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Old 09-08-2023, 10:15 PM
Gumbubblegum Gumbubblegum is offline
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Default Workmate and Wife are up to something

My Workmate has a 1.5 hour commute each way everyday. Sometimes he can't be stuffed driving it, so will stay at our place. It's usually twice one week and once the next week that he stays. He's been doing this for a year or so. It's good fun. We usually have dinner and some drinks and joints, chill, chat and watch tv. He usually sits on my lounge with me and my wife sits on her own lounge.

He (I'll call him "Peter"), usually flicks off a heap of texts to other mates and his wife while we all watch telly. Anyway, I noticed something weird on Thursday night. Even Though we work together, I usually do about 3 hours overtime everyday, so when he stays with us, he gets to my place 3 hours before me.

When I got home and walked in the lounge, I noticed they were both sitting on my lounge. It was weird because she only ever sits on hers. And they looked like they'd both suddenly sat up. You know, they were sort if sitting bolt upright like 2 teenagers being nearly caught by their parents. I didn't think much of it to be honest. She's never expressed a desire for another man. I've put it to her before, but she's always said "no, I'm happy with you". I grabbed a beer a joked "oi, get out of my chair woman" and she laughed and moved over to her lounge and on the way, bumped "peters" leg and said "oh sorry Pete, and gave his knee an firm apologetic squeeze. This to, I thought was strange.

After about 10 minutes, Peter, we just sat and Peter was sending off his usual volume of texts, when my wife's iPhone "ding dinged". She pulled it out of her jeans and read it and chuckled. I said "who was that?", and she said " no one".

In the next ad break, Ava excused herself to the bathroom. We were watching her favourite show, and if she goes to the bathroom when we are watching it normally, shell be fast as lightening, because she doesn't want to miss any of it. This time, she was gone for over 5 minutes. I yelled out " you shows back on" and she replied "ok, in a minute". A minute later "peters" phone message chimed. He pulled it out and said "holy fuck!!!". I said " what is it?" and he said " oh you don't want to know". My heart is racing... did she sext him?
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Old 09-11-2023, 12:12 AM
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Default Tell Her its ok

It sounds like you want it to happen, let her know and it will be more fun........
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