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Old 05-09-2013, 02:43 PM
theoneandonly27 theoneandonly27 is offline
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Default Celeb ENF

Sarah Hyland vs Jane Levy
part 1:

It was no secret in Hollywood scandal magazines that Sarah Hyland (known for her role as Haley Dunphy on Modern Family) had a feud going with fellow network star Jane Levy (from Suborgatory). It started off as a remark Sarah made about how well Suborgatory was doing, she said the only reason it was doing well was because the viewers were just sticking around after Modern Family ended. It escalated quickly afterward, with both parties getting angrier and more fed up with the other. It wasn’t long before the final straw was broken, when Jane made a statement personally attacking Sarah’s looks saying that she was much uglier and was not as hot as she was, and that Sarah was a dirty sl*t. It was on! Sarah started to plot how to shut this b*tch up and came to the conclusion of humiliation.

“Once I humiliate that b*tch, then she will stop running her mouth. Hell, I bet she will be too embarrassed and leave Hollywood altogether “ thought Sarah. The thoughts only excited her more.

She waited for the perfect time; a week passed and the opportunity presented itself. There was a “young Hollywood” party being thrown at a stylish ballroom. Both girls, along with a bevy of other young actresses were in attendance. Sarah was already there sporting a nice black dress that showed off her sexy body quite nicely. Her dark brown hair pulled into a bun. She waited anxiously for her soon to be prey to arrive. It wasn’t long before a limo pulled up in front of the ballroom. As the limo door opened, paparazzi gathered up front to snap photos of the sexy red head. Jane knew the etiquette for escaping a car in a short dress without showing any upskirt action, much to the paparazzi’s dismay, for she would just die if there were any scandalous shots of her floating around the internet. She was wearing a strapless black top and a purple skirt. Her red hair looked fiery as ever.

Sarah watched Jane’s exit through a window inside. “Look at that goody-two shoes, what a c*nt” thought Sarah, “So shy and trying so hard to not show anything to the paparazzi. Just wait for tonight b*tch, when you’re going to be so, so humiliated.” Sarah let out a evil little giggle and went to the opposite end of the room.

An hour into mingling with other young celebs, Jane was talking in a group of people when a cold splash of water hit the back of her thigh and bottom part of her skirt. She gave a little yelp and looked around, but couldn’t find out where it came from. Not knowing what the liquid was, Jane was afraid it might stain her skirt so she started heading off to the restroom. Unfortunately for her, this was all Sarah’s doing for her plan. Sarah cautiously stalked Jane on her way to the restroom, knowing that no one was inside and that it will just be the two of them.

Jane entered the restroom and to her delight she was alone. She went straight to the sink to clean her skirt. She twisted it so the wet spot was now in front so she could get a better angle at it. But just then she heard the bathroom door open and then shut. She quickly dropped the bottom of her skirt (which while up showed off the crotch of her lime green panties.) and pretended to wash her hands while looking in the mirror to see who came in. But after about 30 seconds of no one showing she figured that someone must have accidentally bumped into the door causing it to open. So she went back to lifting her skirt to scrub out the stain. Unbeknownst to Jane, Sarah entered the bathroom and stayed at the door locking it behind her. With an “Out of Order” sign on the other side of the door, Sarah was ready to strike.

Jane was really scrubbing her skirt which caused the front to ride up showing off the front of her green panties. Almost satisfied with her job, she was suddenly snapped out of what she was doing with a bright and loud FLASH of a camera! Startled and mortified she dropped her skirt and turned around only to see her rival with a camera, Sarah Hyland.

“O.M.G. look at your dorky panties!” sneered Sarah, “How old are you, huh? Was that a red bow I spotted on the top of them? Hahahaha!” Sarah snapped another pic of Jane’s blushed red face. “Wow, your face is almost as red as your hair. Embarrassed much?”

Finally able to get something out, Jane stammered,”w..What do you want Sarah? What are you doing?”

“What do I want? What am I doing? Can’t you see, b*tch, this is payback for all of your comments and rumors you’ve said about me. By the time I’m through wish you, you’re gonna wish you never said anything.”, threatened Sarah as she lowered her big pocketbook along with her camera to the floor. “Time for some fun!”

And with that Sarah lunged at Jane grabbing her arms and driving her back against the sink. Jane’s lower back hit the edge of the sink counter with a hard Thud. She tried to cry out in pain, but was met with a hard slap across the face. Two more followed, one from the right and one from the left. Jane’s only thought was protection, so she threw her arms up covering her face, which unfortunately left her stomach wide open. Sarah took advantage of this by driving her knee into Jane’s stomach, causing her to double over. Sarah grabbed Jane by the hair and slammed the side of her head into the edge of the counter. Jane dropped to the floor, crying and beaten, on the verge of losing consciousness, while Sarah stood above her gleaming.

“That’s it? Wow! Hey! Hey, don’t black out miss ginger, I’m not through with you yet”, Sarah chuckled. She picked up her camera and snapped a few more photos of Jane laying on the ground crying before she bent back down to her big pocketbook.

Jane watched in horror through her tear filled eyes as Sarah pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Sarah stood up and did a sexy stroll over to Jane. “S..Stop! You won okay? Just stop what you’re doing. Please. Please?”, Jane cried out. Sarah didn’t say anything; she kept a huge grin on her face as she continued to walk over to her. This sent shivers down Jane’s spine.

Sarah bent over and lifted Jane up by her sexy red locks. Jane screamed out in pain and for help, but was only told that no one can hear her do to the band playing out in the ballroom. Sarah pushed Jane back against a stall side and attached one of her wrists to the handcuffs. This panicked Jane and gave her some adrenaline. Jane swung with the other hand clocking Sarah in the side of the head. Completely unexpected and unprepared Sarah stumbled back away for Jane, who used this time to swing her hand that has the handcuff attached to it at Sarah. BAM! The handcuff smacked into Sarah’s other side of her face and down she went. Jane teary-eyed looked down at Sarah then back up to the bathroom door. Freedom in sight, she slowly started to lunge for the door by stepping over Sarah. A swift kick came up and nailed the Suborgatory star in the crotch. Sarah then kicked Jane with her other leg which slammed Jane back against the stall side.

“Oh, you b*tch!”, Sarah screamed as she started to rise up, “I can’t believe you hit me with the handcuffs in the face. And to think I was just about to let you go by handcuffing you to the stall. I started to feel bad about the whooping I gave you so I thought that that might be enough of a lesson. But NOT anymore!!” Sarah rushed Jane, throwing her forearm into Jane’s chest, kneeing her in the gut, then slamming her head back into the stall side.

Sarah grabs Jane’s handcuffed hand and raises it above her head. She then grabs the other hand and also raises it up. She putts the handcuff around the top of the stall joint then, clasps it around Jane’s other hand, leaving Jane handcuffed above her head forced to stand up. Sarah steps back to admire her work. Jane just starts bawling, which causes Sarah much joy. Sarah walks back to her camera and snaps another photo of helpless Jane. She rummages through her pocketbook once more and emerges with a pair of scissors.

“Oh Janey, look at me. I want you to watch as a cut your clothes off, okay honey?” She wastes no time snipping away at Jane’s shirt. One long cut from the bottom to the top and the strapless black top falls off leaving Jane’s lime green bra on show for Sarah. “Oh a matching set huh? And speaking about your panties, I want to see that childish thing again.” With that Sarah cut another long cut from waistband to bottom of Jane’s purple skirt until it falls to a bundle at her feet.

Standing now in her green bra and panties, her pale skin and bright red hair offset the colors nicely. Jane shakes with humiliation. Her shaking causes her B-cup tits to jiggle under the bra. Sarah grabs her camera and starts snapping away as helpless Jane looks on. “Ya know, Jane, I don’t think I’m through yet,” giggled Sarah. With the scissors she snips the two shoulder straps. The bra stays covering Jane’s perky pale tits. But no sooner is relief felt by Jane, does Sarah snip the center of the bra causing it to fall to the ground. Her perky tits bounce out and give a nice jiggle for the camera. “And we’re done,” Sarah exclaims, “thank you for being such a good sport about this.” She turns away from whimpering Jane and pauses. “Actually since this being Hollywood and with all the fake people out here…” she turns back around to face Jane, “..I am curious to see if you are an actual red head or just another fake.”

Quite possibly the last thing Jane wanted to hear and before she could mutter in opposition, Sarah was right up next to her. She grabbed the front of Jane’s green panties and gave it a huge yank upward, causing Jane to squeal as the material buries into her pussy. Laughing Sarah yanks it up again before letting them snap back down. Then she slides the scissors between the fabric and Jane’s pale skin and closes the handles. SNIPT! Sarah quickly goes to the other side and once again, SNIPT! Time slows down as gravity takes ahold of Jane’s sheared green panties as they fall off her pale body toward their destiny on the ground. Sarah’s eye grow big(not as big as her smile) as she is staring at a full bush of red pubic hair. Jane’s head goes down and tears pour out as the last of her dignity is gone.

“Oh my, look at that. I can’t tell which is more red your bush or your face.” Sarah squeals. She raises the camera once more and takes more photos of Jane’s humiliation. After a while Sarah gathers up her things and all of Jane’s torn clothing. Sarah reaches back into her big pocketbook and pulls out an extremely short black dress and a white thong with a transparent front and places them on the counter. “Now since I’m nice and don’t want you to go out of here completely naked, I decided to leave you something to wear” snickered Sarah, “the photos on my camera are for me to keep as assurance that you won’t run your mouth about me anymore, got it?” Jane silently nodded. “Good.” continued Sarah, “You won’t get out of this too easily, thus the black dress that goes down to halfway to your ass and the thong, but its better than nothing.” Sarah walks up to Jane for one last play, she starts down low at Jane’s bush, rubbing her hands through it, then working her way up to Jane’s tits and her nipples giving them a nice tug. Finally her hands go up to Jane’s hand and gives her the key for the handcuffs. “Toodles!” Sarah says friendly as she walks out of the bathroom.

Jane fumbles with the key until it finally finds the hole and snaps open. Next up she undoes the other hand and throws the handcuffs away. She walks up to the counter with the clothes and stares. At least it’s something to wear. She puts the thong on and then the short dress. Sarah wasn’t kidding; the dress goes to the middle of thong. Jane’s beautiful bubble butt is clearly on display. She looks at herself in the mirror and dread comes across her face. Her bush is 100% visible and the white thong basically makes her bush seem even brighter. “It doesn’t matter now though” Jane thought, “I have to just make a quick run out to the limo then I’m free.” Jane peaks out the bathroom door and notices that the entrance/exit of the ballroom is ten feet away. Upon further survey, she doesn’t see any paparazzi outside and notices that all the attention is on the band at the other end of the ballroom. “This is it” she thought.

Jane counted to three and then ran out of the bathroom, her tits bouncing under the dress, her ass and bush completely visible under the thong. Seven feet away; so far so good, no one has noticed. She made it to the door and flung it open, she heard little commotion from the inside, but it was more confused to what the people just saw. She was in the clear she thought, no one will know it was her or even what they witnessed. Then when she got outside she stopped dead in her tracks, chills ran down her spine. There was Sarah smiling off to the right, Jane’s own limo fifteen feet in front of her and to the left were about five paparazzi sitting on a curb not paying attention. Jane started to run for her limo, but heard the loud cat call whistle from Sarah. Paparazzi looked around and saw Jane. Camera flashes go off and more whistles fill the night air between Jane and her limo. Paparazzi surround the limo as Jane gets inside and the limo pulls away. Jane looks out the back window to Sarah and watches her laugh and wave goodbye. END.

EPILOGUE: The next day websites are littered with pictures of Jane Levy’s scandalous outfit. Close up shots of her ass and bush are everywhere. Her tits visible through the thin black fabric. But the only thing on Jane’s mind….is revenge.
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Old 05-19-2013, 02:56 PM
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Default Part 2:

Part 2: Payback.
It’s been a week since the embarrassment Jane Levy suffered at the hands of Sarah Hyland. A week of dodging press questions about why she ran to her limo in a really short dress and thong. A week of seclusion in her Hollywood condo. A week for planning her revenge on Sarah.

FLASH! A camera phone goes off. Another great self-photo of Sarah to add to her Instagram collection. She has been feeding her followers and fans her photos for quite some time now. Shots of her before events, to shots of food, to shots of her downtime. Never a risqué photo in the bunch, for she carefully scans over each image. Her most “daring” photo was with her fellow young celeb Selena Gomez in bikini tops. Unbeknownst to Sarah, Jane became a follower and started to hatch her plan. Sarah was driving back to her condo from a day of shooting Modern Family and decided to take a quick pic of her. She was wearing a dark blue tank top with a low neck (showing off just the tip of her frills of her pink bra) and gray sweatpants. Being tired from her early morning call time, she didn’t notice an empty car parked on the other side of the street to her condo and pulled into her driveway.

Hearing the car door shut, Jane peaked out of Sarah’s condo window. She watched as Sarah stopped and posed for another self-photo by her car. BA-DOON! Jane’s iPhone lights up with a notification; Sarah just uploaded that photo to Instagram.

“Wow,” Jane thought, “a second photo in less than three minutes. Tonight is going to be fun.” With that Jane snuck back into her hiding place inside Sarah’s condo.

Sarah entered her condo and immediately felt a little off. That feeling of being watched, eyes on your every move. But she shook off the feeling as being tired. She turned on her hall light and headed for her room. Sarah’s condo was a good size, an open kitchen/living room a spare bedroom and bath and then the master bedroom with attached full bath. Once in her room, Sarah set her pocketbook down on her bed and headed for the bathroom. A sigh of relief washed over Jane, for she thought she was going to have to speed up her revenge if Sarah opened her walk-in closet and found Jane waiting. Jane peered out through the closet door and watched Sarah turn on the shower. Sarah walked back into her room then down the hall to the kitchen. This was Jane’s chance. She quietly left the closet and reached Sarah’s pocketbook and fumbled through it till she found her prize, Sarah’s iPhone. Jane quickly took and replaced it with her own phone, then scurried back to the closet just in time for Sarah to return to her room.

“The water should be perfect now.” thought Sarah, “Nothing like a nice shower to wash the day away.” She started to undress. Pulling off her blue tank, her nice B-cups bounced, held by her pink bra. Sarah looked at herself in the mirror, checking her reflection out. “And to think that ginger headed tw*t thought she was hotter than me.” That statement only further boiled Jane’s anger and drive for revenge. Jane raised Sarah’s phone and snapped a pic of Sarah in her pink bra. Next came the sweatpants and down they went. Sarah bent over to pick them, giving Jane a glorious shot of Sarah’s pink G-string covered ass. Another pic was taken. Sarah stood back up and gave Jane a perfect shot of her profile, which she snagged another photo of.

Now the time has come. BA-DOON! BA-DOON! BA-DOON! Three loud sounds came from Sarah’s pocketbook. Curious to see what her updates are, Sarah skipped over to her pocketbook in her bra and thong. She rustled through her bag and found an iPhone. Not paying attention that it was a different color than her phone she slid her thumb on the screen to unlock the updates. Jane watched through the closet door as Sarah’s face went from giddiness to sheer horror at what she was witnessing. Her Instagram profile, with three updates of her in her bra and thong. She let out a gasp as she panicked and looked around. BA-DOON! The sound almost made her drop the phone. She looked down and saw it was another update; there she was on the phone, a much closer photo of her front. A photo that captured Sarah’s face of fear, her pink bra covered tits and her tiny pink G-string all in one. She looked up to the closet, the only place this photo could have been taken from. As she reached for the cracked door, it flung open and out charged Jane.

Jane tackled Sarah to the ground and pinned her down as she sat on her stomach. “Revenge b*tch!” screamed Jane as she snapped Sarah’s bra straps against her skin. “The way you humiliated me will be nothing for what I have planned for you. Those Instagram photos were just payback for the paparazzi pics of me.”
“We should be even then. L..Let me go!” stammered Sarah, “Besides, I know you won’t do anything else for fear that I will release all the naked photos I have of you on my camera!”

“You didn’t think I would break into your house and not find your camera huh? That’s the first thing I did. Those photos have been erased. And before you say it, I erased them from your computer too. You have no leverage on me anymore.” snarled Jane. “We may be even right now, but lest you forget that payback comes at ya two times worse.”

Jane’s hands crept down to Sarah’s side and started to tickle her. Sarah bucked and tried to stop Jane’s attack but was unsuccessful; Jane remained on top of Sarah. The tickle torture came to a close but the attack wasn’t over. Jane got off Sarah and stood over her, watching her get up and start to crawl away on all fours while trying to catch her breath. Her ass swayed to the sides as Sarah was crawling towards the hall. Suddenly she stopped. She felt hands grip the waistband of her pink G-string. Sarah looked over her shoulder back to Jane. Mascara streaked down her face, Sarah’s big eyes with a sad innocent look. She shook her head slowly to either side, unable to form the word No. But staring down at her was Jane. The biggest grin on her face and nodding “yes”. With a massive pull, the pink G-string rocketed up Sarah’s perfect tan ass. A high pitched squeak accompanied by more tears left Sarah. Again a hard pull on Sarah’s underwear. The fabric sliding between her pussy lips, giving Jane a great view.

“That looks like it’s got to hurt”, giggled Jane, “I can see your pussy, sl*t.” Jane gave another hard tug and heard the best noise she could have hoped for. A soft moan. “Holy shit! Are you liking this?!” Jane gave another hard pull on the G-string, which was accompanied by a loud moan from Sarah. ”You are aren’t you?! My God, you’re such a sl*t. Well if you like it so much, I mine as well give you what you want.” sneered Jane, before she started to pull again. Sarah’s moans grew louder, mixed in with her screams.

“Stop! Ohhhh! Ohhhhhh! Pl..Please stop!” moaned Sarah. She couldn’t believe her body is betraying her. Being turned on by her rival giving her a wedgie is so humiliating. But she was helpless, tired from work and her energy being drained from the moans, forced to endure her punishment.

Jane wanted to punish Sarah more. She brought the waistband back to Sarah’s body then slowly wedging it up again. Sarah’s ass lifts off the ground. Suddenly, Jane starts to give Sarah a bouncing wedgie. Each bounce putting more pressure on Sarah’s pussy as the G-string dips further into her lips. Each bounce a louder moan escapes Sarah’s pursed lips. Another bounce happens but is interrupted by a loud RRIIIIIIIPPPPPP!! Sarah’s ass crashes into floor. Jane looks at her hands. She’s holding a torn pink G-string. She goes to toss it to the side but notices how wet it is.

“Man, you must have really like that wedgie, cause this is soaked.” gleamed Jane. Sarah slowly went into the fetal position, moving both hands over her pussy, trying to block Jane from looking at her privates. “Oh come now, both hands?! Aren’t you going to need a hand to cover your tits?”

And with that, Jane reached down and unclasped Sarah’s pink bra and ripped it off of her, leaving a now completely naked Sarah Hyland balled up on the floor screaming and crying. Jane knelt down next to Sarah’s head and grabbed her under the chin, pulling her face up to make eye contact with her. Sarah’s long brown hair stuck to her face, her big puppy dog eyes looking up terrified. Before she has a chance to plead and protest, Jane stuffs Sarah’s own wet and torn G-string into her mouth.

“Mmm. Taste that? That’s the taste of sl*t.” snarled Jane, as she reached back and taped the G-string in Sarah’s mouth. “There no more screaming from you. You just sit back and be silent as you taste your own pussy.” Jane stood up and kicked Sarah in the back, getting her out of the fetal position. She pulled Sarah’s wrists from her body and taped them together. “It’s only fair that you got to see all of me, so I get to see all of you.” Grabbing Sarah’s hair she flipped her onto her back, so her tits and pussy are in full view. Sarah’s tan nude body lay completely exposed. Jane stares at her tits then goes down to her pussy. “Looky here! A landing strip!” Jane gleamed.

She was staring at the dark pubes of Sarah in a little strip at the top of her pussy. The hair matted down from the wetness. Jane knelt down for a better view. Sarah’s pussy lips were reddened from the fabric and were swollen. She reached and gave them a soothing rub. This caused Sarah’s body to betray her once more and let a muffled moan through the underwear in her mouth. But along with the moan, her body uncontrollably humped at Jane’s hand.

“Well, well. Looks like someone wants to be finished off. Now I’m not a lesbian like you clearly are, but I guess I can help you out before I go.”, said Jane.

Jane’s fingers slid inside of Sarah’s pussy and moved back and forth. Slowly at first, then the speed picked up. Sarah was already wet from the wedgie, she was already stimulated. Her muffled moans getting louder and louder as the fingering got faster and faster. Until finally the orgasm. Sarah’s cum flowed out making a huge wet spot on her carpet. Jane pulled her hand away, dripping of Sarah’s juices. Their eyes make contact and Jane puts her fingers to her mouth and sucks them off, before giving Sarah a smile and wink. She gets her phone back off of Sarah’s bed and puts it in her pocket. She takes Sarah’s phone out and snaps one last photo. Before walking out into the hall.

“Don’t worry about that last photo, hun, that’s going to be your new background.” Said Jane from the other room, “No one will see that one, promise ‘kay?” Sarah listened as Jane’s footsteps went to the front door before they stopped. BA-DOON! Sarah shuddered, for she knew that sound was an Instagram update. “Oops! Fingers were crossed! Hope all your followers enjoy that last one as much as I enjoyed did! Maybe next time you’ll be careful who you humiliate.”

Jane tossed Sarah’s phone back down the hall and turned and went out the front door slamming it behind her. Sarah lay still for a couple more minutes trying to regain her composure, before finally moving. She reached her bound wrists up to her mouth and removed the tape and torn panties. Finally being able to fully breathe. Then she used her teeth and removed the wrist tape. She crawled to her phone and saw the uploaded photo to her Instagram account. The photo of her completely naked making eye contact with the camera, legs spread in a puddle of her own cum. To say the least, she gained a million new followers that night. And she will probably never attempt to humiliate someone again. END
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Old 05-25-2013, 02:33 PM
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Anyone have a suggestion or request? I'm open to ideas too!
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Old 05-29-2013, 02:10 PM
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What about a jealous Kim Kardashian (pre-pregnant) going after like a skinner woman like Stacy Keibler for getting mag covers just for bring Clooney's gf & cause she's skinny?
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Old 05-30-2013, 03:12 PM
theking94 theking94 is offline
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i would love a kim kardashien story that would be amazing :
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Old 06-01-2013, 04:25 AM
tknight tknight is offline
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Originally Posted by theking94 View Post
i would love a kim kardashien story that would be amazing :
I agree. That would be awesome.
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