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Old 10-07-2011, 02:10 PM
thepac thepac is offline
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Default WWE A Bad Championship Celebration Part 3

Sorry it's been a while since I last updated I've been busy and I couldn't think of a ending I liked so that's why this seems later than normal hope you all enjoy it

WWE A Bad Championship Celebration part 3 by The Pac

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Smackdown and it’s been yet another crazy week in the WWE,” Lead announcer Josh Matthews says.

“That’s right a world title match set for Breaking Point and a tag team championship match later tonight," replies his co commentator Matt Striker.

“But the bigger issue is that of Divas champion Melina who last week on Raw vowed to get her revenge on Laycool for her public stripping a couple of weeks ago,” says Josh

“That’s right,” Matt replied, “Melina was deeply humiliated by Laycool and Alicia Fox and we all thought that after her embarrassing beat down and stripping Melina would never be seen again in a WWE ring.”

“But it seems we were wrong as last week on Raw Melina made a powerful return, stripping the evil Alicia Fox of her title chance and her dignity last week,” Josh says as the highlights from Raw show Alicia having the towel ripped from her, the footage is blurred but it’s clear to see Alicia is naked.

“Well Melina has clearly decided an eye for an eye and a public stripping for a public stripping,” Matt says

“Yeah and it’s not just Alicia that is going to be picked on for revenge Smackdown’s own co woman’s champions are next on the list and Matt from what we have heard Melina is here tonight,” Just as Josh says it Melina’s music starts to play.

The WWE universe cheer loudly as the happy Divas champion steps out onto the stage onto her own personal red carpet. Melina takes a few seconds to pose for her paparazzi and cheering fans before walking down the ramp. Wearing her classic furry boots and a pair of cut of denim shorts Melina is also wearing a white t shirt that as the camera zooms in seems to have a personal message on it. In big black letters it seems to say ‘IF YOU SHOW MINE I’LL SHOW YOURS’ and as Melina walks past the camera a message on the back of the white T shirt is the word Laycool with a big red cross though it. Melina has a huge unmovable smile on her face as she climbs onto the ring apron and does her famous splits on the ring apron giving the camera behind a great show of her big ass in a pair of tiny shorts. Back from a stupid commercial break Melina is stood in the middle of the ring her championship belt on one shoulder and a microphone in her hand.

“Well now hasn’t it been another fun week in the WWE Universe,” Melina says with a smile as the fans cheer.

“A few weeks ago at Summerslam I won the Divas title a nice return present for me since I’ve been out with an ankle injury,” Melina says beaming.

“However two b*tches decided that my return scared them and like all bullies they ganged up with another weaker soul and tried to bully me out of the WWE,” Melina’s face darkens and the fans boo loudly.

“And it was so embarrassing people I cannot begin to tell you, being stripped naked right here in the middle of the ring, my entire body on show on camera for millions of people it was the worst moment of my life,” Melina says as a hushed silence falls over the Smackdown audience.

“It was torture and I hid away but I needed to come back I needed to come back to defend my title and perform in front of all of you strangely you know something even though it was the worst moment of my life I’m kind of happy it happened,” Melina says with a grin.

“You see being stripped naked, to have your most private areas exposed and having everyone in the world looking at you is the most horrible torturous thing,” Melina says head hung low, “But then it hit me if it’s that bad for me think how bad it will be as revenge against those two dirty plastic filled tramps,”

The crowd cheers, they feel sorry for Melina but love her new attitude and confidence.

“So you all didn’t come here to hear me talk you came here to see me strip down some fake woman’s champions,” Melina screams loudly turning to the Smackdown stage.

“Laycool you either come down to this ramp down and face the music or I will come down there dragging your naked bodies out of the shower and bring you down to the ring myself,” Melina yells making the challenge as the Smackdown fans roar with happiness.

Everyone is now waiting to see if Laycool will come out and it’s a good few seconds wait before Laycool’s music starts to play over the sound system. It is Layla alone who walks out onto the ramp holding one of the two woman’s title belts on her shoulder. Wearing a dark purple vest top and tight black pants with black leather boots, Layla looks sexy and dominating as she holds up her own microphone.

“Is that you Melina,” Layla says mockingly holding her hand up over her eyes as if trying to see further, “I can’t recognise you with your clothes on.”

“That’s funny Layla I can’t recognise you without your head up Michelle’s big fat ass,” Melina says making the fans cheer and laugh at Layla.

Layla twitches a little, eyebrow raised, “Ok Melina what do you want encase you haven’t noticed this is Smackdown, this is Laycool’s show you have no right to be here.”

“You know why I’m here Layla I’m here to strip you and your anorexic blonde friend completely naked in front of all these people,” Melina says getting another loud roof raising cheer from the WWE Universe.

Layla does a mock laugh ignoring the cheers from the audience; “Well sorry to disappoint you from your silly little pipe dream Melina but Michelle isn’t here tonight,” Layla says getting loud boos.

“Awwww what happened did the little baby break a nail,” Melina mocks in a little babyish voice.

“No you will find Melina that Michelle discovered a growth on her face and was advised by her doctor to go seek treatment at once,” Layla says looking round at crowd seeing if anyone will dare boo her friend’s injury.

“So she has a spot you mean, a little teenage spot has put the so called woman’s champion out of action,” Melina says sounding disgusted.

“Well if it was a spot Melina she would have turned and asked for advice as no one in the world knows more about greasy dirty spots than you,” Layla fires back more proof of Laycool’s b*tchy girl like better than you attitude that has earned them so much hate amongst fans.

“Ah Layla so childish I like words but I prefer action so why don’t you come down here and we can settle this properly,” Melina challenges putting her belt down.

Now it’s Layla’s turn to laugh, “Oh Melina honey you got it all wrong you should be thanking us, we stripped you and made you more popular than ever before, we helped make you the star you think you are, really you should be bowing at my feet thanking me for helping do something no man would ever want to do and that is see your fat ugly ass naked.”

Melina stiffens under the insult, “Come on Layla no time to be scared get in this ring and let me show you how much I want to thank you.”

There is more laughing from Layla, “Melina give it up you can’t talk me into anything, why don’t you go to a fast food restaurant and drown your misery in a few buckets of chicken, you will enjoy that.”

Melina seems to grin a little, “So you won’t take up my kind offer of getting into the ring and nicely settle this one on one with me?”

Layla nods her head, “Damm right fatty you catch on really slow.”

Melina is grinning now as she lifts her shirt up a bit and pulls a white sheet of paper from where it was tucked into her shorts, “Well you see Layla it’s a shame you didn’t want to fight properly because I went to Smackdown GM Teddy Long before the show and not only did he grant me permission to be on the show tonight he also booked me into a match,”

The crowd cheer and for the first time Layla looks visible uncomfortable.

Melina folds out the contract and reads, “Tonight here on Smackdown, I hereby give permission to visiting Raw champion Melina to face Smackdown’s woman’s champion Layla in a non-title matchup.”

Layla’s face drops in shock as the fans cheer harder for Melina’s announcement.

“Furthermore,” Melina adds with a massive grin on her face, “The match type will be a bra and panties match.”

The roof of the arena is nearly lifted clean off the arena at the amount of noise being made by the WWE Universe. Layla’s eyes are nearly shooting out of her head like a cartoon character at Melina’s shocking announcement. The crowd is ecstatic as for the first time in years they are going to see two smoking hot WWE Divas compete in the hottest match stipulation in sports entertainment.

“No this isn’t right you can’t do that, this is a PG show you can’t go stripping clothes off of me,” Layla says her posh English accent filled with panic.

“You started it babe,” Melina say the massive grin on her face that will probably never be removed cracks a little higher, “You two b*tches stripped me naked on a PG show so you changed the rules I am only following the general manager’s orders.”

Melina waves the signed contract in the air and that only seems to inflame Layla more, “Screw you Melina, I am one half of the woman’s champion and there is no way in hell I am competing against you in such a degrading match type.”

Layla stops her foot as if to make a point turning away from the ring as the crowd boo loudly. Melina however doesn’t seem too bothered by Layla’s refusal in fact her bright white smile has only got bigger.

“Well that’s fine Layla because it says on this contract that if you don’t wrestle against me tonight in a bra and panties match then live on the next WWE PPV I get a shot at your woman’s title,” Melina says getting loud roars from the crowd at throwing down a perfect trump card that has Layla stunned.

She spins back round looking beyond shocked at a grinning Diva’s champion, “No you can’t do that.”

“I didn’t Layla your GM did think of that if you don’t compete tonight the next PPV I could be the undisputed WWE Divas champion,” Melina says as Layla roars in anger realizing she has been boxed into a corner.

Layla paces across the stage a few times as the fans teasingly chant ‘bra and panties’ at a stressed Layla.

“Fine I’ll take the stupid non-title bra and panties match against you Melina,” Layla spits with disgust, “But I will tell you something girl there is no way you are stripping me down to my underwear in front of all these sick perverts.”

“So what I am going to do is go backstage, go through my incredibly expensive suitcases full of clothes and wear all that I can to stop you from stripping me, exposing my flawless body to these sick freaks,” Layla says still pissed off as the fans keep booing her.

“Great plan Layla I’m amazed your pretty empty head came up with such a scheme but sadly little girl you have no time to go and dress up as our match is next,” Melina says accompanied by another roar for the WWE loving public.

We are back for a commercial break to see Melina in the ring with a referee as Layla is walking around outside screaming about how unfair this is. Melina still dressed in her anti Laycool t shirt, light blue denim shorts and black furry boots still grinning as she has thrown Layla totally off her game. Still dressed in a dark purple vest top with tight black pants and black leather boots, Layla is so pissed at being forced into a stripping match against a Diva that has already this week stripped and exposed Alicia Fox. She is yelling at the referee bringing up this unfair point of competing so quickly against an angry revenge filled woman. As she yells Melina has snuck out of the ring quickly running behind Layla attacks the whining woman’s champion from behind. A hard forearm to the back knock Layla down to one knee then Melina grabs a handful of Layla’s dark hair lifting her head up. Melina slams Layla’s head down hard against the ring apron making a loud thudding sound. Layla moans in pain holding her forehead as Melina does it one more time bouncing Layla’s forehead off the thick ring apron. The ref is now yelling at Melina to bring this match back in the ring but Melina is having too much fun cracking Layla’s head against the ring apron. Layla is the evil thoughtless woman who exposed all of Melina’s body to the world and Melina is in no hurry to cause the same fate to Layla as she brings her head down three more times off the ring mat. Layla is dazed and hurt with her head spinning as Melina finally rolls Layla under the bottom rope. Fans cheer as Layla is back in the ring slowly watching one half of the woman’s champion holding her head trying to crawl away. Melina slides into the ring and has to laugh at Layla dragging herself backwards trying to get away. Layla has her hands up as she slides backwards on her big ass begging Melina to stop and leave her alone. Melina laughs shaking her head then kicks her foot forward slapping it against Layla’s face.

Layla groans flat out now on the canvas holding her face as Melina jumps on top of her and starts throwing a vicious combo of forearms. Her arms smash Layla right in the face making the British Diva roar in pain as Melina’s stiff forearm shots batter her face. Melina slams her forearm hard into Layla, beating the cocky Diva down. She is in the dominant position on top of Layla hitting her hard in the side of the head. Melina finally gets up leaving Layla grounded and hurt as her head just took a heavy battering still spinning in pain. Melina is back on her feet walking around Layla’s grounded body moving to her feet. She grabs hold of Layla’s left boot pulling hard easily able to yank it off exposing her bare foot. She grabs the other boot just as Layla groans in pain lifting her head up to see Melina pulling at her shoe. She screams in shock, kicking her legs in peril forcing Melina to let go of her boot. Layla keeps rolling going sideways until she is right under the bottom rope and out to the arena floor. She looks scared as Melina is grinning holding the boot she took off Layla in the air to taunt her. Layla is hopping around with her one boot trying to keep her bare foot off the thinly padded floor. She is mad at losing a boot but can’t do anything more about it as Melina throws her boot into the crowd. Standing on one leg looking angry Layla finally drops her bare foot down quickly kicking off her other boot. Layla is now bare footed standing on the arena floor staring at Melina in the ring with her arms pressed against her hips. Melina has a massive smile on her face as she moves forward sitting on the middle rope opening it up. She invites Layla back into the ring laughing as Layla paces back around again muttering to no one. It’s rare for Layla to be on her own in a match as Michelle is like her shadow always at ringside to help cheat her way to victory. Now in this most sexual and embarrassing match type Layla is all alone and pretty much at the mercy of a vengeful Melina. Sitting on the middle rope Melina is teasing Layla to get back into the ring as the referee is also looking at Layla starting to count the woman’s champion out.

Layla will not be rushed walking all the way around the ring as Melina stands waiting for Layla to get back in the ring. The referee gets up to 9 before Layla walks up the steel steps back inside the ring breaking the count. Layla is ready for a fight she has had time to calm down and understand she is in a match screaming about it won't save her from being stripped down. She and Melina now meet in the centre of the ring, the cheap smiles and put downs wiped from their faces as both Divas are confident. They lock up, each trying to push the other back but it’s Layla who makes the first move twisting behind Melina taking the dark haired girl’s arm with her. It’s an arm bar Layla has locked in twisting Melina’s wrist making the Diva’s champion moan in pain as her arm is pushed behind her back. The move also puts a lot of pressure on Melina’s shoulder and considering she is only just back from shoulder surgery it’s a smart move from Layla to focus on the freshly repaired area. Melina is forced down to her knees groaning loudly as Layla stands behind her pressurizing her arm inside her shoulder socket. Layla is now trying to bend Melina’s arm further looking for a hammerlock which will press Melina’s forearm against her own back in an attempt to break her arm. Melina sees this and quickly from her kneeling position pushes forward making her do a forward roll breaking Layla’s hold on her arm. Layla is frustrated Melina so easily broke away from her hold and Melina allows herself a small smirk as the two Divas circle each other once more. Melina rotates her slightly stinging shoulder and Layla sees it as a chance rushing forward trying to attack. Melina ducks Layla’s swinging arm then catching the curvy girl in the mid-section with a nice side kick. The kick slams right into Layla’s belly making her groan in pain bending over and it gives Melina a perfect chance to throw another side kick. This time the shin part of Melina’s furry boot catches Layla right in the side of the head knocking her down to the canvas. Moaning in pain face first on the ring mat Layla is a little dazed as Melina takes a few steps back then rushes forward. Melina leaves her feet for a brief second delivering a perfect low running dropkick catching a downed Layla right in the side of the head. Layla grunts in yet more head pain rolling across the mat, her long straight black hair messed all across her face as her arms are wrapped around her throbbing head. Melina smiles waiting for a hurt Layla to get up standing behind her letting the hurt Diva slowly get to her feet.

Layla gets up still holding her head in pain as she is dazed turning round right into Melina. Grabbing the back of Layla, Melina pulls the dark haired Diva down slamming her belly down onto Melina’s out stretched knee. Fans start cheering as Layla is now bent over Melina’s knee with her big booty stuck up in the air. Layla screams trying to roll off Melina’s knee as Melina presses her arm against Layla’s back keeping her pressed down. Layla is bent over in a very vulnerable position and it gets worse as Melina lifts her hand up. She brings her hand down with a hard slap right to Layla’s upturned booty getting a loud cheer from the crowd. Layla yelps in pain as her big ass cheek was just slapped hard by Melina. Lying over Melina’s knee Layla shakes and twists trying to get away as Melina spanks her ass again. Her tight black pants offer little protection to Melina’s hand spanking down hard making the flesh giggle inside her pants. Melina spanks down again harder making Layla yell in pain as Melina now picks up the pace starting to slap her hand down. Layla’s ass now starts to take a good spanking from Melina’s bare hand really making her cheeks shake. The flesh on her ass shakes as Melina spanks her bent over ass making Layla moan in pain. She is embarrassed at being spanked in the middle of the ring by another woman. The fans are cheering watching Layla being humiliatingly spanked by Melina, her big booty being spanked hard. Melina makes the fans cheer even harder as she grabs the back of Layla’s pants. The humiliated Layla screams harder as Melina starts to pull her pants down tugging at the waistband exposing the top of Layla’s panties. This is even more embarrassing than the spanking for Layla as her pants are peeled down her black lace panties are now visible to the crowd in the arena. Melina keeps tugging trying to stop Layla’s squirming and shaking with a few more spanks to the Diva’s big ass. Layla keeps yelling in total fear as Melina is so easily controlling her, pinning her over her knee treating her like a naughty schoolgirl. Her tight black pants pulled past her hips and slowly yanked down past her powerful thighs. Layla cries loudly becoming very desperate to save herself as she is slowly being stripped by Melina who is back to grinning again. It’s almost the same look she had on her face when she was pulling the towel off Alicia. Melina lifts her hand up and gives Layla’s panty covered butt a few harsh spanks making her scream out in pain but Melina’s spank relax her hand on Layla’s back allowing the woman’s champion to roll sideways off Melina’s knee.

Fans moan disappointed Layla got off Melina’s knee but laugh at how frightened she is as Layla quickly crawls to the other side of the ring covering her panties exposed ass. Getting to a corner on the other side of the ring the young British Diva yanks her pants back up around her hips looking upset and very scared. Melina mocks Layla pretending to cover up and hide her body just like Layla is laughing at her. Layla growls getting to her feet making sure her large backside is once again fully covered by her pants.

Melina is still laughing at Layla and the rest of the live Smackdown crowd is also laughing at Layla who loses her tempter, “Shut up, all of you shut up.”

“Come on Layla play along everyone saw a little bit of your ass, you can guarantee they will see far more than that by the end of the match,” Melina jokes.

“Oh shut up you dirty little naked sl*t,” Layla says still angry at being spanked and almost depantsed.

Melina’s nice expression suddenly disappears as she stares a hole though Layla who now only just works out it might have been a mistake to remind Melina of her horrible in ring naked experience. The Diva’s champion suddenly charges forward running full tilt at Layla who has no time to defend herself as Melina spear tackles her down to the mat. The tackle smashes Layla to the ground and Melina hasn’t finished yet ripping at Layla’s hair. She is trying to pull big chucks out of Layla’s head as all the downed Brit can do is roll with Melina still holding her. Both Divas roar as they roll out under the bottom rope out to the floor where once again Melina is on top in control. She pulls and rips at Layla’s long straight hair making the other champion scream in agony as her scalp is on fire with pain. Melina slaps and scratches at Layla’s face forcing her into wrapping her hands around her flawless face just to protect it from Melina’s rage attack. Melina grabs another big handful of hair and starts slamming the back of Layla’s head against the thinly padded floor. Letting out one of her big primal screams Melina is attacking with some fierce anger that no one knew existed inside her. The referee is so worried he stops counting and slides out of the ring to pull Melina off a defenceless Layla. Melina roars as the ref picks her up round the mid-section lifting her off a shaking Layla. Putting Melina down the referee says to calm down or he will have to DQ her and Melina takes a few breathes to calm down. A dazed hurting Layla rolls onto her front, her face bruised and sore while her perfect hair is messy sticking up at all angles. She starts crawling under the ring apron clearly just trying to get away from an on top Melina but Melina sees her trying to crawl away. Diving down Melina catches hold of one of Layla’s bare feet before it disappears under the ring allowing her to pull hard yanking Layla back out. Back into the glare of the cameras and public Layla screams as Melina pulls her back a good distance away from the ring before standing on the back of Layla’s legs.

Melina is up to something as she wraps Layla’s legs around her own standing legs then grabs her arms. Still lying on her front Layla wonders what is going on as Melina falls backwards pulling Layla up locking in a submission known as a surfboard. It’s a Lucha Libre move that lifts an opponent in the air by her arms and legs and out on the outside of the ring Melina has locked the submission hold onto Layla. Screaming in pain Layla is suspended in the air with Melina’s amazing leg strength holding her high up putting pressure on all her joints. She screams trying to break the hold but Melina rolls back forward dropping Layla back onto her knees on the outside. Melina keeps their legs lock even though she has stopped the surfboard but her hands have let go of Layla’s arms. Her hands instead grab Layla’s top pulling it up even though she is still moaning in pain from the surfboard Layla is woken up when her shirt is pulled up. Her embarrassed fear filled scream fills the arena as Layla turns trying to unwrap her legs to get away from Melina. Her shirt is pulled past her belly before Layla is able to wriggle free wasting no time in moving away from Melina. Vaguely amused Melina follows Layla who is starting to jog around the ring always looking behind her for signs of the mad revengeful Melina. Several times now Layla has almost been caught and that sudden surfboard with near shirt stripping has convinced Layla she has no chance of winning this match up. Layla is running for her life around the ring she is almost halfway round when Melina picks up the pace taking a shortcut though the ring and slides down right in front of Layla. The tough talking woman’s champion screams as she is caught by Melina who just throws one big right hand.

The punch cracks Layla under the chin knocking her down to the floor again. The fans roar with delight as one of the b*tchy Divas who has been bossing Smackdown for the last few months is getting the beating she has been asking for. Melina peels Layla up off the floor and scoops her up like she is going for a power slam but instead carries Layla over to one of the barriers cutting the ring area off from the fans. She lifts Layla high in the air then drops her down ribs first right across the hard padded rail getting another grunt of pain out of Layla. She hangs over the metal rail with her big ass once again sticking up in the air and Melina can’t resist giving the large hanging target another hard spank. Layla squeaks out in pain as her ass is spanked yet again, another humiliating show of dominance by Melina over her rival. Layla hangs over the barrier moaning as Melina suddenly reaches forward grabbing the back of her pants. She kicks her legs trying to wriggle away but nothing is stopping Melina this time as she pulls down Layla’s pants. Her black lace panties are now clearly exposed and with her big ass sticking up Layla is even more embarrassed as the crowd cheers. Melina pulls Layla’s pants right down laughing as the tough woman’s champion is now crying like a little baby hanging on top of the guard rail. She pulls one last time removing Layla’s pants totally making Layla fall forwards off the barrier into the front row of the crowd. The fans cheer as a bottomless Layla falls up close to them and Layla isn’t happy sat firm on the bare concrete floor trying to cross her legs and cover her panties with her arms. Melina puts the shorts down and looks over the guard rail at a disgruntle Layla sitting trying to cover up her panties as fans take pictures. The look on Layla’s face is one of fierce anger as Melina grabs her by her messy hair and starts to pull her up. As she is pulled up Layla thinks quick stealing a drink from a fan then quickly throwing the contents into Melina’s face. The Diva’s champion is blinded by the beer staggering back rubbing her eyes as Layla jumps back over the guard rail looking around for her pants.

Layla sees her pants on the floor but as she picks them up and tries to pull them on again from in the ring the referee tells her to stop. Layla yells so loud even the cameras pick her voice screaming 'no I am not being stripped'. The referee threatens Layla saying if she puts any removed clothing on she forfeit’s the match and Melina wins. Knowing that a Melina win means she gets a title shot at the next PPV Layla reluctantly puts her pants down. She is still eyeballing the official when Melina, her vision restored steps back in with a hard forearm to the face. Melina fires another two forearms but Layla is still pissed so fights back swinging her leg up catching Melina’s right between her legs. A bare footed low blow has all the fans booing as Melina drops to her knees gasping for breath, her hands pressed against her wounded crotch. Layla doesn’t let up grabbing Melina’s arm forcing the hurt Diva up. She then irish whips her hard across the arena floor sending Melina slamming shoulder first into the steel steps. The fans wince at the hard blow as Melina’s body crashes into the silver steel steps and as JR always says when flesh meets steel, steel always wins. Layla is finally in control of this match as Melina lies on the floor holding her arm in some distress. Layla looks around to see cameras are still flashing only then does she remember that she is without any pants. Her hands shoot around trying in vain to bloc her sexy black panties from view but her weak attempts to hide her modesty only makes the fans laugh harder. Layla blushes being embarrassed in front of the WWE Universe at least all her sexy photo-shoots and bikini modelling was done on her terms to be forcefully undressed like this having exposed underwear Layla never wanted the public to see. This deep humiliation just gives one half of Laycool a small understanding of the embarrassment Melina suffered at her hands. When a camera zooms in on her big panty covered ass, Layla gets pissed no longer covering up she walks over to a hurt Melina and grabs her hard by her long flowing locks. She roughly drags Melina to her feet then hair tosses the young Diva right into the guard rail. Melina howls on impact as her spine smashes into the metal padded barricade driving all the air out of her. Melina is hurt and Layla isn’t finished against pulling Melina roughly up by her hair before ramming her face first into the steel ring post.

Dazed and barely able to stand under her own power Melina is rolled back into the ring by an angry Layla. Having been on the back foot tonight for so long Layla is enjoying the chance to have some control over the fired up Melina. The Diva’s champion crawls to her hands and knees only for Layla to slap her hard right in the face knocking her back down. Another vicious tug on Melina’s jet black curly hair pulls her to her feet easily letting Layla hook in a front face lock then lift Melina in the air. She brings Melina down with a perfect vertical suplex slamming Melina’s already hurt back into the canvas hard making her moan with pain. Layla scoops Melina off the floor again hitting another big vertical suplex but this time Layla lies on top looking for the pin. The overworked ref has to tell Layla no pins reminding her it’s a bra and panties match and that she needs to strip Melina for the ring. Layla stomps down a few more times on Melina’s head but is circling around looking a little unsure. Maybe she is having second doubts about stripping Melina again after seeing who mad and how far she was willing to go just after the first stripping. Layla grabs onto both Melina’s legs lifting her legs up spreading them apart before dropping down with a quick and brutal knee to Melina’s crotch. Another gasp of pain comes from Melina as her pussy is under attack again as Layla repeats the motion spreading Melina’s legs and dropping down with a second knee. Melina rolls onto her side hurt and with both her arms pressed tightly against her shorts protecting the damaged area of her anatomy. Layla now grabs Melina’s furry boot easily pulling it off just like Melina did to hers in the early part of the match. She removes her other boot leaving both Divas now barefoot. Layla attacks Melina’s top trying to rip and pull the white anti Laycool top off her body. Melina fights and wriggles, her hands grabbing the material tight so Layla changes angles grabbing Melina’s shorts trying to tug them down but again Melina fights back holding onto her shorts tightly. Melina keeps her arms wrapped around herself fighting off Layla’s stripping attempts and soon she stops attacking Melina’s clothes. A hard shin kick to the back stuns Melina rolling her over onto her back letting Layla drop an elbow right into Melina’s chest making her sit up in pain.

Massaging her sore chest, Melina yelps in pain again as Layla once again controls her by her hair. She forces an unsteady Melina to her feet then whips her across the ring letting her sore spine smash into the corner turnbuckles. She hits the corner hard groan in pain as Layla takes her time walking over delivering a hard slap to Melina’s face. As Melina recoils from the blow Layla lifts Melina up by her legs bringing her up to the top rope. Layla sits Melina on the top turnbuckle looking maybe to set her up for a big top rope move that might end this contest. She starts to climb the turnbuckle too but Melina is quick firing off a forearm catching a climbing Layla. A second forearm really has Layla rocking then Melina with one hand on Layla’s chest pushing her backwards. Layla is pushed off the second rope falling backwards landing hard right on her back on the canvas. Melina stands up right on the top rope looking down at a flat out Layla and seems to have a big high flying move in mind. Jumping off the top turnbuckle Melina flies though the air looking to drop a huge elbow on Layla. At the last second with Melina still in mid-air Layla rolls out of the way so Melina crashes hard onto the mat. Melina screams in pain as she missed the big top rope elbow as she rolls along the floor holding her arm and back in pain. Layla is back on her feet happy she avoided the big diving move back in control of the match up. Melina is moaning in pain, her body is very sore as Layla moves over and scoops Melina back up. She drags Melina up by her hair quickly locking her in a front face lock then drops Melina head first to the canvas. A big DDT smashing Melina’s head into the mat dazing the Diva’s champion and considering Melina is only freshly back from the injured list so might not have the energy to stop Layla’s face as she stomps down hard on Melina’s back making her body shake. She kicks Melina in the side making the dark haired Diva roll over onto her back then Layla walks away back to the corner turnbuckle. Layla climbs up to the second rope grinning at the fans who are now booing her making sure she waves to the booing public to infuriate them. Standing on the second turnbuckle Layla jumps driving her left knee right into Melina’s head making her whole body shake from the impact. A big second rope knee drop from Layla and Melina is hurt lying flat out on the canvas as Layla get to her feet. Cockily Layla poses for the booing Smackdown crowd before she drops another elbow right onto Melina’s chest. She is in complete control of this match up now making it so easy for Layla to lean down and grab Melina’s top.

Melina has been physically beaten for several minutes and no longer has the energy to fight off Layla. Pulling at Melina’s shirt, Layla tears though the anti Laycool message as she pulls Melina’s shirt off. The Diva’s pink lace bra is exposed to the world as her shirt is torn and pulled off over her head. Layla has stripped Melina’s shirt off now waving the ruining white top over her head laughing as Melina rolls onto her back only vaguely aware her shirt has been removed. Slowly Melina is trying to get up as Layla throws the ripped shirt away. She moves over to Melina grabbing the kneeling Diva by her hair roughly pulling her forward. Melina is still bent over as Layla pushes Melina’s head between her legs before wrapping her arms around Melina’s mid-section. It looks like Layla is going for a piledriver, a legitimately dangerous move in wrestling where you lift your opponent up driving their head right into the mat. The move has broken many other grapplers’ necks and now Layla is looking for that very same move trying to lift Melina’s body up with her head still trapped between Layla’s bare legs. Layla is looking for a sit down piledriver clamping Melina’s head between her legs she will lift her upside down then fall back sitting on the canvas slamming Melina’s trapped head into the mat probably knocking her out and ending the match up. Melina however is proving hard to lift up every time Layla lifts her feet off the floor Melina kicks her legs shaking her whole body making her difficult to lift fully up. She is unstable in Layla’s grasp but Layla doesn’t give up right away trying a few more times to lift Melina up. To stop Melina’s shaking and feet kicking Layla lets go of her hold around Melina’s chest. She uses her arms to deliver some hard clubbing forearm shots to Melina’s almost bare back. The hard shots weaken Melina whose head is still comfortably clamped between Layla’s thighs. Layla slams harder forearm shots weakening Melina’s back then grabbing her round her stomach trying to lift her up for the piledriver again. Out of desperation Melina reaches her hands out grabbing onto Layla’s hips and the waistband of her lace panties. As Layla tries to lift Melina up Melina pulls down with all her might yanking Layla’s panties down past her ass.

Layla screams, a loud scared scream as her panties are pulled past her butt exposing her bare cheeks to the world. She drops Melina in shock backing away grabbing her panties quickly trying to pull them back over her ass as cameras flash looking to capture the moment Layla’s bare booty was fully on show. Layla shrieks as her panties are quickly pulled back over her ass as she blushes hard at the entire WWE Universe just saw her bare ass. The camera flashes almost blinded Layla for the brief few seconds her ass was fully on show and the flawless Diva is deeply embarrassed. Flustered Layla was walked halfway round the ring her hands still on her panty covered ass like people are still staring at her ass. They all know what Layla’s big booty looks like naked now and Layla is deeply humiliated by that being so exposed on such a big worldwide stage. Melina is still kneeling over on the other side of the ring trying to recover from her beating as her desperation panty pull bought her some time. Cheeks still bright red Layla tries to compose her thoughts walking back over to Melina but as she reaches forward to grab her Melina looks up throwing a big right hand. The punch catches Layla right in the gut bending her over slight as she moans in pain and surprise. She thought Melina was out of it but clearly she was wrong as Melina throws a second punch up from her kneeling position. This punch clearly rocks Layla away from Melina a hand wrapped round her mid-section to protect it. Layla tries to shake off the gut punch and moves towards Melina again looking to grab her long hair. Melina is ready throwing a third stomach punch driving her fist into Layla’s gut driving the air out of the Diva. Staggering back holding her gut Layla looks up as Melina is now back on her feet throwing a hard forearm smashing Layla in the chin. The blow sends Layla backpedalling a little more with the crowd roaring for Melina’s recovery. Another two forearm shots keep Layla retreating back against the ropes and Melina doesn’t waste any time whipping a dazed Layla off the ropes. Layla rushes across the ring bouncing back running right into a huge clothesline from Melina Hitting the floor Layla is in real pain as she tries to quickly get back to her feet only to be knocked down by a running Melina clothesline. Layla was thrown totally off her game by Melina pulling her pants down now having to deal with Melina’s fiery hard hitting come back is proving to be a big problem for her.

The co woman’s champion is picked up again and whipped across the ring where Melina catches her lifting Layla up for a one woman flapjack. Layla is driven face and chest first into the ring mat getting another loud groan of pain from her. Hurting and flat out on the mat Layla groans then her groans turn into peril filled screams. Melina stands over a downed Layla grabbing the bottom of her shirt forcefully pulling upwards. Layla screams quickly pressing and wrapping her arms against her shirt trying to save it from being removed. She is battling with Melina for her shirt fighting hard on her belly rolling from side to side. Her arms twisted around to hold her shirt too her body Layla is fighting had to keep her shirt on and stay in this match. Melina pulls just as hard playing a tug of war with Layla’s purple shirt but eventually Layla rolls left getting out of Melina’s grasp. Layla is safe pulling her shirt back down her body as she quickly tries to crawl away. She makes it all the way to the bottom rope but before she can slide under it Melina grabs her leg. Frustrated Layla moans grabbing the ring apron trying to pull her body forward out of the ring but Melina has a backup plan reaching forward grabbing the waistband of her panties. All thoughts of escape are extinguished as Melina has a firm grip on her panties. One tiny pull back from Melina and Layla quickly lets go of the ring apron crawling backwards into the middle of the ring. Fans can see Layla conceded the chance for escape as if she carried on crawling forward Melina would have pulled her panties down again. Melina used Layla’s own unease with being stripped to keep the Diva in the ring. Melina can’t help but laugh at Layla’s unwilling to be exposed again as she grabs her ankle fully dragging her back into the middle of the ring. She rolls Layla over leaning down to grab her shirt again but Layla is ready flicking her foot up. Layla’s bare foot catches Melina under the shin stunning her making Melina stagger back rubbing her jaw. Melina moves forward again but this time a grounded Layla pushes forward with both feet smashing Melina right in her bra covered chest. The blow pushes Melina back making her lose her footing and fall back almost doing a full backwards roll on the ring mat. With Melina stunned Layla takes her chance pulling herself to her feet but Melina is also back up quickly charging at Layla. Thinking quick Layla ducks Melina’s running clothesline and while ducking is able to hook an arm around Melina’s legs lifting her up. Melina screams as her own rushing momentum is used against her as Layla picks her up spins her round then drops back hard slamming Melina’s mat onto the canvas. A big Samoan drop has the fans on their feet as Layla picked Melina up with ease breaking her offensive streak by splatting her back first to the mat.

Melina is now the one moaning in pain rolling onto her front to massage her back so Layla takes her chance kneeling down next to her. She grabs the back of Melina’s shorts and starts pulling trying to strip her to win the match. Now Melina is on the defensive, twisting and turning her body fighting Layla off. Melina’s hands grab the top of her shorts trying to hold them up as Layla pulls the bottom of her shorts. Her shorts slide down past her hips showing off the top of Melina’s pink lace panties. Layla pulls hard, sweat pouring down her forehead as she plays tug of war with Melina’s last article of clothing trying desperately to strip her. Melina holds on for dear life finally able to roll onto her back letting her swing her leg kicking a kneeling Layla in the head. The blow stuns Layla but she holds on fighting to remove Melina’s shorts so Melina sidekicks her in the head again. Layla still won’t let go so Melina just throws three more hard kicks right to Layla’s skull finally the pain is too much and she is forced to let go of Melina’s pants. As she stands up rubbing her sore head Melina takes her chance sliding a little closer then uses her leg to sweep Layla’s leg taking the co woman’s champion down. Both Divas now struggle quickly trying to be the first one back to their feet, the crowd cheering loudly wondering who will get the advantage in this back and forth contest. Melina is on her feet first but is still a little worn out from her punishment allowing Layla to get back to her feet. Layla charges forward throwing a huge right haymaker catching Melina in her cheek knocking her clean to the floor. Fans gasp at the big boxing punch from Layla as Melina hits the mat hard lights dancing in front of her eyes, her head groggy from the blow. Layla massages her sore hand while admiring the red mark her knuckles made on Melina’s cheek. Once again Layla is standing over her rival this time she stands between Melina’s legs reaching down grabbing her short but also lifting Melina’s hips up. Layla thinks this is will make it easier for her to pull back bringing Melina’s shorts down bringing an end to this hard fought match. She pulls up hard and Melina’s shorts are pulled down her long legs. Her pink lace panties are once again back on show with Layla pulling harder feeling the end is near. Still dazed Melina can feel her shorts sliding down to her hips and on her back she rolls back a little bringing Layla forward. Melina puts both her bare feet on Layla’s chest then rolls forward using her powerful legs to push Layla away from her. It works as Melina pushes back sending Layla flying back landing hard on the mat almost doing her own backwards roll on the canvas.

Melina pulls herself back up also tugging her shorts back up over her underwear so glad she made the choice to wear such a tight pair of shorts. Layla however is back up quicker as Melina has just been pushing her away for the past minute or two not hitting any big moves. Charging forward Layla looks for another big haymaker but Melina ducks it throwing her own punch catching Layla in the chin. Layla is knocking off balance with Melina moving in for more offence Layla kicks out low hitting Melina right in the knee. Her knee joint bends back and Melina gasps in pain putting her hands down quickly hobbling away grabbing her sore knee. Layla quickly takes the advantage rushing Melina knocking her down with a hard forearm to the back. Melina hits the mat slowly trying to get back up but on her hands and knees Layla strikes again slamming down hard forearm shots right to her near bare back. She is grunting with pain as Layla throws forearms at her spine then painfully kicks her hard in the gut rolling her over onto her back. Melina is breathing hard, her body racked with pain as Layla drops down with a hard knee right to Melina’s forehead. Pulling on Melina’s hair Layla lifts the battered Diva’s champ up before effortlessly lifting her up body slamming her down to the mat once more. Melina groans in pain as her spine takes yet another punishing shot as Layla stands over her body. Layla tries a new tactic lifting Melina’s legs up from behind like she’s trying to fold her over almost like a pin cover. She grabs Melina’s shorts and tries once again to strip Melina of her sexy little shorts. Leaning back she pulls hard sliding Melina’s shorts all the way past her panties fully exposing them but as she pulls them up her thighs Melina starts to stir. She looks up to see Layla’s big panty covered booty hovering over her and can feel her legs are pulled up with her shorts also being pulled up her legs. Once again Melina employs her powerful legs pushing forward forcing Layla to hold on and roll with them. Melina is able to flip momentum now she is on top of Layla in a perfect pinning predicament. There are of course no pins in the mat but she is sat on Layla’s chest quickly grabbing hold of Layla’s legs. Layla screams as she was reversed now she is trapped on the mat but her hands are still on Melina’s shorts so she keeps tugging and pulling trying to get them off. Melina can feel Layla pulling at her shorts so moves a hand from pinning Layla’s legs onto her panties. Layla stop and screams the instant she can feel Melina’s hand grabbing onto her tiny panties. She lets go of Melina’s shorts instantly both hands reaching down securely grabbing her own panty waistband. Melina could laugh at how easy it is to distract Layla with just the mere tease of pulling her panties down exposing her bare ass again. Quickly jumping off Layla Melina falls to her knees next to her and with Layla still holding her panties for dear life it is simple for Melina to slap her hard in the face. The blow echoes around the arena almost bringing tears to Layla’s eyes as she lets go of her panties and tries to cover up. Melina is having none of it throwing a barrage of hard forearm shots battering Layla’s head yet another huge rage attack from Melina. There is nothing Layla can do but take the blows as Melina hangs over her slashing forearms into her skull.

Melina soon can’t hit Layla’s head as Layla’s arms are tightly wrapped around her skull. So Melina changes her angle her hands reach out grabbing Layla by her throat and starts choking her. Layla gasps quickly searching for air as Melina’s hands grip tightly so the referee has to step in grabbing Melina round the waist pulling her off Layla and warning her about choking her rival. Gasping for air Layla rolls to her hands and knees coughing loudly. She is however still running her hands over her body to check nothing more has been stripped off her. Melina takes the ref’s warning and moves back over to Layla who is still kneeling on the canvas. Walking over Melina reaches down slapping Layla hard in the face almost making the cocky co woman’s champion spin around on her knee. Melina grabs Layla hair and looks to lean over her to grab her shirt but Layla can feel what Melina is going. Layla reaches up with her hands grabbing the sides of Melina’s shorts and before Melina can react Layla pulls down hard. Her pink panties are on show yet again as Melina makes a little squeak of surprise as her shorts are pulled down. Layla on her knees has much better control on Melina’s shorts pulling them down to her knees fully exposing the Diva’s champion. With her shorts wrapped round her knees Melina has a choice to defend or attack and she chooses to attack. Melina keeps leaning over Layla grabbing the back of her shirt from behind and starts pulling up. It’s Layla’s turn to feel the uncomfortable cold draft as her top is being pulled up hard by Melina. Panicking Layla screams and starts to work even harder trying to pull Melina’s shorts down past her knees as Melina pulls Layla’s shirt up exposing her black bra strap. The two Divas are fighting hard to strip the final item of clothes off each other to win the match. Cameras flash all around the arena as Melina pulls up while Layla pulls down both fighting hard desperate to win. Layla forces Melina’s shorts down to her ankles just needs one more pull but her own shirt is going dangerously high almost up to her neck. At the last second Layla screams the embarrassment is too much for her to bare almost stripped to her underwear. She lets go of Melina’s shorts quickly wrapping her arms round her shirt trying desperately to save her clothing.

Melina takes her chance stepping back with her shorts still around her ankles pulling back on Layla’s shirt almost tearing it. Layla screams nearly shrieking in horror as the pink underwear clad Melina pulls on her shirt her shorts almost off but not quite. Wrapping her arms even tighter round her head Layla is fighting hard to retain her shirt. She loses the battle with Melina tearing off Layla’s shirt fully stripping Layla. Screaming and horribly embarrassed Layla is kneeling in the middle of the ring now dressed in just a pair of sexy black underwear. Fans cheers as Melina holds her hands in victory and a red faced Layla tries to wrap her hands around her semi naked body. Melina kicks off her shorts leaping around in celebration not bothered about being stripped to her underwear while Layla is acting in complete terror as everyone can see her underwear. Layla is screaming and howling in embarrassment yelling to the ref to bring her a towel or a robe anything to cover up. The referee is too busy walking over to Melina raising her hand in victory. Both Divas in their underwear but it was clearly the embarrassment that Layla suffered that ruined her match giving Melina a big victory. Now deeply humiliated Layla is trying to crawl away but Melina notices cutting short her celebration rushing over. She grabs Layla by her leg pulling her back into the middle of the ring with Layla howling in embarrassment trying in vain to cover up. Melina has Layla in the centre of the ring and then she jumps on top of Layla. Melina starts throwing hard forearms, rights and lefts battering Layla as the live Smackdown crowd cheer loudly at seeing one bra and panty clad Diva on top of a deeply embarrassed bra and panty wearing Diva. Melina lets out her loud primal scream as she slaps Layla’s face from side to side beating a screaming Layla into submission as she just lies on the mat in pain. Layla is dizzy, hurt and the blushing from her face is spreading to her chest as her entire body is shaking as her mind thinks of how embarrassing this moment is. How many people are watching her in the arena or on TV not to mention all those who will download the clip on YouTube or see pictures from this totally humiliated moment for poor blushing Layla. Melina gets to her feet grinning as the crowd are cheering for more as the referee is trying to stop Melina from this post-match beat up. Lying flat out on the mat in her underwear this is a horrible moment for Layla as she has been embarrassed and beaten by Melina. Pulling Layla to her feet Melina kicks Layla in the stomach bending her over then jumps right onto Layla’s back signalling for her finishing move.

Melina uses the Last Call as her finishing move were she does a spinning sunset flip powerbomb smashing her rival’s back hard into the canvas. She spins around slamming Layla down hard crashing her back against the ring mat getting an extra loud cheer from the fans. Melina got her revenge she embarrassed and stripped Layla beating the co woman’s champion up as well. The referee is standing over Layla shouting at Melina to leave without beating Layla up anymore. Melina turns to leave but stops turning round going back towards a hurt and stripped Layla. The ref gets in Melina’s face telling her to back off but Melina simply grins leaning forward giving the ref a huge kiss. Cameras flash as Melina plays tonsil hockey with the official leaving him dazed allowing her to pie face the happy young man. He falls away leaving Melina all alone with the underwear clad Layla who has rolled onto her back. She is moaning in pain and wishing a hole would open up in the ring so she can crawl in it and hide. Everyone in the arena and watching on TV are getting an up close and personal look at Layla’s underwear, Layla didn’t even have time to change before the match that she didn’t have time to change so it is her normal day to day underwear that is on show for the whole WWE Universe. Melina jumps onto the back of Layla and to the shock of everyone in the arena she grabs Layla’s bra pulling hard. Fans cheer hard as poor Layla’s howls with shock as she feels her tight bra loosening. No one can believe what Melina is doing as clearly to her revenge for being stripped naked is for her three strippers to share that fate. She pulls and tears as Layla’s bra strap takes the pressure of a wild vengeful woman pulling at it. The clasp breaks as more terror fills Layla’s head as her bare back is now fully visible. Melina is now yanking at the bra from the sides trying to rip it out from under Layla. The British former backing dancer is desperately fighting to save her bra not wanting to be embarrassed like Alicia was on Raw. Layla keeps her hand against her big tits pinning her bra cups to her skin not wanting to be stripped topless. There is a wild look in Melina’s eyes as she tries to enforce karma on the cocky Layla. Pulling hard Melina can’t see to rip the bra away from Layla who has wrapped her arms so defensively around herself. Changing tactics Melina slides down grabbing Layla’s panties and starts to pull on them too. More fearful cries from Layla with her bra almost off now her panties start sliding down her body. Her big bare ass is exposed once again as Melina rips and pulls trying hard to remove Layla’s panties. There seems to be no way out for Layla as nothing with stop an angry Melina from extracting revenge stripping Layla butt naked. Her panties are down past her ass going lower and Layla can’t sit up in fear of her broken bra falling off, she is helpless against Melina. Ripping and tearing it now can’t be too long now before Melina has another part of her Kill Bill style revenge list complete.

Melina stands up one hand on Layla’s panties the other on her bra trying to pull up to literally rip them right of Layla’s body. The crowd watches waiting for Layla’s embarrassment to be complete, to suffer the same fate as Melina did a few weeks ago. As her underwear starts to tear the crowd’s attention is turned as someone is running though a sea of humanity. It’s a blonde and as she jumps the barrier fans start to boo as they see it’s Michelle Mc Cool, Layla’s BFF and Melina hasn’t seen her. The tall blonde stands in the ring taking a running start kicking Melina hard right in the side of the head. Melina is knocked out falling sideways away from Layla as the WWE fans rain down a torrent of boos at the cheating Mc Cool. Michelle is quick to help roll Layla from the middle of the ring under the ropes. Layla is in tears of embarrassment as she has her arms sticking to her near naked body barely saving her modesty. Looking under the ring Michelle finds a big black sheet that she wraps around her friend to cover her as they walk up the ramp leaving a booing crowd and a knocked out bra and panties wearing Melina in the middle of the ring.

We come back from a break to see Todd Grisham in the parking lot standing next to Michelle Mc Cool. Mc Cool seems to be standing next to a car that has its engine running and there also seems to be something covered in a big black sheet moving in the back seat.

“Michelle we all thought you weren’t here tonight can you tell us what happened,” Todd asks standing outside in the clear night sky.

“Well Todd,” Michele starts in her deep southern drawl, “I was at my clinic to deal with my unsightly facial growth when I heard Teddy Long was abusing his power forcing my poor BFF Layla to compete in a disgusting bra and panties match.”

“So I raced to the arena just in time to find that tramp Melina trying to rob Layla of her dignity by stripping her naked in front of all those sick freaks who get a kick from seeing a helpless woman stripped naked,” Michelle says as the fans in the arena boo.

The covered thing in the back of Michelle’s car makes a squeaking noise that makes Todd look around, “Michelle what is that?”

“It’s Layla,” Michelle says, “I am hiding her flawless body from view which is a crime by the way by to save her from having her naked body drooled over like she is piece of meat.”

Michelle grabs the microphone and turns to the camera, “But you can rest assure Laycool will not that this injustice lying down, Melina we tries to be kind just embarrassing you out of the WWE but it’s clear your too thick to understand that message.”

A small grin breaks out on Michelle’s face, “No matter whoever we are sure you will get the message that we don’t want you around in fact next week on Raw I’m confident that Laycool will teach the untalented bimbo a lesson she will never forget.”

Michelle shoves the microphone back into Todd’s chest quickly getting into the revving car and speeds away from the Smackdown leaving everyone wondering just what she could mean.

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Old 10-07-2011, 10:51 PM
cerindclvr cerindclvr is offline
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good to see you again!
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Old 10-09-2011, 12:11 AM
JackNY51 JackNY51 is offline
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Oh, man! I can't wait to read this!!!

Thanks for getting it up, I'll put my reviews when I finish it!!
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Old 10-12-2011, 06:15 PM
JackNY51 JackNY51 is offline
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Wow, man! Great update! I love Layla and her perfect ass, so I had a good time reading that one!
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Old 11-23-2011, 07:39 PM
JackNY51 JackNY51 is offline
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Any plans for a 4th episode?
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