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Old 03-23-2014, 02:46 PM
Alexandra80 Alexandra80 is offline
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Default Sorceress' First Appointment

It's the first time when I tried to write a story which includes many kinks, including catfight, ENF, CFNF, D/s in a High Fantasy setting. The story has a slow start, with a lot of background but should be pacier to the end. As usually, sorry for any grammar mistakes.


The story takes place in the Principality of Astia, ruled by a hereditary caste of magicians. About 1000 years ago the old Republic of Astia was overrun by barbarians and survived members of the Republic's noble families who had a gift of magic, united to withstand enemies collectively. By accident, they found an enormous magical mineral which they took as the last gift of gods. After a certain procedure, this mineral called simply The Stone, dramatically raised their capabilities in magic. They repelled the barbarians, took control of the coastal lands near The Stone and build a city called Litinum there. The Great Palace of the city from which the magicians rule the land stood right above The Stone.

By that time, the magicians already knew that breeding within a circle of magic-gifted people significantly rises both chances to have a child with a talent, and power of this talent. So, they become a close caste which didn't bring anyone into the fold. Using their enhanced power from The Stone and proper breeding they started to recapture the lands of the former Republic and soon succeeded in imposing their rule on all Astians, descendants of the Republic citizens or barbarian invaders.

The Mages control virtually all political power in the Principality. They elect a Princeps from their caste who reigns for life but shares the authority with the High Council, which includes experienced Mages who proved themselves in their duties. Magician families struggle for more power between themselves but they never forget that their main goal is to withhold their collective mastery over the realm.

Every magician which is born into the right family with a talent after years of training should go through an Initiation which is conducted near The Stone by several Mages. After this, he or she becomes the full-fledged Mage but he should gain certain experience before he could take an administrative or executive office and take the steps towards the membership in the High Council.

Those unlucky who are born within the caste without talent also get their share of power and wealth to prevent envy and betrayal. They can become army officers or merchants or just live their lives as landholders or rent-seekers. This is a minority of the ruling class, because families of the magicians go through different magical procedures to ensure that their offspring would be genetically healthy and maximize the chances they have magically gifted children.

The initiation has one side effect: the lifespan of the magicians also doubles or even triples, though they become adults just like any other people. But since reaching 30, they're aging much more slowly than the simple folk.

There are no more than two hundred of the initiated members of the ruling caste. Each magician is very strong and can stop a small group of well-equipped soldiers or several 'natural' wizards and witches. But still, the magicians could not cling on to their power if they don't have Apprentices. These are outsiders with some magical gift who don't endure Initiation. Each one of them is weak and certainly no match for the proper magician but when led by the Mage and united into a "circle" they become a very formidable force.

Once in a generation or so, the High Council succeeds in finding a very talented youth from outside of the caste who is brought to the capital, trained and proceeds through the Initiation. This magicians are called Novices, and they are needed to bring some fresh blood to the caste. Despite that, they're usually resented by conservative wing of the caste and only in the third or fourth generation their descendants are fully accepted.

Other than that any magical activity within a realm is strictly prohibited and punished by death or even worse fate. The magicians persecute harshly every witch they are heard of. They do all their best to keep their monopoly in magic though their low numbers is not enough to give needed magical service to all the realm.

So, their monopoly, their thorough breeding, and of course the Stone make the caste perhaps the strongest Mages in the known world. Their magical and administrative power supports their rich and decadent lifestyle. The magicians of Litinum invoke envy and sometimes even hate from both their subjects (especially when their more conservative generation rule harshly) and outside powers. But all the invasions of the Astia were repelled though the Mages also didn't succeed in conquering lands outside of its border. And no one ever seriously tried to attack their power from inside the Principality. So far...

Part 1

The ball in the city's mansion of Garilius family dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the election of the Princeps from this clan, was drawing to a close. Some of the guests, most of them magicians with their families, began to leave for their homes. Two sorceresses, however, decided to stay as long as possible and headed for the terrace with the view on the sea just to smell fresh air. There, between the marble pillars, they went on chatting, sipping the ancient wine from the silver cups.

First of them was Lady Delvina Gratiana, a tall and curvy dark-haired woman of 35 years old. She was dressed in a silver grey satin ball gown with matching long gloves and a tiara made of dwarves' silver crustated with brilliants. Her stylish hairdo opened her perfect oval face with deep blue eyes, proportional straight nose and long eyelashes. Delvina was an aspiring Mage who came from the rich family of Flamelii. She was married to Rutilius Gratian, her childhood friend and lover, about two years ago. Her husband was born into an even more powerful family and also was a very promising young Mage.

She was talking to her own cousin, Lanta Flamelia, a dark brown haired woman, who was a little bit shorter and a little bit younger than her. Lanta wore scarlet long-sleeve gown with a nice cleavage. During the chat she was almost all the way giggling and laughing while her more serious relative only smiled from from time to time.

"Delvina, it's so great to be married", Lanta said. "I'm waiting and waiting for the moment when I start my own family and become an adult. But now I don't have even a fiance as if they're afraid of me. I'm very envious of you, big sister".

"Well, it's never too late to wear marriage knots", Delvina smiled. "If you were not so lightheaded, you'd better commit to your development as a sorceress and your career. Lanta, you are not a junior any more, you must take your destiny into your own hands"

"And in this you also run away from me by far" Lanta sighed. "You are already proved yourself even as a fighting Mage and a leader of Apprentices, not to mention your administrative skills. And everybody lauds you style, taste in clothes in jewelry and your manners. Just our Lady Perfection", she took her cousin by the elbow and giggled.

"I'm sure you'll get a very promising assignment, for example, as an ambassador in the east, any day now. By the way, when Rutilius is going to return?".

"In a month or so", answered Delvina, who seemed to be buried in thought for a moment.

"Do you miss him? When he returns, he will be a very important man. I bet he will be nominated for High Council"

"Of course I miss him. What a foolish question!", Delvina said, slightly irritated, and that was true. She loved her husband and was faithful to him but she always compete with Rutilius and now the sorceress saw that she was losing this competition.

The third woman appeared on the terrace, literally rising up between the cousins. She was much older and started her second hundred years. Still she looked gracious and elegant, and if she was a common woman, nobody would give her an age more than 45. She was wearing a dark green and golden dress and a necklace with large emeralds. That was a hostess of the party, Heliana Garilia, and she was one of the most important Mages and bureaucrats within the caste, ruling the internal affairs of the Principality.

"Hello girls", she said "Do you like the ball?"

"It was perfect. Lady Heliana, I always knew that you give best balls in all the High Council", Delvina answered courteously. "And your house look even better since I visited you the last time"

After some worldly conversation Lady Heliana said. "Sorry, but I must leave you, young ladies. Have a good time. But you, Delvina, please do not hurry home when everything's over. I will wait you in my cabinet. We have a very pressing issue to discuss with you"

Delvina entered the Lady Heliana's cabinet, richly decorated and furnished with bookcases, pictures and statues. Lady Heliana stood near her bureau with the back to the wall and read a book. Despite that, she greeted the visitor with her hand.

"Delvina, dear, I'm glad to meet you again", she said not even turning the head. "Pour yourself some wine, if you want".

For Delvina, the internal affairs Councilwoman was an example of a mature, respectable Mage. She admired her and even copied her style of behaviour where it was possible.

"So, young lady, I can only congratulate you. You were the main star of the ball. You looked absolutely gorgeous and several older colleagues said that if you were not already marries, they would try their luck in proposing a marriage alliance to you", she smiled.

"Thank you, my lady", Delvina graciously nodded. Of course she liked such compliments, but now she was a little bit impatient to know the true reasons why the Council Mage called her up.

"I see that you would like to get down to business", Heliana said as if she has read Delvina's thoughts. "Well then, I spoke to the Princeps yesterday. We had received an ill news from the city of Berdum. Phillas died".

"Phillas? The Novice, who was a Council's envoy to the Duke of Western Hills for almost half hundred years?"

"Yes", Lady Heliana answered. "He died at 110. He was a Novice and their lives are much shorter than ours. Now we have to send another envoy to the province. Some councilors preferred Phillas' son or daughter but I was able to urge the Princeps that nobody could be better than... you"

Delvina was astonished. "Western Hills?" she asked with poorly hidden disappointment. "But... why me?"

The councilwoman laughed.

"Oh my dear, I see you are not happy with this decision. You think that the Hills is a back country for the young, aspiring sorceress to rot? Then think again. This is a strategic region near the border. And... it's not so calm. We have a civil unrest there, lots of road bandits and the smugglers' rings. What's even more disturbing is that these smugglers are not trading only common stuff, but magical artifacts too. And the last, not least, but maybe most important and troubling thing is the magical activity. Our sources say that every second village have their witch, or 'wise women' as they say. And... late Phillas did not fight actively enough against all this mess".

"I see why", Delvina answered, slightly fixing the lock of hair with her gloved hand. "Phillas was a Novice. He was born there among common village swineherds and he was sympathetic to them. You could not expect low-born people to fight low-born crimes even if it's dangerous for our state. We should also check out if he cooperated with some foreign agents".

Lady Heliana put on a satisfactory smile. "I always knew that you were very smart girl, Delvina. Of course you're right. As our spies say, he once told that the people of the province are very poor and suffer from high taxes. And that he'd rather let them do all these things to ease their life a bit. What a shame. We knew that and were going to recall him anyway before we learned of her death. As for his cooperation with foreign powers, I doubt that, but you're right again, a little more examination will never be excessive".

"Anyway, we needed a more determined Mage, who will crack down on witchcraft and stop all this smuggler activity. And I believe we have found such a Mage in you. The task is not very tough for you, Delvina, and I'm sure you will clean that mess very quickly. I'll give you a year and then recall you to the capital to give rewards. Which will mean a place in the Council. Won't it be great if you acquire this position right after your husband? We needed you to advance as we want more staunch supporters of our party to stand the ground against the radicals", the councilwoman said.

"I understand, my lady. I will do everything needed and destroy all the witches, criminals and other lawless commoners. I will live up to your expectations, I promise", Delvina said proudly.

"I'm glad to see your enthusiasm", nodded Heliana. "So, I think, three days to pack your chests will do. While you're preparing, I'll give you all necessary papers. In the city, you'll present yourself before the Duke. As an envoy you'll have all the executive powers including the veto right to any Duke's decision and exclusive right to arrest, interrogate and execute anyone who is linked to any illegal activity in magic. Also the Duke should listen to all your advice concerning any issue. You'll also meet the team of Apprentices who will be under your command at any time".

"You'll be escorted by a squad of soldiers with a pleasant captain of the guard. No one ever risk attack the Mage, especially so well-escorted. And please don't see it as an exile to village witches and swineherds. Berdum is a large town and you'll be a star there. Not one of the many like here but a true Queen. I hope you won't over-indulge such a high status", the councilwoman laughed. "And during the year, I think you'll have a lot of chances to return here on vacation and meet your dear Rutilius. So, the life will not be so bad and dull, will it? To your exciting career, young lady!", Heliana smiled widely and raised the cup of wine.

Part 2

The last part of the Delvina Gratiana's trip to Berdum was going through the high, steep hills. The sorceress demanded that they will take a shorter straight hill road instead of a longer and a more busy and popular one. The terrain was rough and several times Delvina was about to feel sorry for her decision when her large chic carriage was almost thrown up on a bumpy road. Fortunately she took more than enough well padded pillows to feel comfortable most of the time. Anyway she wanted to reach the Duke's residence as soon as possible.

The Captain of her guard, Martius, appeared to be a nice and pleasant young man, well educated for the person of the lower nobility. He said that his ancestors were Mages, and his great-grandfather was a magically barren son of one member of Garilius family. She tried to keep the distance from the beginning, but his affable manners, smart compliments and clever jokes made Delvina lose her cold, stern outlook and even smile a couple of times. She was actually happy to have a good companion on her way that took more than a week.

It was an hour or two past midday when the carriage and escort reached rather large village, standing on a wide hill terrace.

"My lady", Martius on his horse drew up with the carriage. "I'm afraid we should take a stand here. There is a very adverse terrain further down the road where it's impossible to ride at night. We should stay here and leave early in the morning"

"I see", Delvina looked through carriage window. "Then I need a decent inn, preferably without bedbugs and with as few as possible dirty local swineherds"

Several minutes later the carriage approached a three-floored white building, the largest one in a village. The coach stopped the horses and the soldiers dismounted. Captain Martius opened the carriage door and offered the hand to a sorceress so that she could step down.

The people around the inn gathered to stare at unusual guests. Most of them never saw such rich carriages, well-bred horses and of course, a Mage. The woman, who stepped out of the carriage looked totally out of place in this poor remote village. Delvina was dressed today in a classy and rich, but not too sumptuous, style. She wore a maroon velvet form-fitting full length dress with a decent cleavage, straightly flared long sleeves and an ivory bodice, ornated with maroon lace. A decorate satin belt with a bow divided the bodice and the skirt of the dress. Her hands were covered by soft kid leather gloves and her feet were packed in the ivory high heeled ankle boots. There were a golden necklace with large dark rubies covering her cleavage. Delvina's maid helped her make an updo on the head so she was totally ready for the Duke's reception.

The couch cracked the whip and shouted "Off the road you rustics, let Her Ladyship Delvina, the High Mage, get through!"

The innkeeper, a small bald man of forty-five years old or so, dressed in a leather vest, ran from the inside to the front steps towards Delvina and her escort, bowing humbly all the time.

"Greetings, my lady!" he said in an oily tongue. "We are so happy to meet you. And you, Lord Officer. We never seen such important guests since the last year, when we were visited by the very Chief of Duke's tax service!"

"Haha, you fool!" Martius laughed out loud. "Comparing Her Ladyship to some ignoble tax collector is a bad idea. You stand right before Lady Delvina Gratiana, the High Mage, and a new envoy of the Council to the Duke of the Western Hills!"

The innkeeper seemed to have lost tongue, then bowed his knee. "Oh, the Honorable Lady Mage. Excuse me for my crudity. We re just a backwater village and rarely see noble people like you. I will do everything I can to feel you comfortable in our humble tavern"
"I hope you do", Delvina gave him a cold glance. "First, fry us a suckling pig and make sure we won't poison ourselves", she turned to her maid. "Bring me and Captain Martius wine from the chest in the carriage. Local drinks must be unbearable. And you - she called the owner again - prepare me a room and keep in mind that I'm not going to sleep on a straw mat".

Delvina and Martius sat down at the small table in the corner. The room started to fill with the smell of a pig being roasted. The maid came with the bottles and the captain poured exquisite southern wine for the sorceress and himself. The dining hall of the tavern was almost empty, there were only Delvina, Martius, soldiers and a couple near the wall. The big, stocky man sat with his back to the sorceress, and she couldn't see his face. As for the woman, she was quite young, possibly in her early twenties. Her hair was dirty blonde and big grey eyes stared from the round face. She was dressed only slightly better than the most of the common folk, wearing a simple but clean white traditional dress. She was quite pretty but Delvina didn't like her look. Most of the commoners couldn't look the female magician in her eyes for long, but this one not only continued to stare but seemed like to study the dressed to the nines sorceress from head to toes. In fact, Delvina was the first to withdraw her eyes.

"Who's that woman?" she asked the innkeeper when he personally served their guests' table.

"Ah it's Frida, the merchant. She supplies us with some of the city stuff for bargain prices, and sometimes buys the local production, again, lucratively for villagers. Do you want to talk to her, my lady? Or is she annoying you? I can ask her to leave not to trouble our high guests"

The latter is more likely than the former, Delvina thought. She felt something wrong with that woman but wasn't able to figure out for herself, what exactly. "Do nothing for now. Maybe we'll talk about it later".

When the piglet was served, one of the soldiers, who guarded the carriage outside, entered the room. He came close to the table where the sorceress and her companion were sitting, and spoke in a low voice.

"Sorry for the interruption but one of the locals slipped a a message in my hand and whispered that it's for you", he left a piece of paper on the table and stepped away.

Delvina just in case checked the paper for the spells and magical substances. Nothing. She took it in her gloved hands and read. My lady, there is a witch living near the end of this street, in a house with a white roof. She's home today, you can check her. Good luck!

"What are you going to do, my lady" asked Martius when the sorceress showed him the note.

"Do my duty, of course", Delvina showed a sly, foxy smile. "Let's finish with the pork and walk a little"

Captain Martius nodded, smiling pleasantly, called the guards and helped Lady Delvina walk out of the tavern. The Mage and the soldiers strolled down the main street of the village to the house where the alleged witch lived. The crowds of local men and women gathered around them, it seemed like all the dwellers took to streets to look at the high-flying guest. They glanced at her sullenly, with a mix of fear and curiosity. A middle-aged hairy, scrawny man who happened to be local mayor headed the crowds.

As the procession almost reached their destination, the man broke the silence, starting to snivel.

«My lady, we, of course are very proud to see you there, and we understand you have a very important mission”, he said quickly. “B-but I beg you, Ilgwid never did any harm to us. She helped us with good weather, treated us and our children when we caught diseases, made sure that some of our ancestors' ghosts and other never disturbed the folks. She's a good girl and I'm sure that she couldn't do something that is forbidden”. His words was accompanied by approving clatter.

Delvina stopped, turned on her heels and glared at the village head. Her deep blue eyes seemed to throw lightnings. “You all seem to not fully understand the seriousness of the situation. 'The good girl' is a witch, and witchery is one of the most dangerous crimes over there. I can have you all arrested and burn your village to the ground for the complicity. But I am benevolent and kind, maybe too kind to let you get away with it... but only if you collaborate”.

“Besides”, she smiled none too pleasantly, “as a mayor you first of all should mind your own business. It's a shame that you keep your town in such a disarray. Your streets are dirty as hell and it's difficult to walk there, especially for a decently dressed person. Why didn't you cobble at least the main square. It's absolutely unbearable”.

“My lady”, the man seemed to be very scared of the Mage's outburst. “I'm very sorry, but we don't have money to do the very least. The taxes and tributes are heavy and we're almost starving here. The Duke promised to lower them but when Phillas died, he seemed to change his mind. I'm begging you to help us with that issue” He fell on his knees and tried to kiss the lady's gloved hand.

Delvina pushed him away with a disgusting look on her face and walked on. “Don't want to hear such nonsense. Work harder and your problems will be solved. Don't try to move your responsibilities onto others' shoulders, keep in mind that we have much more important issues than a couple of silver coins which you don't earn because of your laziness”.

Finally the procession reached the small wooden hut on the village outskirts. It looked neat and gloomy at the same time. Very much like the house for the real witch, Delvina thought. One of the soldiers knocked the door with his mailed fist. “Ilgwid, the witch of the village, come out, or we will drag you by force!”

The door opened, creaking, and a girl came out of the darkness of the hut. She moved a few steps, stopping several yards away from Delvina, and crossed her arms. The witch was barely young, surely no more than twenty years old and possibly even younger. Her long red hair slightly fluttered in the wind. Her pretty oval face was covered with freckles, and the greenish eyes looked defiantly at the noble lady.

“What's going on here” she asked in a thin and girlish, but rather sassy voice “Who are you all? What do you want from me?”

Delvina looked at the witch from head to toe. The girl was dressed in an old but clean white tunic with some red insertions and a grey wool skirt. The magician noticed that the witch also examines her closely with her eyes.

“Well, young lady” Delvina smiled. “It's me who asks questions here. For I'm Delvina Gratiana, the High Mage, and an envoy to the Duke of Western Hills. Are you Ilgwid, as far as I understand”

“Yes, my lady”. Now the girl looked slightly bewildered.

“So, by the authority given to me by the High Council of Litinum I'm arresting you. You are accused of witchcraft and illegal sorcery. I'm going to take you to Berdum where I will decide your fate. I strongly advise you to co-operate because there are some things definitely worse than death. Mira, bring me my whip and a taming collar!”

The girl made a step a little closer. The witch's green eyes were burning with rage.

“So you arrest me? And what wrong have I done? Is it because I helped the poor peasants all the way, while you, all high and mighty Mages, only think about how to squeeze these people with more taxes? Or are you afraid, that we, humble wise men and women from the back country, will once come for you and wrestle the power from your greedy aristocratic hands? You are parasite, my lady, like all those who sit in the Council and around it. Let the hell swallow you all”

Such passionate speeches from the arrested criminals were not news for Lady Delvina. She however noticed something else. While speaking, the girl made some passes with her hands. It was certain that she had been preparing some magical attack. And when it came, Delvina was ready.

The spell was simple. It was supposed to throw away her and the soldiers and stun them for some time. The power of the spell, however, was astonishingly strong. Still Delvina concentrated and stopped the magical pressure of her adversary's spell. Two women stood motionless but their faces showed the real stress of their confrontation. Gathering together almost all her will, the noble lady magician finally pushed back and Ilgwid fell to the ground, devastated.

Meanwhile, the maid servant brought a taming collar and gave it to Delvina. This was a powerful instrument for Mages, used for keeping down any illegal magical activity. Collar blocked magical powers of any person who wore it, and any attempt to take it off could lead to major physical harm for them. Its effects could be cancelled only by a magician who put it on a witch or an unauthorized wizard, or it could be done by the joint effort of the several High Mages. With such collars, it could be possible to keep the rebellious witches alive while learning them or using for different tasks.

Delvina smiled sweetly, looking at her beaten opponent who tried to stand up and regain her consciousness after the defeat in the duel.

"Оh dear, did you really believe that you can beat me in magic? So foolish village girl. Anyway, such a disobedience can't go unpunished. I think keeping you as my slave and trophy after the tribunal would be a good idea."

Delvina was very surprised by the strength of the resistance of Ilgwid. She was very, very talented magician and if she was found by the Council Mages earlier, she would definitely brought to Litinum for training, education and, in the end, initiation. The sweeter will be to have her as a trophy, Delvina thought.

While she was thinking about how she would use Ilgwid at the Duke's court and maybe in the capital, the girl finally got on her feet, moved on a few steps to Delvina, swung her arm and slapped the noble lady in the face. The sound of the slap was heard probably in the whole village. The blow was so strong that the well-dressed magician dropped the collar to the ground, staggered on her heels and almost fell herself. In the last moment, Delvina somehow managed to to hang onto the local mayor who looked extremely astonished and frightened.

"I don't give a fuck what you will do to me, you stuck up cow. I detest the likes of you and I'm sure I will find more opportunities to award you with my slaps. I was raised here in this village, and my hand is heavy", Ilgwid roared and spat on the ground.

"You lowly tramp..." Delvina hissed. She was deeply shocked and enraged, her face was burning red both because of the slap and the indignation. "Hold the b*tch tightly" she ordered the soldiers and two of them quickly complied. Regaining her composure, she recalled one good spell which was definitely appropriate in this situation.

CRACK! Ilgwid's shirt and skirts came apart at the seams and in a moment she was completely naked. Several chuckles came from the crowd but most people still kept gloomy silence. Ilgwid tried to break free or cover her breasts and crotch but to no avail. Delvina picked the collar off the ground and, murmuring another spell, placed it on Ilgwid's neck and fastened it.

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Old 03-23-2014, 03:38 PM
Nathaniel Keam Nathaniel Keam is offline
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Nice attempt. It's always good to see more fantasy on the forums.
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Old 03-23-2014, 04:17 PM
jimmythehand jimmythehand is offline
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Excellent start! It's rare for me to come across a story on here that I'd read as a 'normal' book. Usually I separate literature and erotic literature in to two camps but this story is definitely a merger of the two; I look forward to reading the next part very much.

Well done!
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Old 03-27-2014, 01:44 PM
Alexandra80 Alexandra80 is offline
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Part 3

Though Ilgwid was deeply embarrassed by losing her clothes, her fury didn't pass away so easily. She reached out and bit the finger of smiling Lady Delvina. The sorceress cried out in pain and jerked back her hand. The smile was wiped out from her face.

“Our little b*tch is taking a defiant stance and doesn't want to listen to good reasons” Delvina told with hate and disgust in her eyes “I see. You need to be taught a lesson or two”. She took a short whip and lashed the redhead across the body. The whip fell onto one of the Ilgwid's breasts, she winced in pain, losing her breath. Still the girl clenched her teeth and did not produce a sound. Seeing her captive resist, the Mage lashed her once again, leaving the red stripe on her belly. Now the witch couldn't manage to hold out a scream. Delvina's whip fell onto Ilgwid's body for the third time, and the bent down due to unbearable pain.

“On your knees!” ordered Lady Delvina, pointing her finger down. Ilgwid tried once again tried to resist, but the noblewoman cracked the whip for the fourth time, and the naked witch fell to the ground, groaning.

“Now that's better” Delvina said. She knew how to treat captives. This girl was stronger than those who she fought earlier, but the nobody could resist the pain for long. Delvina took a long leash and attached it to the taming collar.

“Well, it was long day and we need to supper and sleep” Delvina told her guards. “It's time to return to the tavern and this young lady would be a perfect companion” she slightly kicked Ilgwid's firm naked ass with her boot. She raised her voice “Nobody has the right to assault the High Mage of Astia. You will pay in full for this behavior but for starters it would be appropriate for you to crawl all the way to the tavern like a dog, on all fours. And if you try to do tricks then this whip will scorch your flesh over and over. Let's go, you stupid common sl*t” Delvina pulled the leash, dragging the groaning redhead after her.

The people around gazed at the naked witch who had to crawl beside her noble captor. When Ilgwid tried to rise to her feet or moved too slow, the impeccably dressed lady Mage delivered another whip to her back or ass which quickly became covered with red stripes. Some of the peasants found the view funny, they giggled and pointed their fingers. But the majority kept the same gloomy silence, watching the procession with the looks of confusion, terror and hate.

Martius came up to Delvina and asked “My lady, I'm sorry, my task is to guard you, not to counsel you. Still, I don't like the moods of the crowd. They liked their wise woman as it seems. Is it necessary to let them watch her getting her deserved punishment in public. I'm anxious about the riots here”.

Delvina smiled again. “Dear Martius, this kind of folk are rude and clueless. Maybe some of them really worshipped their so called wise woman. Now it's time to show them that practicing witchcraft is not so wise. What is better than to show them this sl*t naked, barefoot, and totally at our mercy. Now they see who's really the master here. Living in their wilderness some of them might forget who's the true authority in this country. Am I right, girlie?” Delvina let Ilgwid stand on her knees and took her chin by the fingers. The witch looked at her with now a blank look.

Of course, by humiliating Ilgwid, Delvina tried to make a statement of her own power. But first of all she felt angry and degraded after she slapped her publicly. Such an offense couldn't go without a retribution and Delvina liked to be in control of the situation. Moreover, the naked, dirty and beaten b*tch contrasted with elegant, well-dressed and sophisticated Mage, so she forgot about her being much younger.

As for Ilgwid, after the minutes of heavy embarrassment, she also weariness, desire to break free and to take revenge on her captors. How to do this, was another question, and the young witch didn't know the answer.

Finally Delvina and soldiers returned to the inn, which was crowded by the people more than usually as evening came. Seemed like all the village and some people from the surrounding places packed here, there was no free tables.

Ilgwid was bound to the bar in the corner of the hall room, with her hands up, so that everyone could see her young, tight and totally naked body. She looked at the people in the tavern, trying to find some support, but some looked at her with lust, others just turn off their eyes with a glimpse of shame and sympathy. She knew that no one was going to help her here. The siuation was as hopeless as if she'd be in the dungeons of Mages' quarter in Litinum.

Only a couple of days ago, she was almost like a queen in this village. Everybody liked respected her and those who didn't were at least a little bit afraid. Now, she was publicly humiliated, put on display before all and see most men and women gazed at her naked beauty. The body burned after the lashings, and what was worst, the future ahead was uncertain beside the fact it was definitely grim. The death was almost good choices, if only she could choose.

She might have bowed to this female magician in order to ease her predicament. Ilgwid thought that attack on her and disobedience was a mistake. But she couldn't help to do that as the persons like Lady Delvina exemplified the type she really hated – all these stuck up, pompous, overdressed aristocrats who had everything as their birthright. The thought that she managed to tear off the mask of good manners from the snobbish magician was the only thing she could enjoy here.

Meanwhile, her captor raised her cup and spoke “To the Princeps and High Council of Astia! Today I, Delvina Gratiana, the High Mage, showed that the law and order in this country is no mere words. witchcraft and other evil deeds won't go unpunished while I'm there. The peace and justice in the Principality will prevail and...”

The whistle of crossbow bolt sent from the balcony didn't let her finish the speech. The bolt sank into the neck of one of the soldiers. And almost simultaneously several people, who moments ago left the their table, threw the knives in Delvina's guards. Two of them hit the target and soldiers fell. Meanwhile, the people who sat at the table near the exit, threw the heavy bench at the soldier's table, wreaking havoс there.

Delvina, though relatively young was experienced, and well instructed about behaving in such situations. Her heart beat wildly but she quickly stepped back into the corner of the room and drew an imaginary circle around her. This spell took a lot of magical power but defended from any projectiles. The sorceress looked around: she counted about fifteen assailants. Her small army consisted of thirteen men, including Captain Martius, but three of them guarded her carriage. So, now it was fifteen against seven, but they were good soldiers and they had the Mage.

Delvina smiled to herself. Now, after the surprise effect ended the assault was doomed. Guards got on their feet and took a defensive stance. Martius was lucky to evade the bench and quickly cut down of the attackers, now fighting against two more. Now, it was time for the sorceress to enter the battle.

Blue lightning came off her fingers, striking down two of the opponents who died so quickly that didn't even scream. “They must have been mad to attack us”, she smiled to herself. After the first shock, her confidence returned to her. She concentrated for a couple of moments, to create an even more devastating spell...

And then the blonde woman pounced on her. It was the same female whom she saw when visiting the inn for the first time. Frida, recalled the sorceress, falling on the floor under the weight of the woman. The “merchant” fell after her but in a couple of moments she was on to while the Mage lied on her back. The spell which should have turned the tide for Delvina's company never came.

Delvina was no fighter. She was a good battle mage but only while keeping the distance. In hand to hand combat she was no better than any other noble lady of Litinum and of course she was no match to the strong, seasoned Frida who fought almost as good as average male soldier.

Sitting on Delvina's belly, she delivered slap after slap to the noblewoman's face. It was almost impossible to concentrate on a spell during this painful beating but Delvina gathered her mental strength and hit her with a simple paralyzing spell.
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Old 05-11-2014, 06:42 PM
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Very small installment, hope the next come soon.

Yet nothing happened. Instead of turning into a statue, Frida delivered another painful slap to the noblewoman's face. Delvina groaned but gathered all her strength and tried another spell which was supposed to simply throw her opponent a few yards away. And again, the only response to that was Frida's laughter and a new heavy smack.

Though wincing in pain, Delvina began to cover with cold sweat. Now she realized why her actions had been fruitless. Of course she heard of people whom the Mages call 'blank'. They were born without any sense of magic and were totally immune to it. That was a very rare phenomenon and almost everybody who was born with this trait never lived through infancy, because of the poor health. The accounts of adult, physically healthy and mentally stable people having such a feature were often dismissed as anecdotes by some magicians.

And yet the 'merchant' Frida was there, sitting on Delvina's stomach and beating the magician mercilessly. Fearful and shocked, the noblewoman realized she could do nothing about it. She tried to stop the slapping physically but Frida intercepted her hand and pinned it against the floor, nickering again. “Your tricks aren't working very well, you silly b*tch, right?”

Delvina's only hope now was in her guards. To her good luck, Captain Martius very quickly realized that something went very wrong with the sorceress. He had two assailants between him and fighting women. Being an able warrior, he advanced on them and they were stepping back. In a quick move, Martius killed one of them with his sword and the other bandit already thought of running away. But then the soldier who covered Martius back, suddenly fell with a dagger in his throat. While the captain steadied himself before finishing off last opponent, another one appeared right behind him and drove the axe into his unprotected head.

“NOOOO!!!” the shout of Delvina was probably heard in Berdum and beyond. She understood that without Martius and herself her cause didn't stand any chance. And the lady's fears were confirmed immediately. There were eleven bandits versus five guards in the inn, and attackers are now starting to overwhelm, with the soldiers falling one by one. In less than half a minute they were totally wiped out. Delvina was watching her defeat with the bitter tears welling in her eyes,

“Stand up, crying baby girl!” Frida shouted in her ear and slipped her hand into magician's elaborate hairdo. The magician,wincing, tried to push her assailant off but it looked pathetic. Delvina was almost literally raised up by the woman. Through the tears of pain welled in her eyes she looked at the people in the hall. Most of them watched at her with circumspection, like at a dangerous animal, some with hatred, but she also caught a couple of wry smiles.

“Move your noble ass quickly!” Frida interrupted her contemplations. “Or I'll tickle it with the blade. You snooty mage b*tches maybe all like it the hard way”. She coiled elegant brunette's hair around her fist and led her to the post where Ilgwid stood. The bandits helped the witch to get out of the binds and she almost fell when became free... but held up seeing the mage being led to her. Her eyes snapped.
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Old 05-12-2014, 07:34 PM
jimmythehand jimmythehand is offline
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Much as I enjoyed the chapter, I'm not sure I can forgive you for this little tease. With the caveat that you should take as much time as you need and not be hurried by me or anyone else... I distinctly hope you have a sudden burst of creativity, combined with a sufficient amount of free time, in the very near future!
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Old 05-18-2014, 06:53 PM
Alexandra80 Alexandra80 is offline
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Frida pushed the elegant Mage right in front of her former captive. “Go remove that bloody collar”, the 'merchant' said in a lowered voice stroking her hair from the sweating brow.

Delvina started to recover from the painful clash. No, it's not possible. It's a mistake. They couldn't attack me – ME, the High Mage – because of the stupid witch. This smallfolk must be so fearful. She raised her head up and said. “I'm not going to free her”, she looked upon all the people gathered. “She's a witch, a criminal. The trial will decide on her”.

Ilgwid's lips trembled from the fury. “You rotten b*tch” she hissed and jumped at Delvina. The weak attempt of the latter to stop another inevitable slap in the face was useless. Angry Ilgwid easily threw her former tormentor's hand away. And while the noble lady instinctively put her gloved hand on her burning cheek, the still naked witch grabbed her dress and simultaneously clutched her throat.

“Stop it! Now!” Frida bawled out from behind her back. “We have more important things to do first”, she told Ilgwid and the girl reluctantly let the staggered back mage go. “I won't repeat it – remove her collar or I'll remove some skin from your fucking noble face”

Delvina knew she had no choice and complied, trying not to look in the Ilgwid's eyes. In a few seconds the witch was free from her magical bonds. She ripped the collar from sorceress hands and examined.

“Do you think you can put it to good use?”, Frida asked Ilgwid. “I've read about these things. It seems like they can work if installed properly”

Ilgwid's face beamed with joy. “Oh... I think we should definitely give it a try”, the redhead girl said. Delvina slowly started to realize what her captors are going to do.

“You don't mean to... No!” the thought that the collar can be used on her inflicted almost physical pain to the proud mage. It was so embarrassing. “You can't do it... Only High Mages can use these collars”, she jabbered desperately.

“We'll see. It doesn't hurt to try” Ilgwid smiled. “Be a good girl and don't even try to resist”.

It was over in less than a minute. Ilgwid shut her eyes, fastened the clasp of the collar on the mage and stepped back. “Wow! It seems to be working, I don't feel any magiс in her now. Piece of cake!” she was astonished herself.

Delvina felt empty. She couldn't do anything. It was like they have taken off one of her arms. The noblewoman looked at still naked but smirking with delight country girl with fury.

“You will pay for these, you scumbags. When the High Council know, they burn everything here to the ground and turn your place into a desert. And you b*tches will finish in our dungeons where I will flog you senseless every day. You won't die quickly, I promise”

“Empty threats will get you nowhere, you silly”, Frida was now smiling just as the other people in the room. Meanwhile Ilgwid approached the table where Delvina sat and picked her whip. She thrusted it into the mage's face. “Even a mage can't predict the future. As for now, this is your turn to be flogged. Hands on the table, b*tch!”

Delvina tried to seize the whip back but Ilgwid grabbed her by the hair and easily threw to the table. She swung the whip which fell to the noblewoman's backside. CRACK! It was so painful even through the fabric of her dress. Delvina tried to hold out and keep silence but couldn't help herself from screaming after the third blow.

“Enough for now” Frida stopped Ilgwid and turned to Delvina. “Now, when we adorned you with that nice collar, it would be fair if you present us with something in exchange. Ilgwid, do you like that?” she raised the mage's gold and ruby necklace with her knife.
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Old 05-25-2014, 01:24 PM
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I changed the previous part a bit so the three women were left in the hall alone

“A nice one indeed”, the witch, still naked, pawed the jewels with her fingers. “Take it off, lady”

Delvina closed her eyes, putting on her usual snooty mask on the face but her heart started to beat faster. “Girls, let's make a deal. You killed my guards, you dared to touch ME, but I might forget this. Just remove that collar and we will all get back to our own business. I'll have a lot of things to do in Berdum, so you'll have the time to get out of this filthy place wherever you like”.

Instead of the answer Ilgwid grabbed a handful of the mage's black hair and pulled her head close.

“Alright, alright, I see you need money. Would fifty gold coins be enough? Mmm.. a hundred?” she said, wincing and pain and unsuccessfully trying to brush off the witch's hand from her hair

“Of course not. You should pay damage fees to everybody in the village, princess. We'll take your coin for sure but that won't do”, Frida smirked with her arms crossed. “So, the necklace, b*tch”.

Delvina tried to argue but Frida moved swiftly and with a blink of an eye unclasped the necklace and gave it to Ilgwid. “Your first prize, girl”, she smiled.

“What do you want from me?” the voice of the noblewoman now had some fearful tones.

“No less than your life, b*tch. Still, I am not totally sure about this. Maybe your pretty little head will be more valuable if it stays on your shoulders. Maybe not. That will depend mostly on how you behave. Now you understand that to comply with orders is the best chance to get you out of the mess, princess?”, Frida's soft voice only make the words even more threatening.

“And we have here a victim of your crimes. What do YOU want from her, Ilgwid?”.

The witch glanced at Frida, then at Delvina.

“First of all I want to cover myself. I'm a little bit tired to see all the village folk staring at my body. She pulled the maroon fabric of one of Delvina's sleeves. This beautiful dress of yours will do, I think”, she looked at the mage with a devious smile.

“Are you joking? I'm a candidate for the High Council and the envoy. You aren't going to... to strip me, are you?”

Delvina was mortified. She was not a prude but the only people who saw her in her undergarments were her maids and the husband. Since childhood she knew that an impeccable outfit is the armor of a highborn lady. The image of being disheveled, half-naked before these rustics made her shudder. And the thought that the common witch will wear her own dress only added insult to injury.

“Listen, I can find something in my maid's wardrobe for you. You don't need to -”

“Oh I see our lady isn't used to undress herself. Very well then, I can serve you in that with pleasure” still smiling like a sated fox Ilgwid grabbed the lady by her hair. “And if you try to impede, I will hurt you” With her other hand the witch reached the lacing on the back of Delvina's dress and quickly untied it. The dress got loose. Delvina tried to resist fiercely but physically Ilgwid was stronger, so in a few moments she pulled the noblewoman's arms out of the sleeves and the dress fell to the floor. The witch forced the mage to step out of it.

“Gloves too” advised Frida from behind. After a little struggle Ilgwid pulled the gloves off Delvina's hands. Now, the mage stood before two women bewildered and red-faced in just her corset and underskirt.
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Old 05-25-2014, 07:30 PM
jimmythehand jimmythehand is offline
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Things are definitely heating up. On the one hand I'm anxious to get there (you know where) but on the other I'm very much enjoying the journey. All in all I'm glad it's you controlling the pace and not me! Looking forward to seeing what happens next and Delvina's ultimate fate, whenever that arrives. For some reason I can't imagine her peers will be too sympathetic if they come across her in a compromising state...
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Old 05-26-2014, 02:16 AM
Alexandra80 Alexandra80 is offline
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Originally Posted by jimmythehand View Post
For some reason I can't imagine her peers will be too sympathetic if they come across her in a compromising state...
So, you would like a bad ending for Delvina? Oh so cruel

But we shall see...
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