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View Poll Results: Who was the winner of the first (there were 2) Wrestling Match
Holly 6 50.00%
Sarah 6 50.00%
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Old 03-23-2013, 09:50 PM
fun944 fun944 is offline
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Default Fun with Sarah and Holly

I’ve been blessed by a long relationship with a magnificent woman. Sarah is a 42 year old beautiful dark-haired brunette, classy, very intelligent and funny as hell!! Though not built like a model at 4’11” and barely over 100 pounds, she carries herself with dignity and elegance, the result of a youthful foray into ballet. Sarah is an extraordinarily sensual woman. She can turn me on like a light bulb with one of her sensual little glances. Although proper in public, Sarah has a wild side I have enjoyed throughout our time together.

I hesitate to call Chuck and Holly friends – and after the evenings I am about to describe, it’s doubtful they will ever be. We met them through friends at a lake party over this past 4th of July weekend. Chuck is a good guy, a lot of fun, and madly in lust with his hot, extremely ego-centric blonde wife. Holly is a distractingly gorgeous hair stylist at a high end men’s salon and spa as well as a part time trade show model. Still hot at 39 years old, Holly was 5’4” and 118 pounds (her claim, not shared by Sarah who puts her weight at 125), an obviously ‘surgically enhanced’ busty natural brunette gone blonde. Holly has an inflated self-image and ego that matches her, well, inflated 34D/small DD (more on that later) chest. Physically, she’s the gorgeous, all-American girl type, an ex-college cheerleader with unmet aspirations of being part of a professional cheerleading squad some years before. Her only personality flaw is the ‘look at me – aren’t I hot?’ attitude she carries with her wherever she goes, an arrogance that wears thin quickly.

Our party on the lake spilled over into a bar down the beach that hosted, for that evening, a female oil wrestling tournament! We had to go! What red-blooded American male would turn his back on that!! In the course of the evening, Sarah and I learned from Holly and Chuck that Holly had wrestled in the past, in a couple of private matches at a sponsor’s home. Chuck even volunteered to share some confidential videos of the event! Sarah and my eyes locked – but I could tell by her look that wrestling in oil had little interest to her – ‘that stuff would take days to get out of all my girl parts, you know?’ I thought for a bit that Holly might give it a go, but well, that wrong time of the month thing kept her on the sidelines. She did become our expert in the matter of women’s wrestling. With her arrogance fueled by a few margueritas though, she was one small step away from becoming completely obnoxious, her commentary peppered by an analysis of how she would have won each match, what they were doing wrong, etc. etc.

Chuck obviously had the idea before I did of trying to talk Sarah into a match with his wife. On the admittedly drunken walk back, he couldn’t restrain himself anymore!! (These quotes are the best my tequila numbed mind can recall!) “Hey, not tonight, because we’re all pretty wasted, but why don’t YOU girls wrestle?? What do you think Sarah – would you take Holly on?” Sarah, without missing a beat thought “That sounds like a LOT of fun!! Let’s do that sometime!” (You just gotta love her outlook on things!) Holly’s response was right in character. “Oh sure – you match us up before Sarah even knows what she’s getting herself into!! She’s never done this before!” Other comments ensued until Holly opined that “well, I’ve wrestled some before – and I could teach you a bit if you want. Let’s find a weekend and set it up! I’m game!” Clearly, Holly sensed an easy victory against the much smaller woman.

Well, there was NO way Chuck and I were going to let this drop, lustful lads that we are! He and I spent a good deal of time ‘planning’ behind the scenes, even to the point of deciding that we needed some sort of ‘bet’ between us! One thing for sure is that women have a very critical eye and a built in jealousy when it comes to other women. Sarah was fairly quick to point out that Holly was “gorgeous, but I’m not sure she’s in great shape. I’m sure you just looked at those boobs of hers in that bikini, didn’t you? Ha – men!!! Yea, yea, yea – of course you did! Did you happen to notice the jiggly tummy she kept trying to hold in and her kinda flabby thighs? Huh – did you? She’s bigger than me which is gonna give her an advantage, but if you taught me some stuff and if I got to practice enough, I think I could do ok against her. She doesn’t look all that strong. She might beat me but I think it would be close – really!” 

Sarah was right about where a man’s eye go when you see Holly in a bikini! And yea, to my eye, Sarah was firmer (Holly was indeed a little soft thru the middle) and probably in better aerobic condition. Now, how to use that fact? hmmm….

A phone call to Chuck really got things going. “Chuck, before we bet on something here, I have no idea how Holly and Sarah compare fitness wise. How much does Holly work out?” (Baiting the hook!) “Not a lot really – she jogs or rides her bike a couple of times a week and uses her Bow Flex every now and again. What about Sarah?” (Sarah runs 2 miles 3 to 5 times a week and works out on an Elliptical machine twice a week.) “Chuck,” (he says, setting the hook!) “I guess she works out about as much as Holly. She’s not a gym rat. Hmmm, just an idea here, but how about matching them up in a race down the beach from our place so we can get a better idea?? Loser buys a magnum of wine and we have a cookout afterwards, get to know each other a little better before this goes any further?” Chuck was all too eager to agree. And, not surprisingly, Sarah was immediately on board. Chuck mentioned Holly was hesitant at first, but he was able to talk her into it…hmmmm…wonder why that was?? 

Chuck admitted after our conversation, that Holly started to jog a little bit more and they practiced wrestling a bit, but “Holly had a good deal of experience, so we didn’t go crazy learning stuff.” Even though the wrestling was still some time in the future, Sarah and I also began to practice wrestling almost nightly, and, yea, we DID learn new stuff. Sarah shocked me by really wanting to learn holds and moves and all. A basic over achiever – sort of the story of her life! I have to admit, and Chuck concurred, that these sessions always seemed to end up nude…and wrestling seemed to take a different direction. 

Before the beach race, Chuck loaned me a DVD of Holly’s matches to give Sarah an idea of what goes on so she knew what she was up against. “This is kinda what I am thinking we’d do – so take a look at this. These are from private matches she does for the owner of the modeling agency she models for. But, don’t ever tell Holly you saw these,” he begged, “or I am dead!” After promising eternal secrecy, Sarah and I spent a night enjoying a bottle of wine and taking in the spectacle. Truly one of the most sensual things I have ever witnessed. A large room in a clearly beautiful house was the site of both matches. They wrestled on a soft mat in a darkened room with the only light coming from spot lights mounted to the ceiling. Both matches were best of 7 contests which pitted Holly against similar sized and nearly equally attractive women. And, they wore only thongs, which they changed between most every round. The prize money, offered up by the 4 men and 2 women watching, was substantial; $2500 to the winner and $1000 to the loser which I’m sure contributed to the obvious intensity of the action. These were no fake roll-arounds, but full on wrestling fought from either a standing or kneeling position with rounds determined either by a 10 second pin or a submission. Without getting into details, Holly lost both matches, one close (4-3 where Holly had lost a 3-1 lead, losing the last 3 rounds in a row) and the other more one-sided at 4-1. We were obviously captivated by her beauty and her determination, less so by her fitness and strength.

By loaning me the video I am sure he meant to show his wife off. But what he also did, maybe unknowingly, was to tip us off to Holly’s weaknesses – she was not especially quick for her size, and her stamina was, at best, seemingly average. “Look at her,” Sarah mentioned a number of times, “See how tired out she is?? She looks exhausted!” After watching the video, we both knew Sarah would run Holly into the beach when they raced. I loved the thought of that! Sarah also wondered after seeing the wrestling and Holly’s two losing performances, whether Chuck might be intentionally setting her up to lose. Holly’s huge ego was hard to take…you wonder whether he was extracting revenge by playing up to it and silently loving the result.

The last little clip on the video was Holly running in a race to raise money for breast cancer research – “The Stiletto Sprint.” Women raised money throughout the community by selling tickets to the race and soliciting donations. The 100 yard race was run in shorts, t-shirts and Stiletto heels that had to be at least 4” high. Out of protection, the women also wore knee and elbow pads which proved for many to be a useful accessory. Some women seemed to master the ability to run in 4” heels, others, well, not so much. Holly was in the latter category. She finished mid-pack, but it was hard to tell if it was a lack of speed or just the awkwardness of running in heels, as she fell behind right from the start, nearly getting run over by women starting behind her that had more of the knack. I hated returning the DVD…. But it had served its purpose. Sarah was brimming with confidence, especially relating to the race, and we had seen enough of Holly wrestling to be able to put together a little strategy that would we hoped attack her obvious weaknesses, not the least of which was a pattern of almost immediate submissions when she was trapped in body scissors by her opponent. She clearly had no idea how to escape the hold and submitted time and time again as her opponents clearly began to understand her flaw. A point well noted by us – Thanks Chuck! I’m sure you can imagine what hold Sarah and I practiced…..over and over and…well…over! Strong little legs Sarah has! 

Anyway, back to the race. The night of the big event and cookout came a couple of weeks later, at the end of a scorching, brutally hot 105 degree day – typical for this past summer. We happen to live in a rural area about 25 miles from the center of a very large city. A semi-private and nearly perfect spot for our little event. Our yard is at the peak of a very gradual little knoll above the lake. Down the hill to the beach (hard packed sand) and to a pier is about a 700 yard run. That became their course. Down a very gentle grade to the beach, turn right, run to the pier, around the first piling and back, a bit more than 3/4s of a mile. Chuck volunteered to buy the wine – premonition perhaps? 

While I would have loved for this little race to be topless…or less…decorum (and career preservation) dictated something a little more prudent; bikini’s with t-shirts over top. Sort of the typical end of day lake-wear, at least around us.

Once Holly and Chuck arrived, it was clear, Holly was nervous. Sarah was her usual fun self – Holly very stiff and for once, semi-quiet. Winning or losing was never terribly important to Sarah. Holly on the other hand, seemed to have her entire ego riding on the outcome of this. Once they had gone inside to change and were out of earshot, Sarah looked at me wide-eyed and said “Wow, did you see her? She’s like a nervous wreck over this! That’s amazing! It’s a fricken’ bottle of wine – is her ego THAT BIG?!” We both agreed it had to be, the way she was behaving. Either that or, deep down, she knew she was in over her head in a race with Sarah.

“Just run to the pier at a comfortable pace and gauge what you do after you turn to head back. Even if you are behind, I wouldn’t worry much – just keep the pace the same. She won’t be able to last – agree?” “Oh yea, for sure! She doesn’t have the stamina for this.” We didn’t think Holly would be able to maintain any sort of quick pace on the way back. I was positive Sarah would win.

Chuck told me afterwards that their strategy was for Holly to save energy, try to stay close to Sarah without wearing herself out and wait until the last quarter of the race before picking up the pace. Chuck knew Holly’s ego and the fact that she wasn’t much of a runner and was trying to do what he could to give her a chance. He’s a good guy, but in this race, I was riding Secretariat while he was driving a show pony.

Watching Holly strutting toward us in a gorgeous pink designer bikini (expensive as hell, per Chuck) was quite the sight. This time, I wouldn’t let me eyes just focus on her gorgeous face or prodigious DD chest. I took her all in – and I had to admit, Sarah was absolutely right. Holly was in good, but not great condition. Compared to Sarah, Holly’s thighs were a bit more jiggly and her abs softer, the definite beginnings of a tummy roll were there, which she tried to carefully keep ‘sucked in’. Ever so observant Sarah clearly pointed both out with a whispered, “Ok, you see what I mean? Not firm.” But still, even with a couple of minor ‘flaws’, any one would have to admit that, the big-haired, blonde MILF was gorgeous…absolutely stunning.

Together finally at the top of hill, we all laughed. We had to admit that what was about to happen was silly…but very hot. Sarah and Holly slipped on their t-shirts (white in Sarah’s case, bikini matching pink in Holly’s) and warmed up a little with stretches and light exercises. Chuck, ever the goof, brought the magnum of red wine along as a prop. “Ok kids – this is the prize! To the winner goes the wine!” Sarah was laughing and giggling, playing up to Chuck, playfully trying to steal the wine. Holly was tense, an occasional smirk or smile at best, hands on hips. Her mood hardly lightened at all, even after a little fun smack talk from Sarah, “You’re going down girl! The Wine will be Mine!” A serious, “We’ll see,” and a toss of her big, blonde mane was all an edgy Holly could come back with.

“Let’s just do this, ok? This is stupid. Let’s go guys.” Yes ma’am, Ms. Holly. Anything you say, Ms. Holly.

“Are you ready Sarah?” “You bet!!”

“Ok girls. Ready? Set? GO!”

The path down to the beach was at most 30-40 yards long, and by the bottom, Holly had a very slight lead, Sarah sort of drafting her NASCAR style while smiling and waving to us. Chuck and I had a perfect observation perch along the bluff bordering the lake, and both of us had binoculars to better follow the action. Sarah ran like a runner – arms casually pumping in rhythm with her stride. Holly didn’t look as coordinated as Sarah, her arm motion clearly not that of an experienced runner. Seeing them side by side, I knew Sarah had Holly beat, the only question was by how much.

Sarah maintained the comfortable, even pace we talked about, and after maybe 50 yards along the beach, she was shoulder to shoulder with an unsmiling Holly. After maybe another 100 yards or so, Sarah had drawn out to a lead of maybe 20 feet. Throughout the run to the pier, Sarah continued to gradually draw away from a slowing Holly, reaching the piling maybe 75 or so feet in front.

Chuck and I had made it to about half way between the start and the pier by the time they began their return run, with Chuck rooting Holly on during our walk. “Come on Holly! Pick up the pace baby! Catch her!” Sarah told me later that as she rounded the piling and passed Holly still jogging in the opposite direction she knew she had her beat. “She was gasping for air sweating like crazy. She wouldn’t even look at me!”

Looking thru the binoculars, it was clear the Blonde Bombshell was really laboring once we could see her face, much as Sarah would tell me later. Her head was down, her face red and she was clearly out of breath, her stride now noticeably shorter. About a third of the way back, the fatigued blonde lioness had fallen at least 50-60 yards behind Sarah, who continued to basically jog at the same even pace she began at. “Ah man, I think Holly is cooked. If she had a white flag, I’d have her wave it. Darn guy, I thought we’d have a closer race. Sarah’s just too fit for her. Damn!” Holly was really fading fast and, I had to admit, I loved it!

A hundred or so yards later, Holly looked completely out of gas and out of the race…and Chuck knew it. “She’s beat man, she’s finished. She’s way too far behind now and she’s barely running – look at the short stride.” At least a full minute behind, the look on Holly’s face thru the binoculars was one of total anguish as she watched Sarah become a smaller and smaller dot on the horizon as she ran away from the spent blonde goddess. Seconds later, Holly stumbled over a small gully on the beach, staggered a few steps and ultimately landed on her hands and knees and rolled to her back…..the look of anguish on her face was insanely hot. Beaten and completely frustrated, the weary blonde MILF got back to her hands and knees and flailed her arms in Sarah’s direction, shrieking something along the lines of “Oh screw this!” as she sat on the beach, red as a ripe tomato, chest heaving as she gasped for air, here sweaty t-shirt and legs covered in sand. Clearly exhausted, Holly struggled to regain her feet, putting her weary weight on her left leg and bracing herself as she tried to stand. Dusting herself off, Holly noticed other couples approaching her from the same bluff we were standing on. Immensely prideful, Holly valiantly started slowly jogging again until they had passed. Both couples turned to look at her as they passed, probably wondering what was up with that scene!

Seconds later, Holly threw in the towel and slowed to a walk while still some 100 yards from the hill and at least that far behind Sarah, just too tired to go any further. Alternately jogging and walking the final distance, Holly reached the base of the walkway minutes astern of Sarah, who was already at the top of the hill enjoying a celebratory low cal beer!

All of us applauded Holly as she walked slowly, breathing heavily, hands on hips, head down up the slope from the beach. Sarah hugged her when she reached the top before I could do the same. “Good race girl!” Sarah brightly offered in an attempt to improve Holly’s glum demeanor. “Yea, right – for you maybe! But you won – so congratulations I guess,” Holly said sticking her hand out to shake Sarah’s. “I need to take a shower and change.” “Come with me Holly, I need one too!” With a mischievous wink and a smile, Sarah followed Holly to the door and disappeared into the cool house.

Chuck and I went inside to get out of the heat and made small talk for an hour while the girls showered and changed. Chuck revealed that he never thought Holly could beat Sarah, but it was hot to watch her try! That I had to agree with!! (I was getting more and more convinced he was into watching her get her ego clipped thru situations like this.) We agreed that we’d check with the girls, but we were still serious about getting them to wrestle, setting a tentative date of 3 weeks away. Our conversation drifted toward rules (mostly towards preventing any injury), round endings (10 second pins or submissions), and length (best of 7 rounds with rests in between each). Chuck offered that “I’m sure Holly will be up for this, especially after the race! With her ego, she’ll want to pay back Sarah Big Time!!” We didn’t want the bet to be anything monetary, but something more ‘sensual’…more personal. We agreed we’d need to get the girls involved in that one.

Holly seemed in a better mood after her shower and the couple of pomegranate martinis Sarah had taken upstairs. Standing in the kitchen smiling, nipples fully erect in all honesty, Holly looking scorching hot in her strapless white summer dress that seductively flaunted her cleavage while seemingly staying up in defiance of gravity. Our shower in our master bed room was large and had two shower heads. Unbeknownst to Chuck or me, at Sarah’s suggestion, the girls showered together, which Sarah couldn’t wait to tease me with!! Inviting me upstairs to ‘help me with this please?” she started playfully singing…”I saw Holly nude. I saw Holly nude…..!” “Huh, you did what??!!” Telling me they showered in our double shower, she was like a little kid! Very proud of herself! “So, ok, I’m dyin’ here missy! So, tell me before I spank you, what DOES Ms. Attitude look like nude?” “Aw, poor baby is all hot and bothered!! Give me a long kiss (I did!), be nice (I was!) and I’ll tell you.” Still hugging her after the long kiss and looking down into her eyes, Sarah quietly whispered, “Well, her d****s and carpeting don’t match!! She’s blonde on top, dark on the bottom – just like all that big blonde hair she has with the dark roots. She’s trimmed herself into a little “V” sort of thing…not a lot of hair, but what she’s got is cut short and its dark brown. And, you would have loved watching her soap herself up….teehee!!! She just likes rubbing those big boobies of hers!!!! She puts on quite the show – and I’m a girl, not a guy! It was obvious she was showing herself off – not sexually, but more along the ‘look at how hot I am!’ way. Margaret (a gorgeous friend of ours) has a better body, but Holly isn’t far behind – Margaret is just fitter, leaner I guess mostly. Just watching her, I can’t imagine the show her husband must get!” Sarah continued by saying her implants are near perfect (Oh man!) her abs were a little soft and needed some toning up (“She’s got a few rolls when she sits down.”) and she had a cute ‘bubble butt’. Did I mention my wife is a little tease??? My first wife would have no more showered with another woman than bungee jump.

to be continued if there is interest................
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Old 03-24-2013, 08:03 PM
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Well... quite interesting story until now. Although seems long never bored (love details) so I hope you go on with the second part

P.S: Is there any chance you can put some pictures (nude or nonnude). For us to imagine girls better
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Old 03-24-2013, 08:54 PM
ts50 ts50 is offline
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Definite intrest, bring on part 2
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Old 03-26-2013, 01:18 AM
lebenengel lebenengel is offline
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Ready for part 2! Great story and thanks for sharing.
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Old 03-28-2013, 01:05 PM
Everard Everard is offline
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More than ready for Part Two.

P.S. Photos or it didn't happen.
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Old 03-30-2013, 11:43 PM
lebenengel lebenengel is offline
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I hope he didn't forget about this story. I really want to know what happened next haha
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Old 03-31-2013, 11:27 AM
joker60 joker60 is offline
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me too
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Old 03-31-2013, 03:42 PM
fun944 fun944 is offline
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Default Fun with Sarah and Holly - Part II

Remember the story we posted recently about a beach race between my petite, fit wife and a gorgeous but conceited blonde? The race where Sarah easily left Holly, her exhausted, cocky rival essentially on her hands and knees in the sand?? That was the preliminary episode to the main event that occurred five weeks later, an event that took on new meaning given the dazzling blonde’s severely bruised ego. This is the account of their private wrestling match…and the chance for the egotistical blonde to redeem herself or for my wife to cement her physical superiority.
According to her husband, Holly took her drubbing on the beach at the hands of my wife hard. Chuck said he was told “I never want to talk about that again – just do NOT bring it up! I just can’t believe I let you talk me into that!” Obviously, neither Holly nor Sarah reached out to the other after that little adventure. There was no “Hi, let’s do lunch!” Chuck and I however remained in touch working to arrange the wrestling match. From our talks it was clear his wife was more than up for the challenge – and her chance at redemption. Sarah was also more than willing to give it a try. Their interests in wrestling though came from two different directions.
I mentioned in Part 1 of this saga that Sarah and I practiced quite a bit, given her lack of experience. We knew Sarah would have her advantages (quickness, stamina, leg strength) and Holly hers (size and experience.) Sarah really wanted to learn and we did practice and work on a strategy that we thought would capitalize on her strengths and protect her weaknesses. We also took a little unannounced side trip down south to a place that offered a number of women for hire to wrestle mostly men I guess. I spoke with them on the phone before the trip. When I explained what we were after and described Holly to her in some detail, all of a sudden we had some serious offers to help teach Sarah. The girl they set Sarah up with, similar in size and weight to Holly, spent 3 hours with her, mostly ‘off the clock’ showing her more than I ever could. They even invited us back the next day for another hour. Sarah was no match for her, but with getting overwhelmed followed by trainings of how to avoid or react to a particular move, she really improved. Alexis taught her well, and demanded that we call her immediately after the match to let her know how it went! She excited told Sarah “You’re a natural Girl!!”
All I all, it was a very useful trip. One we NEVER told Holly about. To us, it was simply getting Sarah some needed experience to even things out. Throughout all of this, not once did Sarah mention backing out nor did she seem the least bit intimidated by Holly’s size and experience advantages. She seemed as excited by the prospect of challenging Holly as I was! All in all, a more than willing student!
The weekend before the match, all of us finally got together to iron out the details and rules. Both Sarah and Holly looked phenomenal – clearly, the competition had already begun! Sarah wore a favorite outfit of mine; a denim mini-skirt and a tight blue top over a bra that flaunted her larger than average nipples. Her long, brunette hair was perfectly arranged and she just looked sexy and appealing as hell. Holly also wore a denim mini-skirt and a skin tight, clingy black top. And yea, her nips were right out there as well. (Even though Holly was a full ‘D cup’ and Sarah barely a ‘B’, when it came to nipples, Sarah was every bit Holly’s equal!)
Since the girls were doing this mainly for Chuck and I, the details were theirs to decide. All of us enjoyed dinner at our home, with Holly playing the dual role of ‘expert’ and ‘center of attention!’ At her suggestion, ten second pins and submissions (signified by tapping your opponent or slapping the mat and loudly saying “I give”) would win each round. And the next round wouldn’t start until both girls were ready. The matches would be topless and there would be no hitting or any hold that would potentially injure someone. Any of us could stop a round anytime someone was in a situation where they could get hurt. (Trust me – neither of them wanted to hurt the other physically – this WAS all about showing off!) Protecting the girls from an accidental injury was vital and we decided to pad up the things in the room so no one could accidently bang their heads into something hard. (That did NOT include a certain part of Chuck’s and my anatomies.) The girls decided there would be two matches, one Friday night (a 3 round warm up) and one throughout the day on Saturday. They didn’t put a limit on the rounds on Saturday; Sarah and Holly simply agreed that after 7 rounds, when whoever was behind had enough, that would be it. That way, the decision was in their hands, where it should be.
We all had more than enough to drink as we worked everything out. Holly sure seemed to enjoy Sarah’s pomegranate Martini’s – getting louder and more boisterous the more she had to drink. (Watching her stumble to the bathroom and back was hysterical!) At one point, Holly and Sarah carried on a whispered conversation between them. “OK! OK! OK!!” an obviously drunk Holly shouted, “We’ve got the bet agreed between us. But you boys won’t find out until Saturday! We’re not telling until then!” My pleadings to Sarah got me nowhere!
Our house was the perfect place for the event with its 25 by 35 foot carpeted rec room. Chuck had access to mats which would make the space soft and very safe for the girls.
Chuck and I both took Friday afternoon off before the match relocating furniture and laying down the mats, not to mention enjoying more than a few beers. I had to admit, it was quite the scene. All of us had previously agreed that the girls should not see each other until they walked to the mat. For some reason, I found that exceedingly arousing. We set up our extra bedroom as a changing room for both of them to use during the match. (The collection of thongs on the bed during the matches, especially Holly’s stack, was impressive. Victoria Secret would be proud!) Chuck said that Holly was quite the smack talker and asked if that would offend Sarah. I told him heck no, all it would do is fire her up and not to worry about it!
Now, Sarah was nervous; there was no way to miss that. She smiled and laughed that Friday evening before the matches, but she did admit to being ‘nervous as heck! I just don’t want to get embarrassed, especially by her! You guys will love the show, but I want you to know something; I really want to beat her, but I’m not sure I can. She’s done this before and I haven’t. I will try – really, really try, but like you have been telling me, if I can’t wear her out, she’s probably going to win. If I can get my legs wrapped around her though……tee hee!!!!!! That chick in Florida was a huge help! Man, she showed me some great stuff!” “Hey, look. You are going to do great. We know what her weaknesses are. The girls down there told us how to play this. IF she can’t get the lead on you from the start, she’s in trouble, right?” “Yup!! She is!” “Ok..this is all about fun, so stop worrying and have a great time. She’s the one taking it so seriously. Relax, have fun and show it off girl!!”
Sarah went to our bedroom to change into a thong and a robe so as not to bump into Holly and keep the suspense alive. Chuck and Holly arrived minutes later, and my first thoughts were: she looked gorgeous and, Sarah was not the only one nervous as hell. Directing Holly to the changing room, Chuck and I set out to make final preparations and small talk while we waited for the girls. Finally, the bedroom door opened a bit and Holly sweetly, provocatively announced, “OK – I’m ready guys!” And with that, Sarah following our script perfectly opened our bedroom door and confidently strode into the room to meet Holly face to face.
In a scene that would have done Ali v Frazier justice, Chuck directed them both to the scale he’d lifted from the bathroom. Standing on the scale first, Sarah (4’11”) weighed 103 pounds, and just looked gorgeous in her dark pink silk robe. Holly (5’4”), wrapped in her black silk robe, was next. Her comment that “I haven’t weighed myself in so long!” got an eye roll and a wink from Chuck. Feigning surprise when the scale read 122.4 pounds, Holly shrugged her shoulders and smilingly looked at Sarah saying, “Well, are you ready for this??” “Sure – let’s go!” Sarah shot back. Let the games, and the smack talk begin!
With her black robe intentionally open to her waist and her boobs just about spilling out, Holly walked directly to Sarah, stood over her in a clear attempt to intimidate her much shorter opponent and said, “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Then get it off girl! Let me see that bod!”
“Oh, little miss impatient aren’t we! You don’t intimidate me woman. Don’t even go there. You are bigger than me –and you’ve got those boobies of yours, but that’s it!”
“Oh, Little Miss Tough Stuff, listen to you! HA HA! Come on, let’s go – get the robe off little girl!”
“It’ll come off when I’m ready. I don’t see yours coming off yet either Holly. Afraid to show us whatcha got underneath?? Or are you nervous to show your body to my husband?”
With that little taunt, Holly opened up her robe the rest of the way and let it seductively fall to the floor at her feet showing a tiny black thong and her astounding 34D’s. “Oh please Sarah, I’m not nervous to show off what I’ve got!” All eyes, including Sarah’s were affixed on that stunning body that Holly was all too willing to show off! “Now, it’s your turn, girl!”
Beginning to dance a little bit to the music playing in the background, Sarah teased Chuck and Holly a bit with her dancing and suggestively playful teases before dropping her robe to the floor. Sarah showed a flatter, firmer midsection (nearly a 6pack) and absolutely rock hard nipples! Not to mention a white thong that covered almost none of her butt…and very little else.
“Oh, little perky boobies”
“Yup, but they’re real!! Really think those implants are going to help you beat me Holly?? Look at my abs and then look at yours. I’m not sucking my tummy in. Are you, Holly? Hmmmm??”
For the first time, Holly showed a bit of anger as Sarah’s last comment stung. “You are so beat little girl. So fucking beat!”
“Oh please Holly. Don’t let your mouth get you in trouble girly.”
With that, Holly took a few steps back, got into a semi-wrestling stance and quietly said, “Ok Sarah, let’s go.”
It was male heart attach time as they circled each other looking for any opening. Sarah stayed close to Holly as she had been taught in order to best use her quickness advantage. Holly stood straight up, giving Sarah easy access to her legs. We’d practiced take downs a lot – and this was a perfect opportunity. Sarah shot out at Holly’s legs and easily put the stunned blonde on her ass on the mat. Holly quickly had Sarah in a headlock and just as quickly, Sarah escaped by pushing Holly’s hands off over her head. The girls grappled on for nearly a minute with each of them gaining and then losing the advantage.
Finally Holly was able to climb on top of a prone Sarah and roll her to her back. Though Sarah tried to scissor her, her hold was across Holly’s hips, not her abs. Grabbing both of Sarah’s wrists, Holly, sitting astride Sarah’s mid-section, put both arms over Sarah’s head, essentially pinning her flat to her back. Though she was squirming and struggling, not to mention shrieking embarrassingly loudly, the bigger woman had her. Just too much leverage and too much Blonde Bombshell to fight off. Sarah struggled for a bit, but at “6 or 7” in Chuck’s pin count, she accepted her fate and sank to her back, motionless. Sarah lasted 1:46.
“You are PINNED Sarah! Gotcha girl!! Woo Hoo!!” “Shoot…darn it!”
Holly helped Sarah up and both girls briefly hugged. “It’s not easy is it? You did great for your first round!” A big smile from Sarah and a “Yea, I’m learning!” brought another hug and a hand on her butt from Holly.
Throughout the event, between rounds was generally a time for the girls to change thongs, get some water and relax. This time, given the quick round and Holly’s desire to ‘educate’ Sarah, they didn’t change thongs. We all talked about what we’d seen while listening to Holly would offer continual unsolicited advice to Sarah. “Does it ever stop?” Sarah whispered in my ear. Sarah knew what to do and had given a good account of herself that first round. Holly’s size was just too much for her once she got Sarah onto her back. Sarah was clearly quicker – markedly so. Holly wasn’t as quick as a woman her size should be. In fact, she was even a little awkward on her feet. Advantage – Sarah.
After she’d basically talked herself out, Holly asked Sarah if she was ready to try it again! “Sure” Sarah said standing and walking to the middle of the mat, joining Holly for the start to round 2.
This time, Sarah made a huge blunder. Holly was ready for the leg dive and as soon as Sarah went for it, Holly jumped back and shoved the squealing Sarah face down on the mat with a loud “Ompffff”. Squirming like mad, Sarah was fighting off a quick pin. And I was thinking, “Uh oh, this might not be as much fun as I thought!” Holly was firmly on top and had Sarah’s right wrist and shoulder firmly pinned to the mat. Quite the smack talker, Holly did a lot of that, mostly I think to entertain Chuck. “Oh stop all the squirming and flailing! You’re going down again!!” Holly did not seem to know any pinning holds, such as a cradle, and thus far had used only her weight and hands to control and pin Sarah.
Her somewhat unexpected lack of skill let Sarah easily keep her left shoulder off the mat. In fact, Sarah was able to scoot a bit out from under Holly to the left side. I could see what she was trying to do (we’d practiced scissoring from the bottom a lot) but she had to be quick because if Holly knew what was coming, it was easy to block the move. Chuck and I had vowed to be quiet and let the girls wrestle, but with Sarah’s foot hovering over Holly’s ass, Chuck accidentally sounded the alarm. “Watch her legs Holly!” But it was too late! Sarah had gotten her left leg over the top of Holly and moved her right leg (already under her) to a position where she could lock her ankles…and squeeze.
Face to face now, Holly reared her head back and let out a little squeal, followed by an agonized “oh…crap!” signifying Sarah’s legs were making her a little uncomfortable. The grimace on Holly’s face, eyes closed, teeth snarling, showed our practice had paid off. Sarah had her for the first time! And Holly did not like it! And now, we’d see what Holly could do about it.
As Sarah drew Holly into her scissors tighter and tighter, clearly Holly began to hurt. “Who’s got who now, Blondie, hmm?” With that, Sarah squeezed as hard as she could which got a loud moan from Holly (“Owwww, damn!”) as she struggled to escape. “Got cha Holly!” Sarah grunted out thru her strains. “Shut up Sarah – shut up! Owwwww damn…DAMN!” Temper temper Ms. Bombshell!
Holly was clearly shocked and frustrated to be in this predicament, the tension of the struggle and the discomfort of the hold now all over her face. The little grunts and gasps from Holly clearly showed she wasn’t making any headway to escape. Sarah had her in the hold now more from behind than the side, her ankles locked perfectly across Holly’s lower abs. Holly tried to pull them apart, but her arm strength was no match for Sarah’s legs.
Sarah accidentally angered Holly when her headlock slipped to more of a choke hold. YOU’RE CHOKING ME – MOVE YOUR DAMN ARM – I CA …CAN’T BREATHE!!!” Sarah apologized but didn’t release her, just moved her arms up across Holly’s face. I was loving this….the way overconfident blonde hotty was getting dominated and seemed unable to fight back. Go Sarah!!
Holly seemed to be tiring in the hold and growing more and more frantic to find an escape. She was gasping for her breath, sweating heavily and growing redder and redder with her struggles.
“Where’s all that smack talk now big girl? Hmm?? Getting tired Holly?? Are you? You want to give up?? “
“NO!! I’m NOT giving up!” Holly panted back.
Nearly totally face down on the mat, her mid-section scissored and her head tightly encircled by Sarah’s strong arms, Holly was in tiring and in trouble. Sarah had her completely spread out on the mat, her face firmly planted into the padding now. Watching Holly’s fully exposed soft ass shake as she squirmed over the mat surface, I was rock hard – and I know Chuck was as well.
After taking a bit of a break to let her leg muscles rest, Sarah again squeezed Holly tightly while asking her,
“Are you ready to give up Holly? Come on woman, you aren’t getting away…GIVE UP!”
“No”, Holy gasped back, almost in a whimper.
“You aren’t doing anything but laying there grunting and groaning! Come on Holly, I’m going to keep squeezing you until you quit!” She was right – Holly had no plan of escape as everything she tried had no impact on her desperate little situation.
“Not submitting”
Sarah remembered a move the girls had taught her and slipped her hands under Holly’s chin and pulled back and up…as hard as she could. What an incredibly sexy sight….Holly’s big boobs hanging to the mat capped by her big, rock hard nipples as Sarah pulled her upper body upwards and off of the mat. Holly desperately tried to pull Sarah’s hands off of her chin while she kicked her legs in frustration and to try to generate leverage. Sarah held tight. Finally, Holly had enough. Laying on top of the robe she had dropped to the mat before the first round, the exhausted, trapped blonde had reached her limit. Animatedly slapping the mat with both hands, Holly gasped out a "Give! Damn you – I GIVE!”
“YES!” shouted Sarah, a huge smile of satisfaction on her face. “Let me UP!!” Holly shouted, still face down on the mat and between Sarah’s thighs. Holly looked completely beaten, her hair a sweat matted mess and her thong completely pulled to the side by her struggles and Sarah’s scissors. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention here that during the time between the race and the wrestling, Holly had taken care of the mismatch between her d****s and carpeting. She was now completely shaved.
It took a while for Holly to gather herself and get to her feet. She was polite to Sarah, “Whew, good round,” as she patted her on the lower back in congratulations. But knowing her a little, you knew she was frustrated and disappointed over losing a round to what she thought was a total novice. I was beginning to think Sarah was stronger than Holly in both her legs and upper body and certainly more agile. Advantages that would be very useful for her.
Holly was rubbing her sides, no doubt sore from Sarah’s lengthy scissors and her neck as she limped around the mat, trying to get rid of leg cramps in both thighs. Sarah was also winded and needing a rest but to me, she was MUCH less worn down than Holly was. The long round (nearly 4 minutes) took it out of them both, but being on the defensive for most of it really took its toll on Holly. You could read her face like a book.
We’d taken at least an hour break after that for a snack and well needed rest for the women. Holly was very subdued, no longer lecturing Sarah on how to do something, more asking how she learned to scissor like that. “Dave taught me everything. He’s a good teacher huh??”  “Yea – too good! Maybe you should teach me Dave!!” Did I mention Holly was also a world class flirt?? “No way Holly, he’s MY coach!”
It was getting towards midnight, when I passed Sarah in the hall during a bathroom break. She whispered, “Should I try to get her to wrestle one more round tonight? I’m fine, but I don’t think she is.” “Sure, go ahead, but I’d be surprised if she said yes – that round may have taken it out of her for tonight. She’s still all red and she’s been rubbing her sides the whole time.”
“Well Holly, come on. One more round before bed? We said three rounds the first night. Are you ready for one more??” Holly looked at Chuck in the hopes that he might be the one to say no. But my buddy didn’t let me down! “I think she’s ready for another round tonight! Aren’t you?” Well, if looks could kill, my buddy Chuck would have been dead. Holly no more wanted to wrestle than dance nude in Yankee Stadium. But, at this point, she had no choice. Her immense ego would not allow her to say no after that.
What she said next though really demonstrated the effect Sarah had on her in just one round. “Sarah, no more scissors, ok? My sides are really sore right now. Just no more tonight and we’ll do one more round. I want to win another one!!” “Ok Holly, no body scissors but I didn’t think I was that strong. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” “You just had me at a bad angle – I should have given in before I did – I’m sure you didn’t know what you were doing or I would be upset with you. One more tonight but if you scissor me again, I am done for the weekend.” “Really..ok, whatever, I won’t body scissor you.” Sarah knew exactly what she was doing – and what she did had intimidated the blonde goddess!
Holly somewhat gingerly walked to the center of the mat again, this time met by a much more confident Sarah. It was almost a role reversal as Sarah was now the one asking “Are you ready?” and giving the “OK, GO” command.
Holly stood far away from Sarah at the start. I don’t know what she thought she was going to do from 10 feet away, but that’s where she was, and as Sarah closed the gap, Holly backed up even further until she was nearly at the wall. Holly was feigning intimidation though, and as soon as Sarah got within a few feet, Holly sprang off the wall and grabbed Sarah around the head and tried to wrestle her to the mat. Sarah quickly forced Holly’s hands upwards and off her head which put her behind Holly. Before the slower woman could react, Sarah tripped her left ankle and forced her down again face first. This would have been the absolute perfect time to scissor her again as Sarah landed astride her back, but I’m sure that would have ended the event. Holly was madly struggling to get away and without the ability to scissor her, Sarah was having a hard time keeping control of her.
The girls grappled around the mat for a bit with really no one in control. I did notice however that Holly’s thong had a real propensity to not cover what it was designed to cover, accidently displaying her shaved womanhood a few times. Sarah’s well-tended bush was also on display, but not nearly as often.
Sarah’s comparative quickness on the mat was starting to get the more defensive-minded Holly into potentially difficult positions. But for the most part, Sarah couldn’t pursue the advantage. Finally, they ended up head to feet, side by side. While Holly seemed a little winded and was slow to react, Sarah quickly slid her body to a position where she could get her legs around Holly’s head. That was an easy hold for Holly to break, but as she tried to get up, Sarah got her legs around her head again, this time thigh deep. She pulled Holly to her back with her legs and by the hair, her ass near Holly’s face and her thighs around her neck, facing Holly’s feet. Holly howled in fury as she wildly flailed her legs around the mat, the flab on her thighs shaking like jello as her legs wind milled in the air and heels pounded the mat. “Damn you – is this all you know how to do? SHIT!.” She was nearly screaming now. “I know other stuff” Sarah grunted out, her body at max strain, “But this seems to work well! What’s wrong, can’t get out again??” “Oh shit – I’ll get out…I’ll get out of this!”
Holly’s hands gripped Sarah’s upper leg and she tried mightily to break the hold. Once again, Sarah’s legs were stronger than Holly’s arms, and though she was frantically trying, intensely straining with everything she had, Holly could not dislodge Sarah’s legs. Watching her flail like that on the mat had me absolutely rock hard. Flat on her back, her perfect tits and hard nipples pointed straight at the ceiling and quivering with every kick and flail.
With Holly noticeably tiring from the hold and unable to get away, Sarah finally ended Holly’s agony. She grabbed a hand full of Holly’s sweaty mane and gave it a good tug (“ow” Holly shrieked as she rose up and slapped the mat with the back of her hands in anguish). “Either give up or I’ll pull this until you do!” With a wide eyed look of panic on her gorgeous face, Holly relented. “Screw this – I give. FUCK!”
I could have watched her in that position all night. The arrogant blonde tigress dominated by the little Tiny Terror.

Second match to follow if you find this interesting. Photos privately available
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Old 03-31-2013, 07:15 PM
lebenengel lebenengel is offline
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Sweet sweet part 2. Thanks a lot.
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Old 04-01-2013, 07:20 AM
Everard Everard is offline
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Rock hard and waiting for the next instalment.
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