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Old 09-16-2019, 11:16 PM
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Default [ENF/EUF] Muslim Girl's Wardrobe Disaster

[Part 1)

The alarm emphatically blared, interrupting Amira’s perfect dream. In her usual groggy state in the morning, the young woman smacked her phone a few times before returning to sleep. This process would repeat over the next hour 5 or 6 times. Fully aware of her inability to wake up on time, Amira set plenty of backup alarms, but only the final one did its job of breaking her trance. Unfortunately for her, it was already 7:45, fifteen minutes before school began. Seeing the time, she sprang into acting, cursing her sleeping habits yet again.

For any high school girl in her senior year, fifteen minutes wouldn’t be enough to prepare for a dull eight-hour day. For Amira, a practicing Muslim, fifteen minutes might as well of been 15 seconds. Unlike nearly all her contemporaries, she never wore makeup, mostly because she didn’t need to. Her caramel-colored skin was consistent and spotless, perfectly contrasting her dark brown eyes, mesmerizing and inviting. Amira’s face was enough to grab everyone’s attention, but her body made her every boy’s dream in school. Standing around 5’6, the 18-year-old didn’t have an extra ounce of unnecessary fat due to her healthy diet. More importantly, her skinnier physique did not hamper her amble breasts, which measured 36D and came in impeccable round shape. Finally, Amira’s body saved the best for last with her enormous heart-shaped ass that enthralled men and stupefied women. Despite having these features that her classmates would kill for (either to have themselves or for themselves), Amira’s conservative and religious nature made them almost a curse. She certainly wasn’t a prude, she made friends easily, and even had a boyfriend or two. Overall, however, she hated showing sort of promiscuity, let alone some skin around her schoolmates. If time permitted, Amira meticulously planned her outfits, including a hijab or other headwear, to conceal both her skin and her abundant assets.

This made her oversleeping habits detrimental to her traditional ways. Despite her beauty and intelligence, Amira was incredibly lazy, not only oversleeping, but always behind on laundry or planning things ahead of time. Scrambling as she got up from bed, she barely had time to scrounge an outfit together.

“No way, this can’t be the only pair of underwear I have…”.

Regretting her apathy far too late, Amira skulked at her only choice of undergarments for the day. Struggling to pull them on, Amira shivered at the thought of walking around school in these, the feel of them hardly covering some of her butt. The matching bra was not much better. Amira’s preferred granny panties and bra combo would work to conceal her ass and breasts, so she was acutely aware of how her body was in full display. However, she’d just have to survive this one day.

Praying for something to go right, Amira fumbled through her dresser for more “proper clothing”. Unfortunately for her, she couldn’t even find a tank top or leggings. Besides shorts and t-shirts that were reserved for home use, all she had to conceivably wear was a long-sleeved floral dress, seldom worn. It wasn’t too tight, although she had no way of knowing how she looked from behind. But now Amira realized she spent almost 10 minutes getting dressed, so she threw it on, slipped on her long black boots to cover her legs that the dress left open, and hastily wrapped a plain beige hijab along with her comically large glasses, not even bothering with her contacts this morning. Finally ready (if you can call this “ready” she thought regrettably to herself), she got into her car and uncharacteristically sped to school, knowing that another tardy mark would deduct her first period math grade. This would be the beginning of a very abnormal (and dreadful) day for the beautiful young woman.

Shuffling as fast as she could to period one, Amira completely forgot her state of dress, all that was on her mind was being on time. In a split second, the first bell rant as she clumsily made her way into class, almost falling. The teacher, Mr. Harrison, remained unfazed and continued nonchalantly writing the lesson plan on the board.

“I wonder who that is.” He sarcastically announces while he continues to write. “Sorry Amira but this is one too many tardies. You have to report to…”

He froze as he turned around to see the dashing girl bending down to put her bag down. She was completely out of breath and discombobulated, and similarly suspended herself in a bent down position. By now half the class looked up to their phones, but most only saw the front of Amira. Meanwhile the middle-aged teacher got a reminder of his younger days as he remained enthralled by the sight of the 45° angled woman, as he saw the sight of his (mid)life. She nervously pulled a 180, ready to make her way to the office. Finally regaining his composure, Mr. Harrison finally broke the silence.

“Uh, actually, traffic was pretty bad coming in, so don’t worry about being late.”

Satisfied with this, both parties went to their desks, as the teacher sat down primarily to wait for his surprise erection to leave.

“Yeah, everyone work on the do-now in chapter 13 on trigonometry, I have to, Um, prepare a test.”

Many students were perplexed about his lack of his usual berating of the class for the previous’ week’s poor performance. Most happily went back to their phones, but a few of the boys, especially the underclassmen, keenly noticed his behavior. And despite not getting the heavenly view Mr. Harrison had, these horny adolescents knew full well what he was reacting to. They also noticed that Amira, again, came late and, by her standards, in a poorly planned outfit. Even in her most conservative outfits, most men in her grade got every look they could at her when she wasn’t aware. Finally, after settling down and catching her breath, Amira began wondering why the professor acted so strangely. Then she wondered why she felt so uncomfortable sitting down, not pain, but it was just seemed so hot that her under…

“Oh no”.

She thinks timidly in her head. Amira finally remembered the first ten minutes of her day, and began shivering with self-consciousness.

“Shit, how much did he see? Does this dress, no, it must’ve been something else.”

As these juggled these thoughts along with the assignment, she shyly looks around the classroom. As she rotates quickly to the boys behind her, they all stumble back to their book.

“Were they looking too?! It must be the dress, damn.”

Amira began feeling sick from embarrassment, but as the class went on she began to control her emotions.” OK, I only bent down facing the opposite end of the class. Only Mr. Harrison saw me like that, and the perverts behind me couldn’t of recorded me at all because Harrison takes the sophomore’s phones. Just breathe, Amira”. While she gathered herself temporarily, the sudden realization that almost seven hours remained in the day gave a sudden sense of anxiety to her. She really regrets not doing laundry the night before.

The class finally ended, and Amira nervously walked to her next class. She occasionally jolted a look back to see if anyone was gawking at her behind, but her fears were unfounded.

“OK, at least they shouldn’t be able to see through the dress when I’m standing”, she thought. Luckily for her, the next two classes she sat in the back, so they went by without incident. Still, walking at all made her overly aware of how different her undergarments made her tits and ass move. This gave her a mixed feeling of trepidation and arousment. Still, being exposed to anyone, especially any male classmates, was Amira’s worst nightmare, especially in such lewd bra and panties.

4th period began, and it was her most dreaded period; metalshop.

Every student needed to complete a workshop, and in her trademark fashion Amira waited until senior year to get it over with. So, all she had available was metalshop, along with a class exclusively made up of boys. This class involved moving around and standing while using machines, something Amira disliked even with her current state of dress. As class moved at a snail’s pace, every minute felt like an hour for her. She picked an isolated lathing machine in the corner to sand her hammerhead for the project. Hopefully, no one would get any views from behind.

Unfortunately for Amira, she was clueless when it came to the appliance. It was probably twice her age and she didn’t really pay attention when the teacher explained it. She started the machine, and it began ferociously rotating her metal piece.

“Alright, just gotta look busy” Amira nervously thought to herself.

She leaned toward the machine to begin sanding. For the first time since she ran into Mr. Harrison’s room, she finally began to ignore her wardrobe predicament. Then, the unthinkable happened. The seldom-worn dress was adequate in length to cover her legs. Likewise, it was the perfect length to reach just into the complicated mechanisms of the running lathing machine. In in a split second, the bottom of the dress got caught into the rotating gears, and fiercely began pulling it. A tugging, tearing sound began, and Amira could feel the snug dress constrain on her curvy body. She squealed as she clasped her hands to the machine, painstakingly too far from the “off” button. The dress was on its last threads, and Amira prayed that the nightmare would just end.

It only just began. The dress finally snapped, and vehemently ripped off her body in one fluid motion, as it ripped into countless shreds in the lathing machine. With her hands glued to the machine still, Amira stood in her big black boots, with her long, silky-smooth legs extending to her sexy lacy panties. Purchased as a joke-gift, the light-green Victoria-secret brand underwear, complete small white bow in the front, contorted around Amira’s voluptuous backside, fitting almost like a thong. Her matching bra similarly failed to adequately cover her large breasts. To top it off, her beige hijab remained perfectly in place, although at this point all it did was draw more attention to her precarious situation. Forget showing arms or her lower back, now all she had for her modesty was these things and a loose bra that detailed her now protruding dark brown nipples ever so perfectly.

After five seconds of standing in shock-induced paralysis, Amira barley muffled a terrifying scream with her hands. Her mind shot a thousand different thoughts at once, and she began panicking. Amira theoretically had plenty of time to gather her senses and come up with a plan to escape, or at least find cover. In the back of the room with the lathing machines, all of the other students were talking to each other where the tables are. However, she completely failed to keep her cool.

At first, she was frozen in place. Her knees could not stop buckling, her thighs pressing together in utter disbelief and fear. She frantically looked around for something to cover up with, while simultaneously jolting her head to see if anyone was coming near her. At this point she began crying, still attempting to mute her involuntary gasps.

Hyperventilating at this point, Amira still could not break out of her trance. She desperately shuffled herself towards the emergency door in the back. Millisecond debates went on in her head.

“Open the door? It’s the only way out! But the fire alarm will sound, everyone will eventually go outside with me. I don’t have my keys, I can’t just run home. Fuck!”

Amira abandoned this idea. She could not decide on which direction to go in. The metalshop was huge, which gave her a lot of room to maneuver in, but Amira was in such a discombobulated state, she just desperately maneuvered from point to point, alternating her hands between covering her panties, her chest and her face. Now, her mind was overloaded with fear and embarrassment, and she was still attempting to think of a way out, or just a way to wake up from this nightmare.

While still deciding, her legs finally felt too much pressure, and she collapsed near the door. Lacking the physical and mental strength to compose herself, Amira desperately crawled to a pallet of metal, and curled herself in a ball. If anyone needed something from pallet, they would easily find the near-naked girl, and Amira knew this too. But her mind was too frazzled and shaken to think straight, now all she could do is remain quiet and start praying.

Amira remained in this position for almost ten minutes, silently crying (at least as quietly as she could). While this would be plenty of time to formulate a plan of escape, Amira’s mind was in complete shambles. All she could think about is the inevitable, dreaded moment of getting caught.

“How many people would see her like this? I don’t even have my purse, its in my locker. Fuck, everyone has an HD camera on their phone now, the whole country will see me like this. Should I just cover my face and run? But my hijab will give me away. Why, why why God?”. Praying and wishing for a solution did nothing to help her predicament.

Gradually, she began to at least stop crying, and began to take in her surroundings for any sort of solution.

“Okay, breathe, breathe. My phone is on the other side of the room. No one is there, maybe I can sneak over and”

Before she could finish that thought, in the corner of her eye she saw the teacher walk over to the lathing machine where Amira lost her dress.

“Amira, how is your project going?”

The teacher half-heartedly looked around for her, only noticing her phone.

“I guess she went to the bathroom. The period is about to end, though. Ah well, might as well move this before it falls into the machine, these things are dangerous.” Monologuing his thoughts, the teacher took the phone and bought it to the front of the room, with the rest of the students who were waiting for the period to end.

Witnessing all this, Amira cursed under her breath. This setback also lit a fire under her (as if her entire body was not red-hot with anxiety and embarrassment). Knowing that the change of period would move people around, she finally concentrated for an alternate exit. She remembered that the metalshop was adjacent to the woodshop and shared a door. Usually, metalshop and woodshop would not be going on simultaneously, but she had no way of confirming this. Finally, a freshman began walking towards the back to put away some extra metal. Hearing his coming footsteps, Amira sprung up and began crouching towards the woodshop door. Hiding behind machines for cover, she clumsily crouched towards the door. Not taking anything to chance, she burst through the door, immediately turning around to slam the door shut. Amira anxiously and slowly turned around to face the woodshop, fearing the worst.

Finally, there was some luck, as the class was empty. Amira sighed in relief, but as she stalked through the room looking for something, anything, to cover up with, she glanced into a full-size mirror. At this point it finally dawned on her how embarrassing she looked. She had begun sweating profusely, so the promiscuous bra and panties set stocked to her body even more, further exemplifying her curves. Her boots, glasses and hijab combo made it even a more ridiculous and erotic sight, her current state of dress was truly contradictory. Amira snapped out of this trance, pushing her anxious thoughts to the back of her mind. Unfortunately for her, this room has nothing to cover up with either, as the room was only full of wood planks, tools and machines. Suddenly, the bell ran, signaling a transition to the new period. Amira’s scream was dampened by the bell, and she again fell and crawled to (poor) cover.

In the next few minutes, no one came, which meant that the woodshop class did not start yet. While the room could act as a temporary refuge, Amira knew that fifth period was a transition period, as it was the first lunch period. At most, she would have twenty minutes of peace before the next period occurred, and she absolutely could not stay in this room like this. Seemingly composed, Amira decided to make up a plan to either find clothes or get out of the school.

“Okay, okay, calm down. No one saw you yet. You can get out of this.”

She began pacing the room, her tight undergarments reminding her of their presence with every step, she could feel her butt and breasts jiggle.

“The locker room! My gym clothes are there, I can use them. Yes!”

Finally seeing a chance at freedom, she jolted her sight towards the clock. “OK, 15 minutes until the period ends, I can’t stay here. It’s now or never.” With her hand on the doorknob, a multitude of thoughts went through her head. Anyone could be in the halls; kids skipping class, teachers, a group of middle – schoolers getting a tour of the high school. Amira ignored these fears, quickly opened the door and frantically began running down the hallway.

Last edited by Marauderr; 09-16-2019 at 11:20 PM. Reason: Typo in title
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Old 09-17-2019, 11:15 PM
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Default Feedback.

My 2nd enf story. I tried to iron out the mistakes and readability from my first story. I hope you all enjoy it. If anyone has feedback, criticism, critiques or any suggestions for part 2 , feel free to say so.
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Old 09-18-2019, 11:48 PM
Boss2125 Boss2125 is offline
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wow this is such a rare and unexplored genre. I've never seen a Muslim girl character explored in any meaningful way in such stories. There is so much potential particularly in regards to ENF. Muslim girls who wear the hijab are usually very conservatively dressed and would be embarrassed if they lose that control. Look forward to seeing where you take this
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Old 09-19-2019, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Boss2125 View Post
wow this is such a rare and unexplored genre. I've never seen a Muslim girl character explored in any meaningful way in such stories. There is so much potential particularly in regards to ENF. Muslim girls who wear the hijab are usually very conservatively dressed and would be embarrassed if they lose that control. Look forward to seeing where you take this
Thank you. I completely agree on that sentiment, it's the main reason I wrote it. In all enf media (movies,tv, pictures and stories) I really can't think of any Muslim enf content, maybe a few pictures. Like you said, it's a perfect juxtaposition between the protection of clothing and losing that protection. I'll try to continue the story this week, but I'm open to any ideas too, I can try to throw them in.
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Old 09-30-2019, 03:02 AM
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Default Continuation on chyoa

I am currently writing part two of my story. When the entire 2nd chapter is finished (it'll probably be a 3 chapter story), I'll post it here. However, I am taking a slightly different approach in writing this part. I am uploading it in parts to in different chapters to the story. In addition, I started another chapter in which the main character chooses a different outfit in the beginning (but this chapter series is written pretty quickly, and thus less detailed).

So, if you're interested in this story, you can continue reading it on chyoa, until it's uploaded here. Hopefully I continue to improve my writing.

Here's the link

The "main story" starts if you click the "very, very little" chapter. Anyone is more then welcome to add their own chapters.
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Old 10-01-2019, 12:33 AM
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Default Part Two

Immediately after opening the door and stumbling out into the hallway, Amira frantically looked in all directions to see if she was alone. At least for now, she was. However, she realized that she cannot hesitate so much. Time was a factor, and there was basically nowhere to hide anyway. So, she began running towards the general direction of the school gym.

While Amira had little trouble with her weight, she had absolutely no athletic ability. Even in perfect conditions, Amira was incapable of running for any prolonged amount of time. At best, she could keep up a light jog for a few minutes, but even this would wind her eventually. She never was put into situations where she had to sprint, as she never played sports or even practically tried hard in gym class. However, this was far from an ideal circumstance. Due to her state of dress, Amira’s heart was pounding profusely, which made it difficult to run. Despite only being in her bra and underwear, the large black boots remained on her feet, making it even more difficult to run. Finally, Amira could not commit herself to running in any fluid motion. She could not help but instinctively use her hands to cover her body in various ways. Her hands went from covering her ass, her vagina and her breasts in ineffective rotations. She could not help but stretch the back of her panties out, as they were running up her butt because of the running. All of these factors made it difficult for Amira to make efficient progress towards the gym. As she awkwardly ran down the hall, the cackling of her cumbersome, high-heeled boots reflected throughout the hallway, nullifying any sort of stealth Amira had. Halfway down the hallway, she could not help but close her eyes in apprehension. Once again, the floodgates in her mind opened and a torrent of thoughts sweeped through her mind.

“This can’t be happening this can’t be happening! Why did I keep these fucking boots on?! My hijab too, maybe I should just take it off, so I’m not recognized. But then I’ll feel more exposed. Shit is there someone behind me?! No, I can’t look back, just keep running. I’m about to pass out, but… must… keep going…”.

Despite the war being waged in her head, luck was finally on her side. Despite her poor running, she kept a fast-enough pace to not be seen through any of the classes she ran past. As she navigated the longest hall that lead to the gym, Amira miraculously avoided any contact. This could be attributed to the strict attendance policies that were put into place that year; any student seen in the halls during class without a pass would be suspended indefinitely. However, as Amira approached the end of the long hall, she hugged herself against the wall, desperately trying to catch her breath.

Peaking around the corner, Amira pondered her next decision. If she continued forward (making a left out of the current hallway she was in), the next hallway offered the most direct route to the gym. If she went down this way, another turn would put her in an adjacent hallway that lead directly to the gym entrance, with the girls’ locker room on the left of the entrance and the boy’s locker room on the right. However, this route also provided the most danger. On the way to the gym, right in the middle of the hallway, was the cafeteria entrance. At any time, hundreds of students and faculty would be packed into the large cafeteria. It was common for students to loiter around the entrance, as the bathrooms were across from this entrance. It was a coinflip chance as to whether the big double-doors that lead to the cafeteria would be opened or closed, so Amira had no way of knowing if she could sprint down this hall in time.

On the other hand, another more scenic route was available. Instead of making a left and the immediate right, inevitably going past the cafeteria, Amira could theoretically make a right instead, which leads to the doors to the music room. By going this way, Amira would avoid the potentially crowded hallway. Instead, by going directly through the large music room, she could come out the opposite entrance of the classroom, and end up in the gym hallway, bypassing the cafeteria entrance altogether. However, this also pretended difficulties. The music room itself was more of a mini auditorium. When you entered through the doors closest to Amira, the room had a clear path towards the other door on the opposite side. However, this corridor was completely exposed to the rest of the room. While any students in the room would be facing away from this view, looking at the teacher, a half-naked girl stumbling through the door and attempting to sprint through the class would certainly get everyone’s attention. Plus, even if she got through unscathed, she would appear right in front of the boy’s locker room entrance, and she would have to run down that smaller hallway towards the girl’s locker room. No matter what, there was risk involved, but the riskiest thing to do is to remain at the end of the hall, exposed to anyone passing by. Still, Amira's dread and nervousness plagued her ability to decide, so she remained in place like a statue.

Mulling these options in her head, Amira once again became paralyzed with indecision and anxiety. Still peaking around the corner at the end of the long hallway, she could not help but pace in place, unable to keep her legs still. She pondered the pros and cons as quickly as her frazzled mind could. The hallway route meant she’d have to run past the cafeteria, and if the gym doors are open too, anyone looking outside the doors would have a clear view of Amira running down the hall. But she couldn’t just go through the music room, what if she fell, and what if she was followed? But in the hallway the bell could ring at any moment and…

The bell… Amira’s mind went blank for a few seconds. How long has she stood here, contemplating her choices? Somehow, no one walked by at this point, but her luck runs out this very second, as the bell signaling the end of the period rang throughout the school. The shock was so great, Amira found herself incapable of screaming. Immediately, the noise of the students getting ready to leave the nearby classrooms enclosed around Amira. She had perhaps five seconds to run, hide, do anything before dozens of her fellow students saw her, so Amira bolted towards her only hope, the nearby janitor’s closet. Moving practically like an animal outrunning its prey, Amira stumbles feet away from the door, and madly crawls on all fours to the door. Literally as she broke through the door, students began their trek through the hall. Falling into the extremely small closet, Amira turned and slammed the door shut, and immediately pressed her back to the door, praying that no one would try to open it. At this point, her knees were nearing the point of collapse, as Amira felt as if her heart would leap out of her chest. Breathing intensely, the noise of all the students through the door disabled Amira’s thoughts once more.

Before, Amira was relatively displaced from other people in her lewd state. Now, one unlockable, weak door was all that separated Amira from being seen by people. At this point, Amira fully began to comprehend how close she was to having her life essentially end in just a few seconds of exposure. Every single person she knew had a smartphone. Almost all of these had HD cameras. Once she was caught, it would be impossible to run away fast enough, there would be dozens and dozens of pictures and videos taken of her worst nightmare. Even without her hijab, her skin color and body gave away who she was. She couldn’t even move; the videos and pictures would follow her forever. Potentially, a new life would have to be started, perhaps multiple times. She slumped down to sit, folding her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Once again in her protected, curled-ball position, Amira began to uncontrollably cry. Rocking back and forth, this process continued for an indefinite amount of time.

Gradually, Amira snapped out of her trance. Rising to her feet, Amira looked around the small closet for any sort of potential cover. Once again, she could not find anything, all that remained was the mop and various cleaning supplies. As she scanned the closet, she noticed a janitor’s schedule on the wall. During certain intervals, the janitor is scheduled to clean certain parts of the school. Deciphering the schedule, Amira figured that the janitor could come to this closet anytime within the next few minutes. The thought of going back into the hallway made Amira tremble. Still, she mustered up her courage. With a fierce, new founded sense of confidence and determination, Amira planned her escape. She couldn’t hesitate, all she could do is hang a right out the door, make an immediate right down the next hall and make a be-line towards the locker room. Even if she is seen, getting to the locker room would minimize her exposure, and if she covered her face, she could avoid maximum embarrassment. She decided to keep her hijab on (as it was really her only safety blanket for her destroyed confidence). However, the boots certainly had to go, as going in her socks would allow her to run much more efficiently.

At this point Amira became perhaps too determined. The every-clumsy girl quickly raised her right leg to take off her first strapped-on boot, instead of crouching down to undo them. By raising her leg, she lost her balance and began to hop on her left leg, attempting to regain balance. She failed and tumbled down. As if God seemingly was not against Amira enough, on her way down Amira’s luck failed her yet again. As she fell, she contorted herself and her back caught an exposed mop handle. In perfect (or in her case, imperfect) motion, the handle ran up her back as she fell. While it was not sharp, the handle slid across her back and hit the middle of her bra strap. Since the bra was too small for her expansive breasts, the weak bra exploded off her chest.

Rising to her feet, Amira instinctively grabbed her breasts with her hands, mortified and bewildered at the same time. Grabbing her bra from the floor, Amira hopelessly attempts to put the bra back on. But it was no use, the strap snapped in half, and had no chance of being used again. Throwing the garment in frustration, Amira looked down and helplessly stared at her now fully exposed breasts. Ginormous in size, they were perfectly round, and the tone perfectly matched her tan skin. What stood out most, however, were her areolas and nipples. Unlike most girls, Amira’s areolas covered a large portion of her breasts. Dark brown in complexion, they easily were the biggest in the school, and due to the circumstances, her nipples were fully erect. Seeing how prominent her breasts and nipples were without her bra horrified Amira. Being seen like this was bad enough, but now that her breasts were exposed, the thought of getting caught somehow got worse. To avoid another breakdown, Amira initiated her final escape, and barraged through the closet door.
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Old 10-24-2019, 12:25 AM
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Default Part 3 (Finale)

Amira erupted out of the janitor closet. She immediately realized that ditching her boots might backfire, as she slid across the floor in her socks. Regaining her balance, Amira sprinted down the hall, so far she was not spotted. Rounding the corner, she reiterated to herself that only one hallway was left until safety.

After making the turn, catastrophe struck. Walking Amira's way was a fellow student. Both immediately made eye contact, and Amira lost what little composure she had left. The next sequence of events seemed to occur in slow motion. She instantly used both hands to cover her huge breasts. However, her flawed running motion, combined with her slippery socks, caused Amira to fall, sliding right in front of the boy. Amira now was on all fours, with her ass extremely exposed, her skimpy underwear struggling to even remain on.

The boy could only watch in silent astonishment. Mere feet from him, this almost-naked, hijab-clad woman desperately crawled away. At this point, the final exposure hit Amira's soul directly. Her knees completely failed her, as if they were amputated the second the boy looked at her. As Amira pathetically squirmed in the direction of the gym, she jerked her head back to look at the boy, hopelessly hoping that he was an illusion. Of course, he was not, and this caused Amira to squeal and moan simultaneously. As she unsuccessfully tried to get to her feet, she would lose her balance, giving the hypnotized student multiple views of her ass.

This slapstick routine continued until Amira got halfway down the hall. As her heart raced faster then ever before, Amira found herself right in front of the cafeteria door. The door that was wide open. The sounds of a regular cafeteria could be heard, laughing, yelling, conversations. A table of freshman were closest to the door, and a few turned to look in her direction.

This jolt of hear finally pushed Amira into survival mode. Somehow, she succeeded in propping herself up, and bee-lined towards the gym. Sprinting as fast as she could, Amira did not bother to look back or even cover up. This was her last chance to escape without being seen by multiple people. She could feel her ass jiggle uncontrollably. As she reached the end of the hall, the dreaded bell run once again.

Nearly stopping her heart, Amira indistinctly picked a direction and scampered towards the door. Once again, she narrowly missed the crowd of students leaving the gym towards her next class. As she fell into the locker room, Amira could not even get up. This time, it was not because of fear of humiliation. Rather, she had completely used all of her energy. As she could barely breathe, Amira simply laid up against the wall near the locker room entrance. As she regained her breathe, Amira realized that any second now the locker room would be filled by her fellow female classmates. Then it hit her...

Scrambling to her feet, Amira went further into the locker room. Sweating uncontrollably, Amira looked for any reassurance; something to cover up with, or at least some sign that she was in the female locker room. Bumbling through the aisles, Amira found neither. Finally, she found the bathroom. As if the gates of heaven open themselves, Amira was greeted with the sight of three stalls. More importantly, no urinals. God finally had mercy in Amira, all her praying worked. Amira was safe in the female locker room. In a matter of seconds, the next period of girls would come in to change. But to Amira, who a few minutes ago was completely exposed to a male, this was a virtual relief. Surely someone would provide her with clothes, especially a teacher.

A minute passed, and no one came. Perplexed, Amira began to look through the locker room aisles. No one was present, and there was not a single stitch of loose clothing anywhere. Surely, the next period gym class would begin by now. Still, Amira appreciated this supposed lapse of exposure, so she made her way towards her gym locker. Peering through the holes, she saw her savior, the set of gym clothes she had in her locker. Now, all she had to do was get the damn thing open. The lockers in the school were notoriously hard to open, and Amira's locker was particularly difficult. Some days it could not open at all. But this day, it just had to. After around 30 seconds of unsuccessfully attempting to enter her combination, the loudspeaker roared with harrowing news.

"Attention students! This is a reminder to the varsity football team. Because of the broken showers in the male locker room, you will report to the girls locker room immediately to prepare for your scrimmage. Repeat, all 9th period gym students will report to the auditorium, as the girls locker room will be reserved for the football team. "

Amira's heart plummeted, and almost seemed to stop working. Still standing in front of her locker, Amira's head spun towards the clock on the wall.

1:35. Ninth period already started. Which meant the team would be in the room any second. Amira's thighs once again clasped together, as her knees began to falter. Her stomach began to hyperventilate uncontrollably. Her heart was going 10x faster then it was when she was exposed in the hallway. As her moist hands failed again and again to open the lock, her mind flooded with the thought of her ultimate exposure. Dozens of boys and men her age getting a clear view of her, essentially naked. Her nipples once again became uncontrollably erect, and her panties basically sucked into her ass because of the sweat. In the distance, Amira heard the team trot down the hall, hooting and horseplaying with one another. Amira knew she had about 30 seconds.

"Please, God, please".

Concentrating as hard as possible, Amira slowly turned the lock left, all around to the right, and left again. This time, her much-needed miracle occurred, and the lock clicked. Hearing this relief, Amira pulled the handle as hard as she could, all she had to do was put on her clothes and…

As she pulled, her miracle turned into a mirage. The locker did open, but only on the very bottom. The rest is the locker was jammed, and the opening on the bottom was not large enough to reach in for the clothes on the top rack. Seeing this, Amira snapped. Crying and begging out loud for divine intervention, Amira grabbed the handle by both hands, and with all her strength pulled the handle. It did not open the door.


This frantic and helpless display continued, until the weak handle snapped from Amira’s pull. Stumbling backwards, Amira fell on her back. While on the ground, completely exposed, the sound if laughter finally broke Amira’s trance of concentration. Amira deliriously looked to both sides of her, and was grated to the site of the football players on the end of each side if the aisle. All had their phones out, recording every second. She didn’t know how long they were there, but they were certainly there. Somehow, they kept silent during her hopeless endeavor. Now, lying on the floor, with her breasts completely exposed, Amira shrieked in despair.

This set off the room of young men, as their hormones finally burst. The entire group howled in uproarious laughter. Some got even closer to record Amira in greater detail. Feebly getting up from the ground, Amira’s sanity was finally beyond the point of repair. The trepidation of getting caught finally boiled over. Even in her worst nightmares, Amira could never imagine being exposed to so many people, so many men, in such a humiliating fashion. As the wolf whistles and cheers deafened her hearing, Amira fruitlessly tried pulling at the bottom of the broken locker again. To do this she bent down to reach the bottom, giving the audience a perfect view of her ass. This scene made the crowd even more loud and jubilant. Which caused Amira to pull even harder.

At this point, Amira’s mental strength was not the only thing that was on its last legs. Her skimpy, sweaty, overworked panties served well past the call of duty. In her bent position, the panties were on its literal last thread. As Amira went for one final pull of the locker, the valient thread snapped. The panties slinged against the other set of lockers. Hearing the noise, Amira’s hands instinctively rose in the air.

Now, the congregation of football players were beyond ecstatic. The mock cheering and screaming shook the room. If not for this noise, one could hear the dozens of camera clicks that captured every second of Amira’s debacle. Now, Amira stood completely naked (besides her hijab). Her unkempt, black bush was completely exposed, and her ass lost what little covering the small panties had given it. At this point, Amira could not even cry anymore. Still, she had lost all mental capacities. She just turned to each side of the aisle, trying to cover everything up at once. Her face, her pussy, her ass and breasts. This only gave more confidence to the gathering in the room.

Now, some were even live streaming, and the entire group changed in unison.


Finally, the coaches arrived and began to break up the crowd, not knowing what to expect. When they finally made their way to Amira, they were speechless. Amira, being exposed to yet another group of men, finally made a run for it, as there was a clear path. As she ran past the room, she unsuccessfully avoided eye contact. The lustful, conniving eyes of the men filled Amira with even more shame, if such a thing was even possible.

As she barraged through the locker room door into the gym, a maniacal crowd greeted Amira, with an entourage of camera-phones ready to capture the moment. The whole school quickly learned about the incident in the locker room through social media, and this crowd was ready to witness this moment live. Simply covering her face in guilt, Amira just ran towards the hallway. This process continued, as Amira made her way through the various hallways, with more and more groups of students ready to witness her in person. Finally, after stumbling in front of the main office, a group of teachers shooed away the crowd, and provided Amira with some clothing. Desperately putting the left-behind shorts and t-shirt on, Amira’s heart refused to stop beating at an uncontrollably rate. The nearby laughter could be heard, which triggered Amira one last time to run for the exit.

Finally clothed, Amira ran home, or at least what she thought was the direction of home. As she regained some form of conscious, the true barbarity of her situation became clear to her. Total, utter exposure. Her completely naked body, seen by dozens of people in person. Her gargantuan tits, her nipples that covered almost her entire breast. Her unshaven pussy, and her butt. Worst of all, her butt. Everyone knew it was her, because of the hijab. The entire room was chanting her name. And the phones. The videos would be seen by literally everyone she knows. They would most likely go viral, she would never be able to go out into public again.

As this narrative ran through her head, Amira collapsed in anguish. Still far from home, Amira couldn’t even begin to plan her new life. One thing is for sure, next time, she should make sure laundry gets done.
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Old 10-25-2019, 08:36 PM
Luchafan Luchafan is offline
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Hope Amira has more bad luck, great story.
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Old 10-26-2019, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Luchafan View Post
Hope Amira has more bad luck, great story.
Thank you. I'm definitely writing another enf story soon. I loved the Muslim protagonist, but I also want to differentiate the story enough to make it interesting. However, I also got feedback that suggested I do a NIP (nude in public) or some sort of exhibitionist twist for Amira, as a sequel. However if I did this I'd certainly incorporate enf themes too. But I'll absolutely post my next story here. Thanks for the feedback.
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