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Old 04-19-2012, 04:01 PM
thepac thepac is offline
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Default WWE ENF The Bella Twins Embarrassed

The Bella’s WWE ENF Story

Live on Monday night Raw Nikki and Brie the Bella twins are standing the middle of the ring with matching scheming smiles on their faces. Both are as always dressed the same but for once are wearing different colours with Nikki in a white bra style top with black sweatpants and white sneakers while her sister Brie has a black short bra top on with red work out pants and black sneakers on her feet. They are both holding microphones and their dark red matching lipstick really brings out their fierce nature while also looking girly with their trademark red flower clipped into the side of their dark coloured hair.

“No Diva in the WWE can hold a candle to us,” Nikki says smirking as the sell-out WWE crowd boo the evil twins.

“Yeah we are the best the toughest, smartest, brightest and most hottest Divas to ever entertain the WWE Universe,” Her sister Brie says drawing more heat for being so stuck up and believing themselves to be so good.

“We are so good we wonder why the rest of the sad ugly bunch of Divas even bother to wake up and come to working every day,” Nikki grins flashing her perfect white teeth.

“Too right Nikki so as a special treat to all our loyal fans here tonight we are going to have a special match just to prove how good we are,” Brie says over the top of more loud booing.

“So thanks to our good friend the Interim General Manager of Raw and Executive Vice President of Talent Relations Mr John Laurinaitis let us to bring back a very special match type and challenge any Diva on the roster to try and beat us in it,” Nikki says.

“Yeah Nikki so tonight it will be us the amazing, beautiful Bella’s challenging any Diva on the roster to a two on one bra and panties match,” Brie says getting her first and only loud cheer from the fans.

“Yes any Diva that thinks they are good enough or better than us now is your chance to prove it a little two on one bra and panties match see if you can out wrestle then strip us,” Nikki says grinning knowing as the fans do the Bella’s have the handicap advantage at two on one.

They stand waiting for a bit looking up at the Raw stage but nothing is happening and no one seems to be coming down to face them.

“Oh come on all you scared little Divas,” Brie mocks laughing with her twin sister, “We won’t embarrass you too badly come on someone come down and at least try to beat the best Divas in history.”

The big screen lights up and an evil laughing sound comes from the sound system and the fans go wild standing up roaring with appreciation as they know who is coming out to shut the b*tchy stuck up Bella’s up. The monster known as Kharma steps out onto the stage to huge roars from the crowd as in the ring The Bella’s stand still in a state of shock. The large 230 pound 6 foot tall black behemoth stares down at them from the top of the stage. Her long black braided hair hands down her face which has a sick smirk plastered across it dressed in her normal black and grey armour like top, black skirt and black boots. She slowly starts to move down the ramp and the Bella’s squeak in fear grabbing onto each other hugging themselves tight as this real life monster is moving towards them with purpose. Like any true horror movie villain Kharma takes her time walking down the ramp towards ringside as the fans keep cheering hoping Kharma is here to do some Bella squashing. She is still menacingly staring the Bella’s down as she walks to the edge of the ring apron hauling her massive frame up as the Bella’s let out a little squeak of fear clutching each other tighter. Kharma climbs over the top rope making the Bella’s retreat more their backs against the ropes on the other side of the ring. They stare at Kharma wide eyes terrified at this monster of a woman coming down staring them down.

“No, no, no Kharma you can’t challenge us you’re not a Diva, you don’t even have any sexy bra and panties please leave us alone maybe go find Kelly you wanted to crush Kelly didn’t you,” Nikki splutters in a panic trying to reason with the monster.

Kharma merely shakes her head slowly and continues to advance on the two scared Bella’s who have nowhere to run and are maybe started to regret their cocky statements from earlier. She keeps moving forward like a slow moving horror movie villain and Brie can stand the slow suspense any longer breaking away from her sister and tries to run past Kharma. Kharma simply sticks out a big gloved hand grabbing Brie by her long black hair stopping her escape. On Brie’s face is a look of shock as Kharma has her in her deadly grasp and having been beaten by Kharma before Brie wants no part of the monster again as she fights to get free. Kharma slowly turns her head to look at the frightened Brie with a big evil grin on her face as Brie is held tight in her grip. Brie cries trying to pull away from the sick smiling beast as she is held fast unable to move. Seeing her sister in trouble Nikki rushes forward to try and help Brie but Kharma simply throws out a big fist catching a charging Nikki right in the face. Nikki flops to the mat holding her face in pain as Brie screams seeing Kharma so easily put down her sister and is now tightening her grip on Brie’s long dark hair. Kharma easily pulls down on Brie forcing her down to her knees in front of the huge 230 pound Diva.

“Please Kharma please don’t do this please don’t hurt me,” Brie begs weakly at the knees of Kharma.

“Stupid Bella all cocky and proud, Kharma crush, Kharma hurt, Kharma strip,” She says with a wickedly evil look in her eyes staring down at the much smaller Diva.

Brie screams loudly looking up as Kharma wraps a hand around her throat easily lifting Brie up in the air, her feet dangling several inches off the ground. Howling pulling at Kharma’s hand around her throat trying to wriggle and break free of the mighty black girls grip. Kharma laughs as she holds Brie in the air like a toy before throwing her halfway across the ring with a massive throat toss that gets the fans all up off their seats as they watch Brie fly. Brie is launched halfway across the ring slamming back first hard into the mat as she does. As she is left moaning in pain Nikki is trying to get to her feet totally unaware the angry Kharma is towering over her. Kharma grabs Nikki by the hair now pulling her upwards keeping a tight grip on her head then pushing forward delivering a powerful head butt to Nikki. The Bella’s knees give out as her forehead smashes into Kharma’s at it’s only the large woman’s grip on her hair that keeps her upright. Kharma hits another hard head butt that was the fans moaning with discomfort and has made Nikki dizzy holding her sore forehead. Pulling Nikki by the hair Kharma delivers a huge hair toss launching Nikki halfway across the ring nearly making her land on top of her sister. Such power from the dominating Diva as she just threw the Bella’s around like they were as light as a couple of toys. Nikki and Brie are now lying in a heap halfway across the ring both moaning and slightly dazed after a confusing few minutes where they have gone from being top Divas to cannon fodder to a much stronger wrestler.

Kharma strides towards them that sick twisted smile hasn’t left her face as she grabs the face down flat out Nikki by the back of her shirt roughly pulling her to her feet. Nikki is pulled up by her tiny cut off little vest top and already the material is starting to stretch and rip as Kharma forcefully pulls on it. Moaning Nikki is back on her feet trying to grab her top and keep it on her body but Kharma has other ideas. She lets go of Nikki’s top only to slap the b*tchy Diva hard in the face spinning her body right around letting Kharma deliver a hard gloved punch to her kidney’s. Nikki falls to her knees groaning with pain as Kharma once again pulls back on her straightened dark hair pulling Nikki’s head back so that on her knees she is looking directly up at Kharma. The large black woman raises her fist looking to smash the poor little Bella right between the eyes but Brie is back on her feet rushing over to save her sister. She throws a hard punch right to Kharma’s jaw rocking the Diva back away from Nikki and like a woman possessed Brie starts throwing punches like a drunk in a bar fight. Hard rights and lefts land on Kharma’s face and upper body, big haymakers are thrown making the muscles in Brie’s arms taut and stick out as sweat trickles from her forehead. Brie is throwing a lot of effort into her blows but they only seem to be forcing Kharma back rather than knocking her down so Brie jumps in the air hitting a front dropkick catching Kharma right between the boobs sending her stumbling back into the corner. In control and with Kharma on the ropes Brie moves over and helps her dazed sister to her feet hoping that a two on one attack against Kharma will be enough to sneak them out of this potently harmful situation. Both Bella’s are up staring at a corner trapped Kharma and both charge forward looking to squash and hopefully hurt Kharma further.

With surprising quickness Kharma slides out of the corner leaving both Bella’s nothing but turnbuckle to crash into. They hit hard and both Brie and Nikki are a little wobbly as they come out the corner rubbing their sore chests having aimed for Kharma and missed. Kharma is back in front of the two Bella’s throwing one big right hand at each sister knocking them down each with a single blow. She peels Nikki up off the mat then easily lifts her up over her head showing amazing strength to lift Nikki up with two hands right over the top of her own head. Kharma holds Nikki in the military press slam position for a few seconds waiting for Brie to get back to her feet and when she does Kharma throws Nikki at her. Brie looks up and screams as her own twin sister is thrown at her from almost 6 feet in the air. Nikki splashes down right onto Brie crushing her own sister as they both hit the mat with Brie in real pain having caught the full blow of her sister landing right on her chest knocking her over. The Bella are down and in pain as Kharma stalks over them grabbing Nikki by the back of her shirt lifting her off her sister then with great strength flings Nikki away. The tiny tanned Diva flies as Kharma throws her away, Nikki’s shirt getting more stretched as she hits the ring mat having been thrown halfway across the ring. Kharma now reaches down grabbing Brie now by the shirt and lifting her up making the fabric stretch out exposing her black lace bra as her shirt stretches away from her body. Kharma pulls up harder and Brie’s top tears down the middle making her fall back out of her top landing on the mat in just her bra. Brie screams as her hands wrap around her bra covered breasts trying to hide her bra from the watching and cheering WWE fans.

Kharma stares at the torn up bit of fabric then looks down at Brie laughing at how the little Diva is trying to wrap her arms around her chest trying to hide her lacy choice of undergarments. Brie backs away from Kharma hands covering her little lacy bra not wanting any more to do with the massive behemoth Diva. Kharma walks forward throwing away Brie’s torn shirt advancing with a sick gleam in her eyes and an upturned evil smile that is making Brie scream like a little girl. Nikki runs in from behind leaping onto Kharma’s back in a desperate bid to save her sister but Kharma seems untroubled by the Diva on her back trying to pull her into a choke hold. Leaning forward Kharma punches Brie hard in the forehead knocking her flat out incapacitating her for a few seconds while she deals with the Bella on her back. Nikki tries hanging on for dear life as Kharma bobs left and right like a mechanical bull trying to buck Nikki off her back. When that doesn’t work Kharma lifts her arms up over her head grabbing hold of Nikki by her hair pulling her forward sliding her all the way over her back down to the mat in front of her. Nikki hits the ring mat hard moaning in pain holding her back as Kharma gets another tight grip on her hair pulling her back to her feet once more. Kharma thrusts Nikki forward pulling the young Diva’s head between her legs setting her up maybe for one of her deadly power bombs but as she has Nikki bent over she can’t help but notice a scrap of bright red underwear Nikki is wearing that pokes up from under her pants. Kharma leans her hands over grabbing the strap of material pulling it up Nikki’s back.

Nikki squeals as her little red thong underwear is pulled up her back giving her a wedgie digging the lacy material into her crack. Kharma giggles evilly as she pulls a little harder on Nikki’s underwear as in between her legs the young Bella moans in pain as Kharma cranks back on her underwear. She lets go of Nikki’s pulled up underwear instead grabbing the back of Nikki’s pants and suddenly pulling them down depansting the Bella. Nikki’s screams are even louder as her pants fly past her ass fully exposing her round tanned cheeks to the WWE Universe. She wiggles and moves trying to get her head out of the vice like grip of Kharma’s hips as the massive Diva lowers Nikki’s pants further fully showing off her opponents sexy ass. The wedgied up thong really shows off most of Nikki’s ass to the crowd who are all taking pictures of Nikki’s exposed butt cheeks as even the WWE camera man more in to focus on the stripped diva. With her pants just down below the bottom of her butt cheeks Nikki screams in embarrassment at being bent over in this vulnerable very exposed position. Kharma decides to have a bit more fun with the trapped Bella lifting her arm up bringing her gloved hand down with a hard slap right on Nikki’s left butt cheek. Nikki squeaks in pain as Kharma just gave her a hard spank and the pain stings though her skin before Kharma slaps her other asscheek. Two hard shots have Nikki moaning in pain feeling tears seep though her heavily made up eyes as she shifts around trying to pull away from Kharma how is still holding her bent over. Kharma gives Nikki’s ass a couple more slaps to the delight and cheers of the sell-out crowd before Kharma wraps her arms around Nikki’s mid-section. She flips Nikki up to a seated position on her shoulders then brings her down with great force power bombing her back first into the canvas with Nikki’s bottoms still wrapped below her ass. Nikki grunts hitting the mat hard from an awesome powerbomb which probably almost knocking the skinny black haired Diva out as Kharma gets back to her feet.

She grabs the waistband of Nikki’s pants and starts pulling peeling the workout pants right off Nikki’s body fully showing off her lacy red thong panties. Kharma power pulls Nikki’s pants all the way down to her ankles popping off her cute little sneakers before taking her pants off all together. The crowd cheer as both Bella’s have now lost an item of clothing and the hottest stripping so far sees Nikki clad in her little red thong. Nikki is still flat out as Kharma throws the stripped off pants away turning her evil gaze back to Brie as she grabs the dark haired twin hauling her up. With Brie up Kharma grabs her arm forcefully whipping her across the ring smashing Brie back first into the turnbuckles of a ring corner. She groans in pain as she ran into the corner with great force and has no time to recover as Kharma has pulled Nikki up and whips her right towards Brie. Nikki flies across the ring smashing into both Brie and the corner squashing both Bella’s and leaving them lean up against the ring turnbuckles. With the Bella’s propped up Kharma stands in the opposing corner staring down the dizzy and hurt Bella taking a few seconds before charging full speed across the ring. Kharma charges and 230 pounds jumps up splashing right down on the cornered Bella’s drawing moans from the crowd as the twins are crushed. Backing up Kharma admires her handiwork from her big corner splash as Nikki falls from the corner face down to the mat with Brie soon following her landing right on top of her sister. With a Bella sandwich going on Kharma grins hitting the ropes taking a two-step run up before leaving her feet delivering a big splash crushing both Bella underneath her weight again. The crowd cheers as the Bella’s scream in pain Brie rolls off her sister holding her back in real pain as it took the brunt of Kharma’s belly splash.

With Brie lying hurt near the bottom rope Kharma turns her attention to the thong clad Nikki. She reaches down grabbing hold of the back of Nikki’s stretched out bra top and starts to yank upwards on it. Nikki’s limp body is like a doll being pulled upwards by Kharma’s force her poor little top being pulled out further than the material should allow. The top pulls and stretches until it can take no more of Kharma’s relentless pulling tearing off right in the large gloved hands of the scarily powerful Diva. The shirt fully tears away from Nikki’s body leaving strips of fabric in Kharma’s hands and Nikki clad in just her lace red bra and thong set. The WWE fans are cheering hard and seeing Nikki fully stripped in front of them Kharma even boots Nikki in the side rolling her over onto her front giving the fans an even better look at Nikki’s lingerie choice. Kharma drags a red underwear wearing Nikki to her feet as camera flashes burst around them Kharma hooks Nikki’s arms lifting her up for her devastating finisher the Implant Buster. Nikki isn’t moving held up and clad in just her underwear looks set to be planted hard into the mat when Brie is back to her feet rushing across the ring to save her sister. Brie throws some hard forearm shots right to Kharma’s big back trying to hurt the giant Diva but the blows to her back barely faze her in fact Kharma seems more amused by Brie’s weak attack than anything. She turns round to see Brie throwing shots as hard as she can but still nothing is doing any damage to Kharma who grins at Brie instantly making her scared.

Kharma drops Nikki to the ground turning her full evil glare onto Brie who quickly turns round looking to run away from the massive Diva who was untroubled by her hardest shots. Kharma reaches forward grabbing the fleeing Brie by the back of her bra strap getting a massive scream from the young Bella. She stops running away as Kharma pulls back on the lacy material stretching it away from Brie’s back making her feel so vulnerable knowing Kharma is hanging on to her underwear in just a cheap and brutal way. Like a cartoon character with its braces stuck Brie runs on the spot for a few seconds only stretching her flimsy bra out even more as Kharma has it in a tight fisted grip. She squeezes harder on the bra strap in her hand really tightening the material as Brie squeaks trying to reach round while keeping her bra cups covering her chest. Brie is trying to wriggle free but Kharma has too tight a grip and now starts to pull back nearly swinging a helpless Brie around who’s arms are wrapped round her chest trying to prevent her nipples popping out as Kharma swings her round. Kharma swings Brie around by her bra until eventually the lace snaps and Brie is sent spinning away right out of the bra. The fans at Monday night Raw go wild screaming and going crazy as Kharma holds her arm up showing Brie’s black lace bra still in her hand. Across the ring Brie is on her knees looking ready to cry with her arms tightly wrapped around her bare chest. Brie is so embarrassed in the middle of the ring live on TV with only her arms hiding her modesty as Kharma waves around Brie’s stripped off bra. Kharma holds Brie’s bra in both hands and in front of the scared little Bella tears the little lace bra into several pieces much to her horror. With her bra destroyed Brie tries to slide away hoping to get out of the ring and away from the massive mistake she and her sister made.

With her arms tightly wrapped around her naked B cups Brie can’t crawl very fast or far when Kharma grabs her by her ankles dragging her back into the centre of the ring. Brie screams as the monster of a Diva drags her across the canvas Brie not fighting as she keeps her arms round her tits knowing everyone in the building wants to see her bare little breasts. She is back in the middle of the ring trying to hide her tits as the massive Kharma leans over her grinning at the helpless bare breasted Brie. The black haired Bella starts begging, pleading with the monster Diva to leave her alone saying she done enough damage stripping her topless. Brie’s cheeks are flushed red as this whole match up is causing her great embarrassment as she looks up nearly tearful at Kharma pleading not to be beaten up or worse exposed. Kharma shakes her head making her long black braids shake from side to side as Brie’s face drop with sheer terror as Kharma advances towards her. She crawls back again on her ass hoping to get away from Kharma, Brie even kicks her feet out trying to slow down the massive Diva but all that happens is Kharma grabs her ankles one by one peeling off her shoes. Now bare foot Brie slides away even quickly risking just having one arm wrapped around her boobs as she uses her other to pull her across the mat. Kharma grows bored of the cat and mouse game sn*tching Brie by her bare ankle pulling her back towards the middle of the ring once again. Brie screams kicking and writhing as Kharma pulls her back towards certain doom but with a bit of look Brie’s foot shoots up catching Kharma right between her legs. The large black woman’s eyes widen as her legs clamp together as she lets out a low groan falling backwards to the mat clutching her crotch in some distress. Brie looks round unaware she even hit Kharma let alone delivered a viscous low blow that put the giant wrestler flat on her back but when she sees Kharma down on the canvas like a freshly chopped down tree Brie smiles. Still covering her tits she slides across the ring around Kharma to her still flat out sister shaking her arm trying to wake Nikki up so they can escape.

While Brie tries to wake her sister up Kharma snaps back to life sitting up with an even angrier evil look than before. She rubs her crotch as she gets up her large eyes burning a hole in Brie’s back and the fans buzz wondering what kind of devastating destruction Kharma will dish out. Brie looks round and screams as Kharma is back up striding towards her like Frankenstein’s monster and forgetting her sister Brie turns crawling as fast as she can out of the ring. Her top half gets out under the bottom rope but Kharma just manages to grab her leg leaving Brie swinging over the ring apron yelling as she was so close to safely. She swings from side to side desperately trying to hang onto her bare boobs as the front row fans close to her are waiting ready for even the slightest slip. Hanging half outside the ring in Kharma’s grip wailing as she swings dangerous trying not to show off her tits but knowing if Kharma drops her she will hit the padded floor head first. Brie hangs in Kharma’s grip before Kharma starts pulling her back into the ring getting her whole lower body now under the bottom rope just Brie’s naked top half hangs outside. Kharma still has a firm grip on Brie’s leg as she has pulled half the escaping Diva back into the ring but she wants better grip so leans forward with her other arm grabbing the waistband of Brie’s pants. Brie yells as she feels Kharma pulling at her pants and in such a vulnerable position Brie cannot fight Kharma off as she feels her pants being yanked down. Kharma pulls harder on Brie’s pants trying to drag the scared Bella back into the ring but instead it’s only Brie’s pants that are being pulled back into the ring. The fans cheer as Brie’s go lower down her body moving past her ass fully exposing her black thong clad ass and Brie is screaming as she can feel the cold air on her now visible ass cheeks. She keeps screaming as Kharma keeps pulling down Brie’s pants a big smile on her face as she can now see Brie’s panties as the Bella is being depantsed. The sweatpants are being pulled lower and lower almost reaching Brie’s knees as hanging outside the ring Brie screams wondering what is worse being pulled back into the ring to face Kharma or having her pants pulled down exposing more of her body.

Kharma keeps pulling dragging Brie’s pants down showing off her thong clad ass while the fans focus and take pictures of Brie’s stripped state Kharma is pulling harder trying to ring Brie back into the ring. Brie’s sweatpants are now wrapped around her bare ankles letting Kharma get a two handed grip on her feet then using great power to pull Brie back into the ring. Poor Brie wails back lying on the ring mat her arms still tightly wrapped around her bare chest as Kharma peels away the rest of her pants leaving her in just a thong. Brie can feel the whole arena staring at her let alone thinking about all the cameras pointed at her near naked distress. Just thinking about it brings tears to her mascara covered eyes and a heavy blush to her face as she is nearly naked at the mercy of Kharma. Throwing away Brie’s stripped pants Kharma leans down again grabbing Brie and pulling her arms away from the chest wrenching them behind Brie’s back then with great ease lifts her upside down in the air. Brie screams her tits now fully exposed her hard pink nipples now on show for the entire WWE Universe all of whom are on their feet taking pictures and getting a good look at Brie Bella’s boobs. Kharma holds Brie upside down lifting her high in the locked arm position that normally leads to her deadly Implant Buster but now she is using the hold to embarrass Brie more by fully exposing her tiny B cup breasts. Everyone watching Raw can see Brie must suntan topless as her tits are just as tanned as the rest of Brie’s body. Brie is nearly crying this is the worse and most embarrassing moment of her life this even beats the time she went on an amazing date with an utterly sweet guy but by the end of the night found out the guy though she was her sister Nikki. This is the worse though held helplessly upside down topless with a whole arena filled with people getting a long up close and personal look at her tits. Kharma gets bored of holding Brie up and drops her down a hard Implant Buster driving her bare chest down hard right into the middle of the canvas. It’s a huge impact move that has the fans jumping up in shock as Brie is planted into the mat and is now out like a light.

With a topless Brie out Kharma is up and looks towards Nikki who is still in just her underwear and is currently using the ropes to try and get up to her feet. Nikki is up seeing her own underwear clad state ad trying to cover up looking up at the fans that are all cheering not just from seeing her in her underwear but from Kharma standing behind her. Nikki turns round right into Kharma who reaches forward quickly grabbing Nikki by her hair making her scream as Kharma pulls her along towards her knocked out sister. Kharma pushes Nikki down driving the underwear clad Bella down slamming her pretty face right onto her sister’s thong clad ass. The fans in the arena nearly explode with joy at Kharma forcing Nikki’s face right into Brie’s ass. Nikki moans as her face lands on her sister’s ass and as she tries to get up Kharma kneels down grabbing the back of Nikki’s head keeping her face pressed into her sister’s crack. She moans trying to more as Kharma keeps Nikki’s face in her own sister’s thong covered ass and Nikki has never felt more embarrassed feeling Brie’s butt rubbing up against her face. Kharma has a big smile on her face as she presses Nikki’s face into Brie’s ass even rocking Nikki’s head from side to side wiping Brie’s butt with her twin sister’s face. The fans are going wild for a forced stinkface from one Bella to another as Brie’s ass is being wiped with Nikki’s cute little face before Kharma finally lets her go. Nikki on her hands and knees crawls away from her topless out cold sister coughing and wiping her face trying not to hear the mad cheers around her or thinking of what a worldwide audience would have made of her getting a stinkface from her own sister. As she wipes the feeling of her sister’s ass off her face Nikki doesn’t see Kharma as she is standing in front of her again. She is still on her hands and knees as Kharma leans down grabbing the back of Nikki’s bra she isn’t trying to undo it however as she pulls on it. Kharma is pulling it up trying to pull Nikki’s bra off like a shirt and shockingly it is working as it slides past her B cup breasts going up her body.

Nikki screams with shock and horror as Kharma is pulling her bra up one arm latches onto her breasts hiding them from public view as her other arms trying to grab and save her bra. Kharma keeps pulling up on Nikki’s bra dragging it up her body almost now getting it tangled up in her hair as Kharma keeps pulling hard. Nikki’s vain attempt to keep her bra isn’t working and finally she lets go using both her hands to shield her bare boobs as Kharma rips off her second Bella bra much to the delight of the WWE Universe. Kharma tears the bra off as Nikki is in near tears sat up on her knees covering her breasts looking up at Kharma wondering why her fellow woman would be so evil to de bra her in front of a large sell-out crowd. Ripping the bra into bits Kharma stands over a shaking Bella grinning before grabbing Nikki by her hair lifting her to her feet while she screams and begs Kharma to stop. Nikki has never felt so exposed standing the middle of the ring topless held up by Kharma with only her arms protecting her modesty but Kharma spins her round grabs Nikki’s arm prizing them away from her chest. She then lifts Nikki up in a perfect chicken wing pinning her arms behind her holding her up so everyone can get a great view of Nikki’s breasts. Nikki screams as loud as her sister did when she was hanging topless and helpless in Kharma’s arms. She kicks her feet and tries everything to get out of Kharma’s grip but the lifting chicken wing is too tight and Kharma is easily able to hold Nikki high in the air. She parades Nikki around the ring letting those who have pictures of a topless and very embarrassed Brie now add the same shots of Nikki to their collection. Nikki wails begging to be free crying for real now as everyone can see her tanned little tits and everyone is laughing at how easily the b*tchy twin was stripped topless and now having her boobs shown off for the world to see. Poor Nikki screams as she is carried around all 4 corners of the ring letting every fan and TV camera see the humiliation on her face and get a good look at her bare chest.

Finally Kharma drops a topless Nikki down slamming her right next to her similarly fated sister who is only just coming round. Both of them moan and groan lying chest down on the mat hoping this is all a dream and neither wanting to get up as Kharma stands behind them. She stares as the Bella’s asses barely covered in their tiny lace thongs she looks from them slightly groaning moving bodies up to the loud rocking sell-out crowd then back again. She points to the Bella’s and the crowd cheer she pulls her hands up and down and points at the twin’s tiny sexy underwear again and the roar gets louder. Kharma looks confused and points again like a child just learning to speak trying to get a bigger reaction and she gets it as the roof is nearly blown off the arena by the loud cheering from the WWE fans who clearly want to see some naked Bella’s. A chant starts from the crowd as Kharma points at the hurt and heavily embarrassed and it builds getting louder and clearer even making the normally monstrous Kharma break into a smile.

“Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,” The crowd chant louder stamping their feet making as much noise as they can to show Kharma who much they want it.

Kharma grins leaning down grabbing a gloved hand each on Nikki and Brie’s thong waistband pulling tightly on the thin strips of material. She pulls back a little her right hand pulling up on Nikki’s red thong while her left hand moves Brie’s black thong down a little giving the cameraman nearby a flash of Bella asscrack. The Bella’s are coming round lifting their heads up off the mat to look at each other confused hearing the loud roof shaking noise then look round getting the full facts of their situation. They both scream seeing Kharma behind then with a tight hold on their last threads of decency slowly pulling them down a little exposing a little more of their bare asses. Brie and Nikki are freaking out not knowing what to do or how to hide fully exposed and in full public view and no way of talking Kharma out of her evil stripping ways. They scream and a few tears trickle down knowing the evil public both live and sitting at home want nothing more than to see their beautiful bodies stripped in front of them to gaze at and enjoy. Both feel sick and don’t know what to do being caught topless in the middle of the ring with Kharma holding onto their thongs like she is holding a pair of dogs on leads. Kharma pulls back and the Bella’s panties slide down fully showing off their sexy tanned bare asses as the twin sisters scream loudly at being publicly exposed like this almost fully naked live on Monday night cable TV. They try and lie flat but Kharma still won’t let go of their thongs and they are really panicking in tears not wanting to be naked in front of so many. They wriggle around try and reach back to grab their panties but Kharma pulls back hard ripping the Bella’s panties all the way down to their ankles making them wail with horror while the fans cheer the roof off. Kharma keeps pulling until the Bella’s sexy lace knickers are peeled off their kicking feet leaving the young twins completely naked in the middle of the ring. Both are screaming loudly trying to cover as much of their bodies as they can with their hands and arms as they roll forward finally getting under the bottom rope and onto the floor.

The whole arena is stood up and flashbulbs go off all around them as the Bella’s cover their shaved privates wrapping their arms awkwardly around their little breasts and take off running away from this high school like nightmare. They take off running up the ramp trying to cover themselves but everyone hoots as they watch their toned little butts jiggle as they run away. They are trying to hide their private areas hoping no one saw there little pussies but are struggling to cover their bouncing boobs as they run. Everyone is getting a look at their hot all over tanned bodies as they streak away running all the way round the ring as Kharma laughs at the shocked and embarrassed Divas. Both are distraught at being so publically stripped naked by Kharma, both blushing bright red and teary forcing them to run away like this hoping no one snapped a shot of their pussies but knowing everyone has had a good long look at their tits and asses. The Bella’s run away as fast as their bare legs can take them right up the ramp right backstage and probably keep on running all the way to the Divas locker room. Kharma laughs as her two cocky little victims are reduced to crying embarrassed girls now as they streak their way across Monday night Raw as she stands victorious in the middle of the ring. She waves the two freshly stripped thongs around as her own trophies while the crowd cheer and the internet is in for a long night with chat and uploads of the sexy stripped Bella’s butt naked and from many angles. The Bella’s will never live down the night they were so easily stripped and embarrassed so they are never made to forget it with the chant of Bella’s boobies that follows them every time they step into the wrestling ring.

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Old 04-19-2012, 07:57 PM
Jack_The_Ripper Jack_The_Ripper is offline
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You're the best man!
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Old 04-20-2012, 02:59 PM
bahio27 bahio27 is offline
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Excellent work!
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Old 05-02-2012, 06:44 PM
Jack_The_Ripper Jack_The_Ripper is offline
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I really hate the lack of approval the WWE stories get on these boards. However, thepac, you know I love this story. Thanks again.
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Old 05-02-2012, 09:07 PM
twister6400 twister6400 is offline
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Default wwe stories

I hate it when people start the stories then cave in to the complaints of a few and the many suffer just because the many dont speak up doesnt mean we dont love what you are doing take a look at some of the shows that have gone by the way side because few critize it and the many suffered those who write the stories if anything deserve congrads for writing such good stories or just writing at all over those who dont do anything besides complain and "other things"
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Old 05-02-2012, 11:30 PM
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I have to be honest this was epic
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Old 07-14-2013, 09:21 PM
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Default damn

That was very enjoyable, bra and pantries matches should end this way more often
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Old 07-14-2013, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Partynekkid View Post
That was very enjoyable, bra and pantries matches should end this way more often
Panties, not pantries, I do know how to spell dammit autocorrect.
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bra and panties, twins, wrestling, wwe

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