01-10-2025, 04:02 PM
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 53
Thanks: 376
Thanked 148 Times in 33 Posts
Originally Posted by Wasntme
Hi everyone! It’s been a loooong Ass time since we’ve been around here. Thinking back as to why we left in the first place, I believe there was less interaction in this forum than on other platforms, and we just faded away. Other platforms like Tumblr fit the bill quite well, until they shut their doors to us, and we never really found something to replace it. Well, over the years life got in the way and less and less time was devoted to frivolity. I’m not sure how all this is going to play out. I certainly don’t have an abundance of free time, but I do hope to respark some interest here. I hope I’m not violating some archaic rule resurrecting a long-dead thread, but I don’t really wish to have to re-verify, either. Let’s see how and where this goes. Oh, and if anyone has suggestions for other, more entertaining platforms that we might try out, I’m all ears.
Well, maybe we all have our ups and downs here. The good thing is that this group is always here as a good refuge. It is a pleasure to see your wonderful contributions.