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Old 02-14-2009, 09:17 PM
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KarlMalone KarlMalone is offline
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Chapter Sixteen

Before long, autumn arrived and it was time for Elizabeth to begin a new chapter in her life – college. Her parents dropped her off at the small private school upstate and after prolonged goodbyes, Elizabeth made her way to her dorm room. She opened the door and found a perky blonde girl unpacking her things on one of the beds.

“Oh hi! You must be my new roommate Elizabeth! I’m Alicia! Its so nice to meet you!”

“Hey,” replied Elizabeth.

“I picked this bed because I got here first, but if you want it, you can have it,” she proclaimed in excitement.

“No, its cool. You can have it.”

“Great!” she blurted in perky excitement. “I just know we’ll be the best of friends! College life is so exciting!”

Elizabeth had chosen to go to the school for its academic reputation, but also to get away from home, from the judgment of the people at her school, in the community, as well as her parents. She felt much freer in this environment, like anything was possible. But she also didn’t want to be reckless. Her days of frolicking naked for everyone to see would have to remain memories.

She adjusted well to college life, getting involved in extra-curricular activities and enjoying her general education classes. She had met several new acquaintances, but hadn’t made enough of a connection to call anyone a good friend yet. She still missed her best friend Sarah, who had gone to the nearby state school.

One day when Alicia was out, Elizabeth wandered the dorm to see what others were up to. She met a room of stuck up sorority girls, met a hippie pot-fiend, and could barely fit in a “hello” to a girl obsessively talking on the phone to her boyfriend back home. She finally got to the end of the hallway and poked her head inside the room at the end to say hello. Inside she saw a room adorned with beautiful portraits, painted and sketched. Sitting at the desk was a beautiful raven-haired girl in pigtails and overalls studiously working on a sketch of a plate of apples.

“Hello. I’m Elizabeth. I was just walking around to say hi to everyone.”

The girl, still working hard on her sketch, failed to even look up as she mumbled a “hello.”

“So…..anyway. I’m at the opposite end of the hallway. If you ever want to say hello. Or just hang out. Or whatever.”

The girl looked up for a second and studied Elizabeth’s face. “Sit down,” she commanded.

“Um…okay,” replied Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sat in the chair facing the girl. The artist tore off a new sheet of paper and began furiously sketching.

“You have wonderful bone structure. A well defined jawline. And your face tells a story. Like you’ve grown up, and urge to fly free.”

“Um…..okay,” replied Elizabeth.

After a few minutes, the artist tore off the paper and showed it to Elizabeth. It was a beautiful portrait.

“Thanks for sitting for me. My name is Marie.”

“I’m Elizabeth. Its really good. Are you an art major?”

“Yea, I’ve had my work shown at a few places. I came here to learn about different media though. You’ve got a great look. If I have some portrait projects this semester, would you mind sitting for me?”

“No, that’s fine. I kinda enjoyed it.”


The two girls chatted for a bit, and Elizabeth was very impressed with how confident and sure of herself Marie was. She seemed to have everything figured out. For all of Elizabeth’s confidence-building in high school, moving to an unfamiliar environment like college had made her less sure of herself. And she sure didn’t have everything all figured out.

She left Marie’s room impressed with her new friend. She then realized she had to get going to her art class soon. She took a quick shower and went to her room to dry off. In her room, she took her towel and wrapped it around her head and went to grab some clothes. The door opened and in walked her roommate Alicia. Elizabeth was standing completely naked before her, but she didn’t think it was a big deal as they were roommates. Alicia on the other hand, was mortified.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry,” screamed Alicia as she dashed back out. “Let me know when you’re decent,” she yelled from the hallway.

Elizabeth wrapped the towel around her body and opened the door. “Its not a big deal,” she said. “We’re roommates, I don’t mind if you see me naked.”

“Well I mind! Elizabeth, the body is a temple and we shouldn’t flaunt it to just anyone! It is to be shielded, only for our future husbands to see on our wedding night. Otherwise you just cheapen what God has given you!”

“Oh, uh, well I don’t mind. It just seems natural to me.”

“Well its not Elizabeth. You should just consider yourself lucky I didn’t have my boyfriend with me! What if he saw you? That would be so embarrassing!”

Elizabeth thought about Alicia’s boyfriend catching her naked and the thought made her feel warm all over.

“Honestly Elizabeth, you have to be careful in college. Temptation is all around. I even heard there are students that run around campus NAKED in the spring. How awful is that? Just flaunting their private parts everywhere! Disgusting!”

Elizabeth was intrigued by this. She hadn’t heard of any kind of nude run on campus. She hoped it was true. Maybe she could join these “disgusting” streakers.

Elizabeth dressed and made her way to art class. She was a bit troubled by Alicia’s reaction to her nudity, and it appeared as if Alicia would not be the kindred friend that she had hoped. Marie, on the other hand, seemed like a warm, interesting character. She hoped she would get to hang out with her more.

Elizabeth set up her supplies and her easel in preparation for class. She was rather glad she had art class today, as it would give her time to clear her head and forget about the troubling confrontation with Alicia.

“Students, set up your things and we’ll get started,” announced the teacher. “Now today we will be sketching the human body, an elegant framework of lines and shadows. Of course, the best way to learn how to draw the human body is to study a nude subject. If anyone is offended by nudity, please leave the class.”

Elizabeth perked up in surprise. She should have known that in a drawing class, nude models would probably be utilized. But she had been concentrating so hard on drawing a plate of apples, she had forgotten about the possibility of nude subjects. In walked a male model, tall and dark, dressed only in a robe. Elizabeth’s heart skipped in anticipation of seeing this rather attractive young man completely naked. And she would be required to study his nude body! College was great!

He strode confidently to the podium and dropped his robe displaying a masculine physique with beautiful muscle tone. His penis, while flaccid, still hung like a beautiful ornament. Elizabeth wished she could cup it in her hands.

“We’re ready for the female model too,” called the teacher.

In walked a dark-haired female model, dressed only in a robe as well. She too strode confidently to the podium and dropped her robe, displaying a well-toned physique with firm buttocks and perky young breasts. Elizabeth looked up to the girl’s face only to realize it was her friend Marie! Their eyes locked and Marie gave Elizabeth a smile and a wink.

“Models, begin pose number one. Students, be sure to make bold lines to define the curves of the two subjects. Notice how the female subject’s buttocks make a beautiful curve in contrast with the incline of her back. Study how the muscles on the male subject connect with each other to form his body.”

Marie looked so beautiful up on the podium, completely naked, in strident confidence. Her muscles were taut, her curves elegant, her face glowed. Elizabeth was quick to get to work on her sketches.

The hour seemed to fly by with Elizabeth churning out sketch after sketch, inspired by her friend Marie. At one point the two models embraced, and Elizabeth found herself envious of both. Too soon the class was over, and the models put their robes back on as the students packed up their things. Elizabeth waited around outside class to catch up with Marie.

“Hey, I didn’t know you modeled too,” said Elizabeth as Marie emerged from the bathroom.

“Yea. I got involved this summer a few times. It doesn’t pay that much, but it gives me some extra weekend money.”

“You don’t have any hang-ups about the nudity?” asked Elizabeth.

“Not at all. The human body is a beautiful thing. Besides, I’ve drawn my fair share of nude models. Turnabout is fair play.”

“But to be naked in front of all those people…aren’t you nervous?”

“Its nothing they haven’t seen before. Besides, I like my body. I think it looks good. Why not show it off?”

Elizabeth grinned from ear to ear. Perhaps she had a kindred spirit after all. Marie’s outlook on nudity closely mirrored that of Elizabeth’s. Maybe she could disclose her secret fetish to Marie? She didn’t want to push her luck though. Besides, Elizabeth had promised herself that her nude adventure days were over.

“Hey, would you mind sitting for me again tonight?” asked Marie. “I have another project I want to work on.”

“Sure,” smiled Elizabeth. She looked forward to spending more time with her new friend.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:22 PM
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Chapter Seventeen

Elizabeth went back to her room, beaming in excitement from her pleasant conversation with Marie. She also recalled how beautiful and bold Marie looked standing naked before the art class. It was enough to get Elizabeth hot and bothered. That, coupled with the fact that the air conditioning did not work in her dorm very well, caused her to consider shedding her clothes. In no time, Elizabeth was completely naked on her bed, touching herself while thinking of Marie posing for her art class. Elizabeth imagined herself naked with Marie on the pedestal, with the eyes of the class on her naked body.


Standing in the doorway was Elizabeth’s roommate Alicia and her boyfriend Todd. Alicia had an expression of disgust while Todd had the biggest grin Elizabeth had ever seen.

“Oh my god, disgusting! You are going to hell for sure Elizabeth! Todd, let’s leave the sinner to herself!”

Alicia stormed off while Todd remained in the doorway, his eyes transfixed on Elizabeth’s body.


Todd finally came to his senses and dutifully followed his girlfriend down the hallway. Elizabeth sighed in relief that the couple was gone, but found herself more aroused than ever. She quickly climaxed in intense orgasm, capping off a wonderful afternoon.

After dinner, Elizabeth headed over to Marie’s room to pose for her portrait.

“Hey, I’m here to pose for you.”

“Great, just take a seat, I’ll get to work.”

Elizabeth sat across the room in a chair while Marie began sketching. Elizabeth’s eyes wandered around the room. She noticed a t-shirt that read “Bay to Breakers.”

“What’s the Bay to Breakers?” she asked.

“Oh, its this run in San Francisco they hold ever year. People dress up, have a great time. Many people even run it naked,” replied Marie.

“Oh,” answered Elizabeth. She was stunned. People ran completely naked in a marathon?

“Did you run it?” asked Elizabeth.

“Yea. I’m from San Francisco, so I would go down and watch every year. Last year I finally joined in. It was pretty fun.”

Elizabeth summoned up the courage to ask the question she really wanted to know.

“Did…..did you run it…..naked?”

Marie laughed. “Oh, no. I was clothed. Didn’t have the courage to go naked. Saw plenty of naked people though. I dunno, maybe someday I’ll run it naked. That would be pretty fun!”

Elizabeth was disappointed, but also hopeful about Marie’s openness to the idea.

After about half an hour Marie was finished and began packing up her things.

“Thanks so much for posing,” said Marie. “It helps out a bunch. Now I just have to find the number for that nude model and I’ll be all done!”

“You need a nude model?”

“Yea, I have a number of this model that poses, I just hope she hasn’t raised her rates.”

Elizabeth once again summoned up her courage as her stomach tightened up in nervous excitement.

“I’ll do it,” she mumbled softly.

“You’ll pose? Really? Naked? Are you sure?”

“Yea, I feel comfortable around you.”

“Thank you so much Elizabeth! You’re a real life saver! Is there anything I can do to make you feel comfortable? Do you need me to step out while you undress?”

“No, you can stay here, I don’t mind,” replied Elizabeth as she pulled off her t-shirt. Was she really ready to get naked in front of this girl she had just befriended? It was too late to back out now, Elizabeth had already committed. She slid down her shorts and now that she was in her underwear she suddenly felt vulnerable. She had been completely naked in front of strangers before, why was she getting nervous in front of this friendly girl?

“Are you okay? You don’t have to do this if you feel uncomfortable,” assured Marie.

“No, I want to do it,” replied Elizabeth as she unclasped her bra, revealing her naked breasts to Marie.

“You look beautiful. You have a really great body for modeling,” commented Marie as she pulled out her art supplies and began drawing.

“Thanks,” blushed Elizabeth as her underpants fell to the ground. “How do you want me to pose?”

Although she was nervous at first, Elizabeth found she loved posing for Marie. She loved how her eyes studied Elizabeth’s body, detailing every nook and cranny of her figure. She loved the thought of this beautiful girl admiring her body.

“Great poses Elizabeth. One last one, could you face the window away from me, lift your right leg onto that chair, and raise your right hand towards the ceiling? I want to get your back muscles stretched out,” asked Marie.

The room was a bit cramped, so Elizabeth tried as best she could to comply. She turned, facing away from Marie and towards the drawn window and raised her right leg onto the chair. The feeling was great as she was really exposed now, although turned away from Marie. She raised her right hand toward the ceiling, but fumbled as she knocked the curtain rod off. The curtains came tumbling down to the ground, leaving Elizabeth completely naked and exposed to anyone passing by the window. And since their rooms were on the first floor, this meant a host of people sitting outside smoking on the concourse!

“Oh my god!” shrieked Elizabeth as she covered herself. She could see a few guys turn around and begin to laugh while a few girls covered their mouths in disbelief. Elizabeth was mortified. She had not been prepared to be naked in front of any college classmates, and here she was now exposed to a group of them. She had tried so hard to keep her naked exposures in her past!

“I’m so sorry, let me get that!” said Marie as she rushed to cover the window with the curtains. Finally, after Elizabeth had been bared to a good number of passersby, Marie had the curtains back up.

“I’m so sorry! It was my mistake. I shouldn’t have had you pose like that with the window set up so poorly.”

“It was a mistake,” said Elizabeth. “It’s not your fault.” She smiled. “I hope they enjoyed the show.”

“You are naughty, aren’t you!” laughed Marie. “Well, thanks for modeling, you did a great job. If you’re ever up for it, you can do it again. And if you ever want to make money, you should model for the class.”

“Thanks, I hope you do well on your project,” replied Elizabeth as she began to dress.

Elizabeth headed back to her room, replaying her exposure over and over again. She had tried to repress her naked urges once she got to college, but being exposed like that again only made it harder to keep those feelings under wraps. Being in college meant she had to grow up and act more responsible, but the feeling she got from being naked in front of others was a rush she could not ignore.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:29 PM
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Chapter Eighteen

Relations between Elizabeth and her uptight roommate Alicia continued to worsen and Elizabeth found herself happy every time Alicia would leave to visit her boyfriend. When Alicia was around, Elizabeth found herself hanging out in Marie’s room more and more, quickly bonding with the free spirit.

One Thursday night, Elizabeth sat in her room, her eyes glossing over a physics textbook. She had nearly fallen asleep from boredom when she heard a knock on the door and turned to see Marie poking her head in the room.

“Psst! I have some good weed. Wanna go smoke it?”

“Anything to get out of physics. Maybe it will actually help me understand this stuff.”

“Come on, follow me, I know a place we can go.”

The two girls made their way out into the cool fall evening. Marie led the way to a small densely wooded area near the dorms.

“I come here to smoke up every now and then. Its my quiet happy spot. No one should bother us here,” she commented as she pulled out a pipe and began lighting up.

The two girls began taking hits off the pipe and laughing about the uptight Alicia.

“I wonder who put the bug up her butt,” laughed Marie.

“I don’t know. I’m just counting down the days when I don’t have to live with her anymore.”

“I like you Elizabeth, we should be roommates next year.”

“Thanks, I like you too Marie,” smiled Elizabeth. “ I’d love being your roomie.”

“If we’re going to be roommates,” continued Marie, “I should let you in on a secret. I’m not quite the successful artist I make myself out to be. You know how I said my work was shown last year? It was shown in the high school art fair. I didn’t even win a ribbon.” She laughed. “I’m kind of a failure actually. And I have no idea what I’m doing here.”

Elizabeth gave her friend a reassuring hug. “I don’t know what I’m doing either. I don’t think anyone here does. You sure seemed confident though.”

“Thanks,” said Marie with a sigh. “Really, I’m just here to get away from my folks. They were so overbearing. They want me to become a lawyer. They think I’m wasting my time with art.”

“I think your art is wonderful,” beamed Elizabeth.

“Thanks,” said Marie as she turned and smiled at Elizabeth. “You’re so easy to open up to. You have a warm heart. I feel like I can tell you anything. I hope you feel the same way about me.”

“Well,” laughed Elizabeth. “I guess I can tell you a few secrets about myself.”

Was she ready to open up to her new friend? Would Marie still accept her or would she think Elizabeth was some weird sexual deviant? Elizabeth was about to find out.

“Go on,” said Marie. “You can tell me anything.”

“Well, remember when I posed for you in the nude and the curtains came down? That’s not the first time I’ve ever been naked in front of an audience before,” began Elizabeth.

“You’ve posed nude before?”

“Not exactly. Back in high school, I was a bit of a closet nudist. Actually, it wasn’t really a big secret after awhile. I frequently enjoyed being naked in public areas.”

Elizabeth went on to describe her many adventures in high school, from the time she streaked her neighborhood, to the time she streaked graduation. Telling her story felt like unloading a huge burden and revealing her true self to her new friend. It also was quite arousing to recount her experiences and tell them to someone else.

“Wow,” laughed Marie in disbelief. “I had no idea you were such a wild child. I should have known though! You seemed all too comfortable posing nude, and you even seemed to enjoy it when those curtains fell!”

The two girls laughed and Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief, happy that her friend Marie had accepted her, rather than shunning her.

“So….why did you stop in high school?” asked Marie.

“Well, I kind of wanted to start a new life in college. And there’s just too much at risk now. My reputation, my academic career. Its time for me to grow up and start thinking about my future.”

“Nonsense!” laughed Marie. “College is a time for experimentation and self-exploration! It’s the time for you to learn about yourself and to take bold risks. Besides, even if you get caught doing something stupid, people understand. Its what college kids do!”

Elizabeth considered Marie’s argument. Maybe it would be okay to indulge in a nude adventure or two in college? Maybe that nude campus run might be a possibility?

“Besides, you said that the nude adventures bolstered your confidence. Well ever since I’ve met you you’ve been quite the meek wallflower. I want to see this bold, brash Elizabeth you speak of! Don’t you want to recapture that confidence you developed in high school?”

Marie was right. Since going to college and ending her nude adventures, Elizabeth had lost a lot of the confidence she had gained in high school. Still, her nude adventures were awfully risky. Shouldn’t she find another way to gain confidence?

“I’m glad you told me your secret Elizabeth,” continued Marie. “I think we can have some fun with it.”

“Oh boy, just what do you have in mind?”

“We’ll see,” said Marie with a sly smile. “We’ll see.”

That Sunday morning, Elizabeth was trying to study physics once again when Marie popped her head in the door.

“Morning sunshine,” she sang.

“Hey, you’re up early,” replied Elizabeth with a smile.

“I have to work on a project. Do you mind posing for me?” asked Marie.

“Sure. I need to get away from these books for awhile. Do you need me nude?”


“That’s fine. I’ll meet you in your room in a minute.”

“Actually, you won’t be posing in my room,” replied Marie with a smirk.

“Uh, what do you mean?”

Marie pulled a sundress out from behind her back. “Put this on,” she said.

“Uh, why? I thought you said you needed a nude model.”

“I do. You’re going to pose naked at the library,” laughed Marie.

“What? No way. Look, I know I said I had nude adventures in high school, but I don’t think I’m ready to do them in college. Besides, at the library we’ll get busted for sure. Have you gone crazy?”

“Look, my assignment is to take photos of things that are out of place. We’re examining the juxtaposition of objects that should not be there. What is more out of place than a naked woman in a library? It will be great!” giggled Marie.

“Yea, but what about people studying? What about the librarians?

“If you go in the upper levels of the library there is no one there. That’s where everyone goes to have risque sex! It will be completely empty on a Sunday morning! Now, put this on, it will be easier to pull off and on when we take the pictures.”

Marie handed her the dress as Elizabeth considered whether or not she should proceed. She had told herself she was no longer going to engage in nude adventures. But Marie’s plan did seem pretty safe, and it was awfully tempting to be naked in the school library. Why did she reveal her secret to Marie! She was even better than her old friend Sarah at egging Elizabeth on!

“Okay, I’ll do it, but please, let’s be careful!”

“Of course!” replied Marie. With that she pulled out another sundress and smiled. “I can’t let you have all the fun!”

The two girls, dressed in sundresses and nothing more, made their way across the quiet campus to the front steps of the library. They entered the front doors of the old, stoic building and passed a stern looking librarian who warned them to “hush” as they giggled their way to the elevators. As they rode up the elevator to the seldom-used tenth floor, a nervous pit began to form in Elizabeth’s stomach. She was nervous with anticipation with what they were about to do. It had been so long since she had been on a nude adventure! She was excited but scared at the risk that they would get caught in the library.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Marie.

Elizabeth took in a deep breath and felt the cold air of the library surround the nakedness underneath her dress. “I want to do this. It will be good for my confidence to be nude in public again,” she said with a smile.

Finally the reached the tenth floor and stepped out to into the quiet racks of books. Not a single soul stirred, and only dusty publications from centuries ago welcomed them. At the far end was a huge window that overlooked the entire commons area on campus. The sun shone in through the window and illuminated an otherwise dreary and drab surrounding.

“Wow, there isn’t anyone at all up here,” remarked Marie. She went over to the window and peered out. “In fact, the entire campus looks dead. I guess everyone’s still sleeping off last night’s activities.”

Marie and Elizabeth inspected the room to make sure it was truly vacant.

“No one’s here,” exclaimed Marie as she flipped her dress off revealing her naked body. “Time to strip!”

Elizabeth was stunned at how quickly Marie had gotten naked and she admired how bold she was. She also admired Marie’s naked body in the morning light wafting in through the window. It was enough to get her nipples hard as well.

“Well, are you going to strip or what?”

Elizabeth smiled and pulled the flimsy sundress over her head, revealing her naked body to Marie. The cool air felt exquisite on her bare skin and she felt naughty for being naked in a school building. She really wanted to touch herself, but did not think that would be appropriate to do in front of Marie.

Marie took out her camera and began snapping away. “Just walk around like being naked is no big deal,” she instructed Elizabeth.

“No problem,” thought Elizabeth who had once casually walked around her neighborhood at night. She strolled to the closest rack of books and began inspecting them, as if her nudity was no big deal. She was amused to find one of the books was a book from the 1950s entitled “Exhibitionism: A Case Study in Sexual Deviants and Mental Disease.” Elizabeth chuckled at the fact that she had been infected with this “mental disease.” She danced over to the window and peered out towards campus as Marie snapped even more photographs. Anyone with a keen eye looking up at the tenth floor window of the library would see an attractive young college student completely naked. However, not a soul stirred in the commons area, and campus looked as still as death. How Elizabeth longed to walk across that campus in her naked state!

“Turn towards me, but keep your head facing the window away from me,” instructed Marie. Elizabeth really appreciated Marie’s eye, and how comfortable she made Elizabeth feel during their shoots.

“Great work!” exclaimed Marie excitedly. “Now walk towards the stairs, and I’ll shoot you from behind. You have such a great figure!”

Elizabeth felt so sexy and confident walking around naked. Marie really knew how to make a model feel like a superstar. Elizabeth stuck out her chest and strode confidently towards the stairs as Marie’s camera flashed away. Elizabeth felt so sexy. The confidence she developed in high school was really beginning to come back. Just then, the stairwell door opened, and an Indian student stood in the doorway with a stack of books in his arms. He took a look at the completely naked girl in front of him, dropped all of the books and gasped, “Oh my goodness!”

Elizabeth stood motionless, paralyzed in shock. What the heck was this guy doing here on a Sunday morning? No one ever came to the tenth floor! The student just stood there staring at Elizabeth’s naked body, from her ample breasts to her bare ass.

“Elizabeth, here!” shouted Marie as she tossed Elizabeth a sundress. Elizabeth came to her senses and quickly put it on as the two girls dashed past the stunned man in front of them and flew down the stairwell.

“Oh my god, did you see the expression on his face?” giggled Elizabeth.

“I should have taken a picture of that! He looked horrified!” shrieked Marie.

They made their way to the bottom of the stairwell and back out into the library lobby. The cold librarian at the front desk once again gave them a disapproving frown. Elizabeth ran in front of the front desk, turned away and lifted her dress. The librarian looked up from her filing to see a bare ass staring her right in the face! Elizabeth howled in laughter at her mooning and sprinted with Marie out the door as the librarian scowled in disgust.

“You’re like a totally different person once you get naked!” proclaimed Marie.

“I guess so. I feel so alive right now. I can’t believe I ever wanted to suppress this side of me,” replied Elizabeth as she flung off her dress again and danced across the common area naked as the day she was born. Marie just stood back in disbelief.

“I think I’ve created a monster,” she muttered to herself in amusement.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:45 PM
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Chapter Nineteen

After the rush of walking around naked at the library, Elizabeth felt a liberation she had not felt since her high school days. She felt herself again walking confidently, as if she owned the campus. Even her roommate Alicia’s disapproval and increasingly annoying behavior could not bother Elizabeth anymore. Everytime Alicia expressed disgust at Elizabeth’s nudity around the dorm room, Elizabeth just laughed it off. In fact, it made her expose herself even more to her conservative roommate.

One afternoon, Elizabeth was lounging in her room, avoiding studying by watching Spongebob Squarepants. She was completely bored when she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door to see Todd, Alicia’s boyfriend standing at the door.

“Hey Todd,” said Elizabeth. “Alicia’s still at class. I think she’ll be back at 4:30.”

“Oh, okay. Do you mind if I wait here until she gets back?” asked Todd.

“Be my guest,” said Elizabeth as she wandered back to the couch. Todd was a pretty buttoned-up conservative fellow, but he wasn’t nearly as annoying or mean-spirited as his girlfriend Alicia. He was your typical straight-laced fellow. Average height, average looks, dressed in a pressed polo shirt and slacks. The guy probably had never had a wild night in his life and was destined for life as an accountant.

“Spongebob Squarepants, eh?” he laughed.

“Yea, I’m so bored this afternoon. I have to work on my psychology paper, but I don’t want to.”

“Yea,” replied Todd as he looked sheepishly at the ground. The two continued watching the cartoon in silence for a few minutes.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I stared at you when Alicia and I walked in on you naked. That wasn’t very polite of me,” said Todd.

“Uh, oh yea. Don’t worry about it,” laughed Elizabeth. “I’m pretty open with my body. I’m sure its nothing you haven’t seen before.”

“Oh, actually you are the only naked woman I’ve ever seen,” laughed Todd nervously.

“Seriously?” smiled an amused Elizabeth. “You’re kidding Todd! Have you at least seen a Playboy or a movie with nudity in it?”

“No. It was forbidden.”

“Oh man. Todd, this is college, you’re allowed to do forbidden things now and again.”

“Oh. Yea, I know. I just, you know, don’t want to disappoint Alicia.”

“Well that’s why you don’t tell her!” laughed Elizabeth.

The two sat and watched Spongebob in silence.

“So,” continued Elizabeth. “What did you think?”

“About what?” asked Todd.

“My naked body. You sure got a good look.”

Todd got very red in the face with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to,” he replied.

“I don’t mind Todd! Tell me, what did you think?”

“I don’t want to say.”

“Oh, come on Todd! Its okay to look at a naked woman!” Elizabeth was having some fun now. Todd was clearly uncomfortable having this conversation and he avoided looking at Elizabeth altogether. Elizabeth was feeling feisty. She pulled off her t-shirt.

“What do you think of this Todd?”

Todd looked up for a second and saw Elizabeth in her bra. He immediately covered his eyes.

“Oh my god! You don’t have a shirt on!”

Elizabeth unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off.

“Come on Todd, its just like I’m in a bikini, like on the beach. Take a look.”

Todd looked up and saw Elizabeth standing boldly before him in just her bra and underwear.

“Well, I guess you’re right. That isn’t so bad. But you should get dressed before Alicia gets back” laughed Todd nervously.

“I’ll get dressed soon. But I want you to see me and tell me how I look,” said Elizabeth as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It fell to the ground revealing her ample bare bosom. The blood drained out of Todd's face and he looked white as a ghost as he stared in disbelief. Elizabeth’s skin was on fire as she loved giving this square a show. She pulled down her underwear and stood before Todd, completely naked.

“Just the way God made us,” she said with a smile.

Todd was horrified but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Elizabeth. He ogled every inch of her bare skin and as Elizabeth watched him study her body, she got extremely aroused. She arched her back, pointing her breasts further into the air, and she began lightly playing with her clitoris as she closed her eyes in delight.

She then heard a gasp and a moan and when she opened her eyes she saw a horrified Todd grabbing his crotch as he dashed out of the room. Her show had caused him to make a mess of himself and Elizabeth just shook her head and laugh as she dressed.

Later that day, Marie stopped in for a visit.

“Hey, what are you doing Saturday?” she asked Elizabeth. “Its Halloween and there’s this party some art friends of mine are having. Wanna go?”

“Sure. Do we have to dress up in costumes? I think I stopped doing that in fifth grade,” replied Elizabeth.

“Of course! Don’t tell me you’re too cool to dress up for Halloween,” laughed Marie. “Besides, we can make it fun.”

“What is fun about dressing up in a sl*tty nurse costume?” scoffed Elizabeth.

“What about – no costume?” asked Marie.

“I thought you said we had to wear costumes.”

“Yea, but what if our costume – is just our bare skin? And a little paint of course.”

Elizabeth could see the wheels spinning in Marie’s mind. Halloween was a day for adults to dress up, often provocatively. This could be a perfect opportunity for her to walk around completely naked, but without looking naked. Still, people could tell she would be naked up close. And at a party, people would be up close. Could Elizabeth dare to be naked in a group setting like that?

“I don’t know Marie, I’d still be pretty uncomfortable being naked at a party. Even with paint.”

“Oh come on, where is that feisty girl that gave a show in the library? Besides, the party will be with my art friends. Its not like they’ve never seen a naked girl before. They won’t even bat an eye.”

“Okay,” smiled Elizabeth. Marie knew just how to convince her. “Just make sure to put on an extra layer of paint!”

Saturday night finally arrived and Marie swung by Elizabeth’s dorm room with some buckets of body paint. Elizabeth was now getting nervous at the prospect of actually having to go through with this. Could she really step outside her dorm room completely naked?

“Okay, strip!” commanded Marie.

“Oh, I don’t know Marie,” hesitated Elizabeth.

“Oh come on, stop being a baby. Fine, I’ll go first,” replied Marie as she began to strip. Soon she was completely naked, holding the brush out to Elizabeth. “Paint me up good! Get creative!”

Elizabeth took the brush and began painting Marie’s body. Painting Marie allowed Elizabeth to study the curves and lines of her beautiful body. She brushed Marie with orange paint, careful to get all the nooks and crannies. She dropped her brush to Marie’s crotch, but stopped herself.

“Do you want me to paint you….everywhere?” asked Elizabeth.

“Of course!”

Elizabeth brushed her paintbrush over Marie’s bikini zone, before moving on to her inner thighs. In a way, being this close to Marie’s naked body and studying her nudity was a very erotic experience. Elizabeth painted some black stripes on Marie’s back.

“See, you’re a tiger!” exclaimed Elizabeth.

“Cute. Your turn. Strip!”

Elizabeth soon got naked and nearly jumped when Marie touched the brush to Elizabeth’s back.

“That’s cold!”

Elizabeth’s back tickled as Marie began to paint. Marie moved to the front and watching her study Elizabeth’s breasts while Elizabeth stood their naked really began to become arousing. Soon her chest was covered in paint and Marie moved downwards. Elizabeth had to bite her lips as the brush tickled her vaginal lips. Soon, Marie was done. Elizabeth looked in the mirror and saw herself covered in bright flowers. You almost couldn’t tell she was naked – it simply appeared as if she was wearing a body suit.

“What am I supposed to be?” asked Elizabeth.

“You’re a flower girl. You stand for peace and freedom!”

Elizabeth liked that. Maybe this would be fun after all.

“Okay, put this overcoat on. We’ll take it off at the party,” said Marie. Elizabeth quickly put the jacket on, unsure if she ever wanted to part with it once they arrived at their destination.

The two girls headed across campus in their coats, with no one knowing that they were naked underneath.

They arrived at the party and found a large group of art students dressed in elaborate costumes.

“Are you ready to do this?” asked Marie.

“I’m not sure,” replied Elizabeth. “There are a lot of people here and I really feel naked now.”

“How can you feel naked with your coat still on?” asked Marie as she ripped the coat off Elizabeth’s shoulders. Elizabeth now stood completely naked at the party. A few people looked over, but to those observers, it looked like Elizabeth was clothed, covered in a bodysuit of flowers. Elizabeth was naked, but she did not appear to be naked. It was actually a very cool feeling.

Marie dropped her coat as well and hung them in the closet. A guy dressed as French maid came up to her with open arms.

“You came!” he smiled. “I LOVE your costume! So daring! I wouldn’t expect anything less from you Marie.”

“Thanks Eric. I always knew you were into cross-dressing,” laughed Marie. “This is my friend Elizabeth.”

“Your costume is beautiful as well!….Wait a minute. I just realized the two of you are naked! Oh my gosh, what a scandal!” he laughed.

Elizabeth blushed a bit and felt an urge to cover herself up, but Marie struck a pose of faux embarrassment and stuck out her bare chest even further.

“Oh Eric, you’ve ruined our little secret!” chided Marie. “Now don’t go telling everyone at the party there are two naked women running around. We wouldn’t want to get everyone all hot and bothered.”

“You girls are too much. Go fix yourself a drink,” laughed Eric as he walked off.

“Wow,” exclaimed Elizabeth. “I can’t believe we’re standing here naked in front of everyone. And they seem cool with it!”

“Just act natural,” replied Marie. “Confidence is our clothing.”

The girls fixed some drinks and made a few rounds around the party with Marie introducing Elizabeth to her various art friends. Some made observations about their nudity and laughed it off as another one of “Marie’s stunts”, while others seemed oblivious to the fact that there were two women at the party wearing not a stitch of clothes.

“Marie!” shouted one intoxicated girl dressed as a fairy princess. “Marie, you stole my costume from the bike ride!”

“Hey Vivienne! I decided to dress as you for Halloween!” replied Marie.

“Ha! I think I was covered in pink paint though,” shouted Vivienne as she stumbled about. She turned to Elizabeth and shrieked. “Oh and you’re naked too! That’s awesome! I did the same thing at the World Naked Bike Ride when I was in Portland! I just rode down the streets wearing pink paint! It was a hoot!”

Elizabeth was intrigued by this idea. There was a World Naked Bike Ride? Where people just rode their bikes covered in nothing but body paint? Elizabeth would have to look into this. Just then, Vivienne hugged Elizabeth’s naked body.

“You look great dear, and you are awesome for having the guts to be naked. I love it!”

The two girls had a wonderful time at the party, and in the wee hours of the morning decided it was time to head home.

“That was the most fun night of my life!” exclaimed Elizabeth. “Your friends are so cool and it felt so amazing to be completely naked the entire night!”

“I loved it too,” laughed Marie. “Still, it almost got boring after awhile. No one batted an eye! What’s the fun in that?”

Just then, Marie got an impish look on her face.

“We can still get raise a few eyebrows….by streaking back to the dorms!”

“I think I’ve had my fill of nudity for the evening,” replied Elizabeth.

“Oh come on, its like three in the morning. Who is going to see us? If we run fast, no one will even be able to recognize us.”

Elizabeth smiled. Marie was turning into her kindred spirit in nude adventures.

“This overcoat is awfully hot,” she proclaimed as she tossed the coat off her shoulders and dashed down the street.

“You better not beat me to the dorm!” yelled Marie as she disrobed and ran to catch Elizabeth.

Elizabeth ran as fast as she could, still a bit tipsy from the party. Just then, it began to pour rain.

“Oh my god, this is the most amazing feeling in the world,” she thought as the cold rain pelted her naked skin. She had goosebumps everywhere, but her skin felt electric. She turned and saw Marie’s beautiful naked body dashing towards her.

“Come on slow poke!” she teased.

The two made it to the grounds of the dormitory when Elizabeth looked down at her body in horror. The rain had washed off most of the paint!

“Uh, Marie? Did you know that water washes the paint off?”

“Yea, how else are we going to get it off?”

“Well, its off!”

Marie looked at her own naked body.

“Well, would you look at that? Guess we’ll give everyone a show!” she laughed as she dashed in the dorm front entrance and bounded past the resident hall staffer at the desk, naked in all her glory. Elizabeth followed her through the front entrance, giving the staffer a quick “hello” and dashing up the stairs. The two girls ran to Marie’s room and slammed the door, collapsing on her bed in a fit of laughter.

“This is the most amazing night ever,” smiled Elizabeth as she lay in Marie’s naked, wet arms.

“Me too. I’m really glad you’re my friend,” replied Marie. But Elizabeth had already fallen fast asleep, dreaming of her next naked adventure.
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Chapter Twenty

Before leaving for separate schools, Elizabeth and Sarah had pledged to visit each other at least once during the school year. The weekend after Halloween, Elizabeth traveled to visit Sarah at the state university. She was excited to see her old friend and to tell her all her exciting stories about her new friend Marie. She wondered if Sarah had changed much in her few months at college and if she had made friends of her own.

She arrived at Sarah’s dorm room and knocked on the door. The door open and there stood Sarah, stark naked in the doorway!

“Sarah!?!?!” squealed Elizabeth

Sarah shrieked in delight and hugged her friend.

“I knew you’d like my welcome! It was the only way I knew how to greet you! Come on in before anyone sees me!”

Elizabeth went inside and sat down in amused amazement at her friend.

“Is this the way you welcome all your guests Sarah?”

“No,” she laughed as she began to dress. “That’s actually the first ‘nude adventure’ I’ve had here. I haven’t really had the nerve to do anything like that, and I certainly haven’t met anyone like you to egg me on.”

The two girls went to dinner at the cafeteria and caught up with each other. Elizabeth learned that it had been a bit difficult for Sarah to meet new friends and she had returned to her shy, inhibited ways. Elizabeth told Sarah about her new friend Marie and how she had gotten Elizabeth to get naked in public a few times, but Sarah seemed a bit disappointed that Elizabeth had found a new friend.

The girls returned to the dorm and met a few of Sarah’s dorm mates before returning to her room to catch up.

“So what’s going on around here tonight?” asked Elizabeth.

“Oh, not much I suppose,” replied Sarah sadly. “My roommate went home this weekend, and most of the other girls in here are in a sorority or have boyfriends. It gets kinda quiet here on the weekends.”

Elizabeth felt bad for her friend and she wished she could always be around Sarah to lift her spirits and keep her confidence high.

“Well, we’ll just stay in then,” smiled Elizabeth. “And I brought a friend with me to show us a good time.”

“Who’s that?”

“My friend Jack Daniels!” laughed Elizabeth as she produced a bottle of whiskey from her duffel bag.

The girls laughed and began playing silly drinking games and recounting old stories from high school.

“Remember Mark Walters, the guy you dated?” laughed Sarah. “Well I ran into him on campus and he’s already gained like fifty pounds!”

Elizabeth wailed in laughter as she downed another shot of whiskey.

“Sarah, we have to streak your hallway!” screamed Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth, no! I don’t want to alienate the people I live with! I already have few friends as it is!”

“Sarah, you said everyone was out of town. Besides, everyone is out for the night, I bet there’s no one here. Just a quick streak to the end of the hall and back?”

Elizabeth had already taken off her top and was fumbling with the button on her jeans. The warm buzz of the liquor was definitely taking affect but Elizabeth’s enthusiasm was also stemming from seeing her old friend again. She wanted to relive their good old days.

Soon Elizabeth was completely naked, standing in front of a Sarah who was still reluctantly taking off her bra.

“Come on, just do it! You worry too much!” laughed Elizabeth as she opened the door and began to dash down the hallway.


Soon Elizabeth was at the other end of the hallway and it was quite apparent there was not a soul around. The quiet hum of the fluorescent light bulbs was the only sound other than Elizabeth’s bare feet hitting the cold floor. The hallway was slightly chilly, sending a shiver up her spine and goosebumps up and down her bare skin. Her nipples were pert and she slightly grazed her hand against them, arousing them even more.

She saw Sarah poke her head out to check if anyone else was around, then run down the hallway, with her hands covering herself.

“I can’t believe I listened to you!” complained Sarah as she ran to her friend.

They were now at the opposite end of the hallway from Sarah’s room, far from their clothes.

“Alright, let’s head back now!”

“What’s your hurry Sarah? There is clearly no one around! Let’s enjoy it for just a second!” replied Elizabeth.

“Fine. But I’m going to enjoy it in the bathroom. That Jack Daniels whiskey is getting to me!”

Sarah sped for the bathroom while Elizabeth continued to wander the hallway naked. It felt exciting to be in this strange place alone and naked, even if no one was around. She began to wander around, imaging what it would be like if someone walked out of their room to see a naked girl walking around the hallway when she heard someone yell at her.

“Hey! You! Stop right there!”

It was a pimply-faced husky girl coming at her with a t-shirt that read “Albert Hall Residence Hall Staff”. She looked quite upset and was storming right at Elizabeth.

“You need to get your clothes on and come with me. I am going to write you up and get you in so much trouble! What’s your name?”

The dorm staffer was gaining on Elizabeth. She looked to her right and saw the stairwell. Elizabeth panicked and made a break for the stairs. She dashed down the stairs as fast as she could and she heard the staffer yell at her from several floors above. Elizabeth made it to the ground floor, opened the door and peeked inside. She saw a hallway into the main lobby. In the hallway was a girls’ bathroom. Elizabeth could run to the bathroom in the hallway, without anyone in the lobby seeing her. She quickly made her escape and ran into the bathroom undetected. She sat on the toilet and waited. Her breathing was heavy from the run and from the excitement over being caught. She wondered what the dorm staffer had thought of her being naked.

Time passed and Elizabeth sat and contemplated what she was doing. She was no longer just jeopardizing her own safety, she was putting her friend Sarah at risk as well. What happened to becoming more prudent in college?

After a half hour or so, Elizabeth felt it was safe to peek her head out to see if the coast was clear so she could make a dash back to Sarah’s room. Seeing no one around, she headed back to the stairwell. She tried to open the door to the stairwell, but it would not budge. Elizabeth began to panic. Why wasn’t it opening? She glanced to her right and saw a sign that read “For security purposes, this door is locked at midnight.”

Elizabeth really began to panic. The only way to get upstairs would be the elevator which had the dorm staffer monitoring it! How would she get past without being detected?

Elizabeth squatted in the hallway completely naked and peeked around the corner to see the back of the dorm staffer sitting at her desk. She could not imagine how she would get past the dorm staffer and into the elevator without being detected. Just then, the phone rang. The dorm staffer got up and went into the back room to answer it.

Here was Elizabeth’s chance! She darted to the elevator and quickly pressed the “up” button.

“Come on elevator!” she thought to herself. It seemed like ages, but the elevator door finally opened and Elizabeth ran in just as the dorm staffer returned. The doors closed with Elizabeth safely inside, but she was horrified to see two guys inside staring at her naked body.

“Tommy, either I’m hammered beyond belief, or there’s a naked girl in our elevator,” said one of the guys.

“Hi,” waved Elizabeth meekly. “I, uh, I’m doing a sorority initiation.”

“We’re not complaining,” replied the other guy.

The three rode the elevator in silence as the guys could not tear their eyes from Elizabeth’s naked body. Finally, the elevator got to Sarah’s floor and Elizabeth ran out of the elevator as quickly as she could. She panted in exhaustion as she knocked on Sarah’s door.

“Elizabeth! Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” exclaimed Sarah as she embraced her naked friend.

“Its been a long night. Let’s hit the sack. I’ll explain later,” replied a relieved Elizabeth.

“I can only imagine!” laughed Sarah.
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Chapter Twenty-One

Fall turned to winter, and Elizabeth was far too cold to be naked much. She kept warm by thinking of her exciting nude adventures of the past, and looked forward to the spring when perhaps she could encourage Marie to go on some more daring adventures.

In the meantime, Elizabeth had to concentrate on her studies, which meant extra lab work for biology. She was struggling in the class and decided it was worth investing some extra time in the lab with the teacher’s assistant.

After one long session with a number of students, Elizabeth felt she was really making some headway in learning. The assistant wrapped up the session and most of the students began to leave.

“Would it be okay if I stayed behind and did a few more observations?” Elizabeth asked the teacher’s assistant.

“I’m really not supposed to leave anyone in these classrooms unattended,” answered the teacher’s assistant, a nerdy young graduate student. “But I trust you. Just make sure you turn off the lights when you leave. The janitor will lock up later tonight.”

“Thanks,” smiled Elizabeth.

She made a few more observations in the microscope and she felt she was really beginning to understand the subject. She looked outside and realized it was getting pretty late. She decided it was time to leave and she gathered her things to leave.

Then she realized she was all alone in this college building. This was quite similar to the time in high school when she was alone in the journalism room. Would she dare wander naked in the hallways in college? Any doubts Elizabeth was having when she asked herself such questions were quickly being erased!

She was eager to pull off the scratchy sweater she had been wearing, and she slipped out of her shoes. She opened the door and looked down the hallway to make sure no one was around. The hallway was completely empty. Elizabeth nervously unbuttoned her shirt and pants. She began to slowly walk down the hallway in just her bra and jeans. Her nipples became hard and she had goosebumps all over her arms. She slipped the bra off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She pushed her jeans to the floor and stepped out of theme. Finally, she slipped her panties off and threw them against the wall.

Elizabeth giggled in delight as she ran down the hallway completely naked. She had told herself before college that these kind of stunts would be a thing of the past, but it was too tempting to lapse back into her old ways. She did a naked cartwheel in glee. She passed a full length mirror and took a moment to look at herself, fully naked in the hallway. What a sight!

Elizabeth spent just a few minutes naked in the hallway, although she wished she could spend a lifetime naked. She soon made her way back to the classroom, gathering her abandoned clothes in her hands. When she opened the door, she saw the teacher’s assistant staring at her with huge eyes.

“Oh, uh, what are you doing here?” asked Elizabeth.

“I forgot my textbooks,” answered the teacher’s assistant. “Why….why are you naked?”

“Um….I decided to go for a nude run,” replied Elizabeth sheeply. She felt very embarrassed and exposed in front of her teacher’s assistant. She prayed he would not tell the professor.

“Please don’t tell anyone I did this,” pleaded Elizabeth. She nearly felt like crying.

“Let me touch your breast.”

“What?” replied Elizabeth in shock.

“I won’t tell a soul about this if you let me touch your breast,” stammered the teacher’s assistant nervously. “I have never touched one before. Yours are amazing.”

“Okay,” whispered Elizabeth in astonishment. He slowly reached out to touch her naked breast. She still had goosebumps all over her body and his hand was cold on her naked skin. He squeezed it and she nearly jumped in surprise. It was actually quite arousing to have him staring at her and examining her naked body. He was a nerdy guy, but still it was erotic to have a guy admire her naked body like that. She closed her eyes and began to moan softly.

“Oh my god,” cried the teacher’s assistant as he covered his crotch in shame and made a run out the door. It appeared as if Elizabeth’s naked body had caused him to leave prematurely. Elizabeth was still turned on from his ogling of her body and began to touch herself. She sat up on the biology table and hoisted her legs in the air as if she were on display for the entire class. Her fingers probed her body as she masturbated furiously. She loved displaying herself, even if no one was around. She climaxed quite quickly in an intense orgasm.

When she was done, she hopped off the table, and gave a little bow to her imaginary audience. She quickly dressed and headed for home.
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Old 02-14-2009, 10:48 PM
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Chapter Twenty-Two

Finally, the winter months melted away and the campus returned to life when spring arrived. Flowers bloomed and clothes could be shed as temperatures climbed to more comfortable levels. She couldn’t walk around campus naked, but it felt much more comfortable to walk around in a tiny halter top and shorts than stuffy sweaters.

Elizabeth returned from an evening job one day and decided to shower up before she met Marie for dinner in the cafeteria. She tore off the sweaty workout clothes and wrapped herself in a towel and headed for the communal showers.

The hot shower felt great on her aching muscles, but when she shut the water off and reached for her towel, there was none to be found. She opened the door to her shower stall and looked around for her towel, but still none turned up. Did someone take her towel? There was no one else in the bathroom, and nothing else to cover up with. What was Elizabeth going to do?

She opened the bathroom door and peeked down the hallway. There she saw Marie at the end of the hallway holding her towel.

“Marie! Give me back my towel! I need it!”

“Sure! Come and get it!” laughed Marie as she tossed the towel into her room.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth. Sure she loved nude adventures, but on her own terms. She didn’t enjoy being forced to be naked in public. Still, she liked how Marie pushed her to the limits. Elizabeth looked around, and seeing no one, decided to make a run for it.

“I’m going to kill you Marie!” shouted Elizabeth as she ran, sopping wet and naked, down the hallway. Marie was laughing hysterically.

Elizabeth finally made it to Marie’s room as she heard a few “woo-hoos” from the boys down the hall. Marie closed the door behind Elizabeth and buckled over in laughter.

“Nice outfit!” she chuckled.

Elizabeth smiled as she dried off, slightly upset, but also exhilarated at the streak. “What brought that on? I didn’t know you were a prankster.”

“I just wanted to get you comfortable for what you’d be wearing tonight,” replied Marie.

“Tonight? What’s tonight?”

“The Naked Night Run of course!”

“What is the Naked Night Run?” asked Elizabeth.

“Its when students get together on campus and run from Market Street to Smith Lake. It’s a mass streak! It’ll be a blast! You’d love it the most!”

Elizabeth was excited. A chance to run naked on campus where it was socially acceptable? A chance to streak with Marie and hundreds of other students? She was really enjoying college life!

“Count me in!” she said with a smile.

Later that night, the two girls arrived on the quad with about a hundred other students. It was a hearty crowd, laughing and intoxicated, no doubt. Some girls looked nervous about their upcoming nudity, while others were nearly naked already. Many students were wearing funny caps or masks.

“I can’t believe we’re going to do this!” screamed Elizabeth in delight as she began to undress.

“This is living life!” shouted a naked Marie. Elizabeth noticed Marie had painted “Peace” all over the front of her naked body. Elizabeth loved her free spirit.

Soon Elizabeth was naked, as well as the remaining hundred or so students. There was also a throng of spectators too conservative to undress, but there to cheer on the nude revelers. Elizabeth looked around and saw nothing but naked flesh. Pert young breasts, full pubic bushes, floppy penises, it was all quite a sight to take in. Elizabeth could see quite a few guys checking her naked body out and she loved it. She even stuck out her ass and posed for a few pictures.

Soon, the pack was off and running through campus, a mass of flesh. Cops were present, but simply let the streakers on by, chuckling to themselves. Elizabeth loved the feel of the spring air on her naked body, and being so close to so many other naked people gave her a warm feeling. She looked at Marie who looked gorgeous in the night air with her flowing raven locks and her bouncing naked breasts. Elizabeth laughed as she saw penises bob up and down as naked boys ran around her.

The group got to Smith Lake and many streakers jumped in.

“Let’s take a dip!” laughed Marie, grabbing Elizabeth’s hand as they jumped into the shimmering water.

The water was cold, but it felt good in the warm night air. It reminded Elizabeth of the very first time she had gotten naked outdoors, skinny dipping in her parents swimming pool as a teenager. It reminded her of how far she had come.

Marie embraced her in the water and Elizabeth liked the feel of her naked body underwater.

“You’re such a great friend,” smile Marie. “I can’t imagine doing something like this with anyone else. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I’m glad I met you too,” replied Elizabeth as she looked into Marie’s eyes. Suddenly, she really wanted to kiss Marie.

“Well, time to head back!” said Marie as she ran out of the lake. Elizabeth was a bit disappointed, but also a bit relieved nothing had happened. She did not want to confuse her friendship with Marie with something more.

The run back to their clothes was much colder when sopping wet as Elizabeth found out. Crowds cheered her on, and the naked bodies running around her kept her warm. She liked the idea that there were naked men and women all around her, so close to touching her naked body.

Elizabeth and Marie arrived back to the starting point and many began to dress. Elizabeth went to where she had left her clothes, but could not find the duffel bag where she had left them.

“Marie, do you know where our clothes are?”

“I thought I left them here,” replied Marie. “But they’re nowhere to be found.”

The two girls searched and searched but could not find their clothes anywhere. Soon, there were only a few streakers left, and most of them had dressed.

“Marie, I think someone took our clothes!” exclaimed Elizabeth in a panic.

“Relax! You worry too much,” laughed Marie.

“How can you not worry? We’re stuck in the middle of campus without any clothes!”

“Elizabeth, if there was a night where it was okay to run back to the dorms naked, this is it. Let’s go!” said Marie as she took off for the dorm.

Elizabeth had to run to catch up with Marie.. They ran past the library and Elizabeth thought back of the time she had walked in the library stacks naked. They ran past several classroom buildings and Elizabeth thought back of the time she walked in her biology building naked. They ran past some dorm buildings and Elizabeth thought back of the time she had to escape the capture of the dorm staffer while naked at Sarah’s dorm. Soon, they were back at their own dorm and made their way up the stairs giggling as stunned onlookers could only gasp. They collapsed on Marie’s bed naked in a fit of laughter.

“This is the greatest night of my life,” laughed Marie.

“This has been the greatest year of college!” laughed Elizabeth.

“Just wait til we live together next year!” replied Marie.
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Chapter Twenty-Three

Elizabeth returned home for the summer, sad to be away from her college friends, but also happy to be reunited with her family and her childhood friend Sarah. As the temperatures climbed, Elizabeth yearned to wear less and less clothing, and being home also reminded her of nude adventures in her younger days. This, coupled with the culmination of her naked run with Marie to end the school year, was giving Elizabeth strong urges to find ways to streak her hometown.

Late at night when her parents were fast asleep, Elizabeth snuck out the back door as she had done when she was a high school student. She was feeling very adventurous now. The support she had gained from Marie had emboldened her, and back at home she felt like a big fish in a small pond. She felt she could do anything she wanted with no repercussions.

She went to the field where she had first began her public nudity hobby way back in the day. She quickly undressed and felt the wonderful summer air on her skin. Soon, however, she was almost bored with her own nudity. She needed to test her boundaries. She walked across the field and over a ridge she saw the main road that traveled past her neighborhood. It was in the middle of the night, so there was very little traffic in their sleepy little town, so Elizabeth made her way to the road. Even though no one was around, the road was still very well lit, and someone could come driving past at any moment. This risk did cause Elizabeth to breathe a bit heavier than usual as she crept closer to the road.

In a flash she saw a pair of headlights approach and she ducked behind a bush. The car passed without incident and Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. She loved the rush she got from nearly getting caught. Her juices were flowing wildly now.

She made her way along the road carefully by crouching in a ditch that ran with the road. After awhile, when no cars passed, Elizabeth thought to herself that crouching in the ditch was silly. No one was around. And she needed to test herself. She stood tall on the sidewalk, stark naked by the streetlight. Seeing her own naked body shimmering in the dim light was quite arousing.

She slowly continued down the sidewalk, her bare feet slapping the pavement. She heard a car approach and she quickly dove back into the ditch. Again, the car passed without incident, but Elizabeth’s heart was pounding. She loved it.

After a few blocks, she had reached a strip mall. All the stores were closed at this hour, and there were no cars in the parking lot. Still, it was very well lit and exposed to a major intersection in town.

Elizabeth made her way up the walkway and into the light, passing each storefront. These were stores that were quite busy and full of customers during the day, but not a soul was around at this hour. She just imagined what it would be like to do this during broad daylight! She put her hands on her bare ass and enjoyed her nude stroll. She saw a car pass by the strip mall, but Elizabeth ducked into the shadows to avoid being seen.

Elizabeth danced down the walkway, relishing in being naked in the moonlight. The air was crisp and her nipples were tingling with excitement. She felt like she could do anything. She felt like she owned this small town.

Another pair of headlights approached and Elizabeth reflexively made her way into the shadows. But she was feeling emboldened. Why hide her nude body? She had a beautiful body. She should share it with the world. Besides, no one would be able to recognize her in the dark. And if they did, so what? She had left this podunk town behind.

Her head swimming in intoxicating adrenaline, Elizabeth not only stepped out of the shadows, but she stepped into a circle of light underneath a streetlight. Her nude body was now quite visible to any car passing in the night.

The car passed on without even acknowledging the beautiful naked woman in the adjacent strip mall parking lot. Elizabeth was a bit relieved, but also disappointed. She almost wanted someone to be shocked at her nude body, or at least appreciate it.

Another car approached. Elizabeth, still standing in the light, stuck her chest out and smiled. She even waved at the passing car. As it began to pass her, the brake lights went on and the car slowed down.

“Oh shit,” mumbled Elizabeth under her breath. She wanted to run, but she was too panicked to even move. The car window rolled down and she saw a car full of two guys and two girls her age.

“What are you doing?” asked one of the girls.

Elizabeth, still stunned at her own brazenness, took a few seconds to respond. “Just…um…just enjoying the night air.”

“You’re naked!” exclaimed the girl.

“Yea. It feels better that way.” Elizabeth feigned a weak smile. She turned and looked at one of the guys in the passenger seat ogling her naked body. That stiffened her resolve and filled her with confidence. She stuck her chest back out.

“It feels nice to enjoy the night air when you’re naked. You guys should try it sometime,” beamed Elizabeth as she put her hands on her naked ass.

“I guess it would feel good, but no way would I ever do it,” laughed the girl. “But its cool that you are so brave!”

“Yea, you go girl!” shouted the other girl from the car.

Elizabeth smiled as her heart warmed. “Thanks guys,” she replied. “Do you mind if a borrow a smoke from you guys?”

“Not at all ,” replied one of the guys. “I’ll give you the whole pack if I can just watch you smoke it naked all night.”

“Tommy, don’t be gross,” chided one of the girls. “Here have one of mine so Tommy’s eyes don’t fall out.”

Elizabeth needed the smoke to calm her nerves a bit. The girl got out of the car and handed Elizabeth a cigarette.

“I’m Molly,” said the girl. “Let’s go have a smoke. I want to know more about this night streaking you do.”

The two girls headed over to the strip mall walkway and sat down for a smoke, Elizabeth still completely naked. Soon the rest of the gang parked the car and sat down with them. Elizabeth told them all about her adventures in high school, including the homecoming streak. She told them about her campus streak in college. She even told them about the time she was nude at gunpoint. The girls laughed and told Elizabeth how cool she was, while the boys just sat in awed silence, ogling Elizabeth’s nude body. Elizabeth was immensely enjoying her audience and how casual she felt being naked in front of these strangers.

After telling them about her exploits, Elizabeth asked if any of them were willing to try it themselves. Everyone suddenly got shy.

“I think I’ll leave the nudity to you, Elizabeth,” laughed Molly.

One of the boys quickly ripped off his shirt and dropped his pants. Within second he was totally naked to the shrieks of laughter from his friends.

“Hey, it does feel pretty good,” he laughed.

“Yea, we can tell,” laughed Molly as she pointed at his erection.

The boy quickly covered himself and began to dress. It was getting late and soon the gang got up to leave. Elizabeth thanked them for the smoke, and they thanked Elizabeth for her company. Just as they were about to leave, Molly stopped and turned to the group.

“You know, I live right around the corner. I think I’ll walk Elizabeth home. Its probably safer if she has some company.”

“Oh, thanks Molly, that’s very nice of you.”

The car pulled away, leaving Elizabeth and Molly left at the strip mall.

“The real reason I wanted to walk home with you is that I wanted to experience what you’re experiencing. But I didn’t want to do it in front of those guys. Is that cool?”

Elizabeth beamed. It was always great to have a partner in crime on her nude adventures. “Of course it is! You will absolutely love it!”

Molly stepped into the shadows and lifted her t-shirt over her head.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she whispered.

She unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them to the ground. She then unhooked her bra, slid her panties to the ground, and stuffed all her clothes into her purse.

“Woo-hoo! I’m naked,” she exclaimed in nervous laughter.

“You look great!” affirmed Elizabeth. “You’ll be surprised how natural it feels.”

Elizabeth and Molly, both naked as the day they were born, made their way away from the strip mall, back towards the residential neighborhoods. They came across a park and sat down to smoke. Molly told Elizabeth about how she couldn’t figure out a way to get out of this town, how she surrounded herself with guy friends to keep herself from having her heart broken again, and how she had struggled with weight issues her whole life. It seemed that by shedding her clothes, Molly felt like she could open up to Elizabeth. The girls laughed together all night and after an hour or so it seemed as if they had been friends forever.

“I’m really glad we ran into you Elizabeth,” smiled Molly. “You seem like a warm spirit who brightens the life of everyone you meet.”

“Or people just like to see a naked girl,” laughed Elizabeth. “I’m glad I met you too. I hope to see you around.”

Elizabeth headed home warm with the feeling of what could be accomplished if people just lowered their inhibitions and exposed themselves – figuratively and literally.
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Old 02-18-2009, 01:09 AM
leopoldo leopoldo is offline
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Default really.

...good !!

I want more,please !
Do you have a story on the beach ?
maybe where someone steal Lizzy bikini when she doing a skinny dip ?
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Old 02-18-2009, 11:11 PM
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Thumbs up Magnificent work, Mr.Malone!

Kudos, Karl! Fantastic detail & characterizations.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Very inspiring, ...& motivating. More! Encore!
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