Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Biker's "Jenny" stories
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Old 03-13-2011, 01:27 AM
Gao Gao is offline
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And for good measure, the first Jenny story I ever wrote:

It was raining in sheets that day. Jenny stood at the bus stop, longing for her car to be back from the mechanics. She was on her way home from work, and was caught completely off guard by the rain.

Her white blouse soaked to transparency, and was shrinking in tight to her round breasts. Even her industrial-strength bra couldn't hide the dark shapes of her rock hard nipples. She kept her arms folded tightly against her chest to hide her breasts. Her heavy, calf-length skirt had soaked up an incredible amount of water. It felt like weighed 50 pounds!

She could fell it slowly slide down to her hips, and strain the buttons down the back. She had to routinely yank the skirt back up to her waist, but the water was beginning to stretch the material. Even her white cotton panties were soaked.

Finally, after seemed like hours, her bus came. She quickly jumped on and paid her fare. The driver made some clever quip about the weather, but she couldn't care less. As she moved into the bus, Jenny couldn't believe how crowded it was. Students, businessmen. The place was packed.

She found herself an open spot and a strap to hang on. She grumbled to herself about the lack of gentlemen willing to give up their seat for a lady in distress. Now that she was finally someplace dry, she became very aware of all the water she was dripping. From her hair, her skirt, even her panties. The bus was quite enough to make it embarrassingly loud, and she felt like everyone was staring at her.

And then it dawned on her- quite a few people were staring at her! With one hand occupied holding the strap, she could no longer cross her arms, and covering her breasts was definitely a two-handed job. Several men were admiring her bouncing breasts and pert nipples, and here in the fluorescent light, they were even more visible!

She stretched her free arm across her chest and put on her best "Shame on you" expression. A few men averted their eyes but not many.

Now she had a new problem developing, though. The movement of the bus was shaking not only shaking her damp breasts, but also causing her skirt to drop even faster than before. She quickly yanked it back to her waist. Her round hips and ass had stretched out an incredible amount of slack!

And on top of that, her panties felt strange, and she realized that as the skirt slid down, it had also rolled her panties down as well! They were currently bunched up just beneath her ass cheeks. She could even feel the material of her skirt against her pubic hairs!

Unfortunately, all of this work on her skirt had left her breasts exposed, and her fan club was back in full swing. Several weren't even being subtle about it. She again attempted to stretch her free arm across her breasts, and felt the skirt return to its downward journey.

Several men on the bus had moved closer to her, and she was starting to attract quite a crowd. With a bit of acrobatics, she could just about keep both nipples covered, but the movement of the bus insured that one or the other would pop out from time to time.

She was fighting a losing battle and beginning to feel quite frustrated with it, when she suddenly felt the skirt slide over the curve of her ass! With reflexes she didn't even know she had, Jenny caught the skirt, but not before her blouse had come untucked. She heard several gasps behind her, and her face was flushing to a bright crimson.

Then she looked out the window. The driver had just passed her stop! She quickly charged through the bus to the driver, one hand desperately clutching her skirt. He pulled the bus over, and she thanked him, glad her ordeal was almost over.

As she took that first step, her heal caught on the edge, and she began to fall forward. Her arms flailed out wildly. She felt the driver catch her right arm, along with a healthy fistful of soggy blouse. It was enough to stop her from falling, but she was hanging dangerously far over the steps.

The buttons of her blouse were straining against her breasts, but they were managing to hold. Just then, she heard a "shluup!" noise. Her skirt lay around her ankles, her panties bunched up at mid thigh. Her pale round ass and soft blonde pussy were visible to all. A wave of hoots and cheers filled the bus.

Jenny spasmed, and tried desperately to reach her skirt, but all of her struggling caused her blouse to literally explode! Her breasts burst out. She could hear buttons bouncing all over the bus. She began to fall again, and the driver jumped up and grabbed her by the only the only thing he could; her bra.

He clutched at the heavy piece of material right between her breasts, and slowly pulled hr back. Just as she got her hand to the metal pole, she felt the hooks in back uncurl. The bra sprung off her wildly, her breasts bouncing madly. The driver flew backwards onto his seat.

Jenny screamed, her face a deep red. She quickly yanked her skirt back up. Laughter and cheers filled the bus. Her panties had slid down to her knees, and as she tried to run from the bus, she could barely move her legs. She stopped, yanked down her drenched panties, and clutched them to her naked breasts while she ran for her door. The bus waited the whole while, until she finally made it inside.
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