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Old 05-29-2011, 11:07 AM
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Talking NIP Experiment on holiday

The NIP Holiday. April 2011

How possible is it to live naked in public out of a naturist setting? That is the challenge I have set. The place has to be suitable of course, and the coast in Almeria is probably one of the best.

Nudity in public in Spain is not illegal, and nude bathing is common in Almeria. But, how about being nude on a regular campsite, or on an otherwise textile beach, or on hikes?

So I arrived on the camping site by the beach on 15th April. It’s not so busy, which is good, but it’s also not deserted, and as the run up to Easter builds, it’s likely to get busier. I arrived at seven in the evening; it was only about 17 degrees or so. So, certainly there was no nudity on the first night.

Close to where I have pitched my tent are: A German couple and toddler – they are across the alley from me in the same lane, and can easily see my pitch. Behind a hedge are a young Spanish couple and their dog. Across the main alley is a large Spanish group (about 8) who were checking in with me. If I went naked on site around my tent, they would surely see eventually.

A second Spanish couple has now arrived in a camper behind the hedge from me- also with a toddler.

So, with so many people in my immediate vicinity, how would public nudity be accepted?

The pool would have been the best place to try, but its currently closed and being refilled. Hopefully in the next day or so it will be open.

It’s a fine balance between being brazen and not offending people so complaints are made.

So, tomorrow the grand NIP experiment begins.

16th April

Seven hours naked today – not bad for the time of year. The bulk of the day was offsite – on a hike to Torre de Los Lobos. The majority of the walk was a lonesome affair, only one fellow hiker was encountered, and he greeted me with a cheery ‘hola’.

However, prior to the hike proper, many people were encountered, probably in total around 60-70. No issues at all from anyone, in fact it was very easy to almost forget I was naked.

Back on the campsite it was still sunny and warm when I returned. It has filled up a bit – and is still doing so. I need to vacate my pitch on 21st. The pool is also now full, so tomorrow I hope to be the only one naked by the pool – of course I need to be careful.

Anyhow, I stayed nude at my pitch until dusk. The Germans opposite saw, as did a the Spanish couple, and a camper of 4 Spanish youths. A gay English couple also arrived almost next to me – they also saw me nude. Nobody said anything, and everyone just carried on as normal. No laughter, no pointing or staring, just getting along with it.

However, tonight another family has arrived who are obviously friends of the Germans. They are speaking Spanish and German, and are setting up almost opposite me. How will they react if I am naked here? I was here first of course, which always helps.

The nude in public experiment goes on.

17th April

The NIP day started at the pool, as it was not warm enough to be justifiably without clothes before that. The two guys were already there. The kids from the German-Spanish clan soon arrived, followed by one of the adults.

So, there I was, nude, though the book I was reading made it less obvious. Another couple and small child arrived soon after. There were no problems, yet I did not stay long or even stand up! So the boundaries there need to be pushed a little bit more. That would be easier to do if the weather was better – as it was in fact very breezy by the pool – again! So my first day at the pool was OK – five other adults and some kids, and just as I was leaving, the rest of the German clan arrived.

I left as I’d seen a huge group of hikers heading towards town, and probably towards San Pedro. I’ve always wanted to hike nude amongst a large group of clothed hikers. Could this be the chance?

The walk to San Pedro was as beautiful as ever – but no encounter with the large group – until I arrived on the beach itself, and there they all were. I decided that when they set off back, I would too.

Little did I realise that they’d be off within ten minutes of me getting there! Nevertheless, it was too good an opportunity to let pass. I knew a short cut, and was able to meet the group part way to the main path. Ideal as it meant I had 25 hikers in front of me, and about 25 behind, though the rear contingent were some 200 metres or so behind. I was living the dream! For half an hour, I walked nude with these clothed hikers, a few comments were made I am sure, and few 30 something girls giggled a bit, but only for a few seconds, then just carried on as normal.

It’s a shame the group stopped to regroup at a junction as I was forced to continue
on and lose them. However, I had to double back to regain the track to the car, and soon rejoined the tail end who were in the distance. At the car park, I walked nude past the entire 50 strong group before redressing at the car! A wonderful NIP experience to behold. All the hikers who passed us in the opposite direction, (and there were many) will have of course thought that I was part of this group, and choosing to be naked. Little did I know then that later in the week this was to happen for real.

Then it was on to Agua Amarga, to be the only one naked on the beach there. This was a large beach, Backed by some restaurants, toilets and lifeguards. I chose a sensible place set back a little, and had no problems at all being the only one naked. I even was able to have a wander around, and then set up in the middle of the beach. Other people set up close to me, which is always a sign of acceptance.

I was worried that the lifeguards might say something, so was especially cautious, but it seems that they did not really care, as later I walked further down the beach nude. Its incredible that nobody seems to care, but also very nice.

The challenge next time is to return to this beach earlier in the day, and set myself up nude in what will be the busiest spot. Can I get away with that?

At the end of the day, after walking naked to the foot wash taps in full view of anyone nearby, I walked back to the car, also naked, passing by all the people sitting by their camper vans, full of confidence.

So far then,, the NIP experiment s working well. I’d like to do more on site, but am curtailed by the weather – it needs to be hot on a morning to justify it! However, I fully intend to pack up on Thursday nude, that will ne a challenge as it will be busy by then!

18th April

This morning was pretty much the same as yesterday as far as the weather was concerned; sunny, windy with passing clouds. At around eleven I went to the pool, nude of course. Soon afterwards, the German boy arrived – his family were packing up. Then three American girls around 20-30 I guess. They sat close to me, again a form of acceptance, and stayed for half an hour or more, eating the breakfasts they had brought. A Spanish woman, mother of two little kids also at the pool, arrived and sat between me and the Americans. She was obviously not in the slightest bothered, and even removed her top.

The Americans left, choosing to walk right past me rather than the shorter way out. A Spanish family arrived opposite, again not at all bothered. I even did managed to walk to the pool and back this time.

So success by the pool. Onto San Pedro for the rest of the day – a nude hike of course, passing many people on the way – too many to count. Unfortunately by 3.30 it clouded over, and there was a rapid redressing of everyone on the beach, except me of course, as I had nothing to wear having left everything in the car! So a naked hike back, along with a couple who are camping on the site near to me. Well, I was not exactly walking with them, but within a few metres. I wished I was walking with then! In fact the woman was very quick to get naked on the beach compared to her partner, and delayed redressing to the last possible instant also. She gave me a smile of understanding I’m sure as we exchanged ‘hola’ on the track. It would be nice to speak to them on site.

There have been a few changes in site now. The Germans are gone and replaced by a retired Uk couple, two campers of Spanish couples have arrived too. The weather was very poor tonight, so if it does not improve by morning, NIP on site will be very difficult indeed.

19th April

A cloudy start this morning, but the weather did come good in the end. I managed a bit of nude time by the pool again, easy this time as nobody else was there, save for a family who came for a quick look. The weather was not so good, it had only just come sunny. Tonight a lot more people have arrived, and so tomorrow by the pool could be a good challenge to set, as the weather should be better, and maybe there will be more people there.

I went to San Jose main beach then – naked of course, but not for long as the lifeguards this time picked up on it and told me it wasn’t a nudist beach. Spoil sports. I bet if it was girl they would not have said that.

ON next to Genovese Beach – still a little overcast by this point., but with sunny spells – so I did a walk through the cactus fields, all au naturelle, met a few people on the way, most very friendly. At the windmill a large group arrived, I think they were a little surprised to see a naked person there also taking pictures, a few giggles, but then they just carried on with what they were doing.

Later I did the walk to the Lighthouse – 19 people on the way up, 12 on the way down, against all mostly very positive

Later on at Playa Monsul, I had a nice wander around being the only one naked, Apart from a 30 something girl, who also was brave enough top walk about naked. I managed to join up a forty-strong group of Spanish biology university students on a field trip. So, being Spanish there was not the shocked reaction had they been British. Most did not seem to care, even though I was at times amongst them, nude, and they were all fully attired

Being naked was now feeling so normal in this place that it did not even occur to me to cover up to go to the car park, and there was no need to, despite it being busy, nobody cared, except a group of Spanish lads in a Land Rover who were shouting/singing in jest at me, but nothing hostile. Most people just carried on, or did not even notice.

So for tomorrow, should I press ahead with Central Agua Amarga?. It would mean sacrificing the pool here, and I have a felling that could be good and worth perusing also.

20th April

Today as ever was another totally naked day, starting at the pool. Nobody came and settled though, one gut came and went for a nude swim after seeing me! A woman came to test the water temperature and then left.

Then I went to Las Negras beach – and walked naked, with camera all along the beach, the lifeguard saw me but did not care. It was an amazing experience, nude in the centre of town in effect, as I walked right passed the beach front café. Very good – no issues at all! On to Agua Amarga next which was a repeat more or less of the other day. It was far too busy to go right down the beach.

Then I had a naked walk to the viewpoint over Muertos Beach. As I was leaving the car park naked, a young (25-35) couple did so also, and chose to follow me down the track. They could easily have taken another if they’d wanted. At the viewpoint itself they even asked me to take a picture of them! That was a sign of total acceptance! Me, naked in public, and they treated it with respect, showing no bad feelings at all, and even approaching me to take a photo of them. As I was driving out of the car park I got a very cheery ciou from her. I wish I could have got to know them.

The rest of the afternoon was spent back at Playa Monsul again, but it was a very different experience to yesterday, the wind made the main part of the beach deserted of sunbathers, everyone was congested in a sheltered bay, where I was the only one naked.

Tomorrow I move to San Pedro, where being naked at least on the beach is normal for a lot of people. How will I push the boundaries there?

21st April

I managed to do my packing up on this regular campsite naked, but that was probably because there were not many people around, in fact the only people who were aware were the middle aged lesbian couple opposite my place. After that, I did a final hike over to the beach just over the hill. With it now being the Easter weekend, it was fairly busy on the trail, and the beach certainly was, so I took the chance to walk along it a while, the only one naked of course. Nobody cared. This is why Spain is so great for casual nudity.

Then it was two hikes to San Pedro with my stuff, all without clothes of course, including the setting up of my tent. Lots of people go nude on the beach here, so that’s not a big deal, but I never saw anyone else naked off the beach, other than at the freshwater spring. I am sure it does happen in the hotter summer months though.

I soon met up with a group of 3 Americans camping next to me. There were several other groups of campers in the immediate area – all Spanish. None would see me clothed for the next 36 hours, though they of course, all were.

There was no wind tonight, and so it w sot so cold, especially around the small campfire by the Americans’ tents. So the four of us sat there, drinking wine and eating, them fully dressed, me fully nude.

22 April

Today was another full day naked, until it really did get too cold to be without clothes this evening, because of the wind. Nothing special today really, other than me being the only one naked around our tent area, and walking the trails around the place. Every body I am sure does not expect anything different now. It would be interesting to see how many other people stay almost permanently nude in the summer months.

23 April

Today I had the best nude in public experience. A scenario that I’ve often thought about, actually happened. I was able to hike naked amongst a large group of regular clothed hikers. From my tent I spotted a large group of hikers setting out up the mountain, and soon I was on their tail. It was not long before I had caught the back end of them, and began passing a few of them, who were all very friendly.

One young woman I passed began to chat with me in a friendly fashion, and then realising my Spanish was not very good, she switched to fluent English. It turned out she worked as a translator in Madrid, and that the entire 50 strong group were on all from Madrid. So, for the next two hours or so, I hiked along with them, chatting to Elaina all the way. There was a brief discussion on naturism, but on the whole no mention or even recognition that I was naked amongst a group of fifty hikers. At the top of one trail, the group stopped to eat their packed lunches, and I sat with them too. Elaina took a photo of me standing on the edge of the cliff top; naked, with a whole group of hikers looking on.

We continued with the hike for another hour or so, passing other smaller groups and one large one coming the other way. Not one person showed any element of surprise upon seeing one naked person amongst the group they were passing. It does show that nude in public is possible in the right setting.

At the next bay, I left the group as they continued on. It would have been nice to continue with them, but it was too far, considering I had to walk back again. It was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget. The only regret I have is not mentioning to Elaina how nice it was to be accepted by the group, and perhaps asking one of the guides if it would be possible to book on a walking holiday with them, but be allowed to hike nude, just like I was then.

The hike back was pretty quiet, though at the end I did just catch up with the 25 or so strong group of elderly German hikers.

25 April

24th April was a day on the beach. On the morning of 25th, I and two of the Americans hiked back to the town, as we had to leave. I was of course without clothing, and neither of them said anything – only when I had dressed later did they say ‘who are you do we know you?’.

Piror to dressing I had one final nude walk up the town beach, on which there were a few people, but nobody seemed to even notice – just as it should be.

So, the nude in public holiday was a success, it can be done.
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:59 PM
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Are you a man or woman?
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Old 05-30-2011, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by KarlMalone View Post
Are you a man or woman?
Sorry to disappoint you Karl - Male.
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Old 08-12-2014, 01:45 AM
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Default Impressive

Impressive story, and daring!
Being in Spain myself, I tried nude hiking for a very short time (10 minutes, nerve breaking on a curvy road ), but till now not encountered other people.
I am a bit reluctant meeting unexpectedly children..
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Old 09-09-2014, 02:46 AM
trinpar trinpar is offline
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Have you done any naked hiking since then?
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Old 09-11-2014, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by 1Mnue1 View Post
Sorry to disappoint you Karl - Male.
Not sure why but I assumed you were a male. In reality I'd guess this would be easier for a female.
It's the little children I'd worry about. Actually their parents.
On a much smaller scale we've camped, hiked, sunbathed nude in public. Most often the others really don't seem to mind or care. Like you, we never met the law. I'm sure things may have been different if police saw you or you'd been reported. What's sad is this is all just natural.
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Old 06-03-2015, 10:09 AM
Fred Wasserstein Fred Wasserstein is offline
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Default mixed beach

In my lifetime as nude sunbather I´ve made a conclusion. If you are the first Person who are be naked on a not crowded beach, sometimes others will follow you in your nakedness. And the best is they always will lie in the near of your place. Nudists are looking for other nudists.
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:58 PM
imbiable imbiable is offline
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Hello Model T,

children do not take any notice of nudity, it doesn't matter to them. The time they do is when they see a negative reaction from an adult and so learn the negativety that society in general has about nudity. Occasionally it is from their peers but they were conditioned by adults.

It's unlikely that society will change in a hurry as there is too much belief ingrained in people.

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Old 06-03-2015, 01:19 PM
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Default Experimenting and having fun.

Originally Posted by imbiable View Post
Hello Model T,

children do not take any notice of nudity, it doesn't matter to them. The time they do is when they see a negative reaction from an adult and so learn the negativety that society in general has about nudity. Occasionally it is from their peers but they were conditioned by adults.

It's unlikely that society will change in a hurry as there is too much belief ingrained in people.

We agree little kids don't really pay attention. It's those early teens and the ones still under age we worry about. If it's a secluded known nude area which is not really legal we take care not to be nude when teens pass by.
We also notice when even camped and nude, or nearly so, others seem to camp near if interested, even in little used campgrounds. We've seen this also on nude beaches and places people do sunbath nude that others seem to gather in the same areas.
It's the single women who seem to want to be alone. And there are different single women. The exhibitionists love to lay and walk nearer the large crowds and show off. My kind of women!
Not sure why but whether camped or just sunbathing or walking people seem to be like animals, they group together.
We've also learned at the nude beaches people seem to form groups or clusters. New nudists, or those just experimenting in one area, real nudists farther down, ornery and playful people in more secluded spots, and the gay and lesbian crowd usually in more secluded spots. At least this has been the way we've seen over the years. As for us, we are walkers and people watchers. We mingle with them all.
In over 50+ years never a bad experience. On one non legal nude beach we were once threatend to be turned in to Rangers by several young couples who apparently were shy or jealous. We just moved on.
Most know what i mean by non legal nude beaches. Often police and rangers turn their heads as long as there are no problems. It's usually the perverts around children that get those areas closed to nudists. The locals police their own beaches to prevent problems. But we have gone back to beaches that were no longer nudist friendly.
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Old 06-03-2015, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred Wasserstein View Post
In my lifetime as nude sunbather I´ve made a conclusion. If you are the first Person who are be naked on a not crowded beach, sometimes others will follow you in your nakedness. And the best is they always will lie in the near of your place. Nudists are looking for other nudists.
How true!
Although I haven't paid much attention from the "nude male" aspect.......

For sure, I have noted the "nude female" effect on a beach.
My wife isn't a bold exhibitionist, but has, on quite a few occasions taken off her top on non-nude beaches, and others have women have followed her lead.

One humorous incident: We were on a sparsely populated public beach here in the U.S., she was topless as usual. After we arrived and she removed her top, we noticed a few other women in the area do likewise. After a while, we saw a ranger approaching from a distance. I suggest she roll over or pull on a top, and noticed that the other women did just that. She is indignant, and doesn't, boldly lying there, tits on display.

He approaches and asks her to put on a top, and since she speaks German, she replies to him in German with a little broken English in between, feigning ignorance of a need for a top. She's starting to scare me now, but thankfully complies and does put on the top. She was a little pissed, but more than that, she enjoyed busting the Ranger's chops a little, and had fun with that.

And yes, as soon as he was out of sight, took her top back off!

I'd like to think I coined the phrase "nudity is contagious" a long time ago. (but I probably heard or read it somewhere)
But it is true, nudity IS contagious!
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