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Old 01-02-2009, 05:30 PM
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dognheat dognheat is offline
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Lightbulb The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection

While I always appreciate a good look up a gal's skirt, I am particularly fond of those glimpses between a woman's legs who is squatting. My first great memory of this happened at wedding. I saw the maid of honor crouch down to talk to the flower girl after the ceremony. We were outside on a bright, warm, Spring day. She wore a perfect white thong under her dark navy dress. I wasn't prepared to snap a picture of this wonderful moment, but the image will live in my memory forever. Whenever I see this girl, I always think of that view of her perfect package, neatly wrapped under her dress. She was elegant, well-mannered, fit, educated, and conservative--in that she would never intentionally expose herself.

Now, for OCC, I have compiled a portfolio of Squatting Upskirt pictures. The first series, and the first picture in particular, comes closest to replicating my first squatting upskirt exposure.
Attached Thumbnails
sformal4.jpg   sformal7.jpg  

sformal8.jpg   sformal9.jpg  

sformal1.jpg   sformal2.jpg  

sformal3.jpg   sformal5.jpg  

Since the first post of the The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection has logged over 1000 "thanks" I wonder if you know any good Pick Up Lines?
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schwarzwaldalien, scoobydenon, scott s, scott3000, scottscot, scout28, seamchaser, seapilot, seedless, seharris01, sem pirs, senimila, senimilaa, senopathy, serginhoqu1079, serra35, sgelnap, shagz, Shambo, shark77, sherlock_g, shinsengumi, shit4brains, shoeps, shoreboyjack, shortslover, showsoffwife, shropshireboy, Shyone17, sighfull2, silktop, simmo67, simoleone, Sinister Minister, sinus-pi, sismik71, sk8raver84, skipper49er, skwazzy, sky55, SkyzyxFizzlecrit, slammerkin, slash_622, sleazy70, Slick, slipandslide, slitliquor, slomvr, SLOpoke, smartz69, smith68, smitzenburg, smoothtoo69, smy454, snakem2000, sneakyme, snffhrtights, sniper53, Soldier of Thongs, somar910, someidiot, sommerball, sonny2348, soulless, Spanky30, Sparky 45, sparky4u, spearmint454, specs47, Spike124, spjoey, spoilt sport, Sportsfan98, srats, srecek, sryanto, stasky, StayFrosty, STERRY1960, Steve TX, stevedawg4, stewartdiver, Stick31, stickystacey, strike300, stringbean6, stringx25, strongwad, stu200, stuff9687, stupot1946, Stycks, st_rick1234, sunseeker, Superman, susan862003, sushilover, SussexDaz, suture, sven22, sven33, swampman67, sweaty7, sweet angel, sweety, sweet_ice, swimliketarzan, Swissvoyeur, tallcoolone, Tante Tami, Tanyavelour, taurusandtess, tbonezz, tcappy2001, techgirlx, TeddyBare, teddykleinerman, teething, teethmaker1, telamir, testingtesting123123, tevion, tevver69, tex3, texpistol, TFC, tgd22, thatsmartdude, the boor, The Fish, theautobahn, theCharlieScott, theflashman, thegit, TheKasighost, theloneone, thesmellypocket, thisisme1, thisisme3, thomas42, thramj, thredkamel, tibcsi20, tidaho, tiespan, tight leggings, Tinyfigment, tissue03, TMoneyz, tnf25, tnklm, tobenida, todge13, toinkypuss, tomato5500, tommarch54, tommargo, tommy tune, tommy_73, Tomwdrake, tonz42, topcat, TopCatz999, topper333, Tosh, tractopon, trajanus, tranentlad, Trapper98, Trea, treetops, trevp, trezor, triazan, trickleunder, Tricky D, trickyhi, tristanchik80, tuesday64, tulsa20001, tunes322000, 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Old 01-02-2009, 08:25 PM
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dognheat dognheat is offline
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Another batch with some 2-for-1 shots.
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squatgroup.jpg   squatgroup4.jpg  

Since the first post of the The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection has logged over 1000 "thanks" I wonder if you know any good Pick Up Lines?

Last edited by spacecake; 05-26-2018 at 04:17 AM. Reason: *****removed on request_*****
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jackson691, jack_flash1947, JADs, jamejest, jason_fisher, Jay bird, jdandej, jeanfoutre, jehosh, jellyworm, Jem Casey, JerryCan, Jess561, jmw55018, Job Gerlach, Jobb_619, joe1234567890, joegringo, JoeSchmo1, Joetal, johnbonesf, johnny mo, johnsmithbowmans, john_chimpo, joxter, jpie247, jpwr1022, julant80, julieirish, justme312, kaiserdom, kaloi, karun, kegwarden, kenny177, kf4hoq, kilmarnock, kittyk129, knei, knightatnight, korora, koto, kpot60, krullbagge, ktemanuel, ktinch, kyrnos, labello, lactar56, ladoo, larrylen, Last Tango, Lazy-Lob, LeeryLurker, leinader, LeLough, Lesneakyburrito, lickertits2, lickitclean, Liketolookie, literally2, Little Johnny, liver, locomoco, lookingatthings, losaqbutres, LOUISWHITE, love2c, lovekylie, loveus, lsr99, Lucian0, lucky66, luckyman, luis310774, luluberlu33, lunchbox134, lupefuentes, LuvsDaBoobies, LV03, lysanxius, maccafan, macsmith230, maddock, maddogmatty, madeya, makabar, makemo, Man.Utd, mandarake, mannivice, manolito73, mari4j, markymark2011, martynbarlow, maskedowl, matinik143, maverick1881, mawi97, maxtease, maym, MB55, mbbx, mekongbr, michmc, mike2524, mikey1000, milktoast, misterwho, mnkysunegro, ModelT-MsDollie, Mohab, monke, Moonviper, moth533, mpoddy, mtbike40, mucker888, Mudbug, mue1893, muf4s4, mythandria, myz_X, n08ra, nangman, napa3uT, navi5319, Nawlinsnative, nchubby, nctarheels, Nebnos, neofrohawk, newcpl, newsws, nightpedro, nimnimnim, nitro, njek, njmafia, nob2009, noel600, Nookie Monster, Norway46, npapadon, nsimone, nulo22, Nutterone, nwaatnt, nylonkiss, nyx883xx, oakleyboy, Officer, oldbuckeye, oldman1941, oldman66, open22, ophelia, ORALSPECIALTY1, oskkar6850, outlawrichard, pamk, pantieless, Papercut916, pc1972, peanut47, peanut918, pedrojaime, pegasus10, pepe04free, perezoso, petal, pete387joe, petiepotpie, philiper, Philman01, pimpwithalimp, pingman62301, pinkpanties4me, planeight, platypus86, pluto33, pokito111, Polok, polyveiw, poosnip, popeala, predeg, primenoob, Proud Fart, proximus, pulpist, pw489, qaz123, quiver, quivver, racin20h, raggadoon, ragnarsvedje, railcon56, ramjam88, randywood12, rantelleta, Raverjoe, rbbz21, reddog21, Remoby, rexona, rhcre8ive, Richard53, richardj74, rick941, ricogill, ricoman, righteyes, RisenShine69, rjmfo3, rjorge, rlawonly, robertburns,, robinshood, rolff, romarioff, ronbo1943, ronnie_isit, rossco, rovi2011, royebb12, rude-dog73, rudyray, RukFash, Ryllik, sabberer, Sacho, sammy_606, sapped, sarah.daily, Satch, satech00, Saulh, saxophone, scamp27, schmutzig, schnicklefritz, schwarzwaldalien, scott s, scott3000, scout28, seharris01, sem pirs, senopathy, seogorath, serginhoqu1079, sgelnap, Shambo, shark77, sherlock_g, shortslover, simoleone, Sinister Minister, sinverguenza, sismik71, skillzzs, skipper49er, skrapper, skunfete, skyvia, SkyzyxFizzlecrit, slammerkin, sleazy70, Slick, slipned, smackfu, smy454, sneakyme, sniper53, somatic54, someidiot, sonal.shaah, Sorryshit, soulless, spamizable2, spearmint454, specs47, spirini, squares, squonk, stasky, StayFrosty, stephen45, STERRY1960, stevedawg4, Stick31, stringx25, strong, stupot1946, st_rick1234, sunseeker, Superman, susan862003, SussexDaz, suture, sven22, swampman67, sweety, swimliketarzan, Swissvoyeur, t00ls, Tante Tami, Tanyavelour, tarquinsuperbus, techgirlx, TeddyBare, telamir, terr0, testingtesting123123, tevion, tevver69, tex3, that1, thatsmartdude, The Fury, theautobahn, theflashman, thisisme1, thomas42, thramj, thredkamel, tidaho, tirebiter, Tirma, tnklm, tommargo, tommy123456789, TonyT, tonz42, topcat, topper333, torretxt, Tosh, Trea, treetops, trevp, Tricky D, tristanchik80, tuesday64, tulsa20001, tyldesley60, umit56, uncleal, undertaker9, undies1965, unitforhire, unlurker, UNMEARE4EVER, usher142, uSTa, uvss, varito, veryaware2003, Vinceno, vitalianos, vmack77, Wasntme, watcher2005, Way2hard, wecker, wejdan, wernerp, Wet Ann, wicked9er, wickedweasel72, wiggles49, Wiler11, will granger, willieg, willsmic, winnie2, wiseguy4516, withcap, wompman, woodward1949, xchange3, Xrays, xtreme, XU_1, yabiggame, yampster, yaq12wsx, yeah2, Zarb4233, zarh, zeloheyq, zl00pedragl0ver, zodavand, zonzigxx, zorg4u, zorina
Old 01-02-2009, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by dognheat View Post
Another batch with some 2-for-1 shots.
Those are some fantastic photos, dognheat. Thanks!
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:00 PM
brolla brolla is offline
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looks to be a fun thread!
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:38 PM
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Here are some ladies who appreciate the excitement squatting-upskirt flashing!
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sexih1.jpg   sexih2a.jpg  

sexih3.jpg   sexih4.jpg  

sexih5.jpg   sexih6.jpg  

sexih7.jpg   sexih8.jpg  

Since the first post of the The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection has logged over 1000 "thanks" I wonder if you know any good Pick Up Lines?

Last edited by spacecake; 10-09-2021 at 03:10 PM.
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bulldoglover, bushluvr, bushmn05, Candi Delight, candid1_, captkerp, carrlane, cchiwepu, ccurly804, chaibala, chap, Chuckson, cindy22h, cjlcooter, Clair-G, claybow, clc10, clc100, CleMa, Cmewin, coach555, Coach_Ring, Cobastalin, coffeyrock, coldplay83, Computer Player, Conagher64, connormacl, coprologist, cosmo88, Cowsley, cpl4fun309, crashbarrier, crazy4hobbies, cydonia, dadammerl, danay555, danbaz23, dandd, danger_zone, DataThief, davecole34, davez, Davids1, daz100, dazdrum, dcpremo, DebbieS, decoratedpb, DeejayWy, delpiero, densmitty, deta33, Devilance, Dezi, Diskret, djmongon, docmike1, dog22, doggone, dogsandy, dominator, donw, doubler, dquv001, Drewan, driveit821, dronkgat, drporn, ds23, dsmitty2, dude111, dwhawkeye, Earlytogo, eddyfiks, EdnLaurasj, edux1966, eioua1, ekinox, ellis9329, emmitt240, enzeine, epicloss, eswgato, etiraworks1295, evhudsons, evilstan, exloverboy, FaceAche, faluty, farmer6655, fastfrank, fcduffeldork, fedorasheen, feedme69, ferrariv8f12009, fetichista014, ffrayban1, fireballxl5, fistmaster, fkjones, fkkfreunde, Fladers, flintlockmdj, FLT, Fons, forawthat, Fox Mulder, fragli, Frankieboy_0, freebird99, friarfrat, frosty57, fucckray, fudhee99, full halfslips, fun269, fustercluck, fyos, fyrefyre, galahad39, galopyn, Gamer420, gandolf, Gbicks123, Genejocky, geoff1132, Geognost, geordiekev, george122, germanjack, gerrald, getrdone, GiggleBear, gijoe1955, ginocop, gjg1224, gmharra, gn1966, goldleader, goldwingfuzzy, gomorreitor, GonbadUK, gonzaleen, grafffff, greendoor, greywolfe, grigsound, grovsnus, GUMMYBERRYJOOSE, hairyarse, hal555, Handiwerker, HankWilliams1956, hansfromlu, happyxxxxx, hardshoe, Harvey845, hash29, have1willtravel, hawaii50, hdcom, heelman66, heisemberg, hellcattx, herve1515, hiace, hip_i, hnn, hogeye81, homa1, HondaBike, hone026, Hoplite, hornyoldgoat, hpassage, huntersnip, Hurrel, hyperion00, IAassfan, ick78, igottago8, innswood, inspiredsoul, investor1000, irocdon, Iron280, ivonnemorr, IWFQM, Ixalon, jackin, jackp53, jackson691, JackTrades, jack_flash1947, JADs, jamejest, jango jah, Jay bird, jayblanco, jdp999, JDu, jeanfoutre, jeanluc99, jehosh, jetship, jim914109, jimmyhb1, jmw55018, jnj, Job Gerlach, Jobb_619, joecaver, JoeSchmo1, johnsmithbowmans, john_chimpo, josepepper69, joxter, jpie247, jpwr1022, jreb45, judo99992003, julieirish, justme312, kakukk_mike, kaloi, KCHurricane, kcyork1, kenny177, kevin686, kf4hoq, kilmarnock, kimbered, kindsur3311, klomtrix, kpprabhash, krullbagge, ktinch, kvx1857, Kwdemo, kyrnos, lactar56, ladoo, LAMBCHOP, lamport, Last Tango, Lazy-Lob, leeloo5, LeeryLurker, leglover60, leinader, lickertits2, lickitclean, Lip Gloss, Little Johnny, locomoco, lokiloki, loki_gz, lonelymg, lookingatthings, LOUISWHITE, love2c, lovekylie, loveus, lsr99, Lthr747, Lucian0, lucky66, luis310774, lunchbox134, luulinh, LuvsDaBoobies, LuvSunnyAZ, LV03, macboy1, maccafan, macsmith230, maddock, makabar, makemo, Man.Utd, mannivice, mapaed, marbles567890, marcopm, marcopm93, mari4j, mark.hiver37, maskedowl, matinik143, matmas, maxtease, MB55, mbbx, methyl, mfordx, Michael440Imperial, mike2524, milktoast, misterwho, MN21, mnkysunegro, ModelT-MsDollie, monke, monroe, Moonviper, moth533, mpoddy, mtbike40, mucker888, Mudbug, mue1893, muf4s4, mvprime, mysterio_x1, mythandria, navi5319, Nebnos, nerfherder898, nimnimnim, nitro, no3kb, nob2009, nobirt, nobonobo, noel600, nonono1, Nookie Monster, Norway46, nsimone, NTK, nwaatnt, nxisle, nylondude, nylonkiss, old shep, oldbuckeye, oldcoot, oldpipe, ophelia, ORALSPECIALTY1, outlawrichard, Oztrax, pantieless, pantysniffing, papa50pl, Paulrajraj, pc1972, pcscott99, peanut47, peanut918, pedrojaime, penn219, pepe04free, petal, pete387joe, peter_duncan, petiepotpie, philiper, phoenix18, pimpwithalimp, Pistnbroke, planeight, platypus86, playerxx, Poeier, Poika, pokito111, Polok, polyveiw, poosnip, popeala, pr1268, priapic, Probert24, Proud Fart, proximus, pulpist, pureevil, quiver, racin20h, radekwawa, raggadoon, ramon49, random_gal, rbbz21, RBLV, rebbbem, reddog21, Remoby, rezas, Richard53, rick941, righteyes, RisenShine69, rjmfo3, rjorge, rlgrlg, roadtoad, robertburns,, robidoux, robinshood, robtjt, Roman Red, romanceman011266, rossco, rovi2011, royebb12, ruas, rude-dog73, RukFash, rydell, Ryllik, sa07, sabberer, Sacho, Sailor2sea, Satch, satech00, saxophone, scamp27, schmutzig, schnicklefritz, schwarzwaldalien, scott s, scott3000, scottscot, senopathy, serginhoqu1079, sgelnap, Shadesofwhite, shark77, sherlock_g, shoredude82, showsoffwife, simoleone, SimonTabs, Sinister Minister, sinverguenza, sk8raver84, skipper49er, skrapper, skyvia, smoothtoo69, smy454, snakem2000, sneakyme, snffhrtights, sniper53, someidiot, soulless, sparks4you, sparky4u, specs47, squonk, stasky, StayFrosty, Steelyblue, stephanus008, STERRY1960, stetson, Stick31, strong, stukaone, stupot1946, Stycks, st_rick1234, suihu369, susan862003, suture, sven22, swampman67, sweety, swimliketarzan, Tante Tami, teffub, telamir, testingtesting123123, tevion, that1, The Fish, theautobahn, theflashman, thewastrel, thomas42, thramj, thredkamel, tirebiter, TMM, toenail, tommargo, tommy_73, TonyT, tonz42, topcat, topic24, Tosh, Trapper98, travel2cu, Trea, trevp, tuesday64, tugboat5, tulsa20001, ulissex, umit56, uncleal, undertaker9, undies1965, unitforhire, unlurker, UNMEARE4EVER, upintheair1109, uSTa, varito, Vinceno, vink, vmack77, vnmenon, Voyeur669, voyeurdude472, walkaround, walkernstan, Warden008, Wasntme, watcher2005, watching49, wecker, welpje, wernerp, weter86, wickedweasel72, will granger, willieg, winnie2, withcap, wompman, woodward1949, Woofywoof, wow_wow, Xrays, xtreme, XU_1, yaq12wsx, yellowhawk, yogiyogi, yowzip, zarh, Zeffer, zeke2112, zeloheyq, zl00pedragl0ver, zodavand, zonzigxx, zorg4u
Old 01-03-2009, 03:55 AM
Richard53 Richard53 is offline
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Awesome thread! I hadn't realised how much I liked the 'squat' pictures until I saw a lot of them together. They are just the ultimate. Please post moremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremore if you have 'em - especially the ones in formal dress. They are exactly what I was looking for in my Elegant Ladies thread.

Thanks a million, buddy.
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Old 01-03-2009, 10:13 AM
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dognheat dognheat is offline
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Thanks for those nice comments, Richard53, Brolla, & SlickOne.

Here are some lovely, natural sights from the park.
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spark10.jpg   spark9.jpg  

spark8.jpg   spark7.jpg  

spark6.jpg   spark5.jpg  

spark4.jpg   spark3.jpg  

spark2.jpg   spark1.jpg  

Since the first post of the The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection has logged over 1000 "thanks" I wonder if you know any good Pick Up Lines?
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0nj, 1mbb, 5speed42, 60gunner, 69doggy, AAA95, AaronAgassi, achas, actiris, adam01, adnex, aguila_24, akkobi1, al34434, albertbabowski, Albunon, alibaby123, allmyfaves4u, altaccount2000, alvis18, amature_lover, amfibia, AncientOne, anders37, andycog40, annacondom, annkathome, AristideBruant, arnoldziffel, artfrt, artfuldogger, asiagirl, asian4me, asusism, b9423w, Babbage52, badaboum44, bathtime, baykonur, BBanzai, BBBRB, beach178, becoming, bennmaster, berking123, bhatax2002, Big Mac 50, bighunter1, bigmac22, bigrus, bigthril, bigtunaman, Bikerboogers, billibob, billiedog, billy_sastard, bits, blastit, blubberman, blue81, blueroad, bobbobs, bobyates, Boneman, Bongo boy, Boogie456, boroparmo, Bowhunter32670, bPoint, breadman, breastexp101, brennev, brother_maynard, bushluvr, bushmn05, Candi Delight, candid1_, captkerp, carlin12, chrissyboy, chrysoidine, Chuckson, ciekay, cjxtime1, Clair-G, CleMa, Cmewin, coach555, Coach_Ring, Cobastalin, coffeyrock, coldplay83, Computer Player, connormacl, consulate, coprologist, cosmo88, Cowsley, crashbarrier, Crosseyed, cydonia, danbaz23, dandare123, dandd, danger_zone, dannmachine, Danpat49, dartcoll04, darude222, DataThief, dateaser, dave104, davez, Davids1, daz100, dboss, dbt590, delpiero, densmitty, dirtyowl, Diskret, djmongon, dmason8574, dog22, doggone, dogsandy, doubler, Dowcipas, dquv001, dracu, Drewan, driveit821, dronkgat, drporn, dson, Ducreux, dude111, dwhawkeye, eioua1, elephant mans friend, ellis9329, envy, epicloss, etiraworks1295, evilstan, exloverboy, faluty, farmer6655, fastfrank, fcduffeldork, fedorasheen, feedme69, feli, ferrariv8f12009, ferro_4444, fightfire, fireballxl5, fix5411, fkkfreunde, Fladers, Fons, frackels, fragli, Frankieboy_0, freebird99, friarfrat, frogdown, frosty57, fudhee99, fukuma, full halfslips, fun269, fyos, gandolf, gaucho21, gazzer, gehupper, geordiekev, ghibellino, GiggleBear, ginocop, gjg1224, gmharra, gogoBT, goldwingfuzzy, GonbadUK, goodman59544, GoodTimeJunky8, grafffff, Grah1956, greendoor, greylensman02, grigsound, grovsnus, guilder1, GUMMYBERRYJOOSE, gussetgazer, h1n1virus, HankWilliams1956, hantsguy, hardshoe, Harvey845, have1willtravel, hects, heisemberg, herve1515, hillo1, hip_i, hogeye81, homa1, HondaBike, hone026, hornyoldgoat, hpassage, huntersnip, Hurrel, hyperion00, ick78, igottago8, innswood, inspiredsoul, island, ivonnemorr, IWFQM, jackin, jackson691, JackTrades, jack_flash1947, JADs, jamejest, Jay bird, jayarblue, jayblanco, jeanfoutre, jeanluc99, Jem Casey, jimmyhb1, jmw55018, Job Gerlach, Jobb_619, johnsmithbowmans, joxter, julieirish, justme312, kaloi, kaptan69, kateloo911, kenny177, kermitthehulk, kevin7154, kf4hoq, kilmarnock, kindsur3311, kiner, knei, krullbagge, ktinch, kyrnos, lactar56, ladoo, LariatAdvance, Last Tango, Lazos, Lazy-Lob, LeeryLurker, LeLough, lickitclean, Lip Gloss, locomoco, loki_gz, lovekylie, lsr99, Lucian0, luis310774, luluberlu33, lunchbox134, luulinh, LuvsDaBoobies, LV03, maddogmatty, makabar, makemo, Man.Utd, mandarake, mannivice, mari4j, mark.hiver37, markfox, matinik143, Mattycom, maym, MB55, mcn, McSmoothie, medcreate2, mekis24, mglfrps, michmc, midge vox, mike2524, mikey1000, misterwho, MN21, mnkysunegro, ModelT-MsDollie, mokii4771, monke, Moonviper, moth533, Mpak, mpoddy, mtbike40, mucker888, Mudbug, mue1893, muf4s4, mythandria, n08ra, navi5319, Nebnos, nerfherder898, night, nimnimnim, nitro, njmafia, nobirt, noel600, Norway46, np25, nsimone, nulo22, nwaatnt, Nylonizer, Officer, oldbuckeye, omod, ophelia, outlawrichard, pantysniffing, pc1972, peanut47, peanut918, pedrojaime, penn219, petal, pete387joe, peter2010, petiepotpie, phjack, phoenix18, Poika, polyveiw, pool74, postmanuk, priapic, Proud Fart, proximus, puffinman10045, pureevil, pw489, qaz123, quiver, racin20h, random_gal, Raverjoe, rbbz21, reddog21, Remoby, rezas, Richard53, rick941, ricoman, ricoman3, RisenShine69, rjorge, rlgrlg, ROADDAWG, robertburns,, ronbo1943, ronnie_isit, rossco, royebb12, rude-dog73, RukFash, sabberer, Sacho, sailor99, saloplad, Satch, satech00, schmutzig, schnicklefritz, schwarzwaldalien, scott s, scott3000, scottscot, seamchaser, sem pirs, senopathy, serginhoqu1079, serra35, sgelnap, shagz, shark77, simoleone, SimonBarstow, Sinister Minister, sinverguenza, skipper49er, skrapper, skwazzy, skyvia, smallen, smitzenburg, sneakyme, snffhrtights, sniper53, someidiot, soulless, sparky4u, specs47, spudbrain, squonk, stasky, StayFrosty, STERRY1960, stevedawg4, stupot1946, Stycks, st_rick1234, susan862003, suture, sven22, swampman67, sweety, swimliketarzan, tantalus101, Tante Tami, teddykleinerman, telamir, testingtesting123123, tevion, thebestbigal, theflashman, thomas42, thramj, tidaho, tnslim, tommargo, Tony127, tonz42, topcat, topic24, trezor, tuesday64, tulsa20001, uncleal, Uncut X, undertaker9, unitforhire, unlurker, uxbridge2, varito, voyuk, Wasntme, way out west, wecker, wernerp, wicked9er, wilbur2013, willieg, Windsor Park, winnie2, withcap, wompman, woodward1949, wtfisthis69, xmaster, Xrays, yachtsastealer, yaq12wsx, zarh, zatopek341, zl00pedragl0ver, zonzigxx
Old 01-03-2009, 10:23 AM
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dognheat dognheat is offline
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Mum's work is never done, always crouching down to tend to the little ones. Once they get home, their husbands make them crouch and spread again!

Here are some MILFs squatting in skirts.
Attached Thumbnails
squatmilf.jpg   squat7.jpg  

smilf.JPG   smilf3b.jpg  

smilf3a.jpg   smilf3c.jpg  

smilf7.jpg   squatmilf1.jpg  

Since the first post of the The OCC Squatting Upskirt Collection has logged over 1000 "thanks" I wonder if you know any good Pick Up Lines?
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:29 PM
Richard53 Richard53 is offline
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Default I'm gonna pass out ...

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Old 01-03-2009, 07:04 PM
powa100 powa100 is offline
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Default OHH yess

Love these types of pics!!
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