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Old 09-26-2010, 04:03 PM
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Fox Mulder Fox Mulder is offline
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Default Sexual Intensity

In the movie "Legends Of The Fall" Brad Pitt's character asked his brother if he had "fucked" his fiance yet. The indignant younger brother not only was disgusted at the question- but said he preferred the idea of making love. Pitt replied "I'd advise fucking." I am a fan of both concepts- but in this thread there will be no gentle love making. This thread is about couples and solos going at it with such intensity that you can see the strain on their faces. The sweat should be flying and the photos so explicit that you can almost hear all the grunts, moans and screams. I'm talking about sex that puts rapid rabbits and crazed wild weasels to shame...if you have some pictures that are intense- I advise adding them...

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Last edited by Fango; 12-16-2011 at 12:48 PM.
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