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Old 10-12-2014, 02:05 AM
fheath fheath is offline
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Without my hand held cb this would be a boring post so for anyone reading this monitoring the communication between active drivers is a must. As we approached the bridge construction the driver behind me was talking nonstop about my wife's tits and nipples. A driver in front was telling him to pass if possible and drag my truck by crawling. We were on the interstate now for just under one hour. I spoke to my wife to check and she was sleeping. So I decided to let the truck behind me do as they had planned. As traffic slowed for construction the cb conversation was busy. From the truck behind me to others I was assuming somewhere in front asking for progress. Well we came to the end of the construction and I let the truck behind me move into the lane and start to pass me. As he passed so did another truck with an empty flatbed. I moved in behind the flatbed truck. As we got along side the truck I could see four trucks in the right lane with two cars in between. As we slowly moved up to the side of the first truck I could see a young redheaded guy looking back at my wife. We very slowly made our way to the side of his truck and he smiled giving me a thumbs up. As we slowly moved window to window I could not see him but my wife was directly below his window. We stayed there for a long minute till we started to pass him and move beside the next truck. When I had moved past the first truck that driver was on the radio complaining about not getting enough time while others were complaining about taking too long. Also we have moved back to just under the posted speed limit. We moved up to the second truck and he was also waiting. As we approached his window I could see him looking back and down. We did the same at his truck crawling by giving him plenty of time for viewing. Both the drivers looked to be in their thirties and were very complimentary of my wife with their comments. The next driver was waiting also. When he look back all I see is a lot of white hair. I couldn't tell if he smiled or what with all the hair. We slowly went by his window. The two cars were gone and we were slowly approaching the last truck. This driver was also waiting. He looked like he was facing his drivers side window. He also had his cb in his hand telling the trucks to slow down that his truck was governed slower. This driver was a bald black man. He was smiling all the way till I lost sight of him when we were window to window. As we crawled by it was interesting listening to his comments about my wife's pearly white titties and pink nipples. Now we are passed him and the first drivers pulls into the right lane. We proceed withe the same routine. As we pass him the flatbed truck moves into the right lane. I go ahead and somewhat slowly pass him and pull into the right lane giving him additional time to view which according to his cb comments was much appreciated. I do decide to get back to five miles over posted speed limit.

To cut this short I had many trucks after the first line that either saw my wife and said nothing or missed the show. I can only assume that if they had a cb and it was turned on they were looking. Toward the last hour of the drive I had passed many of those that I assume did not look. It seemed if they looked they announced on cb. I topped a hill and I was desperate. There was a truck half way down the hill and a whole line of trucks going up the opposite hill. I passed him slowly. No reaction but there was an SUV right behind me so I pulled into the left lane to let it by. As he passed my cb came alive with a driver named T-rex. He was calling the trucks ahead. I did not receive what was responded but he said he is behind a, and describes my truck, and their some mighty fine eye candy in the passengers seat. I speed up. It takes some time but I catch up to the line of trucks. I believe there were eight. I start to pass the first truck. As I move window to window I hear on the cb a driver say this just made my day. Pretty woman and pretty titties. The cb was buzzing. I made it through the first four when i hear a driver tell another to back off so he can slide in behind for a longer look. The response was hilarious to the other drivers because they all started laughing into their cb. He said " no for two reasons. One yo slow poor assed governed truck caint keep up and two black folks don't get to see this often. I look in my rearview and I was so into passing the trucks I never saw this truck behind me. Now he was grinning and talking into the cb answering all the questions. Well I make it to the end and pull in front of the last truck. The guy behind pulls on past. He is driving a timber truck and empty trailer. I hang there for a mile or so which was richly appreciated.

So now I am getting within thirty miles of my exit so I decided I have exposed my wife to many what seemed to be appreciative truck drivers. So I will speed up and get there. I forgot about my timber truck driver. I pulled into the left lane to pass and sped to seventy five. Seventy is the speed limit. I get window to window and he speeds to seventy five. We drive this way a minute till I speed up to eighty and pass. I slow back to seventy five and he road all the way to my exit for about thirty miles watching my wife's tits through the back glass commenting to trucks as we passed.

Dare one was fantastic. Countless number of comments on my handheld cb. I wake my wife after we made the exit. She slept soundly. Now on to dare two.
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Old 10-12-2014, 02:20 AM
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Damn, that is one hot story! Can't wait for more!
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Old 10-12-2014, 05:44 PM
fheath fheath is offline
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We are currently on the interstate heading home. My wife was the perfect partner the entire time spend at the house. I will explain after I relay dare #2. Well after waking my wife at the exit the only question asked was how did it go. My response was great. It takes twenty minutes to get to the bridges from the exit. Its takes another twenty minutes from the bridges to our house. After about five minutes I asked if she was ready to complete the bridge dare. She asked if we could go to the house first and freashen up maybe have some liquid courage first. I remembered a reply to my post here saying don't pressure so I responded with absolutely.

As we were getting close to the house my wife said part of her delay was she wanted to check the road for traffic. Again this is not the quickest way to the house but has only two or three very poor looking homes/trailers on the entire drive. As I thought, we had no traffic all the way to our house. While I unloaded the bed of the truck my wife unloaded the front. It took some time to unload and stack all the building supplies. My wife came outside wearing a very large T-shirt that d****s to her knees. I asked what happened to her dress. She said she thought the T-shirt was more appropriate. She handed me a large vodkacranberry set her glass down and lifted the shirt exposing her naked bod. I asked if she was ready. She said after one more drink. We both had another then got in my truck and headed to the bridges. According to my wife the drive was taking forever. The two drinks we had were strong and I could tell she was feeling some of the alcohol. I had made me a glass of grey goose on the rocks for the show. About half way she reached over and downed half my drink. I was surprised and asked why. She said she was so nervous that she thought she may throwup. Ten minutes later we are at the bridges. I pull over and ask which bridge she liked. Her response was laughing and saying neither. This made me laugh but I again remembered the advice " no pressure" so I responded with you don't have to finish this. I turned my truck around and started back for the house. Within a minute or two of driving she said no I want to pay my debt. So I turned around and headed back to the bridges. Again I pull to the side of the road in front of the first bridge. I again ask which bridge. After a long pause she picked up my glass and finished my drink. She then said this bridge is fine and just sat there. After some time of just sitting I said you don't have to do this. She responded with" I know" and said "I was just thinking if I do this and do this just like you asked for six minutes and horns don't count can I still buy the leather sofa?". I said that was not part of the negotiations. We spent the next several minutes with additional negotiations.

After the drive down and all the fun I had I was planning on surprising her with the sofa anyway but this worked in my favor. The final deal ended with my wife had to follow instructions to the letter. She would strip completely naked in my truck. She was allowed her phone and my hat with hair sewn in it and her sunglasses. She would walk to the middle of the bridge set her phone down and start the timer. She was to stand there facing the traffic with her hands locked together behind her head the whole six minutes. If someone stops on the interstate and she moves (unless law enforcement) she will lose. She had to stay completely still. We reviewed the new rules and she reminded me when the time goes off she gets her sofa also. I went as far to tell her I know my money is safe. She set her phone for six minutes on the timer/alarm. Showed me the screen. Took an IceCube out of my glass said not that they need it and rubbed both nipples under her T-shirt. She the pulled off the T-shirt and damn she looked good sitting naked in my truck. She took the hat and got all her blonde hair tucked in and put on her Jackie onasis sunglasses. Turned to me and asked how she looked. I would not have known who she was wearing the hair but I said stunning but lose the shoes, rules are rules. She stuck out her lip removed her shoes and opened the door.

I will complete tonight. My thumb is getting sore and my dick hard.
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Old 10-13-2014, 08:13 AM
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Did you happen to have a camera handy???
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Old 10-13-2014, 10:38 AM
fheath fheath is offline
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I guess I would define what my wife is attempting as experimental. By this I mean she would like to be more open sexually. Her conscious tells her that good christian women do not openly flaunt their sex. When we left bob's lake house after a week of fun, some on her on others not, my wife felt so guilty and for the lack of a better word "trashy". We discussed that week to the point we never mentioned it for years. Then that Saturday at our pool with Mr john. After the funeral she wanted to talk about everything. I listened to all her reasons that she has to act a certain way or wear certain clothes or talk certain ways. All her reasons centered around my opinion of her and others impressions of her. The conclusion was as long as I am happy and she is happy and no one is offended by anything we should do or wear then we should be happy and enjoy each other. This conversation has inspired my wife to do her best at not thinking she is trashy for being braless.

Now the bet. Yes by taking a sleeping aide she avoided the "embarrassment" of others seeing her bare breast but she did it and was very happy with herself. I will explain later with the completion of dare two. I read a post that said take our time and no pressure. That's exactly what I'm doing. I have asked for pictures but she is definitely not that far yet. I have my phone and it crossed my mind to take a quick pic but as she is really doing things I only day dream about I do not want to screw this up.

So the long answer is above. The short answer is, I don't want to screw this up and my wife has said no pictures.
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Old 10-13-2014, 01:23 PM
fheath fheath is offline
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Now to the conclusion of my now most favorite day. I believe I ended with my wife completely naked except for a hat with long black hair sewn into it and big ass sunglasses. My wife was now determined to complete this dare. It was kind of funny watching her walk away from the truck tiptoeing down the bridge. Rocks on the road hurt bare feet. She walked straight up to the middle of the bridge turned left walked to the rail stepped onto the small concrete rise laid her phone on the rail and started the timer. Here is my blonde wife with her somewhat pale skin standing on the bridge with her fingers locked raised behind her head. This lifted her tits to the point I wanted to get out and have at her. I now turned my handheld cb on. Just before turning on my handheld I heard a truck blast its horn which reminded me of the handheld. It took a minute but the cb traffic started. A truck driver announced a hott brunette flasher on an overpass at mile marker ***. Well before the first minute was up I heard six horns and multiple speculations on what bet she lost to be standing there without moving. Well into the second minute horn number ten was sounded. I smiled looking at my wife standing like a nude statue thinking if she would have stuck with the original deal she would be on her waybback to the truck. Within the three plus minute I quit counting horns and continued monitoring the handheld for any negative comments towards calling law enforcement of which all I heard was extremely positive reports. Somewhere around the four minute mark things changed.

This bridge sits in a curve with about 200 feet of trees around the curve to the next bridge. So from where we are neither of us can see what's approaching till it pops out from the curve. If you are guessing a car, nope. What comes into sight is an older black man riding a rusty bicycle. I see him first a panic. I can not think of what to do. Well before I can crank the truck my wife sees him and does not move other than turn her head looking at me. She is only about thirty feet in front of me so I first raise my hands then point at me then her to indicate I will drive over and she can get in the truck. She looks back at the bicycle which is now approaching the bridge looks at her phone then looks at me and shakes her head no. I almost shit. I did crank the truck but she looked at me shaking her head. I looked at my phone and she had a little over a minute. I left the truck running and watched this unfold.

I watched the man pedal his bike up to my naked wife. He stopped beside her. My wife never moved other than turn her head to face him. From where I was sitting I could tell they were talking but had no idea about what. I was extremely nervous to the point I had my truck in gear to intervene if needed. He was so close sitting on the bicycle that he could have grabbed my wife's right tit without extending his arm. Durning this time the handheld was still going and horns blowing. What seemed like forever but was about a minute my wife let her hands down and picked up her phone. Turned to the man and said something and started walking back to the truck. The man on the bicycle started pedaling towards my truck then turned and stopped. He watched my wife walk past then he left the same way he came.

My wife got in the truck and said "oh my god I can not believe I did all six minutes". As I backed out and turned around my wife slipped her T-shirt back on after removing the hat and glasses. I started with asking questions but she said to wait till we were at the house with a drink in hand. She did ask if she completed the deal to the letter. I said absolutely that she earned the leather sofa. She only said how proud she was of herself not running back to the truck when she saw the man on the bicycle.

We made it to the house. My wife changed into shorts and a very thin yellow cami top. Damn she looked good sitting there with her nipples visible and poking through the top. I started out with why did she not let me pick her off the bridge when we saw the man on the bicycle. She said she started to run back but looked at her timer and she only had one minute and forty two seconds to complete the dare. She also said she wanted to show me she would complete a deal just as she did before with Mr john. I then asked how the conversation went. She said he never said a word until he rode right up to her. He asked her if she was OK or needed help. She told him she lost a bet to her husband motioned towards me with her head and had to stand there for six minutes without moving. He asked how long she had been there. She looked down and said she had about a minute to go. He asked if I would be mad if he sat there to keep her company. She said she did not know. She said he just started looking her up and down without saying anything which made her ask if she could help him in a sarcastic tone. He said that its not everyday that you ride a bicycle for exercise and run across a very pretty naked white woman. He then asked if he could touch her. She said only if he wants to get shot. He responded with I believe I'll just look. She said the last thirty seconds took an hour. After the alarm went off she said she lowered her arms and turned the alarm off. She said he then asked if she would face him now for a front view. She said that since he had already seen about everything so she took a step away and faced him to tell him thank you for being a gentleman. He said it was his pleasure. She then turned and walked back toward the truck. She said he passed her on the bike and stopped. He told her he wanted to see her tits as she walked by. Then left.

I asked her how she feels. She said she was very proud of herself. She explained that we have owned this house for three years and still do not know anyone from either small nearby towns so she does not care. Also she said the trucks and cars must have liked what they saw with way more than ten horns. I told her about the trip from our hime to the house and the handheld cb. She really seemed to be proud of herself for sticking with the entire deal and has no regrets. She even liked hearing what the truck drivers had to say.

Well that's my Saturday. It turned out better than expected. From the drive on the interstate to the bridge. I forgot to include the introduction on the bridge. When the man decided that my wife was not in danger he introduced himself. His name was Charles. My wife panicked not wanting to give her real name. The first name that came to mind was Charlotte. So somewhere yesterday and today there is an older black man named Charles trying to convince someone that he spent several minutes on a bridge with a naked brunette white woman. I hope they believe him.
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Old 10-13-2014, 01:46 PM
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Default Awesome!

Thanks for the story. It was great. A few questions, if you don't mind. How much could the truckers see with her on the bridge? Was it tits only or was her pussy visible? How scared was she standing there? Do you think she was visible to trucks only or also to cars? You mention that it excited her. Was she excited while the dare was occurring or only afterwards?

Thanks again.
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Old 10-13-2014, 03:03 PM
fheath fheath is offline
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The bridge is two lanes. Very old and narrow two lanes. The sides of the bridge have a small curb that's about six inches tall. That is what my wife stood on. This puts the cross rail between her knees and waist. I am 100 percent sure that both cars and trucks could see both her pussy and titties. Also according to the banter on the cb, most truck drivers prefer a full bush pussy or a bald pussy. Saturday my wife left a strip of blonde hair that received comments. The excitement she voiced to me was more about completing the challenge. She was nervous to the point of feeling sick. I believe the alcohol assisted in giving her courage. She was really nervous when the man on the bike pulled up to her. That was an unexpected unplanned occurance. She thought at one point he was going to reach over and grab her breast. She was relieved he didn't. I again think her excitement was more after than during the event. She seemed really proud of herself for not moving or lowering her hands when he pulled up beside her to completing the full six minutes. She also liked to hear the truckers comments. To answer the last question in short, I think she was nervous during and excited afterwards.
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:18 AM
Duran Duran Duran Duran is offline
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Fantastic result all round and a truly great story! Thanks for putting in the time to tell it so comprehensively.

And well done on managing it perfectly. I hope this leads to further outdoor shenanigans in the future!
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Old 12-24-2014, 09:48 AM
fheath fheath is offline
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Nothing new to post till last night. We had a small party at our house last night. My friend Kenneth and his wife decided to have a nightcap before leaving. Kenneth and I were outside talking by the fire pit with the wives inside. Kenneth owns a construction company and we were discussing him bringing over a backhoe to help me remove a few trees from our yard that my wife has been on my ass about for several years. We decided he would come over this Saturday weather permiting. Our conversation then turned to sex and wives. I then relayed the events of my wife's lost bet to him. He was very excited and a asked many questions. He then said he was disappointed that all saw my wife in the buff and he has only seen her in a swimsuit in the 15 years we have known each other. So this made me think. I told him to make it sound like I am trying to get him to assist in tree removal but he is reluctant and see what my wife would say.

We came up with a deal of braless wearing a seethru top. Now we waited on my wife to come out.

She brought us refills after a while and asked what we were talking about. I then told her I spent the last thirty minutes trying to convince kenneth to bring his backhoe over to help mecremove the two trees and trim the others. As I already knew, this had her sit down and proceed to beg also. Kenneth played this perfect. He finally asked if he loads the equipment on the trailer and hauls it over on Saturday what's in it for him. I never said a word. She offered drinks, food, etc... Kenneth finally said OK only of she helped but had to wear a sexy top the entire time. She looked at me and I gave her a shoulder shrug. He then added a see thru braless top. He then went on with the cost of loading hauling and operating the equipment and on saturday. My wife smiled and walked back into the house. Disappointed we finished our drinks and agreed to see each other this Saturday.

As kenneth and his wife were leaving my wife look at him and said, "I guess we will see each other Saturday" to which kenneth replied absolutely, bright and early.

My wife said after they left, "you told him about the bet". I said yes. We talked about Saturday and she intends to do this if kenneth shows up. I asked what top shecwas planning to wear she said we will seecsaturday. Before going to bed last night she walked into the bedroom in a white seethru swim suit cover and asked would this top work. It his nothing, completely seethru. I said yesvand if she was going to wear it. She said again we will see.

Kenneth text me later asking was she serious. I text back that it sure looked that way by the top she just modeled. He sent back this will became great Christmas.

I hope so.
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