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Old 04-20-2011, 10:15 PM
Way2hard Way2hard is offline
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I would love to hear the rest of your story, please tell the rest ASAP and tell all the details the more you tell the better.
Originally Posted by twodwarfminimum View Post
This is kind of long, so will only post the first part to see if anyone even likes it enough to read more. Sorry about the length its just how I remember things.

After some key hot moments during our Jamaican honeymoon, my wife was really starting to enjoy her exploration of her sexual wild side. Wearing wicked weasel bottoms and nothing else when on the beach, flashing, letting female bartenders do body shots off of her, etc. Not real wild, but considering her background it was a major move for her, and it was quite obvious that she was really enjoying her new freedom. At first all of the extra sex was fabulous, but after a while I was starting to consider work as a safe haven. Well a couple of months into our marriage a good buddy of mine called and said he was coming into town for a few days and wanted to get together. He was traveling with a rodeo crew doing one of the typical dwarf bits, you know goofy little rodeo clown kind of thing, but hey it paid the bills. His type of dwarfism was smaller than ours, but same body shape. As long as I have known him, he was always been in amazing shape though, ripped as hell, little to no body fat. I have known the guy since he was about fourteen, and my wife had known him since his late teens. When I introduced him to her, I introduced him as my little brother and she smiled and said welcome to the family and we have all been good friends since. She had made many comments over the years that she couldn't believe that as good looking as he was he was still single and I would fill her in on yet another story of his history with the ladies. Being a male dwarf means getting an amazing number of offers of the sexual nature from both women and gay men. Some do it so that they can say they slept with a dwarf, some do it just out of curiosity sake and some even do it as if they are fulfilling our "make a wish" or something. Personally I like the latter type the best, because they try harder to please. Some dwarfs shun it, acting as if they are too good for it and others relish in it. I myself used to be one that took every offer I could until I realized I was looking for more fulfillment of the heart rather than the groin. My buddy was still on the path of taking anything that he got offered, even some though that I would have even turned down.

When my wife found out he was staying in a hotel, she informed him that family stays at our house and she was cutting him off if he didn't accept. We met him at the airport Thursday night, went out for dinner and drinks and then headed back to the house. After a few minutes of bullshitting, throwing his stuff next to the couch and getting another drink, I headed out the back door to smoke a cigarette. Well two drags into it and he's barreling out the door tackling me with a hug exclaiming how good it was to see me again. He was complimenting our small house, saying how good my wife was looking and then got all excited when he saw the hot tub and started doing what any guest does when they don't have one and know that you do. I told him to stop begging like a little kid and of course he can get in and let’s go see if the wife wanted to join us. She made a smart ass comment about getting invited to her own hot tub and grabbed some towels. He complained about the beers running through him and he would just catch up in a second. So we walked out back, stripped and climbed in. It wasn't till we were comfortable that my wife realized that neither of us had warned him about going nude to which I just started cracking up saying "surprise!”. A few minutes passed and he comes out the back patio door ticked and complaining about not being able to find his trunks, and how he knew he packed them and how he was so looking forward to the hot tub and how it helps his back when I finally just said "dude, shut the fuck up". I explained to him how we don't allow suits in the hot tub because of the pump and all that other technical crap. To which he actually looked me and wife in the face and asked if we were nude? I informed him he was now cut off from any more beer. After a few more minutes of trying to get us to promise we were not playing a trick on him or anything, he reluctantly began to strip. I had turned the backyard lights off, just because we have nosy neighbors and I just don't like the glare off the water it causes. There was just enough moonlight peeking through the clouds to see his naked ass walking backwards up the steps and into the hot tub. My wife gave my cock a hard squeeze, and when I looked at her I could see the wicked little grin and raised approving eyebrow. But what I couldn't figure out was why he was acting so shy, almost embarrassed even. This guy is one of the wildest guys I know, has run naked on MTV and now he's acting shy?? Well he finally submerged his lower half into the water, turned around and acting like his true self accused me of being gay and wanting to see his junk. My wife started laughing accusing me of misleading her and announced that she was leaving me for our friend. I said thank gawd, now I can get some sleep! Calming down and showing that he was obviously still nervous he asked my wife if she was serious that we were both nude. Well she fell for it and said yes that we were indeed butt bare ass neked, to which he just smiled at me and looked back at her and said "prove it". Then it got into some childish debate between the two of them about how she got to see his ass and it only fair and blah blah blah until she jumped straight up grabbing her large breasts and exclaiming "happy now!". He smiled as he leaned back and said "yup!" I couldn't help but grin, because I knew that I was the one that taught that lil bastard that trick.

Well after a lil bit of talking, catching up and laughing, my beautiful wife began to get a little too hot and not thinking about it because to us it was completely natural, stood up and sat on the side of the hot tub. Even in the low light I could see my buddies face as his eyes bugged out of his head. I had seen her out of the corner of my eye standing up, but wondered and sure enough as I turned my head there is that beautiful lil kitty glistening in the moonlight through her wide open legs. I was so turned on by the way she was so boldly exposing herself to him, but before I could even comment, my buddy says "beer run!" and bails out of the hot tub. Again being careful only to expose his backside to us. Being not even as tall as the tub, it was a long few seconds before he emerged from seclusion running with a towel tied tightly into the house. It was my wife that broke the silence by saying "damn, he's got a fine ass." I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was shocked me a little, at the boldness of her comment but I knew that look. I also knew she must want him pretty badly for her to being acting so out of character for her. I asked her if she wanted him and typical of her, she responded by not answering my question, but asking me " do you think he wants me?" I stood up and stepped between her legs, taking her into my arms and gazing into her beautiful moonlit brown eyes. "A gay man would convert for you. A dead man would breathe again for you. A Pakistani man would unplug his bomb for you." With the last one, she laughed and of course slugged me exclaiming how she was being serious and all. I told her what I always tell her in situations like that "ask a silly question and you get a silly answer". I suggested that I make the next beer run and she could do what she does best and see if there was anything there. To which of course being a typical wife, she had a better idea of her going on the next run and I could do the guy talk thing and see how he felt about her? I've never quite understood this part, I mean what exactly do you say "hey bud, want to fuck my insanely hot wife?" But being the good husband I am, I did what any good husband would do in that situation and smiled and said "that's a great idea baby." I guess I was so lost in my own contemplation of how I would approach the situation, because I didn't even pickup on how quick and shallow my wife's breathing had gotten. She had the look that I love so much, and with her eyes half shut suggested that I might want to stop that before we get into too much trouble. Watching her gaze go downwards I looked down to realize that while standing between her legs talking, my hard cock had begun pulsating on top of her exposed clit. I smiled and said "what, this?", following it with three quick thrusts sliding my frenum ring across her hood. Her ankles involuntarily exploded out of the water and locked themselves into place on my hips, her finger nails imbedding them into my shoulder blades and the earthquake began. I knew it was a hard one for her when she sank her teeth into my collarbone in an apparent effort to silence her ecstasy. I just held her till she calmed down and whispered, "so you want him that bad?" to which she replied with a sensual whisper of her own "yes."

let me know if you would like me to continue
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