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Old 05-11-2021, 10:37 AM
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How anal play has become a regular thing for us...

I’ve read a lot of stories and seen even more pictures of couples enjoying anal together, but it had never been a more than once in a while thing for my previous partners and me. Most tolerated it as an occasional treat for me if everything was just perfect, but they seemed to really enjoy it while it was happening. It always made me wonder a little if they were afraid to let themselves go and enjoy it because of their stigma or something like that. I have been with one that did absolutely hate it, but she was willing to try it with me. We never actually did because she was so anxious about it, which made me feel really bad for even suggesting it.

I think I have mentioned before that L has a pretty open attitude to trying different things with me, and anal was never a taboo thing, although she wasn’t experienced with it. As best as I can tell, she tried anal once before with a boyfriend, and her answer about liking it was that it was ok. I figured that she just didn’t get much pleasure, or the guy didn’t take his time and make it pleasurable for her.

Something that we like doing that I’ve not mentioned, at least I don’t think I have in any detail, is that L likes to occasionally likes to look at Pornhub and Xhamster. It isn’t an all the time thing, but sometimes she is in the mood for it. Her preference is amateur stuff, and she tends to pull up more of the fake amateur vids is she stops to watch. Most of the time, if she sees something that catches her eye, she wants us to try and mimic it. Most of us probably don’t think there are all that many unique positions anymore, but it is fun when she discovers something to try, haha. Anyway, some of those videos have led to a few new things for us, which I’m not complaining about!

Leading up to this point, there were several anal videos that she had stopped and watched in pretty much their entirety (she jumps around most of the time), which caused me to ask her about it. To set the time frame, this happened around the 2 month mark and wasn’t something that happened right away. I like anal, but it isn’t something that I think about non-stop. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to push things and ruin something great.

I’m actually pretty conflicted on what my favorite position with L is. I love seeing her face while we fuck because of how animated she gets. I have to look away from her sometimes, or close my eyes, because just looking at her can expedite things faster than I want, lol. With that said, when she sticks her ass up in the air and is down on her elbows, it is a pretty amazing view, too. After watching an anal video together, this was the position she went to, which quite honestly almost made me a fumbling fool because I didn’t have that possibility on my mind. I guess I should have based on the videos, but it really caught me off guard.

We had been playing with each other while looking at the videos, and that view had me over the top ready. Maybe I’m predictable, but I almost always rub my cock on her before slipping a condom on. This was the first time that I deliberately rubbed the head of my dick up and down her slit all the way up to her asshole, though. I don’t really know how long I did that, but apparently, it was long enough for L. She sort of eased back into me on the next downstroke, which put me in the perfect position to slide into her very wet pussy.

I asked her to grab a condom, and instead of going for one, she backed into me even more. My head was in, and she was still slowly rocking back and forth, which is an amazing view, by the way . We don’t do this often now, and it was only a handful of times up to this point that we had gone bare for even a little bit. Neither of us likes condoms, by the way. L tells me all the time that I don’t have to use one. It is hard for me to explain, but it feels disrespectful not using one, as much as I don’t want one on.

Our lube wasn’t close enough for me to reach, so I used a little spit and started playing with her asshole with my thumb. We’ve obviously done this a lot now, but L still prefers me using spit when I rub her ass. She says that it feels less slippery and better that way, which I believe her, but I also think it is a little dirtier, and she likes that .

I was probably going from a quarter to at most halfway in L’s pussy, and she completely stopped backing into me. I thought something was wrong at first, but she didn’t try to pull away. I’ve mentioned that L can get vocal, and she started breathing heavily, which quickly turned to almost a grunt sound. The playing we had done prior probably contributed a lot to it, but she actually came with me partially in her pussy and stimulating her ass with my thumb. Feeling her pussy contract and release on my cock was an amazing feeling, and I’m positive I wouldn’t have been able to hold still if I knew that was coming.

She sort of collapsed forward, lying flat on the bed after that. I don’t remember us saying much, but I do remember being about as ready to pop as I had ever been with her. I ended up grabbing a condom, rolling her over and pulling her right up to the edge of the bed, and fucking her pussy about as deep as I think I’ve ever done. I don’t know how to describe her, but she was almost rag-doll limp she was so relaxed. She was grunting with each stroke, but her legs were like noodles, and I had to hold them up.

We laid together for a little while after that, and the gist of the conversation was that she liked that a lot . Rubbing her ass is a prerequisite now and never fails to get her excited. I’ll post how this progressed to full-on anal next, but I wanted to share how things progressed.
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