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Old 08-21-2013, 07:53 PM
theking94 theking94 is offline
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Default good job

loved it cant wait to see whats next with this and any other stories you put out
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Old 08-24-2013, 02:00 PM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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Chapter 5

Danny pulled Ashley along with her hand in theirs as they walked on campus outside around lunch time. “Baby, what are we doing here? We haven’t thought of a way to get back at Brianne and today is the science fair!” Ashley said.
“Just relax babe.” Danny said, “We haven’t been able to come up with a way to strip her during her presentation without being caught so let’s just relax. An idea will come to us.”
“But who knows when her next presentation will be.” Ashley continued. She wasn’t entirely upset but she was looking forward to humiliating Brianne in public the same way she did to her.
“Let’s just enjoy lunch outside. It’s a beautiful fall day and the sun is still out so let’s just sit right here.” Danny said as they sat down on a stone bench out in an open area surrounded by trees and buildings.
“Okay.” Ashley said with a smile as she playfully pinched at Danny. “You know I never asked you what does your tattoo mean?”
“It’s sort of like the symbol for genderqueer.” Danny said, “A sea horse has both female and male organs so it makes sense.”
“I like it.” Ashley said with a smile, “It’s cute.”
“You ever think about getting a tattoo?” Danny asked.
“Sometimes.” She said, “I don’t know what I’d get though.”
Danny was about to talk until they saw something in the distance and then pointed. “Oh look who it is.”
Ashley turned and saw a black car park along the side of the street behind another car. The door opened and out stepped Brianne, dressed in a black dress jacket, white button up blouse and long black skirt. Her black hair was tied back in a bun and her lips were bright red. “Ugh, I hate her.” Ashley said, “She’s just as pompous as the others only she thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. I just wish we would have thought of a way to get her today.”
Danny touched her face and turned it towards them for a kiss. “It’s okay, we’ll work something out.”
Just as Brianne was about to leave, someone approached her from behind. “Excuse me miss?” a low voice said. Brianne turned around and saw a policewoman with dark red hair tied in a ponytail approach her. She was taller than Brianne but skin just as pale as hers.
“Is something wrong officer?” Brianne asked.
The officer pointed to her car. “Your car is parked over the parking line.” They said.
Brianne’s eyebrow raised, while her car was parked over the line, the car behind her was parked over its. “Well I had to because the car behind me was parked over its line.
“Then you should have parked somewhere else.” The officer said.
“I’m sorry but I have a presentation to give and I needed the time to prepare, I don’t have time to go searching around for parking spots.” Brianne said curtly.
“Ma’am, I don’t appreciate the hostile tone of voice.” The officer said.
“I’m not being hostile!” Brianne shouted, “I’m just frustrated because I am in a hurry.
“Oh you’re in a hurry? Well then let’s just search your car and I’ll let you go on your way.” The officer said.
“Excuse me?!” Brianne shouted. “You have no reason to search me.”
“Wow.” Ashley said, “That police officer really has it in for her.”
“Actually ma’am, you do appear high strung, I’m starting to wonder if you’re on any substances.”
“Substances!” Brianne screamed, “How did you get your job? You can’t possibly be this incompetent! It doesn’t matter, I’ll have you fired for this!”
“Ma’am I won’t ask again. Open the car and let me search it and once I find nothing I’ll let you go.”
Brianne sighed and shook her head. “Fine, you’re just wasting your own time AND mine.” She unlocked the doors with her remote and let the officer open the doors. First she checked the front seat both over and under it. Then she checked the glove compartment. “Finished finding NOTHING?” Brianne spat.
“Almost finished.” The officer said as they opened the back door, leaning in deep to check under the passenger seat. Brianne checked her watch as time flew and then she heard, “Well well what do we have here?” the officer said as they stepped out of the car and pulled out a plastic bag with bunches of marijuana.
“Oh damn.” Danny said, “Look what Brianne has!”
“Oh my.” Ashley said.
“What?!” Brianne said in shock. “That’s not mine! You must have planted it there!”
“Ma’am I did not plant it here I found it under the passenger seat. Now please put your hands on the car.”
“NO it’s not mine!” Brianne screamed. “I don’t do any drugs! I’m in one of the best private schools ever, I’m going to grad school and I would never jeapordize my career!” she was shouting so loudly that other women on campus stopped to watch the scene.
“Well you can either put your hands on the car or I can notify your superiors that you are carrying illegal substances and then you won’t be able to attend your presentation.”
Brianne gasped when she remembered she was losing time. “F-fine.” She stuttered, “Just hurry. This is an important presentation that my supervisor is attending.” She placed her hands on the top of her car as the officer stepped behind her.
“Spread your legs please.” The officer said. Brianne did so as she started to sweat as she looked around and saw other students watching.
“Is it necessary to do this out here?” she asked.
“Yes it is.” The officer said as she patted down Brianne’s sides and then down to her legs, rubbing her hands gently against her thigh and ankle. Finally the officer shook their head and said, “I can’t do this with your clothes on. Remove your jacket please.”
“WHAT?!” Brianne shouted. “You want me to take off my clothes? Here in front of everyone?”
“Asking questions won’t get you to your meeting.” The officer said.
“I’ve had enough of this!” Brianne said as she turned to face the officer but then the officer grabbed her from underneath her elbow. “OW!” she said as she was pushed against the car.
“No I’VE had enough.” The officer said, “Now you will do as I say or I will haul your ass to the president and she can deal with you, and you won’t enjoy what I do on the way there.”
Brianne winced as she looked down and removed her jacket with trembling hands. “M-my daddy is going to hear of this and fire your ass!” she said.
The officer took her jacket and inspected it inside and out before tossing it to the ground. “Now the blouse.”
Brianne’s lip quivered. “I can’t! Not in front of everyone!” she said as she looked at all the students around her. Some of them were muttering to each other while others were laughing. Despite being watched by them, Brianne couldn’t see Ashley or Danny.
“Do I need to do it myself?” the officer hissed as she grabbed onto the front of Brianne’s blouse and ripped it open, buttons flying all over the car.
“EEK!” she screamed as her black lace bra was exposed. Her breasts were fitting with her slim frame, a B cup, her pale skin almost illuminating from under the sun. She let the officer pull the blouse off. The officer inspected it before throwing it to the ground.
“You’re ruining them!” she shouted. “How am I going to present now?”
“Now the skirt.”
“No!” Brianne said as she covered her breasts, shaking her head.
“I’m not going to tell you again” the officer said.
“Screw you!” Brianne. “I want your name so I can report you! I will not be humiliated in public like this!”
All of the sudden, Brianne was turned around and pushed hard against the car. “My name is Officer Massey, and I’m through playing around, put your hands on the car.”
Crying softly, Brianne put her hands on the car and felt the officers hands touch her zipper and slowly pull it down. Grabbing onto her skirt with both hands, Officer Massey pulled as hard as she could, RIP! Brianne’s skirt was ripped wider so it could fall to the ground.
“What are you doing!?” she screamed. “I need that!”
“Sorry. Don’t know my own strength.” Officer Massey said.
“Oh my god Danny look!” Ashley said.
With her hands on the car and her legs spread, everyone could see the behind of Brianne’s black panties over a garter belt and stockings. On the back in white letters were the words “SPANK ME”
Giggles from the students watching could be heard around Brianne and her face grew red as her legs squeezed together. “STOP LOOKING!!” she shouted. Her head rested on the car as the horror of her most embarrassing pair of panties was now exposed to everyone. She enjoyed the rise out of wearing them for important occasions like today, as if it were her own little secret. But never once imagined that they would be shown to people, the thought of it made her blush even more.
“Spread your legs.” Officer Massey said. “I have to pat you down.”
Brianne closed her eyes as her face blushed more, feeling the officers hands run against her breasts, then her torso and then onto her hips, patting each part as they inspected her. Then there was a loud SLAP! “OW!” Brianne shouted as the felt a stinging pain on her buttocks. “DID YOU JUST SPANK ME?!” she asked.
“Patting your underwear down.” Officer Massey said, “Although, you could say I was just following orders.”
“Damn.” Danny said with a smile. “You were right about Brianne being a little kinky.”
As Brianne looked in horror at the growing numbers of students stopping to watch her get stripped. She saw Danny and Ashley sitting down watching her and she squealed. “AHH! PLEASE STOP!! LET ME PUT MY CLOTHES ON!!”
“Shut up!” the officer said as the finished inspecting her stocking. “Remove the bra please.”
“My bra?!” she said with a weak voice. “Why would I hide anything in my bra?”
“You’re right they are kind of small, but you could hide a small amount of weed in them.” Officer Massey said.
The joke could be heard and some girls laughed as Brianne blushed again. “Did you just make fun of my breasts? What kind of police officer are you?”
“The one that won’t be happy if you don’t do what I say. Do you want me to pat your ass down again?”
“No! Okay I’ll do it!” Brianne said as she quickly unhooked her bra and gave it to the officer. She inspected each cup before throwing it to the ground. Brianne tried leaning into the car to cover her perky white breasts. The cold from the car doors making them perk up.
“Okay now the panties.”
“I’m going to have your job for this!” Brianne shouted as tears streamed down her face.
“That may be, but I’m still going to have your panties.” The officer said as they grabbed onto Brianne’s underwear and pulled them down by her ankles. She screamed as her legs buckled against the car.
“My goodness, you should get some sun.’ the officer said as she stared her Brianne’s round pale ass that was exposed to everyone.
“Almost finished.” The officer said as she searched Brianne’s underwear. Then when she was finished she raised her hand and slapped Brianne’s ass again, hard enough to leave a hand print.
“OHH!” she screamed in pain, but her legs locked up and the officer saw that the lips of Brianne’s vagina were red.
“Enjoying this a bit are we?”
Brianne’s eyes widened in horror as she realized that she was getting aroused from being spanked. The chatter from the students around her got louder and she screamed as her hands flew to cover her breasts and crotch. “Oh god! I’m naked on the street!”
“Yes you are. Well I didn’t find anything so I suppose I’ll let you off with a warning miss. Don’t do drugs.” The officer said with a tip of her hat and walked away.
“What?” Brianne said.” That’s it?!”
“Hey Brianne.” A student said. Brianne looked and saw her standing with her camera phone out. “Say cheese!”
Brianne’s jaw dropped as a flash went off and then another and another and she realized that dozens of students were taking pictures of her clad in only stockings and a garter belt. She screamed as she hunched over, trying to grab her discarded clothes. “STOP IT!!” she shouted. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” Brianne tried to pull her panties up and frantically put her bra on, but she was in such a hurry she kept fumbling with the hooks. Then she heard the clock tower BONG! And she froze. It was almost time for her presentation. “OH MY GOD I’M RUNNING LATE!” Quickly she bent down and gathered her ruined clothes, clutching them against her half naked body as she ran through campus amidst a barrage of camera flashes from laughing students. “This is the worst day of my life!!” she cried as she ran through people.
“Wanna go check out the presentation?” Danny asked Ashley as Brianne whizzed by.
“Oh you know I want to.” She said as they got up to follow Brianne. As they walked towards the science building, they could see the shocked faces of other students who had just witnessed Brianne run naked through campus.
“Oh my god did you see her?” one girl asked.
“She had a hand print on her ass!” the other one said.
As Brianne ran to her meeting, she tried putting her clothes back on, hopping as she tried to put her skirt on. Because it had been ripped from the back, she had to constantly pull it up so it wouldn’t fall. She had her jacket buttoned up to conceal her ripped blouse and black laced bra. Her sweat and tears had ruined her makeup. Finally she arrived to her lecture hall and burst through the doors. “Sorry I’m late everyone.” She said, trying not to sound upset. Just as she had entered, so did Danny and Ashley from a pair of doors in the back. They saw about a dozen people sitting in the lower seats, three of which were the Three Furies.
“Let’s stay in the back.” Danny whispered and Ashley nodded.
Sitting in front of the three furies was a middle aged woman and two men in suits. Everyone started talking as they looked at Brianne. She clutched her jacket tightly over her chest to cover it while her legs were crossed as she kept tugging at her skirt. She managed to fix most of her makeup although she had some eyeliner streaking below her eyes and her front bangs started to come loose from her hair.
“Ms. Harris.” the middle aged woman said, “Are you all right?”
“Yes I ‘m fine.” Brianne said as she laughed nervously. “I uh, just had some problems along the way.”
“Well please hurry young lady, we’ve been waiting for ten minutes.”
“Of course.” Brianne said. She glanced at the Three Furies and looked away when she saw the scolding look of Kara. Brianne knew she wasn’t happy about seeing her in this disheveled state. As she turned to turn on the projector, Brianne tried operating it with both hands, and as she did, her damaged skirt slid down, exposing her panties with the words “SPANK ME” on it. Brianne heard the collective gasps of the audience behind her, and realized what she’d let happen. Squealing, her hands flew to cover her back side as she turned around, her cheeks turning dark red. “I’m…so sorry!” With her hands covering her back, they no longer held her jacket together as it fell open, exposing her black lace bra. There was another gasp and Brianne looked down and screamed again, buckling her legs together as she pulled her jacket closed.
“Ms. Harris this is highly inappropriate!” one of the men said. “What on earth are you doing coming in here in a state of undress?!”
“It’s not my fault!” she screamed as she tried pulling her skirt up. “A police woman pulled me over and forced me to strip in front of everyone!”
The crowd started to talk amongst themselves, Kara immediately began talking to Cammy and Madison who both looked visibly shocked.
“Preposterous!” the other man said. “No officer on campus would do such a thing. What was their name?”
“MASSEY!” Brianne said. “Her name was officer Massey and she humiliated me in front of the whole student body!”
“Nonsense.” The woman said. “I know head of security and there is no such officer with that name.”
“But I swear she did!” Brianne whined.
“Enough!” the woman said. “First you waste our time by showing up late and now you insult us by trying to lie about why you’ve come here in a state of undress. Let’s see what the president has to say about this!”
“No! not that!” Brianne said as she held her hands out to beg, letting her skirt fall down again.
“You’ve violated dress code young lady and you’ll be punished for it.” The woman said as she got up from her seat.
“Please! I need to give this presentation, for the sake of getting a letter of recommendation!” Brianne begged.
“The only recommendation you’ll be getting is a lesson in decency!” the woman said as she grabbed onto Brianne’s wrist. As she pulled, Brianne walked forward, but with her skirt around her ankles, her legs got caught up in them and she fell forward, her ass sticking out at the audience again. With her most embarrassing underwear exposed to her peers and her superiors, her career ruined, Brianne just broke down and cried. She didn’t put up a struggle as she was helped up by the other men and they escorted her out of the lecture hall. As the rest of the students in the hall chattered, Danny and Ashley looked to each other and smiled.
“Wow.” Ashley said, “That worked out conveniently well.”
“Yeah I think it did.” Danny said.
Ashley raised her eyebrow and then said, “Wait a minute. You didn’t have anything to do with this did you?”
“No Ashley, there really was a police officer on campus who stripped Brianne without getting in trouble.” A voice said from behind. They turned around and saw Natasha sitting behind them. Next to her was a woman who appeared to be in her early 30’s in a hoodie and jeans, her red hair tied back under the hood.
“Natasha?” Ashley asked, “And…officer Massey?”
“Actually it’s Victoria.” The she said, “Mistress Victoria.”
“Mistress?” Ashley asked.
“I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get back at Brianne.” Danny said, “Then Natasha decides to surprise me by coming out and saying she attends this BDSM club in town and knew Mistress Victoria.”
Ashley looked at Natasha with shock. “Really? You go there?”
Natasha smiled. “Hey, I have a life outside of humiliating sorority chicks. And I knew Mistress Victoria specialized in this sort of thing so I asked her if she’d be up to it and she said she was.”
“What do you mean, this sort of thing?” Ashley asked.
“Public disgrace.” Mistress Victoria said, “It’s a fetish that involves humiliating the person in front of large groups of people. Natasha told me about your little revenge plot and while I normally only do this with a consenting person, this sororities little stunt they pulled on you made me curious.”
“Wow.” Ashley said, “Well thanks. You could have gotten in trouble for this.”
Mistress Victoria just smiled and looked like she was about to say something in response. Instead, she said, “You ladies know that our Natasha here will be involved in a demonstration with me this weekend if you’d like to attend.”
Ashley and Danny’s jaws dropped as they looked at Natasha. “Really?” Danny asked, “You’d be okay with us coming?”
“Eh…sure why not.” Natasha said slowly.
“We discussed this and thought that the dynamic of you two there would enhance the experience for her.” Mistress Victoria said. “I hope you’ll come.”
Danny looked to Ashley who still seemed surprised at being in front of a Mistress. She looked at Danny and then said, “ were nice enough to help us out with this. It’s the least we could do.”
“Oh honey it’s not a problem. It’s my job.” Mistress Victoria said with a smile.

That night, Brianne stood in the study surrounded by the sorority with her hands covering her breasts and crotch, she had just been forced to strip completely naked.
“But it wasn’t my fault!” Brianne said.
“Shut up Brianne.” Kara said. “Bad enough I had to talk with my mom about Taryn’s little public masturbation incident-“
The women all looked at Taryn who lowered her eyes in shame as her cheeks turned pink.
“-and now I’m going to have to pull strings to keep you in school after exposing your naked ass on campus.”
“Kara I swear, it was the police officer’s fault!”
“I don’t want to hear it!” Kara shouted. “Bend her over.”
Two sisters grabbed Brianne by the arms and forced her to bend forward. Cammy appeared from behind, with the paddle in her hand.
“If you wish to stay in campus and to revive your ruined reputation, then you will be spanked and then you will say thank you after each one.”
Brianne’s face turned red as she begged, “Please Kara, don’t spank me!”
“Do you want me to have you kicked out of this sorority then? Live out the rest of your time here as the loser who lost her clothes?”
Brianne lowered her head and bit her lip as she waited. Cammy swung the paddle back with both hands and swung it hard on Brianne’s pale ass, making a loud SMACK! As she did.
“UNGGH!!” Brianne moaned as her toes curled from the stinging pain. “Th-thank you.” She muttered.
“Again Cammy.” Kara said.
SMACK! “AHH!” Brianne said as her thighs rubbed together, her body was getting warmer as sweat started to accumulate. “Thank you.”
“No not harder!” Brianne shouted in panic. But it was too late, Cammy pulled back the paddle as far as she could and swung it with all of her might with a loud THWACK!”
“OHHHHHHHHH!” Brianne screamed as her legs buckled and she fell to her knees, panting.
Cammy looked down and then made a face. “EW!” Below Brianne was a dark stain on the carpet.
Brianne gasped and she felt something wet between her legs and her hands flew to cover her pussy. ‘I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help it!” she said.
“She just came.” Cammy said to Kara.
“EWWWWWWWW GROSS!” Madison said. “All over the carpet!”
“Well that explains the panties you wore today.” Kara said to the now blushing Brianne. “You’re cleaning that up. WITHOUT your clothes. Ladies, the rest of you are dismissed.
Brianne hunched over to clutch her naked body as she rocked back and forth, feeling the scornful gaze of the sorority sisters as they walked by.
As the Three Furies left the room, Cammy whispered to Kara. “That’s the second one of our sisters who was humiliated like that. This can’t be a coincidence.”
“I know that you idiot.” Kara said, “Someone has it out for us and I’m going to find out who. Let the others know that there’s a threat to this sorority and they need to use whichever social contacts they can to find out who it is. Nobody humiliates women in this sorority but me.”
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Old 08-25-2013, 09:17 PM
theking94 theking94 is offline
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hey i love your stories i was wondering if we would see some catfighting in the serority cause i think that would really explain the way i percive them to be stuck up and only careing about them selves i loved the chapter of course and cant wait for the next exxelent chapter
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Old 08-26-2013, 11:18 AM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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Originally Posted by theking94 View Post
hey i love your stories i was wondering if we would see some catfighting in the serority cause i think that would really explain the way i percive them to be stuck up and only careing about them selves i loved the chapter of course and cant wait for the next exxelent chapter

I think I could work that out. Might not happen just yet as there are a couple of things I'm still building up to, but things are definitely growing tense within the sorority now that they are coming under fire by Danny.
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Old 08-26-2013, 03:09 PM
theking94 theking94 is offline
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Originally Posted by bbettyblambabam View Post
I think I could work that out. Might not happen just yet as there are a couple of things I'm still building up to, but things are definitely growing tense within the sorority now that they are coming under fire by Danny.
good to hear i love the way you write you stories so just keep up the good work ill read it no matter what
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Old 09-04-2013, 02:19 PM
bbettyblambabam bbettyblambabam is offline
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Chapter 6

Ashley and Danny drove to the downtown area after spending an hour going through Ashley’s wardrobe. “Are you sure this is something that they’d wear at a BDSM club?” she asked looking down at her long black dress.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been to one.” Danny said as they fixed their tie. “I wouldn’t worry about it though, I imagine looking at someone not being humiliated is the least of everyone else’s concern.”
“Speaking of humiliated.” Ashley said, “How are we going to go after the Three Furies?”
“I have no idea.” Danny said, “I’m sure by now they realize something is up and will be more paranoid. Getting near them will be next to impossible.”
“Not to mention the fact that the rest of the sorority will be trying to find us out.” Ashley added.”
“Who should we go after first?” Danny asked as they pulled off of the expressway.
Ashley thought it over and then said, “Madison probably. She’s always kind of “not present” in meetings. Her major is fashion and design and so she is more isolated from the others. Wait that’s it!” she said as she touched Danny’s arm in excitement.
“One of the events the sorority told us about was the fashion show Madison puts on after Thanksgiving break. That’ll be perfect, we can find a way to get to the clothes and sabotage them. It’ll also give us a chance to humiliate the rest of the sorority!”
“I like it.” Danny said as they touched Ashley’s hand. “We’ll talk this over more later, we’re getting close to the place.”
In the distance, they saw a large brick two story building with no windows on the first floor. “That’s it.” Danny said pointing to the neon lit sign that said “The Factory.”
“I’m kind of nervous.” Ashley said, “I’m not sure if I’m going to like it in there.”
“Just think of it as going to see a show that Natasha is in and we’re there to support her.” Danny said trying to look on the bright side of things. They also hadn’t been to a BDSM club but found the subject interesting. College was about having new experiences and for Danny, this fit into that category.
They stepped out of Ashley’s car and knocked on the door. A large bouncer dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt carded them and then let them in when they said they were invited by Mistress Victoria. While he carded them, they looked down a hallway and could see a dark room where a woman stood with her legs apart and arms raised in a V as she was tied up. She was naked except for a leather thong and wore a zipper mask. Just above her ass was a tramp stamp of a tribal tattoo. Behind her was another woman wearing a corset and leather pants. She had a cattle prod in her hand and as she circled the woman from behind, she pressed the prod to her butt cheek and zapped the woman in the mask, causing her to moan with pleasure as the buzz made her writhe.
“You don’t think they’re going to do that to her do you?” Ashley asked as she winced.
“I don’t know.” Danny said as they bit their lip. They were starting to wonder just how much Natasha was going to surprise them with tonight.
“Okay follow me.” The bouncer said. He led them inside and up a flight of spiral stairs, as they ascended the lighting grew more dim until they walked into a wide room crowded with about twenty people. To the right was a bartender who served drinks. Chairs were lined up all against the walls and in the center was a large rug and a long rectangular block. Ashley wrapped her arm around Danny’s as they entered and looked at the crowd. Most of them seemed to be people ranging from their late 20’s to early 40’s. Men were dressed in business suits with their hair styled back.
“Wow, some of these guys look like they could be professors.” Ashley said.
“Well at least everyone here looks real and not like drop dead gorgeous models.” Danny said. Indeed, many of the men and women seemed like everyday people. The women were not all skinny with large breasts, some were bigger than others, while the older people looked their age and not like they had been touched up by any cosmetic surgery. Most of the women wore dresses or dress pants and button up shirts. Overall, Danny liked the mood. They felt even more comfortable when they saw a few women who could have easily passed off as men given their short hair and masculine attire.
“Everyone can I have your attention.” A blonde woman wearing a long silk dress called out. She had dark red lipstick on and had pale white skin, she also wore long black gloves that extended to her elbows. The noise quieted down as people got to their seats. Ashley and Danny decided to see against the corner adjacent to the entrance. “Thank you all for coming out for tonight’s demonstration. We have a new pet coming in for tonight’s play. So shall we bring them in?”
There was a chorus of “Yeahs.” As the crowd looked to the entrance. Stepping through was Natasha, dressed in a long white dress that was cut low in the front, showing off her cleavage. Danny hadn’t realized how large her breasts were being that they were often covered up by a shirt. Behind Natasha was Mistress Victoria, Her long hair flowed to the middle of her exposed back over her backless black gown. The crowd applauded as Natasha walked towards the end of the room where the block was. She didn’t even look to the side to acknowledge Ashley and Danny. Once they were in the center Mistress Victoria stood to the side and said, “Everyone this is Natasha and she’s out pet this evening.”
People clapped, Danny and Ashley smiled to each other as the feeling of surprise and suspense hit them. If you had asked them at the beginning of the semester if they’d be in a BDSM club they would have thought you to be crazy, but here they were and they had no idea what to expect. The fact that it was a friend of theirs made the suspense even stronger.
“First off, I don’t think I like all of these clothes on here, I think I should take them off her don’t you?” Mistress Victoria asked. Everyone in the room voiced their approval and Mistress Victoria held out her hand for the blonde woman in the black dress to hand her a black whip. “Thank you Claire.”
Danny felt Ashley’s hand squeeze tight onto theirs as they watched Mistress Victoria stand behind Natasha, who stood there with her hands to her sides, as she raised her whip and flicked her wrist. CRACK! Ashley and Danny jumped in their seats as the whip lashed out at Natasha who flinched slightly as the whip hit her in the back and then her dress fell to her feet as the back had split open. The audience applauded as Natasha stood there in nothing but a white pair of bikini panties. Her large breasts remained exposed while her hands went to cover her crotch as she looked down.
“Aww she’s shy.” Mistress Victoria said as she held onto Natasha’s mouth. I think we need to get these pesky hands out of the way.” Claire handed Mistress Victoria a pair of leather cuffs and bound Natasha’s hands behind her back. With her hands tied, Mistress Victoria forced Natasha to bend forward. “Doesn’t she have a nice ass?” she asked as she turned Natasha around. Indeed, Natasha’s ass was impressive to the audience as the round cheeks hugged onto the back of her panties almost as if they would burst out. Mistress Victoria grabbed the back and pulled it upward, turning Natasha’s panties into a thong.
“Ungg.” Natasha moaned as she felt the panties ride up. She winced again when she felt Mistress Victoria’s hand strike her ass, causing her left check to jiggle from the strike.
“Oh you like that don’t you you little” Mistress Victoria asked. Natasha nodded as she was spanked again. “Step out of these panties. A wh.ore like you doesn’t deserve clothing.” Mistress Victoria slid Natasha’s underwear down her legs and had Natasha step out of them, exposing her pussy which had a small strip of black hair above it. “Now I think everyone should get to enjoy that ass of yours so get on your knees right here.” She said gesturing to the rectangular block. Natasha obeyed as she knelt on the block, bending over to extend her posterior outward. “Come on, who wants to spank this nice ass?” Mistress Victoria asked as she grabbed it hard.
Two men stepped forward, a bearded man in his 20s in a button up shirt and black pants and a bald muscular man who wore black jeans and a t-shirt. The bald man stepped forward and groped Natasha’s ass and then raised his large hand and swung it down with a loud SLAP!
“OH!” Natasha screamed as she felt the stinging pain.
“Mmm that is nice.” The bald man said as he slapped her again.
“OHHH!” she cried out.
“No crying.” Mistress Victoria said. As she held onto Natasha’s mouth. “Don’t make me gag you.”
“You gonna be quiet like a good girl?” the bald man asked as he spanked her again. Natasha just nodded.
Soon the man in the suit joined in as he also spanked her ass. “Mm. I think she’s getting a bit wet.” He said as he gazed at her, her vaginal lips that were exposed from the position Natasha was bent in.
“Oh no she won’t. You aren’t getting pleased yet.” Mistress Victoria said. “Not until we get some pleasure in return. Claire would like you to go down on her wouldn’t you?” she asked.
“That’s right I would.” Clair said as she stood in front of Natasha’s head, raising her skirt to expose her naked pussy. Despite being blonde, her pubic hair was dark but no one seemed to pay attention to it. “Come on wh.ore, I want you to lick my pussy while these two spank you.”
Natasha leaned her head forward as she ran her tongue against Mistress Claire’s vaginal lips, trying not to cry out as the slaps from the two men behind her continued. Danny and Ashley could see that her ass was becoming red from the slaps. As she licked Claire’s pussy, Claire smiled and occasionally moaned with pleasure as Natasha’s tongue ran along inside her. Mistress Victoria approached Claire to give her a kiss.
“How is she?”
“Mmmmm she’s wonderful.” Claire said.
“Good. Let’s get her to suck some cock now.” Mistress Victoria said.
Claire stepped away from Natasha as the bald man walked to Natasha’s face, unzipping his pants and pulling out his penis which was already erect.
As they watched Natasha begin licking the tip of his penis, Ashley crossed her legs as the scene of humiliation was beginning to have an effect on her. The idea of being humiliated attracted her in terms of being embarrassed in front of Danny and so she imagined being in Natasha’s position with Danny spanking her. The one part she was fascinated with was the idea of a penis being involved. While she enjoyed going down on Danny, the image of Natasha’s mouth bobbing back and forth on a penis seemed more humiliating and thus, more arousing.
Danny was also reacting to the scene, although instead of wondering how they could apply the same scene, Danny could already picture it in their head. They could easily imagine attaching a strap on to themselves and forcing it down Ashley’s mouth. Just the thought of it made Danny tingle inside, so much so they gripped Ashley’s hand harder and their legs brushed together.
“Mmm. Look at her suck that cock.” Mistress Victoria said. “But her pussy is being completely unattended to. I think she needs to get f.cked in this hole as well.”
The audience cheered as the bearded man took off his shirt and dropped his pants to his ankles. He began stroking his penis to get it erect and Ashley found herself staring at his thin but tone frame, feeling her underwear get moist as he inserted his penis into Natasha from behind. Natasha’s eyes closed as she fought the urge to moan. Her legs and arms strained in response to the pleasure she was feeling from behind. The added humiliation of the balded man’s cock sliding against her tongue made it harder to hold back from cumming.
After a few more minutes, Mistress Victoria had both men leave Natasha and then had a harness from above introduced. It took about twenty minutes for Mistress Victoria to have Natasha’s arms tied above her head and her legs tied up as well spread outward. Danny watched with interest and curiosity at how the knot work was done while Ashley had her hand to her mouth at the scene of the bearded man having sex with Natasha as she hung in the air. People applauded at the scene as Mistress Victoria continued whipping Natasha in the back and ass as she was being penetrated.
“AHH!” Natasha cried out, half in pain and half in pleasure.
“That’s right scream!” Mistress Victoria shouted.
“OH!!!” Natasha cried as her pussy began to get moist from the penis rapidly entering in and out of her.
“I want you to scream my name when you come!”
“OH.. YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!” Natasha began chanting in a high pitched voice reaching a crescendo as she screamed. “MISTRESSS VICTORIAAAA!!!!OHHHGODDD!!!”
The audience all clapped and whooped as Natasha orgasmed, the bearded man pounding her two more times before removing his penis. Mistress Victoria and Claire began removing the rope knots from Natasha with the use of pliers. As her legs were lowered, Natasha’s large breasts heaved up and down as she panted from her post coital experience.
“Open your mouth.” Mistress Victoria said as she led the bearded man and bald man towards Natasha. Both of them began stroking their penises in a rapid manner. “I don’t want any cum wasted by falling on the floor, you take all of it in your mouth or on that dirty face of yours.”
Natasha nodded as she held her mouth open and the bald man was the first to ejaculate, shooting several jets of jism over Natasha’s face, some of which hit her tongue. Then the bearded man followed, aiming the contents of his penis directly into Natasha’s mouth. The audience clapped while Danny and Ashley clapped slowly, wanting to be supportive but also being shocked that Natasha was willing to go this far.
“Now swallow it.” Mistress Victoria said as she ran her finger along Natasha’s face, inserting the collected sperm on her finger into Natasha’s mouth. She sucked Mistress Victoria’s finger until it was dry.
“You’ve been a good pet.” Mistress Victoria said as she caressed Natasha’s chin. “I want to parade you around and show everyone now.” She grabbed a leather collar and clasped it around Natasha’s neck, grabbing the chain on the other end. “Get on all fours.” Natasha did as she requested and Mistress Victoria began walking towards the audience. “We’re going for a walk through the room so everyone can spank you.” Slowly, Mistress Victoria led Natasha against a row of people, watching as she crawled close to them. Almost every man and woman who Natasha crawled by spanked her, some harder than others. When she got close to Danny and Ashley she lowered her head so as not to look at them.
“Go on spank this” Mistress Victoria said, “She has earned it.”
Ashley and Danny looked to each other with nervous grins and Danny was the first to raise their hand and slap hard on Natasha’s ass, she moaned a bit in response. Then Ashley raised her hand and gave it a small slap, barely making a noise.
“Come on.” Mistress Victoria said, “You can do harder.”
Ashley bit her lip and raised her hand a little higher and swung down.
SLAP! Ashley swung as hard as she could, causing Natasha to shift her weight in response to the sharp stinging pain from Ashley’s hand. By now, her ass was covered in red hand prints, Ashley’s being the more recent.
“Sorry Natasha.” She whispered as Natasha was led past them. They watched as the rest of the audience spanked Natasha and then Mistress Victoria led her back to the center. “You may stand now pet.” She said. As Natasha rose to her feet she said, “Let’s hear it for Natasha! This was her first time!”
Danny and Ashley got to their feet as they saw others in the room do so and clapped for Natasha who smiled as she kissed Mistress Victoria. “Thanks for coming everyone.” Claire said and then she began reading off announcements. As she spoke, Mistress Victoria led Natasha towards the door, zipping right past Ashley and Danny without saying a word.
“Where do you think she’s going?” Ashley asked.
“I don’t know.” Danny said. “Maybe to get dressed?”
They waited for about a half hour in the room, watching as other people conversed with each other. A few men grabbed a whip and started whipping another woman in the ass but didn’t have the same audience that Natasha had. Finally, they saw Natasha and Mistress Victoria return, Natasha wore a black dress and had her hair fixed.
“Oh there are your friends.” Mistress Victoria said.
“Hey Natasha.” Danny said. “You did…amazing” was the best word they could think of.
“Thanks.” Natasha said in a somewhat tired tone.
“I was very proud of her.” Mistress Victoria said as she ran her hand against Natasha’s hair. “So what did you two think?”
Ashley and Danny both looked at each other and then Danny spoke first, “It was interesting. I mean that in a good way. I thought it was a safe environment to watch.”
“I didn’t think I’d like it.” Ashley said, “But, I thought it was pretty cool.”
“Good.” Mistress Victoria said, “I’m glad you two are open minded enough to observe this without passing judgments. It’s kind of hard in this area because it has a strong conservative following.”
“How long has it been here?” Danny asked.
“Just over a year now. We continue getting hate mail but it’s helpful to have newcomers like Natasha and you two.” Mistress Victoria said.
“How does it feel?” Ashley asked Natasha.
“Great.” Natasha said as she closed her eyes. “Like one of the best f.cks of my life. I’ve done a few private sessions with Mistress Victoria but this was something I really liked.”
“What took you so long after you left if you don’t mind my asking?” Danny asked.
“The interview.” Mistress Victoria said, “Before each session we interview people to ensure that they know what they will be experiencing and that they are okay with it. Afterwards we interview them to ask how they liked it and what did and didn’t work for them.”
“That’s really cool.” Danny said.
“Yeah, it all worked for me.” Natasha said.
“Well I hope you three will come back, my job is always better with more people.” Mistress Victoria said.
“Oh we will.” Danny said as they smiled at Ashley. “It’s nice to have a more accepting atmosphere compared to Wellesley.
“Oh yes.” Mistress Victoria said. “Natasha told me about the rest of your plan to humiliate the women in that sorority. I do hope you succeed. Let me know if I can be of any help. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have another client to attend to.”
They watched as Mistress Victoria nodded to them and then exited the room, descending the staircase once more. Just then, the bearded man who had only recently had sex with Natasha approached them, staring at Ashley with a smile. “Hellooo.” He said, “And who is this Natasha?” he asked.
“Guys, this is Drew, he’s sort of a regular here. Drew this is Danny and their girlfriend Ashley.”
“Oh girlfriend?” he said as his smile faded. “Too bad. You’re quite beautiful.” He said to Ashley who smiled as he shook both their hands. “Well it was nice meeting you.” He said after looking around and walking away.
“What was that about?” Danny asked with a frown on their face. They didn’t appreciate the brief introduction Drew gave them in response to finding out Ashley was taken.
“Ugh, don’t worry about it.” Natasha said, “Drew’s kind of a douche. He probably wanted to ask Ashley to have sex with him and was pissed when he found out she was taken. You two aren’t missing much.”
Ashley’s face was a little red and she squeezed Danny’s hand as she kissed them. Before either of them could say anything, they heard the cracking of a whip and the loud scream of a woman from below.
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Old 09-04-2013, 08:02 PM
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nice chapter cant wait to hear more from you
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Old 09-12-2013, 02:44 PM
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Chapter 7

“Hurry up!” Danny whispered to Ashley and Natasha as they held the door open to the ballroom. All three of them wore the same black outfits and black ski masks as before, the nighttime darkness assisting them in remaining hidden from others. Natasha carried a black backpack while Danny held onto a flashlight that they didn’t have on at the moment since the hallways they were sneaking down were lit. After zig sagging down a few more corridors, Danny led them to the doors to the back of the ballroom where all of Madison’s clothes for the fashion show were being stored.
“How did you manage to get someone to let you in here?” Ashley asked.
“I didn’t.” Danny said as they pushed the door open and pointed to the hole in the metal frame where a wadded piece of paper was wedged inside. “This is a trick I learned in high school, you put a piece of paper in here so the door latch doesn’t close and therefore doesn’t lock.
“Clever.” Ashley said with a smile as they snuck into the ballroom. Danny turned on the flashlight. The beam illuminated the back of large black curtains and a set of steps that lead to the stage. Lined up behind the stage were racks of clothes. The three of them walked along the racks and examined them closely, finding an array of dresses and swimsuits, most of them reminiscent of the 50’s era.
“Ugh.” Natasha said as she examined a sun dress with flowers on them. “I hate this 1950’s revival. I bet you money the fashion show is going to have a bunch of women with bangs and that curled hair like those pin-up women have.”
“Probably.” Danny said, “But that’s kind of hot, especially since they won’t be wearing these clothes for very long.”
The three of them smiled as Natasha pulled open her backpack and pulled out needles, sewing scissors and thread. They broke up and began taking clothes off the rack and began removing the threads from the seams of the clothes Madison designed.
“This is going to be so awesome.” Ashley said as she finished removing the threads from a bikini.
“This is such a lot of work to humiliate someone.” Natasha said.
“Not just someone.” Danny said, “The whole sorority.”
The three of them remained silent as they focused on sabotaging all of the clothes on the rack. It took them several hours but finally, they were finished as Danny removed the threads from the last pair of trousers. “Okay, that’s it.” Danny said.
Then they heard the doors click open.
“Sh.t! Hide!” Danny whispered. All three of them darted onto the other sides of the curtains and onto the stage, hoping that whoever was there wouldn’t check on the other side.
“Did you hear something?” a voice said. Danny recognized it as Madison’s.
“No.” Kara said.
“I swear I heard something.” Madison insisted.
“Calm down Madison.” Cammy’s voice said, “No one can get back here.
“Sorry, I’m just really stressed out right now. “Madison said in a whiny voice. “I’ve spent months working on these clothes and everything has to be perfect.”
“Yeah well I’m not worried about that.” Kara said, “I’m more worried about what’s going to happen to the sorority once they are in public.”
“Don’t even think that Kara!” Madison said, “I’ll just die if someone gets humiliated again!”
“Well we still haven’t heard any news about who is doing this.” Kara said. “No one knows anything and my mom is pressuring me to figure it out.”
“God just the idea of being humiliated like Brianne or Taryn makes me dizzy.” Madison said.
While the Three Furies talked, Danny gestured to Ashley and Natasha to follow them. They walked a few feet across the room and exited the main doors.
“What was that?” Kara asked as she heard the doors open.”
Cammy ran to the other side of the curtain and turned the lights on, frowning when they saw nothing. “No idea.” She said. “must have been a janitor or something.”
Kara curled her lip as she stared at the door and was silent for a moment. Finally, she said, “Let’s go. Madison’s going to need some sleep to calm her stupid nerves.”


Danny, Natasha and Ashley ran back to Danny’s dorm building, taking their masks off and panting as they tried to catch their breath.
“That was close.” Danny said.
“I’ll say.” Natasha added. “You think they saw us?”
Danny shook their head. “No. We should head back to our rooms so no one sees us though. See you tomorrow?”
Natasha nodded and they parted ways. Ashley walked with Danny back to their dorm since Morgan the Mormon was gone again. As they walked, Ashley had her arm wrapped around Danny’s. ‘That was really exhilarating.’ She said, “The rush of almost getting caught.”
“I know.” Danny said as they rubbed Ashley’s arm. “I’m getting..frisky just thinking about it.” The two of them kissed and walked faster to Danny’s room. As soon as they got inside and closed the door, Ashley pushed Danny against the door and slid her tongue in Danny’s mouth. Danny wrapped their arms around Ashley and they kissed some more, Ashley’s hands sliding down Danny’s torso and then between Danny’s legs. She stopped when she felt a bulge.
“Babe.” She said, “Is that…a bulge?”
Danny smiled and gently pushed Ashley away. “I have something for you.” They said. “After watching Natasha I thought we’d try something different.” Slowly, Danny unbuttoned their pants and unzipped it, exposing the top of what looked like a pair of cotton panties. Upon pulling them down further, Ashley could see that those panties were actually a jockstrap, under of which Danny had a large bulge under it. Turning around to present their exposed ass, Danny bent over and Ashley stared at their tight cheeks, looking more firm as they were squeezed under the straps of the jockstrap. Ashley walked up to Danny and playfully spanked them on the ass before reaching around and sliding her hands down the front of Danny’s jockstrap. Inside she felt something plastic but also long and hard.
“Mmm.” She said, “I think I like this.”
“Me too.” Danny whispered as they turned around to kiss Ashley. They embraced and French kissed each other, Danny gyrating their hips and the bulge against Ashley’s crotch. She gasped at the rush of pleasure she felt from the pressure of Danny rubbing against her clitoris. Bending down to her knees, she hooked her thumbs into the straps of Danny’s jockstrap and pulled it down, exposing a black long rubber dildo that had been tucked in there. “Suck on it babe.” Danny whispered. Looking up at Danny with lust, Ashley ran her tongue against the tip of the dildo and circled her tongue around it. She had gone down on men before and this was no different in her mind as her mouth wrapped over Danny’s dildo. As her head moved back and forth, Ashley pulled her pants down and began masturbating with her panties on. Danny held onto the dildo as they fed it in and out of Ashley’s mouth, locking eyes with her as her mouth made almost a heart shaped form around the phallic object.
Finally Ashley took her mouth off of the dildo, making a smacking sound and said, “Okay I need you to stick that in me now, I’m so wet.” Danny looked down at her panties and indeed, the white panties she wore were stained with her juices. Walking to the bed, Ashley fell back and slid her panties off her legs and then spread them wide while Danny pulled a small tube of lubrication out of their pocket and coated some on the dildo. As Danny lay beside her. They kissed her once and then slowly inserted the dildo into Ashley’s pussy. “Ahhhhh” she said as she reacted to the large object going in.
“Am I hurting you?’ Danny asked.
“No.” Ashley whispered as she closed her eyes, “It feels good.”
Danny continued pushing it in and then slowly pulled it out a little bit.
“Ohhhh Danny.” Ashley moaned as the dildo began moving in and out of her, with her eyes closed she imagined Danny on top of her thrusting their cock into her pussy. She felt Danny’s lips press against hers and she began to rub her breasts, nipples perked up from the intense arousal they felt.
“I love watching you” Danny whispered as they picked up their rhythm. Every now and then when they had the dildo pulled outward, they would tilt it up so it touched against Ashley’s clitoris that was now practically red. Danny continued this motion until they saw Ashley’s toes curl and legs tighten up.
“Oh yeah…right there…oh yeah yeah yeah!” she said in a high pitched voice.
“You gonna cum for me?” Danny asked as they started talking dirty to Ashley. She nodded. Danny picked up the speed of their thrusting and Ashley squeezed her breasts harder.
“Hooooooooyeaahhhhhhhohhhyeahhhh.” She moaned louder. “Yeah.. yeah!OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she shouted as she threw her head back, Danny smiled as they removed the dildo and saw that it was covered in ejaculate from Ashley’s orgasm. After wiping the sweat off of her brow, Ashley pulled Danny close to her face after and kissed it hard. “Thank you.” She whispered. “I know that might not be as much fun for you.”
“Oh I disagree.” Danny said, “It was very fun for me. I just wasn’t sure how open you were to toys. I wanted to you with a strap on but I wanted to start slow first.”
“Mmm.” Ashley said as she rubbed her legs against Danny’s. “I would really like that.”
“Well next time then.” Danny said as they shifted to their back and spread their legs. “But in the meantime. All that watching you going down on my dildo got me turned on.”
“Well then.” Ashley said as she bent forward over Danny’s crotch. “Allow me to serve you better.”
Danny closed their eyes and laid back as Ashley’s tongue slid inside of them, over joyed about the realization of someone they truly cared about giving them so much emotional and physical pleasure.


There was a long line at the doors to the ballroom as most of the student body waited to enter the fashion show. Most of the women showing up were there because a friend of theirs or a friend of a friend was in the sorority and they were pressured in donating money. There were three people there that were not there to support them. Danny, Ashley and Natasha waited in line, looking around for the Three Furies.
“I still think we should sneak in rather than show up at the front door.” Natasha said.
“I tried looking for a spot but they’re all blocked off.” Danny said.
“Just act natural and it won’t be a big deal.” Ashley said.
It felt like forever for the line to go down, but finally when they arrived at the ticket desk, they reached for their money.
“What are you doing here?” a woman with long brown hair asked to Ashley.
“I wanted to come see the show. What does it matter Stephanie? You’re getting my money anyway.”
“After our little send off I don’t see why you’d want to come, unless you’re up to something.”
“It’s because I have a friend in the show.” Natasha said in an annoyed tone of voice. “You going to keep up the rest of the line by arguing with us?”
Stephanie gave Natasha a scolding look but finally said, “Ten dollars. I’m surprised you three can afford it.” They handed her the money and then walked through the doors.
“Who was that?” Danny asked.
“Stephanie. She’s on the equestrian team and she’s just as nice as everyone else in the sorority.” Ashley said sarcastically.
Several rows of folding chairs were line up in front of the stage and the three of them chose to sit in the far back. As they waited for the other chairs to fill, they overheard other women talking.
“Ten bucks? What a ripoff!”
“I know, I’m only doing this because my friend is in it.”
“Glad to see we’re not the only ones who thinks this is a joke.” Danny said.
“It’s tricky. I think a lot of women who are trying to excel hear are just kissing up to the sorority because Kara’s mom is vice president.” Natasha said.
After the last person entered the lights dimmed and a large spot light shined on the center of the stage. The curtain spread open and out came Madison dressed in a matching pink business skirt and jacket with a tiny pillbox hat. Her hair was curled into a bun and her overall look resembled Jackie-O.
“Ugh, what did I tell you?” Natasha said.
“Hiiiiiiiiii everyone.” Madison said on the microphone. “I’m sooo glad everyone came out tonight. I’m excited to show off my new designs this year. I decided to go with a more vintage theme as opposed to last year.”
“Last year was vintage too.” They heard a student whisper.
“So anyway, if you are or know someone who’s a big important fashion designer please give them my name. So now, on with the show!”
She bowed to a few scattered applauses and then stepped off of the stage as a music track started on the stereo.
The curtain opened and out stepped a tall blonde haired woman wearing a long skirt and pink knit sweater. Her hair was also designed like Madison’s.
“This is Jessica.” A woman’s voice could be heard on a PA. “Jessica is wearing a Pink knit sweater and skirt combo as a callback to the old school proper college days, calling back to a time when women were classier.”
At that line, Danny, Ashley and Natasha all rolled their eyes.
Jessica took a few steps down the catwalk, placing her hands on her hips as she pivoted it outward. This gesture proved to be a mistake, as the pivoting of the hip loosened the seamless fabric from its place, causing the skirt to split open and fall to the ground. The crowd gasped as they saw Jessica standing there in a powder blue thong, her pale white legs were illuminated from the spotlight. Even the announcer’s gasp could be heard on the microphone. Jessica stopped and looked down when she wondered why everyone gasped and then screamed when she realized her ass was exposed to everyone. Her hands flew to her front and backside as she retreated back behind the curtain, leaving the skirt on the floor.
Angrily, Madison ran up to the front stage and pulled the skirt off, “Jessica you idiot!” she could be heard cursing. “Bring out the next girl!” she called.
Danny looked to Ashley and Natasha with a smile at the comfort of seeing their plan go smoothly.
The curtain opened up and out stepped another woman with black hair that was styled like Betty Paige. Her breasts were larger than Jessica’s and had a curvier body shape. She wore a one piece green dress with a belt wrapped around her waist.
“Here we have Pamela, showcasing Madison’s businesswoman attire, showing that she can be classy and hardworking in her future field.”
“Ugh stop saying classy.” Danny muttered.
As Patricia walked down the catwalk, people could see the sides of her dress splitting open, showing off portions of her skin. By the time she got to the end of the catwalk, the dress split evenly in half, breaking open like a peanut shell exposing Patricia’s black stockings and garter belt over her matching leopard print bra and panties.
“EEEEK!” Patricia screamed as she crossed her legs to cover her large breasts. Upon seeing her exposed, people could see Patricia’s slightly chubby tummy squeezing against her garter belt, her ass cheeks also seeming to bulge under her leopard print panties. In contrast to her white skin, Patricia’s cheeks were bright red from embarrassment.
“Oh wow…” the announcer said, “And apparently she has a wild side also.”
“Patricia! What did I tell you about wearing tacky underwear to this? And my goodness woman, what have you been eating?”
A couple women in the front row could be heard laughing as Patricia hugged her stomach as she was self conscious about her tummy. Picking up the dress and holding it to her body Patricia ran back behind the curtain just as tears started to run down her face.
“UGH! Just send someone else out!” Madison shouted. Danny, Ashley and Natasha couldn’t see it, but Madison was sweating and from the side of the front row, Kara and Cammy were also watching with disapproval.
The curtain opened and out came a buxom woman with auburn colored hair tucked under a sunhat. She had sunglasses on and a white one piece vintage bathing suit.
“I swear, I think she just bought these clothes and said they’re hers.” Natasha whispered.
“Here we have Chloe soaking up the sun in her vintage 1950’s swimsuit, giving her nod to Marilyn Monroe…Classy!”
Chloe smiled as she held one hand to the side of her head and the other against her hip as she posed before walking down the catwalk almost as if in a strut. The bounce from her large breasts was quite visible and on the last bounce the straps from her swimsuit broke and fell open. Her breasts jiggled as they fell out and the whole room collectively gasped as they saw Chloe completely naked. She was at least a DD cup and they sagged rather than remained firm, which meant that she was a natural DD. Her vaginal lips were clean shaven and were whiter than the rest of her body showing off a tan line where she normally wore a bikini. Screaming as she raised her leg to cover her crotch, she grabbed her sunhat and held it over her naked body, her sunglasses falling off her face as she started backing away. Her face was flush from the embarrassment as a couple of cameras went off while she backed away.
One by one a new model walked out and one by one they were horrified as the clothes they wore fell from their bodies. There was a friend of Cammy’s who wore a tennis outfit that was humiliated as they stood there in a white bra and Hanes her way thong. She sobbed as ran offstage to the audience singing “Just wait till we get our HANES on you.”
Another woman wearing an elegant black ballgown was horrified as she stood on the catwalk in nothing but her black g-string once the dress had fallen apart. Another woman wore a Rosie the Riveter costume and was frozen with shock as her pink lacey boy short panties were shown to everyone.
“Apparently this is a Victoria’s secret show as well.” The announcer joked which made the audience laugh.
Madison’s face was red from rage that was boiling inside of her, but it was still during a show so she tried to maintain composure. The spotlight shined on the curtain but no one was coming out. The audience waited…and waited and soon women were checking their phones for the time. After two women left, Madison stormed to the front of the stage and shouted, “What the hell is going on back there?! Why isn’t anyone coming out?”
“We’re not coming out again!” a voice could be heard, “It’s too embarrassing!”
“Nonsense!” Madison screamed, “You are underclass students in this sorority and you will do what you were told to do!”
“Screw you Madison! Your clothes suck! They all fall apart! Everyone’s seen me naked!”
“WHAT?!?!” she said in rage. She looked at the audience of women that whispered under each others’ breaths at the scene going on. Sweat was falling from her face as she realized she was losing them. Kara and Cammy gave her a scowling look, this was making the sorority look bad and she knew she had to do something. “Fine!” Madison shouted. “I’ll model the rest! One moment everyone” she said with a pleasant smile as she walked onstage to go to the back.
While everyone waited, Danny, Ashley and Natasha all got their cameras on their phones ready as Madison fell into their trap. “This was just too easy.” Ashley said.
“Okay! Get ready to announce the next piece!” Madison called from behind the curtain.
The announcer sighed and said, “Okay ladies, next up comes Madison…”
The curtain opened and out came Madison dressed in a black dress similar to Audrey Hepburn’s outfit in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and she had white pearls around her neck.
“…wearing a black-dress thing that’s probably classy.” The announcer said in a dull fashion.
Madison walked to the center with her hand on her hip, keeping her head straight as she made sure to display her great creations. The thought of other sorority members insulting her clothing still enraged her and she was determined to prove that they in fact were of the highest quality. She smiled at her accomplishment at all the camera flashes started going off in the darkness. Obviously her clothes were great because everyone wanted to take pictures. She turned her side out to the audience as she was about to walk back but stopped when she realized her hand was touching something smooth and also what felt like a waistband. Then she realized the room was a bit drafty. Then she realized while people were taking pictures their looks weren’t looks of being impressed, they were looks of being shocked. Slowly Madison looked down and her jaw dropped.
The dress she wore had split evenly down the sides and fell to the ground. Madison was wearing a matching white bra and panties with cherries on them, but the style was in the 1950’s style of underwear, with the underwear waistband rising high so it covered her navel. The bra seemed smaller than the panties in comparison as Madison’s breasts were not as large as the models. With her lip quivering, Madison’s legs buckled together as her hand slowly lowered to cover her large panties and then she gasped when she heard someone in the front row say it.
“Granny panties.”
“Oh my god she’s wearing granny panties!” another girl shouted.
“Nno!” Madison screamed as another hand covered her breasts. “NOOOOOOO!”
The camera flashes continued going off as the audience started laughing at one of the top sorority girls standing onstage in her 1950’s style undergarments. Madison was in such a panic that she kept moving her feet up and down but wasn’t moving, it was as if she was dancing.
“K-kara!” she stammered. “K-kara! Kara I’m half naked! P-people can see me!”
Kara and Cammy just shook their heads as they got up from their seats and left.
“Where are you going?!” Madison cried. “Don’t leave me here! Help me get clothes!”
“Let’s hear it for Madison everyone!” the announcer said, “Wearing her sexy and dare I say, TACKY granny panties!”
Madison let out a loud sob as the audience pointed at laughed at her. “Stop laughing at me!” she shouted as she hunched over herself. “It’s not tacky! It’s vintage!”
“GRANNY PANTIES! GRANNY PANTIES!” the audience shouted, Ashley was actually the one who started the chant.
“I have to get out of here!” Madison screamed as she ran to the curtain and tried pulling on it.
“Madison stop!” A voice from the back said, “You’re going to rip the curtain off and none of us are dressed!”
Madison wasn’t listening as she pulled harder and harder until there was a loud RIIIP! And then a CRASH! Madison had managed to pull part of the curtain off and wrap some of it around her body, but she also pulled down the metal frame that held it as it crashed down over the stage. There was a chorus of screams from the back as the sorority models stood behind the stage still clad in their underwear and in Chloe’s case, nothing at all. All of them covered themselves to the best of their ability as they ran off into the audience half naked. Flashes kept going off in the darkness as they ran.
For Madison, she realized that people were still taking pictures and so she tried to make her exit as well. As soon as she stood up she felt a tug on the back of her underwear and heard a loud RIP! When the stage frame had fallen, somehow Madison’s panties got caught on one of the hooks that held the curtain up, causing it to rip from her waist and exposing her taut and white pale ass. Despite having red hair, her strip of hair above her vagina was brown, barely covering the two white pale lips between her legs. “AHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed as her hands flew to cover her backside and crotch.
“Hey everyone! Madison’s naked!” Natasha shouted to get everyone’s attention away from the half naked models and towards the more naked Madison.
“NO!” Madison screamed as she stood there with her legs locked. “Don’t take my picture!” CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! The cameras went off and Madison sobbed as her most important night ever ended in her worst fear, being stripped and humiliated in front of the whole school and worse, her peers. Her dignity had been ruined and she knew her status in her sorority had dropped. Realizing she’d lost her dignity she got up and ran as fast as she could through the audience. She shivered as the cold air bounced off of her sweat covered body and then yelped when she felt a stinging hand slap her on the ass. “I’ll get you all for this!” she cried as she ran out of the door.
“Let’s hear it for the sorority everyone for bringing the greatest striptease and fashion show!” the announcer said and the girls all cheered. After many of them had been subjected to Madison’s annoyingly smug style and attitude, they were elated to have been able to witness her humiliation and knew that this night would be the talk of the school for weeks.

Kara shut the door to the study and turned the light on, Cammy was the only one in the room with her. They both sat in the large leather chairs by the fireplace and Kara was the first to speak. “My mom is going to be pissed.”
“Never mind her. I’m pissed!” Cammy said. “Someone’s going after us and I don’t like it!”
“You think I do? Whoever this was, they just made the whole sorority look like a bunch of half naked bimbos!”
“Kara, I am NOT going to be humiliated like that!”
“I’m not either. We have to be sure that whatever we do, no one is going to get the best of us.”
“How do we do that?” Cammy asked, “Stay in our dorms for the whole year? I can’t do that I have tons of volleyball matches coming up.”
“I know that you idiot!” Kara said, “I have debate and forensics to go through. My mom can have something worked out, buff up security around our campus.”
“That’s fine but that still doesn’t help us find out who is doing this.” Cammy said.
Before Kara could answer there was a knock at the door. “Ugh answer it!”
Cammy pulled the door open without looking and said, “WHAT?!”
It was Stephanie on the other side. “I have some information that I thought you two might like to hear.
“Really?” Cammy said looking to Kara who nodded to her. “You have two minutes.”
“No problem.” Stephanie said, “Also, some of the other sorority members want to know what we should do with Madison.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s outside in just her bra begging to be let inside.”
Cammy stepped out of the study and into the hallway and could hear hard pounds from the outside door.
“What should we do with her Kara?” Cammy asked.
Kara curled her lip and after thinking for a moment said, “Tell her we’ll only let her in if she brings us those ridiculous cherry print panties she wore. Now send Stephanie inside, I want to hear what information she has.”
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Old 09-12-2013, 03:29 PM
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great chapter keep up the good work
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Old 09-16-2013, 01:40 PM
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Chapter 8

The next day, Danny eagerly waited for their last class to end. They squirmed in their seat as they continued checking their watch. The reason for this was because Danny was looking forward to getting laid again. Introducing the dildo into theirs and Ashley’s sex life gave them new ideas and they were practically getting wet in their seat just thinking about it. It was actually all Danny thought about now that they had found someone who was willing to explore their sexuality. Many of the women Danny dated in the past were often shy about exploring with them. Sitting in their seat, Danny crossed their legs as they felt the dildo attached to a strap on under their pants, they were going to surprise Ashley with it later in the day.
After class ended, Danny left and made their way to Ashley’s dorm. Their thoughts were interrupted when they heard a loud scream, followed by a chorus of laughter. Danny turned their head and saw Madison surrounded by a group of women who were laughing at her. She was looking up at the flagpole and Danny saw why Madison screamed, instead of the flag, waving at the top of the pole was Madison’s ripped cherry print panties.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ALL DID THAT!!” she screamed. “Someone help me get them down!”
Nobody stepped forward to help. Instead, they all pointed and laughed, causing Madison to whimper as her face turned red. “Shut up!” she shouted in rage, feeling like he embarrassment was hitting her all over again. In the distance, she saw Cammy and Kara standing there with their arms folded. She realized that they were watching her intentionally, to see how she’d react. For Kara, being in the sorority meant dominance over one another. Madison knew that she had been taken down several pegs after her humiliation at her own event and needed to prove that she was worthy of having one of the top spots in the sorority. This meant that she needed someone else in the sorority to take down. Looking amongst the crowd of women laughing at her, Madison spotted a girl with long curly dark brown hair wearing one of the sorority hoodies under a sports jacket. This was Erin and she was on the swim team. She stood out because she was one of the shorter women in the crowd, about 5’2” and had a curvier build than some of the other women. She was a freshman this year and Madison was not going to have an underclassmen laugh at her, especially in front of Cammy and Kara.
Madison zeroed in on Erin and walked towards her. “How dare you laugh at me!”
“What?” Erin asked looking around, “Are you talking to me?”
“Yes I am!” Madison shouted, “No underclassman laughs at me.”
“I’m sorry.” She said with a scoff, “But it’s not my fault your dress fell off in front of everyone.”
Madison’s cheeks grew flush again as the women around her laughed, “Shut up!” she said as she pushed Erin, causing the women around her to back up, forming a circle. “Just because you didn’t do it doesn’t absolve you of anything. As an underclassmen you should have helped me!”
“What?” Erin asked in shock. “You’re kidding right?”
“No I’m not! And because of you, I was humiliated in front of everyone. Now make up for it by climbing up there and getting my panties down!”
The women around Erin looked as stunned as she was as she looked off to the side and saw Kara and Cammy. “No. I’m not doing that.” She said defiantly. SMACK! Erin’s head turned as she felt a stinging pain on her cheek from Madison’s hand slapping her.
“I won’t tell you again freshman. Know your role in this sorority and do what I say!” Madison said sternly, feeling her confidence come back as she talked down to a freshman.
“ you!” Erin said pushing Madison back.
“That’s it!” Madison shouted as her hands lunged at Erin, grabbing onto her long locks and began pulling at them. Erin screamed and tried pulling at Madison’s, but her hair was in a bun and it made it harder to pull. Erin fell to the ground with Madison on top as she continued attacking her, the women around them started cheering at the two sorority sisters battling it out
“We’ll see how you like it!” Madison shouted as she grabbed onto Erin’s jacket and ripped it open, showing off the Greek letters to her hoodie.
Erin screamed and tried reaching for Madison’s coat, but the belt around it was too tight to allow her to pull it open. “Stop it!” she screamed as she writhed and tried to hold onto her jacket. Unfortunately for her, Madison managed to loosen it from around her arms and yanked it off, throwing it to the side.
“What kind of sport is swimming anyway?” Madison asked as she grabbed the bottom of Erin’s hoodie and t-shirt and tried lifting up.
“AHHH!” Erin screamed as she held down on Madison’s hands. “Don’t you dare you crazy b.tch!” she lifted her foot and managed to kick Madison in the shin, causing her to loosen her grip as she tended to it. Erin squirmed free, rose to her feet and then tackled Madison to the ground. With Madison pinned, Erin was able to loosen the belt around her coat and pull it open, tearing the buttons from her jacket.
“You’re going to pay for that!” Madison growled as she tried fighting Erin off.
“Whatever!” Erin said as she reached for the top of Madison’s red shirt.
With Erin’s fingers wrapped around the collar, Madison could hear the tear in her neckline and gasped. “NO!” she screamed as she realized what Erin was about to do. In a panic, Madison reached out and grabbed onto Erin’s large D cup breasts, squeezing tightly onto them as she twisted. Erin let out a loud scream in pain as her hands went from Madison’s shirt to her breasts in response. With this opportunity, Madison kicked out from under Erin and pushed her onto her back.
Watching all of this from the sidelines, Danny watched with shock as Madison grabbed onto the bottom of Erin’s hoodie and pulled it up over her head. With her arms tangled in the hoodie, Erin couldn’t stop Madison from grabbing onto the collar of her t-shirt and rip it open.
“WHAT THE F.CK IS SHE DOING!!!???” Erin screamed as she felt the cool November air hit her body. Her large boobs jiggled slightly as they were freed from her t-shirt, hidden under a white brassier. Despite being curvy, Erin’s stomach was still somewhat toned thanks to all those years of swimming.
“Not so funny is it?” Madison angrily yelled as she reached down to the jeans Erin wore. Realizing what Madison was trying to do, Erin began kicking her legs as she fought to get the hoodie off of her. With her head free, she saw her breasts exposed to everyone and blushed. She didn’t have time to cover as she saw that Madison was trying to pull at her jeans.
“STOP IT!” Erin cried as she sat up and grabbed at Madison’s hair again, pulling some of it out of the bun.
“OW! MY HAIR!!” Madison screamed. “I spent all day touching this up!” Realizing Erin wasn’t going to let go, Madison grabbed onto the front of Erin’s brassier, and pulled open her bra, breaking the cups apart.
Erin’s breasts spilled open as they sagged down and she let go of Madison’s hair as she screamed and tried to cover them, stopping them as they practically swung from their own momentum. “Y-you’re insane!” Erin cried out as her face started to turn red. She could feel her large areolas harden from the cold. Realizing that Madison wouldn’t relent, she got to her feet and tried to run. “Someone help me!” she cried but then she felt Madisons’ fingers latch onto the back of her pants and pull her downward.
“You aren’t going anywhere!” Madison began yanking as hard as she could onto Erin’s jeans, pulling them down bit by bit with little rips being heard as she pulled. RIP! RIP! RIIIP! The jeans, which were already tight around Erin’s wide hips began splitting and finally there was a clean split up the side of her pant legs, exposing her white skin. Madison then grabbed onto the ripped seems and pulled even harder, ripping the pant legs open and exposing Erin’s legs.
“STOOOOOP!” Erin whined as she tried to squirm free. But Madison didn’t give up and by now she had both of Erin’s pant legs in her hand, ripping the legs further and further apart until they finally split from the back, exposing Erin’s white cotton panties with the words “Jockey” written along the waistband.
“Guess I’m not the only one who wears granny panties.” Madison said as Erin tried to cover the front and backside of her panties.
“OH MY GOD! MY CLOTHES ARE RUINED!” Erin cried as she squeezed her legs together.
While Erin was frozen in embarrassment, Madison grabbed what was left of the waistband in her jeans and pulled it apart as hard as she could. RIIIP!!! Erin’s jeans were now on the ground and in shreds. Crying in fear, Erin tried to run away from Madison, her hands trying to cover her exposed breasts and underwear. As she tried running her ass jiggled, as her buttocks had some cellulite to it. By now, the crowd was no longer laughing, some of them were just shocked at the sheer viciousness of Madison. Danny was shocked also, they hadn’t expected Madison to have a sudden burst of dominance but there she was, tackling Erin to the ground before she could break free from the circle.
“Let’s get this ugly panties off your fat ass!” Madison said as she grabbed onto the back and pulled upward as hard as she could, causing them to wedge up into Erin’s ass, exposing her pale cheeks.
“STOP!” she cried as tears began falling from her face. She tried as hard as she could to crawl her way free, but the pain from the wedgie was too much as Madison pulled harder and harder. “OHHHHHH!!” she began to moan as the pain slowly shifted to pleasure as her underwear ran up into her pussy.
“Oh yeah you like that don’t you”? Madison asked. The harder Madison pulled, the sooner Erin’s underwear began to rip until there was a loud RIP! and Erin screamed as the pain reached its peak. Madison held up her torn underwear while Erin curled into a ball, hugging her legs to her naked body as she began sobbing. Between her legs, people could see the tan lips of her vagina peeking out between her legs, a little wet from the arousal she felt from her wedgie. “That’s what you get for disobeying me!” Madison shouted. “Anyone else want to laugh at my panties being hung up?” she asked. The women around her backed away while others started to walk away, leaving Madison alone with the now humiliated Erin.
“I didn’t do anything!” Erin cried. “Please give me some clothes, I’m cold!”
“Not until you climb up there and get my panties down like I told you!” Madison said.
Kara and Cammy approached her from behind with amused smiles on their faces.
Realizing that they were in risk of being watched, Danny decided to make their way to Ashley’s. The last they heard from the Three Furies before they were out of earshot was Kara saying, “Impressive Madison. I was worried we were going to have to throw you out. When bubble butt here finishes, come to the sorority house, we have some new business to attend to.


It took Erin about a half hour to climb up the flagpole and get Madison’s underwear down. She had the athleticism to climb up there thanks to her being a swimmer, but it was the coldness of the pole sliding between her large breasts and thick thighs that made the feat unbearable as her teeth chattered as she climbed. To add insult to injury, as her hips gyrated up the pole, she felt her aroused juices freeze against her, causing her to blush more as she felt herself get turned on. Worst of all, Madison had other members of the sorority taking pictures of the event as she climbed. When she got the panties she climbed down and handed Madison her panties. “Let that be a lesson to never talk back to me again.” Madison said.
“Can I have my clothes back please?” Erin begged as her hands covered her tone swimmer’s body.
“No.” Madison said, “You can walk back to the dorm in shame to get your clothes back. Just like we all have.”
She turned and left the crying Erin outside in the nude while she returned to the sorority house. She walked into the house and then went to the study where Kara and Cammy always met. As soon as she opened the door she was stunned and who was inside, not only were Kara and Cammy there but Natasha was also inside, with her legs and hands tied together and a ball gag in her mouth. She was wearing a long black skirt and a button up shirt and tie.
“Welcome back Madison.” Kara said.
“Nice to see that we didn’t have to find someone to replace you.” Cammy said.
“What is she doing here?” Madison asked.
“This b.tch is the one who sabotaged your fashion show.” Kara said.
“What?” Madison shouted, “I’ll kill her!” she advanced towards Natasha and raised her hand and slapped her across the face.
“That’s just the beginning of your punishment.” Kara said to Natasha who groaned at the pain. She grabbed the ball gag and removed it from Natasha’s mouth.
“Let me go you crazy b.tches!” she screamed.
Cammy swung her hand and strike Natasha against the other cheek. “This isn’t helping your cause.
“What do you want?”
“I already told you, punishment for crossing us.” Kara said, touching Natasha’s back and forcing her down on her knees. Natasha grunted as the pain shot through her kneecaps as she fell hard on the floor.
“You can’t prove that I did anything!” Natasha shouted.
“Bullsh.t.” Cammy said, “We know you showed up at the fashion show with Ashley and that dyke and none of you have had any reason to go to it.
“How did you see us? Do you have spies in the audience?” Natasha asked sarcastically.
“Cammy get the paddle.” Kara said as she placed her high heels on top of Natasha’s back.
Natasha breathed through her teeth to repress crying out in pain as the heel dug into her spine. “Did you three ever grow up?” she asked.
Cammy brought the paddle out and stood behind Natasha. Then Madison took the paddle and said, “No let me. I want to hurt her for exposing me in my panties.”
“I’m not the one who picked them out for you, you’re the one with the weird 1950’s Kennedy fetish.” Natasha wisecracked.
“GRRAA!” Madison screamed as she swung the paddle against Natasha’s ass as hard as she could.
“UNGH!” Natasha cried out as she closed her eyes. What the Three Furies didn’t know was that Natasha had a lot of experience undergoing humiliation. Spanking, slapping, these were things that actually turned her on and being that she was used to associating pain with pleasure, she knew to control how much her body responded to the pain, breathing in as the sting ran from her ass to her nether regions.
“We run this school.” Kara said, “We decide who deserves respect and who doesn’t. WE deserve respect and when you cross us like this, then we go after you.” She nodded to Madison who swung the paddle again.
“AHH!” Natasha fake cried out as the stinging pain grew with intensity. She tightened her legs as she felt a warm sensation between them. She breathed in deeply to calm her body.
“Most importantly.” Kara said, “When someone humiliates our own, we have to make examples of them.”
WHACK! Another spank hit Natasha. “You humiliate other people all the time!” Natasha shouted, “You humiliated my friends. Ashley was one of you! What gives any of you the right to treat people this way?” WHACK!
Kara grabbed Natasha’s hair and pulled her up to her feet. “My mom is the vice president of this school AND I’m better than you, THAT’S what gives me the right! Ashley betrayed us by joining you and your sl.tty dyke friend.”
“Their name is Danny. AHH!!” Natasha screamed as Cammy grabbed onto her breasts and twisted them. They were firm to Cammy’s touch, slightly larger than Cammy’s hand.
“Nice titties.” Cammy joked.
“Girls loving girls..that’s so…immoral!” Madison said.
“Danny isn’t a girl and what Danny and Ashley do together is none of your business!” Natasha said. Cammy grabbed onto her breasts and squeezed them again. “AAHHHH!!!” Natasha screamed as she closed her eyes, her legs buckling together from the arousal that was starting to overcome her body.
“Kara, she doesn’t seem to be bothered by this.” Madison said as she noticed Natasha’s facial expression wasn’t changing much. She swung the paddle against Natasha’s ass and she didn’t even flinch this time.
“You’re right.” Kara said surprised herself.
“That’s because I’m not an overly conservative prude unlike you three.” Natasha said, “You realize there are other people with different experiences than you right?”
“Oh we’re prudes are we?” Kara asked, “Maybe we need to think outside the box with our humiliating you then.” She walked away from Natasha behind a desk and bent down. While she rummaged through something Natasha couldn’t see, Cammy and Madison continued their duties of inflicting pain on Natasha. Kara stood up with something in her hand and walked behind Natasha who tried looking around to see what it is. “Grab her hair.” Kara said.
Natasha felt her head rear back as Cammy grabbed it all in a pontytail and pulled it back hard. Then she heard a CLICK! And a BZZZZZZZZZZZ!! “Wh-what are you doing?!” she asked even though in her mind she knew what it was.
“Just stepping it up a notch. Madison if you’ll take these scissors please.” Kara said handing Madison a pair of scissors while she held an electric trimmer in her hand.
“NO! STOP IT!” Natasha shouted trying to squirm free of her ropes. She shook her head and then felt a hard pull on her hair and then a release as it felt lighter, Madison had trimmed her straight long locks off. “NOOOOO! LET ME GO!” she screamed.
“Careful, you don’t want to move too much unless you want us slicing off your skin.” Cammy joked as she held Natasha’s head still.
“I’m going to kick your asses!” Natasha screamed then she felt the clippers against the temple of her head. She screamed as she felt the clippers run against her hair, feeling shreds of her hair falling from her face. “NOOO!!!” she screamed, closing her eyes and trying not to cry. Kara continued cutting Natasha’s hair, running it over different parts of her head. With her eyes on the ground, Natasha saw more and more clumps of hair fall to the ground and when she stopped seeing clumps fall, she knew she was completely bald, feeling the air around her head much more than she had prior.
“Sexy egghead.” Kara said as she ran her hand along the fuzzy bumps left from her shaved head.
“Let’s fry an egg on it.” Cammy said which made the other two laugh.
“Well I don’t think we’re done yet ladies.” Kara said, “We still have one more spot of hair to take care of.”
Natasha’s eyes widened as she knew what Kara was referring to. “No. You wouldn’t.” She said.
“Got to make sure the curtains match the d****s.” Kara said, but first we’ll have to get these clothes off you.”
“NO!!” Natasha screamed as she tried to break free, this time fighting harder than she did before.
‘Wow. Looks like someone really doesn’t want to lose her clothes. Let’s fix that.” Kara said as she removed the tie from around Natash’as neck grabbed onto the top of her shirt, pulling it apart as hard as she could. While she did this, Madison and Cammy helped each other cut Natasha’s skirt from the bottom up with the pair of scissors.
“Someone help me!” Natasha screamed, “PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! ANYONE!”
Her calls were drowned out by the laughter of the three furies as they removed the last of Natasha’s blouse. Natasha closed her eyes and started to cry as she felt the air hit the rest of her body as she knew what they saw. Wrapped tightly around Natasha’s dark round breasts was an intricate series of rope, two strands wrapped from under her arms like bra straps while other strands circled tightly in a figure eight knot around her breasts, making them look much firmer from being tied so tight. Around Natasha’s waist was another rope with knots on the side that ran between her ass cheeks like a thong and over her crotch was a series of celtic knots. Her ass cheeks were fit but curvy, hanging beautifully between the strands of rope. Natasha felt her face go warm as she blushed having been exposed in her rope bra and panties that Mistress Victoria had her wear.
“Oh my god.” Kara said with a smile, “What a freak.”
“Ewww!!” Madison cooed, “She’s into that bondage stuff!”
“Look at her pussy.” Cammy pointed, “It’s wet, she was turned on from being spanked!”
Natasha tried squeezing her legs together in a poor attempt to cover her rope panties but she knew it was no use.
“This is soo much better than shaving her pussy.” Kara said. “Wait til the rest of the school sees what a kinky sl.t you are.”
“What?!” Natasha screamed, “You can’t be serious! Not like this!”
“Oh we are.” Kara said, “Girls grab her. Time to show the school your sexy new haircut.”
“NOOO STOP IT!” Natasha screamed as she felt herself get picked up by Cammy and Madison.
Natasha felt sweat run down her face and began hyperventilating as she got closer to the door. Granted she had been used to participating in public disgrace, but that was in a setting around friends and people she felt safe around, people who were open minded and knew the difference between consent and not. Being forced out into a school who would know about her intimate life was something she didn’t want others to know and they were about to find out. “Let me go!”
“You heard her ladies.” Kara said as she opened the door. “Let her go.”
Natasha screamed as she felt a hard push against her back that sent her hopping outside into the cold air. She felt her nipples go hard and point out as she started to chatter her teeth from the cold. Her ass jiggled from hopping up and down. She screamed when she saw the large number of students walking to class as it was between classes. Instantly, all the women turn and then gasp in shock at what they saw.
“Let’s hear it for our kinky psychology major Natasha everyone!” Kara called out from a bullhorn on the second floor.
Like being in front of a firing squad, some of the women raised their camera phones and began taking pictures of the tied up Natasha. She screamed and tried pivoting to the side to conceal what she could of her exposed body. She continued hopping along, fighting back dry sobs as she tried escaping the crowd of students. Every time she jumped, she felt her tightly bound breasts jiggle up and down, causing some of the women watching to laugh even harder.
“Someone cut me loose!” Natasha called out, tears began falling from her face. “Stop looking at me!” she shouted as she tried to squirm free. Two girls from the crowd ran out to try cutting Natasha free but while she was being cut loose, she heard mixed voices from other women.
“Oh my god, what happened to her hair?”
“Why does she have rope as underwear?”
“Oh my god!” Natasha cried as the voices continued, then she felt her legs and arms get cut free and she immediately wrapped her arms around her breasts and rope panties. She immediately darted through the crowd of shocked and laughing women, using her hand to cover her thonged backside. She was always turned on by a little humiliation but this was worse. This was humiliation against her will and ultimately threatened her academic career. Not only that but her hair had been destroyed and on top of being exposed in underwear that outed her secret life, Natasha felt like she had absolutely no dignity left at all. As she ran to her dorm, she tried getting rid of her rope bra and panties, trying to loosen the knots but they were too tight and so she was forced to return to her room with them on. She already felt singled out as being a woman of color but now she knew everyone would talk about her kinky side that she didn’t want to know. Once Natasha made it inside her hall, she ran past the shocked students in the hallways and ran to her room, darting under her bed covers and crying softly into her pillow. Even though she was alone, she still curled up and covered her exposed body parts, wanting to leave the school and never face anyone on campus again.


“Mm is that for me?” Ashley asked Danny as she dropped their pants down and saw the long black leather dildo sticking out of Danny’s jock strap.
“I hope so.” Danny said, “It’s going to need a little lubing up before though.’
“Okay.” Ashley said as she slid her hands against Danny’s chest before dropping to her knees and fellating the dildo. Danny had their hands behind their back as they thrusted the dildo in Ashley’s mouth. They breathed in as they felt Ashley’s cold fingers touch their thighs from being outside.
“Ohh babe.” Danny moaned as they felt the hilt of the dildo push against their clitoris. Ashley took off her shirt and began massaging her breasts, pushing them up and squeezing her nipples as she ran her tongue against the dildo, running her tongue against the widened tip and then wrapping her lips around the shaft as she pushed her head back and forth, closing her eyes to imagine that it was Danny’s penis pushing into her.
When she was done she kissed the tip and said, “Okay I’m ready.”
Danny brought her to the bed said, “Get on your knees.” Ashley obeyed, taking off her pants and underwear and presented her rear end upward, burying her chin against the pillow. Looking down, Danny ran their hands against Ashley’s smooth hips and then finally squeezed her firm ass cheeks, spanking them hard. Lifting the dildo, Danny guided it into Ashley’s area between Ashley’s red lips and pushed inward. Ashley’s toes curled and she moaned as she felt the large toy go inside her. “Oh Danny.” She said as she gripped the sides of the pillow.
Danny leaned forward and cupped their hands over Ashley’s breasts, running their fingers against the smooth mounds and occasionally pinching her nipples. Then, they slowly began thrusting in and out of her pussy, feeling their own aroused juices cooling against them from the turn on of having doggy style sex with Ashley.
“Ohhhhhhhhh.” Ashley said as she pushed back and forth into the dildo. “Spank me.” She said and Danny obeyed, SLAP! “OH!” SLAP! “UNGH!!” SLAP! “OHHH DAMN THAT’S SO GOOD!”
Danny bit their lip as they grabbed onto Ashley’s hips to thrust faster, hearing the wet smacking noises of the dildo inside Ashley’s pussy. Ashley had one finger going in and out of her pussy while also rubbing her swollen clitoris to enhance the pleasure, her fingers were soaked in her own juices. “OHHHHHHHH DANNNNY!! PULL MY HAIR!!” Danny bunched up Ashley’s long locks and tugged on them like a handle, making her rear her head back. “AHHHHHH!!! YYYEYA YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!” she began yelling. “HARDER F.CK ME HARDER!” she shouted, Danny, wiping sweat from their brow began thrusting as hard as they could, driving the dildo deeper and deeper inside Ashley. Their legs began to strain from the angle but the visual of seeing Ashley’s sweat covered back, almost in the form of a violin, turned Danny on and made the pain easy to ignore. Ashley’s legs buckled as she gasped from the pleasure she felt now that the dildo was reaching the furthest into her vagina as possible. She stopped masturbating as she grabbed onto the headboard of her bed and arched her hips more. “OHHHH GOOOD BABBY I’M GONNA CUM. I’m GONNA CUM. I’M GONNA OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!HHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” she called out as she felt jets of liquid explode out of her pussy, smacking Danny’s thighs and soaking the bed. Danny smiled as they pulled out and saw the large dark spot below Ashley’s legs where she just came. Ashley’s chest heaved up and down as she returned from cloud nine. She sat up and hugged Danny, kissing them hard by sliding her tongue against theirs. “That was amazing.” She said.
“I’m glad.” Danny said, as they kissed her again.
“What can I do to thank you?” she asked as she took off Danny’s shirt and began circling her fingers around Danny’s small breasts.
“Mmm…want to me with the dildo now?” Danny asked.
Ashley smiled and said, “sure.” As she stood up from the bed while Danny loosened the strap on belt and stepped out of it. Ashley picked up the leather strap on and examined it, seeing the spent juice from her vaginal walls giving the shaft a shine under the moonlight. While she stepped into the strap and tightened the harness around her waist, Danny lay on the bed and inserted their index and middle fingers in their pussy. Already their lips were wet from doing doggy style with Ashley, and they actually had to slow down their momentum so as not to climax early.
When Ashley fastened the last belt, she stood in front of Danny and giggled from the sensation of the straps around her waist and legs. When she moved, she could feel the weight of the dildo moving. “Turn around.” Danny said and admired Ashley’s pink cheeks wrapped in leather straps, like she was wearing backless underwear. Danny reached out and slapped Ashley on the ass again and she made a little yelp in pleasure. She turned around and knelt on the bed as Danny spread their legs. Ashley guided the dildo downward and then pressed her hands on the bed as she thrusted inward.
“OOOO.” Danny said as they bent their knees to spread their pussy more as the dildo went in. Danny ran their hands along Ashley’s breasts again, gripping them tighter than before.
“Oh yeah baby that feels great.” Ashley said as she smiled against the pain. She actually bent forward and bit Danny’s nipple as she thrusted harder.
“OH F.CK!” Danny shouted, “Oh you’re so hot!”
“Yeah, you like me f.cking you?” Ashley whispered in Danny’s ear, hissing her hot breath against it before she nibbled it. She cocked her head back to whip her hair over her shoulder as she continued to ride Danny. Danny’s clitoris at this point had retracted slightly under its hood as they reached the plateau phase of their arousal. The dildo, coated in Danny’s juices slid effortlessly in and out of their vaginal walls. Danny’s eyes were closed to further enjoy the pleasure of the large phallice inside of them. When Ashley grabbed onto Danny’s hips and leaned back, tilting the dildo upward into Danny’s pussy, Danny’s eyes opened and rolled up as they felt their legs lock up. “OHHHHHHAASHHHLEEEEYY!!!!!! OHHH GOOOODD!!!!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHYEEAAHHHH!!!” Danny’s legs twitched as they orgasmed, feeling the dildo get more wet as they came. Ashley smiled as they watched Danny’s face contort in orgasmic delight. She pulled out and let Danny breath for a moment as they relaxed. By now, both partners were covered in sweat, Ashley’s hair was in mild disarray while Danny’s face and chest were red from having recently orgasmed.
“Oh you are so f.cking amazing.” They said as they leaned up and kissed Ashley. They both fell back on the bed, with Ashley on top of Danny as they kissed each other once more.
“Mmmmmmmm best thing ever about college.” Ashley said as she closed her eyes.
“That reminds me, you’ll never guess what I saw today.” Danny said.
“I saw Madison and the other two Furies outside. They hung her underwear up on the flag pole and then she snapped and got into a catfight with this other sorority girl and stripped her of her clothes.”
“Oh my gosh!” Ashley said in surprise, “ I had no idea Madison was that aggressive. That’s awful about the sorority girl but I’m not surprised, they always treated the underclassman like they were second class citizens.”
“Which makes me wonder how hard it’s going to be to get Cammy.”
“Don’t worry babe, we’ll think of something.” Ashley said as she kissed Danny again. They both got under the covers and went to sleep, enjoying the silence of the night and drunk on the chemicals in their brains that came after having sex, unaware of a tiny whirring sound that had gone on and off the entire time.
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