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Old 05-20-2010, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Bronne View Post
Ive been thinking, there are alot of posts that have "renamed" photos wich are not unique/picture... this is soooooo enoying i think, when saving such a photo i never know if i already have it or not because its not unique...

Why oh why do some poster keep renaming their photos like : ex1 ex2 etc etc, WHY not keep their original filename?? I dont get that!
I don't think the purpose of renaming is to make it inconvenient for someone else, I think it's more for "categorizing" purposes, maybe they just changed the name when they originally saved it. It could also be they're starting a new thread and had to rename the files so they would fall into sequence while posting them, instead of the first photo in the set mistakenly getting posted last etc.

Just have to spend some extra time looking through a folder making sure you don't have the picture already, can't really do much about people renaming files.

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