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Old 01-12-2025, 08:33 AM
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About 25 years ago at the place I used to work. We were allowed to bring our wives and partners to the works Christmas party. Anyway as the evening progressed my Mrs was really enjoying herself and got pretty drunk, and at the end of the night we phoned for a taxi home. There was a young mechanic apprentice at the do, and he'd brought his mate along. He(the apprentice) was tall young and fairly attractive and around 19 years old. Anyway, we'd chatted to him(them) briefly during the evening up at the bar. Now I can't recall how or why but my Mrs offered them a lift in our taxi. A bit strange because they both lived in a different direction to us. When it arrived I got in the front, and my Mrs and the two young lads got in the back, she was sat in between them. On the way home my Mrs suggested that they come to ours for a night cap/drink, and to my astonishment they accepted. Now on the journey home in the taxi, all I could hear from the rear was my Mrs giggling and laughing. Embarrassed, I enquired as to what was going on back there, she said their hands are going everywhere. As she was laughing and giggling about it I didn't object, but I felt really awkward about what the taxi driver might think. When we got home, we all went into the lounge. I said I'd get them drinks, a couple of beers for them, and my Mrs wanted a brandy.
When I came into the lounge with the drinks my Mrs was sat on the sofa, sandwiched between the two young lads again. She was still giggling and half heartedly fighting off their groping and proding. I must admit I was getting really turned on watching it. She wasn't exactly upset or annoyed by the all the attention by handsome lads 10-12 years her junior. After about 20 minutes of this I said I needed a pee, so I got up and went off to the bathroom. When I came back, I couldn't believe my eyes. They'd somehow managed to pull off my Mrs top and were squeezing and fondling her breasts(she'd gone out bra less), at this moment in time she was just lying back in the sofa with her eyes closed enjoying the sensation unaware I was back in the room watching. Now my Mrs has only ever had sex with one person - me, so all this was completely out of character for her. I was both shocked but horny as fuck as her naked breasts were exposed and fondled by two horny young men. My stomach was churning, but I desperately wanted it to continue.
I felt sick inside but didn't want them to stop, but felt my presence might stall or hinder them, so I got up and said something like "well I'm tired, I'll leave you to it then" thinking I was going to bed, completely mad I know. But all I did was go and sit at the bottom of the stairs, trying to take in what was going on in the other room.
For about 15 minutes I just sat there, and all I could hear was laughing and giggling from the other room.
Then I suddenly noticed it had gone rather quiet. I could hear talking, and various noises.
I wanted to see what was going on, but was too nervous, or maybe scared of walking back in on them.
So I went out the front door, and down the alley by the side of the house to the rear of the house.
I crept over to the patio doors, and peeped round.
On MeWe and KiK as Trunky0691
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Old 01-14-2025, 07:12 AM
Hornyinde Hornyinde is offline
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Originally Posted by trunkster View Post
About 25 years ago at the place I used to work. We were allowed to bring our wives and partners to the works Christmas party. Anyway as the evening progressed my Mrs was really enjoying herself and got pretty drunk, and at the end of the night we phoned for a taxi home. There was a young mechanic apprentice at the do, and he'd brought his mate along. He(the apprentice) was tall young and fairly attractive and around 19 years old. Anyway, we'd chatted to him(them) briefly during the evening up at the bar. Now I can't recall how or why but my Mrs offered them a lift in our taxi. A bit strange because they both lived in a different direction to us. When it arrived I got in the front, and my Mrs and the two young lads got in the back, she was sat in between them. On the way home my Mrs suggested that they come to ours for a night cap/drink, and to my astonishment they accepted. Now on the journey home in the taxi, all I could hear from the rear was my Mrs giggling and laughing. Embarrassed, I enquired as to what was going on back there, she said their hands are going everywhere. As she was laughing and giggling about it I didn't object, but I felt really awkward about what the taxi driver might think. When we got home, we all went into the lounge. I said I'd get them drinks, a couple of beers for them, and my Mrs wanted a brandy.
When I came into the lounge with the drinks my Mrs was sat on the sofa, sandwiched between the two young lads again. She was still giggling and half heartedly fighting off their groping and proding. I must admit I was getting really turned on watching it. She wasn't exactly upset or annoyed by the all the attention by handsome lads 10-12 years her junior. After about 20 minutes of this I said I needed a pee, so I got up and went off to the bathroom. When I came back, I couldn't believe my eyes. They'd somehow managed to pull off my Mrs top and were squeezing and fondling her breasts(she'd gone out bra less), at this moment in time she was just lying back in the sofa with her eyes closed enjoying the sensation unaware I was back in the room watching. Now my Mrs has only ever had sex with one person - me, so all this was completely out of character for her. I was both shocked but horny as fuck as her naked breasts were exposed and fondled by two horny young men. My stomach was churning, but I desperately wanted it to continue.
I felt sick inside but didn't want them to stop, but felt my presence might stall or hinder them, so I got up and said something like "well I'm tired, I'll leave you to it then" thinking I was going to bed, completely mad I know. But all I did was go and sit at the bottom of the stairs, trying to take in what was going on in the other room.
For about 15 minutes I just sat there, and all I could hear was laughing and giggling from the other room.
Then I suddenly noticed it had gone rather quiet. I could hear talking, and various noises.
I wanted to see what was going on, but was too nervous, or maybe scared of walking back in on them.
So I went out the front door, and down the alley by the side of the house to the rear of the house.
I crept over to the patio doors, and peeped round.
I think I speak for all the “thanks”, you can’t end the story there, what happened next? I think I have an idea, but I’d love to read it.
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Old 01-14-2025, 07:33 AM
justyoung justyoung is offline
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Originally Posted by Hornyinde View Post
I think I speak for all the “thanks”, you can’t end the story there, what happened next? I think I have an idea, but I’d love to read it.
I second this motion for the story to continue!
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Old 01-22-2025, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Shihoin View Post
Sometimes, while stressed, anxious or exhausted, women's "modesty switch" will turn off; leading to surprising situations. I've got two stories.

The second story is with my current wife. We were vacationing in St Martin and swimming. The current was very strong; so strong in fact that a wave hit her and pulled her string bikini top right over her tits. We get out of the ocean; her bikini top is completely tangled up and she's struggling to pull it back over her tits; to no avail. So she just pulls it over her head as we sit back down on our towels. She tries for 2 seconds to detangle it; but gets exasperated and throws it down. She'd never stayed topless before; but she just gave up on covering her tits. She knew the beach was topless; but no one else was. And it didn't seem to bother her one bit to be the only woman around with her tits out. At that time, that was completely out of character for her.
Thanks. That reminds me of a similar event. We talked about going to Orient Beach. She knew that before we met I spent a lot of time at California nude beaches, and preferred them. She said that she MIGHT take her top off, but didn't think she would be ready to get completely naked. There was a restaurant between the parking lot and the beach, and we went in to get a couple of beers and a bathroom break before hitting the beach. I went to the rest room, and when I came back she (and several other female patrons) were enjoying the beer without their tops. I sat across from her in our booth, which was unusual because I usually sat next to her. She asked why, and I told her I liked the view from this side, which got a laugh. We finished the beer and strolled down to the beach. We laid out our towels, and I started undressing. Before I could get my shorts down, she had her bottoms off and was laying back on the towel, legs slightly spread. She really liked it.

Unfortunately, I don't think we ever got another NIP opportunity, although we had a couple of houses with pools where we both skinny dipped. In both locations we could be seen, but the neighbor would have to deliberately look, and we weren't worried about that.
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Old 01-22-2025, 03:38 PM
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Default Friends over

Ok, so this is kind of how I got interested in sharing some of myself nude. Up to this point I wouldn't even have dreamed it was a thing I would ever do.

My husband had four or so of his friends over they were watching a football game drinking beers in the basement and having a good time.

Every hour or so I would go down and refresh their beer cooler get rid of the empty bottles etc.

The more they had the more the jokes came, I was the waitress now after a second trip I was the Hooters girl.

The game was about over and they were joking about going to a strip club. I jokingly responded no strippers tonight boys.

My husband said that if I felt that way about it the least I could do was take take care of the job.

I smiled and went back upstairs and got another round for them, only this time my wheels were turning.

I thought to myself they're pretty far along maybe it wouldn't hurt and after all he did recommend it although I don't think he was 100% serious.

I was a little over eight months pregnant and was feeling pretty confident about my body and I just decided to go ahead and do it.

I was in our bedroom which is right down the hall from the top of the stairs and anybody coming up could've easily seen me so I took all of my clothes off and just put them on the bed.

I was super nervous but I thought at this point I was past the point of no return.

I went back to the kitchen and got their beers took a deep breath and just walked downstairs.

Two of his friends were the first to see me and they were profoundly shocked which made the other two turn around and my husband didn't know what to say.

So I just gave them each a beer and cleaned up the bottles as if nothing had changed.

I was on my way upstairs and one of his friends followed me up. Me knowing he was back there was really exciting, he said he needed to use the bathroom I just smiled and opened the door for him.

He was pretty quick and the bathroom was right next to our bedroom so I was going to get my clothes where I left them on the bed but both doors were wide open and he was standing in the doorway smiling and so I just started to get my clothes to dress.

If you had told me two hours prior that I would be naked in my room in front of him I would've never believed it but here I was.

He asked if he could take a picture and I thought well we've come this far what will it hurt and that's how this picture happened.

We had the best sex we ever had that night after everybody left and I realized sharing with them was super exciting which led me here to share with some of you, here is the picture.
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