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Old 03-05-2012, 12:31 PM
Meepo Meepo is offline
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Default The Telephone Trouble

This has already been posted elsewhere, but in the interest of sharing it with the good folks of OCC, here's another Amelia Duchagne story:


The audience looked on breathlessly as Amelia Duchagne strode away from the curious contraption on the stage: She had gotten its wires tangled in the strings to her corset. The inventress herself seemed completely oblivious to this unfortunate mistake; she simply cleared her throat, and addressed the room at large.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I am sure that, in your daily life, you all make use of the wondrous invention that is the telegraph. It is quite convenient to send a short message to friends and family at a distance – but imagine, if you will, a machine that lets them actually hear your voice! That-” here she held aloft a curious black device with two metal funnels, connected to the larger contraption by plenty of wires “-is what I have invented. I call it... the Telephone!”

The audience gasped, not so much at the invention as at the fact that the sudden gesture had almost untied her corset altogether. More and more of what Nature had blessed her with was showing through her increasingly generous cleavage.

“Now that all the wires are attached, allow me to demonstrate. In a nearby building is my assistant, Charles Wraydon. Observe as I use this marvelous invention to turn my very voice into electrical signals, which will reach him almost instantaneously!”

A kindly man in the audience raised his hand, awkwardly adjusting his monocle. Amelia Duchagne took a few steps forward to address him, and in doing so, found herself straining against the wires stuck in her corset.

“Yes, Mister...?”

“Peeping, ma'am. Thomas Peeping. Erm. I couldn't help but notice, you seem to have some trouble with the wiring.”

“I do?”

Amelia Duchagne spun around, and in doing so, tangled herself up in the wires even further.

“Oh dear!” she said, blushing. “It appears I am! Um... let me just-”

She took a step to the side in an attempt to disentangle herself, and accidentally trod on the hem of her dress. This pulled the garment down considerably, exposing her shoulders and some of her back, and she blushed even further as she reached behind her, trying to remove the offending cables.

“I am so very sorry! This will not take long, I assure you.”

She stumbled back towards the machine, in which all the wires were attached. Perhaps she intended to disconnect them, but she never got a chance to – for she had forgotten about all the wires littering the floor. As she hurried across the stage, they were caught around her ankles – and she fell forward, exposing her bloomers to the onlookers.

“I am terribly, terribly sorry!” came her voice as she crawled across the floor, caught up in a mess of well-insulated copper threads. “Don't worry, I'll have this all sorted out in no time whatsoever!”

She regained her footing, but for whatever reason her dress had slid down even further now. She could barely move her arms, and though her back was turned on the audience, they could see enough of it to guess that her breasts had by now been entirely liberated from confinement. Dr. Duchagne found herself forced to pull her arms out of the sleeves, in order to have any sort of maneuverability.

Wrapping an arm around her chest, she turned around and tried to reach down for her ankles. By now, the cables were everywhere, and it was no easy job keeping her balance. She looked around, and spotted a chair. Apologizing once more to the audience, she slowly made her way towards it– but just as she moved to sit down, a loop of cable pulled taut about the chair leg, and drew it off-balance! With a loud shriek, Amelia Duchagne tipped backwards, and disappeared entirely from the audiences' view.

She re-appeared within moments, loose coils hanging all over her naked upper body. Still using one arm to conceal her breasts, she struggled to free herself and managed to wiggle free of her dress in the process, as it had somehow attached itself to the back of the chair. She was now wearing only her bloomers and her shoes, and was blushing furiously.

“I can't understand how this happened,” she said apologetically to the audience as she tried to climb to her feet. “I thought an invention like this would be perfectly safe!”

She scanned the stage for something else to sit on, but she couldn't move very far, attached as she was to the great machine in the center of the stage. She settled on the device itself – it was large enough to serve as a stool. Pulling herself to her feet, she made another unpleasant discovery: The wires caught around her ankles had been pulled taut, and now bound them together. She was forced to make a few humiliating little hops in order to reach the machine, and was quite a spectacle to behold – wearing only her bloomers and wrapped in fine strands of cable.

Finally, she reached the large metal box, and plopped her bottom down on it – but not entirely without incident. The cables were well insulated, but they were not built for this kind of rough treatment; evidently some of the isolation had slipped. Amelia Duchagne made a small yelp, and jumped with the sudden electric shock somewhere on her back. She instinctively reached with both hands to remove the problematic cable, thereby exposing her blushing breasts entirely.

For a few breathtaking moments, Amelia Duchagne fumbled behind her back, looking extremely uncomfortable. Finally a look of relief passed over her, as she successfully removed the wire.

“Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen! The current is quite mild. Uncomfortable, but by no means dangerous! Let me just- Hm. Oh dear.”

It appeared Amelia Duchagne had somehow managed to tie her own hands up behind her back. As any escape artist knows, this is quite a feat – though Dr. Duchagne was less than proud of it, and her struggles to break free made her breasts bounce and jiggle, in full view of the astonished audience. Panicked, she attempted to stand up – only to fall over again!

What could have been a quite painful fall was, however, hindered by the cables. She landed on her knees, leaning forward, suspended above the floor by the many wires crisscrossing her body – particularly one about her waist, it seemed. She sighed in relief, glad to have avoided a close encounter with the floor – until she noticed that the cable around her waist was no cable at all, but the waistband of her bloomers. Little by little, it was starting to give up.

Then suddenly, she spotted the little black device that she had been holding at the beginning of her presentation: The receiver. It was lying quite close to her face. It would be her only chance to get out of this awful situation.

Swallowing carefully, Amelia Duchagne raised her voice, and spoke into it:

“Mr. Wraydon – come here – I want to see you!”
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The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Meepo For This Useful Post:
Old 03-06-2012, 07:13 PM
cerindclvr cerindclvr is offline
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Another well written, cute story of Ms Amelia. I do so admire your tasteful work, Meepo, and as usual, appreciate it to the last drop.
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