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Old 12-21-2023, 03:52 AM
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chuckfinly chuckfinly is offline
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I lost my virginity to my best friend's older sister. I am 98% sure I have talked about it on here before. Their dad died and my family basically loaned me to their family (sounds worse than it is... I was not a slave) to work their ranch for the summer. My best friend's sister who was five years older than me was home from college and working the ranch too. My best friend got injured and his sister and I started spending a lot of time one on one working together mending fences and other ranch work. She was (and still is) hotter than Dante's inferno. I had a major crush on her. She initiated it (I was a very willing participant just to chicken to make the first move). Most of our encounters including the first were out under the open sky in the back country. Our first time was by a mountain lake we stopped at for lunch. She convinced me to go skinny dipping then it went from there. It was an amazing summer. We really never had a romantic connection. We were in very different stages of our lives. It was just fucking and scratching an itch. She was a great teacher. We fucked off and on for the next few years when we were in the same area... kind of a FWB type thing I guess. Eventually she got married and that put an end to that phase.

Her brother is still my best friend 25ish years later. I still see her several times a year at certain events and gatherings. Very few people know our history. My friend/her brother is one of them. We got in a fist fight over it when he found out. I told one other person. My wife doesn't even know though I think she suspects it she has never asked and I have never told her.
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