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Old 02-21-2016, 11:03 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by cladiz View Post
This was the end of the story, but it was definitely one of my better experiences. The ENF situations when women realized they had to strip in the sauna were priceless, and especially the two “daughter experiences” and the “Danish friends” saved my day. I expect that I in March will have the opportunity to re-visit a big German spa that I visited about a year ago. I think that good stories from there are guaranteed.
You didn't mention the two daughters' butts. Did you get to see them? How did they look?
Have you ever tried to take any photos?
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Old 02-23-2016, 10:17 AM
cladiz cladiz is offline
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You didn't mention the two daughters' butts. Did you get to see them? How did they look?
Have you ever tried to take any photos?
Yeah, sorry I didn't go into detail with the butts of the two daughters, but of course I got a good chance to check them out. The one from the first day gave me an amazing butt flash when she bent over to place the towel on the sauna bench – that’s when I was most focused on her pussy lips that peaked out underneath her butt cheeks. Afterwards she lay down on her front side, which left me long time to enjoy her nice curvy butt. She had two nice, milky white and very rounded butt cheeks. The second daughter was, as I said, quite slim, so she also had a much smaller butt, but opposed to the first one, it was nice and tanned. I guess she must have used a solarium regularly.
I never tried to make movies. First of all, I wouldn’t know where to hide a camera since I’m naked when I sit there, and secondly, the thought about being caught in there with a camera would just freak me out.
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Old 02-23-2016, 07:06 PM
squajar squajar is offline
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Last summer I booked myself a long weekend in Germany. I made sure to visit a spa whilst I was there. I got very lucky, as I spotted that the Saturday night of my visit was a special monthly event, so I made a point of going to the spa then.

I speak hardly any German, but managed to get in without them seeing I was English and warning me it was naked, so I was quite pleased. As I walked up the stairs to the changing room, I was wondering what I would see. The changing room itself was disappointing because it was so massive with lockers blocking the view from wherever you were standing. With so few people changing at any given time, it meant that it wasn't possible to look for women getting naked without it being really obvious.

I had a shower and returned to my locker just in case anyone new was around, but no luck so I went off to explore the spa and work out where all the saunas were. There was a special timetable because it was their monthly special evening, and it was clear that more people were there because of it. It was probably about 50-50 male to female split, and the same age range as if you took a random sample of the population. Plenty of young people, and several children were there.

I took my towel off and swam in one of the pools for a bit. I noticed two tall Spanish looking young women, probably about my age, with incredible all-over tans and bikini-line trimmed dark pubic hair with especially cute bottoms. It had been a warm day and I went the sunbathing area to catch the last bit of sun for the day. Like the locker rooms, there were too many sunbeds and too few sunbathers to get any good views. I noticed that everyone was heading to one of the saunas (as it turned out the biggest one.) I thought I should join in if I'm going to do a German spa properly and I'm so glad I did.

I wasn't sure about the rules on how close to sit to people, and I wanted to have some pretty women in my eyeline if possible. I chose a seat in the lowest bench to last as long in the sauna as possible. By the start, it got so packed that there was no bench room left, and there was a breast right next to my left elbow.

I did get the chance to look around, and the two Spanish looking girls were there, as were a mum and her two daughters, and a mixed race woman, also in her 20s.

I was really surprised how white the mixed race woman's breasts were. They were beautiful (as was the whole of her body.) It seems odd to me that someone can be that carefree about spa nudity yet must always sunbathe in a bikini. Her pubic hair was shaved.

The mum and her late teenage daughters were really interesting as it was fascinating to watch the dynamic between them. One of the daughters kept covered as much as possible whilst the other would wear a towel but nonchalant about taking it off. I didn't make an effort to see the covered one as she was probably under 18 and I decided that was creepy.

If I'd read the German beforehand, I'd have known that there was a break in the sauna session to go outside and we'd all be given salt to rub into our skin (and I do mean ALL of our skin.) The Spanish girls rubbed salt into each others' breasts and backs, and several other couples/friends were completely unfazed by rubbing salt into each other's naked bodies. It was totally surreal, but also it was brilliant that this was normal for them.

There were several pools, one warm, one cooler and one with water that made you levitate. There was a lesbian couple who were kissing or hugging in the warm for pretty much the entire time I was there. I didn't realise that they were both women at first. Only at the end did I see one of them outside the water, and was bit disappointed as she wasn't very good looking. She did have massive breasts and a massive bush.

Another highlight was the particularly hot sauna. It was horrible at the end, but it was fun to be part of a throng of naked people running for the exit. The levitating pool was fun to experiment with how light you felt, but once it got dark, it was lit from below so when you stood on the stairs above it you could see every detail of the bodies in there from above.

I enjoyed several more group saunas before going back to the locker room to get dressed. A topless woman, about 40, was next to my locker but she put her bra and shirt on by the time I had got the key around my wrist off.

As it's the subject of this forum, I've focused on the women sightings. But that was only a bonus compared to the opportunity to be warm and naked and unrestricted in a German spa on a sunny summer's evening. I would love to have company next time I go to one, as that's all that was missing.
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Old 03-29-2016, 10:45 AM
cladiz cladiz is offline
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Default Re-visit to favorite sauna

This weekend I got the opportunity to re-visit one of my favorite saunas in central Germany. Perhaps the visit didn’t result in super-spectacular moments this time, but the amount of other very nice situations still sums up to make it a fantastic visit.

When I arrived there, I first checked out the locker room area, hoping that someone would be changing at their locker instead of their cubicle. This wasn’t the case though, so I quickly moved on the sauna area and took around there to decide where to aim my attention. The first thing that caught my eyes was a family in the Jacuzzi. It was a mum and a dad in the late 50’ies, and then their daughter who was in her mid-twenties. She had slim body and her hair was long and gathered in a ponytail. She was extremely sexy because she reminded me of a young school teacher that I used to have in my early school days. Her face was first of all very pretty, but this serious “school-teacher”-look just made her even sexier. Her mom on the other hand wasn’t that interested, so I didn’t pay much attention to her. They were all sitting in this Jacuzzi together, and all I could see was their heads and shoulders. I knew that the whole family would be naked though, so I decided to wait and see when they got out of the water. After 10 minutes, they finally started to move. First one out was dad, then mom (who besides her boring face actually had pretty nice and big tits), and then finally their school-teacher daughter. Her tits were medium to large and perfectly round, her tummy was flat and her pussy was completely shaved. She looked incredible. Unfortunately it only took a second before she had wrapped herself into this bed-sheet like toga clothing that many seemed to wear outside the water (some even wore this toga thing in the sauna ). I could easily have spent more time looking at her, and fortunately I got second chances later that day.

My next move was towards one of the big saunas were a sauna steam ceremony was about to begin. The sauna got well filled and while we waited for the steam master I enjoyed view of several very good looking and very nude women. Sex rate was maybe a bit biased to the male side, but this was compensated by a good age range with many women in the 20 to 30’ies. Besides the nude ones, two particular women caught my attention. One had completely dark hair with a very pretty east European face. She was around 20, and was there with her mum who was a nice and chubby lady around 45 I would say. The other one was blond, slightly chubby, was a very pretty and somehow Scandinavian looking face (she was German though), and she was there with her boyfriend. Common for both of them was that they were still wearing their “togas”. However, in the saunas you’re supposed to use your towel/toga to cover the wooden bench, inclusive the area where you have your feet, and this is not possible without removing the toga. I was quite excited to see if the steam master would comment on it – fortunately he did. Before starting the steam, he told them both to use the clothes to cover the area where they had their feet also. The dark haired one did it immediately, without looking shy in any way. When she took off her toga she revealed a nice pair of 20 years old boobs. They were very nice – quite big, and somehow quite pointed so they were standing right out from her. Unfortunately her chubby mum was sitting on the lowest bench. Her feet was on the floor, hence she didn’t have to remove her toga. The chubby blond one had to do it though, and she was obviously very shy. She covered the area under her butt and feet as she was supposed to do, but still, she tried to cover up as good as possible also. The toga couldn’t reach all the way around her, and only her front back and left side was covered, while her right side facing me was naked. She needed to use one hand to keep her right boob covered also. Then the steam ceremony began, and it got incredibly warm. The chubby blond one had problems taking the heat, and she started moving around with the result that her right boob several times got out of its textile covering. Her boyfriend was obviously not happy about his girlfriend showing her goods, so he tried to help her covering up as well. At some point she couldn’t take it anymore and had to leave the session. Just second she stood she revealed the whole right boob, which turned out to be really large, and with a nice hang. The areola area was quite large as well, but almost without any color difference compared to the rest of her milky white boob. For a second I considered to leave as well, hoping that I could catch her naked under the shower, but I decided to stay. It was a nice steam session, and on the way out I made sure to walk right in front of the dark haired one with the pointy boobs, so I a couple of time could feel them touching my back. Under the shower I was standing next to her as well, and got a nice view of her shaved pussy. Fortunately her mum stripped naked as well, and revealed her nice milf body. Her boobs were the same size as the daughters, but due to her age they were hanging more of course. Then she had a sexy little belly, and a nice pussy with curly black hair that were trimmed to about a centimeter or so.

The next hour’s time I was just walking around, taking a couple of swims and checking out people. One thing that stroke me was the high number of families. There were kids in all ages – too many for my taste definitely – but many families also mean many mums and milfs, which I like. I liked in particular to see them arrive to the sauna in their swimming clothing, and then sit and watch the mums stripping naked with their families (the undressing part always aroused me). And some point three chicks came without changing. They caught my attention because they just walked in and kept their bikinis on. One was quite pretty (without being beautiful though) with rather big boobs and a big but. The second was really big - I would almost say fat – and her boobs was enormous. She had a pretty round face though. Both girls were probably in their early twenties, whereas the third one was older – around 40 I would say. After a little while they were told that they had to remove their bikinis, and they immediately rented these bloody togas and changed in closed cubicle that I couldn’t enter – bummer!!

After following the three shy girls for a while I gave up. They kept on the togas in the saunas, and they didn’t even shower after leaving the sauna. Instead, I took a seat in another sauna, and something interesting happened. After a few minutes two Japanese girls entered. I could tell that they were speaking Japanese, so they were not just “Asian looking locals”. They both had towels wrapped around them, but after a while one of them started to let her towel loosen more and more, until both of her small, Japanese tits were on display. After a while the other one suddenly felt like undressing as well. Instead of just letting her towel loosen gradually, she pushed it down completely so I she only had it around her waist. Her boobs were very small as well, but her nipples surprised me as they were very long and hard – almost like someone had been sucking them for a long time. I spent long time enjoying these two topless, Asian beauties, and while doing that I speculated – and maybe you guys and girls in this forum can help me here – what is nudity culture like in Japan? I would not expect two Japanese girls to feel comfortable about being in a mixed sauna with naked men, and putting their tits on display. Could this have happened in Japan also, or were the two girls just having an “exotic European experience”?

I would have stayed in the sauna with them and followed them to the shower, but suddenly I noticed that the three shy girls that first refused to remove their bikinis, and then covered up in togas, suddenly were sitting in the Jacuzzi, and that’s one place where you can’t be without being completely naked. Hence, I left my two Japanese beauties and jumped in the other Jacuzzi waiting for the three shy girls – the pretty, the fat, and the older one – to exit to Jacuzzis so I could get a quick look at these bodies that they apparently tried so hard to cover. It felt like they were sitting there forever, but suddenly the oldest one started to move. She got out of the water, and went to get her toga and put everything on display on her way down the stairs from the elevated Jacuzzis. Apparently she was the least shy of them, because she was bringing togas to the two other girls, so they didn’t even have to walk down the stairs. Hence, I only got brief glimpses of them, but enough to check them out. First the pretty one got out. As expected she had nice big boobs, with quite sexy clay-red-brownish areolas and erect nipples. After her followed the fat one. I actually don’t mind fat girls at all – especially not if they have cute faces as this one had – and since they so rarely show their bodies (I guess they are shy because they know they are overweight), I was excited tosee her bits. I didn’t get disappointed. In fact, I must have starred like crazy, because I never boobs this big – at least not live. Of course I’ve seen enormous boobs on various sites on the web, but I actually think that these are the biggest boobs I ever saw live. They were huuuuge. It only took a second though – then they were hidden under the toga.

The next interesting event was actually one that I could not participate in – it was a sauna steam event for women only. I stayed tuned outside the sauna, because it’s a fantastic event to join when they all leave the sauna after the steam and heat for the shower. Imagine 40-50 women leaving a sauna, wet and sweaty, to pushing around to get to the shower. It’s amazing to mix with this crowd. You feel boobs pressed against your back, you have them pressed against your arm when you pass one of them, and if you squeeze in between two of them to get to the shower, you can even let your cock touch their hips or thighs. That’s super cool.

The next session on the schedule was salt peeling the steam bath. People had already started to gather there, so I made sure to get to sit next to a girl, because I knew that we would have to squeeze together as people kept coming. It happened as I expected and after five minutes the wet and slippery skin on our arms and legs was pushed closely together. I liked to feel the skin of this complete strange girl being pushed so close to mine – and at the same time I could even look at her small round boobs and short trimmed pussy.
Another girl that caught my attention in there was a quite petit one who was there with her mum. She could have been 18 or 19, but to be honest, she might also have been one or two years younger than that. Her mum was completely naked, but even though textile immediately gets soaked in the steam bath, the daughter had kept her toga on – she must have been quite shy, because it couldn’t be pleasant to sit there in this wet piece of clothes. Then the steam master came and handed out salt for every one so we could get up and start rubbing our skin. The daughter and her mum also got a handful each. They naked mom rubbed it all over her body immediately, while the covered daughter carefully rubbed one arm, then the second arm, then the upper chest, and then finally she pushed the toga down a bit and revealed her small but extremely cute, round tits. Then she started rubbing salt into them – first the left and then her right, and I could tell how her nipples got hard by her own touch. I wouldn’t stare too much, so at some point decided to move away to the other end of the steam bath. Here I got a nice surprise. Suddenly I spotted the sexy school teacher daughter together with her mum and dad again. Dad was rubbing salt on his arms, while the daughter was rubbing her mum on her back. I moved even closer, because this time I had time to enjoy her body. When she was done with her mums back, mum turned around to the dad and started to rub salt at his back and chest. She even touched his cock a couple of times, but not in a sexual way though (it would still have been fun if she had given him a hard on though). This left to time to look at the school teacher daughter. She was standing between me and her parents, rubbing salt on her tits and tummy. When she got to her thigh, she put her leg on the seat, which made her shaved pussy open a little, so I could see her minor labia peeking out. It was probably the sexiest view of the day.
After the steam bath, I had to take off. I don’t know when I get the opportunity to visit a sauna again, but when it happens, I’ll share it with you. Please remember to drop a line below if you have any experience/knowledge about Japanese nudity culture, or have any idea about I it felt natural for these two Japanese girls to sit topless together with naked me.
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Old 03-29-2016, 06:46 PM
sebsationally sebsationally is offline
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Originally Posted by cladiz View Post
This weekend I got the opportunity to re-visit one of my favorite saunas in central Germany. Perhaps the visit didn’t result in super-spectacular moments this time, but the amount of other very nice situations still sums up to make it a fantastic visit.

When I arrived there, I first checked out the locker room area, hoping that someone would be changing at their locker instead of their cubicle. This wasn’t the case though, so I quickly moved on the sauna area and took around there to decide where to aim my attention. The first thing that caught my eyes was a family in the Jacuzzi. It was a mum and a dad in the late 50’ies, and then their daughter who was in her mid-twenties. She had slim body and her hair was long and gathered in a ponytail. She was extremely sexy because she reminded me of a young school teacher that I used to have in my early school days. Her face was first of all very pretty, but this serious “school-teacher”-look just made her even sexier. Her mom on the other hand wasn’t that interested, so I didn’t pay much attention to her. They were all sitting in this Jacuzzi together, and all I could see was their heads and shoulders. I knew that the whole family would be naked though, so I decided to wait and see when they got out of the water. After 10 minutes, they finally started to move. First one out was dad, then mom (who besides her boring face actually had pretty nice and big tits), and then finally their school-teacher daughter. Her tits were medium to large and perfectly round, her tummy was flat and her pussy was completely shaved. She looked incredible. Unfortunately it only took a second before she had wrapped herself into this bed-sheet like toga clothing that many seemed to wear outside the water (some even wore this toga thing in the sauna ). I could easily have spent more time looking at her, and fortunately I got second chances later that day.

My next move was towards one of the big saunas were a sauna steam ceremony was about to begin. The sauna got well filled and while we waited for the steam master I enjoyed view of several very good looking and very nude women. Sex rate was maybe a bit biased to the male side, but this was compensated by a good age range with many women in the 20 to 30’ies. Besides the nude ones, two particular women caught my attention. One had completely dark hair with a very pretty east European face. She was around 20, and was there with her mum who was a nice and chubby lady around 45 I would say. The other one was blond, slightly chubby, was a very pretty and somehow Scandinavian looking face (she was German though), and she was there with her boyfriend. Common for both of them was that they were still wearing their “togas”. However, in the saunas you’re supposed to use your towel/toga to cover the wooden bench, inclusive the area where you have your feet, and this is not possible without removing the toga. I was quite excited to see if the steam master would comment on it – fortunately he did. Before starting the steam, he told them both to use the clothes to cover the area where they had their feet also. The dark haired one did it immediately, without looking shy in any way. When she took off her toga she revealed a nice pair of 20 years old boobs. They were very nice – quite big, and somehow quite pointed so they were standing right out from her. Unfortunately her chubby mum was sitting on the lowest bench. Her feet was on the floor, hence she didn’t have to remove her toga. The chubby blond one had to do it though, and she was obviously very shy. She covered the area under her butt and feet as she was supposed to do, but still, she tried to cover up as good as possible also. The toga couldn’t reach all the way around her, and only her front back and left side was covered, while her right side facing me was naked. She needed to use one hand to keep her right boob covered also. Then the steam ceremony began, and it got incredibly warm. The chubby blond one had problems taking the heat, and she started moving around with the result that her right boob several times got out of its textile covering. Her boyfriend was obviously not happy about his girlfriend showing her goods, so he tried to help her covering up as well. At some point she couldn’t take it anymore and had to leave the session. Just second she stood she revealed the whole right boob, which turned out to be really large, and with a nice hang. The areola area was quite large as well, but almost without any color difference compared to the rest of her milky white boob. For a second I considered to leave as well, hoping that I could catch her naked under the shower, but I decided to stay. It was a nice steam session, and on the way out I made sure to walk right in front of the dark haired one with the pointy boobs, so I a couple of time could feel them touching my back. Under the shower I was standing next to her as well, and got a nice view of her shaved pussy. Fortunately her mum stripped naked as well, and revealed her nice milf body. Her boobs were the same size as the daughters, but due to her age they were hanging more of course. Then she had a sexy little belly, and a nice pussy with curly black hair that were trimmed to about a centimeter or so.

The next hour’s time I was just walking around, taking a couple of swims and checking out people. One thing that stroke me was the high number of families. There were kids in all ages – too many for my taste definitely – but many families also mean many mums and milfs, which I like. I liked in particular to see them arrive to the sauna in their swimming clothing, and then sit and watch the mums stripping naked with their families (the undressing part always aroused me). And some point three chicks came without changing. They caught my attention because they just walked in and kept their bikinis on. One was quite pretty (without being beautiful though) with rather big boobs and a big but. The second was really big - I would almost say fat – and her boobs was enormous. She had a pretty round face though. Both girls were probably in their early twenties, whereas the third one was older – around 40 I would say. After a little while they were told that they had to remove their bikinis, and they immediately rented these bloody togas and changed in closed cubicle that I couldn’t enter – bummer!!

After following the three shy girls for a while I gave up. They kept on the togas in the saunas, and they didn’t even shower after leaving the sauna. Instead, I took a seat in another sauna, and something interesting happened. After a few minutes two Japanese girls entered. I could tell that they were speaking Japanese, so they were not just “Asian looking locals”. They both had towels wrapped around them, but after a while one of them started to let her towel loosen more and more, until both of her small, Japanese tits were on display. After a while the other one suddenly felt like undressing as well. Instead of just letting her towel loosen gradually, she pushed it down completely so I she only had it around her waist. Her boobs were very small as well, but her nipples surprised me as they were very long and hard – almost like someone had been sucking them for a long time. I spent long time enjoying these two topless, Asian beauties, and while doing that I speculated – and maybe you guys and girls in this forum can help me here – what is nudity culture like in Japan? I would not expect two Japanese girls to feel comfortable about being in a mixed sauna with naked men, and putting their tits on display. Could this have happened in Japan also, or were the two girls just having an “exotic European experience”?

I would have stayed in the sauna with them and followed them to the shower, but suddenly I noticed that the three shy girls that first refused to remove their bikinis, and then covered up in togas, suddenly were sitting in the Jacuzzi, and that’s one place where you can’t be without being completely naked. Hence, I left my two Japanese beauties and jumped in the other Jacuzzi waiting for the three shy girls – the pretty, the fat, and the older one – to exit to Jacuzzis so I could get a quick look at these bodies that they apparently tried so hard to cover. It felt like they were sitting there forever, but suddenly the oldest one started to move. She got out of the water, and went to get her toga and put everything on display on her way down the stairs from the elevated Jacuzzis. Apparently she was the least shy of them, because she was bringing togas to the two other girls, so they didn’t even have to walk down the stairs. Hence, I only got brief glimpses of them, but enough to check them out. First the pretty one got out. As expected she had nice big boobs, with quite sexy clay-red-brownish areolas and erect nipples. After her followed the fat one. I actually don’t mind fat girls at all – especially not if they have cute faces as this one had – and since they so rarely show their bodies (I guess they are shy because they know they are overweight), I was excited tosee her bits. I didn’t get disappointed. In fact, I must have starred like crazy, because I never boobs this big – at least not live. Of course I’ve seen enormous boobs on various sites on the web, but I actually think that these are the biggest boobs I ever saw live. They were huuuuge. It only took a second though – then they were hidden under the toga.

The next interesting event was actually one that I could not participate in – it was a sauna steam event for women only. I stayed tuned outside the sauna, because it’s a fantastic event to join when they all leave the sauna after the steam and heat for the shower. Imagine 40-50 women leaving a sauna, wet and sweaty, to pushing around to get to the shower. It’s amazing to mix with this crowd. You feel boobs pressed against your back, you have them pressed against your arm when you pass one of them, and if you squeeze in between two of them to get to the shower, you can even let your cock touch their hips or thighs. That’s super cool.

The next session on the schedule was salt peeling the steam bath. People had already started to gather there, so I made sure to get to sit next to a girl, because I knew that we would have to squeeze together as people kept coming. It happened as I expected and after five minutes the wet and slippery skin on our arms and legs was pushed closely together. I liked to feel the skin of this complete strange girl being pushed so close to mine – and at the same time I could even look at her small round boobs and short trimmed pussy.
Another girl that caught my attention in there was a quite petit one who was there with her mum. She could have been 18 or 19, but to be honest, she might also have been one or two years younger than that. Her mum was completely naked, but even though textile immediately gets soaked in the steam bath, the daughter had kept her toga on – she must have been quite shy, because it couldn’t be pleasant to sit there in this wet piece of clothes. Then the steam master came and handed out salt for every one so we could get up and start rubbing our skin. The daughter and her mum also got a handful each. They naked mom rubbed it all over her body immediately, while the covered daughter carefully rubbed one arm, then the second arm, then the upper chest, and then finally she pushed the toga down a bit and revealed her small but extremely cute, round tits. Then she started rubbing salt into them – first the left and then her right, and I could tell how her nipples got hard by her own touch. I wouldn’t stare too much, so at some point decided to move away to the other end of the steam bath. Here I got a nice surprise. Suddenly I spotted the sexy school teacher daughter together with her mum and dad again. Dad was rubbing salt on his arms, while the daughter was rubbing her mum on her back. I moved even closer, because this time I had time to enjoy her body. When she was done with her mums back, mum turned around to the dad and started to rub salt at his back and chest. She even touched his cock a couple of times, but not in a sexual way though (it would still have been fun if she had given him a hard on though). This left to time to look at the school teacher daughter. She was standing between me and her parents, rubbing salt on her tits and tummy. When she got to her thigh, she put her leg on the seat, which made her shaved pussy open a little, so I could see her minor labia peeking out. It was probably the sexiest view of the day.
After the steam bath, I had to take off. I don’t know when I get the opportunity to visit a sauna again, but when it happens, I’ll share it with you. Please remember to drop a line below if you have any experience/knowledge about Japanese nudity culture, or have any idea about I it felt natural for these two Japanese girls to sit topless together with naked me.
Another great post. I always like to hear about the shy and embarassed girls who perhaps weren't intending to share their goods. Do you have an all time favourite ENF from your sauna experiences? How did the shy scandanavian blonde and her boyfriend react when her boob fell out? I'm guessing you got to see the three shy girls pussies as well as there breasts. I can tell you the Japanese girls would never do that at home in mixed company although same sex at an onsen would be common. It's always fun when girls from more conservative countries get caught up in the excitement of being in a foreign land, especially when they end up naked!
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Old 03-30-2016, 02:42 PM
cladiz cladiz is offline
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Originally Posted by sebsationally View Post
Another great post. I always like to hear about the shy and embarassed girls who perhaps weren't intending to share their goods. Do you have an all time favourite ENF from your sauna experiences? How did the shy scandanavian blonde and her boyfriend react when her boob fell out? I'm guessing you got to see the three shy girls pussies as well as there breasts. I can tell you the Japanese girls would never do that at home in mixed company although same sex at an onsen would be common. It's always fun when girls from more conservative countries get caught up in the excitement of being in a foreign land, especially when they end up naked!
Thanks Yeah, I definitely an all time ENF moment, and that's the two chicks that I wrote about a month ago, who enters the nude area with bikinis on, and subsequently sit and discuss in the steam bath whether or not they should strip naked. How often can you sit naked and follow such a conversation, and then subsequently watch two super sweet, slightly embarressed girls strip naked less than 1 meter from you. That was my all time favorite.
As for the three shy girls at my last visit, I never got to see their pussies. They were so busy covering up, that we're talking splits of seconds, and I always check the boobs before I look for the pussy.
Thanks for the info about Japanese nudity culture. That's basically what I expected also, which made the situation even hotter. I would have loved to read the mind of the one with the erect nipples, when she suddenly decided to puch the towel down and expose her sweet boobs to me and the rest of the sauna
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Old 04-04-2016, 09:58 AM
nighthawk88 nighthawk88 is offline
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Default A few nice looks at the Sauna

I am a regular at the Sauna, usually go there once a week. It is a full nudity place with 7 mixed sex cabins and 2 small women only cabins (so my gf goes). Typically they have Aufguss (onpouring) ceremonies twice an hour in one of the two larger mixed sex cabins. At that time most people assemble for that and sometimes there is barely a seat left. Towel is used for sitting on it and wearing a towel to cover up is allowed but frowned upon. Wear a bathtrunk and you're kicked out.
One weekend two women in their mid 20ies joined the Aufguss Session, wearing a full bathrobe in the Sauna. The guy responsible for the ceremony asked them if they could lower their robe so he could make sure there was no bathsuit underneath. . One of them immediately dropped hers, the other rolled her eyes for some moments considering what to do, then she lowered hers and folded it up. There she sat as naked as everybody else. Her breast were very nice, well formed C sizes. No pubic hair visible... couldn't stare... not to invite unwanted attention...
Early this winter, around x-mas-new years, I spent an afternoon there. Two young Asian babes, probably also tourists, skinny, small breast, around 20. Wearing their slim g-string bikinis in the middle of the largest mixed sex cabin. After some moments the sauna master pulls them out. I see them stripping through the glass door, hanging up their bikinis and entering again. Now they didn't seem too relaxed and the younger of the two seemed quite nervous about the whole thing.
Two local girls, fully tatooed, maybe 25-30ish joined. tall, big boobed, nipple pierced blondie was clearly the exhibitionist type. She placed herself right behind the guy doing the Aufguss so everyone was facing her fully frontal. Fully nude she sat there for a one or two minutes, legs relaxed but closed together. Then she lifted one of her legs up to the level of the bench she was sitting on, and revealed full sight of her shaved pussy. And her pussy lip piercing. A few minutes go by, the room getting steamier and steamier, she lifts up the second leg, sitting there in M-form, spread enjoying the looks and blushes. Her friend whispers something to her. She whispers something back and then her friend goes into the same position exposing her trimmed pubic hair. Other men around me look hard press not to look to hard.
On a night - with a lot of football on TV - I went there with my girlfriend and except me, there were only females around. As she hates the hottest cabin, so we went into one of the smaller saunas with lower temparature slightly higher humidity - but you should stay there for a longer time. There was a group of young chat boxes just enjoying the atmosphere and themselves without taking much regard of us, rearranging sitting positions as they spoke (or whispered). Sometimes they sat legs crossed, sideways bent over, lifting one leg up the bench, leaving the other on the lower bench as she spoke with the girl sitting behind her on a higher level. One of the girls kept on shifting the sweat off her body with her hands. Two of them featured a pubic jungle that probably hadn't seen a razor yet. As they seem to have come directly from yoga class, one girl kept on showing one position, showing us the side of her ass. My gf didn't like it too much... no other dicks...
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Old 04-10-2016, 03:20 AM
Fred Wasserstein Fred Wasserstein is offline
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Default female voyeurism

Part 1:

The last time I went to my favorite sauna, I have chosen a sun lounger in a very small relaxiation room.

The door on the entrance to this room consists of transparent glass.

In the morning I was the first visitor there.

I varied the positions of some sun loungers and checked the view from the door.

I made sure that there was only one perfect spot at the door to see me naked on my sun lounger. A little bit moving at the door and the penis show was over....

End of Part 1
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:57 AM
Fred Wasserstein Fred Wasserstein is offline
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Talking female voyeurism - Part 2

Part 2:

I waited on my sun lounger for about an hour. And then a group of 4 girls arrived. They were about 25 years old and looked shy.

Obviously it was the first time for them at this sauna. They were on an first expedition. They looked a little bit through the transparent door into my room and then walked on. I saw that one of the girls stayed a bit longer than the others on the door. And yes, she stayed on the special spot.

After they departed I was horny.

About two hours later the girl who stared on my naked penis before came back. And this time she was alone.

...End of Part 2
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Old 09-06-2016, 02:36 AM
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Default female voyeurism - Part 3

Part 3:

She hesitated a little bit and then entered the room. At this time there was only 3 people in the room.

She stayed still in the corridor directly behind me. I felt her stare on my naked skin.

After a short while the girl plucked up courage and chose a sun lounger in my row. Right now there was only one empty chair between me and her.

I looked on her. She had long blonde hair, a tall figure, just a little bit overweight and big tits. Her feminine body was wrapped in a white towel.

From time to time the shy girl made short looks to my naked penis. Then I was sure that I was the only reason for her returning to this room.

After 5 minutes she changed the position of her chair from vertical to horizontal and in this moment her towel slipped a bit downward.

I saw the nipples of her big and round breasts. In the beginning it seemed that she did not notice her exposure. For about ten minutes she laid there like that. In this ten minutes I was the one who stared on someone. I was sure that she noticed my looks on her breasts because sometimes she caught me in the moment I stared on her tits. But it did not bother her.

And then a friend of her came through the door. Hectically the girl put her towel up and both girls left the room.

The End
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