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Old 09-05-2022, 02:26 PM
davew davew is offline
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Default Wife's impromptu exam

I've been a lurker for a while now and it somehow dawned on me, that maybe I have some experiences to share.

I will describe my wife; she always looks young for her age. She, at that time was a dead ringer for a famous actress and actually got asked if she was her, monthly. She's 5'5" and maybe 2 lbs over her goal (That's bragging from me and complaining if she says it). She is also very modest, was a virgin when we married and outside of pretty sexy bikinis, doesn't flaunt anything.
My wife was about 35 and got implants to fill in the damage from breastfeeding 2 kids.
She got sick a few days after she had her implants and went to our normal Dr. He is about 60, in great shape and my wife thought he was handsome.
At first he was concerned that the surgeon performed the procedure while she was sick, and he started to get a little upset, but she assured him she wasn't really sick until after. After hearing the symptoms, he figured it was just a bad cold.
He said; "ok, lets take a look and rule out any type of infection". He helped her remove her shirt and she sat there in her bra with some bandages still on. He first looked inside her bra and pulled the bandages back to see her nipples (the surgeon had inserted the implants under the nipple for no scaring, it worked!), after looking at her hard nipples he kind of got this look in his eyes and asked her to remove her bra and then helped her (she was still very sore from her surgery).
My wife is always a little embarrassed to do this, but she seemed pretty ok this time.
He then told her he would remove the bandages and reapply new ones later. He uncovered her tits and told her "wow, very nice!" and he then kind of added, real quick; "your surgeon did a really nice job".
Then he spent quite a while checking her nipples, squeezing them "to make sure there is no discharge" then he; I should say examined, but it was more like fondled the rest of her tits for 5-8 minutes. And when it looked like he was out of excuses, started prodding down her stomach and had her lay back, still uncovered and then he fondled/examined her tits some more. Then he went back to checking for anything tender down her stomach. As he made his way down to her jeans, he started going a little under the waistband and my wife started reaching up to unbutton them right as he asked her to.
She unzipped them and opened them up as much as she could, slightly shifting her pants down a little. She seemed eager.
He then kept prodding lower under her little thong and seemed surprised, then he slyly pulled her panties out away and looked down them and could see she was completely shaved.
(I don't think I was imagining these things, I'm usually pretty good about reading these kinds of things.)
Then, it seemed like he was out of believable options. He then asked her when was the last physical she had, it had been a couple years, he then encouraged her to set an appointment and he would be happy to do it for her (he had some PA's and other doctors working for him, but stressed he would be happy to do it).
He then had her sit up and carefully cleaned her nipples and boobs thoroughly, then took his time rebandaging her and even put her bra on for her (she was till stiff from the surgery).
I have been going to him for years and I have never even seen him put a Band-Aid on me or anyone else, he has a nurse do that. There was no nurse there and I was there, so one wasn't required.
He mentioned again, not to forget about making an appointment soon for a physical as we left.
Once we left, I took the time to reiterate what nice boobs she had and how the doctor really thought so too (I'm always trying to build up her self image, hoping she will see herself as everyone else does).
I delicately discussed what happened with my wife, trying to see if she would tell me what she really thought. She admitted that it seemed like he did get a little thorough on the exam, and she got a little smile. I told her that I thought so too and that he seemed to really be attracted to her body, but she kept changing the subject.
Unfortunately she didn't have him do the physical.
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Old 09-05-2022, 09:50 PM
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What's the chances that he masturbated right after your wife left?
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Old 09-12-2022, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Ranger 1 View Post
What's the chances that he masturbated right after your wife left?
He definitely had that lustful look.
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Old 10-03-2022, 05:39 PM
rn1993 rn1993 is offline
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Default Wife and young male military doctors

I was reading a discussion on another board about young military wives getting examined in the stirrups for the most trivial of reasons , like anaemia (low haemoglobin). It was written by a military husband with an attractive wife , who was subjective to a series of vaginal exams with a speculum by a number of primary care manager (PCM).

These military doctors can be Captains or even Lieutenants and could be between 22 and 32. Also, in the military clinics, regular doctors (PCMs or Primary Care Managers) perform women’s annual exams and the only time that a woman goes to an actual gynecologist is if her PCM finds a problem during his or her exam.

I started to believe that my was getting extra special attention from the military male doctors because the second time she went to see her PCM for her annual pelvic exam, coincidentally her PCM was unable to be there so a different (also young) male doctor stepped in to help out. Now within 13 months two young male military guys had thoroughly examined sexy and beautiful wife in the stirrups.

Another re flag for me was that any time my wife was seen for any kind of problem, her PCM would always start off the exam by telling her how many more months that she had before she was to come in for her annual pelvic exam and pap test. He would always explain to her how important it is to get the exam done on-time and not let it go over a year between exams.

Any military members had similar experiences?
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Old 10-08-2022, 06:44 PM
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I've never experienced anything like that before on base. Nor heard of such things occurring. Has potential for a right quick court martial, that. I suppose such indiscretions can vary depending on where one is stationed.

Sorry I can't help with any anecdotes, rn1993.

Last edited by driftwood3791; 10-08-2022 at 06:45 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 10-09-2022, 04:45 PM
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According to the solider he was based in the Philippines, Japan and Germany.
Also I chatted to a army doctor , who used to perform, rectal exams using anoscopes and proctoscopes and his clinics were always fully booked by the wives of military servicemen.
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Old 11-11-2023, 01:39 AM
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Originally Posted by hothabanero View Post
I had an AED class recently and now they are adamant on removing bras #braoffdefib on #titsoutforthepads, etc. I admit I got a little excited the more they talked about it, especially with the glee the female instructor seemed to take in destroying bras and in the natural flopping of untethered breast to the sides. I know it is a serious subject but it does feed into my enf fantasies, (and I know the reality is so different) . There is something though about a woman suddenly being exposed. Although an unconscious person can not be embarrassed I wonder about the aftermath when someone realizes that their breast have been viewed by bystanders perhaps co workers, perhaps filmed. Were ther gawkers when you were in these situations?

QUOTE=chuckfinly;2880049]I am not a doctor but I am a firefighter/EMT. I agree with you. I have seen many (more than I can bring to mind at the moment) exposed patients. I cannot think of a single time that I have been turned on by what I have seen. I have seen all ages ranging from young and hot to old and... well old.

That said, I cannot say I have never fucked a patient though I did not see her naked as a patient. I met my wife when she was in a car crash I responded to. Someone passed on a curve on a two lane country road, side swiped her which sent her off the road and into a creek. She was soaking wet and muddy. I pulled her out of the car, we gave her a blanket, and let her warm up in the engine. She was not hurt and refused to go to the hospital. She was about four hours from home and had nowhere to go and no one to pick her up so we brought her back to the station and let her shower. I still remember her coming out of the bath room with the wet hair and all... she looked so hot. We had been chatting over dinner and she was kind of tagging along as I took care of end of the shift stuff. No one was answering their phones (hers somehow miraculously survived the crash), it was getting late and I was due to get off my shift so I told her she could come wait at my place if she wanted and she took me up on it. I put her up in my spare room. In the morning I came out and she was dressed and cooking breakfast. We got along great and had great conversation over breakfast. She was trying to call someone to come get her. I had to go out and do some ranch work but told her to make herself at home. When I came back in after dark that night, she was still there. She had done a bunch of work around the house and made dinner. She had been in the area for a job interview and told me she had gotten the job. She asked if she could stay another night and said she would get a hotel the next day while she looked for a place to rent in the area and rent a car. I told her she could stay at my place until she found a place to rent.

I have no idea what the hell I was doing inviting her back to my place. It was totally unprofessional and could have caused all kinds of problems for me. Even just bring a stranger home like that is crazy. Long story short, she never left. She moved into my room a few weeks later and we were married about 14 months later. We have been married around 15 years and have three kids.

I am sure there are a few weird ones out there but I am sure they are the exception. I did CPR the other day on a 31 year old that if I ran into her in a bar I would have found smoking hot. Her boobs were exposed and my (gloved) hands were right there doing compressions. I can close my eyes and picture her rack but it brings zero sexual feeling for me. It is actually a turn off. Maybe it is something you cannot understand unless you are in the profession.

You are basing this opinion on what experience???

Wait, they were doing this in the training or saying to do it? That would be super hot if we actually got to cut shirts off in training but I have never heard of that. In the US or at least my state, this practice is nothing new. We usually cut their shirts, bras, and pants off leaving just their underwear. Once again, as I said in the post you quoted, it is not a turn on... it is strictly utility.

They very rarely survive so most never get to think about it after. Of those that do survive, I have never heard it mentioned.

In give or take 20 years of firefighting, I ran into the second case of nudity I can think of that I have encountered on an EMS call. It was a early 30's woman in a wreck she should not have survived much less walked away from. She was basically not injured but was complaining about her boob hurting where the seatbelt crossed it. She was completely drunk. She then looked down her shirt and was convinced it swollen and red. She then pulled her shirt down flopping both tits over the top. I told her to put them away, there was nothing we could do for it in the field and she got pouty and asked "don't you want to check them out?" She may have been a little sore but I think she was mostly drunk and hitting on hot firefighters.
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Old 11-14-2023, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by patriot41 View Post

I've always wonder how do you guys turn off your emotional switch when somebody dies?
In what way?

Are you talking sexually as Piecenick talked about above? If so he is partially right but beyond that, for me it is not just when someone dies. It is any patient with very few exceptions. It is not something I have to turn off, it just happens. I think part of it is the environment and the circumstance and the fact that the scene is often to put it mildly very gross. There is just nothing sexy about it...

Or, are you talking more from a human stand point as in the emotional trauma of seeing/dealing with death on a regular basis? Some people are able to do this naturally, some people can do it for a while, and some people wash out quickly. I think if you stick with this line of work long enough, you loose a part of your soul. I am a professional and I am very good at taking care of what needs to be taken care of in the moment. You are just taking care of business and not thinking about the emotional side of it. Sometimes it hits you later though. Calls with dead or injured kids fuck with me the most. Some of them bother you for a few hours, some a few days, some a bit more. None of them ever leave you all together. There is a place in your mind where you lock all the bad shit away and sometimes it is a smell, or a sound, or a sight that brings it boiling up. For me it was my son being stabbed and me shooting the attacker then trying to keep my son from bleeding out. I kept completely cool and calm until the chopper took off with him for the regional trauma center. Then years of emotional trauma came boiling up and it took me months to straighten myself out. Even now I am a lot more emotional than I used to be. The first time I realized though that I was kind of fucked up in the head was a couple years ago when I was on the scene of a wreck where a drunk driver had taken out a few bikers head on. There were pieces of the bikers and the bikes spread over 450 feet and over 100 feet into the field next to the road. I was spent over two hours that night helping the state troopers find all the body pieces. I remember standing in the middle of the road surrounded by bone fragments, blood, guts, and body parts and feeling nothing and thinking it is not normal to see this and feel nothing. I then realized I had lost a part of myself and was kind of fucked up. What bothered me the most about that night was the fact it did not bother me. We used around 8,000 gallons of water that night to clean off that stretch of road. A lot of us end up with PTSD.
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Old 02-02-2024, 11:51 AM
MyCluelessWife MyCluelessWife is offline
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Default Pregnant and nude

A few years ago my wife was 23yrs old and pregnant with our first child. We had to go to different doctor because our regular female doctor had a family issue that required them to be gone for about 2 weeks. Long story short we ended up going to a male doctor and during the visit she wore a romper not knowing she would be having a certain swab and exam done. Considering a romper is a one piece she ended having to get completely naked for her exam. I couldn’t help but think about this stranger meeting my wife for the first time and having her get naked and following commands.
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Old 02-02-2024, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by MyCluelessWife View Post
A few years ago my wife was 23yrs old and pregnant with our first child. We had to go to different doctor because our regular female doctor had a family issue that required them to be gone for about 2 weeks. Long story short we ended up going to a male doctor and during the visit she wore a romper not knowing she would be having a certain swab and exam done. Considering a romper is a one piece she ended having to get completely naked for her exam. I couldn’t help but think about this stranger meeting my wife for the first time and having her get naked and following commands.
If that was my wife I would have loved to have seen his fingers up there. Did you witness it or did she tell you afterwards? I coaxed it out of my wife afterwards while I masturbated.
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