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Old 03-13-2020, 03:26 PM
jdviole2 jdviole2 is offline
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Default My wifes life in front of the camera

Today I am going to expand on my descriptions of the photos and tell some short Helena stories in connection with each of those. The first one does not include Helena but relates to yesterdays post. It shows one of our Christmas's together. The hangings on the wall were hand made by Helena and I and the three angels on the right side of the picture were ceramic's that were hand painted by Helena. Looking at this picture I can't believe all the gifts we used to buy each other. (Yes those ALL are for just the two of us.) The shot is in the living room of our first house. The window behind the tree is the one that Helena was standing naked in front of in one of her nude photos. You can just see the edge of the diamond shaped mirror (on the left side of the picture) that also figure into some of her nude pictures. The couch that she posed on is against the wall on the right but was positioned under the hanging light for her nudes. The second picture today shows Helena washing her hands in a stream in the mountains. The dog walking along the stream is Houligan. We had some friends that moved to Colorado. Before they moved they ordered a dog from a local breeder. When the puppy was old enough Helena and I decided to pick up the dog and drive him halfway to Colorado. We met our friends at a reststop on the interstate and made the transfer after lunch. Helena hated to see him go. She had held him the entire 200 miles we had to drive while she slept in her lap. She had fallen deeply in love by the time we got to the reststop. Our friends already had one old dog and they brought her along. She got along great while we were having lunch but our friend told us that on the way back to Denver the older dog kept staring at our friends almost like she was saying "Hey they forgot their damn dog. Don't tell me WE have to take him". The two dogs ended up being good friends. Helena loved getting to see him when we would go out to visit and hike. The third picture is of a much younger Helena. It was taken at a local fair in Michigan where she grew up. She had once told me about having cotton candy that was half as big as she was. I, of course, figured she was greatly exagerating the size of the goodie. When her father died we took all the family pictures home with us. While looking at all the pictures I found this one and showed it to her. She looked at me with a very smug expression and said "I told you so". I couldn't argue. While not half as big as her it is awfully close. I have many pictures of her at that fair or others like it. Riding the rides, and eating of course. I even have her first "nude" photos. Taken when she was about 2 standing up in a bath tub. Of course I can't show you those. I have some others that I will post at a future time. It is interesting (to me at any rate) to see the expressions that I saw everyday on such a small, young face. The fourth picture shows Helena in one of our motel rooms (in Colorado) eating breakfast before getting ready for a mountain hike. Though we both loved to eat a good breakfast (a full English breakfast, as they say) we never did if we were planning a long hike. The round tin on the bed is full of brownies. My grandmother, and after she passed away (at 99) my mother would make brownies for us to take on vacation with us. Homemade fudge brownies, with a marshmallow topping and a swirl of chocolate frosting. We ate them at breakfast and for a snack. Helena is drinking her morning coffee. We used to take an imersion heater with us and she would have to have her cup of hot coffee every morning. I hate hot drinks and settled for a cold coke. The thought of that almost made her sick. The somewhat sour expression on her face is her normal "morning" face. Helena was NOT a morning person. (She wasn't an night person either). She functioned best from 10 AM thru 9 PM. Any other time, forget it. I, on the other hand am a night person (I always claim to be part vampire since I don't really come to life until after sundown) but am able to function well in the morning too. From waking up to full speed ahead only takes me about 5 minutes. Helena hated that. The next picture is Helena and our first cat, Scamper, when he was just a kitten. She had wanted a cat for a long time but I wasn't sure. I had two bad experiences with cats (scratching and being bitten in the neck) and really didn't want to take a chance again. Finally though I realized that she really wanted a kitten. We went to a pet shop near us (we were driving by this time). Helena only insisted on two things that the cat be a short hair and a female. The shop had a batch of kittens sharing a open pen. All of them were running around and playing, rough housing each other. All except this one cat that was sitting at the edge of the pen looking up at us. Helena fell in love. Obviously this cat was more interested in people than in the other cats. I pointed out to her that the cat was a long hair. She thought for a minute and decided she could handle that. Then I took a look. I told her that the cat was a male also. (FYI sexing of kittens is VERY hard to do. No genitals are visible yet and you are dependent on judging the spacing between two openings on the cats bottom. I know kind of gross). The owner of the shop, in a very superior sounding voice, informed me that I was wrong and it was a female. There was a lot of back and forth between the two of us. Finally I told Helena that the cat was a male and if she could deal with that then she could have him. If she really didn't want a male then we weren't going to take the cat. The owner of the store freaked out and kept insisting it was female. I told her she was wrong and should just keep quiet while Helena decided. She kept quiet but I think it was more out of shock than anything else. Helena said she thought she could deal with it. So we brought him home. She named him Scamper because of the way he "scampered" around the house. We took him for his first health check. Helena asked the question, "male or female". I had all fingers and toes crossed. The vet looked and without hesitation said "oh obviously a male". I was right. She did all the scratching post training, and other training. (Side note here: I had house broken many dogs and was not looking forward to doing the same with the cat. When I watched as he climbed into the litter box and went by himself I was sold on cats. After that I always refered to it as the cat being "preloaded with software".) He was with us for fourteen years. If this was a pets thread I could write for hours about him but I guess I need to return to Helena. The next picture is Helena relaxing in the front room of our second house. This is kind of a hard picture to look at. I am staring this very minute at the same pillow she is resting her arm on. The glass she is drinking from is in a cupboard in the kitchen. It came from her mom and dad's house. I still use it. Though the picture hanging on the wall is not there anymore it is stored in a closet in a spare bedroom and I see it from time to time. The smile is one that I have seen many times and still is the expression I most see when I dream of her, which is almost every night. One last bonus picture. This was taken by Helena's dad in the summer of 1973 the day after we got engaged. I had come over to ask his permission to marry Helena. He wanted to take our picture and I'm glad he did. I don't have many pictures of the two of us together and this is one of my favorites. By the way even though she was 22 and didn't need permission it just seemed the right thing to do. And thats it for today.
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Last edited by Turtle; 03-14-2020 at 06:29 PM. Reason: Child in picture
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Old 03-14-2020, 12:43 PM
jdviole2 jdviole2 is offline
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Default My wifes life in front of the camera

More photo expansions today. The first picture is similar to ones you have already seen. Helena raking leaves in the front yard of our first house. Helena had saved most all of the money she had earned from the three jobs she had held since High School. I had some saved. We pooled our money and put a down payment on this house because it was close to both our parents houses and we were familiar with the surroundings. The total cost of the house was 18 thousand dollars. Our monthly payments were one hundered and thirty dollars. It was a junky house but for us it was a dream come true. We painted the inside, and put new carpeting in. We used Helena's savings to buy new furniture for the house. Certainly not the most expensive but it suited us just fine. Helena loved working outside. She planted a lot of flowers (you have seen some shots of her with her tulips and iris). Of course in the fall we had to rake the leaves. Boy did we have fun doing that. We would rake them into a huge pile and then, just like we were six years old, would run and jump into the pile. We would rassle around and generally get covered with leaf fragments. The only hard part was stopping the play before we started to undress each other. (Occasionally I would get her pants-n-panties down a bit and flash the neighborhood) Then while we cooled off we reraked the leaves and bagged them. Shoveling the snow in the winter worked much the same way only substituting a pile of snow for the one of leaves. Every once and a while a small handful of snow ended up down the back of her pants/underwear. She would always get me back. This one was taken in the 70's. The next picture is Helena at Scotts Bluff National Monument in western Nebraska. This was a "marker" on the way west for the settlers. Near the bottom of the monument you can still see wagon ruts worn deeply into the soil. There is a trail to the top. And a road. We drove to the top and walked down. I think I have a picture somewhere of Helena on the trail. When we got to the bottom I insisted that Helena sit and rest while I walked back up to the top and picked up the car. Whenever we would visit historic locations, like this, we would spend time before researching the sights and then time there talking about the history. Helena was always interested to learn about what we were seeing. She became quite an expert on a great many things in our life together. This would have been in 1991 on her Birthday vacation that I have talked about. The third shot is self explanatory. On our first visit to Hollywood the Universal tour was toward the top of Helena's list of things to see. She was hoping to see a bunch of stars. All she got on the tour was a long distance view of Lindsay Wagner (Bionic woman). We did see other minor personalities but no really big stars, at least she didn't. We actually got to see bigger celebrities at home. Vincent Price visited a store near us once promoting a cook book he had written. We went to see him and Helena got to meet him. He was very sweet to her and she really got a kick out of it. I am fascinated by special effects and have been fascinated with stop motion animation since I was a kid. I talked so much about it that Helena finally asked me to tell her how it was done. After an afternoon of explaining I set up my camera the next day and she spent about six hours animating a dance with eight pair of doll shoes. When we got the film back she was thrilled and I was proud because the dance looked almost perfect. Very sophisticated work. She had heard me talk about Ray Harryhausen, an acknowledged genius in stop motion animation. Once he was to make a personal appearance near to where we lived. Helena urged me to get tickets to all the events. (There was a lecture, a screening of two of his movies, and a cocktail party). All were enjoyable. The highlight for both of us was the cocktail party. There were not as many people there as I expected there would be and we got a lot of time to talk to Mr Harryhausen. I mentioned to him the dancing shoes that Helena had animated. He asked her about what technique she had used and they talked at length about the art of stop motion. I can't tell you the feeling it gave me to see Helena and the top person in the field together, "talking shop". She never directly said but I think she was very proud of that. I know I was so proud of her. That was in 1992. The next picture is a little deceptive. Helena looks like she might be unhappy here but she really isn't. She is a bit tired. The dejected pose is just her resting her head on her hand. The beginning of the trail is way back at the beginning of the valley you see behind her. We were about half way to our destination. And then of course we would have to walk the same distance back. By the way Helena prefered walking up the mountains rather than down. It had nothing to do with breathing (though in the Rockies it can be a struggle) but with her feet. We always wore hiking boots (except for the one very memorable vacation when she insisted on doing all the packing and forgot to bring MY boots but instead got two pair's of her boots) and on the downhill leg her feet would jam the toes up at the front of the boot and by the time we got down her toes always hurt. The yellow coat she is wearing (and you have seen in many other pictures) was her mom's coat that she wore on vacation. For years Helena wore that coat on her vacations too, in memory of her mom. This picture would be from the early 80's. Next we see Helena at Alberta Falls in Colorado in the early 80's (note Helena is wearing her moms yellow coat again). The falls is a little over three quarters of a mile from the trailhead. It is a pretty easy walk. You get to see some very nice aspen forest (especially like this in the fall when they have turned color). From here we would always continue on to either Lake Mills or Loch Vale. Both moderately difficult hikes. They were never too hard for Helena though. There is another hike that she really liked where you got to see three lakes. You start with a short easy slightly uphill hike to Nymph Lake (lots of water lilys). You continue on a very steep climb before you get to Dream Lake. Then another steep climb up to Emerald Lake. She made all of them without complaint. We took our time and rested whenever either of us tired out. We always ate lunch on the trail and had snacks with us. One trip we were coming back from Mills Lake (and had just passed these waterfalls) when we met a newly wed couple from Texas coming up the trail. They asked how much further to the lake and were a little unhappy to find out it was farther than they had hoped. I pointed out the dark clouds gathering around the mountain top and suggested that they not make the climb to the lake. There is a real danger of lightning in the mountains. Right after we got to the parking lot and into the car it began to storm. A few minutes later the newly weds appeared. We had them get into the car with us. They were parked at the lower parking lot and still had another half mile to walk to their car so we gave them a ride. Helena (the old married woman) and the new bride were talking together about who knows what. The husband and I were talking about other things they could see on the vacation. Just then the rain stopped and "corn snow" began. If you don't know that is a type of precipitation that looks like hail but instead of ice is made up of small balls of snow. That was another event that Helena remembered and talked about a lot. The last picture for today is another one of Helena (in the yellow coat) from the 80's just getting ready to continue the hike. Its funny how some pictures have such an emotional impact for me. This seemingly normal picture brings me to tears. I think it is just the look on Helena's face as she gazes up the trail. I feel the warmth of the sun, I can smell the pine forest and clean crisp autumn air, and I anticipate the feel of her hand as I helped her up (as I always did). This picture looks so much like I have seen her a million times that I feel like I could reach out and stroke her hair or kiss her cheek. One of my favorite pictures.
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Old 03-15-2020, 11:44 AM
jdviole2 jdviole2 is offline
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Default My wifes life in front of the camera

Continuing with the extended stories of the photos todays first picture is Helena coming down the trail from Blue Lake. This is the last big downhill stretch and the rest is a long walk through meadows and stands of trees. As I have said before the Blue Lake trail was Helena's favorite hike. There are nice Aspen trees (full of color in the fall), that lake you see in the picture, then you climb above the trees and are on the tundra. The final destination, Blue Lake, is a cold lake with a small waterfall at the oposite end of the lake. Sometimes when we visited our friends in Denver we would take the dogs and all of us would hike to Blue Lake. The female dog really loved to swim. She would get in the lake and just wouldn't come out. When it was time to go home the owner would call her and she would head for shore. As long as you stood waiting and watching her she would keep heading in. If you turned your back she would reverse course and head for the middle of the lake again. By the time we got back to the car she and Houligan would be exhausted and would sleep all the way back to Denver. She had some kind of nasal problem and when she slept she made a noise like a bee, a constant buzzing sound. Helena loved that. All together I suppose Helena and I hiked this trail 10 or more times. She never got tired of the hike and really I didn't either. There was a lot to see and plenty of animals on the trail to watch. The second picture today is Helena with two of our honorary kids. We didn't have any children so two of our friends would involve us with their kids. In this picture they had just come back from buying "Cabbage Patch" dolls. This was when they first came out and were almost impossible to get. Helena and her friend stood with the two kids for two hours just to check out. To make you all feel old. The girl in this picture is married and has 4 kids now. The boy is also married and he and his wife are expecting their second baby in a few months. For number three today is a picture of Helena at Knotts Berry Farm in LA. It is a theme park, in competition with Disney for visitor dollars, and has a lot of rides and things. We went there two or three different times. The last time we were there they had put in an updated version of an old ride of theirs. Originally called the steeple chase (a horse racing ride) the horses had been replaced with motor cycles. You sit on the bike with just a lap belt and hold on to the handle bars. The bikes are pulled up a hill and turned loose to travel down a track. It was an early version of a roller coaster, dating from the 20's (I think). It wasn't there too many years. I am guessing here but I imagine they couldn't get insurance for it since the only restraint was a lap belt. You almost got thrown off going around the curves. Helena liked the ride (but she only wanted to ride once, so figure out for your self how MUCH she liked it). The Ghost Town portion, pictured here, had some rides, eats and shops. The other main attraction at Knotts (and it was the real beginning of the park) was the Chicken Dinner restaraunt. The food was really good. They originally sold jellys and preserves, and introduced the Chicken Dinners to have something else to entice people to stop. And, yes this is the same Knotts as you can buy in the grocery today. Picture number four is Helena on a trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. Originally Helena wasn't sure she would like to visit someplace with no trees or streams. She quickly fell in love with "red rock" country though because of the variety of shadings of the rocks. This particular trail is really neat winding through these very deep canyons with the red rock walls towering above. The only thing she worried about was what to do in case it rained. Any rain can very quickly rush down these canyons and they become very dangerous. I assured her that they didn't get much rain in this part of the country so not to worry. Flooding was a constant worry to her. Everytime we visited Estes Park she would be a nervous wreck until we got to town. The Eastern approach to Estes is through the Big Thompson Canyon. It is a very long canyon with just room for a small river and the road. Every so often a wider spot held a cabin. In July of 1976 a thunderstorm dumped over 1 foot of water in four hours at the top of the canyon. A 6 meter high wall of water washed down the canyon. There isn't anywhere to run to and 144 people died. Helena knew about this and it was a constant worry for her. Picture number five is a portrait of Helena taken during her "nude shoot" where she revealed ALL to the camera. While she was on her back with her legs spread I adjusted her hair and took this portrait. You can just see her bare shoulders and let your imagination do the rest. After yesterdays post I went back to work cleaning out the house and as usual checking to see if I could find any more pictures of her. I found a box with about 400 slides in it. I put it aside and continued to clean. When I got done for the day I took the box upstairs and spent a hour or so looking at the slides. I found quite a few pictures of Helena in among all the slides including this portrait. Also in the box was the next picture, another of her bikini pictures. Showing a bit of butt peeking out of both sides of the bottoms and even a hint of butt crack at the top. These pictures were taken in our backyard in full view of our neighbors. (The guy that lived just on the other side of that tree she is standing by was a bit of a perv. His bathroom window faced our back door and he didn't have a shade on the window. Helena saw him one day standing in front of the mirror making "he man" poses. And he didn't have a "he man" body. She said she didn't know whether to laugh or throw up. Surprisingly she wasn't nervous about posing outside. I don't know if she knew just how revealing the suit was but probably she did. By this time she was beginning to believe me when I told her how beautiful she was and also was beginning to believe in herself. In addition to those two pictures I found one of her in a minidress and four pictures of her wearing that translucent nightgown/robe. In post number two there is a picture of her wearing that outfit. Each of these show some hints or more than hints of nipples and pubic hair just showing through the material. The mini dress picture is almost a duplicate of one previously posted but with a much different expression on her face. I will be posting these occasionally to kind of spice things up. Oh and I found the original copy of the "laying on the bed butt shot" from post number 44. I will post that also some time soon even though it will be sort of a dupe the quality is so much better using the original slide. The one before was a copy of a copy of a copy of the original and really appallingly bad. So I had a good day with the cleaning. And. Saving the best news for last. I also found 5 new color nudes and 6 new black and white nudes of Helena. I only remember taking one of these so the rest are new to me also. When I get them cleaned up I will be posting them 1 or 2 at a time. There still may be a few more black and white ones somewhere but the negatives will be in a different place and I'm not sure where that is. I will be satisified though, if this is all that I ever find. I loved her bottom. I couldn't keep my hands off of it no matter whether we were in public or in private. I always wished that I had taken more shots of her bare butt. To my great joy I found that two of the black and white pictures feature her behind, including one that I think is magnificent (remember I am biased). To whet your appitite I have included one of the nightgown/robe pictures. This is the least revealing of the shots. She only shows more from here on.
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Last edited by Wetmac; 03-15-2020 at 06:36 PM.
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