw her. “Thank God.” April thought. “He’ll help me.” April’s dad walked in the store and went up to her. “What the hell is this?” Her dad asked. “Dad help me I-“ April’s dad interrupted her. “Is this some sort of rebellious act because you didn’t get that pay raise and I put you on the nightshift?” “No, dad I-“ “Well I’ll tell you what young lady. You think this is funny? I’m not gonna help ya. You’re gonna learn. You’re gonna stay right here like this until closing time. After that, you’re gonna do the nightshift again, but naked as you are now. You won’t be alone though. I’m assigning all mall cops for nightshift and we’re gonna have a nice little party watchin’ you. That’ll teach ya.” April’s dad stormed off. April was crying again. She was forced to endure an entire day of people staring, laughing, taking pictures, some were even bold enough to walk in the store and touch her. They played with her boobs, they felt her pussy, smacked her butt, and took pictures with her. Some were even super bold and made-out with her while caressing her boobs. Finally, it was closing time. April’s dad walked in and freed her. April begged her dad not to make her do the next part of her punishment, but he made her anyway. All the mall cops joined her and laughed as she patrolled the mall. April thought she would be clever and hide, but they always found her. She never left their sight. *She tried sneaking into the security office and grabbed a uniform, but the other cops found her and stripped her. April’s dad was so ticked at her “rebellious act” that she wasn’t even allowed to go to the bathroom alone. The mall cops would open the stall and watch her pee.* April just wanted to roll up in a ball and die. Finally, morning came. “Come on April. It’s time to go. Your punishment is over.” April’s dad said. They headed toward the door. “Oh, by the way, today is that huge sale so there will be a lot of people waiting outside in the parking lot.” April’s dad smirked. They walked out and found a bunch of people outside. People immediately started taking pictures and cheering. April ran to her dad’s car while covering up. April and her dad got in. April’s dad started the car. April was startled because the heard a sound and felt a breeze. April’s dad opened the top of his convertible. “What are you doing?” April asked in fear. “You like showing off your body? Show it to the whole city.” April’s dad said. April had to sit in the car exposed for 30 whole minutes. When they got home, April ran into her room and shut the door. She was so upset and embarrassed that she didn’t even bother putting on clothes. She just jumped in her bed, pulled the covers over her and cried. A few days later, April discovered the latest internet sensation, her. Everywhere, April saw pictures and videos of her. Every website had those photos, even news sites. April was all people were talking about. She was mortified. Later on, April noticed that she started having that same dream every time she fell asleep. Eddie was right; the outcome was never the same. April never woke up in the mall. However, there was something Eddie didn’t know. April didn’t wake up in the mall naked. April woke up wherever she fell asleep naked. There were tons of awful scenarios that occurred. April fell asleep at her boyfriend’s house and woke up naked with him, his parents, and his siblings staring at her. Once, April fell asleep while riding a Ferris wheel at a park and was naked and had to exit with tons of people looking at her. April even fell asleep at a football game and woke up and noticed her naked body on the giant screen in the center. April would forever be in enf situations as long as she fell asleep. And Eddie would get to see her naked for eternity. But it doesn’t end with April. There were still five other girls that needed to learn their lesson.

Well, there's part 1. Tell me what you think. If you like it, I'll start part 2
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Old 07-30-2012, 11:59 PM
squall leonheart squall leonheart is offline
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I'm also open to suggestions. If anyone has any, feel free to share
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:22 AM
Mackie Mackie is offline
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Very nice, a surprisingly good idea for an enf story and particularly liked how the ending unfolded. Use of paragraphs might make it easier to read though
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Old 07-31-2012, 07:48 PM
hanskumoekk hanskumoekk is offline
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Great idea, man! Keep this up, I'd love to see more of it!
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:10 PM
Jamperl27 Jamperl27 is offline
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more please. but could u make it where the girls clothes/clothing come to life only to remove themselves from the girl's body leaving her naked; or eddie hypnotizing them, the girls, into stripping naked somehow/way. oh and if u can/could please add or have eddie cause the girl's/girls' clothes to give them,the girls, orgasms in front of guys they like. or even have one scenerio/enf of a girl by eddie giving a nerd/loser highschool/college guy the ability to wish certain articles of a girl's clothing they, the girl(s), have on to sudden disappear from the girl's body/come undone or something like that. it would be worth my wild to read more.
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Old 08-01-2012, 05:43 AM
squall leonheart squall leonheart is offline
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Part 2: Kiki Chung.
Kiki never forgot Eddie Krueger. Every night she tossed and turned remembering her embarrassment. Kiki was a very shy, 18 year old senior in high school. She was at the mall buying some new clothes one day. She remembered that she made a fuss about how the changing rooms just had curtains instead of actual doors. Kiki was very nervous. She needed to try on some underwear, but what if something with the curtain went wrong? She’ll be fast she thought. Kiki quickly stripped off her pink t-shirt and her blue jeans. She tried on a blue shirt and a navy blue skirt. After she took off the shirt and skirt, Kiki quickly removed her yellow bra and panties. Kiki quickly grabbed her new white underwear, but stopped. She looked down and sighed. All the girls at school made fun of her small breasts. Heck, Kiki was wondering if she even needed a bra. While she was looking at her boobs, the curtain was yanked down. Kiki turned around and saw the entire store looking at her and laughing at her sad excuse for boobs. Kiki wrapped her arms around her boobs. She then looked at her hairless pussy and quickly moved her hands to cover that up. Then her boobs were exposed again. She put one hand over them. Kiki screamed and started crying. She was crying so much that her tears covered the lenses of her glasses and she couldn’t see Eddie grabbing her clothes. Kiki looked around for her clothes, but couldn’t see anything. Kiki just decided to run. A group of boys ran after her to get a better look. Kiki was running still blind from the smears on her glasses. Kiki accidentally tripped and fell into a fountain. Falling in the fountain cleaned Kiki’s glasses. Kiki was better off not being able to see. Everyone in the mall was laughing and taking pictures of Kiki’s naked body. Kiki was humiliated. She hated Eddie for doing that to her. A security guard named April brought Kiki a blanket that day. She told Kiki how she had encountered Eddie once before. April told Kiki that her and four other of Eddie’s victims were going to meet up and talk about that creep and that she should join them. Kiki did so, but didn’t get as drunk as the others. Kiki never ever would’ve thought about burning someone’s house down, but she was a pushover. Kiki was haunted by the thought of Eddie being in the house as they burned it, but she was learning to move on.

Kiki walked to school that day because the cheerleaders kept bullying her on the bus. Kiki figured that they were jealous because she could do the cheer routines way better than any of them. Kiki tried out every year for the cheerleading squad, but apparently she wasn’t “hot” enough. Kiki didn’t understand. She wasn’t ugly. She was very cute. She assumed it was because of her tiny boobs. Kiki also thought that only the dumb blondes were allowed in the squad and Kiki was a straight A student. Kiki was very tired when she got to school. She spent all night studying for some tests. Kiki, after chugging energy drink after energy drink, managed to stay awake most of the day. Near the end of eighth period, Kiki was beginning to crash. Her eye’s felt very heavy. Class was almost over, but Mr. Baxter was just rambling on. “Remember class, the big football tournament starts right after school. First we play Jefferson High at three. Then at six, Kingston Central. The final game against Hoover North will begin at nine. I encourage you all to come and support your fellow…well we don’t really have a mascot at the moment, so support your classmates that play football.” Mr. Baxter said. He kept talking about football and how that pathetic school didn’t even have a mascot for their sports teams. They were the Watson High classmates, as of the moment, at least, that’s what the teachers called them. Kiki couldn’t stay awake any longer and dozed off.

Kiki woke up in an empty classroom. “Oops.” Kiki said. She quickly grabbed her backpack and walked out. To her surprise, the hallways were empty and most of the lights were off. The ones that were on were flickering. “How long was I asleep?” Kiki asked. Kiki went to her locker. She got some books and closed it. When she closed it, she saw a figure standing in the hallway. Kiki screamed and fell down. She turned around and saw no one there. “Jesus, get it together Kiki.” Kiki told herself. She picked up her books and started walking down the hall. Kiki heard a low, creepy laugh and she turned around. No one was there. The laughs continued. “Who’s there?” Kiki asked. A locker near her flung open and books and binders flew at Kiki. Kiki screamed. Another locker flung open and papers were flying at her. Suddenly, every locker was flung open. Books, binders, papers, folders, pencils, and pens were flying at Kiki and hitting her. Kiki was terrified. There were huge gusts of wind. Kiki’s glasses were knocked right off. The wind from the papers kept lifting Kiki’s purple skirt up revealing her red panties. Kiki put her hands in the front of her skirt trying to keep it down. Kiki tried to move through the tornado of school supplies. She bumped into one of the open lockers. The locker closed on her green shirt and as Kiki ran away, it ripped right off her. Kiki was now just in her skirt and yellow bra. Kiki covered her bra with her backpack. The wind took away her backpack. It flew behind her. The wind pulled her skirt up again. While Kiki was pushing down the front of her skirt, the backpack smacked into Kiki’s panty-clad butt. “Ouch!” Kiki shrieked. Suddenly, a barrage of books flew at her butt and gave her a hard smack on the butt. After that, pencils and pens slashed at Kiki’s clothes. Pencils began making tears and rips in Kiki’s skirt. One pen flew behind Kiki and slashed at the back of her bra and unhooked it. The bra started to fall, but Kiki put her hands on the cups and stopped it from falling. Kiki was crying. She did that a lot. Kiki got on her knees. “STOP!!!” Kiki shouted. All the school supplies stopped and dropped to the floor. All the lights went out. One light turned on. Kiki looked up. A man with a black fedora hat and a red shirt with the letters ENF on the front in black stood before Kiki. He had a glove on with four razor sharp blades. “Hello Kiki.” The man said in a low, creepy voice.

“Who- who are you?” Kiki asked. Without her glasses, Kiki couldn’t see that well. “Oh, you remember me. I, after all, scarred you for life. Haha.” Eddie said. Kiki picked up her glasses and put them on. Eddie stepped more into the light. Kiki saw his burnt face. “No.” Kiki said. “Oh yes!” Eddie shouted. “You’re back from the dead.” Kiki said. “Yes. Yes I am. Well, somewhat. Tell me. Did ya miss me? Did ya really miss me? I know I missed you. You and your cute, wet naked body and that adorable tiny chest. You were my favorite. You were the youngest and certainly the most embarrassed.” Eddie said. “I really enjoyed how clumsy you were when-“ Kiki bolted down the hallway still holding her slipping bra. “Well that’s rude. The victim always has to listen to the villain’s monologue before they run. Oh well, I guess we can just skip to the good parts.” Eddie started chasing Kiki. He was closing in on her. “Hey Kiki! Did you know that from middle school to college, I was a track champion?” Kiki looked back startled when she heard that. Eddie was like a cheetah. And with the lights going on and off, it almost looked like he was teleporting. When he caught up to her, he leapt at her and slashed the back of her skirt. Kiki’s skirt started to fall. Kiki quickly grabbed it with one hand. Kiki was running with one hand over her bra and one holding her skirt. This was slowing her down. Kiki decided that if she let go of her skirt, she would still have her panties to cover her privates. Kiki let go of her skirt and put both hands on her bra and started sprinting. Kiki’s skirt fell around her ankle and she tripped on it and fell on her stomach. Eddie caught up to her again. He placed a blade on the waistband of her panties. Eddie slowly cut along the back of Kiki’s panties. Kiki’s butt was now exposed. Kiki looked forward and saw a sign that set ‘wet floor’. Kiki could smell that the floor was freshly waxed. She used her hands and feet and pushed. Kiki slid down the floor. What Kiki didn’t think about was the outcome of her remaining clothing items. Her panties got left behind and the burn from the friction ripped her bra into pieces. Kiki kept sliding. The floor was burning her tiny boobs and bare pussy. She stopped sliding right at the exit. She got up sitting Indian style. She rubbed her boobs and her pussy in pain. “Ow ow ow!” Kiki screamed in agony. Eddie burst out laughing. “Hahaha!!! Bad move Kiki.” Eddie smirked.

Kiki quickly got up and ran outside into the parking lot. Kiki didn’t have her keys, so she needed a good place to hide. The parking lot was too exposing. “The locker room!” Kiki thought. The locker rooms were in the gym building across campus. Kiki started running through the parking lot ducking behind cars. Eddie on the other hand, had a different way of travelling through the parking lot. Eddie got on top of a car and jumped from car to car. He never lost sight of Kiki. Kiki ran through the parking lot one hand over her boobs, the other over her pussy. Eddie was easily catching up. Kiki was never going to lose him like this. Kiki had one option. She had to remove her hands and sprint normally to the gym. Kiki removed her hands and sprinted for the gym. She made it and immediately ran to the locker room. Kiki had lost Eddie. Kiki got inside the locker room and closed the door. She pushed the bench in front of it. She headed toward the back into the open shower area. She could hear Eddie’s voice from outside. “Kiki? Come out come out wherever you are.” Kiki thought he would never find her, but then she heard a knock on the door. Eddie kicked down the door. He couldn’t find her through all the rows of lockers. “I’m gonna find you.” Eddie said. Kiki remained quiet in the showers. Suddenly, a faucet turned on with scorching hot water. The stream of water hit Kiki’s butt and burned it. Kiki screamed, but then covered her mouth. Eddie walked into the entryway of the showers. “Howdy.” Eddie said. Eddie pulled out a video camera. “With this camera, I can make you have this dream over and over again. However, the outcome will never be the same.” Eddie said. “Wha- What outcome?” Kiki asked nervously. “You’ll see.” Eddie smirked. Suddenly, The shower area flooded and Kiki was washed away out of the showers. Kiki was sent right into Eddie’s arms. “That’s a good baby.” Eddie smirked Eddie immediately started feeling her up. He caressed her small breasts and her bare pussy. Eddie carried her back into the shower area patting and rubbing her butt. “Well, it’s been fun, but I gotta go.” Eddie said. “I have a date with four more girls.” Eddie said. Eddie threw a towel across the locker room. “There you go. You can cover up now.” Eddie said. He then left the locker room. Kiki ran for the towel, but slipped on the water and fell hitting her head.

Kiki woke up on her back in the shower room. “Did that really just happen?” Kiki thought. She looked down and saw that she was naked. “It did happen!” Kiki thought. She started shaking in fear. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A voice said. Kiki looked over and saw the entire cheerleading squad staring at her wet, naked body. “Have an accident?” A cheerleader asked. Kiki sat up and covered herself. “Haha! What’s to cover? You have the chest of a twelve year-old boy!” The cheerleaders laughed. Someone knocked on the locker room door. “Hey, girls are you ready? The game is gonna start in ten minutes. We need you for our entrance.” The captain of the football team asked from outside. “Donnie, come and see this! Bring the rest of the team!” The head cheerleader said. The football team entered the locker room. They headed to the showers. About a hundred guys all saw Kiki’s naked body and started laughing along with the fifty cheerleaders. Kiki was mortified. All she could do was sit there. She covered her boobs with her hands and covered her pussy with her legs. All of the sudden, Kiki noticed that her pussy was wet. Except, it wasn’t wet in the way one would assume. Kiki was so soaked, cold, scared, and embarrassed that she peed herself. “Eeeeew!!!!! Kiki pissed herself!” All the cheerleaders and football players burst with laughter. “Wait guys, I think she needs some help washing up.” The head cheerleader said. She grabbed a bottle of soap and squirted some on her hand. She then went to every football player and cheerleader and squirted some soap in their hands. “Let’s take turns soaping her up.” The cheerleader said. They got in a line and rubbed soap on Kiki. The football players made sure to slowly rub her boobs, pussy, and butt. Kiki was fondled and rubbed by about 150 people. All she could do was take it and cry. When they were done, Kiki was all clean. “Hey guys, She looks all squeaky clean. We may have found our new mascot.” The cheerleader said. Everyone cheered. Three cheerleaders grabbed her and headed to the field. A cheerleader told the announcer of their mascot change.

The cheerleaders brought Kiki to the field in front of hundreds of people. The crowd cheered as they saw the poor enf. Kiki tried to cover up, but the cheerleaders pulled her arms and legs away exposing her privates to the entire crowd. The game finally started. The announcer came on. “Here we are folks at the finals tournament! Introducing first, The Jefferson High Monsters! And now, here they are, the home team, The Watson High Naked Kikis!!!” The crowd went wild. The Naked Kikis came through the banner. As they entered the field they gave Kiki a smack on the butt or a grope on the boobs. The game began and the cheerleaders were about to do their routine. “Don’t just cover up! Do the routine with us. I know you know it.” The head cheerleader told Kiki. “No way!” Kiki said. “Do it, or everyday at school, we will jump you and strip you naked.” Kiki didn’t move. “How about this? Do it now, or after the games, we will have a groping the mascot ceremony after the game where anyone is welcome, then we will take you to the burger joint everyone goes to after the games naked which we’ll walk there, then we’ll take you to the victory party naked and we’ll charge people a dollar to grope you, fondle you, make-out with you or dump water on you, then we’ll make you walk home while the marching band plays real loud attracting everyone in the neighborhood.” The cheerleader said. “Your choice.” Kiki removed her hands and did the routine. The crowd roared as Kiki flipped and bent backwards in sexy positions. She endured this for the entire day. Finally, the game was over. Kiki started to leave, but the cheerleaders grabbed her. “Hey! I did the routine!” Kiki said. “Yeah, but we’re still gonna do those things.” The head cheerleader said.

They waited outside the football field with the naked Kiki. They had a sign that said ‘Touch the naked Kiki to show school spirit.’ Hundreds of people gathered around to take pictures and touch Kiki. After that, they went to the crowded burger joint. Kiki endured more harassment and picture taking. The owner took Kiki’s naked picture and hung it up on his wall. After that, they went to the party. Kiki was put in a closet and one by one she was touched, kissed, and her picture was taken. The cheerleaders charged a dollar per contact with Kiki. Kiki was scared when a well-known lesbian handed the cheerleaders a roll of bills. “We have to tape this.” A cheerleader said. They opened the closet door wide enough for everyone to see and started videotaping. The girl rubbed her hands all over Kiki’s body. She caressed her boobs and pussy. She squeezed her butt as she made-out with Kiki. Kiki was balling. The partygoers went crazy. Kiki ran out of the party when it was over. She sprinted home. When she got there, she banged on the door. Kiki’s dad answered. Kiki ran in the house crying. “Wha?! Where have you been?! Where are your clothes?!” Kiki’s dad shouted. “Were you out with boys?! Are you a wh*r*?! I will not have a wh*r* in my house!!! You sleep outside tonight naked wh*r*!!!” Kiki’s dad threw her out. Kiki spent the whole night outside. Kiki was awoken by the mailman. Kiki saw the entire neighborhood staring at her. Kiki’s mom let her in. Kiki ran into her room and locked the door. Kiki through on her pink, silk robe and sat in her bed. Kiki cried and rocked back and forth.

Kiki had begun to notice that every time she fell asleep, she had that same dream and woke up naked. There were many instances that humiliated Kiki. Once, she fell asleep during school assembly and woke up naked. The entire high school saw her naked again. Another time, Kiki fell asleep at a family reunion at some park. Kiki’s dad accused her of being a wh*r* and had her greet every relative naked and spanked her in front of everyone. Kiki once even fell asleep at a senior camping trip. She tried to hide in her tent, but the cheerleaders forced her out and she spent the entire weekend naked. Kiki knew that she would have that same dream forever. After Kiki graduated, she got her own place and had a plan to beat Eddie’s curse. She would make sure she only slept alone at her place. Kiki thought that she would never be embarrassed again. However, Eddie had a tiny bit of power left to give Kiki another curse. Kiki noticed it one morning when she woke up in a nearby golf course with golfers staring at her. Kiki was now sleep walking.
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Old 08-01-2012, 05:34 PM
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HOLYCRAP!! This is absolutely awesome please, please please keep going. thank you
If you have any questions, comments, or requests do not be shy just email us at or write us here or post a request on the "Kim loves showing off" thread.
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:13 PM
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This is a fun one. Thanks for posting.
The Collected Works of ToddCheese - My ENF stories
Keilani's Long Vacation, Part 8 - How it would have ended!
Read Kim's ENF experiences, and see her naked!
Does anyone know what became of this film?
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:58 PM
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“Well that’s rude. The victim always has to listen to the villain’s monologue before they run."

Lol... nice.
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:39 AM
NotThatOtherGuy NotThatOtherGuy is offline
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First thing I'll say is, I love the name. :-)
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