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Old 08-04-2019, 08:34 PM
Luchafan Luchafan is offline
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Default Bra & Panties Match time machine adventures

This is my first time ever writing so it might not be any good. Please let me know what you think. I have always enjoyed reading everyone's great bra and panties match stories on here and wanted to give it a try. If you think it's good and want me to continue the story, maybe I will as I have some more ideas. Hopefully you like.

Tony has been a wrestling fan his whole life. Tony is smart but clumsy. He dropped out of school many years ago. But on his off time from his job, he watches wrestling almost all the time. He is a big fan of women’s wrestling. When watching old wrestling he reminisces on how he misses the old bra and panties matches. He wishes some of the newer wrestlers would have done bra and panties matches years ago. Tony starts thinking and over a few months creates a watch. But it’s not any watch, it’s a special smart watch. Tony hasn’t tested it yet. But he believes he has created a watch that can travel himself to alternate reality. With the ability to send female wrestlers back in time, forward in time, and many other features in alternate reality. Tony’s favorite female wrestler is A.J. Lee. Tony always wished A.J. would have been in a bra and panties match or at least been seen in a thong. Tony is tired of working on his watch and wants to see if it really works.

Tony thinks of bra and panties matches he has seen. He thinks of the Torrie & Stacy vs Trish & Lita bra and panties match from WWF Invasion 2001. Tony wonders how the match would have turned out if A.J. replaced one of the female wrestlers in the match. He wants to test it out but first he must find a time to send A.J. Lee into the past in alternate reality. He looks at his laptop, and types into his watch. His watch starts smoking and he travels inside his watch….

Tony is now in an arena sitting in the crowd of WWE Raw. To make sure his watch sent him to the right time in alternative reality, Tony looks at his phone and it says September 26, 2013. Location: Phoenix, Arizona. The cast of Total Divas is standing around the ring, when A.J. Lee’s music plays and she comes out to the stage in her Love Bites T-Shirt and jeans. It’s the night of A.J.’s pipebomb promo. As A.J. is talking and insulting the Total Divas. Tony starts working on his watch to send this version of A.J. to 2001. A.J. is finishing her promo, “None of you could lace up my chuck taylors.” Suddenly A.J. is transported to the ring. But not in 2001, the ring in the same arena she was standing in. A.J. is puzzled by what happened. So are the other wrestlers and fans. Tony doesn’t realize his mistake as he is still typing away into his watch. Nikki Bella yells “You’re a witch” at A.J. A.J. continues her speech, “You are all worthless excuses for Women, and you will never touch me. That is reality.” A.J.’s music hits and she starts skipping around and she notices her chuck taylors and her socks are gone. Tony looks up and see’s A.J. Lee in the ring, and realizes he typed into his watch in the incorrect order. Tony knows what’s going to happen as he smiles….

As A.J. starts skipping again, the fans start cheering and the cast of Total Divas start laughing, as A.J.’s Love Bites T-Shirt has disappeared. A.J. is skipping around the ring barefoot in a pink bra with a big smile on her face. A.J. thinks the fans are cheering because of her promo, but doesn’t understand why the Divas are laughing. Tony looks on with anticipation as A.J.’s jeans suddenly disappear. The fans erupt with a loud cheering. Pictures being taken like crazy by the fans, as Nikki Bella gets up on the apron. A.J. stops skipping and skips over to Nikki and gets in her face. A.J.: “You have something to say to me.” Nikki: “In fact I do, nice thong.” A.J. is puzzled, A.J. hasn’t realized she is standing in the ring in her bra and pink thong. A.J: “Nice thong?”. A.J.: “I’m not like you showing off yourself in your bra and thong in front of millions of people each week on Total Bimbos. Nobody has ever seen me in my bra and thong.” Nikki: “Or you sure about that?”

A.J.: skips around the ring, “Of yes, I’m not a sluuuu….” A.J. see’s herself on the big screen in her pink bra and thong. A.J. screams and tries to cover up. All the Total Divas are now standing on the ring apron. A.J. can’t run out of the ring to run backstage. Tony says to himself, “It’s only going to get better as I really messed up.” A.J. screams into the microphone. “Which one of you!??? Who somehow stole my clothes, give them back now!!! I’m not like you! I’m not a naked skank! Nattie? You have my shirt? Brie, give me back my jeans! Eva you have my boots.” A.J.’s bra and thong disappear and A.J. is standing in the ring butt naked….

“Noooooo!!!! AHHHHHHH!” screams A.J. Lee, she can’t believe after her awesome promo she’s now standing in the ring butt naked. She doesn’t know how all her clothes disappeared. Fans are going crazy, USA Network has changed the rating to the show to Rated-MA for nudity as people watching at home can’t believe they are seeing A.J. butt naked. Nikki tells the other Divas to get into the ring. The cast of Total Divas invites a cameraman into the ring. A.J. is pleading with them. “What are you guys doing? I’m already naked. Please! This is the worst day of my life. You guy’s got me, you already stole all my clothes. I’m naked! I’m naked! I can’t believe it but I’m naked. How am I ever going to get over this moment. You guys won. I’m so sorry about what I said.” Natalya and Naomi grab A.J.’s arms, Brie & Eva have A.J.’s legs. Cameron has her phone out and is using Tout. Nikki: “A.J. we are about to have some fun. Some fun that we are never going to forget, the fans will never forget, and you A.J. will never ever forget.” You will never believe what happened next….

Tony watches on shocked at what he is seeing the Total Divas do to A.J. he feels bad for A.J. but he loves what he is seeing. Tony laughs to himself. When Tony typed into his watch, he accidently only sent A.J.’s clothes to 2001. He set his watch incorrectly that A.J.’s clothes would disappear over time and not send a dressed A.J. to 2001. A.J. is screaming in the ring as her day has turned into the worse day of her life. “Please stop! Nooo!”.

Tony has finished watching the humiliation of A.J. Lee and types into his watch to send him back to present day. Tony accidently leaves his own clothes behind in 2013 as he appears in his room naked. Tony thankfully isn’t in front of the world like what happened to A.J. Lee but he is happy to have seen A.J. Lee naked. Tony types into his laptop for the WWE Network but it doesn’t come up. Tony wants to watch the bra and panties match between Stacy & Torrie vs Lita and Trish from 2001. Since the WWE Network must be down for maintenance he pulls out his old WWF Invasion 2001 VHS tape. Tony still has a VHS player and puts the VHS in and fast forwards to the match. He fast forward to his favorite part of the match where Torrie loses her pants.

It’s the Bra and Panties Match between Trish Stratus and Lita vs Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler. Lita is left only in her blue cargo pants with her tropical colored bra, Stacy Keibler is in her yellow bra and black sweatpants. Torrie is still in her red shirt and tight shiny white pants. Trish just had her shirt ripped off by Torrie and is in her red bra, and blue pants. Torrie is standing on Trish’s hair and goes for Trish’s pants but Trish rolls up Torrie and grabs her pants, she starts to pull and Torrie’s white thong comes into view as Trish is pulling her pants further off, suddenly Trish let’s go of Torrie and falls onto her back. A.J.’s boots have appeared in 2001 striking Trish in the head. Tony can’t believe what he is seeing on his VHS. Torrie pulls her pants up. Lita gets in the ring and goes running at Stacy and pulls Stacy over the ropes and into the ring.

Lita picks up Stacy and gives her a kick to the stomach and hits a twist of fate. Lita goes up to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but as she is about to jump, A.J.’s shirt appears and falls onto Lita’s face. Lita can’t see and slips and falls onto the top rope and is hanging upside down. Torrie climbs up to the top rope and sits down and starts pulling off Lita’s pants revealing more of Lita’s tropical thong as Lita screams. Torrie almost has Lita’s pants removed when A.J. Lee’s jeans fall onto her face. Torrie can’t see and screams thinking it’s Trish. Lita uses the ropes to pull herself up from hanging upside down. Lita stands on the top rope, pulls up her pants a little and hits a hurricanrana on Torrie. Trish comes running up behind Torrie and rolls her up. But Stacy has recovered from the twist of fate and kicks Trish in the face. Lita comes running at Stacy.

But A.J.’s bra and thong have appeared in 2001 and somehow Lita trips over the bra and thong and falls face first in the ring. Stacy grabs ahold of Lita’s pants and pulls down and off. Lita is embarrassed in her bra and thong. Lita has been stripped to her bra and thong in a bra and panties match for the first time ever. Lita scurries out of the ring. Trish is punching Torrie, not realizing her teammate Lita has been stripped to her bra and thong. Stacy throws Trish off Torrie and hits a high kick. Torrie grabs ahold of Trish’s pants and pulls them off revealing Trish in a tiny red thong as Mick Foley who was the special guest referee calls for the bell. Trish has lost her second bra and panties match in a row. Trish is embarrassed and crying and looks outside the ring to Lita who is also crying, realizing because they lost WCW has just beaten the WWF at Invasion 2001, they needed to win to keep WWF’s chances alive. Stacy and Torrie hug as Mick Foley raises their hand. Stacy & Torrie whisper in Mick’s ear asking him why he kept throwing clothes out of his pants, but they want to give him a private show later for his help to see what else he is hiding in his pants. Mick has no idea where the clothes came from but he plays along with Torrie & Stacy with a big smile on his face. “I’m having a nice day.”

Torrie & Stacy leave with Mick. Trish and Lita are very embarrassed, they are better wrestlers than Torrie & Stacy how could they lose to them in a bra and panties match. How could they let the WWF down. Trish picks up the Love Bites t-shirt and wonders what it means. “Love Bites? This bites, being humiliated by two girls who can’t wrestle. I have really been training hard to show everyone how good a wrestler I can be.” Trish and Lita collect clothing they have lost and try to cover themselves up as they walk up the ramp but Mr. McMahon comes out to the stage and fires them. Security comes out and grabs Trish & Lita and throws them out of the arena only in their bra and thongs.

Tony stops the VHS and gets to his laptop and types quickly. He realizes he wasn’t in alternative reality, he accidently went back in time and changed history. The WWF was never able to recover from their loss at Invasion. WCW went on to win at Survivor Series 2001. Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, & Paul Heyman now own the rights to the WWF. WWE Raw is no more and it’s WCW Nitro, WWE Smackdown is ECW Thunder. Trish Stratus and Lita never returned to what became of the WWF, they never appeared in WCW again. Instead they went to NWA TNA, and were go go dancers in cages, never wrestling again. Torrie & Stacy have a combined 18 WCW Womens Titles reigns. Torrie Wilson never posed nude for Playboy. Tony goes looking for his copies of Playboy and can’t find Torrie’s. He wonders what he has done. He finds out WCW launched the WCW Network, and his old WWE Network login works for it. He see’s the most popular episode of WCW Nitro is from September 23, 2013. The episode is rated MA. Tony quickly goes to Google and types in “A.J. Lee” the top search results are all images of a naked A.J. Lee with what the cast of Total Nitro Girls did to her. He looks at her Wikipedia page and it says A.J. retired from wrestling after that. She’s had 14 DUIs, been in and out of jail and has Skype sex with fans. He see’s that and looks up Sunny to see Sunny is currently the President of the United States.

Tony falls out of his chair, he realizes he need to go back in time again and fix everything. He can’t let this happen. He wants his Playboy of Torrie Wilson back. He just wanted to see A.J. Lee lose a bra and panties match. He types into his watch and goes back to September 23, 2013. Fans around him scream. A female police officer grabs him. Tony says “I’m sorry I just had to go back in time to fix what I did.”. The police officer asks what drugs he is on, to take off all his clothes at WCW Nitro, although she likes what she sees. As the police officer asks him who the current President of the USA is, Tony looks down and realizes he forgot to get dressed from his prior time travel mishap. He is naked. The female police officer suddenly screams as she is now naked. Tony was quickly typing into his watch, and he sent the police officer’s clothes to present day. Tony says goodbye to naked police officer and gives her a wink and returns to present day.

Tony is back in his room. The female police officer’s thong hangs from his mirror as he is working on his watch to fix some bugs so he can go back to 2013 and fix everything. But first he needs some entertainment and opens his laptop to the WCW Network and WCW Nitro September 23, 2013 the night A.J. Lee appeared naked. Tony thinks what could make this better and laughs. Tony types into his watch, as the female police officer appears in his room naked. The beautiful officer screams. Tony says he thought she would want her clothes back. But first they should have some fun as he knows she likes what she sees….
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Old 08-05-2019, 11:19 PM
theoneandonly27 theoneandonly27 is offline
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Great Concept!
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Old 11-09-2019, 04:38 AM
Luchafan Luchafan is offline
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Any suggestions for Tony's next Bra and panties match time machine adventure?

More trouble for A.J. Lee sending her somewhere for more humiliation?
A match result from the past changed?
Open to any suggestions
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Old 11-20-2019, 02:16 PM
Beyerrkluva Beyerrkluva is offline
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I wouldn't mind seeing AJ in a spanking match (like Trish vs. Stephanie or Trish vs. Jacqueline). Also, she could get caught in several scenarios (at the pool, under the shower) and transported to the ring that way.

Also, more Trish and some Naomi please!
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