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Old 04-02-2016, 03:25 PM
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Cool The Lady Sharks

The Lady Sharks
By IndianOutlaw

The indoor pool area was moderately lit. Five young ladies stood in nervous anticipation at the end by the starting blocks under the giant wall mural of a shark eating several smaller fish. A door opened and entered ten ladies, all dressed in very tight fitting blue and silver once piece ladies swimwear. They were led by a blond haired woman who strutted in such a way to tell everyone just who is in charge. The group peeled off with three moving to the end of the pool and the remainder approaching the five nervous ones. The five ladies were dressed in regular clothing ranging from jeans to miniskirts to small dresses. The leader stopped a few feet before them and looked each one up and down. Captain Lacy, Senior was very hard on them the entire tryout process. Yelling constantly, demanding they repeat exercises, criticizing their bodies and eating habits. They grew to hate her.

“Guppies!” She barked, “Stand at attention!” The five stood up straight. “You five have survived the tryouts to become a member of the Lady Sharks. We only accept the best of the best and you five have demonstrated a strong ability to compete in the pool. But the final selection for the team is up to me, your humble captain.” She flipped her hair, not demonstrating any humility. “There are only three spots to fill this year and there are five of you.” She and the rest of her group gave some disapproving looks. “To decide who will actually be on the team and who will be banished to the practice squad and thus having to wait another year to try out for the team, we will start with a swim off. Bitsy, tell they what the Lady Sharks are all about.” A smaller, short haired brunette quick stepped to her side, looked at their leader with puppy eyes and spoke in a meeker voice.
“Captain Lacy, ma’am, Lady Sharks are all loyal, trustworthy, athletic and above all willing to act as team members.”
“Excellent Bitsy. Now ladies, at the other side of the pool you will find official Shark uniforms. All five of you will swim from the starting blocks and we will see who arrives at the other end first.”
The five looked at each other and smiled. Kat knew she was the best swimmer and could easily beat the entire group. She grinned and began walking toward the locker room area.
“Just where are you going?” the captain said sharply.
“To get our suits on?” Kat answered.
“No, no, no.” Captain Lacy shunned with a grin on her face. “If you want to be a true Lady Shark, you will only wear true shark swimwear.” She paused looking at the actual team members. “Or you will wear nothing at all.”

Part II

Kat scanned the eyes of her fellow potential team mates. In the locker room they had seen each other naked, even naked in the shower soaping their young co-ed bodies but never had her or any of them been naked in the pool. But they wanted to be Lady Sharks.

Kat led the way. Unbuttoning her jeans, she quickly slid them to her feet, kicking out of her canvas tennis shoes leaving her in her thong and small top. Her top was removed and her braless small boobs perked up, Kat not sure if it was the cold, embarrassment or the excitement. Looking over her friends started stripping as well. Arms crossed, pulling her dress up and over, Ashley’s toned body came into view. All were a bit shocked to note she wore not undergarments at all. She just looked at her potential, stripping potential team mates.
“What? It’s wash day.” Ashley said shyly.

The twins, Sasha and Tamara undid their matching miniskirts and unbuttoned their tight blouses almost in unison. Each had on small tulip bras which they quickly unhooked immediately followed by them pulling down their cotton pink panties. Totally naked each now did the arm across the boobs and hand over pussy coverage pose. Sasha’s Superman tattoo on her right shoulder blade was contrasted by Tamara’s Batman in the same place.

KC was the last to begin stripping. She pulled down her elastic shorts to reveal a pair of Hello Kitty panties. KC saw the grins as her childish undies were on display. She never intended to expose them to anyone. She just put her hands to her face to hide her shame. A now naked Kat saw this and walked up to her.
“KC, it’s alright. We are all friends here, besides.” Kat ran her fingers over the top of the Kitty panty waist band, “their cute.”
“I, I can’t.” KC said holding back a tear. The other three approached her.
“We can help.” Kat said making eye contact to the other three. The ladies now each took hold of her shirt and panties simultaneously. Kat pulled down Hello Kitty to reveal a completely shaved V, while the twins pulled off her shirt to reveal a bra holding a sizable chest for such a small, short frame. Ashley gently unhooked the back and let the bra slide to the ground. All five completely fit swimming bodies were on show for their hopefully teammates.

“Alright Guppies!” Captain Lacy commanded. “If the five of you are all done with your strip tease, we need to begin. The boys’ water polo team has the pool in 30 minutes.”

Each took a starting block, and began to eye the end of the pool. It was now each became very away what would be on display when they bent over. To make matters worse the Lady Sharks now stood directly behind them and would see their most intimate and private place then they would bend over to start. The twins actually put a hand instinctively behind their backside to try and hide their sex spot.

“Oh don’t be shy now ladies.” Captain Lacy mocked. At the other end of the pool swim suits were waved in the air to entice the nude swimmers. No suit, no goggles, no swim cap, no nothing and they would have to swim the distance. Captain Lacy gave them no time to breath, “get set! GO!” She clapped her hands and all five hit the water.

Kat, her first time swimming naked momentarily noticed how incredible the water felt on her naked body. She liked how with each stroke of her arms her breasts could feel the water move across. Each individual nipple seemed to independently feel the rush of cool liquid as if someone were pouring a water bottle over them. As she kicked her legs a rush of water filled her lower lips. ‘Am I getting turned on?’ Kat thought to herself. She wondered if the same was true for her swim mates. Dismissing the thoughts finally, Kat’s muscle memory allowed her to continue to swim. Before she knew it and before she was driven mad by the water rushing between her legs her hands touched the side of the pool. Looking over she realized she was first, Ashley touched just next to her the twins landed third and fourth. Looking back all could see KC was struggling, obviously she felt the excitement better than the rest. KC finally arrived dead last and sexually frustrated.

As Kat lifted her tight body out of the pool, water glistened over her nude figure. She looked over to see her two African America co-swimmer twins emerging. Locked in a stare she could not help but notice how large their nipples were and how incredibly strong and sexy even their bodies were. Was she getting turned on again at the sight of her naked team mates? Out of the pool she helped Ashley emerge only to realize when Ashley put her knee to the side of the pool she was now nearly face planted on her trimmed bush. KC climbed out on her own, breathing even heavier than her teammates. Kat had won; she would get to wear the uniform. Ashley smiled knowing she had a suit and Tamara, though disappointed her twin came in fourth she was thrilled to know she would be on the official team.
“Congratulations girls!” Kat said then….
“Slam.” The side door to the indoor pool closed. Everyone looked around to find the five of them were all alone, alone and naked, wet and very tired.
“Oh My God! Our clothes are gone!” KC yelled looking at the end of the pool to see the missing pile.

Kat looked down to discover there were not three suits but only one on the bench, with a note.
“Dear Sharks. Sorry but we decided to only award one suit today. Have fun getting back to the dorm. Yours, Captain Lacy.”

“We have to go back to the dorm naked!” The twins said in unison.
“What about the one suit?” KC asked quietly.
“Well, Kat you won it fair and square, you get to wear the suit.” Ashley picked it up and handed to her.

Kat looked at the suit, and then looked at her naked companions.
“If some of us have to be naked then all of us have to be naked.” Kat folded the suit neatly and placed it back on the bench. “We will all have to get back to the dorms naked, together.”

Part III

The side door opened up to the late afternoon campus from the pool. Five totally naked ladies, each trying their best to hide their nudity began to creep from coverage to coverage are. Using bushes, lamp posts, mail boxes, a Bernie Sanders for President Sign, and trash bins to hide their nakedness. It was hard enough they each tried stay in the shadows for very long. It took nearly 20 minutes to make it from the pool to the main dorm entry, a walk that usually took no more than 5 minutes. The late day campus was sparse with activity, only a few students around, easy enough to dodge. Outside the ladies dorm stood prominently the 10 foot tall bronze Lady Shark statue. A familiar voice was heard.

The five ladies crouched behind the large Lady Shark to hide as three very well dressed mature women walked by the statue. Instantly they were recognized as Dean Carol Promise and her two student aids.
“Your butt is in my face.” KC complained at a whisper to Tamara.
“Well your face is in my ass girl. So any closer and we will have to start dating.” Tamara whispered back.
“Quit talking someone will hear you!” Kat uttered just above her breath.
“Easy for you to say.” Ashley complained pushing Kat’s face out of her boobs.
“Shhhh.” Sasha hushed them.

“Ladies,” the dean spoke, “make note we need to have someone was the bird dropping off this thing,” pointing at the statue. A note was added to the list and the three began to walk on. Dean Promise looked back to catch the full moon of KC jutting from behind the statue. “You ladies go on I want to see something.” The Dean’s companions continued onward.

After a moment of silence, Ashley spoke out.
“Do you think it’s safe now?”
“I don’t know?” Kat Said.
“Well someone look, I’m getting a leg cramp.”
“Yes, please look someone, I any longer in this position I may have to switch teams if you know what I mean.” Tamara said as KC’s nose kept caressing her muscular hind.

KC looked up and over but saw nothing, and then she looked over her shoulder. Crouching down looking her directly in the face was Dean Promise.
“Did you ladies lose something?” The Dean said with a haughty tone.

The five jumped up, hand in the now too familiar ENF pose.
“Care to explain what is going on here?” Dean Promise demanded.
“We were just getting some air.” Kat said after a brief pause from the group.
“Air? Really, does air involve you five having to be naked?”
“Well, it’s healthier?” KC said unconvincingly.
“What is the real story behind this display of perversion?” The Dean demanded.
“We just wanted to get some air, and seeing as it was such a beautiful night, we thought why not just do it in the buff.” Kat made up a crap load there.
“Very well, I want to see the five of you in my office first thing tomorrow!” The Dean walked away. Kat watched her step away, business suit with a very tight pencil skirt, seamed stockings and very high heels. She felt herself getting turned on again.

Inside the dorm the five still naked ladies were greeted by a host of whistles, cat calls the occasional slap on the ass by their dorm mates. Safe in their rooms each just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the night away.

The next morning, fully dressed the five ladies stood before Dean Promise’s desk. Each avoided direct eye contact with the Dean herself.
“About last night, I will give you one more chance to tell me what the five of you were doing completely naked on my campus.” That was not a question.
“We decided to enjoy the night air and being athletes it only seemed natural to go au natural.” Kat stated firmly in a well rehearsed statement.
“So you are telling me you five just up and decided to strip to your birthday suits and parade around on campus.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Then care to tell me why you were all huddled in some type of lesbian pile behind the Lady Shark statue?”
“Well, it was team building.” Kat again in a rehearsed statement.
“So this had nothing to do with any hazing by your fellow teammates?” The Dean was on to them. All five just swallowed very hard. Dean Promise stood, circled the desk. She then sat on the corner, her leg lifting her skit up to reveal a garter stocking top. Kat just stared at the long leg attached to her. It was a long, strong and firm leg. For an older woman the Dean had a great body.
‘Am I staring at the Dean’s body?’ Kat thought to herself. All last night she could not shake the thought of being seen naked but mostly the thought of the Dean’s seamed stocking and pencil skirt walking away.
“Look ladies, I understand what pressures hazing can put on a person. And if indeed you were victims of hazing those responsible will be punished which may include removal from the team. That would mean you five would have to replace them.” The Dean inadvertently began brushing her fingers on the inside of her thigh.

Kat thought very hard. If she were to turn in her fellow teammates then all five of them could be on the team. But if she didn’t, she already made the team and either way it would not affect her, or would it? She made her decision, looked at her fellow Guppies.
“Ma’am, as I said before we just wanted some air and decided to go out naked on our own. That’s all there is to is.” Kat stated with a bit of a choke.

Dean Promise stood, her skirt catching the corner of the desk, riding up all the way to show her black lacy panties. The skirt popped down once freed from the desk. Kat began to have another stirring, perhaps college was changing her? The Dean walked to the door and opened it. Captain Lacy entered, dressed in a track suit and carrying a box.
“Captain Lacy,” the Dean spoke, “it seems your guppies last night decided to take a stroll without their clothes. They also confirmed they were not a part of any hazing ritual. What do you have to say about that?”
“I would like to say congratulations.” Captain Lacy said as her stern expression turned to one of joy. The Dean’s expression too changed to a much happier one as well. “Ladies, as we have said before a Lady shark is loyal, trustworthy, athletic and above all willing to act as team members. You five last night acted with loyalty to each other and the team, proved you are trustworthy enough to keep a secret and you acted as team members. Oh and from the way you all looked naked you are very athletic, don’t you agree Carol?” The Dean shook her head in agreement. Captain Lacy opened the box and handed each a swimsuit. “You are all Lady Sharks!”

The girls all jumped around and cheered. This was a test alright, a test to prove they were worthy of being true Lady Sharks. With new suits in hand the five ran back to the dorms to try them on, leaving Captain Lacy and Dean Promise behind.
“I think we will have a great team this wear.” Lacy said to the Dean.
“I believe you are right.” Dean Promise replied closing the door, “and how many times have I told you not to call me Carol in public.” The two approached face to face with the Dean giving Carol a firm ass cheek squeeze.

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