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Old 02-12-2015, 08:04 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Rose raced along the 2nd floor, towards the DJ suite. She cast a worried glance over the balcony at her sister and Tanya, hanging there helplessly, at the mercy of Mrs Tomkins wicked whims. She reached the door and looked in. There sat a bored looking DJ, surreptitiously smoking a cigarette and playing a mix of classical music.

"Hey, you can't come in here" said the DJ.
"Please, I need to use your sound system" urged a frantic Rose.
"No can do baby, I'm under strict instructions. It's dull, but what a paycheck I'm getting."
"Please, I'll do anything!"
The DJ considered for a moment, then smiled.
"Okay, let's see 'em", he said.
To his surprise, Rose lifted her shirt, exposing her black bra. She lifted the bra up and showed the DJ her small chest. He motioned towards the sound system.
"Haha, it's all yours."
Rose, not stopping to put her breasts away, grabbed her phone out her pocket.

Back in the main hall, Mrs Tomkins stood in front of her captives. She looked resplendent in her figure hugging black dress. All the men in the room had been admiring her all night. For a 40 year old, she still had a fantastic body. Her hair looked immaculate (and so it should for the price), and hanging round her neck was an expensive pearl necklace, topped off with a diamond that nestled between her voluptuous cleavage. She turned to face her admirers and hangers on, the good and the great of the town, and spoke one sentence.
"Let the games begin."

There was another cheer, and Louise and Emily stepped up beside their mother, basking in the admiration and respect of the crowd. Louise wore a long gown similar to her mothers, but a dark crimson colour, strapless to show off her ample chest. Emily, forever in her sisters shadow, still looked gorgeous in a green skin tight number.

Suddenly, there was a terrible screeching noise, like microphone feedback, which caused most of the guests to cover their ears.
"That damn DJ", muttered Mrs Tomkins. "I'll make sure he never works in…."
Her words were cut off, cut off by her own voice booming out over the tannoy.
"Oh yes, they're a bunch of ingrates, disrespectful curs all right. You know Eleanor Jenkins' tits? All plastic." she heard herself saying. Eleanor Jenkins, sitting barely 10 feet away, coloured a bright red. Mrs Tomkins looked horrified.

Up in the DJ suite, Rose held her phone to the microphone, playing the recording she had secretly made of Mrs Tomkins and Peter talking the night Holly had broken in. She had stood by the window, praying not to be seen, whilst they ridiculed all their so called "friends".

Downstairs, the recording continued playing. Mrs Tomkins was shaking her head, trying to be heard over the din. "It's not true, I never said that" she screamed, but no one heard her, they were listening to the recording with rising indignation and fury.

"As for the Thomson-Jones', she's a sl*t and he can't even get it up, so I hear. Oh, but still they come to my birthday party. Those bastards would attend the opening of an envelope…"
Now Lady Thomson-Jones stood up.

"Now listen here Judy" (for that was Mrs Tomkins first name). "This has gone quite far enough. It's one thing to humiliate these peasants….but now you humiliate us? Your guests? Your friends?"

Mrs Tomkins rushed over to her to try and appease her. "No, NO, it's not like that!" she cried. She never got to finish the sentence, as Lord Thomson-Jones had picked up the punch bowl and hurled the contents at Mrs Tomkins, drenching her in the sticky red liquid. "No-one insults my wife" he bellowed.

Suddenly the mood in the room changed. Rose's recording came to an abrupt end, bringing a dreadful silence to the room. Mrs Tomkins stood there, soaked in punch, her chest heaving up and down in anger. She lunged towards Lord Thomson-Jones, but found herself intercepted by his wife. The older lady grabbed Mrs Tomkins and threw her on to the floor. She landed on her ass, and before she had a chance to retort, she found herself surrounded by all the ladies she had just insulted.

Samantha Tarquin-Smyth looked at her with daggers in her eyes. "Okay Judy, let's see how you like it. Your'e always showing off that body of yours, making the rest of us feel inadequate for our husbands. But we have our suspicions, so let's get to the bottom of this!"

Mrs Tomkins tried to scurry backwards like a crab, but the ladies were on her in a flash. She felt hands grabbing at her, clawing and pawing at her designer dress. She kicked out, but found escape impossible from so many angry wives. One hand grabbed for her dress, but caught her necklace, snapping it, and Mrs Tomkins watched as hundreds of pearls rolled across the floor, the diamond being kicked out of sight. She was pulled up into a standing position, where she was held by four woman. Now the party was really starting, and the men were jostling for a better view, hoping to catch a glimpse of the fabled body of Mrs Tomkins.

"Let me go, you ungrateful ignoramuses!" she cried, for the first time in a long time, perhaps ever, Mrs Tomkins was afraid. Pat Peterson stood in front of the once proud lady. She reached forward to the plunging neckline of Mrs Tomkins dress and began to pull it apart, slipping the garment over Tomkins' shoulers. Mrs Tomkins spat in her face. Pat looked her in the eyes.
"That's not very ladylike, Judy."

And without that, in one fluid motion, she tore the dress right down Mrs Tomkins body. All the men were surprised at what they saw. The women? Not so much. Judy Tomkins stood before her guests in just her underwear. She was wearing a plain white push up bra, forcing her breasts up into an unnatural perkiness that belied her years. Below that, she was wearing the most enormous pair of underpants anyone had seen, which went from her navel to just above her knees, designed to hold her belly in.
"No, stop it, stop it!" shrieked the embarrassed woman.
"Well, Judy, no surprises here. We knew you were a fraud, even if our men didn't. Look at these silly things, all the way up here" said Pat, gesturing towards Tomkins breasts.
"You're just jealous!" spat Tomkins, "you all are, jealous of my wealth, my body, my family!"

Her family! Everyone had forgotten about them. All eyes turned towards where Emily and Louise had been standing. Now it was just Emily. Louise, being the smarter of the two, had already made a run for it during the confusion. Mrs Tomkins realised she had one chance. With everyone looking at Emily, she wrenched her body free and ran. She got about ten feet before slipping on one of her pearls and landing flat on her ass again. The women turned on her. There would be no second chance for Judy Tomkins. She was hauled up again to her feet. She felt someone's hands working on the back of her big white bra, inexpertly, the hands of a man. It took several seconds, but then her bra was off. Pat grabbed it from the front and tore it from Mrs Tomkins' body. Her fabulous breasts, so perky before, dropped a couple of inches, hanging downwards.

"She's a fraud! A fraud!" came the calls from the audience. "They're sagging!"
Tomkins tried to wrestle free, causing her breasts to sway for the onlookers.

Now she felt hands at her hips, fingers poking into the top of her huge undies, at leasts five different people each tugging and pulling them down. Pat grabbed the front and yanked them down to just above her pubic region. Everyone laughed as Mrs Tomkins belly was released from it's tight prison, making a mockery of her once perfect hourglass figure.

But the crowd didn't stop there. The underpants were so tight they were proving difficult to pull down, so one guest simply took hold of the stretchy lycra material and tore it. Mrs Tomkins gulped hard as she heard a tearing noise behind her, as her ass crack came into view. Everyone else suddenly had the same idea, and in seconds the big undies were simply torn away from her body.

Her naked, naked body.

Mrs Judy Tomkins was exposed, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. She stood before her peers, naked as the day she was born. But worse than that, her years of effort to hide her shortcomings were now also stripped away from her. Her breasts hung low. Her belly stuck out. Her bare ass sagged. And the wild bush of pubic hair was untrimmed.
For the first time in a long time, Judy Tomkins cried, while a roomfulful of people pointed and laughed at her.

Emily stood frozen with fear. Before her very eyes, her mother had been manhandled and stripped naked. She was now being paraded around the room, defeated and humiliated.
Emily ran.

She should have run sooner.

In the time it had taken the room to disrobe Mrs Tomkins, Holly had managed to slip her hands free of the knot that held her to the pole. She was untying Tanya when Emily made her move towards the exit. Holly left Tanya to undo the last knot and gave chase. Emily, in her heels and tight dress, didn't get far. Holly dived towards Emily and they both tumbled to the floor. Emily, frightened, responded viscously, elbowing Holly in the face. She rolled Holly over onto her back, slapping her face. Holly grabbed Emily's hair and pulled hard, forcing the girl backwards. Emily rolled backwards off Holly, then got to her feet again, trying to get on top of the teenager. Emily didn't even realise that the violent commotion was causing her dress to ride up her thighs. She grabbed Holly in a chokehold, and leaned forward, spreading her legs wide for balance. Tanya, finishing with the knot, raced towards the two foes, noticing with amusement that Emily's dress was now halfway over her butt. Tanya admired the smooth skin of Emily's cheeks as she reached the girl, grabbing the bottom of the green dress and lifting it up over Emily's head. Confused, Emily released Holly, but it was too late to react. Her dress was now up and over her head. Tanya held onto the end of the dress tight, tying it on a knot so that Emily was now wearing her dress in reverse, from the waist to over her arms and head, trapping the girl. Emily rolled around the floor trying to free her upper body, so she could cover her lower half.

Holly sat up, rubbing her throat, and laughed at the efforts of Emily. It's no wonder she was so frantic, as all she wore from the waist down was her green heels and matching lime green thong. Her small but round cheeks were totally exposed by the tiny garment, and presented themselves as a target for Holly. Holly walked up to Emily and smacked her hard on her bare bottom.

"Oooof!" came a noise from inside the dress.

Now Tanya walked up behind her and gave her a hard spank on her bare rump. The impact left a light red hand print on the pale white cheeks.

Again, Holly raised a hand and spanked Emily, her hand connecting firmly with the soft flesh of her bottom, the skimpy thong offering no protection.

Holly looked at Tanya. "I've an idea!"

She started dragging Emily along the floor by the dress, her feet kicking frantically all the way. They reached the table. Holly began to undo the knot in the dress. Tanya dropped down on one knee and spoke.

"Emily….we're going to untie the knot. But if you even so much as try and move… will lose these", said Tanya, slipping her hand inside Emily's little green thong. Tanya's fingers brushed through the light pubic hair of Emily, hidden only by her skimpies. Emily knew they meant it.

By now, a crowd had gathered round Holly, Tanya and Emily, lying half naked on the floor. Mrs Tomkins was given a respite from her spanking to come and watch, still utterly naked, the humiliation of her second favourite daughter.

Holly had undone the knot in the dress, and held it open. Tanya peered in and saw Emily's face, make up running down her cheeks, looking up pitifully at them. She wanted desperately to be able to cover her underwear.
"Everyone, grab some food. Emily here is going to be a human mixing bowl!"

"no, no, no" whimpered Emily, as people advanced on the table, forming a queue. Emily shielded her face as wine was poured in, then some beer, then more punch. Tomato ketchup was next, then a jug of milk. Anything was fair game, and now people were going into the kitchen for supplies. Flour was poured over her, then people were reaching in and cracking eggs on her head, the yolk dripping down her hair. Then someone appeared with a crate of rotten fruit from out back, and the contents were emptied into the dress. Emily's sobs were muffled as Holly retied the knot in the dress, and the girl was lifted to her feet.

"Emily, if you can make it to the door without falling, we're gonna let you go," said Tanya. "Think you can do it?"
From within the dress, amongst the rotten food and sauces, there was an almost imperceptible nod.

"Okay then Emily. Ah, but one more thing," smiled Holly. She knelt down, hooked her fingers into the waistband of Emily's tiny thong, and slid it down to her ankles. Her nakedness was a contrast to her mother's, a well trimmed patch of light brown hair nestled in between milky white thighs. Emily slowly made her way forwards, trying not to trip over her thong. It forced her to walk in a sort of shuffle, her little bottom tightening as she walked. Again, unlike her mother's, Emily's bare bum was quite flawless, soft and round, spoilt only by the hand prints on each sore cheek. The shuffling caused her cheeks to lightly jiggle.

Inside the dress, Emily cried, fully aware that all eyes were on her naked womanhood.
It was then that she fell forwards.
Inside the dress there was an explosion of rotten food as old tomatoes burst upon impact. For a few seconds Emily lay there, covered in food and mulch, her little undies around her ankles, her naked little bottom quivering as she wept. And then the dress was pulled, and pulled hard, until it was torn up over her head and she was left there, lying on the floor, covered in food slop. Her bra was unclasped and fell to the floor, her thong removed completely, leaving her totally nude and crying, just like her mother.

Tanya turned to Holly.
"Now just where the hell is Louise?"

As if on cue, the big double doors behind them burst open and Louise went flying in to the room as if she had been thrown. She lay panting on the floor. Someone had obviously spoiled her getaway plan.

Just then, Rose walked in, carrying the fire hose. Louise was shakily getting to her feet when once again Rose, aided by the DJ, released the valve and directed a powerful blast of cold water at Louise, sending the already unsteady girl hurtling backwards. They followed her, the water now pinning her to the wall. The valve was closed again, and Louise crumpled to the floor, absolutely drenched. Her crimson ball gown clung tightly to her wet body, her hair plastered to her face. She glanced down to see a hint of areola peeking over the dress. Then she looked up.

Louise found herself staring at the party guests her mother had insulted. She saw Tanya, a girl she had horribly humiliated before. Then she saw her mother and sister, stark naked, and Louise knew she was in trouble. That was going to be her, stripped and degraded, like her pathetic little sister.

Then Rose hit her with another blast of cold water. It hit her in the belly this time, and Louise doubled over onto her knees, winded.
Tanya strode over to the downed beauty and grabbed her by her wet hair.
"Funny how the tables can turn, isn't it Louise?"
Louise, still winded, gasped "No, Tanya, please, I'm sorry, I…."
Tanya slapped her face.
"You're what?"
"I'm….I'm…..sorry, I didn't mean it" whispered Louise. She turned and looked at Mrs Tomkins. "Mummy, help me!" she shouted.
Tanya struck her again in the face and Louise burst into tears. Through thick sobs she cried out "I….I want my mummy", which made everyone laugh at her.
"Louise, you are pathetic. You want your mummy do you?"
Louise nodded as Tanya slapped her again.
Tanya shook her head. "What are you, a big baby? Say it Louise! Say you're a big baby who wants her mummy!"
Louise was afraid, and just wanted it all to end, and so complied. She closed her eyes and said "I'm a big baby and I want my mummy".
"Louder Louise! Stand up, look at us, and tell us!" barked Tanya.
Louise got to her feet, stared at the onlookers and shouted out "I'm a big baby and I want my mummy!"
"Okay Mrs Tomkins, you and Emily get over here."

The naked pair walked over to Tanya and Louise, both utterly shamefaced. "Strip her," said Tanya. "Strip Louise naked."
Mrs Tomkins looked aghast. "I won't….humiliate my daughter like that. You can't make me."
"If you don't, then this doesn't end here tonight. You'll be naked for the next month. All of you."
Mrs Tomkins knew she wasn't going to be able to buy her way out of this. The most important thing was to get through tonight and get her clothes back. And you know what? That Louise could be an ungrateful little b*tch sometimes.

Tomkins stepped towards her daughter. Louise pressed herself back to the wall, suddenly fearful.
"Mummy? What are you doing?"

Her mother lunged forwards grabbing Louise, wrestling her to the floor. The naked older woman was on top of her. "Emily, get over here and help!" she commanded. The bare-assed teen complied, holding Louise wrists down.
It was an astonishing sight. A three way catfight, 2 of the participants completely nude, trying to strip the third. Louise couldn't believe she was being stripped by her own family. The humiliation of it all! Louise got a hand free and smacked her mother right across the face. It was to prove the turning point.

Mrs Tomkins had been stripped naked and exposed as a liar, but now her daughter had disrespected her. How dare she!
Tomkins expertly rolled Louise onto her front, holding both of her arms behind her back, controlling her.
"You nasty little girl" she said to Louise.
"Mummy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but please don't strip me!"

Tomkins marched Louise over towards the table and bent the helpless girl over it. Then she held the bottom of the dress and roughly pulled it up over Louise's bum, exposing to the room her panties. They were black silk, with the word "naughty" printed across the back in a hot pink. Louise was glad that most of her butt was covered by them. Then she felt a hand grab her panties and begin to bunch them up, pulling them up into her ass crack. It was Emily. She leaned in close to Louise and whispered in her ear. "This is for all the times you wedgied me when we were growing up." And then Louise felt her panties yanked up into her butt, her large bottom making it's first appearance of the night.

Mrs Tomkins gave everyone a minute to admire Louise's big pale full moon, before unleasing a volley of stinging spanks to it. Louise seemed to respond to every smack with a high pitched yelp of "ow". Emily tugged Louise's silk knickers higher into her crevice, Louise's big wobbly derriere bouncing and dancing with each hard spank delivered by her naked mother.

Emily now worked on the zipper of Louise's dress, pulling it down the side, until the dress simply slipped off her young body, and she found herself bent over a table in just her strapless bra and underpants, which were wedgied right up her big white bottom. Louise cried. This was humiliation beyond humiliation. She remembered Tanya, being in this similar position, with her as the tormentor. It had seemed so much fun then, to degrade and destroy a girl for amusement. But now she was nearly naked, and she was being spanked by her own naked mum, wedgied by her own naked sister.

And then she felt her little black panties being dug out of her butt crack and slid down her long, smooth legs.
It was Tanya.
Louise felt her bra being removed.
It was Tanya.
Now Tanya took over from Mrs Tomkins, spanking Louise's big bare bum. She spanked each cheek alternately, enjoying the way the pink flesh wobbled. She enjoyed seeing that Louise's bottom was quite dimpled. She enjoyed hearing Louise cry and beg for her to stop.
And then Tanya reached for the oil and the carrot….

The next day at the mall, patrons were surprised to see an enormous parcel in the atrium, packaged like a birthday present. There was a sign above it that read


It's fair to say that people were even more surprised when, at 10am, the parcel wrapping was removed.
There, in a large class case, like an exhibit in a zoo, hung Judy Tomkins, Emily Tomkins and Louise Tomins, dangling by ropes tied to their wrists.

Each of them was bare ass naked.

And each of them had a carrot stuck up their ass.

It was a day no one would ever forget. Tanya stood looking in at the humiliated prisoners. She caught Louise's eye. Tanya smiled, waved, and snapped another photo.

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Old 02-12-2015, 12:11 PM
jimmythehand jimmythehand is offline
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A fitting end to an excellent series. They all had a well deserved punishment but Emily literally got her just deserts - and a few other foodstuffs too! I look forward to reading more stories from you in the future. How's the arm?
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Old 02-12-2015, 06:39 PM
Myds Myds is offline
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I'm curious. I can't guarantee I have time, but would you mind if some 3d-digital art illustrating parts of this story was made and posted?

Last edited by Myds; 02-12-2015 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 02-13-2015, 04:29 AM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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Glad you enjoyed it Jimmy. My arm is much better now, thanks!

Myds, be my guest, feel free to illustrate anything you like from the story, I'd take it as a compliment.
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Old 02-14-2015, 10:36 PM
Myds Myds is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeKenny View Post
Glad you enjoyed it Jimmy. My arm is much better now, thanks!

Myds, be my guest, feel free to illustrate anything you like from the story, I'd take it as a compliment.
Glad your arm is better. I did some preliminary character creation, and made the restaurant. No ETA yet. The hardest part for me was Peter, as I don't usually bother having male characters anywhere near the foreground; hence I use standard Lo-resolution models for them. I thought it might be nice to show Tanya arriving with her BF. Mrs. Thomkins looks pretty good, but like an aging ice queen. I forgot that I wanted to model her off of Lana Parilla, who plays the very hot evil queen on ABC's once upon a time. I might revisit her with that in mind. I'll show you guys when I have something.
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Old 02-15-2015, 12:35 AM
Myds Myds is offline
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OK, here's some preliminary reactions as Peter and Tanya walk in and Mrs. Tomkins starts the insults right off the bat. Louise, on the right, and Emily on the left find it very amusing. I can't guarantee that I have envisioned the characters the same as the author, or anyone else, for that matter. But I read through looking for salient details in the later parts of the story to try to get it right.
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Old 03-02-2015, 01:06 AM
Myds Myds is offline
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I may do some more. But I'm probably going to do a highlights reel of a sort, at least the parts of the story that really appeal to me from this part of the story, in this location, that took a while to build.
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Old 03-03-2015, 08:54 PM
Myds Myds is offline
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Here are a few from the first episode. Can't wait until that dessert and zipper bit happen.
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Old 03-04-2015, 02:08 PM
BeeKenny BeeKenny is offline
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These are great, keep up the good work!
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Old 03-12-2015, 09:42 PM
Myds Myds is offline
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The bunch I'm posting tonight is as far as I've gotten lately, and as far as I'll get with these for a long time, as I have a lot of other work on my plate. Most of this work was sitting there 3/4 finished, and just needed a few hours tonight to finish up.
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