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Old 11-27-2021, 12:57 AM
Enfcfnf Enfcfnf is offline
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Default Susan's Judgement Day

I have always thought the best ENF/CFNF ideas revolve around the prude being humiliated by an arrogant woman. With that I hope to have numerous stories based on the character in the first part of-Susan's Judgement Day. In it mid 40s Susan comes face to face with her younger, hotter and intimidating rival: Kate. Not only does Susan have to face Kate but Kate catches Susan committing an act of forgery that Kate could easily get Susan fired for. Kate though takes a different route and decides Susan will be put on trial in front of the hundreds of woman at the female only country club where Kate is a highly known and respected member. Although there is no ENF involved in the first chapter-it definitely needs to the prude being shamed, punished and stripped!

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Susan's Judgement Day

Mid 30s Kate Attern had risen back to being the head of her business career, although at a different company. She had been let go from her other company after it was reported she had paid more attention to her male peers. There were reports of her flirting with men during meetings, and anywhere possible, as well as that her outfits were consistently getting skimpier. She was a blonde with a big butt and well endowed chest and she would indeed show them off with tight shirts and blouses. She was very angry when she was forced to resign but the complaint was getting too large. Specifically Kate had thought, and by that she knew, who was behind those complaints-Susan. Susan was in her mid forties and was considered a prude. Her skirts went to the knees and her blouses were never too tight. She was not in bad shape for her age but her butt and breast were sagging, especially when compared to Kate.

Susan could not stand Kate. She hated the blonde who grew up rich and ended up becoming a supervisor even though all she did was flirt. She eventually did make a complaint. She knew Kate was missing meetings and making up documentation so she could flirt more. After Susan complained, the boss looked into it and did find out the Kate had not been doing her job. She was asked to resign. On her way out on her last day she ran into Susan. They came face to face. Susan tried to walk past her but Kate said, “Thanks for being a traitor!”

Susan just ignored it. As months followed Susan had heard nothing from Kate but did indeed find out about her job at a company that actually did a lot of work with the same business as Susan. Susan though did not think anything of it, as she would not have to deal with Kate.

When she lost her job and then had to start at the bottom, she took it pretty hard. Soon Kate started to feel better and it was an accomplishment when she started out as just an employee but by the next year was already a supervisor. She also liked that her new employer did a lot of work with her first job and she knew she would be able to get back in if she knew she would worked hard enough,

There was also a part of her, well a rather big part, that wanted to show Susan how fast she climbed to the top and rub it in Susan’s face. She knew Susan would hate seeing her in power again. She also hoped one day she could get her own vengeance on Susan.

As the fiscal year started, Kate began putting everything together in her new office. She had made a lot of connections the previous year and changed much of her old ways. Still though, she had some of that Kate personality in her.

As the year approached Susan found out the partnership with Kate’s company was going to get bigger and of course as a clerical worker she would have to do a lot of the middle man paperwork. For the most part everything was done by email but there was some stuff that needed to be signed by hand. Then one day Susan found out even worse news: There were input documents that needed to be reviewed and signed by leadership members of Kate’s company. They were due immediately and Susan was told she would have to go pick them up. Susan was hoping she would be able to go in and just get the paperwork and get out.

She got to the company and right away was surprised by how small it was. She was surprised that Kate’s spoiled butt would even settle for something this small. Susan though could not take the time to notice the differences between offices because she did not want to run in with Kate. She went in and was met with a very nice lady.

“Hi, I am here to get the input documents for the Marchent Company?”
“Oh yes,” said the woman.
She started to hand it to Susan but then noticed something, “oh my…it looks like one of our supervisors did not signs, Ms…”

“Please not Attern; please not Attern,” Susan thought to herself.

“Ms. Attern…” Susan closed her eyes in disappointment. “Let me get this signed by her…” the lady’s phone rang and she picked it up. “Hello Go Corp, Wanda speaking how may I help you?...Oh yes, you have a phone conference with Mr. Jansen. One moment.” Wanda pressed the hold button. “I cannot believe I am doing this, I have to sit in on this meeting. I am so sorry. Ms. Attern’s office is right down the hall and second to the right.” She gave Susan the paper. “Once again I apologize sincerely!” Wanda said before giving Susan the document to be signed, grabbing a notebook and then walking off.

Susan was so annoyed but she tried to act respectful. Susan began to walk down the hall and saw Kate’s office. It was closed. She gave one deep breath and knocked on the door. When she did it opened and there was no one in there. Susan just saw a neatly organized office. Susan saw pictures of Kate with her beautiful friends in front of mansions, pools, in bikinis, landmarks. Kate was still living the good life. Kate was an immature flirt but would always end up on top.

Susan was getting nervous waiting for her rival and saw a pen. She thought about just signing it herself. She knew Kate’s signature. Then she knew she couldn’t do it. She started to walk out and heard Kate’s voice. Susan was not surprised it was to a guy, and she was laughing and giggling. Then Susan realized she could not deal with Kate. She grabbed a pen and signed it. Time to leave.

She then turned around and there was Kate.
“Hi..Hi… Kate.” Susan said in a nervous tone.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well I came here to pick up some stuff for the old company and….” Susan was trying to complete her statement when Kate noticed the paper Susan was holding.
“What’s that?”
“That paper.”
“Nothing.” Susan said but Kate knew Susan was lying. She grabbed it out of Susan’s hand and skimmed over it. “Kate ple…”
“You forged my signature…you could and should get fired for this!”
“Kate I know but I just thought you would not want to deal with me and I know…”
“Shut up!” Kate demanded. She was a couple inches taller than Susan and was showing her full force of domination over Susan.
“What you did was wrong and far worse than anything I ever did!”
“I know and I will do anything just please don’t call Mr. Janns.”
Kate saw the desperation in Susan’s eyes and knew this was what she wanted: A chance to humiliate and destroy her prude nemesis.

“Yes Kate please!” Kate shut her door and locked it. She then went to her desk and sat down. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down some stuff as Susan just watched. She then got up. “Stand at my desk!” Susan followed Kate’s orders. “This is a legally binding contract that says you agree to do whatever I order, if you agree you will sign on the X.”
Susan read it, and came across the line, “I agree to any humiliation tasks.”

“What do you mean humiliation? Susan asked.

“You will find out if you sign, or I will call Mr. Janns!” Susan looked and signed. “Good! “You are dismissed and you are to leave now in silence!”

Susan just looked confused. “You will get further directions about what to do in a couple days. Now go and remember in silence and by silence I mean not talking to anybody!” Susan left and did not talk to anybody.

As the hours passed Susan heard nothing. The next day morning came and nothing. Susan was sure Kate would be at her work but she was not. She worked through her lunch and nothing. The day came to an end and Susan walked out of her office and she was sure Kate would be waiting by her car but Kate was not there. Susan thought maybe Kate was playing games with her but when she arrived home there was a black haired, what looked to be early 20s year old, waiting at her door. The girl in her 20s was a typical sorority: Perfect 10 but in business attire. Susan got out of her car and saw she was holding a letter with a package. “Susan?” asked the black haired vixen.
“Yes who are…”
“You have been summoned to face your judgment day!” said the dark haired woman as she handed Susan a letter and package.
“Are you with Kate?”
“That’s Ms. Attern to you and just read and follow the directions!” said the woman as she walked off. Susan saw her walk across the street to an expensive car and she knew this girl was definitely with Kate. Susan walked into her house and opened the letter.
“Dear Susan Adison, you have been accused of heinous and bullying acts against a Kate Attern, a strong powerful beautiful and well known member of our community. You are now being summoned to La femme Casita to stand trial for these actions. It has also been known to this court that you have agreed to all commands and punishments that result due to your actions. You are to arrive at La Femme Casita at 355 E Henderson St at 8:30pm this Friday. Be prepared to spend the whole 3-day weekend on the premises. When you are arriving you are to drive all the way to the very back entrance. You are to wear what is in the box. You must provide your own shoes and undergarments. The only other items you are to bring are your purse. No other clothes! Prepare for your judgment day!” Susan looked nervous as she opened the box and saw pink sweatpants and white t-shirt. The shirt said “Public Enemy Number 1” and the pink sweatpants were the ridiculous kind dumb bimbo girls would wear with writing on the butt that said “Pink” or “Juicy” but hers were custom made. On the butt was the word “LOSER!” and there was also another big difference. On the front in the crotch was the word “SHAME!” Susan had regretted forging that signature.
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Old 11-27-2021, 02:58 AM
Enfcfnf Enfcfnf is offline
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-it definitely *leads to the prude being shamed, punished and stripped!
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Old 11-27-2021, 03:00 AM
Boss2125 Boss2125 is offline
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Great start...and I agree..the best ENF stories are when a prudish girl is humiliated, stripped.
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Old 11-27-2021, 10:49 AM
Enfcfnf Enfcfnf is offline
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Thank you! And when it comes to Susan, I’m trying not to make her a whiny b*tchy like character who you want to see you get punished but when it happens to Susan it’s almost like the villain getting the upper hand and coming out victorious (if that makes sense).
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Old 11-27-2021, 07:06 PM
Enfcfnf Enfcfnf is offline
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Part 2 of Susan's Judgement Day! This section is the trial and lead up to the punishment.

La Femme Casita was beyond a secluded resort, beyond a vacation spot, beyond a country club, it was giant high-end city for and ran by the most exclusive women in the country. There were over 40 shops, 25 restaurants, 2 large gyms, 5 pools and streets were always clean. There were no men allowed and wives would make sure to leave the male partners behind. Since it was mostly a vacation spot, there were thousands of villas set up for the members who visited. Only female employees were allowed and they had to be as radiant as the members. If you did not have a straight connection-that was the only way you could become a member: Work there. It cost $65, 000 a year for membership. The only time an outsider would be called would be for repairs or other services. For example garbage would come pick up 4 times a week and had a special entrance (like every other outside service). It was also noted that police would be called if there was ever a crime but there were never a single crime. If there was a dispute it would be brought up in the town hall. A giant two story building that could fit a couple hundred people.

Most people had never heard of it including Susan, until now.

The next day after Susan received her summons, she could hardly think at work. She was being put on trial. She had no idea what that meant. When she got home there was a letter on her door. She opened it and it said, “3 days to your judgment day!” Everyday after that was the same with a letter, “2 days till your judgment day!” “1 day till your judgment day!”

On the night before Susan could not sleep. She went to work but left early. She got to her home, took a shower put on her standard white bra and big standard white panties and then the clothes for her trial. The shirt fit her just fine but the sweats were too small. They would have looked good on Kate or the person who brought Susan her summons but on Susan they showed her butt was sagging and they showed her panty lines. The shame on the crotch was especially humiliating. Already Susan felt defeated. Susan walked out of her house and made sure no one was around. She quickly walked to her car with her pursue, got in and drove off. She left with plenty of time to get to the club. She had never heard of it and made sure to get directions before she left.
When she looked how far it was, she was stunned to see it was over 2 hours away.

She felt she was in no man’s land until she saw lights. She turned off the highway, and drove towards them. Susan was surprised to see cars parked all along the street. Yet there were no people walking from them. There was a large parking lot but it must have been filled cause it was obvious to Susan that there were no more spaces. Once again, Susan noticed there were no people walking from them. There was an eerie vibe, as Susan got closer to the lights in the distance but no one in sight. She drove for about a quarter of a mile, when she finally arrived and saw a walled area but with dozens of large buildings rising above the gates and then Susan realized it: This was it’s own city but with a high end club like feel. How could she never have heard of this place? A city on its own? Of course Kate was connected to something this high end and odd.

It seemed like a 2 mile drive just to go around before she got to the back entrance. At first there was nothing but Susan saw a bright light. She saw two tall women who looked like models dressed in business shirts and skirts. Between the two was a parking spot, above the spot was a sign with the light Susan shining on it, typed on it was, “Defendant.” The woman on the left pointed and Susan parked in it and turned off her lights. The woman on the left knocked on the door, “Let’s go!” she said. Susan opened the door and stepped out with her purse. She could tell this woman was brunette and she looked over and the other woman, a blonde walking towards Susan. “Susan?” asked the blonde.

“Yes,” replied Susan. The blonde got on her walky-talkie, “The defendant is here.”

“Please hand us your purse.” said the brunette, “You will get it back after the weekend.” Susan handed the brunette the purse.

The walky-talkie then released a voice, “Bring the defendant up, the court is ready.”

“Court?” Susan asked, “I am here to see Kate.”

“Silence!” said the brunette as she grabbed Susan’s left arm and the brunette grabbed the other. They walked Susan to an entrance, “Any trouble you give us will be brought up to Judge Torrie.”
Susan just remained silent. The trio walked up to a door and the blonde pressed a code. The door unlocked and the trio walked into a large room filled with what looked like random supplies. The trio walked to another door, this time opened by the brunette. Susan was introduced to a place she was shocked she never knew existed. She could see the tall buildings that overlooked the fence but now also smaller buildings. A crowd of ladies were in front of a huge building that said “Banquet and presentation hall,” on it. It looked to be two stories. As they walked, Susan felt the women looked like Kate-bratty but beautifully, dressed professional but still looked skanky. The woman saw Susan, started booing her and pointing their thumbs down. “Boooo!” “Prepare to be found guilty!” “Look who gets judged now!” The brunette and blonde walked Susan up some stairs and into an entrance of the town hall where there were more women. Once again Susan immediately knew her place as they booed and yelled insults at her. Even though Susan felt ashamed, she could tell this place was ridiculous-like it was its own theater. She was right in that it was two stories-she looked up to see a staircase but looked down when there were more women pointing their thumbs down.



“Judgment day!”

Like a theater that was just the entrance to the main door. There were 3 entrances actually, but Susan’s escorts walked her through the center doors where Susan heard more chanting. The doors opened to reveal what looked to be a 70 women to the right and 60 the left of a center aisle in a dim lit room. Unlike the woman outside, they were in unison chanting the same thing-“WE WANT JUSTICE! WE WANT JUSTICE! WE WANT JUSTICE!” The woman put all their attention on Susan and pointed at her as she was walked down the aisle in her humiliating attire. She turned her head to see that the two staircases must have lead to the viewing balcony above where there looked to be 30 more women chanting in unison the same thing. The brunette and blonde led Susan down the aisle to a literal spotlight. As she walked past the woman chanting and pointing, some were laughing at the words written on her butt. Up ahead of her was the stage that had been fitted to look like a judge’s bench where a blonde was looking at Susan. She was wearing a white blouse and striped jacket, and Susan saw a name plate that said, “JUDGE TORRIE.” The escorts led Susan directly under the spotlight. To her left were 6 women seated on what looked to be makeup stools. They were silent and just looked defiantly at Susan. To the right was the girl who brought Susan her summons sitting at a small desk. Next to her, there she was: Kate. Kate had a giant smirk on her face as she watched Susan look embarrassed and fearful all at the same.

The chants continued as Susan could not look at Kate as, who Susan assumed to be the judge, banged an actual gavel on her judge’s bench and with a strong and demanding voice declared, “Order in the court!” The women in the crowd slowly stopped the chanting and sat down in their seats. Susan looked down until Judge Torrie, “Defendant…AKA Public Enemy Number 1, you have been summoned to La Femme Casita to stand trial for actions against Kate Attern. You are accused of forgery, mockery, bullying and constant judgment of an esteemed member of this 100 year old club. Now today is your time to be judged!”

The crowd clapped in approval as Susan knew she was in trouble. “That’s right!” some of the crowd members yelled.

“Nidia will present her case to the jury and question Kate,” Judge Torrie said, referencing the dark haired woman who delivered Susan’s summons, “But first! I see you are wearing the appropriate shirt with your label, and the sweatpants look right in the front but please turn around to make sure they are the apparel we gave you!” Susan looked humiliated as she knew Kate was having a ball. She knew she had to though, and when she did turn around Kate erupted in laughter as she pointed her fallen nemesis. “Excellent fiend! Nidia you may present your case!”

Nidia got up with confidence and ease. “Ladies and jury of the court, I have had time to find every piece of evidence against the fiend who stands before us today. She has made Kate feel shamed, humiliated and even cost Kate her job. By the end of my brief yet powerful case against Susan you will have no doubt she is guilty! I present my first witness!”

The first girl who went was Tya Mora, a fair skinned girl who said she was one of Kate’s closest friends for 20 years and she sat on a bench set up as a defendant stand next to Judge Torrie.

“Did Kate ever speak of the defendant?”


“And how so?”

“She would tell me how this woman always thought she was better than Kate because of her fun personality.”

“How else did Kate describe the defendant?”

“As a stuck up prude.” The courtroom laughed and Susan looked down in shame and Kate was happier than ever.

Nidia called up 3 more girls all with similar testimony and then it was time. I would like to call my next and final witness: Kate Attern. The crowd cheered as Kate walked up and took her position

“Kate what happened on the day October 3rd?”

“I was coming from a meeting and saw Susan in my office, she looked like she was trying to hide something. I saw it was a piece of paper and I grabbed it from her.”


“And she had forged my signature.”

“This piece of paper?” Nidia got the paper from her desk.


“How do we know this is not your signature?”

“The K, t and my last name look nothing like me regular signature.” The crowd shook their heads and booed Susan.

“Was this in line with how the defendant treated you?”

“Yes! She has never liked me. I am outgoing, like to show off my assets, if you
will…” the crowd laughed and even applauded Kate. “She is a prude.”

“What else can you tell us about defendant?”

“She smirked me and always made me fell unwelcome.”

“You say you know she cost you your job? How?”

“My old boss Mr. Jann’s would not tell me upfront but his secretary told me that Susan complained about me and she said it was Susan.” The crowd started chattering, which made Susan feel all the more demeaned.

“Thank you anything else?”

“Susan you judged me and now it is your judgment day!”

The crowd stood up and cheered as Kate smirked down at Susan before walking back down to take her seat. Judge Torrie banged her gavel. “Ladies of the court I brought to you four witnesses, including Kate herself. It is time, Susan, aka the Defendant, aka Public Enemy number 1 be found guilty of all charges!” The crowd once again applauded as Judge Torrie banged her gavel.

“Thank you Nidia, women of the jury, you may now exit and..”

“Judge Torrie?” The juror on the right, a black haired pixie cut tall women, interrupted Torrie, “Sorry to interrupt but I don’t think we need time, we have a verdict.” She said this as she looked at the other 5 members of the jury who shook their heads in agreement.

“Ok,” Judge Torrie said, “What is your verdict?”

The juror looked at Susan, “We find PUBLIC ENEMY #1 GUILTY OF ALL CHARGES!”
The crowd cheered, “Hooray, guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”
Judge Torrie quieted the court, “To make sure this is a unanimous verdict, I will ask each juror to please state their verdict when I ask. Juror 1?”
The same juror from before stood up, “GUILTY!”

“Juror 2?”


“Juror 3?”


“Juror 4?”


“Juror 5?”


“Juror 6?”


“It is unanimous, Public enemy #1 you have been found guilty of forgery, mockery, bullying and constant judgment of Kate!” The crowd stood up and cheered as Kate looked at Susan who was looking at the crowd cheering her guilty and shamefulness.

Judge Torrie banged her gavel reigning in her court. “Public enemy #1 you are an absolute disgrace who has made the grave mistake of judging Kate. You will feel the wrath of La Femme Casita and their very low, low opinion opinion of you! I am so very grateful then to sentence you to a punishment of utter and complete shame. I sentence you to a week of humiliation!”
“What kind of humiliation?” Asked Susan.
“Oh you will see but it will definitely expose you for the shameful fiend you are! It will start with a march of shame, where you will be taunted, laughed at and reminded of your guilt. And to truly to give you a taste of punishments to come but more importantly to make sure the ladies of La Femme Casita can make you feel like sh*t, you will be marching IN YOUR UNDERWEAR!”

“What..I can…”

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! “ Judge Torrie yelled and banging her gavel, stunning the court and made Susan shut her mouth.

“If you continue to complain, you will be marching BUTT NAKED!” Susan did not speak as Judge Torrie banged her gavel. Susan was led out by the ladies, who brought in her in, as applause once again arose from the ladies.
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