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Old 10-26-2023, 01:39 PM
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Default On a Schedule. Primrose's Security Screening, Fin

Resuming her uncomfortable and embarrassing squat position, Prim thought surely things couldn’t get any worse. The officer placed the mirror underneath her open thighs and ordered, “I want you to reach under with both hands and open yourself for me”. Dumbstruck, Primrose complied, her eyes welling with tears of humiliation and frustration as she did what she was told, dreadfully aware that anyone outside could most likely see her bottom inside. Sweat poured down her now-nearly naked crimson body. The cubicle was so small the officer’s face was only inches way from Primrose’s, and she noticed a slight smirk as the officer suddenly inserted two fingers inside her sopping sn*tch. The officer blinked in astonishment then tittered loudly realizing Primrose was intensely aroused. It was the most humiliating moment of Prim’s entire life as the young woman unemotionally moved her fingers around inside her for a full minute before eventually slipping her gloved fingers out. Then, without allowing her to stand, the girl ordered Primrose to turn around and lean on the wall. Despite being full figured, Primrose was athletic and fit, but her thighs burned as she awkwardly shuffled around on lofty heels no less, without standing up. Her heart sunk as she saw the officer removing her gloves and then then heard the ‘snap’ as she pulled on a fresh pair.

“Now please put your hands behind you and pull your buttocks apart”, the girl ordered. Prim’s elongated nipples brushed the textured surface of the cubical wall triggering yet more stimulation to her already tightened teats as well as her burning bush. Primrose felt the girl’s hand between her moist shoulder blades, “I said lean forward!” as Primrose’s hot sweaty breasts were squashed flat against the cold wall along with her scarlet forehead. She could not believe this was happening. She screamed to herself, “This is a nightmare! Molested stark naked in an airport full of people!” Yet there she was, inches away from comfortably clothed travelers, undergoing the most degrading treatment she had ever experienced. She whimpered when the young woman ordered her to “pull harder” and without any warning, or sufficient lubrication, painfully forced her gloved finger inside Primrose’s bottom. “Oooo, Oh, Oh, Oh!” Prim squealed at the unwelcome intrusion. Her face now the color of an eggplant, Primrose clearly heard the crowd outside the cubicle laughing as they knew exactly what was happening inside. Someone cried out, “WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE?” Prim, thighs aching and with a half crazed look on her face, smelled the officer’s minty breath on her naked shoulder. “Time to delve a bit deeper dearest...” the young girl whispered in Primrose’s ear, as she added a second finger and pushed even further. Prim yowled like a wet cat, the discomfort and humiliation unbearable. Primrose, implausibly further stimulated, began panting loudly and bouncing her boobs against the cubicle wall in tempo with the young woman’s probing digits. Unfortunately, just as Primrose was about to cum, the officer suddenly withdrew. Primrose shouted “NO! No,nononono…, DON’ T STOP!” The deprived Primrose jumped forward as her bottom made a loud popping sound, like a wine bottle being opened. This brought more hoots from people outside the cubicle. Primrose lurched wildly, toppled to the side, her legs splayed scandalously as the walls of the booth collapsed, the whole booth crashed down upon the concourse floor. Primrose landed across the flattened wreckage face down, on her knees and elbows. Her soaked mop of hair hung limply over her nearly purple face and breathless puffing rosy cheeks. Prim’s bare bottom was thrust skyward, knees apart, showing the world her feminine charms in all their aroused glory. “EEEEEeeeeeeK” she cried and quickly rolled on her back, now supported by her elbows, knees still wide apart. Primrose stared wide-eyed down at the display she now presented the terminal crowd in utter astonishment, her mouth forming a perfect “O” shape. Her beautiful trimmed bush was open just enough by her splayed legs for everyone to see her throbbing labia. Her breasts lunged upward, her elongated nipples rising even higher. Just as she wondered how all this horribly came to occur, waves of humiliation and pleasure overwhelmed her. Unable to further contain herself, Prim squealed like a vixen, and began bucking her hips wildly in the air, on the cusp of the most explosive orgasm she ever had experienced. At this exact moment however, the young girl mentioned earlier, who with her family, stood transfixed staring at this sordid sight with bewildered expressions, dropped her extra-large banana smoothie on the terminal floor. Astonishingly, the contents of said shake spewed forward in two waves toward the simmering sexpot squirming shamelessly on the concourse floor. As if in slow motion, the first wave splattered Primrose’s crotch, saturating her steaming puss with a creamy ice-cold slush, instantly arresting her imminent orgasm, and robbing Prim of her so-wanted release. The second wave of goo struck Primrose directly in the face, soaking her countenance and sweaty locks in a quart of yellowy confection. Primrose, utterly gobsmacked, could only stare comically cross-eyed, down at her frosted feminine flower, her mouth dripping smoothie, hung open comically agape. With her climax literally on ice, the unfortunate unfulfilled flash-frozen femme now resembled a semen-soaked sl*t. As the surrounding crowd exploded into laughter, Primrose grasped the uproarious situation. Clamping her sticky legs together with a delightful “smack”, she shrieked loudly enough to shatter glass. She saw cameras everywhere and then she noticed the family she insulted earlier, in the front of the crowd laughing and filming as their video camera recorded her complete mortification.

Clambering up unsteadily on her high heels, her previously coiffed hair now in wet ropes of banana shake, Primrose looked around wildly for her clothes. Not seeing them, she adopted the classic ENF pose with one hand trying unsuccessfully to cover her large boobs capped with unbelievably stimulated nipples, and the other pressed between her legs to shield her oh-so-cold coochie. Icy shake continued to drip from her face onto her tits causing her nipples to extend another quarter inch! Her unsecured stockings drooped about her knees. Sweating profusely and covered all over in a moist sheen, Primrose wore the body blush of a boiled lobster. Staring into the laughing audience, her heeled toes shoulder width apart and her knees tightly held together, Prim’s ridiculous posture only served to push her big bare bottom delectably out and up. Looking frantically side to side, through hair covered with creamy banana smoothie, Primrose stared with her mouth hanging open in shame, her eyes wide as saucers. Unable to cover her enormous bosom, Prim’s rock hard nipples peeked out to the delighted crowd and cameras. Primrose awkwardly clicked her heels on the tile floor looking for knock-kneed way out. All around her, Primrose saw faces of people laughing and pointing at her. She screamed over their laughter, “Pleeease, someone cover me!” The young officer who searched Prim suddenly appeared and offered Primrose an airline schedule poster from the smashed cubicle wall. The crescendo of the crowd grew louder as poor Primrose struggled to use the poster to cover her boobs and pussy while her big pink bottom bounced about completely exposed. She anxiously hopped from one heel to another, spinning in circles as the crowd howled on all sides. The wife of the family she insulted earlier took the opportunity to smack her ass hard three times and said, “That’s just what a haughty cow like you deserves!” “OOOO OH, OH, Owwwie!” Primrose exclaimed, miserably peering over her shoulder with her frosted face at her reddened bare bottom.

Finally, other officers moved in and as they pulled Primrose back to the wreckage of the cubicle, a series of blooming red hand prints appeared on her full tushy. One officer gave Prim a small towel to wipe off the now-crusty smoothie splatter while another gave her girdle back. “Thanks a lot!” she hissed, as she sn*tched it away from him. Even though the officers tried to hold up the little curtain to end the bawdy exhibition, many of the crowd, including the family, hooted raucously as the silly Primrose struggled to pull on her ridiculous girdle, an effort made hopelessly difficult because of her embarrassment and sweat-covered body. Wriggling to haul the too-tight garment over her generous wobbling rear end and then her bouncing breasts, was truly a sight to see.

Fifteen minutes later a now-dressed but still shaking Primrose tried to sound composed when she asked the officer who strip searched, exposed, and degraded her, exactly to whom she should complain. The officer replied, “No one”. She said, “I was only doing my job”. She didn’t even apologize. It apparently was the fault of the over-calibrated metal detector sensing the metal fasteners securing Primrose’s silk stockings to her girdle. Despite trying to remove as much smoothie as possible from her countenance in the WC, There remained quite a bit of sticky shake on her face and in her hair. Hustling up the jet way to her plane where everyone was already seated, Primrose endured her final indignity as she saw the grins on the faces of passengers who had clearly enjoyed her humiliation, and had pictures, movies and stories to tell all their friends back home. She hotly panted as she squeezed by the girl she insulted earlier on the way to her seat. The girl unexpectedly held aloft her polka-dotted panties she had absconded with and waved them to the cheering cabin of passengers. Everyone now knew Primrose was wearing no panties! Primrose felt about her loins and realized the mortifying truth. She pouted as she plopped into her seat and started bawling.

Back in the airport, a janitor fortunate to have witnessed the calamity, held up Primrose’s discarded cover, the poster flight schedule she had so unsuccessfully attempted to use to conceal her nudity. The portion dealing with Primrose’s departing flight was soaked with her sweat, banana smoothie, and Lord-knows what else. He laughed out loud and remarked “I guess she WAS on a schedule after all!”

The End
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Old 10-30-2023, 06:31 PM
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Default Irritating Incident at the Ivy Industrial Institute

Irritating Incident at the Ivy Industrial Institute

**Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are over 18**

This is another prequel, where the characters are still in college. Please enjoy

Part 1

It was a beautiful spring day in Puttyville and at The Ivy Industrial Institute, everyone was excited for the important events. Today was the pep-rally for the big basketball game later in the afternoon against Excelsior Electrical Lyceum, their school’s major rival. Coupled with the pep-rally was the announcement of the Bastermats’ Sophomore Scholarship, a coveted prize awarded by the major local employer, The Bastermats Chemical Company, to the sophomore who best demonstrated the Institute’s ideals. The gymnasium was magnificently decorated with scarlet streamers and red and black balloons, the school colors. On both sides, students packed the bleachers laterally along the longer walls of the gym. From half court to the entrance, faculty and parents, all dressed smartly, were seated in rows of red and black folding chairs, easily removed for the game later. At the other end, beneath the brand-new scoreboard topped with the latest big-screen television, or JumboTron, was a large dais serving as the focal point for the occasion. The red and black-clad band was seated along one side of the elevated platform, while the uniformed basketball team, known unofficially as “The In-and-Out Balls”, and cheerleaders were seated along the other. The local television station, WENF, as well as the student cable access channel, ENM-TV, were set up to cover the event.

Atop the dais, about to approach a podium, Provost Regina DuBois looked out over the crowd with a regal visage on her face. Strikingly a full six feet tall without heels, with a statuesque, near Rubenesque, figure, the woman looked every bit the domineering disciplinarian she was known to be. Dressed in a very snug red leather sleeveless sheath dress, with large black metal buttons running up the back, complimented with 4-inch red heels, Ms. Dubois perfectly matched her school’s colors. Her red hair coiffed in a rather authoritarian fashion, combined with a fiery sardonyx hair comb and matching red coral hoop earrings completed her stern, but most fashionable, appearance.

Despite her firm, composed outer appearance today, inside she was bubbling with anticipation for today’s big moment. The moment HER daughter, the bright, brassy, and beautiful, Primrose Dubois, would be recognized by all in the city as the winner of this monumental honor. Regina relished the idea of elevating Primrose while simultaneously humbling the only viable competitor, Beth Modiste, who in her mind, was clearly the wrong choice. Beth attended the Institute on a scholarship, and Regina believed Beth lacked the breeding the school espoused as well as the leadership qualities in the guidelines of the Bastermats’ prize. Regina just knew Primrose had won. Besides, although Beth was quite attractive, and part of the cheerleading squad, (albeit captained by non-other than Primrose), Regina felt Beth lacked the sophisticated smoothness a moneyed upbringing provides. Such snooty and condescending behavior was exactly what her daughter Primrose was beginning to exhibit and Regina loved it. Like mother, like daughter. Unfortunately, only the college president, Cordelia Ivy Cockfoster, and the President of the Bastermats Chemical Company, Ernest Crescentcrotch Bastermats, knew the winner, as all members of the selection committee submitted their votes anonymously. In addition to the big cash prize scholarship, there was a gift for second place, a red jasper statuette of the great chimney at the chemical plant, emblazoned with the company name. This mini monument was humorously known to the student body as the “popsicle” because it resembled a large, glowing sex toy. Being the runner-up and awarded the “popsicle” was a comedic event, and was always captured in hilarious suggestive photographs such as mouthing the award, or pretending to insert it somewhere carnal, later to be published in the school paper and yearbook do the delight of the students and the disdain of the faculty.

Although she relished being the center of attention at this moment, she was so ready to bestow another honor on her haughty offspring who completely reminded Regina of herself. Curiously, Ms. DuBois felt a twinge of uneasiness as she strode to the podium, clicking loudly in her magnificent heels over the gym’s PA system. The provost had packed on a few extra pounds during the last few fall months. While no one would dare call her fat, or even chubby, she now sported more curvature than before. Along with a derriere to die for, she was also endowed with a balcony you could recite Shakespeare from. Strutting forward to her position of power, Regina’s bosom bounced forward straining the leather dress like basketballs stuffed into a mesh bag. The square neckline, coupled with the sleeveless design, allowed the tops of her magnificent breasts to rise up and out just enough to maintain a modicum of decency, yet rapidly approaching the line of becoming risqué. She couldn’t remember the neckline being so open, but as she had changed just minutes earlier in her office, she had not had time to make any adjustments. Regina abruptly realized her mild trepidation was caused by this very dress she chose for today. While absolutely stunning, it was a garment from a slimmer time in her past. Despite Regina’s complete confidence in the “foundations” she selected to address her recent weight gain, she momentarily thought the too-tight leather dress with a low neckline and a back-button closure may a bit risky. Because of her attire’s snug fit and the warmth of the gym, Regina had imprudently, again like her daughter, in order to be comfortable, forgone sensible undergarments such as a slip. Now the opposite of comfort was occurring as she felt her formidable unmentionables rubbing directly against the leather confines of her dress now tacky with moisture. Ms. DuBois’s face flushed at the thought of a wardrobe malfunction in front of her admiring audience.

Arriving at the podium behind the microphone, the provost’s hubris suddenly took over, and her confidence came rushing back as she realized she, Regina Dubois, Ph. D, was the authority figure here today, and SHE was in complete control of the occasion. At least so she thought, staring out over the splendidly decorated gymnasium and throngs of excited people, not noticing the beads of sweat beginning to form on her back and across her scrumptious décolleté.

Both Beth Modiste and Genevieve Jameson sat to Primrose, the squad captain’s, left. Both looked very smart in their cheerleader uniforms, the “Institute Intensities”. The squad wore brilliant red and black short wool skirts, matching midriff-baring wool button-up sweater tops, black sneakers with red ankle socks. Prim wore her beautiful still-blonde hair in a high ponytail with a strand wraparound. Beth opted for a simple ponytail, while Genevieve chose sexy high pig tails. As specified in the school code, all girls save one, wore regulation brassieres and panties and also donned beneath their short skirts, full-coverage scarlet cotton over-panties necessary for decorum’s sake during acrobatic performances. Prim didn’t want to show any perspiration during her moment of glory and unwisely wore neither over-panties nor brassiere, relying on her tight woolen, button-up top to restrain her magnificent firm breasts.

Beth was astounded at the pomp of the ceremony, with hundreds watching and cheering, she was very proud to have gotten this far in the competition. While she believed she stood a good chance to win, she worried Primrose and her scheming mother may have altered the competition to give the younger beautiful DuBois an unfair advantage. Still, Beth was a strong young woman and would not be intimidated by the likes of those two.

Genevieve was irritated to have to be onstage for this event, having acquiesced to Primrose’s insistence the cheerleaders be seated on the dais with the basketball team. Primrose incredulously delivered a back-handed compliment saying, “Genevieve, your appearance sets off my loveliness so!” Primrose then asked Gen to stand behind her when she took the big prize away from Beth. Rolling her eyes, Genevieve wondered why her dork brother was not with the rest of the basketball team. He was probably doing something for the bimbo Primrose, whom he adored.

Primrose sat basking in her believed forthcoming glory. She could not image a more perfect day except for one annoying detail. “Where in the devil was Miles?” Primrose wondered from her seat. Her thoughts drifted to Miles’ smooth, sexy body as she wiggled her butt against the folding chair clearly enjoying the lack of panties between her bare bottom and the thin cotton briefs. Notwithstanding the mons moistening experience Primrose felt imagining the evening with Miles following her prize-she would enjoy two prizes later tonight! - suddenly, she snapped back to reality and hoped Miles had not done something regrettable. While she effectively controlled him most of the time with her bossy behavior, he could at times go and do something silly. Now he was conspicuously absent from the rest of the basketball team seated nearby. Although Primrose was extremely popular with all the jocks, she chose the dishy Miles as her steady boyfriend for three reasons that would shortly appear most obvious.

High above the dais, concealed behind the scoreboard, Miles Jameson balanced carefully in his Chuck Taylors on the support beams. Still in uniform, he had slipped out before the ceremony to launch his chivalrous plan to avenge his Primrose. Miles worked part time in the school office and while snooping through the Dean’s files the secretary left unattended, he discovered a terrible injustice. Beth, not Primrose, had been named the scholarship winner. After days of silent anxiety, he hatched a plan without Primrose’s knowledge to humiliate Beth before the entire student body, faculty, and parents. In his hands he clutched a large bottle of “Acme XXX Scratchy/Sneeze Powder”, purported to be the most noisome product available. Advertised to cause extreme itching and sneezing, Miles knew this would be the ultimate act of revenge. When Beth came to the podium to be recognized, invisible to all, he would sprinkle the powder on her from above and everyone would then watch hilarity ensue. He blushed with the thought Beth may have to pull off her sweater to stop the itching and he would see her bra-clad breasts! He fantasized at what color her bra would be, pink? Jarred from his brief hormone-fueled reverie, he looked down at the group assembled on the dais below and with growing titillation realized from his position, he had an amazing view down the front of provost Dubois’s low-cut leather sheath dress. As she stood up and clicked her way imperiously to the podium, her bouncing bosoms resembled a couple of ripe melons, straining her not-up-to-the-task, brassiere. Dreamily, he imagined his head resting on those soft pillows, grander than those of her daughter Primrose, while he simultaneously felt a stirring in his loins.
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Old 11-06-2023, 11:15 AM
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Default Irritating Incident at the Ivy Industrial Institute, Part 2

Irritating Incident at the Ivy Industrial Institute, Part 2

Regina stood imperiously behind the podium, beautifully adorned with the school crest on its frontage. She was barely able to wait for her moment of triumph to commence. Next to her on a small, black covered table, were the first prize scholarship medal award, and the Bastermats trophy, aka the “popsicle”, the second prize. As Regina leaned toward the large microphone covered with a school-themed scarlet foam cap, Miles excitedly noticed from above, a rock-hard nipple nearly became visible as Regina’s neckline shifted. While no one on the gymnasium floor could see Regina’s near exposure, Beth huffed to herself as she clearly spied the rosy areolas peeking from the top of Regina’s glamorous dress. Beth wished just once this pompous prig be put in her place. Little did Beth know how soon her wishes would be fulfilled beyond her wildest expectations. Regina glanced down just in time. Bug-eyed and gasping with alarm, she glimpsed her boobs springing out of her dress. Almost inconspicuously, she tugged her dress up and her tits plopped back into place just as the Jumbotron was filled with her image from the waist up.

“TIK…TIK...TIK….TIK….clink-click!” Regina, flummoxed, but still disciplined, quieted the crowd by tapping on the microphone with a manicured ruby finger nail. The ostentatious gold bracelets she wore on each wrist clinked loudly over the PA system. “Attention everyone, I’m sure you all know me, Doctor Regina Dubois”, she announced, her voice dripping with condensation, “I am provost of the Ivy Industrial Institute”. “I want to thank all our distinguished visitors'', smiling at the handsome Mr. Bastermats seated behind her, “members of our esteemed college, beaming to the faculty in front, and all the rest of you for coming out this afternoon to our pep rally, the big game against the Lyceum, and most importantly, the presentation of the most prestigious award in the entire city”! Regina turned and smiled both sweetly and knowingly at Primrose who responded with a smug nod and a giggle as she applauded along with everyone else. Genevieve rolled her eyes once again. Following a few more “TIKs” to hush the assembly, Regina continued, “Our outstanding all-state band will now lead us in singing our National Anthem. Please rise”. With the gym filled with patriotic sounds, Regina sang along presumptuously with Primrose. Regina, while inhaling for the high notes of the finale, suddenly felt a peculiar loosening in her outfit. Stealing a glance down during “the home of the brave” lyric, she could not see anything amiss. However, one of two hooks fastening her strapless brassiere had failed, allowing the overtaxed undergarment to slacken its tenuous grip on her bountiful tits. A black button also popped off the back of Regina’s dress across her backside allowing a few lucky members of the band to peek at a sturdy white foundation beneath. Following the Star-Spangled Banner, the band continued to play the state and school songs as the scoreboard big screen panned the audience, band, pep squad, and the basketball team. Watching the screen, Regina saw herself from behind and noticed the gap in the back of her dress, an alarming band of white bulging from the scarlet leather sheath. As her eyes widened, she thought she saw one of her buttons on the floor of the stage near her heels. Regina, hoping to take advantage of the standing crowd singing and watching the shifting scenes on the Jumbotron, thankfully not now focused on her, stooped down quickly to retrieve the errand button. At the nadir of her squat, just as her ruby nails clutched the lost black fastener, Regina heard with dismay, ZZRASSrRIIPP!! as the back vent of her dress split over her rear end to widen the gap created earlier by the popped button. Springing upright, she swept her hand back to her bottom and felt to her horror, her girdled derrière was largely exposed to most of the band members who began snickering as the songs ended.

Primrose detected something wrong as she noticed her mother’s difficulty trying to look composed despite her alarmed expression and furrowed brow. Abruptly, the screen centered on Regina, as the perplexed provost sn*tched the mic from its mount, and scooted around in front of the podium. “I can never stand behind these things... ha, hah…,ha”, Regina nervously joked as she tried to look like she was still in control of the deteriorating situation. “Without further ado, let me introduce our school president, Miss Cockfoster!” During the period of applause while the elderly matron came forward, Regina leaned back against the podium and with alarm, felt the cool metal of the school crest against her panty-less girdled ass, uncovered due to the expanding rent in the back of her gown. From his position, Miles became erotically distracted by the sight of the college provost, his girlfriend’s MILFy mom, oddly pressing her bottom against the podium.

While Regina’s mind raced thinking about how she was going to escape from this mortifying wardrobe malfunction, the school president, Miss Cockfoster, took the microphone from her. “Thank you everyone for joining us on this special day.” She continued, “I am honored to ask Mr. Ernest Bastermats to please join us for the announcement and presentation of the Bastermats’ Scholarship Awards. The smart Mr. Bastermats walked to the front of the podium and stood on the other side of the distraught Regina. Regina tried to shift her position, but abruptly stopped when she felt her dress tug back, securely snagged on the school seal, mounted on the front of the podium. Now, another big black button popped off and tinkled to the floor of the stage. Mercifully, as everyone was still clapping, few noticed it. While the elderly Ms. Cockfoster fumbled with the envelope, Regina shuddered as she felt beads of perspiration rolling down her back. Primrose noticed the sweat on both her mother’s reddening face and her moisture-sheened bosom. She wondered what was happening to Regina. Prim observed with dismay her mother’s tugging and pushing against the podium had caused her dress to settle a bit too low for Institute decorum. The lacy top edges of her overloaded brassier were becoming visible while Regina plucked curiously at her dress behind her. Yet, as nearly everyone was focused on the president and the envelope, many did not notice Regina’s imminent unveiling. Those who did, were loudly guffawing at Regina’s plight. The puzzled Primrose suddenly snapped back to reality as Ms. Cockfoster proclaimed, “This year’s runner up for the Bastermats’ Scholarship is Primrose Dubois….and the winner is Beth Modiste!” “Girls, please come forward”. Beth squealed with delight and hurried to the president’s side. Regina, hunched forward slightly with ample bosom threatening to debut, blinked wide-eyed and gaped at the audience dumbfounded. Primrose’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “There must be some mistake”, Regina exclaimed. Primrose slowly walked forward, completely muddled, muttering “I lost, I freaking lost!” Beth gracefully moved aside for Primrose to scoot in.

Miles, not hearing the announcement of the winner, spied down at Regina not only struggling with her dress split open in back, but desperately trying to keep her tits covered. At the exact moment Miles sifted the itching powder down from above the scoreboard, Primrose jostled Beth out of the way and took her place next to the President. The crestfallen cheerleader protested loudly “I cannot believe you chose HER!” “I have never been so humiliated!” Prim’s catty remarks were broadcasted throughout the gym by the PA system and an awkward hush fell over the gym. Too late did Miles realize his error as he futilely tried to fan the falling powder away from his girlfriend. Losing his balance, the young man slipped from his perch and fell to the dais below. Fortunately, Miles landed squarely atop the podium, its leather padding cushioning his fall, as the crushed structure toppled over taking a significant portion of Regina’s gown with it. A loud “RRRRiiiiPPPP” over the PA speakers was heard by all with hilarity as the entire rear panel of Regina’s red dress was torn away revealing her brilliant white long-line panty girdle and her strapless bra backstrap. Miles, sprawled atop the wrecked podium, looked up at the astonished mother and daughter. He gazed at Regina’s full girdled bottom and the lacy leg cuffs gartered securely to her silk stockings. Gasping in shock, Regina spun on her high heels away from him, but in doing so, flashed her dazzling girdle and straining bra strap to the entire audience who broke out in raucous laughter. Regina stammered, “This cann..n...not be happ..pp..ening”. The Miles then looked over at the fuming Primrose. With great dismay, he saw a good amount of the Acme XXX Scratchy/Sneeze Powder had settled on Primrose’s hair and sweater top. As the terrible realization of what was about to happen dawned on dimwitted dork, he noted more of the powder raining down on himself. He stared with alarm, open mouthed, at his sweaty body and uniform, spotted with the nasty powder.
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Old 11-06-2023, 11:17 AM
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Default Irritating Incident, Ivy Industrial Institute, Part 3, Conclusion_v2_revised

Irritating Incident, Ivy Industrial Institute, Part 3, Conclusion_v2_revised

I must credit the author Shaw (I believe) for the fire extinguisher prank. I completely forgot about his earlier story from Yahoo Groups but saw it recently and need to declare I am not the originator of this idea. I appreciate any feedback and welcome ideas for the next story. Thank you.

Gathered around the provost and fallen prankster, Ms. Cockfoster, Mr. Bastermats, Beth, Genevieve and the itching-powdered Primrose all looked unbelievingly at Miles and Regina. The former still in shock from his fall and the latter in dishabille, futilely attempting to keep her bright white backside turned away from the audience. Primrose, astounded at the scene unfolding around her, yelled at her boyfriend sprawled across the damaged podium; “Miles!!!” “What have you done?” She watched her nearly stripped mother trying desperately to find a way out of this mortifying moment while keeping her tightly girded tail and imminently emerging tits covered. “I cannot believe you...…” she continued, “AaaHCOO!” Primrose sneezed as she felt a burning sensation around her head and shoulders. “I was trying to make you look better after they selected Beth”, Miles implored. “You moron!”, Primrose fired back. “How is this making me look better? I look ridiculous, and look at what you did to my mom!” Miles, sneezing now too, leapt to his high tops, and moved to Prim’s side to help. Spontaneously, Primrose and Miles began a frenzied dance, periodically sneezing while they scratched at their irritated, itching bodies, “OOOhhhHing and Ahhhhwwing”, hysterically. Beth and the others stepped back, amazed, now beginning to smile as they understood how Miles’s silly stunt backfired. “Miles, scratch the middle of my back, I can’t reach!” Prim demanded. Miles obeyed immediately while scratching his own bottom through his basketball shorts. Miles and Primrose continued to claw at each other with Primrose screeching about the mess Miles had made of her believed-momentous event, and Miles protesting whiningly he was only trying to do something helpful. Their clothing oddly began to loosen under the attack of their finger nails as their underwear began to peek out from emerging holes in their uniforms. More and more of the distressed duos’ bodies became exposed. While the humorous incident was bathed in spotlights atop the dais for the audience, both TV stations were broadcasting live. The Institute school photographer was taking hundreds of shots, and for those in the cheap seats, the new Jumbo Tron was covering everything in close-up detail.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bastermats and Ms. Cockfoster moved to Regina’s side, shielding her with Mr. Bastermats’ jacket in an attempt to restore some of her dignity. Getting a closer view of Regina's beautifully crafted foundations, Ms. Cockfoster noticed Regina’s sexy silk, nude-colored stockings securely fastened to garter tabs along her girdle’s lacy leg cuffs. Cordelia could also discern the provost’s plump posterior, now just visible, beneath the stretched and sweaty fabric encasing the provost’s divine seat. “Regina, I haven’t seen an ass in a girdle get-up like that in years!”, the elderly woman chuckled. “If you had the wits to lay off the sweets last semester, you might not have needed it today”. Regina, holding her dress together across her rear, spun around and snapped, “Mind your own business, you old hag!” “I am not about to stand for this! I just had a slight wardrobe malfunction and I am leaving now”. “Huff”, Prim sounded. “I have never been so embarrassed in my life!” Unfortunately, as Ms. Cockfoster was still holding a live microphone, everyone in the gym heard this exchange, and snickered loudly. They then heard another sound, a loud tearing along with “Wanna bet?” as the entire remaining part of Regina’s leather dress separated from her body when she turned to rush away (I couldn’t resist). “OH..OHHH, oh, No, no, no, NNNOOO ….” Regina whimpered looking around herself realizing with panic she had walked out of the remainder of her stylish garment. Glaring back at Codelia with white-hot anger, her cheeks afire, she saw old woman’s foot firmly planted on the tangle of soft leather which formerly graced her curvaceous body, now completely useless on the floor. Regina stood gob smacked in her panty girdle, heels, stockings, and strapless bra straining to cover her creamy breasts. She froze with her hands on the sides of her failing hairdo, wide-eyed and mouth open, at the hysterical crowd on all sides snickering at her ludicrous lingerie. “How could this have happened?” Regina wondered as her mind reeled, while she unsuccessfully tried to cover up her traditionally girdled nearly nude body from the laughing crowd. The audience erupted in laughter and Ernest Bastermats moved to intervene and said, “Ladies…please…. allow me to be of assistance”. “No, Ernest, it’s high time the queen bee Regina face the music”, Cordelia countermanded, as she replaced the microphone to its holder near the shattered podium, centered in the melee.

By now, Miles had scratched off his jersey top and the hundreds of females present admired his tanned, smooth muscular torso. The school band had erupted into a long version of Cat Scratch Fever while the audience clapped along, delighted by the humiliating spectacle. Still scratching in an attempt to relieve Primrose’s suffering, Miles had shredded her cheerleader sweater top while his itchy girlfriend had effectively destroyed her own skirt. When Primrose noticed her now exposed nipples, solidified by the burning sensation, she shrieked “Miles, you’re exposing me!” “Primmy I was only trying to help.” “Ohh..shut up, you ninny”, Primrose stammered. “UUUrrgg-this is unbearable!!” Primrose realized with shock her failure to wear a bra was now becoming evident to all, as her bouncing breasts and pointy teats peeked out from large holes rent in her sweater top. “Miles, get me a jacket to cover my boobies, she cried!”, slapping her hands on her breasts. Not able to maintain her hand-bra and still scratch her itch, Primrose tried to clutch strips from her ruined skirt to cover her chest. Then Miles’s head sweatband popped off, as his shorts settled low on his hips exposing a Fruit of the Loom logo in red stitching across his lower abdomen. “Oh no”, Miles thought as he grasped his undoing. They realized, as did everyone else, the offensive itching powder was causing their powder-dusted uniforms to become unmade. Seconds later, Primrose found herself in only the shredded sleeves of her sweater top and her tiny white cotton hipster bikini panties she desperately clutched one-handed while her other hand brushed a plump breast. Prim sorely wished she had worn her cheerleader-issue underpants! The hapless Miles found himself reduced to merely his itty-bitty athletic supporter and court shoes. He cowered comically next to Primrose, hunched over in his too-small jock, alternatingly trying to cover his bottom, brimming supporting pouch, and exposed chest with only his two hands like some daft denuded damsel in distress. With Miles’s sexy chest, legs, and bottom completely bared, and Primrose’s terrific tightened teats as well as a growing portion of her derriere debuting, both men and women in the audience screamed with delight at the sight of the nearly naked couple experiencing exactly what they deserved.

Despite feeling the nearly irrepressible urge to escape her mounting humiliation, the might of motherhood prevailed and Regina rushed to help her daughter, clicking in her high heels with her arms crossed across her bulging, barely-brassiered boobs. Both Primrose and Miles were still scratching up a storm when the girdled bosomy mom rushed up. “Primrose, you’re breaking out!” Regina said, as she noticed Prim’s creamy skin mottled in dark red splotches caused by the itching powder and the resultant scratching. Primrose howled desperately, “Oh, mommy, I look like silly red cow!” clutching the side straps of her ruined panties managing to only keep her womanhood covered while her scrumptious breasts wobbled about. The rear of her panties drooped to her upper thighs as her dappled bottom wagged at the cheering students. Alongside staring at Prim’s bare prat, Miles began plucking at the packed pocket of his jock strap while trying to resist scratching. The powder began to exhibit a very different effect on the young man. Miles was horrified to realize a stirring in his substantial member. “Oh No, Oh no, no, no, NOO! Not here, Not now…” “I’m getting HARD!” he screamed aloud, unfortunately over the PA system. The Jumbo Tron zoomed in to cover his expanding package to the delight of the crowd.

At this moment Genevieve, having secured the first of two fire extinguishers retrieved by a student who though they might relieve the itching, began spraying the Miles and Prim with the pressurized fluid. To the crowd’s delight, Gen took careful aim to play the stream on Primrose’s rock-hard nipples and exposed ass, and Miles’s bare bottom and bulging pouch. When they tried to protest, arms and hands extended, Genevieve skillfully shifted the spray to their reddened faces, effectively silencing the two. Regina was caught in the crossfire, and her saturated bra and girdle revealed a pair of amazing nipples as well as a unpantied red bush and ass crack, both fairly visible now. Regina, trying to assert some of her lost authority ordered, “Miss Modiste! I demand you cease immediet…. AahhrrRRgGG….”. Beth quickly shut her up with a direct spray in her mouth. The hushed provost scowled back, her face and hair a wreck from her hosing down, legs crossed with one hand on her crotch, the other across her bosom, as Beth grinned back, setting the empty extinguisher down.

The extinguisher water halted the awful effects of the itching powder but fire-retardant additives made the liquid red in color and extremely slippery. As the stripped threesome began to contemplate running, Regina, Miles, and Primrose embarked on a sidesplitting routine of slipping and falling over each other on the slickened, wet floor. The oily reddish extinguisher fluid left the three’s bare skin glistening, their privates absurdly and barely concealed with pink-colored undies. Miles and Primrose sprawled about and appearing to oil wrestling each other. Miles horrifically found his emerging knob first mashed against Prim’s mouth, then sliding between her tits, and finally gliding up and down against her ass crack! “Miles! Control yourself!”, Prim screeched in protest to these embarrassing affronts. Despite Miles’s fumbling attempts to protect her modesty, Primrose failed to keep her sodden panties from sliding down her thighs reveling a beautiful, albeit inconsistent, manicured brunette bush. Miles, in his rosy jock strap, now rock hard and threatening to escape his remaining bit of modesty, stuttered, “Primmy, you’re nnnn..not a real blonde?” “AAAAhhhh!” Primrose squealed in frustration as she rolled onto her front, bare ass cheeks skyward, and pounded the wet floor with her fist while covering her exposed mismatched sn*tch. During this tussle, Regina realized she must escape with some shred of dignity or she would have to leave town. She wheeled about but skidded as her heels flew out from under her. Regina sat down hard on her bottom nearly knocking the wind out her, and unknowingly to her, pushing her enormous boobs above her strapless brassiere generating even more hilarity for the audience. Using the wrecked podium for support, Regina began to clamber to her feet. Regrettably, Regina’s girdle got hooked on the vexatious school seal and as Regina hauled herself up, she neatly peeled the panty girdle halfway off her big bottom. Looking like the Coppertone girl (woman) with most of her delicious ass now on full display, the provost craned her head around to witness her latest embarrassment, looking absolutely abashed back and forth from her uncovered derriere, to her knockout boobs, to the raucous audience, to the Jumbo Tron now centered on her magnificent bare bottom. Despite her efforts, the secure metal seal refused to release its grip on her lowered panty girdle no matter how hard she tugged. Miles then tried to help, but mesmerized by her lovely ass cleft, could only stare in bewilderment as unbelievably, the last of the itching powder from the bottle above sifted down and thoroughly dusted the provost’s plush posterior. Still stooped over gripping the podium unable to cover the teats of her tremendous tits, Regina yelled back, “Miles, are you going to help me or just ogle my ass?” Still paralyzed, despite a strap from his jock snapping loose, Miles could only watch as Regina’s girdle suddenly broke free. It snapped back with enough force to leave a bright red welt neatly bisecting both of Regina’s bared bottom cheeks. “YYEEOOOOWWW!!! She howled, springing completely upright. The overtaxed bandeau bra could take no more and it burst open and flew across the stage wrapping around the still prone Primrose’s head so she couldn’t see what was happening.

The band continued playing Cat Scratch Fever as Regina hopped about the dais wriggling her hips and ass in a most undignified fashion as the Acme XXX powder went to work. Squeezing her enormous tits, Regina shouted “Someone, please ASS-ist me!” Miles, determined get something right, grabbed the second extinguisher and thrust the cone-shaped nozzle inside the top of Regina’s girdle, gently parting her plump ass cheeks. Trying to remain a gentleman, he turned to avert his eyes, then depressed the trigger. What he did not realize, was the second fire extinguisher, known as a Class B, was for fighting liquid fuel fires and was charged with fire-retardant foam. Regina’s eyes grew as large as hens’ eggs then comically crossed as she felt the ice-cold creamy foam fill her panty girdle. Her most intimate areas were coated by the frosty froth resembling vanilla pudding. The visage of the bug-eyed Regina, stooped forward knock-kneed, and clutching her big boobs, flashed on the Jumbo Tron as Genevieve and Beth giggled at Regina’s expression as her seat was essentially foam-packed. The girdle inflated to full capacity as the audience bellowed its approval. “What is going on?” whined Primrose, trying to get up, her vision still obscured by her mother’s bra as she wiggled her reddened ass cheeks on all fours. Regina felt utterly ridiculous but immensely aroused by the frozen foam nestled in her nether regions. Her nipples protruded nearly half an inch as Miles stared at her, bent over, grasping his broken jock over his enormous raging phallus. The disgraced Regina was then forced across her sexual threshold in front of all her students, faculty, and parents. She bolted upright up to her full 6 foot plus stature in heels and loudly yelped as she experienced a mind-blowing orgasm. Simultaneously, the front snap closure of her girdle failed and a thick stream of foam gushed from the opening, shooting what looked like a cascade of cream from her loins in an arc through the air. The freezing foam gave the simmering sexpot another orgasm as she gazed down red-faced at her cooling red coochie while each hand pinched an enormous taught nipple. Regina resembled an obscene fountain. She stole the show on the Jumbo Tron, cross-eyed, fondling her tits with froth spewing skyward from her crimson womanhood as her mouth formed a perfect O shape.

Within seconds of her second release, the gasping Regina, grasping the reality of the shameful show she was performing, abruptly stooped over to cover her now frozen female flower, and with a BANG, the brimming girdle finally failed. The entire seat of her shapewear was blown out, hanging down like an open barn-door bottom closure on old fashioned underwear. The rearward force of the bursting girdle propelled Miles and the blotchy, revealed-a-brunette, Primrose, both of whom were just regaining their footing, together backward in a naked tangle of arms and legs. Clutching a big boob, Regina reached around with her other hand and shockingly realized what had happened when she could only feel her bare bottom and no girdle covering her rear end. She tried in vain to cover her big ass, but her hand was too small. Foam was spattered in her ruined hair, hanging now in ropes around her furiously blushing face. Regina frantically stared around the arena and grasped her mortifying situation. “OMG…..I am nnnn..naked on stage and covered in this tingling, effervescent emulsion” she wailed aloud. For a moment she thought she could smear the foam over her tits and burning bush for coverage, but sadly discovered the foam too runny to cover her nudity. Howling in frustration, she leaned forward deeply to hide her pussy, and felt the wrecked girdle fold over and roll down on its own accord, shimmying off her ass to nearly to her knees, now tightly hobbling her movements. Squeaking in dismay, Regina stooped again to pull the girdle back up, but inconceivably found her rings and bracelets were now entangled with her garter tabs. “This is unbelievable!!” she screamed as she tried to escape the stage and her infamous role as the local laughingstock. With her hands effectively attached to her thighs, and unable to fully stand up, Regina tried to shuffle toward the exit. Unfortunately, the dreaded school seal on the podium, snagged her ruined foundation one final time, tripping up the wriggling provost and so pitched Regina abruptly forward. With her arms still tied to her droopy girdle, boobs bouncing wildly, and her mouth wide open with alarm, Regina’s impending fall was arrested when she collided with the mic stand and literally ate the microphone Ms. Cockfoster had replaced earlier. A silence fell over the gymnasium at this spectacle. Slowly stumbling back to regain her footing on enormous heels and maintaining her balance while still bent over, Regina with the red foam end of the microphone lodged firmly between her ruby lips and her full mouth comically agape, shook her head in disbelief as she gawked wide-eyed at the astonished audience. What happened next put the absolute cherry on these three sundaes. As Primrose and Miles got to their feet again, both tried to run. However, the earlier tumble caused both Primrose’s panties and Miles’s ruined jock strap to fall to their feet and now served to trip them both as well. Primrose stumbled backwards and sat squarely on the little covered award table, her eyes popping open like they were on stalks. Miles slipped and spun around; his enormous penis acted like a bright red missile guiding him toward certain misadventure. Regina, backing away from her enormous and preposterous hobbled image depicted on the Jumbo Tron, collided ass-first with the priapic naked young man. The silence persisted across the gymnasium. No one could believe what had happened.

As the local TV station, WENF as well as the student cable access channel, ENM-TV, continued to roll their cameras broadcasting the spectacle to every viewer as well as recording it for posterity, a singular brilliant FLASH appeared as the school photographer took an NC-17 rated spicy shot for the yearbook, and hundreds of private sales. Primrose, like a naked pink spotted pony, comically splotched by the red scratch and irritated marks mottling her beautiful creamy flesh, fell to the floor, quickly rolled over on her belly, then arose to her knees and elbows. With her knees apart and ass lifted high, tits squashed on the cool stage floor, soaked hair hanging down, mouth open in bewildered shame; she gazed over her shoulder at her bottom discovering her lovely pussy was impaled by nearly seven inches of the bright orange “popsicle”. Directly behind Primrose, a naked Miles stood upright, his tomato-red face glowing, smooth skin glistening with perspiration, his hands gripping each of his beautiful butt cheeks. Miles, with an expression utter disbelief, realized as he stared at the crowd and cameras, incredibly, he was rogering provost Regina Dubois. Regina, stooped and hobbled with her hands tangled in her ruined girdle bunched with her stockings around her knees, sensed her full and luscious boobs hanging down and swaying like ripe melons capped by huge nipples hard as diamonds. Her beet-red astonished visage and hair dripping with the gooey creamy fire retardant, gave her the appearance not of a distinguished senior member of the faculty, but of a semen-sprayed strumpet being shagged by a student. With her mouth lewdly filled with the red-capped microphone, her lovely plump ass cheeks parted by Miles’s monstrous member buried deep inside her, Regina wretchedly felt not only wholly naked and ashamed in front of the whole assembly, but salaciously stuffed from both ends. Just to the left of the naked trio was Beth who flashed a huge smile, held her scholarship aloft, and gave a big thumbs up for the school photographer just as he snapped the epic picture that captured the humiliating downfall of the three disgraced dunderheads who foolishly tried to ruin her big day.

Primrose now completely denuded save her sneakers, hopped to her feet and withdrew the invasive statuette. Sobbing with shame, she ran for her Mommy. Miles, wide eyes staring down at Regia’s ass pressed against him, exploded and rocked back as Regina lurched forward with a big sneeze and her third mortifying public orgasm today. The phallic microphone launched from her mouth with a loud popping noise in concert with the popping noise as Miles pulled out of her rear end. The tremendous sneeze also freed Regina’s hands from her tangled stockings and catapulted her ruined girdle over the scoreboard. Howling with humiliation, Regina gripped one plump boob and thrust her other hand into her sopping sn*tch and ran buck naked save for her heels and droopy stockings toward the exit, her recently frosted ass cheeks bouncing deliciously behind her. The threesome bolted through the double fire doors behind the dais. The last image they left for the assembled throng of audience, students, and band, was of three sets of glorious buns wriggling, two pair of beautiful breasts bouncing, and one big boner bobbing. Regina, Primrose, and Miles then pushed their naked way through the fully dressed visitors at the city park outside drawing huge cheers from the delighted citizenry.
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Default Prim had Beginner's Luck, but Regina was Undone. Part 1.

Prim had Beginner's Luck, but Regina was Undone.

*All characters are over 18 years old*

*I have taken generous liberties with this skit; I hope you enjoy it*

(1) "Beginner's Luck" | Little Rascals Shorts | FULL EPISODE - YouTube

Part 1. Our Gang’s Scheme to Make Regina Cancel Primrose’s Performance at the Talent Contest

On a brilliant fall day, well into the new school year, we find our young characters; Primrose Dubois in her pink cheerleader togs, her crush Miles Jameson in his basketball uniform, her frenemy, and oft rival Brooke Broadsheets, who along with Genevieve, Miles’s sister and Beth Modiste, matched Primrose. They wore the short skirts and midriff-baring halter tops emblazoned with the Industrial Institute’s Cheer Squad logo, the “Cup Cakes.” Next to the cheerleaders sat Edward French, and at the end of the table sat the prankster Al Roper, and Annie A. Anderssen, Prim’s pal. All were assembled at the student union of the Ivy Industrial Institute, sharing a pizza after classes. Primrose began, “You all will not believe me when I tell you my mother is forcing me to enter a stupid talent contest at the Puttyville Community Theater.” “What, really?” Brooke questioned, shocked. Primrose responded, “She wants to make an actress out of me! Can you imagine?” Al retorted, “Actors and actresses are sissies!” Primrose opined her objection, “I know, but if I win, I’ll be treading the boards until I graduate! I cannot imagine the thought of being a DRAMA queen, or even a Theatrical Arts major when my dream is to work for the U.S. Treasury or OC!” Miles responded to his despondent girlfriend, “Your mom is always putting you up to something...” Then Annie piped up, while popping a pepperoni into her mouth, “Well, you won’t win! We will all be in the front row and we will make sure you flop!” Miles then added, “Primrose, if you agree, we can make this recital into a monumentally mortifying moment for your mother, and with Al’s help, it should be a slam dunk.” Annie added, “Yes ma’am, we will hiss and hoot you off the stage. We’ll give you the works!” Beth added all Smiley, “Right? Too easy!”

But now Primrose looked down at her sneaks and muttered, “Yeah, thanks to you all, but now Mom wants me to perform tomorrow at my house in front of the planned competition’s judges! You all are invited too. Miles, she plans to use you and Gen as a pair of cute servers. Go figure?!” “Well, you are the prettiest in our class” Miles said touching her bare shoulder, while Prim blushed demurely and lowered her gaze. Brook, Gene, Beth, and Annie all chimed in, "No worries, we can wreck that too! We will be there for you, Primrose!” The frosh gave each other their gang’s high-sign, while Al rubbed his chin to think of how he could disrupt, play pretty pranks, derail, and possibly denude, some contestants at this talent show. Oh, how so sweet it would be, to have all perhaps get a glimpse of garter, or of stocking, or something more scandalously shocking!

Last edited by tomb125; 11-09-2023 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 11-09-2023, 06:56 PM
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Default The DA Watcher Contest

As a gesture of my sincere thanks to my watchers, and fans here, I designed a contest regarding my latest story, Prim had Beginner's Luck, but Regina was Undone. based on Our Gang’s, “Beginner’s Luck” from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios.

Within this story are hidden many ENF/EUF related references from the genres of Film, Fiction, and the World Wide Web, (I know, a big field!). The first individual and legitimate ‘watcher’ at the time of discovery and submission, who correctly identifies the most of these references NLT six days, or precisely 144 hours after my final post, wins a story commission.

Please see details to be published, of course at a later date.

Thanks again, everyone!
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Default Part 2a. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital

Part 2a. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital

*All characters are over 18 years old*

*I have taken generous liberties with this skit; I hope you enjoy it*

(1) "Beginner's Luck" | Little Rascals Shorts | FULL EPISODE - YouTube

With a “RIIIING!” the doorbell sounded in the lovely Italianate villa, home to none other than Ms. Regina Dubois, now Dean of Students of the Ivy Industrial Institute. Running late this fine fall afternoon, Regina was startled to hear her guests had already arrived. “MILES, DO GET THE DOOR!” She shouted from her dressing room, towards the stairs. Today she was a bit on edge, firstly for having so hastily put this show together, and secondly for failing to try on her new outfit since buying it nearly a month ago. She regrettably realized now, she had put on a few pounds, and her elegant black wool suit was irritatingly snug, and not quite accommodating her recent, albeit modest, weight gain. Fortunately, her hair and makeup were now perfect, as she stood tall and with a deep breath, tugged the zipper of her pencil-skirt up into place. She lightly brushed her manicured fingers, against her flaming red hair, fashionably pinned up with a delicate clasp in the likeness of a green, fire-breathing dragon, and cleared the slightest sheen of perspiration from her complexion. She smiled and affirmed, “Of course, all will be fine and this recital will make me the talk of the town. Today I am wearing new underwear, which obviously nobody is going to see, but it always makes me feel more confident.” Regina stepped into a pair of black suede 4-inch heels, giving her a height of well over six feet. With a look to the full-length mirror, Regina saw the tiny pearl buttons fastening her white linen blouse, straining to contain her bountiful bosom, pressing skyward against her shirtwaist, barely contained by her immodest brassiere. “Oh my… Oh… well, no matter” she assured herself, steeling her nerve with another sip from the flute on the table. “No one will see these either,” she said with a husky tenor as she caressed her magnificent mounds and tweaked her covered nipples as she stooped forward with her eyes closed. “Ms. Dubois! Your guests are HERE!” With this shout from downstairs, Regina snapped back to reality, and pulled on her fitted jacket and fastened the silver buttons down the front. With a tug to straighten the jacket’s sleeves, she posed in the mirror with her hands on her full hips, “Knock them dead, my queen! MmmWHA” Regina declared, as she puckered and kissed her image. She donned a pair of matching gloves and hurried to the stairs. Now most fashionably resplendent, Regina made her entrance.

“Welcome everyone!” she announced to her awed guests as she glided down the steps into the foyer. “I am SO glad you all could attend my reception today! …and see my lovely daughter Primrose perform. Right this way to our recital, please follow me,” she directed, as she led everyone from the foyer. As she walked, she turned and regarded her guests. “Today I am receiving in the conservatory, where my Primmy will dance, sing, and act. She is sure to win your hearts!” They followed; the men mesmerized, the women miffed, and the teens drooling, at the sight of Regina’s hourglass form sashaying before them. Her bottom was a sight to behold as it moved, or rather undulated, beneath her tight skirt with seemingly a life of its own. This stressed skirt, from below the trim of her short suit jacket, to just below her knee, was sliced by a deep vent, through which, all could see the seams of her black silk stockings. The seams were of course, perfectly straight. This vent behind Regina’s skirt allowed her legs to move with an authoritative purpose as her heels clicked in exclamation at each step she took. It also provided rear-viewers a mouthwatering display of her long silken-clad legs, whispering together as they gently chafed, upwards to mid-thigh, and every few feet, a welt of stocking top winked back at her anticipative audience.

Regina brought them into the wing of her home housing the conservatory, filled with many plants from around the world. The room was surrounded with large windows and skylights providing ample sunlight for the flora. It was in fact, a bit warm, and the air humid in this room. More well-turned heels clicked on the black and white tiled floor where comfortable chairs and small tables were arranged in a semicircle around a temporary parquet dance floor, laid out in a small square. A baby grand piano stood to one side. Behind the performance area was a room divider, a fabric screen decorated with flower motifs. On the other side of the floor, hung a gilded cage containing a colorful parrot. “Here we are,” Regina announced. “Please allow my ushers, Miles and Genevieve, to now seat you.” Both students looked uncomfortable dressed as footmen, wearing tight black breeches, white shirts, bow ties, and black vests. Genevieve first seated the matronly Ms. Cordelia Cockfoster, the Ivy Industrial Institute’s provost, then Mr. Ernest Bastermats, owner of the Bastermats Chemical Company, at the table closest to the dancefloor. Both local dignitaries were to be judges at the talent show, so Regina was determined they have the best seats. Next, Miles seated Mrs. Batavia Modiste, a prominent custom clothier in the community, and Mrs. Henriette Fontaine, owner of the local pâtisserie in Puttyville, and provider of today’s delightful dessert. Gen then seated the Reverend Father Roger Thomas, pastor from the Dubois family church, the two Doctors, A. Tiva-Veg and Vag, the family practitioners, and District Attorney Byron Gao. Lastly, the two student servants seated Brooke Broadsheets and Edward French, while the parrot piped, “Look at all the bootiful people, AWK, bootiful dressy people!”

Regina glared and snapped back at her bird, “Mimic, be silent!” She stood to address her guests, when the doorbell rang again. Annoyed by this disruption, the lady of the house herself marched back to the entry hall and opened the door. With a look of surprise, followed by a condescending smirk, Regina regarded the remainder of her Primrose’s posse. The group was led by Annie, who walked right inside, brushing past the gob smacked Regina. Beth followed Annie. Al Roper tramped in last, followed by Pete the pup whose muddy paws printed all over Regina’s entryway rugs. Regina stared at Al, dressed in jeans and a leather jacket. He looked like an outlaw biker. Regina opened her mouth to protest, but was immediately interrupted by her very own mother, clapping her hands in approval, as she crossed the threshold. Dame Dominique Dubois declared, “REG! Look who I found outside! They were hesitant to ring the bell. Our gang’s all here!” Regina winced at her mother’s use of her childhood nickname, but closed the door and faced her recital’s unanticipated trail party. Dominique insisted, “Regina, we are now ready to begin, take us to see the show straight away!” When Regina faltered, her mother continued, “Students, follow me,” as she led the freshmen, staring around at the handsome home, toward the conservatory. Regina hurriedly minced along behind them, muttering a protest about Primrose inviting more of her friends than Regina had told her was acceptable. Now she would have to closely supervise these little rascals and their nasty dog very closely, or her chic show might devolve into an absolute disaster.
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Old 11-14-2023, 01:19 PM
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Red face Part 2b. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued

Part 2b. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued

*All characters are over 18 years old*

*I have taken generous liberties with this skit; I hope you enjoy it*

(1) "Beginner's Luck" | Little Rascals Shorts | FULL EPISODE – YouTube

Part 2b. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued

The conservatory was filled with warm sunshine on this glorious fall afternoon as Regina anxiously tried to get her, or rather, her daughter’s, recital back on schedule. Miles and Genevieve brought in additional chairs for the rest of Primrose’s posse and after a short delay, everyone was ready. A whisper came from behind the screen, “PSST, MOM…Mom, come here, please…” Regina stalked over and asked her daughter what was the matter. “Mom, I really don’t want to dance, sing, and recite poetry… I just want to be a student and hang with my pals.” Regina bent over and looked Primrose in the eye and hissed, “If you embarrass me today, if you do not deliver a stellar performance in ALL categories…, So help me young lady, I will haul you over my knee, and spank your bottom in front of everyone here!” Regina then rose, turned away on her heel, and strode to the front, noticing Al quickly walking away from the piano and back to his seat. Resplendent in her new suit, (and underwear), Regina regally addressed her guests; “We are so pleased everyone invited could attend today.” Regina beamed and smiled fawningly at Mr. Bastermats and her senior, Cordelia, Regina’s gloved hands clasped in genuine appreciation. The moment was interrupted by a yip from Pete the pup. Regina’s glared at the animal, then lightened her visage and added with syrupy, sycophantic, sweetness, “And I am also SOOO GLAD my darling Primrose’s little friends could attend as well!” Pete ‘wooffed’ in agreement, and everyone laughed. Regina fumed at being upstaged by this filthy canine, but she wore a convincing mask of kindness and laughed along.

After a moment, Regina continued, “Ladies, gentlemen, and …students,” My Primrose will begin with the classic song and dance number, Puttin' on The Ritz, made famous by Clark Gable, Fred Astair, Peter Boyle, Gene Wilder, and much later by a young man named ‘Taco,’ I am told. Without any further ado, I present Primrose Dubois!” Primrose came from behind the screen and stood front and center. She was dressed in a black satin camisole leotard, matching bow tie and top hat, an open coat with tails, tap heels, and a cane. The crowd clapped and Primrose bowed slightly and looked to her mother, taking a seat at the piano. “BRRRAAATTTPPPHHH!!” emanated loudly from beneath Regina. Completely shocked, She sprang back up on her heels, wondering what had happened. She looked first at her older audience, who were all wide-eyed, and open mouthed. Then she saw the sniggering, and heard the giggling, from the ad hoc student section. Mimic screeched, “The wind was broken…, AUK…somebody dropped one!” Regina scowled at the bird with a look that could singe its tail feathers, as she lifted the velvet bolster buffering the bench to reveal a deflated ‘Whoopee Cushion,’ mail-ordered from the back of a comic book. Regina, furious to hear more chuckling and tittering, now from the grown-ups, held the flattened pink, prank pillow with utter disdain between the fingers of her gloved hands and unceremoniously dropped it into the waste basket. “We will now resume the show,” she icily announced. When Regina re-took her seat at the piano, it was apparent her skirt had popped open at the top of its zippered closure. As to the position of the piano, neither of the VIPs, Ernest nor Cordelia could see the backside of Regina, but everyone else could see this show was certainly getting started just as Prim kicked off her number!

Primrose did a splendid job dancing, singing, and tap dancing. While the audience should have been completely absorbed with her, the derriere emerging from her mother’s skirt was just too mouthwateringly delicious to look away from. Batavia whispered to Henriette, “I told her over and over, a size nine was too small for her statuesq… uh well…or…rather Rubenesque figure!” “I know!” Henriette responded giggling, “She has been patronizing my patisserie most every day and I can’t wait to see how this plays out, but I am betting the cheesecake will win!” Regina’s skirt, pulled taught around her plump buttocks just could not keep its zip fastened. As it lowered, a near audible ‘click-by-click,’ announced the metal teeth parting under pressure. Regina’s straining short blouse was untucked from her skirt, so a divine ‘V’ of bare pink skin was presented to the appreciative audience. More of her creamy, top of her bare bottom, peeked into view as she tickled the ivories to the aroused delight of her male audience and the amused relish of her female watchers, happy to see the she-wolf unpinned and exposed. Everyone wondered the same thing, “Was she wearing panties?” This question remained unanswered for a moment longer. Just then, the slightest hint of her magnificent bottom cleavage appeared in the widening gap atop her skirt as Regina played on, oblivious, as the top of each cheek jiggled wonderfully atop the bench, when she banged the keys for emphasis, “Super Duper!”

Now, Al, the penultimate DA, employed his thick eye glasses to focus the abundant sunlight in the room, reflected and magnified by the many glass windows, on to the silver buttons securing Regina’s suit top. The first three got hot, smoldered their threads to the point of failure, and popped off, ‘tinking’ on the tiles discernably, but Regina never missed a beat. Al focused next on her fire-breathing-dragon hair clip, and it soon was superheated and popped off. Regina’s mass of red hair spilled down across her unbuttoned upper body. Regina felt her hair touch her silk-shirt-covered boobs and looked down to see her suit jacket inexplicitly wide open. Regina uttered a loud “GAH!” and was determined not to become yet another mum undone. She realized she was unable to control the devolving situ because after all, 'The show must go on.' She desperately thought about her open suit top, revealing her thin blouse atop her flimsy brassiere. “My points may be printing,” she worried, as she felt her nipples rock-hard rub the fabric. She still had no idea about her plump posterior performing its own pleasing presentation. She quickly tried to regain control the second Primrose rapped her cane on the stage in the final score, while people applauded. Regina interjected, “Well, that was…certainly…an amazing performance…Whew, it is awfully hot in here,…please excuse me…and Miles, fetch the champagne, and give everyone a pleasing refreshment.” Regina ducked behind the screen to compose herself and whispered, “Prim, move over and give me some more room…” Primrose piped back, “Mommie, I am not dressed, stop pushing!” The mother and daughter duo, both regrettably in desperate dishabille, hurriedly tried to composed themselves in the cramped area behind the screen. Both of their warm, full, bottoms delightfully pressing against each other's in this small changing area. Neither female had any idea the glass panels of the conservatory provided a complete reflective image behind said dressing screen, while Al licked his lips in anticipation as to what was to follow.

Last edited by tomb125; 11-14-2023 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 11-14-2023, 05:13 PM
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Default Ghost in the Wilderness

Thanks for responding! I was beginning to wonder if OCC Fiction had a pulse anymore...
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:13 AM
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Default Part 2c. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued

Part 2c. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued.

Prim had Beginner's Luck, but Regina was Undone.

*All characters are over 18 years old*

*I have taken generous liberties with this skit; I hope you enjoy it*

(1) "Beginner's Luck" | Little Rascals Shorts | FULL EPISODE – YouTube

Part 2c. Primrose’s Ruinous Recital, Continued

During this delightful intermission, Miles brought out nothing less than a full Jeroboam of Dom Perignon Brut, vintage 1935, followed by Genevieve with a cart of glasses, bottles, and ice for everyone’s refreshment. They filled the adults’ flutes with the select champagne and the students’ glasses with soda pop while the audience beamed in appreciation to be feted in this fashion. Regina was certainly pulling out all the stops for this recital. Shortly, Primrose appeared center stage, dressed now in a very short and flouncy, pink babydoll number. She waited before her audience, and graciously managed an awkward moment. Then Regina appeared from behind the room-dividing screen, flushed and slightly out of breath. She had shucked off her suit jacket, having sent it with Genevieve for a hasty repair. She now stood before everyone in an exquisite form-fitting white linen blouse, buttoned down the front with tiny pearl buttons. She announced, “I hope you all are enjoying the show! Now, if everyone is ready? Primrose will now perform another classic from the period, 'Sing, Baby, Sing', made famous by the Twentieth Century Fox star, Alice Faye. While everyone clapped, Regina cued up a record player' and clutched a tambourine to provide a bit more accompaniment, and to provide her an excuse to be up front and on stage. Convinced she was still very much composed and in-charge, Regina snapped, “Primrose, take it away!”

Primrose jumped immediately into her next number, singing and tap dancing like a super trouper, but her mother endeavored to upstage her, dancing and singing along! As Regina resonated the tambourine on her plump flank, the spectators could discern her lovely blouse was now rather damp, due to both the humidity of the hothouse filled with flowering succulents, and the fact Regina was now in front of her superiors, equals, and a bunch of unruly kids, tapping a tambourine against her full hips, without her jacket. She admonished herself that she certainly did not think this completely through. Regina, lacking her jacket, looked anything but regal right now. She rather resembled more of a cross between an extra from an episode of BBC’s 'Top of The Pops' (I am really aging myself) and a burlesque performer, wriggling out of her costume from something like HBO’s 'Here It Is, Burlesque!' Worst of all, her beautiful and very expensive new lingerie, purchased a month ago, right after she was fitted for her new dress suit, did NOT at all fit properly now. She had convinced herself at the time, she would lose ten pounds before today and, well… she obviously had not. She likely had heaped on five more! Neither her delicate, demi-brassiere, nor the matching lilac hipster rhumba panties, were today up to the task of securing her expansive wobbly bits, currently wildly working themselves free of her periwinkle foundations. Regina, while not quite a desperate housewife, was however flummoxed as she feared she was becoming a sort of governess without a lifeline as she jiggled and wobbled before a host of people, some dignitaries she worked for, some she supervised, and a bunch of Prim’s pals obviously ogling her. She felt with trepidation her most full breasts oscillate with the music, improperly supported by her flimsy brassiere, now embarrassing visible due to being a violet color, and her white shirt damp enough to be semitransparent. She also felt with alarm, her matching panties shift southward. The unmentionables were far too snug and of a now-regrettable hip-hugger design that prevented her from never quite being able to tug them over her big ass, yet they felt SOOO sexy when she foolishly purchased them on a whim. Now, these step-ins were nearly half-off her full and plump butt cheeks, bunching and bisecting the moistened globes of her luscious bottom while she anxiously tapped the tambourine on her tushy in tempo to the vaudevillian tune from the Victrola, as sweat streamed along her lush physique. Primrose however, was cool as a cucumber, and tapped about to the delight of the audience, oblivious as to the various wardrobe malfunctions her mother was currently experiencing.

Al, choosing to strike while his iron was hot, now pulled a hand-held Acme electro magnet he got from his buddy Moses from his pants pocket, and focused it on the over-ripe dancing queen jiggling before him. He tried first to unfasten Regina’s demi-bra, beginning at the back closure. The underwired underpinning only vibrated, but an audible humming he heard as Regina’s nipples hardened while she stared down around her chest with a bewildered look on her face. Then he focused the magnet where he thought the metal rings might be on her brassiere straps. Careful listeners heard a muted ‘snapping’ sound as Regina stood bolt upright, dropping the tambourine. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, now with one breast hanging noticeably lower than the other. Then there was another ‘pop’ and her other breast settled as well. She folded her arms across her chest and quickly looked for an escape. The agog onlookers noticed Regina’s massive breasts seemed to bounce quite a bit more, and no one could see any brassiere lines on her shoulders anymore. Her face was flushed and she had trouble singing as Al worked to increase the power on Moses’ magnetic wand, advancing the power dial to the ‘ludicrous’ setting. He then again aimed the device at the back closure of Regina’s brassiere as Mimic squeaked, “AUK, Somethings are not as well supported as they once were…AWK!... Lower hanging fruits!” A weird look filled Regina’s eyes, unsure what was happening inside her shirt as her bra was being deconstructed by this deviant. She steeled herself, determined to not look foolish, and danced on.

Unfortunately, with all the shuffling and boob settling, a couple of her shirt buttons had popped open. But now without her bra, Regina’s melons hung too low for Al to see nipples. The shirt pulled tight against her loose tits and creased around the next two buttons as he wondered if those pearly fasteners contained a ferrous metal, as he redirected his magnet. No sooner had he leveled the wand at her chest, two more buttons popped off. Regina danced away, as they fell to the floor, completely oblivious. “Wow,” Al gasped. He was so close to glimpsing some big-league boobage! The neckline of Reg’s soaking wet shirt now plunged well below the level of her breasts, and Al, and everyone else, could clearly see the side of either one as well the outline of her large areolas, each capped by a fat, pink nipple!

Primrose sang on, but the audience was now not quite sure what to focus on…, Prim’s recital and sneak peek at her upcoming performance, or Regina’s sneak peek she was unknowingly providing, free of an admission charge.

“Oh, ho, ho don't you know, A song a day…
Keeps mean old mister gloom away…
Hard luck don't like music, With that certain swing…
So swing it as you sing it, baby sing!

Regina’s loosened skirt settled lower on her Rubenesque loins, providing all seated before her a view of her lower hips, bare below her short, and now delightfully parted, blouse, and nearly exposing ‘her cradle of love.’ On the left and right, her low panty line was underscored by a pair of sturdy garter straps, riding beneath her unmentionables, but pulled tight and pressing firmly on her sexy tummy, bulging so slightly above her well-groomed womanhood. As she spun around, the men watching inhaled deeply to discern another pair of frilly stocking suspenders deliciously dimpling the swell of the globes of her bare upper buttocks. Across the appetizing expanse of pink flesh between her short shirt and sagging skirt, there was still no sign of the top of Regina’s panties, only the mauve straps mentioned earlier. Butt now, as Regina turned and stooped for the tambourine, her upper glutes jostled against each other. Nearly a full inch of her broad ass crack was on display. The younger women watching, understanding Regina’s posterior predicament only too-well, wriggled in their chairs for assurance their panties were exactly where they should be. Properly assuaged, they collectively began to giggle knowing with visible proof, their bossy school principal’s panties were pulled off her ripe bottom, not quite at ‘half-mast’ but her ‘colors’ were certainly now dipped deliciously, revealing a quarter-sized crescent of Regina’s celebrated creamy, now-uncovered moon. Al’s eyes bugged, along with those of all the men watching, their mouths hanging open to stare at this glistening peach, gripped between white and black bands of clothing, flecked with a sheen of sweat, and yet covered in goose pimples.

With a peek back at her audience, all of whom were now focused on her mother, Primrose hiked the back of her skirt to provide a flash of her frilly panties as she danced off stage and behind the screen. Regina smiled broadly, completely caught up in the moment of her performance. Her return to reality came suddenly when her boss Cordelia Cockfoster, commanded icily, “MISS REGINA DUBOIS!!, …Please compose yourself immediately!” Regina suddenly looked down and saw in alarm exactly what type of performance she was putting on with her malfunctioning wardrobe. Just then, the irksome Mimic squawked, “Regina, AWK…, Cordelia said stop flashing, and compose yourself, AUK…, COMPOSE YOURSELF right now!” With sudden realization, and her face as red as the roses blooming about her, Regina stared at her friends wide-eyed, her mouth an ‘O’ of astonishment. With one hand, she hauled her skirt up over her bottom, and with the other, slapped it with a delightful smack against her sopping wet shirt, now nearly wide-open. She squealed in alarm to feel her gloved fingers contact bare skin and right between her plump pillows, as she lifted one leg, turned her side to her spectators, and pitched forward in a useless attempt to contain her unfettered breasts. This generated a very enthusiastic applause as Regina quickly excused herself, her high heels prancing with nervous clicks on the parquet floor. She spluttered, “I need to see how dessert is coming,” as she minced away toward the kitchens, her wet shirt providing nearly a Spring Break seeable from a club in Florida, as her bosoms bounced in a most yummy fashion. Regina’s final encore during her exit, was due to pulling her skirt up a little too high to hide her fanny. She now was flashing everyone the spectacle of her gorgeous legs, high-heeled and rightfully, RHT seamed-stockinged, stage right, as she scampered for cover, her welts, shadow welts, and keyholes all visible, as well as a few creamy inches of bare leg above her exposed stocking tops!

Last edited by tomb125; 11-20-2023 at 07:19 AM.
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