Thread: [Non Fiction Stories - Voyeur] Family exposures
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:19 PM
squirrel516 squirrel516 is offline
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I work with an 18yr old girl who lives at home. She tends to be fairly open and talkative at work when we are not busy. She likes to flash her guy friends (not me, as I'm a co-worker, and she only flashes at night when she goes out and such). She also likes to wear tiny bikinis at the beach, and often buys a size too small, and has admitted that she enjoys the attention that she gets from the guys when she does. She has even expressed interest in going to a nude beach, but she hasn't felt comfortable asking any of her friends to go with her. It's pretty obvious that she's a bit of an exhibitionist.

The part that pertains to this thread is that she often walks around the house topless, and sometimes naked. According to her, in the warmer months she ususally only wears a thong at home after taking a shower at night. She lives with her Mother, Father, and younger brother (who is about 13). She has no problem being seen in only her thong by anyone in the house, but her brother gets annoyed and says stuff like, "Eww gross! Go get dressed!" He doesn't see her topless too often though, because he ususally goes to bed before she showers at night. But sometimes she likes to taunt him and busts into his room while topless. She says she finds it funny how he turns away and gets "grossed out."

This girl tends to get what she wants (the family is well off, and the dad is a successful man). However, after a few conversations I'm starting to paint a picture. It would seem that whenever she wants something from the dad that he might not agree to (staying out very late, a new watch, or whatever) she discusses it with him after the mom goes to bed. These begging type conversations (ie: "Oh come on Daddy, please...? I promise I'll be home by 4am the latest..." etc) also occur after a late night shower. And it also seems that she is naked as opposed to topless when she wants something.

When I asked her if it's awkward to be topless or naked around her brother or father she said a little with regards to her brother because he's so immature about it, but not her dad, who doesn't mind. No one else in the house walks around naked, but she recently saw her dad naked for the first time. I had to press her a bit to tell me more about this part, and she seemed a little embarrassed for the first time while talking to me. Here's what happened: She decided to workout in their home gym late at night before showering. Mom and her brother were sleeping, and dad was doing paperwork in his home office, so she decided to workout naked. She had never done this before, and thought it would be fun, and make the workout seem less boring. After half her exercises, her dad showed up in shorts and a tank to workout himself. They were both caught off guard, as she didn't expect him to workout that late, and he didn't expect her to be there. Anyway, he decided to workout anyway, and she decided not to get dressed since her dad had seen her naked several times before. Then awhile later, she was doing an exercise and suddenly noticed her dad was just staring at her funny. She stopped and asked what was wrong, to which he said nothing, but that he didn't feel like working out anymore, and was going to finish a few things in his office. She decided to quit too, and left at the same time he did. She went with him to his office while discussing something, then left to go shower. At this point in the story I asked her what exercise she was doing, and she told me "bridges." When I asked her what that was, she described a butt exercise where you lay on your back, knees bent, and "bridge your pelvis up in the air while flexing your butt, then drop down, and repeat."

Ok, so on to the story... After her shower she went back to her dad's office because she forgot her cell phone there. Upon opening the door, she saw her dad naked and masturbating. He didn't notice and she just watched for a few seconds in shock. She wanted to get her phone and leave without him seeing her, but there was no way to accomplish that. So she just cleared her throat, and walked in. He got startled and jumped out of his chair facing her. Her words were, "And I saw everything." She said that was the first time that she felt uncomfortable being naked in front of him, and they both just stared at each other for a few seconds. I laughed when she told me about him jerking off, and told her it could have been worse as she could have seen him finish what he was doing. She got all quiet, so I asked her, "What...?" After asking a few times, she said, "I saw that too." I was a little confused, and asked how that could be, since he got startled and stopped jerking off and jumped out of his chair. She said, after staring at each other for a few seconds, he just came. Again, I was confused, since he had stopped jerking off. I asked if he had started again, but she said no. So I was like, "I don't understand, he just came?" And she said yes, that they were just standing there, maybe only for 3-5 seconds, and he just came without touching himself. Me, being a dumbass, still didn't get it. So she finally said (somewhat annoyed and clearly embarrassed), "You know! He was probably at the point of no return when he jumped out of his chair or something." After my slow brain kicked in, I managed to say (proudly I might add), "Well, now I know where he was when you were doing those 'bridges'..."

She hasn't been naked in front of him since, and that was a few weeks ago. Sorry so long.
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