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Old 01-27-2012, 02:18 AM
Zechs195 Zechs195 is offline
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Default Katie, Class President

Hey everyone this is my first story ever. Feel free to leave any feed back I need it please. If you guys like it I intend it to be the first of many chapters

The sign read " Mandatory Assembly All Students 3rd Period" and under neath it said bold letters “subject: fighting on school property”. Katie read it as she walked into school and was nervous whether this would require her participation. Katie, Short for Katelyn, was class president of the senior class and was often needed for theses sort of function. Katie hated having to be in front of everyone especially when she was forced to give a speech or pretend to support a cause or function she didn't care about at all, she only ran for president because her parents forced her and she only won because no one else ran.
Katie was a very modest girl who hated the idea of people looking at her and always wore clothing representative of her upbringing, very old fashion. Katie always covered everywhere but her hand and her head. She stood about 5'2”, she was very skinny, very pale, and had short brunette hair. She'd never believe it and nobody really acknowledged it but she was pretty cute she was much too concerned with her paleness and small boobs to think it possible and all the rest of the school saw was a geek.
The bell rang and she took off for homeroom. Sitting in her seat during the morning announcements she groaned when she heard: “Katelyn Smith please come to the principal's office.” She took the hall pass from her teacher and left for the main office hoping it would have nothing to do with the assembly.
The principal ,Mr. Jacobson, welcomed Katie into his office. “ Miss Smith, thank you for coming. I bet you're wondering why I called you here. I need you for today's assembly.” Katie groaned in her mind nervously knowing she'd probably have to address the school. “ As you know fighting between both the young men and women in our school is at an all time high. This is a very serious problem and for education's sake it must be stopped.” “how do you expect me to stop it, Mr. Jacobson?” not understanding how she could be useful where a member of the staff seemed just fine. “I don't, Miss Smith, I expect our new policy to, but, our new policy would look a lot better if it had student backing and was introduced by a student. You were the obvious choice Miss Smith” Katie swallowed and said “ Okay... What is the new policy?” “
Mr Jacobson “ Well Katie I've talked it over with the police chief, the district attorney, and the school board and it was agreed that any person found responsible for starting a fight on school property would have to serve a week in jail and depending on the circumstances the other participant would serve 1 day to the full week as well.”
Katie was shocked. “...but Mr. Jacobson, don't you think that's extreme?” He responded “ Katie of course it is but we're hoping with such a strong deterrent we'd never have to actually use it and with everyone's favorite class president delivering the news at the assembly I'm sure the students will understand its time to buckle down.” She was dismissed and went to her next class anxiously.
Katie couldn't believe she was being forced to essentially tell the whole school if they get in a fight they're going to jail. She hated fights and all violence but she thought detention was more than enough of a punishment.
While she walked back to class one of the class bullies and notorious fighters gave her a dirty look. Sandra loved to bully Katie often making fun of her clothes and on more than one occasion made Katie cry. Katie hurried back to first period to avoid any unwanted confrontation. 1st and 2nd period rolled by so quickly it seemed like minutes in between her meeting with Mr Jacobson and the assembly.
She nervously waited off stage as the principal called the students to quiet down and called Katie to the stage. She received very little applause mostly from other geeks. She looked at her notes and stuttered as she spoke “ Thank you all for coming. as you all know its November and we've only been back to school a few months but we've already had almost 50 fights. That's more than one fight a day. So the school has decided to implement a new rule in hopes of stopping this.” she swallowed and tried to hold back and impending panic attack “ Anyone participating in a fight on school will be forced to go to prison for one week”.
The auditorium gasped, fell silent and then all booed. She felt like they were all booing at her and blaming her and some of them were. She started to tear up and ran off stage. Mr Jacobson then went on stage and without even speaking about the rule dismissed everyone.
Katie entered the hall wiping her tears around the same time everyone else was exiting the auditorium. She immediately felt everyone's glare towards her. Sandra approached her.
“you think people should go to jail just for throwing some fists?” She got right into Katie's face. “I was just saying what they told me too..” “ I'm sure you were you little goody two-shoe b*tch”
Katie was getting scared and upset. Then Sandra said the sentence that would change Katie's life forever. “Hit me!” “ What?” “ I said hit me!” “No I don't fight, please leave me alone I'm really scared” “b*tch I said hit me right now or I swear to god I will strip you naked right here in the hall in front of everyone!”
Katie tried to run but they were encircled by people and Sandra grabbed her arm. Katie knew she had to be kidding no one could be that cruel she thought. But then Sandra reached for the bottom of her shirt and with almost no effort pulled it right over Katie's head.
Katie started to cry and become terribly embarrassed. no one had seen this much skin on her since she was in diapers .there she stood with only a bra. Her bra was tan colored and completely covered her breasts. Katie as upset as she was was almost glad her mom wouldn't let her buy the sexy bras she's always wanted ti have, “ do you think I won't go further?!” screamed Sandra. “Hit me or I swear to god there won't be an inch of you the whole school hasn't seen of you.”
Feeling she was left with no choice Katie punched Sandra right in the face. It had almost no effect but Sandra grew a huge grin. She jumped at Katie's legs and grabbed at her pants. Katie was trying to kick her away and fell to the ground. “Please stop!!” Katie screamed “you said you'd stop if I hit you” “ha ha you bought that shit? No you're gonna pay for what you're trying to do to us.”
Katie tried to crawl away kicking and screaming but it only end up having her pulled out of her pants socks and shoes. Katie stood up and looked as everyone staring at her in just her underwear. Her under wear was just as conservative as her bra but now she had no thankfulness she was now showing all but her most private areas to the whole school. She was bawling her eyes out from the embarrassment. She hoped someone would come save her or break up the fight but no one was coming to her aid. she was alone circled by classmates who hated her face to face with a bully who was hell bent on having the whole school see her whole body.
Sandra walked slowly up to her as Katie tried to back away from the bully. Katie felt her back hit the wall of students. Before she knew what happened someone unclasped her bra and pushed her forward towards Sandra and before she could do anything Sandra grabbed the front of her bra and pulled it off.
Katie's beautiful tits popped out for everyone to see. She had small pink nipples on her small but very perky tits. She shot her hands over her breast as quick as she could and tried to crouch down and cover herself as much as possible. Everyone was laughing and pointing but for the first time the guys were starting notice just how sexy Katie was. Not that made them want to stop Sandra it just made them cheer harder.
Sandra walked behind Katie and pushed her hard in the back. It didn't hurt but it made her roll forward and ended up putting her ass straight up in the air. Sandra grabbed her legs so she couldn't righten herself. Her arms and legs were spread out so her breasts were now on display for all to see. Katie looking upside-down up at Sandra pleading with her eyes as she bawled praying for an angel to come and save her or anything to stop what she knew was about to come next.
Sandra grabbed her underwear on both sides but before she pulled she looked at the crowd. “should I stop?” she yelled to the crowd. Not everyone but almost everyone booed loudly. Sandra left one hand on Katie's leg and crouched down to look Katie right in her crying eyes “sorry Katie” she said with a wink and giggle. She flicked Katie's nipple causing it to go erect a feeling Katie had never felt and then in one swift movement popped up and pulled off Katie's panties. Katie breasts, pussy, and ass now on display for everyone to see. She'd never told or showed anyone but she shaved her pussy to because she wanted to feel more like a normal girl her age.
Katie was mortified no one had seen her legs before let alone her entire body. Her shapely beautiful ass was never noticeable in her big pants but now there was no need for an imagination. She couldn't stop crying and was having a panic attack. She was also terrified of what might come next.
“Stop right there!” screamed an adult from behind the crowd. It was Mr Jacobson and he was with the school police officer, Officer Rodgers. They pushed there way through the crowd and saw the beautiful girl displayed for everyone to see they couldn't say they didn't like what they saw but as school officials they had to break it up. Officer Rodgers grabbed and cuffed Sandra as Mr Jacobson helped up Katie. It wasn't tell he crouched down to help her up he realized it was Katie who was the crying naked mess. He was overcome with guilt and felt like this was his fault. He took his jacket and threw it around Katie covering most of her naked form.
“You're going to jail Sandra” Said officer Rodgers “and I can't say I'm not pleased its you who gets to be the demonstration of our new program.” “yeah well I'm not going alone.” Laughed Sandra.
“What?” asked Officer Rodgers Mr Jacobson also turned around to hear the conversation. “ I didn't even throw the first punch” said Sandra “ she started it!”.
The two adults turned to Katie. “ is this true?” “ No... Well yes... She forced me to!” she cried. “i had no choice” she led hoping they would understand her situation.
Mr Jacobson looked at Katie “ and to think I felt bad, looks like you got yourself into this mess Katie. Rules are rules!” Katie started bawl again and Mr Jacobson did something that surprised everyone even Sandra, he took his jacket back! Katie stood there naked again in front of everyone.
“hand behind your back” said officer Rodgers. Katie who was trying to cover herself with one hand over her crotch and another across her boobs was forced to uncover herself and let everyone see her in her right side up glory. Any guy who who said they didn't have a hard-on for this sight was either gay or lying. She was cuffed and alongside Sandra she was walked naked the longest way possible through the school to the front doors. The news of what happened spread like wild fire and breaking the rules or not everyone rushed the halls to catch a sight. Katie hung her head in shame and embarrassment and Sandra sported a huge grin.
End part 1
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Old 01-28-2012, 06:34 AM
cerindclvr cerindclvr is offline
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like! can't wait for chapter two!
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Old 01-30-2012, 03:52 AM
Zechs195 Zechs195 is offline
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Katie couldn't believe what was happening. There she was cuffed and naked being walked out of her school, while dozens of students lined the halls to catch a sight of her in the buff. Sandra walked along side her also cuffed but fully clothed. Sandra, no stranger to being arrested, was actually having a good time given katie's prediciment. “ I gotta say, Katie, with your small tits I was never really sure if you were old enough to be in our class but now that I've seen that big ass of yours, I believe it.” Sandra said and then laughed.
“shut up you two!” said officer rodgers even though katie hadn't said a word. As soon as they walked out the front door Katie body felt the cold and wind of early early november and her nipples became noticeably erect. Her feet felt very uncomfortable on the rough side walk. This combined with their school being on the town's busiest street with cars driving by every couple seconds potentially seeing her in all her glory made Katie feel even worse than she had inside. The question of whether the cars had noticed her was answered pretty quickly when many of the cars honked and some rolled down their windows to hoot and holler.
Katie who had retreated into her head to try and not deal with the reality of most of the town seeing her naked was snapped back by sandra when she said “ Katie, it looks like you actually are having a good time, you little sl*t.” Katie didn't understand what she meant but then she saw her looking at her chest and her painfully erect nipples. “Stop! This is the worst day of my life and its all your fault!” Shut up you two before i'm forced to gag you!” Yelled officer rodgers.
They reach officer Rodgers police car and he opened both sides. Katie was placed on the right and Sandra on the left. He didn't remove either of their cuffs leaving Katie no way to cover herself. “ Where are you taking us?” asked Katie. “to the police station, dumbass” said Sandra. “actually with the new program and punishment system I take you two straight to prison.” Katie couldn't believe it she was on her way to prison. She started to think of her parents and what they were going to do or say, she knew her dad would be very angry with her. “which prison? Asked sandra. “sandra you're going to the Johnson minimun security facility for 2 days for being in a fight and for this repeat behavior. Katie you're going to James maximum security for starting the fight for one week.”
Katie started to cry again, she remember Mr jacobson saying that the person starting the fight needed to be scared straight more than whoever retaliated but this really wasn't her fault. Within 5 minutes they were at the minumum security prison where it must have been lunch hour because many of the employees were outside talking, smoking or drinking coffee. “see you in a week katie” Sandra said with a wink as she was taken out of the car. Officer rodgers walked her in he then walked back out but started a conversation with a guard. Everyone was starting to notice katie and stare and oggle and it seemed to last forever before officer rodgers got back in the car.
“I always thought you were a good kid, Katie” officer rodgers said as he got back in. “ I am this isn't my fault! Said Katie as they started to drive. “you started a fight after being the one to introduce the consequences to the school, that doesn't sound like a good kid to me” “she said she'd strip me if I didn't hit her!” “Are you sure she didn't say hit me AND I'll strip you, because it looks like you kind of ended up that way anyway, haha” He chucked.
Kaite lowered her head and within another few minutes they were at the maximun security facility. He opened the door and walked her in cuffed. They got to the the front desk. “prisoner drop off, Smith, Katelyn.” The female secretary looked her up and down and said “looks like we can skip the strip search” As both adults laughed and katie wanted to die from humiliation. Please sign this form, uncuff the prisoner and take her to that dorr and you can be on your way officer.” He signed took off the cuffs and before katie could cover herself or even rub her sore wrists he grabbed her arm and led her to the door. Above the door read a sign that said “prisoner processing”. A women opened the door and pulled katie in.
There was another woman inside the room and the two women looked her up and down. “Well normally this is where we'd strip you but looks like you've taken care of that, haha”. Katie tried to hold back her tears and read there name tags, one read officer neison the other read officer Jones. Officer Neison said “ in this room you do as we say when we say it, you are not in control of your life inside these walls, we and the other staff are.” Katie meekly said “yes ma'am”.
“ Stand against the wall” officer Neison came up with a camera. Now knowing her humiltion would be immortalized katie couldn't hold back tears any longer. “ stop crying or we'll wait here all day til you do. The longer we wait for this the longer til those 7 days start!” Katie took a deep breath and wiped her face. “Face completely forward and look into the camera” A flash went off and katie could see herself on the screen of s computer behind them. You could clearly see her face and tits. “turn left” They repeated the process and then had her turn to the right.
Katie was glad at least her bottom has was not on display but her thought was premature. “face forward” She the backed up enough to get her full body. They had her go right and left again and then they had her face the wall to take a picture of her butt. Every inch of her body was now forever on that computer and she felt dread thinking of all the people who might see.
“we need to check for weapons and drugs, shake out your hair” Katie shook her head and nothing came out. “good” The two women put on rubber gloves. “ now open your mouth” Kaite opened her mouth and Jones held a flashlight up while the Neison started to probe her mouth with one of her hands. “katie felt disgusted by the rubber taste and that someone was putting hands in her mouth, only a dentist had ever had their hands there before. “nothing” said Neison.
“Now its time for the fun part” said Neison. “go over to that desk and bend over” Kaite did as told and bent over her pussy and ass now on display for the women. Katie couldn't believe she being forced to take this humiliating position and that the two women could see her most private areas. “Do you know what a cavity search is?” Katie's eyes shot open wide realizing why she was bent over. “wait! Please! I've never been touched either of those places” “You've never been touched where?” “my private parts” “Say what they're called” She probably had never used the words aloud before and she felt embarrassed having to now. “My vagina and my anus” “never heard of those before. don't go all medical on us call them what they are.” She'd never cussed or even used slang but she'd heard the words in school. She felt humiliated as she said “My pussy and butt”. “Your butt?” “My ass.” She felt dirty swearing but if she'd do whatever it took to stop herself from being violated. “getting better but could you be more specific?” Katie couldn't understand why Neison was trying to make her humiliation worse. “My... Asshole.” “You've never been touched in your pussy or asshole? you must be a liar if you just love to walk around naked at your high school” Neison then put her hand on the back of Katie 's neck and pushed down hard and Katie braced herself for the horror she was about to face.
“Wait. Look how tight she is, she might be telling the truth” Said Jones who up until now had been silent. Katie was grateful for the intervention but embarrassed that her vagina was being used as evidence. “It doesn't matter, this is procedure” Said Neison. “She's just a girl, we can't do that to her, she's only serving seven days she shouldn't have to give up virginity for that.” “this is procedure what if she's carrying something? We'll lose our jobs. I Have kids to feed!” “what if we came to a compromise?”
“What sort of compromise?” “just follow my lead.” Katie was thankful for officer jones coming to her defense but was nervous of whatever compromise she had in mind. “Katie this is a special exception that we've never done before. If you can not comply with this compromise we will be forced to perform the cavity search”Katie said” yes ma'am i'll do whatever you say. “Katie reach behind you and grab your buttocks.” Katie reached behind herself and grabbed a cheek in each hand. “Now spread your cheeks.” Katie couldn't believe the words that just came out of jone's mouth, that was the most humiliating thing a girl could do and to two complete strangers no less. Katie waited a few seconds trying to get the strength to cause herself more humilation. Neison yelled”do it now or i'm getting the vasoline!”. Humiliated and scared she spread her cheeks, exposing her perfect round pink asshole to the two officers. “katie I need you two spread them wider we need to see inside.”
Katie pulled harder on each cheek trying to ignore the feeling of degredation. She knew this was better than the alternative but she also knew she didn't deserve any of this to begin with. “wider, Katie” katie pulled even harder waiting for this debasement to end. “wider.” Katie was sure her anus would tear if she went any further but she did any way. At this point it was painful on top of humilating but she hoped it was good enough. “good katie now we just gotta take a quick look and check for contraband.”
“officer Jones grabbed her flashlight and held it up to kati's asshole while officer Neisen held an eye up to check inside. Katie wasn't sure how much more of this she could take not only was she being forced to painfully spread her asscheeks to two complete strangers while naked in a maximum security prison she didn't deserve to be in but now someone was actually looking into her asshole. “nothing, from what I can tell. ” Jones patted Katie on the butt and told her to stand and hop up on the table.
“now katie usually we have a vaginal exam as well” Katie shuddered, she was saving herself for marriage and no one would ever touch her there until then. No one was even supposed to see that area she though to herself but this one terrible day had ruined all that. “I'm going to need you to spread your lips for us”. “ma,am I can't that goes against my beliefs” “I can do it for you!” interjected Neison. “Katie if you wish to not have the cavity search. This is what you have to do. We have to see inside you to verify the lack of contraband. We are not asking you to masturabate but just for you spread your lips wide enough for us to get a look. I rarely ask anything twice and I'm giving you a chance here.”
Katie decided it was better for her to do it then have anyone else do it. She reached down with her right hand and spread her lips with her two fingers. Katie felt dirty for doing this and for slightly enjoying the feel even though she absolutey hated the the situation. Her clit popped out and for the first time she felt her juices flowing.
“that's wide enough” and once again jones held up the flashlight while neison peered inside. Katie had never even been to gynocologist no one had ever seen the inside of her vagina before. “nothing” “okay katie looks like you've got nothing inside you but if you do remember that we took a risk here for you and if it comes back to bite us you'll be ruining our lives when we tried to save yours.” “I promise I don't officers, thank you.” Katie wasn't thankful to be in this situation but it was the only act of kindness she'd received since this hell started.
“there's one last thing before we take you to your cell. We need a urine sample.” “okay, where's the bathroom?” Officer neison laughed “Right here” she held out a cup under katie's vagina. Katie was still on the table and had given up all hope of dignity at this point. “you get a drop on me and I swear you will regret it.” Katie now forced to perform one the most private of acts into a cup infront of these officers tried to close her eyes and hide away in her head but realized she needed to pay attention to where she was peeing. She got over her nerves a started to let a stream go. She carefully aimed and got it all in the cup.
“Okay Katie we are now going to take you to your cell.” They opened the door on the other side of the room that led to the general population.” “wait what about my clothes or a uniform?” “Katie you're already wearing it” “What?!” “This is a facility for maximum security violent offenders, to stop the flow of drugs and weapon all prisoners have to remain nude. You will be required to keep everywhere but your head shaved clean to prevent any hiding of contraband.”
Katie put her face in her hands and cried. Would she ever get her clothes back she thought. Not only that but she knew because Sandra was in a minimum security prison she got to keep her clothes, even though this was all her fault. Katie thought about all the violent offenders who would be leering at her body and what they might do to her. Confirming her fears Jone's grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door as she did she said “Katie, I feel for you and I really don't think you should be here. That's why I protected you in there but in general population, in your cell, in the showers I won't be around to do that and for that I am so sorry.”
Katie continued to cry as she was walked through the halls of the prison they got to cell block d. As she was being led to her cell all the prisoners went to their windows and stared at her. A few yelled”Fresh meat” “oh that looks like a fine piece of ass” “Mhm dinner time already?” Katie was led to the last cell on the block.
When she entered the cell there was another naked woman lying on one of the beds. She looked mid 20's perfect breasts much larger than Katie's and a beautiful slender body with long red hair. Jones let her in said farewell and closed the cell behind her. The naked girl looked up at katie “You must be the new meat, a little young for block d aren't you?” Katie “ I got in a fight at school” the woman laughed “ a fight?That's all? I'm here for attempted murder.” Katie was instantly terrifed she was locked in a cell with someone capable of murder. “My name's sam. What's yours?” “Katie” she said nervously. Katie was still standing too scared to sit. “Well katie I always like to show my bunkmates some hospitality. You hungry?” Maybe she isn't so bad thought katie. “Yeah I haven't eaten since breakfast.” “then get over here and eat.” “what?” “you stupid or something? I said eat.” “Where's the food?”
Sam stood up and grabbed katie by the hair and shoved katie's face about an inch from her vagina “Right there!” “Please no, I'm a virgin and i'm not a lesbian.” “do I look like I care? I run this cell I run this block, you want to make it through your senntance you play by my rules.” Sam layed back down. “now eat.”
Katie fearing now for her life got up on the bed too. She put her knees in between Sam's legs and cried as she started to lower head towards her pussy. She could smell it and although it wasn't unpleasent the whole idea made her want to gag. She stuck her tounge out and closed her eyes and aimed for sam's pussy. when there was only about a centimeter left before she entered there was a knock on the cell door. The guard who completely ignored what was going on simply said “Katie your parents are here to see you.”
end part 2
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Old 02-06-2012, 01:35 PM
cerindclvr cerindclvr is offline
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loving it! please post more!!
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Old 02-20-2012, 09:16 PM
Zechs195 Zechs195 is offline
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Katie wasn't sure which situation she'd rather be in right now being forced to perform oral sex on this violent woman or dealing with her parents, they both sounded horrible. The cell opened and Katie got off the bed. “Rain check.” said Sam who chuckled. The guard grabbed Katie's arm and started to take her away. The female guard was silent as they walked she didn't feel prisoners were worth speaking to. “Do I have to see them?” “yes” “can I put clothes on at least?” “No you may not” Katie was not sure how this day could get any worse. She was being forced to see her parents naked and in jail after being almost sodomized on top all else she had to endure on her worse day ever.
After a long walk that wasn't quite long enough she was led into a room labeled “visitors”. Katie Immediately noticed her parents she then noticed there was no glass between them like she had imagined there would be. She was not thankful for this.
Katie placed an arm across her breast and a hand over her pussy ashamed of being naked in front her parents. “mom, Dad, This is so horrible, I'm so humiliated and...” “Shut up you little harloutte and uncover yourself. You have no problem showing the whole town your sl*tty body, you can show your family. ” Yelled her father. “Dad?” She started to cry. “Don't speak I said!” “Katie shut up as ordered and dropped her arms to her sides showing her parents her tits and pussy.
“I don't know where we went wrong but its quite clear you have some serious problems and deserve this.” “But dad I was tricked...” “Shut up! You are not permitted to speak to me. You have humiliated me and this family. Mr. Clark today told me today about how little Judy got into Harvard. I had to tell him how my daughter got into jail. parading around naked in school and in public and starting fights, you've brought great shame to this family. You are no daughter of mine. Me and your mother need to discuss whether you'll have a place to stay when you get out.” Her dad's words caused her to feel overwrought she started to cry knowing she had no sympathy from the two people who were supposed to love her most and that when she would be released she might be homeless.
“Quit your crying you little tramp. You deserve a lot more than a week in here for what you've put us through. Now get over her and apologize to both of us.” Katie couldn't believe she was being forced to apologize for what's she been through and what its done to them, “what about what it's done to me?” She thought to herself. Katie walked closer to them giving them a better view of her nude form. “I'm sorry dad” “Do not address me as your father, we haven't decided what your place in this family is yet.” Katie wiping her tears said “I'm sorry sir.” Her mother always remained silent when dad was angry so Katie couldn't tell whose side she was on. “I'm sorry mom.” “Mom?” her father said. “I'm sorry ma'am”
“ Don't think it's gonna be that easy wh*r*.” “please stop calling me a wh*r*.” she mumbled with tear filled eyes. She spent her whole life trying to be good and pure and living up to her dad's view of an ideal female image that being called these names cut like a knife. “You shave your c*nt like a little wh*r* so you must be a wh*r*!” She almost shot her hand over her pussy but decided better of it, her shaving was just supposed to be her little secret so she could feel better about herself and now its just the source of more shame.
“Get over my knee.” Katie had never been spanked she hadn't acted up since she was very little and learned to be obedient to her father very early. “Please no father I....”“Did I say speak or did I say get over my knee?” “please I'm sorry!” “Shut your mouth!” Katie's father stood up and grabbed her arm and forced her over his knee lying flat facing her mother. She looked up at her mom hoping for mercy or even just a look that said I love you or I'm sorry. “don't look at her she can't help you. You're getting what you deserve. Switch to the other side. No one can help you, you are alone in your sin and as you know I'm right handed and I want to make sure you get what you deserve.”
Katie got up slowly and accepting her fate laid down on her father's knees facing the wall. her naked breasts rubbed against the rough texture of his pants causing her nipple to grow erect and she was extremely embarrassed knowing her mother could now see her bare bottom. She looked around the room find something to focus on instead of her family disowning her and the pain that was about come but all she noticed was the cameras in each corner of the room catching every angle on tape for the whole staff to see.
His hand came down fast and hard hitting both cheeks causing her to arch her back as she cried out in pain.
“OWW! Dad please stop!”
“OWWW!” Two more blows came down just as hard one for her right cheek another for her her left. She knew this was only the beginning and already her butt was very sore.
“OWW! DAD PLEASE IT HURTS!” This time her father hit both cheeks as hard as he could paused and repeated twice making sure each had enough power to cause agony. Her butt was already completely red. Every smack caused her nipples to scratch against her father's pants causing them to grow more erect and in turn making them more painful.
“DAD PLEASE I'M SORRY!” She cried. Both blows reddening her butt further the pain was becoming excruciating and she wasn't sure how much more she could take.
“OWWWW!” She couldn't beg anymore knowing it would go unanswered but she also couldn't hold her screams in the pain was too much.
This was his hardest one yet and on pure instinct she fell forward over his knee and ran to the corner where she rubbed her very sore bottom. The smallest touch hurt but she couldn't help but try to comfort herself. She looked over at her dad and he was fuming. He stood up quickly and screamed “ YOU THINK THAT'S ALL YOU DESERVE?!” “Dad please it hurts so much I can't take anymore!”
“YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF PAIN!” He then started to remove his belt. He raised it above his head and started to approach the corner. Katie was terrified and cornered, as he stood right in front of her she fell to the ground in fear.
She landed on her very sore bottom causing more pain and as he was about to strike she peed herself in fear. Katie laid in a puddle of her own pee terrified, humiliated, and in terrible pain. As she closed her eyes praying for this to end the door shot open and Officer Jones. “Visiting time is over.”
Her dad turned to the officer and said “You said we had a half hour!” “New policy 15 minutes. Say your goodbyes as this is your one weekly visit and you may pick up the prisoner upon her release next week.”
“Bye tramp. We'll pick up where we left off if we decide to pick you up.” Her mother looked at her for a brief moment and the turned and followed her father out the door that led to the visitor's entrance.
Katie was curled up on the ground tears on her face and still laying in her own pee. “Katie its okay, he's gone now, you're safe.” She rubbed Katie's back as Katie cried it out. “You have 15 minutes to yourself in here to get yourself together. I lied about the 15 minutes to your father.” Katie almost smiled through her tears, she was starting to see Officer Jones as her guardian angel as she'd saved her again. “Thank you.” she said as the tears started to slow. “ I'm sorry you had to go through that Katie, you didn't deserve it.”
“ Officer Jones?” “Yes, Katie?” “Can I ask you something?” “Of course.” What's your first name?” Officer Jones paused not sure of the right thing to do“ Natalie. You can call me that in private but don't ever speak it in public we'd both be in a lot of trouble.” “Thank you, Natalie.” Can you stand?” Katie's tears had almost stopped “I don't know, I'm in a lot of pain.” Natalie looked at Katie's butt for the first time and saw that it was redder than bricks. “I'll help you.”Katie started to stand using Natalie as a crutch she stood in her own pee and felt disgusting knowing her feet, pussy and the front of her legs were all but covered in it. As soon as Natalie stepped away Katie slipped on the puddle due to her wobbly legs and landed butt first in the pool soaking her ass and back of her legs. Her butt was of course very sore and this sent a shock through her entire body. “OWW!” She screamed out in pain and disgust.
“I don't think I can move...” Katie said feeling embarrassed. “Okay, I've got you Hun.” She put on rubber gloves and reached under Katie legs and neck to lift her. “Please don't you'll ruin your shirt, I don't want you to have to touch me.” “It's okay I've got a spare one to change into. I can't leave you like this.” Natalie wasn't much taller or bigger than Katie but she was a lot stronger. She lifted katies naked body off the ground with ease and carried her out the prisoner's entrance.
“We've got to get you cleaned up. I'll take you to the showers.” Katie wanted to be clean more than anything besides clothes so she was glad to hear it. Katie rested her head on Natalie's shoulder and the feeling of human contact seemed to make things a little better. Before long they had reached the entrance to the cell blocks.
“Katie you have to stand now I can't let anyone see me helping you. It'll paint a target on you and they won't let me work your cell block anymore. Now just lean up against this wall I'm gonna go change my shirt in the officer's lounge over there” She laid Katie down on her feet. Katie used an arm to lean against the wall not wanting her sore butt to touch the wall. Katie started to think about Natalie and that even with all her appreciation of her she was still very jealous. She got to change her shirt in private when she probably had a t shirt on under her uniform or at least a bra meanwhile she was nude. Natalie came back with a clean shirt and started leading Katie.
Katie was still very wobbly and took baby steps to the the shower entrance which was right next to her cell block. “Katie, this is the prison shower, normally you would be sharing this with the women from your block but I think you earned a private one today.” The room was pretty big like the one in her high school. Katie thought back to school and how she'd always went to a stall to change into her gym clothes and never showered at school at all. All that time keeping her body private and now the whole school has seen her naked she thought with a sigh.
Katie turned on the faucet and the hot water poured down on her wiping away the tears, urine, and sweat. Natalie stood in corner watching her and when Katie noticed she was reminded of her lack of privacy. She knew she couldn't overstep her boundaries by asking her to turn away so she just grabbed the soap and started to lather up.
“I'm sorry if me watching makes you uncomfortable Katie but I have to. If you want you can tell me your story to keep your mind off it.” Katie realized how much she needed to vent and so she did retelling her story from beginning to end as she cleaned herself off. She started to clean her privates off with the bar of soap and as she rubbed she started to get a tingly sensation. She paid a little extra attention but when she noticed officer Jones saw what she was doing she moved on. She was so tempted to keep going but she knew it was wrong and it was too embarrassing. She kept telling her story and at times she'd tear up from the painful memories but she kept going wanting someone to know her side.
Katie was almost clean when she realized the only thing left was her butt. She had put it off for last trying to avoid pain but she knew she had to clean it after landing in the puddle of pee. She tried to scrub ever so gently but it still stung as she washed her ass. Katie stepped under a large vent that served as a drying as towels weren't allowed. At that point her story had ended where Natalie saved her from her father.“Oh my god, you poor thing. I am so sorry Katie, I know that doesn't help or fix anything but I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?” “Can I have a hug?” “My god, of course!”
Katie and Natalie hugged with Katie crying on her shoulder. Being in her embrace made things feel better for that moment. “I'm sorry Katie but I have to take you back to your cell now.” “I understand.”
Katie was led through the cell block and all the prisoners leered at her eying her nude body. Katie was exhausted from her day and at this point and almost didn't care. They were already at her cell when Katie remembered what Sam had planned and started to panic. She was about to tell Natalie. When a page came over the prison intercom. “Officer Jones to the officer's lounge please.” Natalie pretty much pushed her in and left to answer the page. The door closed and Katie was now trapped.
“My that ass is red. I bet you're hungry after a beating like that.”
End chapter 3
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:05 AM
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I love women in prison, ENF, strip searches, etc... Keep it up! This is a great story so far!
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Old 03-31-2012, 04:56 AM
jp0005 jp0005 is offline
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Smile next part

when will the next part be up? love this story.
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:38 PM
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bump, for another installation!
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Old 04-23-2012, 10:18 PM
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Katie turned around to see Sam standing behind her. Sam reached behind her and squeezed violently on both of Katie's bruised sensitive cheeks. It hurt enough she was about to scream and when she opened her mouth Sam shoved her tongue inside. Katie was mortified not only at the pain or violation but that this would forever be her first kiss.
She always dreamed about her first kiss being after a long walk on a beach with a handsome young man or even just a quick peck after a cute first date but for the rest of her life she would have to remember her first kiss as being forced upon her like so many other firsts this day had brought. Katie tried to pull away but Sam pulled her closer and resisting only hurt her bottom that much more. Sam's tongue massaged her own and Katie wasn't really sure what to do. She could go along out of fear or she could resist and possibly have something much worse happen.
She decided resisting would probably only make Sam angry and force her to do worse things sooner. She tried moving her tongue the same way Sam was but Sam pulled back. “Does kissing a woman really disgust you that much?” “no... I mean, I'm not a lesbian and I don't want to do this but...” “Well you are gonna do this, there is no wants for you any more just my wants . So kiss me like you'd kiss a man!” “I've never done that either...” “Wait, what?” “this is my first kiss. I've never done anything romantic or even held hands. I'm sorry if I was doing it wrong, but I don't know what I'm doing.”
Sam took a step back, she had a look on her face that was almost guilt. She had assumed that Katie had at least gone down on a guy even if she was a virgin, she hadn't realized just how innocent Katie was. All her other b*tches had been low life scum she felt no guilt over forcing to eat her out constantly but this was a high school girl with a one week sentence who didn't seem to have a bad bone in her body. She thought about letting Katie live her week out in peace but then Sam thought about the ritual.
Every new b*tch had to go through the ritual. If they didn't they were fair game for any other prisoner to take. The ritual was the first week of a woman's sentence they were forced to go down on their dominant partner in the shower while everyone else watched and cheered on the dominant partner but hazed the new prisoner. Obviously some women were tough enough to hold their own and not be made anyone's b*tch but Katie was certainly not one of those women.
Sam had always loved the ritual, dominating violent criminals in front of everyone else. she had never had a cellmate she hadn't forced into that position no matter how much bigger or tougher seeming they were Sam was able to dominate them and make them her sexual slave. It's how she became known as the toughest on cell block D. She would definitely lose her reputation if she didn't do it and the other women would definitely want Katie as their own.
As thoughts raced through sam's head Katie wasn't exactly sure what was going on, one minute she was about to be sodomized and now Sam was just staring at her. Katie looked at her bare feet not sure of what to do.
“Are you being honest?” “About what?” “You're here for a week over some stupid high school fight and you've never done anything with a guy?” “Yes, I swear I'm being honest.” Sam grabbed Katie's ass hard and it hurt badly. “Promise?” “Yes, I promise!” Katie screamed.
“Tell me about the fight.” Katie retold her story for the second time not crying as much as when she told Natalie but still tearing up. “Katie, I'm sorry I stole your first kiss and I'm sorry I almost forced you to go down on me.” Katie wasn't sure if this was a trick or not but she couldn't believe what she was hearing. “ You're not like the other women I've celled with. They've all been terrible people who deserved to be in here and deserved what I did to them, they were murderers, child abusers, and other scum of the earth. I told you before why I was in here, attempted murder, but I didn't tell you the circumstances. When I was your age I had my first girlfriend, yes, I am an actual lesbian not just a prison one, her name was Michelle, we were young and in love. She was my first kiss, my first love, my first everything, and I dreamed that we would spend our lives together. One day on a drive home from the movies we hit by a drunk driver. I survived, she didn't.”
Katie was always taught homosexuality was wrong but she never actually thought it was, she was starting to feel bad very badly for Sam and sat her very sore bottom down next to her. “ I was destroyed, I felt like a piece of my soul had been stolen. I wanted justice and placed my faith in the courts, but when I testified that she was my girlfriend, it became clear the judge was homophobic and he threw the case out. That night I set out to take vengeance myself. I went to the drivers apartment to kill him for what he did to my soul mate but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I broke down on his apartment floor with the gun still in my hand and he called the cops. I was arrested and that's how I got here. I knew I could never love anyone again so I set out to make sure no one would ever make me. I lost sight of who I was and what I used to have but you remind me so much of her, Katie”
Sam reached out and hugged Katie Katie wasn't sure what to do she knew she was wrong about Sam now but she didn't know where this would take her. She decided to return Sam's embrace and their naked breasts pressed together as each put their head over the other's shoulder. Sam's nipples became erect and as they rubbed against Katie's so did Katie's. Sam went to kiss Katie again but Katie pulled back again. “I'm sorry, I know you don't like woman, but there's stuff you should know.”
Sam explained the ritual to Katie and how it would protect both of them. “... I know this all sounds horrible to you but if you don't want much worse to happen to you it's what you have to do.” “I can't do that...” “I know it seems that way and I won't force you but I can't stop the other women from making you do it to them if I don't claim you.” The words “claim you” rung in Katie's head, once again she was being treated like property and not a human being. “They will do much worse to you, I promise, and I really don't want that to happen to you Mich... Katie” Katie thought about the possibilities and realized as horrible as it sounded it was really her only option. “Okay... I'll do it.”
Sam felt guilty about the impossible situation and worse about what she had to say next. “It can't look like your first time tomorrow so we need to practice.” Katie was shocked “It won't stop til you get me off and they'd know if I was faking, plus if it looks like your first me they'll know you hadn't done before and that won't look good for me.” “What about me?” Katie said not realizing the seriousness of the situation “Katie, I'm still here for 3 more years I could die in here if I people thought I was going soft.”
Katie knew her conscious couldn't bear the thought of being responsible for someone's death. “Okay... do you want me to start now?” “Only if you're ready.” “...Okay.”
Katie backed off towards the end of the bed while Sam laid back knees spread in the air. Katie wasn't as scared as last time but she still didn't want this to be her first sex act. She looked at Sam's parted lips, they were glistening. She knew Sam was turned on and the smell of her sex was in the air. Katie wondered if it was because she reminded Sam of Michelle. Katie crawled forward on all fours til she was right in front of her pussy. She took a deep breath and just stared at Sam's beautiful shaved pussy for minute. Katie realized she too was getting wet but didn't know what would cause it, she'd never really been aroused before today and she didn't think a situation like this warranted it. She continued to stare and started to lower her head down. She stopped right before her mouth was on Sam's vagina. She started to panic when she thought through the entire situation because she had so many things conflicting in her head she couldn't tell at all what she wanted. She was completely distracted in her head when she felt Sam's finger grab her chin. Sam's pulled her chin up so that their eyes met.
“If you don't want to or can't do this you don't have to. I can't and won't force you. Or if you want I can do you first” she said and winked. Katie realized the offer was supposed to make her feel better but having eat out a woman as her first sex act seemed bad enough she didn't want this woman to also be the first to touch her in that way. “ No, I can do this. I just need a minute.”
She stared and stared and then her mind carried her through everything that brought her to this moment and she started to cry. “I'm sorry, I can't, not right now.” Sam reached around and pulled her up so that Katie's head was resting on her chest. Sam felt Katie's wetness as she her vagina rubbed against against her leg. She didn't say anything because she could tell how conflicted Katie must be. She kissed Katie's on the head and told it will all be okay . Sam rubbed her hair and they laid there just cuddling. Katie laid on her side so it barely hurt her bottom. Katie's head laid on Sam's left breast while she had both arms wrapped around her midsection, both breast pressed snugly agianst her ribs and she had Sam's leg in between her own legs. It felt weird for her having her vagina rubbing against Sam's hip especially with it being wet for the first time she didn't want to admit it but it felt almost good and the comfort of cuddling with someone and having her head rubbed, for the first time today she didn't completely hate her life. She didn't know if she just liked the human comfort or if it was possible she might like women but she put that thought off for another time. Slowly Katie drifted off into a nice comfortable sleep.
She dreamed she was back at home and everything was completely normal. She went to school and everything was just as any other day, then in first period with Ms. Clark, the 22 year old teaching intern who all the boys leered over,when her shoes disappeared. She kept quiet and looked around the floor for her shoes. Then shortly after her socks disappeared as well . She looked around for those too but didn't see anything. “Ms smith is there a problem?” “No Ma'am.” “Good then pay attention.” She focused on the board and then looked down and her sweat shirt was gone and she was in a just a t shirt and jeans. She couldn't understand what was going. But then her pants were gone too. The desk hid her bare legs but she couldn't move an inch she was starting to panic. Not a minute passed and her shirt was gone too, there she was in just her bra and panties, in the middle of class. The class then started to notice and laugh at her collectively. Her bra then disappeared baring her breasts to the whole class. The teacher then turned around to see the topless girl. “What are you doing naked in my class?”
The teacher stormed over and grabbed her arm and just as her bottom half came above the desk her panties disappeared too leaving her completely naked in the class room. Ms Clark pulled her out of the class and even though it was mid period the hallways were filled and everyone was pointing and laughing at her nudity. The situation seemed so familiar to her but she understandability how that could be possible. She wanted to cover herself and scream but her body just wasn't reacting. She was dragged forcefully to the principal's office. She was pushed through the door and mr Jacobson screamed “I'm so disappointed in you, dirty little tramp. You like being naked? Like an animal?”
Katie tried to talk or even scream to explain her supernatural situation but no words came out “Fine, then we'll treat you like an animal.” he opened his desk and pulled out a leash. It was very thin leather and had small metallic spikes running around it with a chain link chain attached. He put the leash around her neck and told her to get down on her hands and knees. She tried to talk but no words came out again. “dogs don't talk, they only bark.” Her body complied even though in her mind she wanted no part of this humiliation and she got down on all fours as commanded. He gave Ms Clark the leash and she was lead back into the halls. All the students in the halls laughed at her once again as she felt completely humiliated being led on all fours. She knew everyone behind her could see her ass and slit and her tiny boobs hung down for everyone from the side to see. She continued being walked until they reached the auditorium. It was jam packed as every student watched her walked down the center aisle naked except for her leash. She was brought on stage. She faced the crowd while still on her hands and knees. “Everyone you know your class president. She's volunteered to teach a biology lesson.” Katie wanted to scream or run knowing what the implication meant but couldn't move. “turn around Katie” She turned around so her ass and pussy faced the auditorium. She was now facing a camera which showed her face and tits on monitors around the auditorium. “Now lean forward so everything is on display.” Everything seemed so familiar to Katie but she couldn't understand why. She did as told and now her vagina and anus were on display for the entire school to see even though she didn't know why'd she do this. “This is the asshole and right below it is the pussy. Notice how both are just so perfectly pink and tight? Katie the school needs to know more about the female orgasm. Stay in this position so your asshole stays on display and masturbate yourself to orgasm.” Katie felt like she was in a trance as she put one hand back to her vagina she started working away rubbing her clit and slit up and down looking at her face on the monitors as she experienced feelings she never had before. She kept working at it knowing the whole school was watching this degradation. She bit her lip and kept going .she was ¾ of the way to an orgasm when Sandra ran on stage “Gonna cum Katie?” She laughed. Seeing Sandra caused reality to hit Katie. She remembered everything and knew this was all a dream.
Katie woke up grinding her pussy furiously into Sam's leg and realized that was what was causing her orgasmic feelings in the dream. She was so close to cumming she didn't want to stop but she did not wanting her first orgasm in this situation. Sam was still sound asleep Katie was glad as she was spared this major embarrassment .
She reflected on the dream and thought about how even in her dreams she wasn't spared the humiliation in fact it was worse. She also so felt very dirty and sinful knowing her mind could take her such places, she felt unclean for basically masturbating even if it was in her sleep. She knew how angry her father would be if he knew of this situation. She started to tear up thinking about her father and how badly she'd let him down. Was she a dirty tramp like he said? Did this dream prove it? “No, Katie, none of this is your fault and the dream is just your mind dealing with this trauma.” she thought to herself.
She snapped back to earth when she smelt her own feminine musk and was embarrassed. She sat up and her butt was still very sore. She looked at Sam she was beautiful perfect body, breasts, hair, she layed in perfect sleep like an angel Katie couldn't believe that the Sam she first met and this woman were one in the same.
She then noticed a glistening on Sam's thigh. She realized it was her own juices and upon closer inspection Sam's thigh was covered in it. Wanting to spare herself further humiliation she got up slowly and quietly and looked for something to wipe Sam' off with. She found nothing. She really didn't want to explain this to Sam or for her to even know. After looking around she realized there were no personal belongings and not even toilet paper.
Katie weighed her options and noticed it was 3:40. She knew from a report she had done a few years ago wake up time was 4 for prisoners in her town. She thought about what was going to happen later no matter what and knew what she needed to do. She parted Sam's legs and got in between them. She started licking Sam's thigh sopping up all her own juices. The thought that these were her own juices disgusted her but the taste wasn't actually bad, it was almost good. She was curious if all girls would taste this way or maybe all girls were different. “What does it matter you're only doing this because you have to right? You don't actually like it?” She thought starting to question things about herself. After licking up and down til it was clean she started working her tongue towards Sam's inner thigh she licked more and she heard Sam moan in her sleep.
Katie stopped right before the vagina. She was scared, turned on, disgusted, embarrassed, and for some reason she hoped she was good. She also knew that this would help protect Sam which she felt was really important although she didn't yet know why. She thought about her own body and thought about what she'd probably like. She felt guilty for thinking dirty but it wasn't like she had a choice.
Finally she gently pushed her tongue in to Sam's pussy. She started off slowly not really sure what would be best but when Sam moaned in her sleep she felt like she was doing it right and went with her gut. she then started working her tongue up and down, trying to penetrate as deep as possible, she reached under Sam's legs and grabbed her ass pulling her face deeper in. Katie thought it tasted great. She started licking around Sam's clit and Sucking on it. Sam was moaning loudly in her sleep. Katie was surprised she hadn't woke up yet. She kept licking away, Sam's moans felt like encouragement. Sam's hand grabbed the bed hard but then they moved to Katie's head pushing her farther in as her nose rubbed her clit and tongue penetrated deeply while moving wildly.
Sam was almost suffocating Katie in her pussy so Katie dug her nails hard into Sam's ass waking her up. Sam was convulsing all over. “That feels so good.” She moaned. “Put your fingers in.” Katie figured if she was eating pussy then fingering it was no big deal. She took two fingers and thrusted them deep into Sam's drenched slit she switched back and forth between sucking on her clit and working her tongue in as well as the fingers. “Oh my god!” Sam screamed. Katie's other hand shot up and started playing with her left breast and nipple. She didn't know she did it she just figured it would feel good for Sam. “I”m about to cum!” Katie kept working and then as Sam's moaning grew louder and louder she then started squirting into katie's mouth. Katie out of shock pulled back but all that accomplished was Sam squirting all over her face.
Sam was now panting on the bed. She layed ther trying to catch her breath while katie wasn't sure what to do with the Cum all over her face. “Katie that was amazing!” Katie appreciated the compliment but somehow it made her feel guilty. She'd never been good at anything besides school and now she was able to bring a woman to an earth shattering orgasm on her first try. She felt like a sl*t. She hung her head down. Sam got up to a seated position and looked at Katie's face and saw the shame. “Katie you didn't do anything wrong and you have nothing to feel bad about.” “My family would be even more ashamed then they are already. I'd never felt horny before today and I feel like my body and mind betrayed me as result.” “Oh shush baby your family is living in the wrong century and you finally let yourself have some fun. Did you at least enjoy yourself?” Katie guiltily admitted “Yes, I guess, well kinda.” Katie felt flustered talking about and because Sam called her baby, did she think they were girlfriends? Sam was also the first to ever call her baby, another first stolen by today.
Sam giggled at Katie's embarrassment. She took her thumb and then ran it over Katie's face getting some of the liquid and sucking it off her finger. “Only one person's ever made me squirt before.” She said and smiled. She then started licking katie's face sopping up her own juices until she was pretty much clean. Katie who was still in her own world just let it happen until she got a kiss on the lips which brought her back to the real world. She didn't mind the kiss but it still made her feel badly about herself. She smiled weakly at sam and looked down again but this time she noticed scarring on Sam's right hip. It was squared shaped.
Without thinking katie asked “What's that?” she said it with worry she was scared someone hurt Sam but then wondered why she cared so much. “Oh, this its just a tattoo removal scar...” “Tattoo removal?” “Yeah its kind of embarassing.” Katie couldn't imagine what could possibly be considered embarrassing compared to her day. “Well I've told you my story and that was humilaiting.” “Okay...when they first made this a nude prison. There was no real way to keep track of the prisoners so prisoners would claim to be someone else if they got caught doing something wrong and then it was just end up a huge hassle trying to figure out who was who, or that's what they said. So one day they decided to tattoo barcodes on us against our will. We'd get strapped down and they would give us a barcode with our own indivdual serial number. It was degrading and it wasn't fair that we'd be given a permanent mark from our temporary stay. So one day a pro bono lawyer took it to the state supreme court arguing it was cruel and unusual, which it was, we couldn't wear a two piece bathing suit without everyone knowing we'd been to a prison for violent women. We won the case and the prison had to pay for the removal and they did but the same problem as before existed. So they took it back to court and argued the danger outweighed the prisoner's dignity and went for a compromise and they got it.” Katie didn't understand. “What sort of compromise?” “That's the embarrassing part..” “It's okay, you can tell me sam. I told you all my embarrassing details.” She said trying to make Sam feel better. “ Yeah I guess you did. They called me in with out telling me what was going on and made me get on a table and lay on my stomach. They then strapped down my arms and legs and then the two parts that held the legs down were folded out forcing my legs apart as far as they'd go. I couldn't see what was going on and I knew better than to ask questions but I then heard the tattoo gun turn on. Then they...” She paused. “Maybe its better if I just show you.”
She rolled backwards so she laying on her back with her legs straight up in the air. She Grabbed an an asscheek in each hand and spread them. It revealed a circular barcode running around Sam's anus. Katie gasped. “they argued anyone who saw it would be a doctor or intimate enough with the inmate so that they should know we were in prison. The judge agreed.” Katie wasn't quite sure why but she took her finger and circled Sam's asshole with it. Sam giggled as it tickled but at the Same time was embarrassed. “I'm so sorry hun.” Katie pulled Sam up and hugged her and they held each other for a few minutes. Katie started to worry it would happen to her but Sam saw the look on her face. “ Don't worry you have to have at least a 3 month sentence to get coded.
Suddenly the alarm went off which meant it was time for all the other prisoners to wake up. It also meant the showers drew near and that meant the ritual. Sam got up first and asked katie if she was ready. “As I'll ever be.” “just so you know I might say or do some things that are just for appearences I care about you very much but I have to protect us both.” Katie hoped it wasn't anything too awful but nodded as she understood. Katie stood up and rubbed her sore ass. Katie was quite nervous and sam could tell she grabbed katies hand to calm her. They both held hands as they waited for the door to open.
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Old 04-25-2012, 04:51 AM
cerindclvr cerindclvr is offline
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excellent developments. quite surprising. A lot of good parts..! I liked the dream sequence in the middle... there were a good bit of sexy details there and throughout. Keep up the excellent work -- with the twist of these two characters falling for each other I cant wait to see how the shower bit is gonna go...
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