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Old 12-13-2013, 10:17 AM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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Karmic Balance: Good Karma

I was a little scared walking up to the pearly gates to St. Peter. Since my last time taking care of that Goth girl who got a hold of a text book with my powers, I had to go back to earth strip her of her powers (and her clothes) and come back. I thought that by doing so I was in trouble.

I stepped forward up to the huge desk that St. Peter sat at.

“Hello? St. Peter?” I asked.

Just then a bearded old man peered over his desk looking down at me. “Oh hello Zeke. Thanks for coming.” He said.

“What is this about?” I asked.

“Zeke, God knows what you used to do in hell, freezing girls and stripping them of their clothes to humble them.”

“Yeah, I did.” I said chuckling nervously, wondering if that scored me brownie points or demerits.

“Well Zeke, we have an assignment for you because you’re the only one in heaven with such expertise.”

St. Peter waved his hand and a cloud formed in front of my face, showing this picture of a skinny little teenager dressed in a button up shirt, glasses and pants that were almost up to his chest.

“This is Timmy,” St. Peter said, “Timmy is sort of the school nerd at his high school.”

You don’t say, I thought.

“Timmy was walking along the football field after studying and a group of girls, known as the Fab Five cornered him and started picking on him.”

The image of Timmy came to life and I watched him walking along a fence. Five, beautiful looking girls walked up to him and started talking to him, I couldn’t hear what they were saying but then I saw them surround Timmy. They managed to strip him of his clothes put a jock strap on him, hanging him by it on the fence. As they left, the football team walked by and started teasing Timmy even more. When the image showed Timmy Crying, the image stopped.”

“Needless to say, Timmy didn’t deserve that.”

“So where do I come in?”

“We want you to perform Karmic Balance on the girls down there, as well as Ms. Beaumont, the teacher who witnessed them do it but didn’t report it. She allows the Fab Five to do what they want. Timmy looked her in the eye hanging from the fence and she just walked away.”

I wasn’t really too sure about this, I was happy living with my wife and was done doing Karmic Balance. “I don’t know St. Peter.” I said, “Those girls are all in high school, that’s a little creepy to me.”

“Don’t worry Zeke they are all 18.” St. Peter said, “Besides, Timmy is a good Christian and he needs a guardian angel.”

I thought about little Timmy and the tears streaming down his face and forced myself to say, “All right I’ll do it.”
St. Peter smiled and then handed me a list of names, “These are the names of the girls." Be careful Zeke, don’t get Timmy in more trouble. He can talk to you but no one else can see you, so don’t talk to him when others hear or see him.”

“Yeah yeah.” I said as he teleported me down to earth.

Timmy was sitting alone at a lunch cafeteria when I landed right next to him. Obviously, Timmy jumped and screamed, causing everyone at the table to look at him with disgust.

“What a freak.” Said Sarah Dowd, a tall, tan skinned brunette, one of the names on my list. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a T-shirt that ran tight and smug over her well developed breasts.

“Who are you?” Timmy asked me.

“Shh, I’m your guardian angel, no one else can see me but you.” I said so as not to get Timmy more embarrassed.

“Wow, really? Angels exist?” he said looking at me closely.

“All right kid, back off, you’re invading my bubble.” I said, “Yes angels exist. And after what those five girls and that teacher did to you I’m here to make things right.”

Timmy looked down at his lunch sadly and said, “I don’t want to think about that anymore. Those girls humiliated me, I don’t want anything to do with them.”

“I know kid, but don’t worry, after what I’m going to do, you’ll feel much better after that.”

“What are you going to do?”

I winked at Timmy and snapped my fingers, freezing time. Timmy looked around in amazement at seeing everyone in the cafeteria motionless.

“Wow! What’d you do?” he asked.

“I froze time. I’m a time angel.”

“Cool! But, how is this going to help me get back at the Fab Five?”

“Well follow me.” I said as I led Timmy over to Sarah, who was walking towards the garbage. “She’s got a real nice body.” I said, examining her from head to toe.

“Yeah, and she made everyone see my naked body.” Timmy said sadly, “She was the first one to rip my clothes off.”

“Well…why don’t you return the favor?

Timmy’s mouth dropped and his eyes almost popped out of his head. “You mean you want me to take off her clothes while she’s motionless?”

I nodded to him but Timmy was still horrified.

“But…that’s dirty. She wouldn’t want me to do that.”

“Yeah and you didn’t want to be seen naked in public either now did you?” I said.

Timmy looked at Sarah, and then back to me and said, “Yeah you’re right.”

“Well, get going.”

Timmy walked up to Sarah, and with trembling hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulled it up. The moment he lifted it high enough to expose her camouflage print bra, Timmy started to hesitate.

“Wow.” He said staring at them.

“Yeah, they are breasts. Now do the pants.” I said.

Timmy removed her shirt and tried to unbutton Sarah’s pants, but his hands started getting real shaky, he kept fumbling with the button. Finally, I sighed and went over there, quickly unbuttoning her pants and unzipping them. Once I pulled them down to her ankles it was revealed that Sarah was wearing matching a camouflage bra and thong set. I walked around her and examined her nice round buttocks that was on either side of her thong. I turned to Timmy who had his legs crossed and his hands over his crotch.

“Is there a problem?” I asked.

“I uhh, need to go to the bathroom.” Timmy said nervously.

“Right.” I said rolling my eyes. “To ‘pee’ right?” Timmy nodded his head rapidly and I said, “Go ahead, just wash your hands before you come back.”

After about ten minutes, Timmy came back, wiping his hands on a towel. “That better not be what I think it is.” I said.

“No, I threw that one away.” Timmy said.

“Listen, are you going to be doing that with every girl? Because we have five more girls to go after this.” I asked.

Timmy looked down to his feet and said, “Umm…maybe.”

I rolled my eyes and decided to get started since I knew this was going to be a long day. “All right, first we’re going to let everyone see her in her skivvies, then we’ll finish her off. Sit back down where you were and we’ll get started.”

Timmy and I sat down at the bench and I snapped my fingers.

Sarah continued walking to the trash, dumped her lunch off her tray, looked down and screamed out so loud that everyone in the cafeteria turned to see this girl in her camouflage underwear. Sarah crossed her legs and held the lunch tray over her thong.

“Who the fuck did this to me?” she cried.

All the football players at the table pointed and whistled at her while other kids just pointed and laughed.

Sarah was dry sobbing as she kept turning away to cover her front, only to expose her backside to everyone. As Sarah was alternating the tray from her breasts to her crotch, another girl ran up behind her, pulled her thong back and let it go. I could hear the snap from where I was sitting and Sarah yelped and almost leapt in the air, dropping her lunch tray.

“Fucking b*tch!” Sarah shouted at the girl as she ran off, covering her exposed cheeks that felt smooth against her hand. Sarah, now without the tray had a little bit of honey from her lunch on her body and then I got an idea.

I snapped my fingers again and froze time.

“What’d you do that for?” Timmy asked, who was smiling. “This is fun to watch.”

“Yeah I know.” I said as I walked over behind a lunch counter, “And we’re going to have more. Take off Sarah’s underwear will you?”

“D-d-do what?” Timmy asked.

“Oh for Pete sakes.” I said as I walked over to Sarah and unclasped her bra, making it drop to the ground. I then slipped my thumbs into her thong and slowly pulled them down her legs, exposing her naked crotch which had a neatly trimmed black triangle of pubic hair hanging over her lips. Timmy stared at Sarah even more, while I gathered all the honey packets form the lunch counter as I could. Once I grabbed enough, I walked over to Sarah and handed him some.

“Okay kid, start lubing her.”

“What?” Timmy asked, with a shocked look on his face, “Isn’t this going to far?”

“Yeah, and putting you in a jock strap was too far as well. Jeez kid, anyone else in your position would be overjoyed to see a naked girl like this. So open the packets and get cracking.”

Timmy slowly opened the honey packet and started putting it all over Sarah’s body. By the time we were done, her body was completely covered in honey and now I was thinking I might have to go to the bathroom, but I knew I couldn’t really because now I had a wife.

Timmy and I sat back down at the table and I snapped my fingers to unfreeze time.

Sarah resumed trying to cover herself and when she felt her nipples she lifted her hand from them and looked down to see she was now completely naked. Sarah screamed a second time and then wondered why she was so sticky.

“Holy Shit!” someone shouted, “She’s dipped in honey, that’s so hot!”

Sarah looked down and saw that she was in fact dipped in honey, and she immediately fell to her knees and hunched over herself to cover more. Everyone in the cafeteria saw how special this moment was and all pulled out their cell phone cameras. Sarah’s eyes widened in horror as she tried to get to her feet, only to slip from the honey on her body. The cameras all started flashing and now Sarah started to cry. Finally, four other girls from her table, all equally beautiful wrapped their jackets around Sarah and started walking to the bathroom, with Sarah leaving a trail of honey behind.

“That’s the rest of the Fab Five.” Timmy said.

“Yeah, and what we’re about to do to them will be real fabulous.”

We followed the girls to the bathroom as they helped wipe off all the honey off of Sarah’s hot body, I froze time and Timmy and I watched the girls from a stall.

“Whom the fuck did this to me?” she asked between sobs.

“I don’t know.” Said a longhaired blonde girl with tan skin, dressed in a short denim mini skirt and denim jacket, “But they are going to pay.”

“That’s Danielle Rowse.” Timmy whispered, “She’s the one who told the girls to put a jock strap on me.”

“Well then.” I said, “Let’s pay her a visit.”

The girls managed to get Sarah an extra set of clothes from their gym bags and then went to class. Timmy and I followed Danielle to her next class which was chemistry. The teacher gave the lesson and then gave the class a formula to follow. Once the teacher was finished teaching them the formula, he let the class go to the lab area with partners and let them try the experiment on their own while he left the classroom. Danielle was paired with a girl dressed in Punk rock clothing who had short hair that almost made her look like a boy. Both girls sat next to each other at the lab table but did not turn to each other.

“Do you know how to do this experiment or do you just want me to do it for you?” the Punk rock girl said.

“Shut up you stupid lesbian, I know what I’m doing.” Danielle said grabbing a beaker of liquid.

Before the girls could do anything else, I snapped my fingers and froze time.

“What are you going to do?” Timmy asked.

“Well, I’m going to head to the boys locker room, you are going to undress Danielle.”

“I-I-I am?” Timmy asked, staring unsure at Danielle.

“Yes, and stop stuttering every time you are told to strip some girl, you’re going to be doing this all day.” I said.

While I walked to the boys locker room, Timmy walked over to Danielle and first, slid her jacket off of her shoulders, leaving Danielle in a T-shirt and her mini skirt. With trembling hands, Timmy fumbled with the bows on the side of Danielle’s skirt and eventually untied one. Danielle’s skirt slowly slid off her hips and to her feet, leaving her standing there wearing a hot pink thong, held by buckles on the side. Timmy felt a sensation between his legs and took a moment to wipe the sweat off his face before continuing.

Next, Timmy grabbed under Danielle’s shirt and lifted it over her head, exposing her naked C-Cup breasts. Now, seeing the hot blonde standing there topless in her underwear, Timmy couldn’t take it anymore and hid in the closet.

When I arrived back in the classroom with a pair of fruit of the loom tightey whiteys in my hand, I looked around in the room wondering where Timmy was. When I heard a noise coming from the closet, I realized where Timmy was and decided to wait for him to finish his business. When Timmy finally came out, I looked at him and said, “Just couldn’t help it could you?”

“S-s-orry.” Timmy said.

“Never mind that.” I said handing Timmy the briefs, “Take off Danielle’s thong and put this on her.”

“But this is for boys.”

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my forehead saying, “I know that, and that’s what’s going to make this more humiliating for her just do it!”

Timmy took the briefs and his hands were shaking so much that I didn’t think he was going to be able to get Danielle’s underwear off. Once he got his thumbs hooked into the sides of them and pulled them down, I knew he was okay. I helped Timmy lift her legs as we slid the briefs on, making her ass seem more wide as they were hugged tightly under the cotton of the tightey whiteys. Once we were done, we hid in the closet and watched in between the cracks. I snapped my fingers and resumed time.
Danielle went to work on pouring the liquid in the beaker and the Punk girl looked up and her jaw dropped when she saw Danielle standing there, topless and wearing boys underwear. Punk rock girl was in such shock that she didn’t say anything.

After a moment, Danielle started noticing she felt a cooler breeze brushing up against her body. She put her hand to her crotch and when she felt cotton instead of her skirt, Danielle looked down and screamed, throwing the beaker of liquid she had in the air, spilling it all over the punk girl.

Danielle’s hands flew to her crotch and then to her backside, alternating between the two, while Punk girl screamed from the liquid hitting her.

“You idiot!” Punk girl shouted, “That was a vanishing liquid!”

“Shut up you fucking lesbian!” Danielle shouted while she hunched over herself.

“Hey, I’d lay off the nasty comments miss tightey whiteys.” The Punk girl said. Which caused everyone in the class to laugh. Danielle’s face turned beet red while she kept trying to cover herself.

Then, Punk girl looked down and saw a whole developing in her T-shirt, exposing her pierced navel. “Oh my god!” she gasped, “No!” Punk rock girl ran to the closet that held the lab coats, the ones that Timmy and I were hiding in.

“They can’t see us can they?” Timmy asked.

“Nope.” I said, “So poor Punk girl is going to be in trouble.”

Timmy and I held onto the doors as Punk girl pulled desperately to get them open, soon Danielle followed her and they were both pulling on the doors, fortunately, I was much stronger than both of them.

“Please!, open! Don’t let anyone see me like this!” the Punk girl screamed.

As she kept pulling, I saw her pants melt away, along with the rest of her shirt, leaving the Punk girl standing there in a red bra and Spiderman boy briefs. When the class saw the Punk Girls underwear, they all pointed and laughed.

“Hey, you going to wear those panties when you see the new Spiderman movie?” one student asked.

Punk girl stopped pulling on the door and looked down at herself, standing in her underwear. Her legs buckled together as she covered her bra and her panties and screamed.

“Shut up!” Danielle said, “Look at me, I’m wearing tightey whiteys! That’s worse than granny panties!”

Punk girl did not want to be told to shut up, she turned to Danielle, with rage in her eyes and grabbed her by the hair.

“Ow! What are you doing?” Danielle yelled.

Punk girl bent Danielle over her knee and grabbed the back of the boy briefs before pulling them up into a wedgie. Unlike the previous girl who was tanned all over, Danielle had tan lines as her ass cheeks were pale as they were exposed from the wedgie. The punk girl started spanking Danielle as hard as she could, causing everyone in the class room to cheer, as it seemed like all of them hated the Fab Five as well.

Danielle’s legs kicked rapidly in the air as her face turned crimson red from being humiliated in front of the class. As Punk girls’ hand continued slapping, a red handprint could be seen on Daniell’s white ass. Just as the class was getting real excited, the teacher walked back in the room and yelled, “What the hell is going on here?”
Both girls stopped moving and looked in horror at the teacher. They both screamed and scrambled to their feet, trying to cover their mostly naked bodies. I froze time so Timmy and I could get out of the closet and once we were out of the room, I snapped them again to let both girls deal with their humiliation.

“That’s too bad about that Punk girl.” Timmy said, “She didn’t deserve that.”

“Yeah.” I said, “But Danielle sure did.”

The next person we went to get was Ashley. Ashley, Timmy told me, was a track runner who was very competitive. It was important for her to be the best at what she does with everything. When Timmy was humiliated, she called him a skinny loser who was weak. I asked Timmy where he thought she would be and he said she was probably practicing on the track right now.

We went outside to the track where several gym classes were out doing the mile run. Ashley was there, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. For a runner, Ashley had some meat on her bones, her breasts were average size and even though she had sweatpants on I could tell she had a nice, firm buttocks. As she was tying her hair back, the gym teacher was talking to his class, “Since all of you can’t seem to run a decent mile, I figure Ashley would give you all an exhibition on how a real track runner does it.”

“Oh this will be an exhibition all right.” I said grinning.

“What are you going to do?” Timmy asked.

I just smiled while I waited for Ashley to get on the track, she bent down to get in the proper formation and then I snapped my fingers. I walked up to Ashley and I examined her closely, sure enough, I found a loose thread in her jogging pants and in her shirt.

“Here Timmy, grab the thread to her jogging pants and follow me.” I said as I pulled loose a thread on her T-shirt. Timmy did as I said and we walked over to a bench and stuck both threads on a loose nail. Already, I could see a little hole developing in her T-shirt.

“S-sir, can I go to the bathroom real quick?” Timmy asked, crossing his legs.

“Just wait a minute will you? Geez, how do you get through school without messing your pants?”

We ran back behind a set of bleachers and then I snapped my fingers and Ashley was off running. Man, she was real fast, she was already halfway across the track in seconds. By the time she made her first lap, I noticed that her jogging pants were unraveled from her ankles, but Ashley was too concerned with showing off. She also didn’t know that the whole in her T-shirt was getting bigger, I could already see her black sports bra that was getting exposed. The class didn’t seem to pay much attention.

By the time she was halfway through, the coach and the classes mouths were open in shock, but I think they were too surprised to say anything. Now, Ashley’s pants were practically shorts, really short shorts and her right sleeve to her shirt was gone and now her shirt was barely hanging on her shoulders. I could see her breasts bouncing tightly as she ran. I also saw Timmy crossing his legs tighter, desperately trying to maintain control.

“Sir, pl-please”

“Wait a minute will you? This is going to get good.”

Ashley was on her last lap and now, her jogging pants were just down to the elastic waistband, her black thong showing in front of the whole class who were still silent with shock and disbelief. Her shirt was now completely gone. I was right, Ashley’s buttocks was nice and firm, it bounced nice as she ran and now I could see all the guys who were watching cross their legs. It was quite the scenario to see this girl running half naked in just her underwear and shoes.

Ashley finished the mile and she asked. “All right what was my time?”

The coach didn’t answer at all, he was staring at her, and with good reason. Ashley, out of breath, bent over and placed her hands on her knees and she stopped to look down when she felt her knee caps when she expected to feel clothing. When Ashley saw her state of undress, she screamed. Her arms flew to her chest and her crotch and I could see this speedy woman was about to take off again, so I snapped my fingers.

“Ok, now can I leave real quick? I can’t take it much more.” Timmy begged.

“Shut up already, we’ll leave after we finish with her, don’t touch it or it’ll explode.”

I walked by and grabbed one of the hurdles that was off to the side and moved it in front of the direction that Ashley would be running. Once I positioned it close enough, I walked back behind the bleachers and unfroze time.

Ashley took off again, but she screamed when she saw the hurdle that was placed right in front of her, going too fast to be able to avoid it. In desperation, Ashley tried to jump the hurdle but instead she tripped over the hurdle. Now the class was all laughing at the half naked girl who was tripping all over the place. Still trying to cover her chest, she scrambled to her feet, but she didn’t notice that her thong got caught on the hurdle. She took off running and there was a loud RIIP!!. Ashley turned around when she wondered what was holding her back from running so fast, and why did the area around her hips feel less constricted? She looked down and saw that the back of her thong was ripped and caught on the hurdle and she had been dragging it with her. Crying, Ashley bent over, covering her naked buttocks and crotch while trying to free her thong. The laughter of the class got even louder, and finally, Ashley gave up and continued running, dragging the hurdle behind her.

“Man, that was a good exhibition.” I said, “I hope all track girls run like that.”


“Yes Timmy you can go to the bathroom, Jesus Chris, it’s a good thing that blindness myth is false or you’d be screwed.

While Timmy and I were walking to find the rest of the Fab Five, the remaining two were meeting at their lockers. One of them was a tall black haired girl who clearly had a nice athletic body. Slender waist and strong legs, this was Katie and the other girl, a platinum haired girl dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a T-shirt that was snug on her C cup breasts was Kari. Both girls were looking rather nervous and were constantly looking over their shoulders.

“I just heard that Ashley was seen running naked in the football field.” Katie said.


“I don’t know, they just saw her clothes starting to unravel.”

“Fuck!” Kari shouted in frustration. Her face was red from the horror of the idea of being exposed. “I don’t know who is doing this but we better find out now because I am NOT going to be seen naked.

“Me neither.” Katie said, “I heard Sarah is still getting honey off of her body and somehow Danielle had tightey whiteys put on her.”

“Katie, you better find out who is doing this now!” Kari said.

Just as the girls said that, a girl wearing glasses, khaki pants and a white button up T-shirt walked by. Despite not wearing clothes like the Fab Five, she too was a looker, her breasts weren’t as big but she still had a cute face and a nice body. This girl’s name was Megan.

“Hey guys.” She said grinning, “I knew the Fab Five was a bunch of sl*ts but I didn’t know you would just strip naked in public for anyone.

Megan walked off and both Kari and Katie looked at her with cold eyes. “What a fucking b*tch.” Katie said, “She’s just jealous because she’s ugly. She’s just a know it all in every class I have with her.”

“I bet you she’s probably the one whose been doing this.” Kari said, slowly walking towards Megan.

Timmy and I were walking down the hallway and I asked him “Timmy why did those girls do that to you?”

“Because I asked the one girl, Kari out.” He said in an embarrassed tone of voice, “She got mad at me and so at the football field they decided they wanted to have fun.”

“Yeah, well we’re going to have even more fun.”

As we were walking, I heard a scream coming from a hallway.

While Timmy and I were on our way towards the noise, Katie had cornered Megan in an empty hallway while everyone else was in class. Katie had Megan pinned up against a locker and used a zip tie to tie her hands together and were tied up over her head.

“I don’t know how you did that to my friends but now you’re going to fucking pay.” She said.

“ I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Megan said, eyes wide with fear.

“Really? You didn’t do this to my friends?” Katie said as she started unbuttoning Megan’s blouse, exposing a bra with cupcakes on them. “Oh my, do you have matching heat panties too, like a five year old?”

Megan started to whimper as Katie pulled open her blouse.

“I wouldn’t scream if I were you.” Katie said, “Because that would just bring more people to see you.” Katie undid the top button of Megan’s khakis and then slowly unzipped them, revealing the matching panties with cupcakes on them. Katie hooked her thumbs into Megan’s waistband and pulled them down to her ankles.

Tears started streaming down Megan’s face as she tried to cross her legs to cover herself. Just as Timmy and I were arriving, Katie unclasped Megan’s bra from the front and set free her breasts.

“How does it feel to be almost as flat as a board?” Katie asked smiling.

“Better to be a board than a silicone bimbo.” Megan said trying to hold back her crying.

Katie’s eyes lit with rage and she swung her arm back about to hit Katie but then I froze time.

“Oh no.” Timmy said, “Megan is a friend of mine, why would they do this to her?”

“Probably because they think she did it.”

“Oh.” Timmy said, examining Megan in her underwear. “Wow, I’ve never seen this side of her.”

I rolled my eyes as I redressed Megan. I had Timmy grab a pair of scissors to set Megan free and then we positioned Katie in Megan’s old position, tying her hands over her head.

“Wait, wouldn’t it be bad to move them in a spot once time is frozen?” Timmy asked.

“Yeah but I think after what she did to Megan we’ll let it slide.”

“Are you going to let Megan s-s-strip her?” Timmy asked.

“Yes Timmy, you’re going to see a girl strip another girl, calm down will you?”

I unfroze time and we hid around a corner and watched as Megan and Katie snapped back to life. Katie’s smile faded away when she realized she was tied up and then Megan’s tears went away when she realized she was free and clothed again.

“What the fuck? How did you do that?” Katie said, with a little bit of fear in her voice.

“I didn’t do anything.” Megan said, beginning to smile. “But I believe the tables have turned. I didn’t strip any of your sl*tty friends, but I will return the favor for you.”

“Don’t you dare!” Katie shouted and she was about to kick Megan but stopped when she looked down to find that her legs were tied together with an extension cord. Katie struggled but try as she might, she couldn’t fight off Megan from ripping her shirt in two halves, leaving Katie in a white bra with red polka dots on it.

“How dare you give me shit for my underwear, as if polka dots are any better.” Megan said.

“Shut up!” Katie cried, still trying to struggle.

The next to go was Katie’s belt as Megan unbuckled it and slid it through her belt loops. Katie must have worn a size too large because once the belt was gone her jeans descended slowly and I could see the top half of her matching polka dot panties. Megan just smiled and undid Katie’s jeans, bunching it up around her ankles.

“Hmm, should I leave you like this or should I strip the rest of you?” Megan asked with a light hearted tone in her voice.

“Don’t you fucking dare you b*tch!” Katie said.

“Naked it is.”

Megan unclasped the front of Katie’s bra and her breasts spilled open, along with two large white objects that fell to the ground. Katie squeezed her eyes shut and Megan grinned when she saw that Katie was even more flat chested than she was.

“Well I guess you know more about being a board than I do.” She said.

“Just stop please!” Katie begged.

But Megan didn’t step, next she hooked her thumbs into the waist band of Katie’s panties and slid them down her hips and around her ankles, exposing her unkempt pubic hair that ran into a vertical line above her pussy. Katie was naked just in time because the class bell rung and Katie’s eyes opened with horror.

“Oh my god, please, please put my clothes back on!”

“Sorry, have fun Katie” Megan said.

Katie screamed in rage and embarrassment and that probably wasn’t a good idea as it got the attention of everyone who heard it. As crowds of students ran towards the noise, Timmy and I ducked behind a custodian closet and we peaked through the door. By now, Katie was surrounded by at least forty kids. She was now sobbing while everyone pointed and laughed at her.

“Wow, I thought you had a nice rack but now I’m disappointed.” One guy said.

“Look at this.” Another girl said, pulling up Katie’s polka dot panties to her hips. “She’s wearing polka dotted underwear, what are you four?”

Katie started sobbing out loud and as I turned to look at Timmy, I saw that he had his hand in his pocket.

“Jesus, will you go in the corner and do that?” I said covering my eyes. “Only two more women thank God.”

Little did I know that in the back of the group was Kari, who was horrified when she saw the seen of Katie being tied up and naked. She put her hands to her chest, hoping that the same fate wouldn’t happen to her.

Rather than quickly strip Kari, I decided to wait for an administrator to come and help untie Katie and for the crowds to disperse before we followed her. Timmy and I stayed at a careful distance as we watched Kari walk to her next class, clutching her books tightly to her chest while her head kept turning around.

“How are we going to strip her?” Timmy asked.

“I’m not sure.” I said trying to think of something creative besides just freezing time, “Are you good at anything?”

“Well, science.” He said modestly and then a light bulb went off in my head.

“Are you good with magnets?”

“Yeah why?”

I froze time so Timmy and I could head to the science labs. There we found several electronic magnets that were used in science labs. With no difficulty at all, Timmy managed to hook the wires of the magnets together to create sort of a supercharged magnet. Once he was finished and after I made him go to the bathroom to save us some more time, I unfroze time and we followed Kari the rest of the way to her class which conveniently happened to be Public Speaking.

We positioned ourselves inside of a closet in the back while the teacher was telling the class that today was the day they were giving their final presentations. Kari was the first to go up.

“All right Timmy, do it.” I said and Timmy nodded as he turned on the switch.

Kari stood in front of the class and started speaking to her fellow students who were all trying hard not to fall asleep. Already, the metal tab to Kari’s zipper was starting to lift up and started tugging, but poor Kari was too clueless.

“More power.” I whispered and Timmy cranked the power even more.

Now, Kari’s belt buckle started to move and she quickly looked down when she felt a slight pulling around her waist but she tried to stay focused on speaking so she wouldn’t lose points.

“All right Timmy, full power.” I said and Timmy cranked it all the way up.

Kari’s belt was the first to go, as it ripped from the loops of her jeans and smacked another student in the head.

“Ow! What the hell?”

Kari gave a similar confused look as the student’s shouting threw her off and she didn’t notice that her zipper tab was sliding down exposing what looked to be the front of her pink panties. The mouths of the students in the front row dropped when they saw what happened and Kari wondered why her tight jeans were feeling less snug, but she kept on.

“Kari!” the teacher shouted.

Kari looked at the teacher confused and when the teacher pointed at her, she looked down and saw the metal buttons to her jeans fly from them. Kari screamed as her jeans dropped down to her ankles and leaving her there in her pink boy short panties. Her hands flew to cover herself and she turned around, exposing the two words on the back of her panties that said “Squeeze me”. Given the firmness of her buttocks, I wouldn’t have minded. The girls in the class started to laugh and then Kari remembered the underwear she was wearing and her hands flew to her backside. Unfortunately for us, the magnets worked too well.

While Kari’s buttons and zipper flew towards our directions, they were followed by the zippers and buttons of everyone else in the room. People gasped in confusion and when they stood up, everyone’s pants in the class fell down. The room was filled with a chorus of screams as girls and boys bent over to cover their underwear. The teacher, who wasn’t wearing any metal, thank god because she was 50, looked in the direction of the closet and wondered why all the buttons and zipper were stuck to the door.

“Uh oh.” I said as I froze time again, “Sorry Timmy, we have to go.”

“Can’t I finish-”

“NO!” I shouted as I went out the door. God might not be too happy about this I thought as I looked at the room full of pantless students. Still, I wasn’t done with Kari, I walked up to her and did what her panties told me to which was squeeze them.

“Come on Timmy you know what the panties said.”

Timmy, shyly walked up to Kari and with a trembling hand, squeezed her buttocks. Timmy’s whole face flushed bright red and then he said, “I think I have to change underwear now.”

“Oh for crying out loud.” I said rolling my eyes, “All right, let me just finish here.”

I took off Kari’s shirt and admired her nice C-Cup breasts and then I removed her panties and got to see her nice buttocks in its pure naked form. I also noticed that her lips were waxed and so her perfect pink labia could be seen sticking out of her pussy lips. Once Timmy and I left the classroom I unfroze time and looked in the window.

Kari had her hands still on her backside and she stopped screaming when she wondered why she felt smooth skin touching her buttocks. Horrified, Kari looked down and saw that she was completely naked and ducked behind a desk to cover herself while everyone in the class was now holding their pants up with their hands since without zippers or buttons they would fall.

“Well Timmy, we’re down to one more person.” I said as I started walking down the hallway.

“I know.” He said quietly, “Ms. Beaumont. She has pictures of me…hanging from the fence.”

“Does she really?” I asked, amazed at how cruel this woman seemed to be.

“Yeah, after the Fab Five left, she walked by me and just laughed, snapping a few pictures and said it would make a good yearbook picture.”

As we were walking down the hallway, ahead of us was the devil herself, Ms Beaumont. Dressed in a knee length skirt and a jacket and button up shirt, Ms. Beaumont looked to be quite a catch, with her black rimmed glasses giving her a sexy teacher image. I would have estimated her to just be in her late 20s or 30s. Her hair was medium length, just barely touching her shoulders and her glasses she wore gave her a certain mystique. Most amazing though was her body, she was a tall woman with smooth legs and from what I could see, her breasts weren’t that bad either.

“Hello Timmy.” She said, smiling with an arrogant grin, “I was just on my way to the yearbook staff. I have some great pictures.”

Timmy looked away from her as she walked past him. I watched her go by and then I saw her walking up to a middle aged man dressed in another suit.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“That’s Principle Mizer.” Timmy said, “He let’s Ms. Beaumont get away with everything. She’s always sucks up to him and I think that’s why.”

“Sucks up to him huh?” I said rubbing my chin.

“Aren’t we going to strip her?” Timmy asked.

“In a moment.” I said as I watched Ms. Beaumont throw back a fake laugh as she talked to the principle. Then he did something that made me smile, he placed his hand on her waist and they both walked towards the main office. Then I knew what we were going to do next.

“Well, are we going to do it or are you going to let her get away?” Timmy asked eagerly.

“Wait just a moment.” I said looking at the clock, “About ten minutes to be exact.”

Timmy looked at me with a puzzled look but I just winked at him. So we waited for ten minutes and then once they went by, I froze time. “Come with me Timmy, we’re just about done.”

We walked into the main office and saw Principle Mizer’s door that was closed. “Open the door Timmy.”

Timmy walked over to the door, turned the knob and when it didn’t move he said, “It’s locked.”

“Just as I thought.” I said smiling.

After finding the janitor with the master keys I opened Principle Mizer’s door and was pleased to see that my predictions were right.

“Ewww!!!! That’s so gross!!” Timmy shouted in disgust.

Frozen in place, was Principle Mizer with his back against his desk, pants and underwear down to his ankles while Ms. Beaumont had her mouth around his penis. She was kneeling on the ground in her black stockings and matching pinstriped garter belt and thong and panties. She had no bra on and Mizer’s penis was wedged between her large D cup breasts.

“Why would she do something so gross?” Timmy asked.

“Believe me kid, don’t knock it till you’ve had it.” I said smiling as I walked up to both adults.

“Well Timmy, help me with this.” I said grabbing hold of Principle Mizer, “Grab onto Ms. Beaumont and help me move her.”

“What are we doing?”

“We’re going to make a better picture for the yearbook.”

After much struggling, Timmy and I had managed to move Principle Mizer with Ms. Beaumont’s mouth still on him out into the halls of school. It was good too, class was just about to get out. Once we positioned them right in the middle of the hall, I locked the door to the principle’s office and then Timmy and I hid behind a corner.


“But, won’t the principle and Ms. Beaumont get in a lot of trouble for being seen in public?” Timmy asked.

“My gosh you’re right Timmy.” Said sarcastically. “We better put them back in the office so they can finish their business and so Ms. Beaumont can further humiliate you.”

Timmy just looked back at Ms. Beaumont and then said, “You know, if the bell rings they’ll stop and try to run away. We should do something about it.”

Happy to see that Timmy was catching on, we went to the office again and disarmed the class bells so they wouldn’t go off. “Okay, now she’s ready.” Timmy said.

I snapped my fingers and then Ms. Beaumont resumed doing what probably got her the job in the first place. She and Principle Mizer were moaning so loudly that they had no clue where they were.

“Oh yeah. That’s it baby!” Mizer was saying.

The clock minute changed and classes were now ready to be dismissed. At first no student came as teachers waited for the bell. But finally, after five minutes, students began pouring out of their classrooms. Most of them were talking with each other about seeing different members of the Fab Five getting stripped until they stopped when they saw Ms. Beaumont going down on Principle Mizer.

All of the students were so shocked they couldn’t make any noise, Ms. Beaumont’s head kept going back and forth while Mizer was moaning, “Oh yeah baby that’s it.”

Finally, Mizer came on Ms. Beaumont’s face and it was all over her glasses and her chest. Girl’s had their hands on their mouths while others turned to their friends and giggled.

“Ooh you taste so good Mizer.” Beaumont said kissing the tip of his penis, “I love the way you’re cum hits my glasses.”

“Yeah baby!” some student shouted from the back, causing all the students to erupt with laughter.

Mizer and Beaumont both screamed and jumped when they hear the noise and their eyes bulged when they realized where they were. Beaumont screamed so loud that it caused some students to plug their ears. Then, when all the students pulled out their cell phone cameras, Ms. Beaumont looked down and realized she was also in her underwear. While Beaumont crossed her legs and covered her breasts and crotch, Mizer lifted his pants and walked into the main office. Camera flashes were already hitting the crying Beaumont as she tried to cover herself while wiping the mess off her face.

“Stop it! Stop it!” she shouted as she made her way to the office door. When she pulled the knob it wouldn’t open, Mizer had locked the door. Frantically, Beaumont started banging on the door. “Mizer, let me in you cocksucker!” she screamed.

“No Ms. Beaumont.” Timmy shouted as he walked up to her, “That would be you and it will make a great yearbook picture.”

Ms. Beaumont’s face turned bright red when she saw Timmy and with one hand still covering her chest, she swung back and was about to hit Timmy before I froze time again.

“That was close.” I said walking up to her. To my surprise, Timmy was already undoing her garter belt from her stockings and so I helped him remove her bra and panties.

“Thanks for all you did Zeke.” He said to me with a smile, “No one’s ever done anything this nice for me.”

“Hey anytime.” I said, “God says thanks for believing.”

We took Beaumont’s underwear and I let Timmy keep it as a momento. I unfroze time and she resumed her swing, only hitting empty air now that Timmy was gone. When she swung, she felt her breasts jiggle and she looked down again, horrified to see she was fully naked. As she placed a hand over her hairless crotch, she felt a small drop of juice fall from her red lips and she let out a cry as she realized she was aroused in front of the students. Beaumont screamed again while the camera flashes kept going, she was crumpled on her knees and doubled over by now and there were so many students surrounding her that it was impossible for any other teacher to help.

While Timmy walked back to his locker to stuff his new prize in his bag, I flew back up to heaven and smiled down at the boy who I had to thank, for giving me another chance at doing what I love to do.


Sarah was now named “Queen Bee.” Not for her leadership skills but more for her being seen naked in public and covered with honey. She got suspended for it and from then on whenever she went to McDonald’s and asked for chicken nuggets and was offered honey, she would turn bright red and say no.

Danielle was now officially named the “Tomboy” of the Fab Five and it wasn’t for her boyish traits either. The Punk girl who spanked her spanked her so hard that students would laugh at Danielle because when she sat down she’s sit down on the cheek that wasn’t struck. Also, Danielle never dated jocks anymore, in fact, she often stayed as far away from any gym locker as much as possible.

Ashley never ran track again. After that whole disaster in front of gym class, she never did anything physical really either. The experience was so traumatic for her that she became obsessive compulsive, pulling at any loose thread that was on her clothes until the thread was gone. She couldn’t bear to think of having loose thread anymore. She almost never ran anymore, often being very careful whenever she walked around a sharp corner.

Despite the entire student body seeing her flat chest, Katie still stuffed her bra in public, desperately trying to hold onto that vanity of having large breasts. On her birthday, some students hung a polka dotted Wonderbra on her locker door which got Katie so upset that she cried and went home early.

Kari was so traumatized that she avoided all magnets. She specifically failed her science class by not attending when she found out they had a lab with magnets. She also never wore jeans anymore. Any clothing with metal on it was ruled out so Kari was often wearing jogging pants or a hoodie.

Ms. Beaumont was fired from her job after getting caught with Principle Mizer who was also fired. Her picture never made it to the yearbook, it didn’t need to, Timmy put it up on the internet for millions of people to see along with snapshots of her trying to cover herself. Ms. Beaumont had to actually change her e-mail address because so many students were e-mailing her pictures of what she did.

As for Timmy, he went on to be one of the richest people in the country. How did he manage to do that you ask? Well, he started writing novels about a certain someone with a certain power to freeze time and undress people. The erotica was a huge success with people and he sold out of copies within the first week. When asked who he has to thank for all of his success, Timmy said, “I have no one else to thank but God and his angels watching over me.” Which I thought was nice. Although it wouldn’t have killed him to kick back a little money to me seeing as if I did all the work.
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Old 12-14-2013, 08:09 PM
booboobooboo booboobooboo is offline
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jesus christ this is hot. keep it up! Here's an idea. Have another one where she's tied up but maybe spread eagle in front of a much bigger crowd, maybe on stage during a school play with a feed playing on a huge monitor.
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:42 AM
superfag95 superfag95 is offline
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love theese storys and esspecially the little things that happen to them ie covered in honey stuffed bra etc but keep it up cant wait to hear more
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Old 12-20-2013, 09:01 AM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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So the following is a new Karmic Balance series I've recently started writing. Due to popularity, I brought back the character, Angelina, and have also written in a friend as the other protagonist at their request. Thanks for being patient with the old stories that may not have addressed the critiques you all have made in the past.

Karmic Balance: Guardian Angelina Ch 1

It was a hot day in the middle of July and Angelina’s friends were getting irritated with her stubbornness. They were almost late getting to the music festival because they argued with Angelina over wearing less clothing. For reasons they did not understand, Angelina always wore two layers of clothing. This usually involved yoga pants and a black tank top under a black long sleeve shirt and long black dress. She also wore a corset on top of that. Her friends didn’t raise much of an issue until it got warmer.

“Angelina, you’re going to dehydrate outside.” One of her friends said, she was another goth girl with spiked hair, wearing a cut up t-shirt over a black mini-skirt.

“No I won’t.” Angelina said with her arms folded as she walked out of her home, feeling the humid warm air wrapping around her like a blanket.

“What are you so afraid of?” another friend asked, this woman had pink and black hair and wore a black mesh top, exposing her black bikini top over a pair of short shorts. “That someone will take your clothes?”

Angelina bit her lip and hugged herself at the horrible idea of losing her clothes in such a public spot. “Yeah…”

“Angelina no one’s going to take your clothes. I don’t know what happened to you but we won’t let it happen again.” The spikey headed punk said.

“You two either let me go like this or I’m not going at all.”

Not wanting to fight, the two friends let Angelina leave this way and off they went to the concert to see their favorite heavy metal bands. Already Angelina was regretting her decision to go as she felt drops of sweat falling from her face, making her goth makeup run. She could feel sweat under her clothes staining her shirt and underwear and she knew she needed to hydrate her body. “I’ll be right back.” She said to her friends as she started to walk to the stand. As she walked she looked at all the women walking around, scantily clad in bikini tops and short shorts. Angelina shuddered at the thought of being so exposed and was relieved she kept so many clothes on. Then she noticed she started to see spots and then she started getting dizzy. Angelina stopped walking and reached her hand out to grab something for stability.

“Hey lady you okay?” a vendor asked but Angelina didn’t answer. Instead, she mumbled incoherently and then fell to the ground. The people around her scrambled to get medical attention but all Angelina saw was darkness.


“Hey..wake up. Wake up.” A man’s voice said.

Angelina squinted as she felt a gentle slap on her face and then she swung her hands out to shoo it away. “Stop it!” she said. She opened her eyes and saw a bright light and wondered why there was silence. “Where am I?” she asked as she got to her feet and then gasped when she realized she wasn’t at the festival anymore. Instead she was standing on a white cloud on the other side of two large golden gates. Gospel music could be heard in the distance. “What the hell?” she said.

“Heaven actually.” A man’s voice said. “Welcome, Angelina. My name is Zeke.”

Angelina turned to the source of the voice and screamed when she recognized a familiar man in a white robe and a halo. She screamed and shouted, “You!” It was the man who humiliated her back in college, the one who ripped her dress and left her in nothing but her embarrassing strawberry printed underwear. In reflex, Angelina wrapped her arms around her breasts and crotch and gasped when she felt her nipples and small patch of black pubic hair just above her pussy. “EEK!” she cried as she squeezed her legs together. “You took my clothes again!!”

“I didn’t do anything.” Zeke said, “You’re dead. That’s why you’re naked.”

“What?” Angelina said, not wanting to believe him. “How?”

“You uh, dehydrated because you had so many clothes on.” Zeke said, lowering his eyes.

Angelina clutched her naked body tighter as the horrible news settled in, then her eyebrows narrowed as she let her anger come. “This is your fault!” she shouted as she pointed a finger at him. “I wouldn’t have worn extra clothes if you hadn’t have stripped me!”

“And you shouldn’t have used demonic powers on other people.” He said with his arms folded, “By the way, you should have tried getting some sun because you’re cute little body is pretty white.

Angelina looked down and squealed as she returned to covering herself, her face blushing as well. “This isn’t real. I don’t believe in heaven.”

“Well believe in it.” Zeke said, “If you used demonic powers from hell then there is a heaven.” He knelt down and reached into the clouds and pulled up from it a long white robe. “The only reason you’re here Angelina is because yes, it’s my fault that you ended up dying so God thought he’d make you an angel.”

Angelina relaxed as he handed her the robe to put over her body and she felt the warm cotton d**** over her breasts. “Angel?” she said, “So am I in paradise?”

“Yes….but there’s a catch.” He said. “So as you know, I used to control the powers of time. Since then I’ve retired because I like being in heaven. However, God still likes the idea of Karmic Balance to give people second chances but also to protect other people who don’t deserve it.”

Angelina gave Zeke a strange look as she wondered where this was headed, Karmic Balance or whatever it was called is what got her in trouble in the first place. “So what..he wants me to do it now?” she asked with a laugh, “I don’t know anything about what it is you do.”

“Oh I disagree.” Zeke said with a grin, “Stripping those girls in college ring a bell? You were pretty good at all of that. So this is what God wants. You get my time stopping powers and help a certain person out, and you get to be in heaven.”

“And if I don’t?” Angelina asked, just wondering what the other option would be.

Zeke smiled again, “Then you get to go to hell for not believing and face your worse torment. And I have an old ex-girlfriend who keeps experiencing losing her clothes over and over as her punishment. So you might want to take this offer.”

Angelina’s cheeks blushed as she thought about hell and didn’t hesitate to take the offer. “Okay, I’ll do it.” She said. It didn’t sound like a bad idea, she had fun humiliating those girls in college and it was simply a matter of snapping her fingers. “What happens next?”

Zeke dipped his finger in a cloud below him and swirled it around until a small hole opened up. Instead of blue sky, they saw a small college campus overhead like a movie. “Time to meet your new client.”

Angelina knelt down in front of the hole and watched as the hole zoomed in on the campus, the students below getting bigger until she saw a slender young woman with black hair, dressed in black pants and a black button up shirt and a blue pinstriped tie. Her hair hung over her shoulders and over her voluptuous breasts and a stack of books were held against them as she walked. Angelina smiled as she liked the woman’s style and asked, “Who is she?”

“Helena.” Zeke said, “A transfer student from France, studying abroad in America. She’s going to be in need of a guardian angel soon.”

“Why is that?” Angelina asked.

“Just watch.”

Helena stopped walking as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. She read it carefully as she continued walking, trying to figure out where her next class was. As she scanned at the directions, she didn’t realize another woman was walking in her direction and bumped into her. The woman was tall, 6 feet at least and her tone stomach showed under a tight t-shirt over ripped jeans. She had dark skin and black hair braided into a ponytail and full lips. She stumbled back as Helena fell to the ground, books scattered all around her. “What the fuck?” the tall woman said.

“Oh sorry!” Helena spoke in English but with a French accent.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” the tall woman shouted.

“I’m sorry, I do not know my way around here yet.” Helena said as she picked up her books, wondering why she was doing all of the apologizing. All of the sudden, she felt a tug on her tie as the tall woman grabbed it and pulled her close.

“Then maybe you should just go back to your sissy little country.” The woman said, “What is that a French accent? I dislike French people.”

“Why?” Helena asked.

“Because all you French people think you’re so hot with your prissy lingerie and fancy clothes!”

Helena didn’t really understand how that was a reason to dislike her country but the woman seemed very strong, Helena could see a tone bicep on the arm that grabbed her tie and decided to kill her with kindness. “Well I’m sorry that upsets you. But I am late for class so I’m sorry can I please go?”

The woman smiled and pulled Helena closer to her. “No. You need to learn a lesson about this school. My name’s Lita and I’m the toughest woman here, so when you see me walking your way you better get out of it.”

Helena raised an eyebrow wondering why this Lita felt it necessary to bully her but kept up with her kindness. “I’m Helena nice to meet you. I will be sure to avoid you from now on. Now please let me go.”

Lita smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll let you go.” With that, she gripped tight onto Helena’s tie and jerked it forward, ripping it off from around her neck.

‘Hey!” Helena shouted, “That’s mine!”

“You’re right. It is!” Lita said in sarcasm. “And that shirt is also yours, guess I better make sure it stays with the tie.” Lita dropped the tie and then grabbed the sides of Helena’s shirt and pulled as hard as she could.

Helena screamed as she felt her breasts fall free from the shirt as Lita ripped it open. Buttons scattered to the ground. Helena’s jaw dropped as she looked around at the twenty students stopping to stare at her purple brassier with pink butterflies printed on it, pink frills lining the top of the cups.

“Butterflies?” Lita said with a laugh, “This is college honey not elementary school.”

“b*tch!” Helena shouted as her cheeks turned pink, she pushed Lita back as she tried to close her shirt around her bra.

Lita’s nostrils flared as she was pushed and she said, “Hey! No one touches me!” She grabbed the back of Helena’s hair and she screamed in pain as she was turned around. Lita grabbed the back of Helena’s shirt and ripped it off of her shoulders. With her bra exposed again, Helena squealed as she wrapped her arms around her bra, looking around at all the gawking eyes.

“Stop it!” she said but Lita wasn’t finished.

“Let’s see what kind of panties you have on.” Lita said as she wrapped her arms around Helena’s waist and started to unbutton her pants. Helena’s arms were confined to covering her braand she couldn’t stop Lita from unzipping her pants and pulling them down to her ankles.

“EEK!” Helena shouted as she felt the pants fall into a pool of fabric, exposing her white socks and purple panties that matched with her bra. Pink frilly trim lined the waistband of her panties and her bottom and crotch was covered in pink butterflies. Helena’s legs buckled as she covered the front of her panties with a hand.

“Just as I thought.” Lita said, “Little Miss French likes to wear girly underwear!”

Helena watched in horror as some students around her started to laugh, making her turn even more red as she tried to pull her pants up.

“Uh uh honey, those pants are mine.” Lita said as she knelt down to grab them and started to pull.

“Stop it! I’m going to fall!” Helena shouted as she tried to step out of them. Waving her arms in the air, Helena stepped out of her pants to avoid falling but now she was in nothing but her socks and underwear. She crossed one leg over the other and had her arms in an upside down L to cover her underwear. A tear of rage fell from her eye as she stared at the horrible Lita who threw her pants in the air. “You are a horrible woman!” She was so angry at being humiliated that she forgot about her unclothed state and started swinging wildly at Lita.

Lita smiled at the sight of this slender woman in her panties swinging her arms in an uncontrolled manner, blocking each strike with her hand. She underestimated Helena’s rage and felt a hard swipe against her lip. She staggered back as she touched it while Helena stopped swinging at the realization of what she had done. Lita looked at her finger and saw blood on it and then her eyes got wide with rage as she stared at Helena. “You b*tch! You made me bleed! No one makes me bleed!”

“I-I’m sorry!” Helena said and tried to turn to run away.

“Get over here!” Lita shouted as she reached out and grabbed the back of Helena’s bra and pulled back.

Helena screamed as she staggered back from the force of Lita’s pull. Then she felt the back of her bra fold as Lita unhooked it. “What are you doing?!” she cried but it was too late, the bra was undone and Lita pulled the bra off Helena’s arms and over her head, freeing her breasts from their butterfly printed cups, causing them to bounce in the air, hardening as the cool breeze hit them. “Mon dieu!” Helena screamed as she clutched both of her breasts.
“Speak English!” Lita said as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of Helena’s panties and pulled down.

Helena’s eyes bulged out as she saw them slide down to her feet, her shaved white pussy lips exposed for everyone to see. Lita grinned as she saw Helena’s hairless crotch and said, “Oooo little miss prissy pants like to wax.”

Helena’s hands flew to cover her bare crotch as she used the other hand to cover her bare ass. It figures the one day she decided to shave completely is the day it gets exposed to everyone on campus. “Leave me alone!” she begged, “I have no clothes now! You’ve gotten what you wanted!”

“No I haven’t.” Lita said as she grabbed Helena’s arm. “No one hits me. I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but I’m the head of the MMA club on campus and I’ve never lost. So since you think you can hit me, I want to see you in the arena.”

“Wh-what?” Helena said, not being a fighter at all. “I c-can’t fight you.”

“You will fight me Helena.” Lita said as she looked down at her ass, her firm cheeks jiggling slightly as Helena tried to shake free. “Otherwise I’m going to keep humiliating you and make your stay on this campus a living hell!”

Helena felt her arm go free and then a hard slap on her ass as Lita spanked her. She stumbled forward and fell to her knees, crying softly as she stood there in her naked shame. Lita laughed as she walked away, “See you in a couple days and don’t skip out or I’ll find you!”

Helena grabbed the clothes that were ripped from her body and clutched them against her naked chest, watching as the students around her walked away, gossiping about what they just saw.

“You think she’s going to do it?’ one asked.

“I can’t believe she wore those butterfly panties!” another woman said.

“What will I do?” Helena asked to herself, knowing she couldn’t beat Lita by sheer force.

The clouds closed up and Angelina looked up at Zeke. “What a horrible b*tch!” she said to Zeke. “Why didn’t you send me down to stop Lita?”

“Because it already happened.” Zeke said, that’s why we wanted to assign her to you. Your job will be to protect Helena against Lita and anyone else that tries to give her shit while she’s at school.”

Angelina hated bullies, especially jocks and was determined to do her new job. “Send me down there, I’ll do it.”

Zeke smiled as he touched her shoulders, lifting them up to grant Angelina a pair of white wings. ‘It is done, go meet your new friend.” With a snap of his fingers, the cloud below Angelina opened up and she fell to Earth, ready to help her new client.

Helena rose to her feet, covering her ass while she held the rest of her clothes against her front when she saw a bright light shine over her. She gasped as she held the clothes tighter against her body and saw a flash shoot down the beam of light like a falling star. She screamed and leapt back as there was a bright flash in front of her. She was so startled she dropped her clothes again.

As the light dimmed, Helena saw a woman with jet black hair on the ground, dressed in a white robe and white wings folded behind her back. The woman shook her head and rose to her feet, revealing a pale face hidden under black lipstick and eye shadow. She brushed her robe and looked up at the sky. “A warning would have been nice!” she called out. Sighing, she looked around and then stopped when she saw Helena standing there with her mouth open, her breasts and cleanshaven pussy on display.

“Wh-who are you?” she asked.

“Uhh. I’m Angelina.” Angelina said, averting her eyes as she tried not to stare at Helena’s body, even though she was a little envious of it now that she got a close look. “You um…dropped your clothes.”

“What?” Helena asked and then gasped when she remembered she was naked. “Oooh! I’m sorry!” she said as she knelt down to slide her butterfly panties back on her waist and then her trousers. “Did you come from the sky?” she asked as she wrapped her shirt around her torso.

“More like Heaven.” Angelina said. “In case the wings didn’t clue you in, I’m supposed to be your guardian angel.”

“Angel?” Helena repeated with a laugh. “They don’t exist.”

“Well believe it honey.” Angelina said. “I’m sent here to protect you.”

“Protect me from what?” Helena asked, wondering why she was so special as to get her own “angel.”

“Protect you from losing your clothes from psychotic bullies.” Angelina said, poking at the open space in Helena’s shirt where her chest was exposed.

Helena’s eyes grew as big as saucers as she clutched her shirt tighter around her breasts. “Y-you saw that?”

“Yeah, I’m an angel I can see everything.”

Helena groaned as she covered her red face. “I cannot believe this. I haven’t made many friends here and now the students and an angel have seen me naked! And now I have to fight this woman whom I cannot beat!”

“Hey easy.” Angelina said as she reached out to comfort Helena, giving her a gentle hug. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I’ll make sure of it.”

Helena wiped a tear from her eye as she looked up at Angelina, with her black lipstick contrasting with her white teeth, her smile seemed genuine and warm to Helena. “Really?” she asked.

Angelina nodded and then was about to talk when a blonde student wearing jeans and a college hoodie walked by. Her hair hung down to the middle of her back and her hips were wide, almost as if they’d burst out of her jeans. “Who are you talking to you weirdo?” she said in a snarky tone.

“What?” Helena said, unsure as to why the blonde didn’t see Angelina.

“Crap.” Angelina said, “I guess other people can’t see me. Thanks for telling me that detail Zeke.” She rolled her eyes.

“Um no one.” Helena said as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

“Wanna see me prove I’m an angel?” Angelina asked with a wry grin.

Helena looked at her with unease as the smile seemed to imply she would do something wicked. “Sure?” she said, hoping that it wouldn’t involve the loss of her clothes.

Angelina held her hand up and snapped her fingers and looked around as she saw the students around her freeze. Helena stared blankly at Angelina and asked, “What happened?” Angelina pointed to the blonde woman who made fun of Helena and it was clear that she was frozen, with her eyes in mid-roll aimed at Helena.

Helena slowly approached the blonde and poked at her arm, shocked when the woman didn’t move at all in response to her touch. “What did you do?” she asked.

“I froze time.” Angelina said, “I’m a time angel.”

“So how is that supposed to protect me?” Helena asked, all of this seeming very bizarre to her, she wasn’t sure if these powers would wreck the physics of time or if they would do any damage to her.

“Oh honey you need to get creative.” Angelina said as she walked behind the blonde. “Why didn’t you fight back against Lita?”

“Are you serious?” Helena asked in outrage. “The woman stripped me of my clothes! I was so embarrassed being seen in my panties, everyone was laughing at me!” she was getting red in the face from anger.

“Exactly.” Angelina said with a grin as she grabbed the bottom of the blondes hoodie and pulled it up along with the t-shirt she had under it. “Most people don’t do shit to you if they are naked. me I know.”

As Angelina threw the hoodie and shirt to the side, she looked at the blonde’s exposed torso, she had D cup breasts that almost spilled out of a white brassier. A few inches of her stomach hung over her jeans, showcasing that she was naturally a curvy woman. “Wow, she’s going to have back problems.”

Helena held her hand over her mouth to repress a laugh, she didn’t think an angel would have such a sense of humor. She watched as Angelina wrapped her arms around the blonde’s waist and unbuttoned her pants. Next came the zipper and then Angelina hooked her fingers into the jeans and pulled them down. The blonde wore pink panties with a pink bow just above the crotch. Embroidered on the back were the words, “Bootylicious.”

“Damn.” Angelina said as she looked at the girls’ wide buttocks. “Baby got back.”

Helena walked to look and giggled at the funny word printed on her ass. “She’s not even wearing matching underwear.”

“Clearly she didn’t expect to be seen in them. Well she’s in for a surprise, stand back where you were before.” Angelina instructed.

Helena returned to where she stood and watched as Angelina snapped her fingers again. The blonde finished rolling her eyes and said, “Dumb foreigners.” She started to walk away and then screamed as she felt her legs get caught against something and fell forward. Helena started to laugh as she saw the blonde’s ass jiggle from the impact.

The blonde, wondered why her stomach and back felt cold and as she got to her feet she gasped when she saw that her shirt was gone and her pants were around her ankles. “Oh my god!” she screamed as she sat up and wrapped her arms around her torso. “Wh-what happened?”

“I-I don’t know!” Helena said in fake surprise. “One minute you had clothes on and the next they were gone!”

The blonde rose to her feet and held one hand over her crotch. “Oh my god, people can see my ass! “

“Well it is bootylicious.” Helena remarked.

The blonde stared at her with her mouth open, shocked that she had read the back of her panties. She covered her rear with her hands and then bent down to pull her pants up. “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this!” she said as she ran to grab her top, her large breasts bouncing wildly as she ran.

Helena watched the blonde run off with her shirt clutched against her chest, amused that she had gotten humbled after making fun of Helena.

“See how this works now/” Angelina asked as she rested an arm on Helena’s shoulder.

“Oh yes!” Helena said with a smile. “Thank you so much! I don’t feel afraid about fighting Lita now!”

“And you shouldn’t.” Angelina said, letting a wicked smile spread across her face, “But Lita should be afraid.”

Helena smiled and was about to suggest that they go back to her dorm when all of the sudden, a metal sprinkler rose out of the ground in front Angelina. “Oh no! Watch out for the-”

But it was too late, water shot out from the sprinkler, soaking Angelina all over her body. “AHH!!” she screamed as she walked away from the sprinkler. “Stupid sprinklers! I’m soaked!”

“Er, that’s not all.” Helena said as she pointed at Angelina. Her white robe was covered in water and was now see through. The cold from outside hardened her pink nipples on her c cup breasts and her navel could be seen against the robe. Also, her dark patch of pubic hair was completely visible now that the gown clung to it.

Angelina looked down in horror at her exposed body and screamed as she wrapped her arms around her body. “Oh my god!”

“Why are you embarrassed?” Helena asked, “No one can see you but me.”

“Yeah and I don’t want ANYONE to see me naked! I’ve been humiliated like this before! How can this happen to me again!? I haven’t shaved in days! And I’m not wearing any underwear!”

“Well, you look good at least.” Helena said, trying to make light of the situation.

Angelina’s face turned red as she held her arms tighter around her body, “You’re not helping! I just know everyone up in heaven is looking at me right now!”

Helena bit her lip as her guardian angel seemed very upset and decided to try and calm her down by saying, “Come to my dorm. I might have some extra clothes for you to put on.”

Angelina sighed as she relaxed, realizing she should probably maintain her composure for the sake of her client. “Okay, let’s go.” She said as she folded to hands over her exposed pubic hair since it was most visible. Helena led her to the dormitory’s where they would discuss how to defeat Lita in the upcoming fight.
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Old 12-22-2013, 02:46 AM
Ruff Wanderer Ruff Wanderer is offline
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I'm loving this, so unique and creative.
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Old 12-22-2013, 03:24 PM
superfag95 superfag95 is offline
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love his story so much and the new addition helana is great me being from europe i think europeans are the sexiest so great to see one in a story like this
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Old 12-26-2013, 02:19 PM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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Helena had just finished putting on new clothes when she took Angelina's soiled white robe and threw it in her laundry basket. The pale goth angel had her arms covering her naked body as she slouched forward, her white wings folding behind her back. Despite being an angel, she could still feel a chill from getting soaked and her shoulders began to shake as she remained naked in Helena's room. Helena felt bad for her new friend but at the same time, couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked naked and vulnerable as one arm d****d over her breasts and the other covered her pussy. Perhaps it was because Helena had also felt that sense of vulnerability when she was naked but she never realized how beautiful that image looked.
Angelina's face turned pink as she squeezed her legs together, "Could you stop staring at me and get me some clothes?" she asked.

"Oh yes sorry." Helena said with a nervous smile, not realizing how awkward it must have been for Angelina. She turned to her dresser and pulled out some drawers. "Now for starters I have skirts and t-shirts if you'd like, some of them are black to match your lipstick if you prefer that instead of white."
"That'd be such a relief." Angelina said. "I couldn't stand the white.

"But how are your wings going to fit?" Helena asked.

"I don't know." Angelina said as she looked at her wings. "Maybe just get me something without straps?"
Helena smiled and said, "I have just the thing." and she opened her closet and searched through the hangars until she pulled out a black halter top dress. A small wring wrapped around the neck but did not cover the shoulders.
"That's perfect!" Angelina said.

Helena smiled and handed it to Angelina. "You'd look beautiful in it." then she turned around again to her dresser. "Now for underwear you-"
"Excuse me?" Angelina said. "Did you just say underwear?"

"Yes? What's the matter? Helena asked, wondering why Angelina felt standoffish.

"I'm not putting on underwear in front of you." Angelina said as she put the dress on over her head, letting her wings fold up over the back of the dress.
"But I've already seen you naked, what does it matter if I see you in my underwear?" Helena asked, thinking that it did make sense that Angelina was an angel considering her being so shy about her body.
"Because.." Angelina said as her cheeks turned flush, "What I pick is...personal. No one should see it. Even if it's being borrowed so you'll just have to wait in the bathroom while I pick some."
Helena raised an eyebrow but then said, "Very well." She walked into the bathroom and closed the door, listening as Angelina opened her underwear drawer. Had she not said anything, Helena might not have cared at all but the fact that the angel made such a big deal about what panties she wore made Helena curious. She hoped that Angelina was accident prone so that she might see her in them, even though Helena knew what underwear she owned, it seemed exciting to know that an angel was wearing them.
"Okay you can come out now." Angelina called out.

Helena opened the door and saw Angelina standing in the room in her black dress with a smile, picking at the area just under her breasts. Helena didn't give it that much thought as she was too bedazzled by how good Angelina looked. "You look wonderful!" Helena said. "Now how am I going to beat Lita in this fight?"
Angelina smiled and said, "Honey you just show up and get in the ring with her and I'll handle the rest. Now, you should probably study. Do you have anything for me to read?"

Helena frowned at the idea of doing homework but knew Angelina was right. She didn't have much to read that was in English so she got her laptop and handed it to Angelina. The screen was already on and was on a Deviant Art webpage. "You can read these stories." Helena said, "I read them all the time.


That night, Helena got an e-mail from Lita's friend stating the time and location of the fight. It was to be held Friday night in the gymnasium where they had a small octagon cage built for the MMA club. Helena didn't feel as nervous because she knew she had Angelina in her corner and so when the night finally came, Helena donned a pair of tight black shorts that were so high her thighs were showing. She also wore a black workout bra, only because she knew that that was what other MMA fighters wore. Angelina still kept her dress and walked with Helena to the gym.

Inside there were about thirty students sitting on folding chairs around the octagon. Inside was a female student wearing a black and white striped top that wrapped around her large D cup breasts, exposing her thin tanned midriff. Helena wondered if they were fake as they seemed to stick out rather than sag. She wore black short shorts even tighter than Helena's and had her brown hair tied back in a ponytail.
Also in the octagon was Lita. Her black hair was still braided and her muscular upper body was showing under a red sports top and black boxing shorts that extended down to just above the knee. Her flat stomach almost had a six pack and her hands were covered with red MMA fighting gloves. She was shadowboxing until she saw Helena and smiled. "Look who didn't chicken out after all. I'm impressed."
Helena smirked, feeling confident and said, "I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of winning by default."

Some of the students close by "ooed" at the banter while the referee opened the cage for Helen to step in. She handed Helena a pair of red gloves.
"Do you know the rules or do I need to explain it to you?" Lita asked.

"I know how this works." Helena said as she put the gloves on, "I knock you out or I make you tap out."
"Which won't happen." Lita said.

"We'll see." Helena said as she heard the gate close. She looked back and saw Angelina on the other side of the cage, giving her a thumbs up.
"Okay girls." The referee said, "Since you both know the rules I expect you to abide by them so no one is seriously hurt."

"Whatever Casey." Lita said as she started getting pumped up.
"Okay fighters, face each other here." Casey said as she pointed to the center of the octagon.

Helena and Lita did so, standing inches apart. Helena had to look up to make eye contact with Lita who smiled at her with sadistic glee. "I'm going to fuck up that pretty face of yours."
Helena just smiled and listened for the bell to ring. She saw Lita pull her fist back and Helena's body tensed until the cheers from the crowd stopped and Lita remained still where she stood.

"That was close." Helena said.
"Yeah I didn't think she'd act that fast." Angelina said. "That girl is crazy." She looked at the frozen Lita and said, "Well, do what you want with her."

Helena smiled and then walked around the frozen Lita. She could do anything she wanted to this bully and the first thing that entered her mind was to deliver the same treatment that Lita did to her. Standing behind Lita, Helena grabbed the sides of Lita's boxing shorts and pulled them down. Immediately Helena started to laugh at Lita's pink thong that had the words, "Latina Princess" written on the front. Her tanned ass cheeks were small but toned.
"ugh she wears a thong." Helena said, "I hate thongs. So uncomfortable."

"No they aren't." Angelina said, "They're hot"

"Arrogant women wear them just to show off." Helena protested.
"Are you calling me arrogant?" Angelina asked in offense.

"No, I'm just saying most do." Helena said, feeling slightly irritated at finding out that Angelina was arguing with her about personal style.
"Just finish stripping her and get this over with." Angelina said.

Helena sighed and pulled Lita's top over her arms and off her head, exposing her medium size breasts that were about the size of Helena's. Helena saw two metal barbells sticking through each dark areola and held her own hands to her breasts. "Oh my, that must hurt."
"Oh wow, she pierced her nipples!" Angelina said, "I always wanted to do that." When she saw Helena give her a look of surprise, she covered her mouth and then said, "Oh but..i didn't because, I you know..died. Can I unsnap time so we can finish this?"
"Yes let's." Helena said as she picked up the top and the shorts before standing a few feet away from Lita so she wouldn't hit her when Angelina unfroze time.

"Okay. You got to act fast."
"What should I do if she tries to attack?" Helena asked, feeling nervous as she didn't anticipate Lita still being able to fight.

"I'll just freeze time and we'll think of something else." Angelina said as she held up her hand. "Now get ready." Once she saw Helena in position, Angelina snapped her fingers.
Lita's fist flew out and struck only air as Helena was just out of reach. Lita said, "huh?" wondering how she could have miscalculated and then started to walk towards Helena until she noticed that she felt a slight chill all over her body. Then she noticed Helena was holding a red top and pair of shorts.
"Missing something?" Helena asked with a smile.

Lita looked down and saw that she was standing in nothing but her thong. The crowd outside all laughed and Lita screamed as her legs buckled to cover her exposed ass cheeks and crotch. "H-how did you do that?"
"I'm really fast." Helena said with a smirk. "Also, does it hurt to pierce your nipples?"

Lita winced and looked down to see that she was topless and squealed again as she wrapped one arm around them. "You b*tch! This isn't fair!" she looked to Casey who was standing in shock at the half naked Lita. "Disqualify her! She took my clothes!"
"Hey, there's nothing against it." Casey said with a shrug.

Lita let out a whining noise as her legs squeezed together and looked around at all the gawkers. She didn't know what to do, her fighting record was at stake but so was her dignity. As she circled around the square to do her best to hide her body from others, Helena ran up behind Lita and spanked her hard on the ass. The pain stung her cheek and Lita ran to the other side of the cage, holding her red gloved hands over the red hand print that was forming. "Fight fair!" she shouted in anger.
"You are stronger than me, as far as I'm concerned this is fair." Helena said. "You better do something before I pull those barbells out."

Lita's eyes widened in terror as she uncovered her ass to cover her breasts. "Don't you dare!"
Helena was only bluffing, but she said it to throw Lita off guard as she charged forward and grabbed Lita's legs, pulling them forward and forcing Lita to land on her back. Helena then pulled the legs over Lita's head so that her breasts were almost pushed up to her face, leaving her ass sticking up for everyone to see.
"Let me go!" Lita shouted as she kicked her legs like a child. But she couldn't break free as Helena was pushing her wait onto Lita's legs so she couldn't kick free.

With both hands, Helena began slapping each of Lita's ass cheeks. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! causing cheers from the crowd. Soon, Lita's ass was turning more red than her face was. Helena ended her "attack" by raising her hands and bringing them down hard on Lita's ass before walking away.
"You know that's not going to beat her." Casey said to Helena.

"I know." Helena said, "I'm just enjoying myself." And she was, seeing Lita roll to her knees, trying to hold back tears as she massaged her sore ass made it all worthwhile.
"I-I have to get out of here!" Lita shouted, realizing that she was being made a fool in front of people who respected her as a fighter. She just needed to get clothes so she could beat that french girl's ass. With one arm wrapped around her breast, Lita stuck her foot in the cage and tried to climb. This was a positive thing for the males in the audience who got an up close look at her pierced nipples.
"Yeah baby! take of the thong!" someone shouted.

"Shut up!" Lita said as tears fell from her face. "I'll kick all your asses!"

"Helena!" Angelina called out. "Go after her!"
"Right." Helena said as she ran to the cage and started to climb herself.

Lita was already on the top when she saw Helena climbing up after her "Stop it!" She shouted, "The cage isn't strong enough to hold both of us!"
Helena didn't listen and then she saw the top of the metal cage break from the padded rim. Helena almost fell from the cage breaking but managed to stay on. Lita lifted a foot to climb over but Helena grabbed it and started to pull. "You aren't going anywhere!" she said.
"Let me go!" Lita shouted, her ass jiggling as she tried to kick free. "I'm going to fall!" Sure enough, Helena gave her leg one hard tug and Lita felt herself fall back. She tried to turn her body so she could break her fall and saw the ground getting closer until she felt a hard jerk between her ass and then felt herself stop in mid air. "OWWW!!!" she cried as her thong caught onto the loose part of the cage, the thin pink string stretching out as Lita dangled in the air. "It hurts! It hurts!" she whined as she kicked her legs. Despite the pain she felt in her ass, some of that pain was pleasurable as the crotch of her thong rode up between her vaginal lips.

Casey made a face as she saw a dark stain developing over them.
"Eww!" she said. "She's turned on!"

Lita gasped as she looked down and saw the stain and then covered her crotch with her gloved hands. "No! I'm not turned on. I'm-" RIIIP!! Lita screamed as she fell the rest of the way to the ground, landing on her stomach. Helena dangled helplessly from the cage so she wouldn't fall and saw the tattered remains of Lita's thong that hung on the cage. Lita was on the ground with her naked red ass sticking out.

The audience all rose to their feet and clapped, chanting "Hel-en-a! Hel-en-a!"

Casey knelt to Lita to make sure she was okay. Lita still had a pulse but was not responding to the referee's questions. Casey lifted Lita's hand and let it drop to the floor three times and then gestured for the bell to be rung. "Helena is the winner by knock out!"
Helena smiled in surprise as the audience cheered. She couldn't believe she won. She looked at where Angelina stood and saw her smiling as well. Deciding that she'd play to the audience, Helena climbed to the top of the cage, being careful not to fall where the cage broke. She managed to get to the top and stood on the padded rim, raising her arms in the air in triumph. She got too carried away and slipped. "Whoa!" she cried as she felt herself fall backward.
Angelina held her hands to her mouth, too shocked to freeze time as she watched Helena fall off the cage and snag her shorts on the broken part of the cage. The audience all gasped as they watched her fall. Casey tried to help Helena but there was a loud RIP! and the referee gasped as she watched Helena fall to the ground, her shorts hanging on the cage along with Lita's thong.
The audience was relieved that Helena didn't fall all the way but started to laugh when they saw Helena wearing white cotton panties with chibi-style bears printed on it. Helena scrambled to her feet and looked down when she felt the air brushing against her exposed thighs. She winced as she covered her panties with her hands, the red gloves helping cover more of her panties. Her face turned red as she watched the dignity from her win disappear as the crowd laughed at her bear panties.
Angelina bit her lip as she realized she wasn't doing her job very well and snapped her fingers to freeze time. "Sorry!" she said with a weak smile.

"You let this happen to me!" Helena shouted in embarrassed anger. "Everyone's seen me in my bear panties!"
"Look I'll get your shorts and it'll be okay." Angelina said as she flapped her wings.

"Hurry!" Helena said as she crossed one leg over the other, "I'm blushing down to my toes!"
Angelina flew towards the top of the cage, trying to concentrate because she wasn't used to flying. She was almost there when she realized she wasn't slowing down and tried flapping her arms to slow herself down. "Whoah shit!" she cried as she flew over the cage and then had her feet get caught against the rail. Angelina screamed as she fell forward and hung from the top of the cage. As she fell upside down, so did Angelina's dress and she was hanging from the cage, dress hanging over her head and showing off Helena's purple lacey boyshort panties with pink polka dots and matching bra.
"So you chose that pair." Helena said with a smirk.

"AHHH!!" Angelina screamed as she flapped her wings and arms. "Stop looking!" as she continued writhing to get free, her dress continued to move until it finally slipped off of Angelina's head and fell to the ground. Angelina squealed as she wrapped her arms around her breasts and felt her face get warm as she was exposed again in a new pair of embarrassing underwear. "This is your fault!" she shouted, "All you own are girly panties!"
"Hey, I like girly panties!" Helena shouted, her hands still covering her underwear.

"Just shut up and help me down so we can get out of here!" Angelina cried.

"But I need pants!" Helena said, "I'm not letting you unfreeze time without covering my underwear!"

"Just put on Lita's shorts you fool!" Angelina shouted.
"Oh..."Helena said as she remembered Lita's shorts were lying on the ground unmoved. She covered her face in embarrassment and making such a silly mistake and slid them over her panties before walking over to Angelina and help her. She climbed up on the cage and grabbed onto Angelina's legs. "Hold onto the ground because I won't be able to catch you.

Angelina made a whining noise as she grabbed onto the bottom of the cage for stability, feeling the strain of Helena's bra push into her skin since Helena's breasts were not as big as Angelina's. "Hurry! Your bra is really tight!"

"Okay, here we go." Helena said as she pulled Angelina's legs from over the rim, causing her to do a forward flip.

Angelina screamed as she fell forward and her feet fell to the floor. As she fell, the momentum from her back hitting the cage caused the two polka dotted cups of her bra to split open, exposing her pale large breasts and causing them to bounce from being freed from their tight prison. Angelina let go of the cage and wrapped her arms around her breasts as she raised one leg over the other to cover her underwear. "Goddammit this isn't supposed to happen to me anymore!"

Helena smiled, she wasn't too upset about her ruined bra but did like how cute Angelina looked in her polka dotted underwear. Helena handed Angelina the dress that fell and Angelina quickly put it on over her body. "Good, let's just get the hell out of here now.

"Wait, won't everyone get confused when they instantly see I have shorts?" Helena asked.

Angelina rolled her eyes and walked over to Casey. Grabbing onto her shirt, Angelina untied Casey's black and white striped shirt and untied it, revealing her large D cup breasts. She must have tanned in the nude because they were also tanned and they didn't fall like they should have. "I think she has implants.

"What are you doing?" Helena asked, shocked that Angelina was undressing someone who didn't do anything wrong.

"No one's going to care that you have clothes when they see this hottie without clothes." Angelina said as she grabbed onto the sides of the Casey's shorts and pulled down, exposing black and white striped bikini panties. Casey's hips were slender and her tight ass cheeks remained neatly tucked under the back of her panties."Wow, she really takes this ref stuff seriously." "Okay," Angelina said as she raised her hand. "Hurry up and get out of here."

The fingers snapped and the laughter of the audience returned only to stop when they saw that Helena was clothed again. Then they heard another scream, this time from Casey. "Oh my god!! what happened!?" she cried as she buckled her legs and tried clutching her top over her breasts. "You did this!" she shouted angrily at Helena.

"No I didn't i swear!" she said.

"Liar! You stripped Lita and now you stripped me you pervert!!"

"Helena get out of there!" Angelina said.

Helena dashed for the door and opened it to get free. Casey tried to run after her but the shorts were still around her legs and instead, she fell on the ground, right on top of Lita.

The audience from the outside started taking pictures of the two hot women on top of each other wearing no clothes. "Stop taking my picture!!" Casey cried as she got to her feet.

The shouting woke Lita up and she opened her eyes to see two large dark areolas in her face. "What the hell?" she said.

Casey looked down and gasped when she saw that Lita got up close and personal with her breasts and stood up to cover her breasts. Lita got to her feet and felt a throbbing pain coming from her ass and pussy and went to rub it. Then she gasped when she felt the curls from her black pubic hair and smooth texture from her ass cheeks. Her hand ran further down to her pussy lips, feeling that they were slightly wet but didn't know why. She looked down and her jaw dropped when she saw that she was completely naked. She let out a loud shriek as her gloved hands pressed tightly against her naked crotch and ass, turning around to shield it from the eyes of the audience who definitely got their money's worth. "Wh-where is that French b*tch! I'm going kick her ass!"

"She's gone." Casey said as she pulled her shorts up. Indeed, Helena was already near the doors but wanted to stay to see Lita's reaction. Angelina had also flown out of the cage and was standing next to Helena.

"Then she forfeits!" Lita said with a smile. "She lost!"

"Er no." Casey said, "You passed out from your wedgie, you lost by knock out."

Lita's eyes widened as the words hit her and stood there frozen with her hands covering her. "I-I-lost?" she said quietly.

"Mhmm" Casey said.

Lita started to breath heavily and her breasts heaved up and down. Her face turned red and then tears started to well up in her eyes. She looked around and saw all of the people taking cameras of her naked body and she broke down and cried. "I fucking lost!" she shouted as she stomped her feet. "My beautiful record is ruined! I hate you Helena! This isn't fair!" she didn't care at the spectacle she was making, she was so upset that her record and dignity had been ruined.

"Well done Helena." Angelina said as she wrapped an arm around her client. "Let's go home."

"Yes let's." Helena said, "And I think we should go underwear shopping tomorrow, since you seemed to have trouble with my bras."

"Sounds like an excellent idea." Angelina said, she was eager to get new underwear since Helena, and most likely everyone up in heaven, saw her in them.
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Old 01-03-2014, 08:26 AM
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Karmic Balance Guardian Angelina Chapter 3

The next day, Helena and Angelina traveled to the mall to go underwear shopping. Both of them were excited but for different reasons. Angelina was excited because she would be able to wear a bra that fits while Helena was excited to get some new underwear, but also secretly hoped to see what Angelina wore also. The way Angelina guarded her exposed body made Helena want to see it more, as if Angelina was forbidden.

Once inside, they walked towards Victoria's Secret but Helena also wanted to get to know Angelina more. "So, who were you before you passed?" she asked.

"I was just a human like you." Angelina said, "I went to college and got a degree. I liked going to concerts and some of the occult."

"Occult?" Helena asked, "Like black magic?"

"You could say that." Angelina said as she lowered her eyes, remembering the day she stole Zeke's powers to humiliate women only to be humiliated herself. "It sort of got me in trouble."

"How so?" Helena asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Angelina quickly said as her cheeks flushed. She didn't want to seem too rude and asked Helena "What do you hope to do when you graduate?"

"I'd like to teach English to students in France." Helena said, "I enjoy teaching but miss my home country as well."

"That's cool. I always wanted to learn French." Angelina said.

"Really?" Helena asked, "I could teach you."

"That sounds nice." Angelina said with a smile and then looked ahead to see the entrance to Victoria's Secret. They both walked inside, looking at all the racks of various lingerie that the store had. Walking around were several women in dress shirts and dress pants assisting customers.

"So many choices." Helena said as she looked around.

"Be careful, remember no one can see me and you don't want to look like you're talking to yourself." Angelina said.

"Oh right." Helena said as she tried to be subtle. Several feet away were two college women. One of them was a blonde with tan skin. She was tall, had long legs and breasts that stuck out as if they were too large for the long sleeve blue top she wore. The woman wore grey yoga pants that hugged the curves of her bubble butt. She almost looked like a Victoria's Secret model based on her gorgeous looks.

The other woman was a redhead with long straight hair. She was a few inches shorter than the blonde and had fair skin. She had a more slender frame, with breasts of a modest size, most likely a B cup, hid under a zip up purple hooded sweater and her cute little ass remained hidden under black yoga pants. The two of them must have finished working out and then decided to go shopping. When Helena spoke, the blonde heard her and leaned into whisper to her friend. "That's that pervert who stripped the MMA chick last night."

"No! Really?' her friend asked as she covered her mouth.

"Yeah, she took off her clothes and then the referee's. She's probably a lesbian or something."

The two women were not quiet enough and Helena overheard them. "Excuse me." she said, "I am not a pervert."

The redhead gasped at being caught but the blonde placed a hand on her hip and said, "Yeah you are. You took off another person's clothes, so you must have liked it. You're a perv, all you Europeans are. You're probably here to jill off and fantasize about the women in their underwear."

Helena's face turned red at the slandering remark and she stammered as she asked. "Wh-what is jilling off?" she asked.

"It means to masturbate duh." The blonde said. The redhead started to laugh and the blonde joined in.

"Forget about them." Angelina said to Helena, "We'll get them back later."

Helena sighed to calm herself down and said, "You certainly know a lot about these things for calling me perverted." The blonde and the redhead gasped in offense and Helena walked away to look at underwear.

"b*tch." The blonde said and then turned around to continue shopping.

"What do we do?" Helena asked Angelina once they were away.

"Just shop for underwear." Angelina said, "I'll take care of the rest." She watched the blonde and the redhead talk to themselves in front of a rack. She didn't want to strip them just yet because then they would accuse Helena and call her perverted. Instead, Angelina waited for them to select some items off the rack and then go to the dressing room. Angelina followed them immediately down the long halls and watched as each of them walked behind their own white door into a dressing room. Angelina counted up to two minutes before snapping her fingers and freezing time.

Angelina walked to the door the redhead was in and opened it. She was wearing light pink cheekini panties with ruffles sewed along the back. Her small breasts were concealed under a matching pink bra that had frills lining the top of each cup. What amused Angelina was that the redhead stood in a provocative pose, her legs spread apart, lips puckered as she held her camera phone up against the mirror to take a selfie. Upon closer inspection, Angelina could see freckles lining all over the woman's shoulders.

Leaving the redhead for a moment, Angelina entered into the stall the blonde was in and started to laugh at what she saw. The blonde wore black mesh panties with a black bow covering the back. Also, the back of the panties was cutout so her ass was exposed. On the front of them were rhinestones and she wore a black mesh bra that exposed her tan nipples. What made this most amusing was that the blonde stood with her legs apart, sticking her large curvy ass out and had her hands pressed on both of her ass cheeks. Angelina had no idea what she was doing to stand in this pose but it was absolutely perfect.

Just then, Helena walked by and gasped when she saw the blonde standing with her hands on her ass. "What are you doing?" Helena asked, "I saw that you froze time."

"Just doing my guardian angel job." Angelina said. "Here's what I want you to do. I want you to move these two outside of the store and in the mall so that I can unfreeze time. This way they won't accuse you of doing anything."

"What are you going to do?" Helena asked.

"I'm going underwear shopping." Angelina said with a grin.

Helena frowned at the thought of missing out on Angelina in her underwear but did what she was told and grabbed onto the blonde's soft body and picked her up as if she were a statue. Helena had to squint as the blonde's large breasts bounced against her face, Helena wondered if they were implants based on how they kept poking her in the eye. She grabbed tight onto the blondes ass for stability and couldn't help but notice how soft and squishy it was. Helena was surprised because she felt a warm sensation between her legs as her hands ran along the exposed ass of the blonde, how the edge of the mesh panties met with her soft flesh. Helena positioned the blonde just in front of the escalators with her ass sticking out towards the store.

Next, Helena returned to the dressing room and grabbed the redhead, having a much easier time moving her since she seemed lighter. Helena propped her by the blonde, having the redhead face the blonde so it would look like she was taking a picture of the blonde's ass. With her job done, Helena returned to the store and decided to continue shopping. Now that time was frozen, she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted and it gave her a sense of confidence in swiping random pairs of panties off the rack for her to try on.

Helena was about to walk to the changing room and then stopped when she realized, she didn't need to. Everyone was frozen so she could undress in public. The thought of it seemed horrifying since she had been humiliated by Lita, but then the excitement of being half naked in public sent a tingling sensation down her spine. Besides, this was different and she was doing this of her own accord. Grabbing the bottom of her white shirt, Helena lifted it over her head, exposing a white brassier. She also had a belly button piercing, a metal stud that had a diamond piece of jewelry dangling in front of her tiny navel. She hadn't worn it in a while and since she knew she was going underwear shopping, she wanted to put it on for a special occasion.

Next, Helena unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, exposing a purple pair of panties with cupcakes printed on them. After she took off her jeans she stood there in the store barefoot, focusing on the sensation of the drafty room bringing a chill to her exposed skin. She felt her face get warm at seeing the frozen people, imagining what it would be like for them to see her in her cupcake panties and out of reflex, Helena's hands flew to cover her crotch. Upon touching them, she felt a small wet spot over her pussy and gasped, not expecting to be aroused at this exhibitionism.

Not wanting to stain her panties anymore, Helena hooked her thumbs into the waistband and pulled them down. Then she picked up a pink pair of cotton hiphugger panties and slid them on. She liked this pair because on written on the back in cursive were the words, "Naughty" and that was exactly how she felt by standing in the store with nothing on. She let out a soft gasp as she felt the fresh new cotton slide against her moist lips and rubbed her thighs against each other. Now that she was aroused, she couldn't resist fantasizing about sexual feelings, the fact that she was in an underwear store making those feelings worse. She ran her hands along her shoulders and then her stomach and was just about to slide them down her panties when she heard Angelina's voice, "What the hell are you doing?"

Helena shrieked as her hands flew to cover her behind as she turned around and saw Angelina standing there with her hands on her hips, wearing a long black strapless gown that hung to the floor. Helena's face was bright red as she was caught in her underwear and just about to masturbate by her guardian angel. "I was...I didn't..I was just..I'm sorry..I."

Angelina smiled as she shook her head. "That blonde was right, you are a pervert." she then looked down at Helena's belly and saw the piercing. "Hey nice piercing. I didn't know you had your belly button pierced.

Helena's toes curled as she wrapped one arm around her breast and the other over her panties, crossing one leg over the other. She knew she had been seen in her underwear before, but the way Angelina examined her body, discovering her piercing and seeing her about to masturbate was like she was seeing Helena naked for the first time. "Yes." Helena said, "I got it a while ago, I'm glad you like it. I'm just, going to put clothes on now."

"Uhh yeah you do that." Angelina said as she noticed a dark stain on the pink panties but didn't want to mention it.

As Helena scampered to put her pants on she remembered that Angelina was wearing a different dress and asked, "Where did you find that?"

Angelina looked down, "Oh this? On the rack, I thought it was cute and would go well with my wings. I feel bad taking your clothes."

"Oh I don't mind." Helena said as she put her shirt on and then slipped her cupcake print panties in her pocket. "Did you find some underwear?"

"Yes." Angelina said as her cheeks turned pink. "But you won't see them. Now let's go over and watch these two squirm.

"But shouldn't I put this back?" Helena asked as she held up the panties.

"Nah, just take them. It's not like anyone will notice. I detached the security cameras." Angelina said as she held a bag full of underwear she took.

Helena didn't think that this was very angel-like but then again, Angelina didn't seem like the typical angel and shrugged as she put the underwear she liked in a bag herself. She then walked out of the shop to see the two stripped women and Angelina stood by them to admire Helena's work. "Nice job, I can't wait to see their reactions." Angelina said as she snapped her fingers.

"Who can resist this hot ass?" The blonde said as she clenched her ass cheeks.

The redhead went "Huh?" as she took a picture of her best friend in her backless panties and then wondered why she felt so cold. She looked around and then her eyes widened when she realized she was no longer in the dressing room but outside in the main walkway of the mall. "OH MY GOD!" she screamed in a high pitched voice, looking down at her frilly undergarments. "WHAT AM I DOING OUT HERE?!"

"What?" the blonde asked as she looked at her friend dumbfounded. "Where are you-OH NO!" she screamed as she saw that she too was outside in her state of undress. Her hands flew to cover her exposed ass as her knees buckled together. "Why the hell am I outside?!"

Helena hid behind a pillar as she muffled her snickering as she watched both women blush, their hands wrapped around their half naked bodies.

Just then, a woman pushing a stroller shrieked as she saw the two women in their underwear and said, "That's just vulgar. You college students are all the same, perverted and self centered! You should all go to church and learn lesson in decency!"

This comment made both of them wince as they hugged each other, trembling as they felt vulnerable under the judgmental eyes of all the parents around them. "It's not our fault! We were in a dressing room!" the blonde cried.

"A likely story." a father carrying his daughter over his shoulders said. "You two were probably drunk and stumbled out here.

"Such whorish underpants, I can see that woman's ass." an elderly woman said as she pointed at the blonde's ass with her cane.

The blonde grabbed her friend and positioned her behind her exposed ass while the redhead held on tight to her blonde friend for better coverage. In all the commotion, the saleswoman heard the shouting and walked out of the store to see the two customers in their undergarments. Her eyes widened and she pointed to shout, "Hey! You need to pay for those!" she looked around and saw a female police security guard in a white button up shirt and black pants. Her black hair was tied back into a ponytail and she had a fit build, similar to Lita's. "Officer!" the saleswoman shouted, "These two are stealing lingerie!"

The blonde and the redhead both gasped as they heard the saleswoman and the redhead shouted, "No we're not! We were going to pay for them I swear!"

"A likely story." the security officer said as she walked behind both of the girls. "You're both under arrest for theft." With swift action, the officer brandished two pairs of handcuffs and placed them around the hands of both the blonde and the redhead. Both of them whimpered as their hands were held behind their backs, forcing them to uncover their bodies as they stood in public.

The saleswoman walked forward with her arms folded and said, "Those are Victoria's Secret property, give them back now!"

"We will, just please give us our clothes back!" The blonde begged as her feet stomped in panic.

"I don't have your clothes, I don't know where they are." the saleswoman said. "Officer, will you please?"

"Yes ma'am." The officer said as she grabbed the backs of both womens' bras and pinched them, sliding the hooks out of their ringlets. Both the blonde and the redhead screamed as they felt their backs get exposed. One by one, the officer slide the brassiers off of each woman and slid it all the way down to their feet.

"You can't do this!" the blonde said, "Not in front of all these people!" As she hopped in anger, her large breasts started bouncing up and down, her nipples delaying in following her breasts by a few seconds. The redhead's breasts did not bounce nearly as much, mainly because they were closer to her chest due to size. Instead, she squirmed and they shifted from left to right as she felt the cool air harden her pink nipples. She already knew what was happening next and tried crossing he legs to keep her panties from being pulled down.

"Uncross your legs." the officer said, waiting for the redhead to slowly uncross her legs as tears streamed down her face. The officer hooked her thumbs into the pink panties and pulled them down, exposing a large patch of red pubic hair just above the redhead's pale pussy. "Uh wow, never thought I'd see a natural redhead."

"Wow" Helena said as she never thought she'd see one either.

The redhead's jaw dropped as her legs squeezed together, her tight white ass shaking side to side as she squirmed to shield her unshaven pussy. By now her face was almost as red as her hair.

The officer eyed the blonde and she tried to run away, but the bra tangled around her feet and so she clumsily stumbled as she walked, causing her breasts and ass to bounce in a comic manner, Angelina was laughing uncontrollably at this. In no time at all, the officer caught up with the blonde and yanked her panties down, exposing a cleanshaven crotch that was tanned like the rest of her body. "So you like to sunbathe nude. Kinky." the officer said with a smirk.

"Are you making passes at me?!" the blonde shouted as her face turned red. She crossed one leg over the other in an attempt to cover her hairless crotch but couldn't maintain the pose as the officer grabbed her by the arm. Both women were forced to step out of their underwear and the officer handed it to the saleswoman.

Just then, another saleswoman walked out and said, "They must have stolen more because we're missing racks of lingerie.

The blonde and the redheads' eyes widened in fear as the officer gave them the evil eye. "I-I-I swear we didn't take anything!" the blonde begged.

"Really? Well let's go discuss that down in my office." the officer said as she pulled the two naked women along.

"WHAT?!? NOT WITH US NAKED!!" the blonde screamed.

The redhead started bawling her eyes as she walked helplessly with her friend, their arms cuffed behind their backs. "Why didn't I shave before I came here?" she whined. "Everyone can see us!!!"

Helena and Angelina watched as the two women were escorted away. Helena started to walk towards Angelina and saw her wiping her eyes because she was laughing so hard. In her fit of laughter, Angelina didn't realize the hem of her dress catching onto the escalator. Helena was about to call out but then she remembered she couldn't give away the fact that she saw an angel and just held her hands to her mouth in fear.

"Whoa!" Angelina shouted as she felt a pull on the back of her dress. She looked behind her and screamed. "NOT AGAIN!!" She grabbed onto the railing and shouted, "Helena help me!" But it was too late. The escalator kept moving and in seconds there was a loud RIIIIP!!!. Angelina's dress was ripped completely from her body. Helena's stood in shock as she saw her guardian angel standing there in a dark maroon colored brassier and matching thong over a matching garter belt. Attached to the garter belt were two mesh black stockings that had the words, "Devil" printed on them. Angelina held her hands up in shock as she looked down at her exposed lingerie she had hoped to conceal and wrapped her arms around herself.

Helena folded her arms and shook her head as she walked up to Angelina, staring at her pale ass cheeks sticking out of her thong. "How can you wear those? They look so uncomfortable.

"Stop looking at my ass!" Angelina shouted as she unfolded her wings to cover her behind.

"I can't help it, I like staring at my own guardian angel." Helena said, unable to resist making the bad joke.

This caused Angelina's face to turn red with anger and embarrassment as she raised on leg to cover the crotch of her panties. "I need my dress back!"

"It's ruined." Helena said as she looked over the escalator, seeing the tattered dress stuck against the area where the steps disappeared into the ground.

"FUCK!" Angelina shouted as she stomped her feet. "I HATE BEING STRIPPED!"

"Calm down." Helena said, "You can steal a new dress somewhere else. Besides, we have all this nice underwear now."

Reluctantly, Angelina started walking with Helena down the mall, her arms wrapped around her breasts. "Don't get your hopes up, this is the LAST time you'll see me in my underwear."

"Somehow I doubt that." Helena joked as she glanced at Angelina again, admiring how the lingerie looked on Angelina.

"Stop staring at me!" Angelina shouted as she covered Helena's eyes. "I can't believe I'm being objectified like this."

The two women teased each other for the rest of their mall visit, with Angelina fighting off Helena's stares while Helena continued making fun of her for wearing a thong. Overall, it was a nice end to the day since Helena was able to get revenge on two more women on top of getting to see Angelina in sexy lingerie. Angelina made Helena stop at a Hot Topic where she froze time to pick out a black skirt and purple corset that allowed her wings to stick out. Then she stopped in front of the jewelry case and told Helena to leave.

"Why is something wrong?" Helena asked.

"Just go, I'd like to do some shopping without being followed." Angelina said in an anxious tone.

Shrugging, Helena left the store and waited for her angel. Helena didn't know why Angelina was looking at jewelry because she didn't seem to have any piercings on her face. Maybe she was going to get a naval piercing after seeing hers. Helena thought it would be cute if they had matching naval piercings but then wondered how she would go about doing it. Her thoughts were interrupted when Angelina left the store and suggested that they leave. Helena wanted to ask what she got since she didn't have any facial piercings. Knowing that Angelina had a habit of losing her clothes, something told Helena that she would eventually find out what type of piercing Angelina wanted.
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I hope these stories never end. They are so well written. Please write more.
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Old 01-09-2014, 09:11 AM
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Karmic Balance Guardian Angelina Ch 4: SCIENCE!!

The next day, Helena woke up to her alarm chirping loudly at 7am. She turned it off, yawning as she rolled out of bed to see Angelina rising from her sleeping bag. Helena offered to let Angelina sleep with her but Angelina insisted on sleeping alone. Rolling out of bed, Helena went to the shower to get ready while Angelina rested on her pillow a bit longer.

As she lay there still dressed in her purple corset and black skirt, Angelina wondered just how much longer she would have to be Helena's guardian. It seemed now that Lita had been taken care of, Helena was safe. Then again, after living with Helena for a few days, Angelina got the impression that it was hard for her to make friends. Without any support system, Helena would be left open to more bullying from other students. Perhaps that was also her duty, to help Helena expand her friendship circle.

Helena emerged out of the bathroom dressed in a long skirt and button up green blouse, ready for her first class, which was science. Today they were going to learn about magnetism and Helena felt prepared since she had read the chapter prior to class. As they walked, Angelina decided to bring up on the subject of friendship with Helena. "So Helena, is there anything else you've thought of doing outside of studying?"

Helena thought for a moment and then shrugged, "Nothing outside of reading or watching movies. I feel like I should be doing more campus related activities but after my first few weeks you understand how hard it was to make friends."

"Yeah I get that." Angelina said, "But there has to be something on campus you can join." she almost laughed at herself for saying this. She was never the social one at school, she had a close group of friends but even then she viewed herself as a loner. The only time she hung out with friends was to play video games. "That's it!" Angelina blurted out.

"What?' Helena asked, almost jumping from being startled.

"Video games. Do you like playing them?"

"Sure, every now and then."

"There has to be a video game club or something you can check out. Most gamers are pretty nice anyway. They'll be nice to you."

"But what if they call me perverted like those girls at the mall?" Helena asked.

"Then we'll strip them like we did the others." Angelina said

"Won't that make me seem perverted still?"

"Honey, I'll make it work." Angelina said, placing a hand on Helena's shoulder, causing a warm feeling rise in Helena's chest.

They arrived to class just as it was time to start. It was a large classroom with several high tables used to conduct experiments on. At the end of the room was a large dry erase board and in front of it was a long counter with beakers on it. From left to right, they had colored liquids in them in red, blue and yellow. Also on the counter were two large cylinders with wires wrapped around them. Both cylinders rested on a block of wood and next to it was a large switch that had a handle so it could be turned like a lever.

Standing in front of the counter was a woman in her 30's with platinum blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Thick rimmed glasses rested on her nose and yet she had a very feminine look to her face, as if she could be a model if she allowed for some makeup to be placed on her. She wore a large white lab coat over a green dress. This was the teacher, Dr. Sachs. She waited for the last few students to be seated before she smiled and said, "Good day students. Today we'll be talking about magnets and today I thought I'd lead us into the discussion by presenting this high powered electromagnet. Now as you all should have studied, the strength of a magnet depends on the amount of the electric current you push through the magnet. So we'll start out slow and then increase the current." She looked around the classroom and pointed to a student in the front row. "You there, can you put your keys on the desk? I'm told that this is one of our most powerful magnets so I'd like to test just how powerful it can be."

The student reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, setting them on the desk.

"Does she really think this is going to work?" Angelina asked as she folded her arms in skepticism. She hated science and didn't like the fact that she'd have to sit through an entire class.

Dr. Sachs grabbed the switch and gently pushed it forward just a little bit, causing a mild hum to go off from the machine. Everyone watched the keys as they sat there lifeless on the table. "Nothing yet I see." Dr. Sachs said as she pushed the switch further, causing the hum to go louder.

As students leaned in closer to look at the keys, Angelina noticed a slight sensation pulling from between her legs. "Oh shit." she muttered.

"What's wrong?" Helena asked, wondering why Angelina's face was turning pale.

"You have to turn that thing off." she said.


"OHH!" Angelina groaned as she doubled over just as Dr. Sachs pushed the switch further, the hum of the magnet filling the room. Angelina panted heavily as she felt a strong tingling sensation between her legs, causing her panties to go damp. Her legs buckled together and she had her arms around her stomach, trying not to let them wander between her legs.

"I'm not getting myself in trouble for-"

"Helena!" Dr. Sachs called out, "Is something wrong?" she noticed Helena leaning to the side whispering to no one in particular.

"No Dr. Sachs. I'm sorry." Helena said with wide eyes as she lowered her head in shame.

Dr. Sachs nodded and then pushed the switch a little more, the class all "ooed" and "ahhed" as the keys started to vibrate on the table. Just as this was happening, Angelina fell to her knees and began gyrating her hips with her hands between her legs. "UNG!!!" she winced as she felt her whole chest get warm as the vibrations between her legs sped up. She grabbed onto the laces of her corset and ripped them loose, letting her pale breasts spill forward.

Helena bit her lip in discomfort wondering why her friend appeared to be dry humping the floor. She almost gasped when she saw Angelina tear at her corset.

"Helena please!" Angelina begged as her mouth opened and yet no noise could escape, just weak gasps as she gripped the top of her corset. "Oh fuck I can't take it anymore!" she shouted as she peeled open the top of her corset, letting her breasts spill out, her pink nipples hardened from whatever was arousing her. Her face got warm as she felt the air of the room hit her exposed chest, feeling like she was having an out of body experience, watching from above as she humped the ground with her hands between her legs.

"It's almost moving." Dr. Sachs said as she pushed the switch some more.

"OHHH!!" Angelina cried as she doubled over, her ass sticking up in the air. "PLEASE HELENA!" She looked up at her mortal friend with longing eyes, completely at her mercy since only she could stop the source of her ever growing arousal. Her clit throbbed and her wet juice was leaking from the leg holes of her panties, Angelina felt like an adolescent girl discovering her sexuality for the first time it was so embarrassing to lose control like this and in front of a woman she was supposed to look after. She hated the fact that she was helpless in this situation but knew the alternative was to lose control and that was something she'd never be able to live down.

"Err okay." Helena said, feeling her knees get weak as she rose from her seat. She couldn't believe she was doing this and her self consciousness rose as she walked towards the front of the classroom. One by one, her classmates looked up at her with confusion and Helena felt her face get warm. She found it strange how even though she had clothes on, she felt a little embarrassed being the center of attention.

"What is it now Helena?" Dr. Sachs asked as she rested a hand on her hip.

"Er.. well, I.." Helena said as she tried to think of something to say, stuttering as she thought of a logical reason for doing something crazy.

"OOOHH!" Angelina cried out, lifting her skirt to rub her soaked pussy over her panties.

Biting her lip, Helena grabbed the switch and pushed it in the other direction, the humming stopped and Angelina sighed in relief as the vibration she felt between her legs ceased.

"Helena! What do you think your are doing?! This is an experiment you're interrupting!" Dr. Sachs shouted in anger as she grabbed the switch and pushed it to the other direction, increasing the strength of the magnet.

Helena's hands went to her mouth as she heard the hum come back and heard Angelina give off a high pitched squeal as she rolled her eyes in the back of her head. Panting heavily, Angelina's pussy twitched as she some liquid hit her thigh and she rose to her feet in frustration. "Oh fuck it I can't take it anymore!" she shouted as she reached behind to unzip her skirt. Helena turned around just in time to see the skirt fall to Angelina's legs and expose her black panties with white skulls printed on them, they were actually the head of Jack Skellington from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, his thin smile spreading to a wide grin as if he was enjoying the wet stain that coated Angelina's panties. Gasping as her hips became free from the skirt, Angelina grabbed onto the center of her corset and ripped it open, causing her breasts to jiggle as they fell free. She immediately cupped them with one hand as her other hand slid back under her panties, rapidly massaging her vulva.

"Helena!" Dr. Sachs shouted. "What are you staring at? Don't you realize the state you're in?"

Helena was so enthralled with Angelina masturbating in her panties that she didn't realize the magnet had pulled the zipper to her skirt clean off, allowing it to slide down on the floor as well. The class all watched with shock as they saw Helena's taut ass hidden under a pink pair of panties with Hello Kitty's face on them. As soon as Dr. Sachs spoke, Helena knew what she was referring to and slowly looked down, screaming when she saw the mouthless Hello Kitty face on the front of her crotch. She immediately bent down and held the skirt up over her panties, her face blushing in the process. Not only had she made a fool of herself by walking to the front of her class, she also gave them all a peek at one of her favorite pairs of underwear. All attention was on her backside and not on the keys that had slid off the desk.

Helena was about to cry from the growing laughter of students until she heard a loud "OHHHHHHHH!!" as Angelina cried out again. Her hand rapidly flicked her clit under her panties as she squeezed her nipples. She was in such a state of arousal that her neck and chest was flush. She shook her head, rubbing her pussy a few more times, trying to resist the impulse to do what her body wanted, to remove the soaked cotton that got in the way of her orgasm. Growling in frustration, she grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down to her feet, stepping out of them. It was once she pulled her panties down that Helena saw what was causing her arousal. Just above Angelina's dripping labia was a small metal stud resting where her clitoris was, shaking furiously in a lust filled rage thanks to the magnet. Helena's jaw dropped as she realized that her guardian angel had her clitoris pierced. As Angelina buckled her legs and rapidly finger fucked herself, she saw Helena's shocked look and then realized her secret was out. She went years without having it in after an embarrassing incident in the airport but now that she was dead, she felt it was okay to put a new stud in so she swiped one from Hot Topic. This was clearly her mistake, or was it? The vibrations from the magnet sent shockwaves from the most sensitive of Angelina's erogenous zones and sent the pleasure throughout her body. "OHHH HELENA FUCK!!!" she cried out.

With one hand on her skirt, Helena grabbed the switch and pushed it to the off position again. The humming died down and with no more stimulation on her clit, Angelina was left to feel the pleasure of her fingers inserted deep into her pussy. Her index and middle finger twisted against her vaginal walls and then she fell to her knees as her pussy contracted. "OH MY GOD!!!!" she squealed as she finally climaxed.

Helena's jaw was locked in its open position and she wasn't paying attention to Dr. Sachs' scolding. With her face red, Angelina looked up at the woman who forced her to humiliate herself by masturbating and exposing her piercing, and snapped her fingers to freeze time to save Helena from further humiliation.

"Are you okay?" Helena asked as she ran to Angelina with her skirt held up.

"Oh..never better." she said with a serene look on her face. As she came off of cloud nine, she wondered why she felt cold all of the sudden and then looked down to see her metal piercing shining under her wet lips. "EEK!" she cried as her hands flew to cover her pussy. "Don't look!" she turned her body to show off her ass as she bent down to pull her panties up.

"Nice underwear." Helena said .

"Shut up!" Angelina said as she quickly wrapped her skirt around her waist. "Don't say a word about my piercing!" She was pointing at Helena like a scolding teacher even though she felt like she was the one who was caught with something naughty.

"Okay." Helena said, trying to repress a laugh. "It must have felt good though." she said, running her hand down her chest as she imaginined what it would be like to have a metal stud rubbing against her clitoris, so many nerve endings being stimulated by hard metal.

"What did I just say?!" Angelina shouted as her thighs slid against each other, trying to mimic the same vibrations the magnet caused. "I've had this piercing for a while but never got it to do..that." Her face turned bright red as she remembered what she did in front of Helena, dry humping the floor like some nymphomaniac and then ripping her clothes off. She realized she was topless again and wrapped her arms around her breasts.

"What do I do now? Dr. Sachs is furious at me." Helena said. "And the class saw my panties!"

"Hello Kitty. Nice." Angelina said as she was able to catch a glance at them as well.

"Well at least they aren't Jack Skellington." Helena shot back.

"Ugh this is all that stupid teacher's fault." Angelina said angrily. She shot daggers at the frozen Dr. Sachs who still had a look of anger on her face when she was scolding Helena. Angelina then looked to the table and noticed the beakers filled with liquid. "Say Helena." she began, "Do you know which liquids in there cause explosions?"

Helena raised an eyebrow. "Yes, we covered it in a chapter a while ago. Why?"

"I'm getting back at this b*tch for humiliating me." Angelina said as she marched towards the front.

"But only I saw you." Helena said.

"You saw me jill off in my panties is what you did. No one looks at me..touching my..happy place."

"Happy place?" Helena asked.

"Just help me do this." Angelina said as she grabbed a beaker while keeping her breasts covered. Helena approached the table and examined each beaker, making sure that all the proper ingredients were there. Helena remembered the formula because they were all color coded, blue, red and yellow and that was exactly what was on the counter. Helena grabbed the beaker with the red liquid and poured some into the beaker with blue liquid. As soon as the substances mixed, she could see smoke rising from the beaker with both colors as it turned purple. Angelina smiled with devilish glee as she watched Helena pour the purple beaker into the yellow one. This time, the concoction began to bubble up in addition to smoking and a few POPS went off as some of the liquid splashed out.

"Better hurry and unfreeze time or else it's going to blow." Helena said as she slid the beaker in front of Dr. Sachs.

"Get into a spot close to where you were." Angelina said as she stepped away from the table. She waited for Helena to stand a few feet away from Dr. Sachs while still remaining in front of her and then snapped her fingers.

"Helena! This is a university and I expect some level of-" Dr. Sachs stopped mid sentence when she saw a bubbling beaker in front of her and her face lost all color as she recognized what it was. "Oh sh-" BOOM! the class screamed as a cloud of smoke lit up the room. People backed out of their seats while Helena backed away, making sure her skirt was held up tight.

As the smoke cleared, the table was covered in broken class. Dr. Sachs' hair was standing straight up in a wild fashion, black ash covering her face and her exposed skin that was showing now that her lab coat and dress had been blown clean off her body. The class was stunned as they saw Dr. Sachs, the nerdy conservative science teacher dressed in stockings, a red garter belt and see through red panties. They were so tiny that they barely covered her large dark triangular bush that covered pussy. Her red brassier was also see through, showcasing her small but firm B cup breasts with dark pink nipples. Dr. Sachs blinked because her glasses were gone and wondered why the class collectively gasped. Then she looked down and saw her bush exposed under her mesh panties. Gasping, Dr. Sachs looked up at the class, noticing the smiles of the males in the room and let out a high pitched squeal as her hands flew to cover her panties and bra. "OH MY HEAVENS!" she screamed as she turned around to shield her body. As soon as she felt the breeze from turning around brush against her bubble butt and heard the laughter from the class, she remembered that the panties she wore was a g-string, with a large red bow sitting on the center just above the area where her plump cheeks met. "NOO!!" she cried as her hands covered her backside and the small red fabric that rested between them. Of all the days to surprise her boyfriend with sexy lingerie and now it was exposed in front of the whole class. "I have to get out of here!" she said as she ran to the door, hugging her half naked body.

Helena sighed in relief as she watched her underwear clad teacher run away, clearly Dr. Sachs had other concerns instead of scolding her. The door opened and Dr. Sachs ran out, only to stop dead in her tracks as she saw a wave of students walking down the halls because their classes had just ended. Most of the students were talking to each other but then stopped when they saw a woman with messy hair in nothing but sexy red lingerie.

"Whoa." a male student in a fraternity shirt said. "A Victoria's Secret Model is here."

"That's not a model." a woman said, "That's...oh shit that's Dr. Sachs!!"

Dr. Sachs' eyes widened in terror as the students recognized her face and she hunched forward as her legs buckled. Her mind raced as she tried to merge the reality of her situation with her sense of identity. She was supposed to be a well educated woman who had earned her PhD in science. She was valedictorian in her school and had won numerous academic awards. She was Dr. Sachs, academic scientist, not the ridiculous looking woman in provocative lingerie, blushing like a schoolgirl as students, people she was supposed to set a standard of professionalism to live up to, pointed and laughed at her fallen status. A tear rolled down her cheek as she realized that her reputation would be destroyed, everyone in her department would mock her for being the secretly naughty scientist who managed to botch a science experiment and lose her clothes. Her catatonic nightmare was interrupted when a flash went off in her eyes. She shook her head and then saw another flash and then another. "NO STOP IT!!" Dr. Sachs screamed as she realized students were taking pictures from their phones at her undressed state. Turning to the classroom, Dr. Sachs grabbed onto the long lever-like handle and turned it with shaking hands, whimpering when it wouldn't turn because it was locked. "Open the fucking door! Please!" she begged, knocking on it with both arms.

"Holy shit she's wearing a g-string!" a man pointed out.

Dr. Sachs' squealed as she remembered that her curvy ass was exposed. As her hands reached to cover her behind, she turned around to use the door to cover her back, sliding her ass against the cold steel of the door handle. "Why did I wear these?" she sobbed to herself, running her hands all along her exposed skin, every inch of smooth flesh against her finger was a reminder of how vulnerable she was in public. Then, she heard a click and felt the handle turn, snagging onto the thin fabric of her g-string. A high pitched whine leaked from between her lips as she turned to rescue her panties from the handle but then the door behind her opened, pulling the g-string and Dr. Sachs backward.RIIP!! "WHAH!!" she shouted as she fell flat on her ass. She looked up and saw the laughing faces of her students upside down as they peered over their humiliated teacher. Covering her breasts, Dr. Sachs sat up and looked at the door handle, noticing her skimpy g-string hanging from it, the thin waistband torn at the side from where the door handle ripped it off.

"Sorry Dr. Sachs." a female student said who stood on the other side of the door. She was the one her opened it.

With her body trembling, Dr. Sachs looked down and saw her legs splayed open with her naked pussy exposed to the crowd of students standing on the other side of the doorway. Her jaw dropped and then she screamed as she got to her feet, pressing her hand over her exposed pussy and squeezing her thighs together. She pushed through the wall of laughing students, closing her tear covered eyes as she let out a long scream that echoed down the hallway. Running as fast as she could with her legs pressed together, Dr. Sachs' naked ass shook side to side and that was the last image the students had of her as she turned down another hallway.

With the exposed teacher gone, all of the students in class got up from their seats to leave, talking excitedly about the bizarre scenario they witnessed. Helena stood still, holding her skirt up as she let students walk by. "Nice undies Helena." a male student teased as he passed her by, forcing Helena to blush red in anger.

"Don't feel bad, I think they are cute." a woman's voice said, causing Helena to look up. Standing before her was a slender young student with blonde hair, wearing a black t-shirt with the words "Pokemon." printed on it. She caught Helena's attention because she had a french accent.

"Thanks." Helena said as her cheeks turned even more red now that another stranger commented on her panties. "Are you French?" she asked to change the subject.

"Oui!" she said with a smile, extending her hand. "My name is Cleodine."

"Helena." Helena said as she shook the woman's hand. "Nice to meet you."

Cleodine's jaw dropped as she looked down and said, "Oh um...your um.."

Helena looked down and gasped when she realized that in shaking Cleodine's hand, she let her skirt fall again, showing her her pink Hello Kitty panties, the worst part was that after seeing Angelina masturbate and Dr. Sachs lose her clothes, Helena had gotten aroused, leaving a small dark stain in the center of her panties.

"Nice job." Angelina joked.

"Shut up!" Helena said as she bent down to pull her skirt up.

Cleodine turned around and raised an eyebrow when she saw nothing. "Who are you talking to?" she asked.

"Oh." Helena blurted as she covered her mouth, "Um...I heard some other student say something."

"Okay.." Cleodine said with a nervous look, certain that she didn't hear anything. "Anyway, I've seen you around campus before and wanted to know if you'd like to attend the club I'm in. It's a video game club where people meet to play and talk about their favorite games."

"Really?" Helena asked with a smile, "That would be lovely, I was just wondering if there was something like that here."

Cleodine beamed with joy. "Great! Our meeting is tomorrow if you want to come. We're going to play Dance Dance Revolution!"

"Sounds great!" Helena said. "I'll see you there."

"Cool." Cleodine said turning towards the door but looking down at Helena's waist once more. "You..might want to wear pants...and a belt just in case."

Helena's face got warm as she watched Cleodine leave but then her embarrassment didn't last for long as she was happy to have met a friend.

"Nicely done." Angelina said as she walked up to Helena, arms still covering her breasts.

"Thanks. And sorry I couldn't save you from..your um...problem." she said, looking down between Angelina's legs, still fascinated that her angel had a clitoris piercing.

"Just don't mention it again." Angelina said, wishing she had powers to erase Helena's memory. "Come on let's go, I need a new shirt."

Helena followed Angelina towards the door but not before saying, "Was it really necessary to rip your corset?"

"Shut up Helena!" Angelina shouted again. She knew this day would haunt her and wanted secretly to embarrass Helena right there but then she knew that knowing Helena's luck, that would happen eventually just by fate.
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