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Old 06-22-2014, 10:41 AM
Phantompen Phantompen is offline
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Nobody had been expecting such a forceful threat to come from the petite girl, least of all Captain Adaya. The captain actually seemed to hesitate for a moment and her expression faltered. Even more surprising were the actions of her two subordinates.


"Yield, I yield!"

These two cries were shortly followed by the sound of metal on stone as the two guards threw down their swords at Raine and Jamie's feet, putting their hands up in surrender.

Captain Adaya's face regained its angry demeanor. "Cowards, the both of you!" the captain shouted, drawing her sword. With a deft motion, Captain Adaya slid her blade down the back of the redheaded guard's armor and, with one fluid swing, rent her equipment completely off her body! The metal breastplate, studded skirt, and a set of lacy black undergarments fluttered to the ground before the now-nude guard had a chance to react.

Without missing a beat, the captain turned to the blonde guard and repeated the action. The events played out identically, with the only difference being the lacy black undergarments had their place taken by a red pair of panties and nothing else.

With both her surrendered subordinates now stripped by her own hand, Captain Adaya leveled her blade at Raine and Jamie, a defiant scowl on her face.

"My girls may be cowards, but I'll not bow so easily!"

Combat begins! Jamie's successful intimidation gives her and Raine a bonus to their attacks this round. Jamie gets the first attack of the battle.

Current Health:

Jamie Roy: Red Cap (0), Leather jerkin (3), Leather pants (3), Linen tunic (1), Linen shorts (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Raine: Flowing robes (4), Linen tunic (1), Linen pants (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Captain Adaya: Captain's Breastplate (6), Studded leather skirt (4), Thong (1)
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Old 06-22-2014, 10:55 AM
BigMara BigMara is offline
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"Then get ready, ya' bampot, 'cause this is about to get ugly for ya'!" Jamie snarled, leveling a punch square at the captain's breastplate. She struck with surprising speed and force for so small a girl, and despite her knuckles striking steel, the Redcap's hand didn't seem at all bruised by the impact.

Jamie's intention was to wind Adaya through her armor, but if she had the opportunity, she'd begin unfastening the staunch woman's armor straps as best as she could, while she and Raine had the upper hand. If the opportunity didn't present itself, however, she'd have to rely on her companion for armor-removal for the time being.

Jamie - Attack Adaya's captain's breastplate to exhaust, then to strip
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:12 AM
Phantompen Phantompen is offline
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Jamie: 5+2+2(Intimidate)=9
Adaya: 3+1=4
Attack Successful!

Jamie seemed to be just full of surprises, catching the captain completely off guard with her decision to punch her iron breastplate. The sudden impact of hard metal against her midsection sent the wind out of the captain as she doubled over to try and regain her breath.

Jamie: 5+2+2(Intimidate)+1(Exhaust)=10
Adaya: 5+1=6
Attack Successful!

Jamie wasn't done yet, however, and her deft hands began pulling at the straps that held the captain's breastplate to Adaya's body. In a flash, both of Adaya's pauldrons fell off her shoulders, clanging on the stone floor. After that, Jamie's nimble hands unclasped one of the buckles at the side of the breastplate. Finally, the captain had regained her composure, pushing away from the Redcap.

"False allegations, and now assaulting a captain of the guard. I'll have you both in stocks for this!" Adaya snarled, lashing out at Jamie with her sword.

Adaya: 5+1-1(Exhaust)=5
Jamie: 9+2=11
Defense Successful!

Adaya's swing went wide, sailing past Jamie's leather jerkin and hitting nothing but air.

Raine wasn't about to let Jamie have all the fun, however...

Raine: 4+3+2(Intimidate)=9
Adaya: 2+0=2
Attack Successful!

The studs in Adaya's leather skirt suddenly seemed to gain an incredible amount of weight. The captain's knees almost buckled as the iron studs pulled down the leather, tearing through and slamming into the floor with considerable force. The captain's skirt was still on, but the iron studs were gone, and the leather hung from her waist in shredded tatters.

Jamie Roy: Red Cap (0), Leather jerkin (3), Leather pants (3), Linen tunic (1), Linen shorts (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Raine: Flowing robes (4), Linen tunic (1), Linen pants (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Captain Adaya: Captain's Breastplate (3), Studded leather skirt (2), Thong (1)
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:36 AM
BigMara BigMara is offline
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Jamie grinned as Adaya was taken completely off guard by her first flurry of punches and grabs. There was something downright cathartic about dressing down a bully, in both senses of the term, and the captain's growing frustration only served to make the whole thing sweeter.

"I'm not done with ya' yet, ya' great idiot! This'll teach ya' not to get too big for your britches!" Jamie mocked, this time making a grab for Adaya's wrist. If she succeeded, she'd twist hard, hopefully disarming the captain right there. She'd seen what that sword had done to the other guards' clothes, and her bottom was still bright red and tender from her match against Raine. She didn't want to take the chance that Adaya might end up seeing that. Regardless of how successful her grab was, Jamie's next move was to once again lash out at the straps of the captain's breastplate, hopefully yanking it off this time.

Jamie - Grapple, then attack captain's breastplate to strip.
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:52 AM
Phantompen Phantompen is offline
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Jamie: 2+2=4
Adaya: 7+1=8
Grapple failed.

"Oh, no you don't!" Adaya hissed, shoving back Jamie's tackle with a harsh thrust of her arm.

Jamie: 7+2=9
Adaya: 1+1=2
Critical Defense failure! (Function is treated the same as a Critical Hit)

Adaya's brief respite from Jamie's assault was short-lived, however. The Redcap didn't let her failed tackle stop her, and lunged forward again, wrapping her hands around the edges of the iron breastplate. With a grunt, Jamie pulled back, and the sound of tearing leather told everyone present what had just happened. Jamie stumbled back a few steps as the resistance to her pulling ceased, and the back half of Adaya's breastplate crashed noisily to the floor.

The captain now stood completely topless, revealing her tan to be complete as her heaving breasts came into view, topped with light brown nipples. Blushing intensely, Captain Adaya hastily threw an arm over her chest.

"Of all the days to not wear a bra..." Adaya grumbled. "You'll pay for that, girlie!"

Again, Adaya lunged at Jamie, her sword a streak of gleaming iron.
Adaya: 1+1=2
Critical Miss!

The Captain's blade failed to connect once more, instead hitting her own breastplate still in Jamie's hands. The sudden force of striking iron stunned the captain, knocking her off balance.

"She'll pay for nothing!" Raine quipped. The sorceress held out two fingers, making a snipping motion as she did so. A pair of spectral scissors materialized by Adaya's waist, and Jamie knew what was going to happen next.

Raine: 9+3+2(Critical Miss)=14
Adaya: 8+0=8
Attack Successful!

The scissors sliced right through the leather waistband of Adaya's skirt, and the captain was reduced to just a skimpy white thong. All around her, the ruined remnants of her equipment served as a reminder to just how quickly she'd been dismantled.

"Y-y-y-YOU! You dare?!" Adaya shrieked. "When I'm done with you, you'll wish you were never born!"

Jamie Roy: Red Cap (0), Leather jerkin (3), Leather pants (3), Linen tunic (1), Linen shorts (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Raine: Flowing robes (4), Linen tunic (1), Linen pants (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Captain Adaya: Captain's Breastplate (0)-destroyed, Studded leather skirt (0)-destroyed, Thong (1)
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:05 PM
BigMara BigMara is offline
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"Not so fun when it's happenin' to you, is it!? Ya' shoulda' just come quietly when ya' had the chance!" Jamie smirked mercilessly, tossing the breastplate to one side before lunging forward and grabbing at Adaya's groin to finish the job.

If she could get a good grip, she'd tug Adaya's skimpy white thong straight up, giving her lower lips a painful wedgie and ripping the flimsy underwear clean off. While this wasn't an arena match, and Adaya could potentially still attack them despite her severely under-dressed state, her modesty made Jamie confident that she'd at least maintain her upper hand.

Unlike before, Jamie was planning on singlemindedly stripping the corrupt captain the rest of the way, abandoning her previous attempts to grapple in favor of ending things as soon as she could. With Raine backing her up, she knew that even if things started to turn south for her, they'd wind up the victors. Surely she had nothing to worry about.

Jamie - Attack white thong to strip.
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:15 PM
Phantompen Phantompen is offline
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Jamie: 6+2=8
Adaya: 8+1=9
Successful defense.

"NO! That is NOT happening!" Adaya screamed, uncovering her breasts to swat away Jamie's hand. Meanwhile, the captain's other hand made another desperate swing at Jamie, hoping to at least do -some- kind of damage.

Adaya: 2+1=3
Jamie: 7+2=9
Successful Defense!

Again, Jamie proved too hard to hit. The lithe girl dodged the sword as if it were barely even there.

"Oh, but dear captain, it IS happening." Raine said, a devious smile on her lips. Pinching her thumb and index finger together, Raine made a swift upward pulling motion...

Raine: 1+3=4
Critical Failure!

And gasped as nothing happened to the captain. Instead, the sorceress blushed profusely, her hands going to her backside. While it was impossible to know for certain due to her robes, it would seem as if her spell had accidentally wedgied herself, rather than her target!

Jamie Roy: Red Cap (0), Leather jerkin (3), Leather pants (3), Linen tunic (1), Linen shorts (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Raine: Flowing robes (4), Linen tunic (1), Linen pants (1), Bra (1), Panties (1)

Captain Adaya: Captain's Breastplate (0)-destroyed, Studded leather skirt (0)-destroyed, Thong (1)
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:22 PM
BigMara BigMara is offline
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"Hey, hey, what happened, Raine?" Jamie shouted mid-dodge, only momentarily distracted by her companion's supposed inaction. Maybe it was just a fluke.

Focusing her attention back on Adaya, the Redcap decided she'd better change her strategy back to what she knew would work.

Using the momentum of her dodge, Jamie tumbled to one side, attempting to get behind Adaya, or at least to one side. Once she was there, she'd try her last move once again, attempting to wedgie the topless captain from both sides at once. If she didn't manage that, she'd at least be in a position where Raine could effectively flank her. Far as she could tell, there was still no reason at all to worry.

Jamie - Tumble around Adaya, then attack to strip.
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:34 PM
Phantompen Phantompen is offline
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Jamie: 3+2=5
Adaya: 9+0=9
Tumble Failed.

It seemed as if being reduced to her thong had put the captain on edge, as Adaya was quick to block Jamie's attempt to slip past her. One of Adaya's strong legs caught Jamie's midsection, stopping the Redcap in her tracks and leaving her in front of the enraged captain.

Not one to let this deter her, Jamie made another lunge for Adaya's last garment.

Jamie: 3+2=7
Adaya: 7+1=8
Successful Defense.

And again, Jamie's hands were rebuked by a swat from Adaya.

The captain, realizing that her attacks on Jamie were getting her nowhere, whirled around to face Raine. She was not about to go down without putting up a fight!

Adaya: 9+1=10
Raine: 10+0=10

Adaya's blade came screaming through the air, poised right for the center of Raine's robes. To the surprise of everyone present, the sorceress -slapped- the blade away, her hand just happening to connect with the flat of the blade, leaving her unharmed.

"Whoa... how did I do that? Er, nevermind. You just made a big mistake!"

Raine: 10+3=13
Critical Hit!

Raine's hands glowed with arcane energy, and grasped at the empty air. This time, Adaya's thong responded, pulling upwards as Raine did the same!

"Ack! Wh-what are you doing?! S-stop!" Adaya shouted, her voice catching and raising in pitch as white fabric began to disappear between her lower lips. "Pl-please! No more!"

Raine didn't stop quite yet. Adaya actually rose several inches off the ground, dangling from her thong before an audible snap shot across the room. The captain then fell, hands flying between her legs as her now ruined thong continued to hover in the air.

"Like I said. Big mistake." Raine said. With that, the glow faded and the ruined thong fluttered to the ground. Raine turned to her companion. "So, you did most of the work. What should we do with them, aside from haul them in to face justice?"
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:49 PM
BigMara BigMara is offline
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Jamie grinned as she stood over the powerless captain Adaya. It might have seemed unusual, under normal circumstances, to see such a small girl overpower a captain of the city guard, but strange or not, that was what Adaya would see once she lifted her eyes again.

"Long as they come quietly and don't try and run, her lackeys look like they've had enough. But as for the good captain..."

The Redcap wasted no time in pulling Adaya to her feet by her arms, leaving every inch of her exposed.

"I say we give her a taste of her own medicine. Let's see how she likes bein' paraded naked through the city!" Jamie said, her small hands easily holding the captain down while she restrained her with a set of the guards' own handcuffs. "It's a long walk from here to the jail, you know. And before you beg for mercy, don't think I've forgotten what you said you were gonna do to us before."

With that, Jamie began marching Adaya out into the busy streets of Enferia's capital city, making sure to give absolutely everyone she passed a good look at the shamed captain's naked, blushing skin. She even made sure to take a brief detour through the merchant district, just so a certain shopkeeper could see with her own eyes that she was safe...
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